Little bit of backstory on “Free The Tee” and footage from our Rancho Park meetup.

Go to The LA Times website to read the entire article written by Matt Hamilton which details the “Free The Tee” saga. An LA City Golf Meeting is on Monday the 18th. Hope to see you all there.

Thank you for the constant support. If you would like to purchase a “FREE THE TEE” T-Shirt go to

I want to give some context for the video that you’re about to see freea is a movement that I started with a couple of my friends about two weeks ago Josh Hill and Jack Gonzalez got direct evidence that none of us are crazy in Southern California it truly is

Impossible to get tea times at public courses and the reason is there are Brokers snatching up the tea times early now at first we thought they were using Bots but if you watched my last YouTube video video we spoke directly to a broker and he said he just uses his

Fingers there are no Bots involved then we thought does it have to do with senior player cards all of this is very confusing and honestly we still don’t have all the answers the only thing that we do know is that these Brokers are stealing tea times and reselling them on

The black market we call this movement free the te because the t is referring to the T this is where golfers hit their first shot from on every single hole that’s why it’s called a tea time so we want to free the tea times to the public since these are public facilities that

You pay for with your tax dollars everyone in the public paying taxes should have an equal opportunity to book Tea Times impossible to grow the game if we can’t play the game so that’s the whole point of free the tea in my recorded phone call with the scammer

Broker 9:00 a.m. at Rancho came up a lot so some of you guys had mentioned let’s all go to Rancho at 9:00 a.m. so we decided let’s go to Rancho and let’s just give away golf clubs and make golf even more accessible by not only freeing

Tea times to the public but giving them access to golf equipment so they can actually play golf so I posted a video on my Instagram saying what I was giving away and when I was doing it and why I was going to be there I specifically said multiple times on my Instagram that

This was going to be a peaceful Gathering that people just should show up with a positive attitude and we were just going to be there to hang out meet other Southern California golfers and spread awareness about freeing all the tea times that was it pretty simple 7:45 we’re about to go do free

The tea Meetup I have a bunch of stuff in my trunk here come check it out so good her free the tea Ally always be closing two full bags of clubs more than just two sets got a bunch of drivers all these clothes so you guys like speed golf Rob

Marou We Got marou Gear we got Infinity ropes to help you get better at golf uh let’s get it the second that we rolled up to Rancho and the second that we got out of the car we were surrounded by Park Rangers there will be zero exchange of money it’s just giving

Things away to people that need it okay also to the the the golf course yeah is for and the property of the golf course yeah is for clients so you just oh I’m a client I’m definitely a client I’ve been a client for a long time client for today okay or whenever you

Come here you can’t have just all your folks come here and park park the public parks are a public place that anyone is allowed to frequent in the city of Los Angeles you do not need a tea time to be there and you do not need to hit balls

To practice the putting green is open to anyone and free for all this is for the people of LA City this is this is for golfers to get access to golf they seem to be gu by someone working at La City now this is all because I said I’m going to be at

Rancho giving away free golf clubs to people who need it this is just like hey if you need free golf clubs I’m going to give you them just come by I mean are you against giving out free clubs no that’s that’s all it is man it’s not

It’s not meant to be like a protest it’s just we’re literally just meeting up and giving away free clubs if you’re telling me I can’t do do that here as long the only is as long as it’s not interfering with their operations oh 100% as long as

You guys don’t have a tent or a canopy set up okay I mean okay we’ll take it away we’re not I promise you there’s no intent to interfere with any operations whatsoever you organized all those resources to stop me from giving away free clubs instead of stopping these

Brokers now this one thing says a whole lot about where you are spending your time and energy and so if it’s not on stopping these Brokers and making golf more accessible why is it spent on trying to silence me I’m totally peaceful it’s just meant to to yeah I

Just want to give people stuff you know like especially clubs are really expensive I know a lot of people don’t have clubs so just want to make sure people have access to this game we love and honestly like yeah I’m going to give people clubs I hope that they go in and

You know spend money at the driving range book a tea time so I love LA City Golf I love LA City golfers I just want everybody to have access that’s it I don’t want to cause an interruption in service I won’t even go on that side if

It’s cool for me to just hang out can I do it here can I go up against the fence like you tell me where you want me to be for the you know two hours once this stuff is gone I’ll take off I am not an investigative journalist I’m

A golfer and a golf instructor by trade but really my true mission in life is to help people love this game just a little bit more in any possible way that I can all right so we’re going to sit down the ground rolls okay absolutely no tables

No canopies do not block the uh people coming in and out of the the entrance done so do you want me to move a little more over there so it doesn’t seem like okay okay yeah right all right thank you thank you I appreciate you thanks for

Your hard work no I app I know what you I know you guys have to do your job thank you I appreciate you this isn’t me versus LA City it never has been this is simply about making golf more accessible to the people that deserve it which is

Everyone we love LA City so much that we just want everybody to have access that’s it what’s up guys I’m Dave what’s going on I’m Walter nice to meet you nice to meet you Dave mauce what’s up so as you can see I did not leave and we stayed and we gave

Clubs out to people but I’m going to show you a montage and I want you to watch because this is what Southern California public golf really looks like it’s diverse it’s not based on age sex religion or any of that it’s just golfers who love this game coming

Together to practice and play at public parks that we pay taxes for for so just watch and enjoy and just see how much love there truly is between this great community of Golfers He He He Super successful day here at The Vibes were chill we had our boy Jeff from Margaritas who was here to help us everybody was awesome thank you so much for coming by spreading awareness about free the tea we gave away a bunch of clubs pretty much all the clubs uh we

Got a kid his first golf bag and his favorite character was Spider-Man and I had a Spider-Man Polo so total success thank you everyone for keeping it cool keeping it chill much love love to everybody throw the game in the right way later next thing that is going to

Happen is there is a meeting on Monday March 18th at 1 p.m. and I have read that golf Brokers are already on the agenda to be discussed so we’re going to get some answers I appreciate everyone’s support so much because really this is our mission you me all of our friends we

All deserve public golf let’s keep it affordable let’s keep it accessible free the tea


  1. Imagine trying to stop a GOLFER from inviting GOLFERS to a public city GOLF facility to giveaway GOLF stuff. Plus you bring business by encouraging people to play golf, go to the range, and use the practice facilities. Wtf? Seriously, fuck those cops, and butt-hurt LA City Golf. I played Los Verdes (which is LA County golf, but still) this morning. I luckily grabbed a canceled tee time earlier this week, but it was clear most of the golfers there booked through a broker. Everyone in LA know something fishy is going on, thanks for using your platform to expose this shit.

  2. Hi Dave, it's great to see your efforts in getting tee times freed up for all the people who want to golf. It's wonderful to see you also giving away some equipment to those who could really use it and want to golf as well. You're a good person. Greetings from Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

  3. The L.A. city golf employee is the early favorite for douchebag of the year. Calling the stasi in advance to harass you. This isn't North Korea(yet). Those park rangers looked about as pleasant as a triple bogey.

  4. Thank you Dave for the great work that you are doing! I currently golf in Long Beach and thus far we do not have this issue from what I can tell. But it is you, and other great people in the community like you, that have made golf so great for people like me. I picked up playing again this past November and was expecting to feel like an outcast but that has not been the case. Keep up the good stuff, and know you have plenty of fans!

  5. Love the grass roots golf empowerment man! Bureaucracy will always try to be authoritarian. Glad they saw reason in the end and that you were willing to compromise to make it happen.

    Hope you free the tee time brother, golf is too good to be made unreachable.

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