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UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts to Patriots trade QB Mac Jones to Jaguars for 2024 sixth-round pick

UNDISPUTED | Skip Bayless reacts to Patriots trade QB Mac Jones to Jaguars for 2024 sixth-round pick

15th pick in the draft by Bill bich was traded to Jacksonville for just a sixth round pick so keesan what happened to M Jones in New England and what value do you think he’ll have for the Jaguars well I think when you look at it ski in

New England and I understand he made the Pro Bowl as an alternate as a rookie as a rookie and when you make the Pro Bowl as an alternate now you’re like the 30th guy on the list okay as a rookie helped them get to the playoffs and get smashed by the Buffalo Bill

In that playoff game I personally never looked at Ma Jones when he came out into the draft with all the smokeing mirrors that was going on with the San Francisco 49ers to be able to say that the 49ers are going to take M Jones I knew better than that

In fact I was in fact I was on vacation at the time right before the draft and when I got back everybody’s like oh the Niners are going to take Ma I they not taking no damn M Jones are y’all crazy oh they’re going to take him they’re

Going to this is why they moved in the position I’m like whatever I never felt like he was the answer in New England okay they moved on from Cam Newton because they didn’t need cam hovering and hanging around over the shoulders of a young rookie quarterback that people

Would have would have seen and said hey you need to play this veteran guy just would have been not good for him yeah they didn’t do any many good by hiring a couple defensive minded coaches and a special teams coach to run the offense it just didn’t make bich I don’t know

What bich was doing he immediately realized he made a mistake now did that stunt the growth of him at the quarterback position I don’t believe it did I don’t believe that he got any better or any worse when you look at Charlie cck down from his rookie year

That’s what that was wow I mean it just it it really was AG but people on National Television when they when they want to prop somebody up that’s what they do they they make they want to make you believe that he is more than what he was he was drafted in the first

Round he just they just got a six round pick for him think about that I have that that that doesn’t make any sense they that was just basically a throwaway draft pick and screwed up by belich and Company now bich may have decided that he was going to do some good with his

Buddy and Nick Sabin and draft his player because he thought okay Bill’s coached him they’ve been around him Nick says this is what he is maybe it works to the point where it makes sense to to take a guy that reminds us a little bit

Of early Tom Brady yeah but it didn’t it did it just did not no when you look at M Jones’s just statistical in in his career since entering the lead in 2021 tied for fourth most in interceptions with 30 obviously they were bad football team so

He’s tied for fourth most with 24 losses his passer rating was at 85.8 34th he was averaging 212 yards a game in passing that’s 31st there only 32 quarterbacks yep okay so it it’s like okay what is he he’s a type of quarterback two years three years from

Now will not even be in the National Football League he’ll be doing something else because in from from my instant evaluator standpoint in my eyes seeing that he just simply wasn’t good he just wasn’t and it had nothing to do with the weapons around him I mean the weapons

Around him some of the balls that he would throw knuckle balls it just didn’t it nothing looked good everything looked hard everything looked hard now maybe he goes to Jacksonville and Doug Peterson could get some out of him I don’t think he ever I don’t think he’ll ever be a

Team’s starting quarterback again I don’t think you’ll ever be a team starting quarterback if Trevor Lawrence gets hurt maybe he starts but I’m talking about a team saying hey he’s our starting quarterback we plan on going 17 games with him yeah okay and then that draft class skip

With Trevor lws Zack Wilson yeah Lance I’m not giv up on Tre Lance just yet Justin Fields I’m not giving up on Justin Fields just yet no I’m not either on Justin Fields but when you look at it there may only be one guy still standing

With his original team by the time we get to the summer and that’ll be Trevor Lawrence okay I’m gonna start with M Jones before I get to Trevor Lawrence I was on record ahead of the draft I just did not love him he doesn’t have enough arm to win consistently at

This level and when you try to compare him to Brady he’s nothing but a poor man’s Brady Brady never did get enough credit for his velocity that he could generate because he threw it so easily and beautifully and sweetly and it just looked so effortless but Tom Brady had

I’m going to at least go this far an above average NFL arm if not way above average this kid had a way below average NFL arm and when you ask him to have to make one throw on Third and eight for all the marbles with some juice and some

Mustard on it he just doesn’t have it and so he throws knuckle balls flutter balls ducks and it it looks even worse than it should look because it just it it it offends the eye to watch the throws but the point is Josh McDaniels I

Got to give him credit he can flat out coach quarterbacks and call plays that’s what he does best I can’t defend Josh as a head coach but I can defend him as a coach of especially young quarterbacks in in a play call he he did a good job

With M Jones because M Jones did better as a rookie than I thought he could that was pretty good yeah and I know he’s just an alternate the Pro Bowl blah blah blah I got you but he did at least he was good enough he was 22 touchdowns to 13

Interceptions you know he he had a decent qbr 57 it was right middle of the pack 16th okay so for a rookie started getting thrown into the fire post Tom Brady okay it it wasn’t all that bad and they did go 10 and seven and then they

Got blown off the field in Buffalo but they did that and then in the second year I don’t know what possessed bill belich but he puts coach pencil in as the offensive coordinator he takes Matt Patricia a defensive coach maybe an overrated defensive coach and somehow makes him the offense you’re kidding me

Well you got to give Mack a little break just a little bit of break for what happened in year two because that that’s Matt Patricia is your offensive what are you thinking I okay I don’t know have no idea I don’t think Bill knows I don’t think Bill knows either

Okay so I was told last night that that Bill had seen enough of M Jones and wanted him gone before last season and that Jonathan Craft who was sort of more Hands-On than Robert at that point running the show said no no we drafted him we spent that pick that 15th overall

Pick we we got to see this through let’s go one more year let’s go get a real offensive coordinator and they went and got Bill O’Brien Bill O’Brien is you know Bill yeah okay yeah he he’s another one like Shawn Shawn pton he he he coaches the quarterbacks hard so does

Bill for that matter so did Bill parcel so so did that whole line and here came Bill O’Brien and he was hard on M Jones when Mack had lost his confidence already so he goes two and n as a starter under Bill O’Brien and it’s just a nightmare it’s a disaster and he’s

Getting yanked from games and benched and yanked and benched back and forth okay so this is what I was also told that Jacksonville does have respect for M Jones because they liked him before the draft and that that Jacksonville that that whole Brain Trust there and the coaching staff they were not

Overjoyed with the way before the draft that Jacksonville did they they they had him that okay this is what I was told no I believe you I’m just like yeah yeah okay that I was told that the remember is the previous that that regime did not love Trevor

Lawrence didn’t have him graded that high they had Justin fields and Tre Lance above him but the ground swell was so overpowering for Trevor Lawrence because everybody thought he’s he’s The Runaway number one pick this is I’m going back to the previous Jacksonville he he was the number one overall pick

When he stepped on the field at Clemson he was that is correct so they sort of crumbled under the the hype machine and said okay we got to go with this I was told that last year remember Trevor lawence he turned his ankle late but but he really struggled down he lost his

Last five starts they looked like they were pretty good and then he lost his last five starts and because of that his qbr plummeted he he did not have a good he went eight and8 overall okay so this staff likes the fact that they have a m

Jones who started he started a whole bunch of football games he’s not going to push Trev going no I’m I’m going here I’m going that they like having the back stop they think they have somebody if Trevor really struggled or gets banged up again they have somebody they trust

To win a football game okay I okay and they stole him for a six round pick well yeah they yeah well I I would think that when you evaluate M Jones at Alabama he had a bunch of players around him did he okay had a track team at his fingertips track team

At his fingertips so it’s hard to really get a strong gauge at what he is at the quarterback position I do think he’s a tough kid I I think that I give that’s fine he can be he can be tough he probably could take a hit that’s not and

I think he can take a hit from his coaches but that’s not the only thing you need to be able to do when you’re playing professional football and especially at the quarterback position you’ve got to be able to get the football down the field have to you

Can’t you the balls can’t be fluttering all over the place okay you his pocket wearing this he’s stiff in the pocket he can’t move around like the the that breed is dead okay the statue quarterback the Subzero refrigerator the guy that got cement in his shoes is no

Longer you’ve got to be able to run around you’ve got to be able to move you can’t just be this is not Tom Brady drew blo the Dan Marino this is not those guys anymore quarterbacks nowadays in the National Football League have got got to be able to move because you got

Dudes like Chris Jones coming at you and Miles Garrett and and Michael Parsons you got to be able to create okay are you saying that Brady at 28 couldn’t make it today probably it it it probably would be difficult it would not he he light it

Up he would dominate are you kidding me would be difficult they had athletes glore when he was 28 no it’s not it’s not it’s not that they don’t have the athletes or didn’t have the athletes that’s not what I’m saying the offense is in a quarterback position now has

Evolved in what they do

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