Golf Babe

The Slowest Player On Tour?!? | 2024 Memorial Recap

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Memorial recap memorial went down you were there Julie you’re actually on the uh the top four here you’re on this little graphic here finish finishing 40th uh 40th Place finishing fourth place uh getting a nice little $2,200 not a bad little weekend for Julie there but we have Ganon Burr

Winning uh shooting 36 underpar finishing with seven under final round taking home $5,500 that’s actually not that shabby for a little a tier up there at the Memorial uh for those that don’t or don’t remember this is uh Fountain Hills and Vista did you guys alternate this

Year they kind of change sometimes we went Fountain Fountain Vista Vista okay I feel like maybe that’s how they normally do it actually now now going back and looking at some of this own Scoggins wins it over on fpo taking home over a, uh Aaron gosage finishing in second

And Anthony Bella finishing in 29 uh sorry finishing in third shooting 29 under par the big story here well there’s two big stories we’ll get to the first one here uh we’ll get to the Second Story later but the first big story here are ratings back we haven’t

Really heard about ratings in a really long time ABB decided to go out and shoot 17 under he made 17 birdies in a row he actually threw only two shots on every hole he went OB on hole one and tapped in for his par so he had a pretty

Insane round out there now when it comes to insane rounds if I had to pick a course that you could have an insane round at it would be Memorial however it still is difficult to do so I’m not downplaying his you know he shot 39 which is ridiculous so I’m not

Downplaying it by any means but you know we saw this and we saw the post flooding out that this was one of the higher rated rounds of all time I think it was would it end up being 11 13 is that what it was 1113 um and I just wanted to kind of

Like show a couple reasons I think the pdj tries to insert ratings as much as they can when when they see fit but I actually think this is a this was actually bad for them I think it opened the eyes to at least some people that were talking about it

There were 42 players this past week that shot overp par at the memorial 42 18 and just just a reminder Ganon shot 36 under the winner shot 36 under you had 42 players shooting overpar 18 of those players shot double digits overpar AB shot 17 under it rated at

1,113 he beat the field by three Strokes that round now let’s go to a a tournament I would say that’s on tour that’s a similar comp in like the scoring and I would go like with a Jonesboro you know when you go to Jonesboro you’re gonna have to shoot

Double digits all three rounds to have a chance to win everyone knows that so Jonesboro 13 players shot overpar zero players shot double digits overpar so obviously way less people the fields were about the same size so I’m just comparing these two tournaments these two Fields James Conrad shot 17

Under at that tournament at that during this round it raid 1102 so it raid over a stroke easier than shooting 17 under at Memorial if you’ve played Fountain Hills and you’ve played Jonesboro you know that Jonesboro is way harder to shoot 17 under than Memorial and here on tour this this

Rated a a full one one and a half probably shes easier than Memorial so to me this is another case to kind of show ratings aren’t great they’re not they’re not good and I wish we had a better metric I wish we had something better yeah I’m not I’m not a fan of

Ratings never have been uh one of the reasons is is like Fountain Hills and Visa produced more 1100 rated rounds than any other course every year there’s an 1100 it seems like there um that’ll tell you something it’s not the hardest course but it is a course where you can throw

Out of bounds or Birdie the hole pretty dang easily yep and I feel like that’s probably why it rates so high uh well it’s also the level of players it’s no longer on tour either so you have a lot of lower players going and making the course look harder because they’re

Throwing a lot of OB shots yeah because like you said there are Fountain Hills especially there are a lot of holes that you can go be yeah and so it it just that to me is where it like elevates it um to where if you’re playing good at

Jonesboro and you’re playing good at Memorial you’re always going to rate higher at Memorial because the people that play Bad at Jonesboro aren’t going to shoot 30 overpar the people that play Bad at Memorial they’re going to shoot 30 overp par and make it seem like the

Course is a lot harder than it actually is I I’ve shot 1100 at F before one my let’s go all right disc golf poor released some world rankings this year uh for the first first time this year we’ll pull it up we’ll go through it Julie let me know if anything jumps out

At you we’ve got Calvin heimberg number one Eagle number two Ricky at three Isaac at four Ganon Burr at five Paul McBeth at six Sim laza at seven Matt Oram at eight Kyle Klein at nine and Chris Dickerson at 10 um give me a second to calculate where is Anthony

Barel it’s a good point that’s my only question now these are who’s he gonna replace these go back two years so that might be one thing that’s kind of holding him back is his results from two years ago might not stand up as much as these guys so that would be difficult

For him but I can see how some people are like well what the heck he just won he like pretty much finished well at a lot of tournaments last year I think it’s like I think you’ll start see him creep up the leaderboard if he continues to play well yeah I would replace

Anthony with on that I would replace him with probably Chris for sure yeah um that’s the only one that really stands out yeah that’s that’s the only one I think I think we’ll see a decline I mean I could see Paul MCB Beth also falling out

Of the top 10 because the more you know unless he starts playing well and starts having higher finishes his good finishes from two years ago those are dropping so uh we we could see a decent kind of I mean I think a Cole ralin could sneak

Into this top 10 if he starts playing well um there’s there’s a couple guys that can kind of start pushing their way into this so it’ll be interesting to look but I I will give you know I’ll tip the cap to the pdj because on grip locked they talked about how the PDGA

Reached out or worked with people that have done the official world rankings for golf and that was kind of how they created this algorithm for here so um I like that that they didn’t just come up with their own algorithm they look to someone that has a similar format

Tournament style and we’re going off of that fpo we’ll run through this real quick Kristen atar number one own number two evina jumps up three spots to number three henna jumps up three spots to number four then we have Missy Ganon Holland Paige drops down four spots

Haley drops down four spots Ella Hansen at nine and Katrina Allen at 10 I think we could also see some fresh faces jumping up into the top 10 there this was from our intern David posted Terry Miller had to edit cupcakes putting routine since his average time frame was

45 seconds and it’s got like the SpongeBob mean one eternity later did you end up playing with with cupcake this past week I did one of the rounds yes what are your thoughts he’s got to speed it up I I mean we got to a hole and uh I

Ended up telling him I’m like hey you if you take too long we’re going to call you on it and that’s what it got to it was taking a long time yeah um I I think it’s I don’t think people understand how how that can be such a problem in your

Mind I I think it’s similar to like having The Yips to where um people are like just go faster and it’s like when you have The Yips you like there’s nothing you can do like you’re just going to miss it you know what I mean like you could be 5et and it’s just

Your mind won’t let you make the putt there’s a disconnect between the hand in the and the brain and in sports this happens to where you know you see it actually engulf a lot as well somebody can be standing over their ball for a long time I think Sergio Garcia had this problem

For a long time to where he would just regrip regrip regrip and Hunter Hunter Mayan Keegan Bradley there’s a lot of people in golf that just have like a very long routine because they don’t know how to pull the trigger yeah pulling the trigger is like is for some reason in in those

Situations I’ve never had that problem I’ve Had The Yips before I’ve never had the problem of being like oh I can’t I can’t go and it’s a serious issue though because it it slows the pace of play by a considerable amount oh for sure it’s a

It’s a huge issue so also don’t want to see somebody have the IPS that also slows it down but he’s had this issue for for a long long time to where it’s like he’s had enough time to either figure it out or and I’m I think this is like because

Aaron I think did some commentary for that on Terry Miller’s uh YouTube channel and I think he was mentioning how like he felt like he should have called it like he should have said he was like I should have called it more I think this is a this is a cry out to

Everyone if you’re playing with someone that is playing slow it’s not just hurting you and and uh your card it’s it’s also hurting the entire tournament it’s it’s hurting The Spectators there was multiple Spectators that I saw in the comments of like it’s hurting the coverage hurting The Spectators it’s

Hurting the whole field it’s hurting everyone so you you have to start calling these players out because there’s nothing else that we can do like that’s the only thing we can do yep so B because I called him out and then he ended up for butting the next hole Yeah

I mean it’s it’s it’s brutal no want it’s a tough thing to to have to do but but you’re right you do have to do it and I think like I asked Ganon I said hey man can you go talk to him because it’s something that you’ve kind of gotten

Over Ganon still takes a long time but it’s nowhere near what it used to be not what it used to be yeah um and I think he could probably give him some good advice of how he got over it uh you know it’s just it’s got to get

To the point where you’re like okay one pump two pump and I always put it three pumps y you know and it’s going to be weird at first and you’re probably going to struggle but maybe go to some smaller tournaments and do it or something but

Yeah it’s got to change and people have to start calling people on and it it that is 100% True


  1. One of my biggest pet peeves with people on my card is what I call the fast-slow players. They step up to their lie and start their pre-throw routine as soon as my disc leaves my hand, but then they take forever to actually throw. At first I’m like, chill out dude. Then 45 seconds later I’m like, hurry the hell up.

  2. It is up to him to improve this. He should be called every time…. He will either improve, or fall out of competition. He's pro level, so he has to do the work

  3. Paul would be the guy to call someone on time and then brag about it on a podcast. He could just say something after the round, but he was probably a few strokes behind the kid at the time. I like how the younger generation arent rules sticklers and say give us officials if its a problem. Watching Barry Schultz call foot faults just to razz people back in the day is the opposite of what golf is about.

  4. I think cupcake needs to drop out of competing until he figures it out. Terry even openly admitted that it’s at the point of when he makes the lead card he knows it’s gonna have a negative impact on his viewing because everyone has had enough of it. Cupcake’s had years to correct this, and clearly he’s done nothing or at least nothing that’s worked. Time to go away and figure it out once and for all.

  5. I went to watch a tournament in person and cupcake was playing on the card we were following. Every time he was up to putt, my girlfriend would whisper to me "wow, that guy takes forever" lol I never heard of him up until that point, so that was my first impression of him.

  6. Anybody who takes too long is also the player that when called out has all the excuses and makes it uncomfortable love my buddies but it’s so annoying

  7. DRAMA TIME! Will Brodie call out the Cupcake tomorrow? They're on the same card. Maybe Brodie will bring a film crew with him?

  8. I think the world rankings is correct in looking back several years for a long term assessment. No sport exists in a vacuum of two or three seasons, and nether does the athletes.

  9. For everyone complaining about your cardmates taking forever, you've just got to start calling it. If you don't call it, you have no right to complain after (like some of the guys who played with him took to Twitter and complained afterwards rather than calling him.)

  10. Guys not calling him out are as bad as him. Come on a podcast a week later and tell him to speed up!? Grow a set and call him out!!

  11. As someone that likes to play really fast, I probably average 10-15 seconds, this would drive me nuts and mess up my game. I mean he had some that were just outside of bullseye that he still was taking over 30. His card mates from the same distance took 5 seconds

  12. Gossage addressed the cupcake putting issue when he was calling the round. At that event it’s on the card to say something and it sounded like he didn’t because he didn’t want any issues/bad blood. Other higher events there’s an official who will say something.

  13. 2 years is far too long to go back. 18 months is even a bit too far if you are truly trying to make them accurate and predictive

  14. If the whole frigging disc golf community was talking about how much they hate MY game you wouldn't see me on coverage again until I figured it out.

  15. Don’t be digging at my boy Paul who is like… Disc Golf elite. You know he did not finish 40th. Can you read? Aren’t you his friend? If you were, you would be extremely happy for him for finishing fourth place oh my God. Start of the season, etc.
    there is frisbee football, Brodyy , and then there is Disc Golf .

  16. Ratings are not based on how well a player does but how bad the opposition plays, if the ratings are going to be kept they should be based on the course record. The other problem with ratings is the complicated way the are calculated.

  17. Are the courses rated in difficulty? That should go into the ranking system. Put a cap on the rating you can make on an easier course. Similar to how they score gymnastics. If you have an easy routine there is a cap on the total score you can achieve. if you have a more difficult routine you have a chance to score higher.

  18. Build your "pre-shot" or "pre-putt" routine to be within the 30 second time frame. Like Uli said, 1 pump, 2 pumps and you always putt on the 3rd pump. I have a very strict routine the I go through when putting. I line up, and do 2 pumps (no disc in hand). I do the pump without the disc in hand so I can be sure my hand is pointing at the pole when I extend. If my first pump feels good, I just putt. @ pumps top. Routine is never more the 10-15 seconds. I have a hard time even fathoming taking 45+ seconds.

  19. The only time I take more then 30 seconds is if it SUPER windy and I’m like in a bush and I’m trying to get my footing right

  20. Cupcake just isn't a good enough player to hold everyone up like that. Completely selfish imo

  21. Uli, what’s your take on Ricky being penalized for being 30 seconds late??? One time? But Cupcake takes an average of 40 seconds to put and is never called??

  22. I understand the frustration with waiting for players like Nikko and Cupcake but I can also relate. I have the same problem and I'm fully aware of it. I'm very self conscious about it. Like Uli said, a disconnect takes place and it's hard to pull the trigger. I used to be around that 45 second mark myself but have developed a routine in practice that has finally allowed me to step it up in tournaments. It's an absolutely horrible feeling to be standing there, knowing your cardmates are going to get frustrated if you take too long. You want to just putt already but it's almost like this OCD and/or anxiety/fear takes over. The more you try to fight it off and putt, the more you hesitate. It's the one part of my game I loathe the most. Thankfully, the DG community I'm a part of are extremely understanding, encouraging and helpful…and I HAVE improved for sure. It's something I was always aware of and have forced myself to get quicker. There are still certain times though where I can feel that old routine trying very hard to take back over, especially if I'm missing putts that day. One player I have always admired and wanted to be more like in terms of putting is Michael Johansen. He has such a natural, instinctive putting style. I think of how many times over the years in casual play I've taken forever on my putt only to dink it low and then (I putt with two putters) immediately follow up that miss with a made putt with the other putter. The 2nd one will go in almost 95% of the time. The follow up, it won't count, just instantly throw it after missing the actual putt. It just occurred to me one day that that 2nd, instinctive, natural putt is actually a REALLY good putting motion with a high percentage of makes. I always say to myself "why didn't you just do that to begin with dummy!?" So now, in my practice routine, that's what I do, I mark a lie, establish my postur and footing, pick a spot on the chains and putt. I try to mirror what I do on my 2nd putt during casual, that "Michael Johansen " type putt. It's helped on field. It's allowed me to cut out some of that anxiety and hesitation and delay and just "pretend" I just missed a putt and now I'm just throwing that instinctive follow up putt.

  23. This is good stuff, guys. Kudos to ya'll for putting it out there. Don't be afraid to enforce the rules. They exist for a reason. And you can do it like Uli did it, just matter of fact. No feelings hurt.

  24. Need more officials on tour so they can make the call. They aren't needed on every hole with every group, but they should have officials on standby that can be assigned to slower groups or when a warning has been issued. I think making players call time violations (specifically) is unfair to the players having to make that call for multiple reasons. It's distracting and subjective unless you are watching them with a timer… not to mention it's uncomforatable for players to make the call.

  25. If baseball players (another slow paced game) can learn to use time clocks, then there is no excuse for a disc golfer to learn and play within, the time limits. Slow players have always annoyed me and most I have never played with again. There is also a strong connection with players who suck and who play slow.

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