Golf Players

The Triple Option: Sunflower Coaching Kerfuffle, Saban Retirement BTS, NFL Draft | 3.6.24

With Paul Catalina

Go You B [Applause] this is 365 Sports powered by sium welcome to the triple option here’s your host Paul Catalina I am very excited that bracket cat uh is on one of the first ones on the chat today because he’s a big Kansas State fan uh and it’s why um the the first title on our show today is Sunflower coaching Kur fuffle which we’ll get to in a second but Bill self

And Jerome Tang are a little bit at odds uh and you know I don’t think it’s a big story but I did want to talk about because I think it speaks more to the tension that’s going on at Kansas state which they’ll always have with Kansas anyway oh yeah but the tension that’s

Going on above uh Jerome Tang’s head and you know like I I kind of wanted to speak to that a little bit but the you know whole handshake line thing I don’t think it’s that big of a deal um but I it was interesting that like you know

Like that these two guys are kind of in this little dust up and Jerome Tang had a dust up I say dust up another thing early this year with Iowa state that was kind of odd and I I really don’t think it has much to do with them as

It uh as it does with what’s going on with that team this year and how oh yeah all the little things haven’t gone their way so um so yeah no I like Brack and Cat I’m kind of on your side on this like I I am I just think it’s kind of interesting

That and look I think these things are good for rivalries oh yeah I think it’s good for Ries but we’ll talk about that in a second but Zachary aloicious leeber no it’s a family name when it gets to the fifth for sure yeah uh who

Uh if you missed last week when we were at pear Zack um got himself in the rotation of coost which I feel is kind of long overdue uh you and I worked together for a long time we did radio shows together for a long time but we never were really on the same

Show a lot there was a brief moment there was a time like a couple months where we were on a show together because I had to like it was like and here’s the thing it wasn’t because I wanted to because I was doing another show no

Offense to you like that no but it’s true I was not because I wanted to I do think it’s funny that my old producer’s name is Jack and our or Zach and my our current producer’s name is Jack and your last name is Burke and his last name is

Mackenzie but today I found myself wishing his last name was MK because I be like Zack Burke Jack MK and it would just be like weird like meta things like we have to have people’s names like the next producer would have to be like mac nerk down the line you were so limiting

The pool of people that you can have if you just base it all off you know name gimmick Al my name’s Greg Smith oh man I don’t care you been I mean you H looking at I’ve never seen a better resume but your name is not what we need sorry if

You would change your name to gr smirk then you’re you’re good who’s gr smirk you are like nobody else has that name well it reminds me of him in Silicon Valley where Jared there’s they don’t make him change they just call him original Jared yeah instead of just

Making him go by his name because there’s Jared and original Jared yeah absolutely no I I I I think I I think that’s a good a good way to to to look at it but yeah I don’t need to do that but uh Zach uh and I go way way back and

We’ll probably fall into some old oldtime stories uh about things we did last week um on I uh I will refrain unless the the Angels Sing out about telling people about your 21st birthday which was one of the seminal moments of my life not not to mention yours oh it

Was a yeah I can’t utter the phrase uh that was you could I mean we’re on YouTube but like it’s going to make you yeah um I don’t I don’t care but I’m just not going to do that to you uh but yeah uh phrases were uttered in the

Middle of uh local breakfast establishment uh past midnight in the morning and I made my DD who was my younger brother listen to Dave Matthews the entire drive home it was Dave Matthews not just not not not like the whole catalog it was just the song I did

It by Dave Matthews uh over and over again uh he never went out with me again after that you lived in reel at the time I did so it was about a 20 minute yeah it 20 minute drive from down Drive 20 minute drive from downtown uh here so

Yeah I could that’s probably what four or five place you know the line that I can say though that I got new sandals yeah I think I look good I got new yeah really really embarrassing we just have to get Jess on Zoom here and have her recount that as well from her

Perspective next time you’re on but yes I’ve known Zach for a long time because Zach is now into his 30s I’ll be 36 this year 36 yeah 36 years old so I was 15 years ago where you know and look I I am fully willing to admit that I’m the guy

Who kind of pushed it like your whole thing was like no we’ll go my cousin we’ll have like we’ll go get pizza and I was like no you’re turnning 21 we are pouring alcohol down you until you make bad decisions and guess what work here’s the thing that’s funny as we went out

Again for the 22nd I got I think um far more intoxicated on the 22nd because the thing I remember about for that is somebody had bought shots for the table and I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and I came back and everybody was waiting on me and I just grabbed

Mine and took it and everybody turned back around it’s like he’s back he needs another one all right uh but yeah no uh we uh fun was had for sure yeah by the way uh there’s Jack MK himself in case you you missed him uh you know doing jack things he makes this

Whole building work work it would totally burn down if he was not here figur i’ remind people of that on air by doing things on air I look I do look sometimes you do and so like listen being a passive aggressive sometimes is a good thing so I totally get it I make

Those same plays all the time absolutely all right let’s get into it uh self V Tang okay um I will be the lawyer for Jerome tang and you can be the lawyer for Bill self okay all right this we’re play devil’s advocate for either side okay from we’re just talking about the

Situation last night situation last night where if you’ve not seen it go back and watch it like go back and watch the other handshake line Bill self was a little upset that um Jerome tang and the coaching staff did a flyby instead of like a a legitimate handshake line and

Uh they split those team split this year MH they they each won at their home Arenas um so uh since I will be the attorney for bill for Jerome tang and you’ll be the attorney for Bill self I have to remove like I have a conflict of

Interest on both sides here because I’ve known Jerome Tang nigh on 20 years and uh Bill self is who my wife wishes she was married to so I you know uh so I got a little bit of conflict of interest here so from Jerome’s tanks perspective

I know him very well I will say this there’s been a couple things that are a little uncharacteristic about him this year which I think can a tri be Ed to stress and that uh the best player on their team was dismissed from the team

He did not want to do it that way the president of the university did that made that decision it has been wildly unpopular in Manhattan Kansas and we never really got an explanation as the vasb viewing public about why it had to be that and that’s where I think that’s

The biggest thing I think where the president went ay is that like you have to be on the same page as the coach and the athletic director when it comes to these situations and because they were not and it was just nayquan tomlin’s going to be gone and then the fans

Especially in Manhattan are like well why specifically is naquan Tomlin gone like we would like to know why it’s not a suspension situation why it’s an expulsion situation so why does he have to be kicked off the team why can’t he just be suspended for a little while

What is the whole like thing behind how it all went down and because if it’s now listen he did wind up at Memphis who seems to not really care what happened before you got there but um but if he can just go to Memphis and Memphis is

Not even worried about this at all coming back because here’s the other thing here’s what I know here’s what I believe about naquan Tomlin even though I don’t know what happened at all I know this that even Memphis who is if you can play basketball come here we’ll figure

The other stuff out right now and struggling mly mind you if there’s a bad thing because Bill self has already gone through that this year with arteria Morris if there’s a bad thing most people won’t like no no no we have to wait for it to be like

This is not we’re going to do right now so because of that um yeah yeah he is playing yes he’s tearing it up at Memphis but Memphis is not winning you know like that’s the other thing Memphis is like he he’s doing well they’re not you know they’re

Having to make that decision around like Penny Hardaway right now it’s like do we fire our favorite son you know and and move on cuz there’s been a lot controversy but at Memphis and that’s changed their season it’s totally changed their season it has not had like

They he’s he was the X-Factor guy that they had this year on the roster so I think all that is stressing him out and it comes out in other ways when you start losing and he got not lucky but I mean everything worked out for him last year like konay Johnson Health cleared

Boom you’ve got him you’ve got this roster that was really really good and then this year you think you’re going to be able to kind of transition to something maybe not quite as good and deep as last year’s but you still need an xfactor guy and that’s where Tomlin

Came in and I do think that you can trace kind of all these little things the Iowa State thing the handshake line thing you know of course the Rivalry with Kansas like all that stuff kind of back to the fact that last year was very comfortable for Jerome tang and

Everything worked out well this year there’s like some outside stressers that are not really of his making that he’s trying to make up for and it’s now towards the of the season and I think there’s some frustration there and so it’s just kind of bubbling over in so from Bill self’s perspective the

Attorney for the for the defense for the prosecution from Bill self’s perspective and like he even said things in his press conference afterwards that kind of goes against it but I’m I’m arguing for the sake of this so like Lee Corso in like the old uh NCAA video games uno

Momento um but I think that if you look at Kansas they’re a team that gets everybody’s best night in and night out so when they they lose which does happen uh usually they get the court storming they get the it was the win in Manhattan

You know in overtime 75 to 70 but he if you’re Bill self even when you have to deal with all that the fan storing you still make the time to sit there and go through and make that handshake line and that was something that he brought up

Before that he was like you know when they went and beat us in Manhattan like we still made sure to go through and get that and and watching it like I tend to agree with you personally that I think it’s other circumstances that lead into

This but it is also one of those things that bill self said in the his press conference afterwards too that it’s a rivalry game if it didn’t get to you then you’re not in the right place so he kind of made it sound like I’m you know

I’m a bit fine with it but if I’m Bill self I make the argument that I have to deal with everybody storming the court all the time I have to deal with you know yeah you’ve come out and you’ve beat us and you’re making a show of how

Big this win is and I still have the time to sit there and make it no matter how small it is but I I I think that it everything going atas State I agree with you from from uh my Cod defense here uh bracket cat uh bet we wouldn’t had a

Handshake line in Manhattan had we St in the court like K you expected because they did and um Jerome tang and staff like told them not to what he wants and I totally agree with this is you should expect to win at home and they beat

Kansas last year I mean like they they beaten him like it’s not it’s not a new thing like that’s that’s where like the wake and Duke thing like yes Kyle Philip has got a little banged up for a minute and that was scary uh and it could have affected the entire NCAA tournament

That’s why it needs to be wrangled in but I think like schools just need to be ready for it A and B like you know if you’ve done it before like this is not this is not like you know it’s not it’s not something that you go back in the

History books like wake beating Duke was not like 1947 the last time they did it like there were iPads the last time you beat them like you know nothing was different it was just season it was season five of Game of Thrones like it’s all the same like don’t worry like

Nothing’s changed yeah no uh I I I think in all of it that it it is one of those things that he could have I’ve seen Bill self get you know what was the game earlier like he’s shown his emotions earlier this year what did he get kicked

Out of was it the crap was it wasn’t the Texas what Bill s yeah was he kicked out of um I was but it was his first I’m just saying like he’s shown those emotions too so like he has to realize that well he’s look if you want to talk

About some somebody who’s having a befuddling season Kansas is having a befuddling season like they you know as long except sa for this game against BYU last week as long as they’re in the friendly confines of of the fog everything’s fine everything looks good even even though he was mad after that

Baylor Wing because they kind of you know dragged ass down the stretch like everything’s fine it’s fine everything is good in this building everything is fine here in the sanctuary but the minute they’ve stepped outside of it all year long bad things have happened and or at least since conference has started

Bad things have happened and so yeah I think you’re looking at two coaches who are dealing with different kinds of frustrating years one who thought you know who had planned on this year of being a team that was going to contend in the Big 12 and and have bigger wins

And then they’ve had these losing streaks because they just don’t have the roster that he thought he was going to have and I I think that um you know I think that that like all frustration is winds up being the same right everything’s the same it’s just different things you know

Every every kind of you know it’s just different species of the same animal you know one’s yellow one’s red that’s all that’s all it is it all creates the same kind of emotion like nobody’s like hey why is Zach in such a good mood oh he’s totally frustrated yeah like no I mean

Like oh I mean he’s a bad he’s frustrated about something it’s all we all react the same way kind of um and so yeah I just think that’s this and I don’t think it’s a big big deal but I do love these kind of things because it

Will fuel the Rivalry a little bit more and I know that because when I brought this story up to Amanda this morning she was like well you know like she was she was incensed she was incensed and even used the FR that’s your friend and I said yes

It is wow yeah yeah I’ve told the story on the a you might have heard it but last year when they did beat Kansas and it was his first game against Kansas a head coach and she was very upset about it and I went oh good for Jerome worst fight we ever

Had she would have rather heard me go like hey I’ve been stealing money to buy cocaine like honestly like it would still been a fight but it would been over and been like okay we’ll get you some help like that’s that’s kind of part of the beauty of like that makes

The rare great and just something as simple as a flyby is what I think he just referred to it as uh is going to add more subtext to something that doesn’t need more subtext but that will gladly accept it yeah no I look I I love here’s the thing pettiness and

Rivalries uh just I I I’ll if you pour it into a shot I’ll do 10 of them I mean I do I do love it it’s funny uh and I haven’t been able to enjoy it until I got like really started doing this particular podcast or this doing you

Know stuff on YouTube because you know you you really only like in this little world of like the big 12 in this area and then you of course you mind and like the the Gators and the NES and all that stuff and look I like any Petty thing I

Can say about them you know I do I absolutely do I don’t mean it for the most part sometimes I do sometimes I don’t but like it just fuels the fire you know they’re good people for the most part except for Joe Keem know it no

You know I’ve come around but I was with you for a long time on I’ve come around anyway yeah no you know like you know look they have some things like there are things legitimate and like I’m not ever going to deny facts in a thing and so but like you

Know you throw out little barbs I think it makes it fun and we live in a world now where it’s you know um it’s just so much harder to like pettiness becomes like a real thing as opposed to just a little a little fun a little deal you

Know little little dig a little dig a little mosquito bite like instead of just going oh well that’s over it’s just a little bit it’s now whole like I could get malaria malaria do you understand malaria have you ever had malaria I’ve never had malaria but I’ve heard it’s

Bad killed people in the 1800s you know like that’s that’s how people react to those things now yeah yeah yeah um there’s there’s a fine line between taking something and I don’t think that this is something that’s going to go that far no it’s not it’s what do I get

I get yeah yeah yeah so uh but to me this is just like I don’t think anything was meant by it but it’s just even if there was or not the fact that we can attribute it to so many things but the fact that there might be that little

Ounce of maybe it was is just enough to make you think then the next time they play they come out you know against each other again in the conference tournament and may like hey just remember when you know it’s another thing I’ll tell you so Bill self is a master too of motivating

His team through little things like that and they may not play Kansas State again they may not they don’t know they may not that’s true this year we’ll see we’ll see what happens next week in Kansas City and how those things fall out after Saturday but you know there’s

A very famous story um about Baylor and fog Allen Fieldhouse and they were playing it was you know it’s the M the whole thing is a museum right the whole thing is the Church of basketball and all all that so they were like Baylor wound up playing on a night that was

Some sort of anniversary maybe like will CH who knows could have been anything so they’re playing this extra long hype video remember and Scott drew right before the team goes out on the floor he likes to like just give a couple little notes like hey remember we’re going to

Focus on these three things what are we get doing and like kind of well it was so loud and the music was blaring and the crowd there is off the hook crazy insane wonderful the great crowd so he can’t do these things without going horse before he’s even started the game

So he just takes the team off into the tunnel and like goes over it well Bill sou saw him and walks over to Devonte Graham and says hey Devonte now they’re just disrespecting you right now and Baylor coming in was like a like a two-point dog like it was

One of those things where they’ve got a good team coming in like they might have been ranked number one in the that might have been the number one ranked team in the country for the first time ever like they just have all this good stuff going

On and you know bill was looking for that last little like I just need something to get over the hump so we don’t lose to Baylor here tonight and we can we can tell them who they really are right now and like that was you know how

It is so Devonte Graham just took that and was like the video didn’t watch the how could you not watch the video that’s not Sportsman like that’s not got phonies bunch of phonies that’s so they’re going to be all nice and Sport like I don’t like this I don’t like this

Had the best game of his life not I mean one of many great games that he had but like had one of these games where like the fans in fog Allen would have hidden a body for him that night like he had that game and then immediately walked

Outside and hit somebody with his car that’ been like we got it no problem his family will never even know he’s gone you’ll have to thank me yeah it was just just that way but uh and when Bill s was asked about it he’s like oh I didn’t

Really say anything I just said hey see they’re not watching the video that’s all he did so it’s those little things and coaches like he’s a master of that there’s lots of coaches that are tons of coaches that find those little things that are nothing like legitimate nothing

Burgers nothing and then they just put it in a kid’s head and look Kirby Smart somehow convinced his team two years ago that people doubted them no doubt is not the same as like please don’t destroy everybody like that’s just of a difference that’s that’s just a

Difference I mean so anyway but yeah I think it’s um I like the little nipnip nip nipnip I I like i’ like it as long as it’s little nips mosquito bites not you know killer bees like that’s that’s where it gets kind of out of hand when

We come back Chris low wrote a fascinating column on ESP today we are efforting trying to get him on I hate that word efforting we are trying to get him on the show this week to talk about it but there were some kind of Bombshells in it about Nick Nick sa’s

Retirement how long it took and then like the Mad Dash to replace him including a detail that when I first read it I was like and then I was like okay I’m fine with it and then everything’s worked out but it was a pretty substantial detail about a potential candidate and his replacement

At the place he’d be leaving we’ll talk about that next this is the trip option on 365 Sports if your business is like most you need things done quickly but if you’re still tying your critical applications together on multiple shared public networks you’ve probably been feeling the Slowdown and that’s no good for

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You’ll have all the reliability you need contact UPN today to learn more f fast just got faster this is 365 Sports powered by syum welcome to the triple option here’s your host Paul Catalina welcome back Zachary aloicious Logan Burke Lee the first no Zachary aloes Burke the fifth that’s what I

Called you before right yeah Zack Burke to most people considering only one of those middle names is is real is real you got to figure out which one though so only one of those and might be pretty easy but most people going go oh it’s totally aloicious totally Alo he looks he looks

Like an aloicious um all right believe it or not aloicious is a family name for me it is yeah okay there we go well I mean you’re Scottish right aloicious is a Scottish is a Scottish name I think it is it might be the spelling would tell me it

Is yeah just cuz of how weird it is yeah so yeah no I like okay yeah family name so now it makes it there there’s a Catholic saint St aloicious so I mean there’s mostly a like if you if you don’t have a a sa Catholic saint for

Your name your name is unique it’s pretty unique cuz we we we we we’ve pretty much got every name covered for the saint for everything because look you can go into a Catholic bookstore when a kid’s getting baptized and whatever their names are and you go into

The bookstore they do baptisms at the book stores no no no like so before when you’re getting a gift yeah no so when you’re getting a gift for the kid at the baptism you walk up and like oh what’s his name and you’re like oh um Alexander okay well

You got you got lots of Dominic there’s seever you know John gosh you can just take your pick of different John you’d like to you know maybe you just pick one with the the the m that the the feast day is on that they’re they shave share

The birth month or something like that Peter tons of stuff like whatever it is Zachary John I mean Jack Jack is John I don’t think there’s a St Jack but maybe some some of the Johns went by Jack and their you know father Jack you know but

That sounds cool kind of yeah so you know Paul there’s there’s a couple of us you know yeah so anyway uh but if you have a name that’s like not covered by Catholic sainthood you’re either from an area where there’s not a lot of Catholics or you uh you’re very unique because you

Know you know there’s not like there’s probably not like St Kippy you know yet or anything like that or one of those emry winter has just entered Studio don’t worry he’s not a vagrant Zach was afraid for a second I told him that sometimes people just randomly come in this before he

Came in today or when he came in I said no we get two kinds of random people in here people who are looking for apartments and don’t read the sign and homeless people uh trying to to add to their meth account it’s just because like my brain

Went to like fight or flight and like I see shoes and I’m just like all right let’s just see how this plays out like all right is it on right now is it on what did Garrett do with my baseball bat that I had over here yeah

The one that we killed the mouse with wait what yeah we had him that’s why I had to have the Exterminator come we were here one night and there was a mouse uh and Garrett kill how have I never heard this oh yeah we had a mouse

In here little tiny mouse that Garrett was not afraid of Oglesby uh so Sabin though yeah but but now to Nick Sabin who is not a cute little mouse uh or a dirty little mouse as he was but either way I would think the mouse is really

That cute it was kind of gross like if you have if you have like an actual yeah no I just love now the terminology Nick sabbin not a dirty little mous he’s not a he not no he’s not uh I that I should like that’s that’s something that like lindsy

Graham would say like Nick sa just a dirty little mouse you know um I do not remember reading that in the article no no not not a dirty little mouse but I did click on the link so maybe that’s on there was a part two

Yeah U yeah we’ll see but uh the F it was so fascinating me to read like how when look Greg burn knew like he was on the clock for a year like this is you know kind of hoping that like of course if you’re Greg burn the words you never

Hope to hear are Greg I’m retiring like you like you just never want to hear you know you’re going to but you just hope that maybe it’s not Greg I’m retiring maybe it’s hey Greg I just told your replacement 10 years from now that I’m retiring you know let’s go fishing now

That I’m retired and you’re retired we can go be retired together and you don’t have to deal with this like that’s something he just didn’t want to do because again it’s Nick Sabin you don’t want to have to replace him so it came down to really the candidates were kayin abore

And Mike um norell and so Florida State I think the biggest detail in this article that of course stood out to me uh not just about how kayin deor was you know kind of became the choice and how was it was the right fit at the right

Time and you know after you know of course just being in the in the championship game and all of that but that Mike norell Florida state was so convinced that they were going to hire Mike norell was so convinced they were going to hire Mike norell they were

Already preparing an offer for Lane kein and at first when I read that I was like oh I don’t know and then I was like no yeah okay I’m on board look here’s the thing in this realignment Ridiculousness that we live in mhm there’s Clearly Now two ways to to

Realign one is you do what Texas Oklahoma USC and UCLA did mhm maybe there’s three there’s two way you do what those teams did and then everybody wakes up one morning and they get a text going like we out hold on okay okay yeah like that’s

Just it like I don’t think that had but just the peace sign emoji peace sign emoji and then somebody calls him and like hey what’s this about like oh we’re going to the SEC uh just didn’t want to get into a whole complicated thing like you guys were great but you know we’re

Moving on with our life you know it’s not it’s not us it’s you it’s not you it’s whatever it is so that kind of way there’s the way where your conference collapses around you which is the 10 teams from the Pack 12 that all had to

Leave and then uh where you just get to the point where we’re being run by just a you know a parade of people who don’t know what’s going on and we have to leave so or there’s the way that Florida state is doing it which you loudly and

Obnoxiously fight it in court um and we’ll say everything we need to be out of the ACC this is untenable we don’t like the way the deal is made 7even years ago blah blah blah blah blah blah all these things okay so there’s that way so if that’s who you’re going to be

If you’re going to be loud and look at me look at me look at me and Brash and you don’t care what anybody thinks anymore well who better to do that than Lane keing himself that is true so and plus he’s look he’s a good coach I think

Norvell is is better like and will be better in the long term but if Mike norell was going to go coach at Alabama I can’t sit around and go oh Mike I wish you hadn’t left me why does no one love me anymore you can’t do that if you’re

FSU you got to move on and if listen your whole new identity if your whole personality is you’re the Fonzi of the ACC then you need to go get you know yeah get a coach who fits that it UPS the volume like it UPS the volume plus

Four maybe even more it’s the old like you want to turn it up to this one goes to 11 why not push it all the way to 11 ABS you want to be that and Lane kein is the perfect guy to do that so I’m totally fine with that it happened now I

Think of the two uh young 20 somethings in the room when I said the Fonzi of the ACC okay good I know emy’s going to get it I was worried about Jack but uh good I didn’t want to yeah so um yeah I could even say like he

Was in a Weezer video and they be like Weezer but uh no I they’re the ones that did Africa right yes they did Africa yep see here’s what’s weird though is like that song came out before I was even born so I have no reason to have

That reaction it but you you are a person who I knew likeed Weezer back in the day but you also one of like I would walk into the studio sometimes and Zack when he was in a like a bad mood and needed to be happy it would just

Be and he’s just rocking Toto and like what’s going on in here and he’s like I just love this song so I don’t think he liked the combination impressed him yeah but it was just things like that yeah so yeah I was in a mood people came in here

Threw a bunch of commercials at me and I needed to listen I listen to Toto or I was going to I was going to take a dump on the board so I don’t I think I think instead I decided to bless the reins Down in Africa absolutely so um no I but

It was it was such a weird like cuz I hadn’t even thought about because I didn’t make myself think about it because I remember like Jack coming in like that week we know we this couple days and Jack asked me like who do you want and like my first thought when he

Said that was like I don’t know I don’t know I haven’t I haven’t thought about like I’m trying not to think about who they’d have to get to replace him this late in the whole process and I can’t even be mad if he takes it because I

Mean if they called me and I’d be like do you want to be the coach at Alabama like I guess I have to like who says no to that you know like you know how can you say no other than like because you don’t also want to be like I don’t want

To be the guy who takes over Nick sa but I’m scared you don’t want to do that and that was the quote that was in the article that I like that uh Greg burn brought up is when he asked him about that as though dor said that I I want to

Be like only one person gets that chance to follow him up and I want that and it was like that was what I wanted to hear and like the more I thought about it because you’re right like we always have that joke of like you don’t want to be

The guy right after it you want to be the guy after the guy after you know like that was the joke with macket Texas and stuff like that for a while but you need a guy if you’re an athletic director like burn was you want a guy

Like that that’s like no like only one guy gets to try to follow up you know in such a legendary coach and I’m looking forward to that chance like you want a guy hungry like that ABS absolutely absolutely I I think it like and that’s

The other thing about K like when I read that about kayin abore it didn’t surprise me at all uh especially you watched kayin deor coach a game and he makes some like really questionable decisions that because he’s so confident in what they did during the week to

Prepare for it he’s ready for the risk of it and you they played fast and loose in a ton of games this year where you’re like well you should be beating Arizona state by a lot more than you are right now now you should this this this Wazoo

Game even though it’s a rivalry it’s the apple cup it’s the last pack 12 apple cup like this one shouldn’t be this close based on how your seasons have gone and just because he had so much confidence in his guys it’s like no no

No it’ll be fine I like hey what are you doing going for it on this no no no I got it don’t worry about it and he has that Persona about him which I think will do well at Alabama because if you can block out the kind of noise that

That it takes around that then that that’s the skill you need and fact that like yeah only one guy is going to get to replace Nick sa and I want to be the guy who does it also look there’s a school of thought of the program is

Never going to be as built up for anybody as it is right now even with the transfer port and everything else Alabama has its Swagger back and they have 17 years of Nick Sabin Swagger behind them and while that’s gone it’s not completely gone you know like there

Are L I want to play at Alabama I want to be a part of this I want to be a part of the legendary thing when you walk through the hall and you see Bear Bryant and Jee Stallings and Nick Sabin you’ll be like well there’s a lot of guys

Who’ve won here it’s not just Nick Sabin it’s been a history of people winning national titles this is Alabama for a reason and I I want to I want to embrace and be part of that so I think kayin abor looking at that going like yeah I’m

Not worried about it and you know they they have good leadership they got tons of money you know this is not a Mike Price or Dennis franchon hire and you know Mike price was coached for about three days but you know they they Dave schula like this is not that kind

Of hire where they they found a guy who’s like no I’m willing to to put all my chips on the table and go here I can I can do this job yeah and I think that he brought it up himself of just talking about I think when he spoke to

The players I I think that it was when they were talking about him meeting with the players afterwards of just understanding the kind of ability that they have there of like you know you’re Alabama football players like this means something and I think that he as a guy

Like he the quote in the article was like I realized how big of a move this was like this wasn’t Fresno State to Washington like this was kind of I think it’s a guy that obviously understands just how big of a program it is that he’s overtaking and not only that it’s a

Massive program that’s been a winning program for so long that’s had a college football staple as their head coach forever that it’s going to be massive shoes to fill but with the attitude he has like I don’t think that there’s anybody kind of better right now to at

Least attempt to try it yeah no I look I’m um I look I think they had a ton of good options you know but you know it just I I I’m very curious to see how kayin boore does this and he’s already look he retained enough guys on that

Recruiting class The rosters are kind of a different animal where you know coach leaves a transfer portal happens and a lot of guys who were taking a little bit less nil to play at Alabama for Nick Sab are like well now I’m going to go cash

I’ll go cash because I’ve got the Sabin chip in my bag and now I can go get the the money chip in my bag and see where else it goes you know because there are you know now it’s there’s other places that you’re you’re going to be able to

Maybe show that you can get to the NFL in not quite as good as like I went through the Nick sa school and now here I am ready to play for your NFL team but you know it Kayla abore has to prove that out and so since it hasn’t been

That long you know the guys are going to leave but like Alabama has to they’ve come back to earth even though they have a a coach who we think is is going to be successful they’re going to have to live how the other half lives like there’s no

There’s no um you know Nick sain coming at the last minute going hey um we need an outside linebacker how’d you like to come to tuscala and be like sorry everyone else did you not feel and maybe it was just me and reading it though um

I got a sense of and I’m going to be really careful with how I word this because I’m G to say that the game has or it’s starting to pass Nick Sabin by and not in instance of where I don’t think he can coach it

Still of just of where oh I no I I know where you’re going I don’t think it’s passed him by that he can’t coach anymore I think it’s passed him by where he doesn’t derive as much joy from it exactly yeah and so it’s it’s a

Different thing um he’s older if he was 15 years younger he probably wouldn’t really like he would just adjust but you’re like well how long do I have to adjust this before and I think part of the thing is a lot of coaches are wrestling with us I’m going to adjust

Now I’m going to have to adjust again I’m have to adjust again again well if you’re 72 years old how many times at the end of your career are you going to have to readjust how you’re doing things when you did them one way for so long

That was this way even if you’re for change you’re like well this is probably for somebody else to do that has longer in longer in this than I do I think that’s a huge part by his own admission I think that’s a huge part of it and

Like reading it like that’s what I thought of is like all the greates eventually hit that like you know you think of a guy like John Wooden like yeah he had great runs but eventually like that game kind of got and he couldn’t compete or somebody like a

Bobby like it happens to all the greats like it eventually gets to a point of where all right I need to adapt in the time it’s going to take me to kind of reassess and do all this well man I’m closer to 80 than I think do I want to

Be coaching at that point in time to try to and so like I like as you said I liked that part of the article too of where he talked about the players meetings and it was two questions that like most of them asked and it just made

It seem like it was different than what he was used to most of those questions being yeah so um when when my dad was still alive you you know he was having some heart problems and uh he was in the hospital and like two different doctors

From this practice had come in and been like well we can do this and we can do this and then they said but we do want to bring in you know the founder of the practice and he’s just the best that there is so it’s the older Dr Schultz

Here in Waco who who was I mean he was unbelievable but look he had gotten to the point where look he was not young enough to like do all the technology but he could still like John Wooden or Nick saan or whoever could walk on a f like

Yeah well your safes are no good you know like oh this is no good oh you guys need to be running a Zone you don’t have man guys like you could throw that out there what he did was literally like took like the chest x-rays and the scans

And all this stuff and goes oh well there’s your problem right there it was like two two minutes and the other guys are like oh well you’re right son of a gun and and then he walked out and the the regular doctor came in and I was

Like he’s he’s like that’s what 60 years of being a doctor you know whatever it is like six decades in this thing will do is where you walk in you’re like well there’s the problem that’s what you got to fix and it’s like you guys use whatever fancy you know laser beams you

Have now to get that thing out and I’ll move on but like he still had that he wasn’t doing surgeries anymore he was still practicing a little bit but that’s what they needed him for because he didn’t have that like again like is he going to teach himself how to use all

These new tools no he was 78 years old but he was walking in the room or 78 he was like 84 or something like that like no but he can still walk in the room and go here’s the problem but does he have the you know can he see a hundred

Patients a week can he see no he can’t do that that’s where Nick Sabin is he can’t he can still diagnose what’s going on but do you have the energy to do it and then oh hey look there’s this new technology oh there’s a new technology

Again or there’s a new way of doing it there’s new rules new rules new rules there’s no rules there’s a ton of rules they’re all gone again like I get the point like I get it I would just be like you know like this is for someone else

To do let me be in a role in college sports now where I can advocate for what I think is right and that’s that’s where I think Nick sain is so uh when we come back we’re going to play NFL draft rapid fire Emy winter will pick the team we

Can’t do the Bears we can’t do the Texans we can’t do the Falcons we can’t do the commanders but anybody else’s fair game emry winter is going to pick the team that we’re going to talk about randomly off the cuff improved NFL draft


  1. Hey Paul, I know how much you value viewer comments, do you know what is the deadliest animal on earth? Not sharks, tigers, hippos or even humans. Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on earth. According to the World Health Organization, there were an estimated 249 million cases of malaria in 2022 and 608k deaths. All from mosquitoes, and you don't have to go back to the 1800s to have huge death tolls. Show some respect for those little bastages.

  2. Tang is unhinged. He came in last year as a breath of fresh air, but he seems intent on burning bridges across the conference, and not in a helpful "you are a rival so here is something extra" kind of way. If he doesn't start to show some real coaching chops next season when he will be coaching his own players rather than mainly his predecessor's, he is going to be in danger of losing his job. That Naismith COY award is starting to look like a fluke.

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