Golf Players

Episode 15 – Teri Hong

Summary – In this episode Darryl and Jeremy are joined by Teri Hong, aka Hyzer Bomb Hong! We start the episode with our ever witty banter, we play a quick game of I spy and we excitedly tell everyone about our 100 subscriber contest. We bring Teri on with another first for Chain Out… a song. We jump right into Teri’s origin story. Put your guess in the comments on which super heroine we are referencing. We talk about Teri’s rating and tournament goals for 2024 and she gives us some putting tips. Teri shares how breaking into the FPO division can be difficult and ways to approach things positively. She tells us how she is preparing for Tundra Toss and gives us some tips for this year’s Spring Runoff. We learn more about Teri’s sponsors, how to get a sponsor and the requirements of being a sponsored player. Teri reveals one of her 2024 custom stamps on the show. We learn about Teri’s passion outside of disc golf as a coach and manager of Fit Theorem. If you need some motivation, check this section out. After that we get Teri’s Desert Island Discs. We wrap this episode up with Winter League and Putting League updates.

@hyzerbombhong @thomasgilbert54 @missfrisbees @edmontondiscgolfassociation @brdiscgolf @kristinswirles @fittheorem_windermere @bkudrowich @thegoatsportstowel @jacob.neufeld1 @luka_cigler @scott_gebert @raptorsknolldiscgolf @collegediscgolf @handeye_supply @anotherounddg @douglas_0 @jkdiscs @rebeccaj9303 @gabepiska @kastaplast @alwaydiscgolf @wallyo9999 @yikun_discs @zoelorenzboser @ironwolf_dg @teeboxsoxusa @beastdiscgolf @gavin_beamishdg @sarahjcandelaria @thoch @mrtoddkennedy @escapesports @dfrolek @johendersondiscgolf

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0:00-18:26 Intro, GOAT Towel, 100 subscriber contest, intro song
18:26-42:10 Teri’s origin story
42:10-48:45 Teri’s 2024 goals and tournaments, thoughts on the mental aspect of disc golf
48:45-59:10 Tundra Toss expectations and Spring Run Off tips
59:10-1:04:33 Teri’s Sponsors: BR Disc Golf
1:04:33-1:13:20 Teri’s Sponsors: Yikun Disc and Teri’s 2024 custom stamp
1:13:20-1:16:45 Teri’s Sponsors: TeeBoxSox
1:16:45-1:20:10 Teri’s Sponsors: Beast Disc Golf
1:20:10-1:42:23 Teri the coach and Fit Theorem – Get motivated by this section!
1:42:23-1:51:40 Teri’s Desert Island Discs
1:51:40-2:14:47 Winter league & Putting league updates



Teri’s Desert Island Discs
Zheng (Tiger Line)
Yi (Tiger Line)

Tournaments Teri is Playing in 2024

Teri’s Beast Disc Golf Post

Tundra Toss 3 – 2024 FPO Results

100 Subscriber Contest Items
HSCo Bindle Bag
BR Disc Golf Sticker Burger
BR Disc Golf Sticker White LOGO
BR Disc Golf Sticker 2023 Team Fundraiser Sheet
WSD Origio Harp Burst BR Topo Stamp
DD Prime Burst Mini BR Logo Stamp

Hey everyone welcome to chain out your favorite disc golf podcast covering everything in Edmonton Alberta and Canada if it’s disc golf related we got it here for you I’m Jeremy and with me as always is your favorite co-host Daryl good evening good afternoon good morning everybody how you doing welcome along to episode

15 episode 15 episode KES episode K I think that’s about it I tried to cover the main languages that we’re gonna maybe have listeners in I don’t know good enough for me yeah I’m trying to learn Spanish and I can’t think what it is in Spanish it can

Kin kin okay well you know more Spanish than I do so that’s right it’s okay good how are you doing Jeremy I am doing awesome Daryl good good to hear ready for another bumper packed episode yeah we were just kind of doing a little review and man is this episode

Jam-packed it’s gonna be good so jam-packed it was kicked out of Jamille for being too Jammy is what it was really did they kick them out with their jammies or did they have to leave Jeremy’s behind see I try and I take it to a level Jeremy and you just always take it

That one step further I like that about you I’m always GNA push it just a little too far same as Mark you can’t let me have one you always I put if I make a long putt you make a longer putt I don’t know well I don’t know if it always works

That way but all right all right anyway how have you been I’ve been well I’ve been real well had a great week I almost got to play around with you we did we went out we met up we went up purposely to play around together we we met up we had pre- round

Banter and then it didn’t the fickle finger of fate or the fickle finger of the flipping yeah and we tried to meet up for winter league I had a free weekend um which is very rare for me but uh I tried meet up with you and Mark to go

For winter league um and I mean probably a good thing that quite a few people showed up I think I think 17 people was there in the end I think is what the final count was yeah it was such a wonderful day and it was yeah it was a

Great turnout there was probably there was at least three people including you who don’t normally they’re not part of league but came out and joined us which was great to have have the extra bodies there yeah I finally got to meet Brock in person so uh shout out to Brock I met

Up with Eric who you you brought over from the pting league uh from the throwing clinics on the Friday night sorry throwing clinics Y and uh yeah then when it came to pick teams uh you know we you hinted at trying maybe to pick teams instead of flipping disc but

They everybody said why break with tradition so flipping the discs and uh it didn’t it wasn’t even close it was the first flip first flip I was we were separated already yeah um yeah no I mean it was good it was a whole point of when

You go to these leagues right you don’t just want to go play with your buddies I mean it’s always good to play with your friends and things like that but when uh you know we can do that anytime even though we haven’t yet but we could so

Being part of these leagues and it’s another good reason to sign up for winter leagues or even the summer leagues or buting leagues or anything like that is just to get out there get out of your comfort zone meet some new people um you’ve got a common interest

Already in disc golf so yeah it was it was good fun I had fun I got on my card uh who I ended up with um was uh Brendan krich who Brendan from BR had mentioned before so it was good to play around with him um that was funny with that when you

Mentioned that because I’ve uh seen Brendan there every week and I didn’t tie two and two together and realized that that’s the same brender uh brender the same Brendan on the BR Ambassador team so that was cool you’re the one who figured that out thank you for that my

Friend yeah no I mean it didn’t take my figuring out when I looked at the uh the scorecard and I seemed that that was his last but yeah so yeah I didn’t notice it at first and we had a good chat about the podcast because he listens to the

Podcast or he caught up with the podcast anyway so that was good um I also got to play with Jody who we’ve mentioned before on the podcast that she likes getting out on the winter league as well um so it was a good time playing with

Jody and I also got um paired up with Eric great so yeah it was a good fun card yeah no it’s great and it just I’m glad you had that opportunity to come out and play with us just to see that you know maybe in another year if the

Weather was super cold the whole time like I believe it was that way last year it might not have been quite as fun but with the way things have been this year was fantastic I don’t need to dwell in the weather but just the matter of you

Came out it was a great day to come out and just to see that fun that we have whether it’s a summer league or a winter league we’re still having the same type of fun yeah no it was it was a good time the score wasn’t that great but uh you

Know wow first big round out at Rundle well not first one for you you’ve played some other rounds but first one lately yeah no it was uh it was a good good good day that’s what we’ll see that all that practice at Augustus some I mean the hills sometimes uh doesn’t always

Get you as prepared as you want to be but exactly yeah hey I want to play a game with you do you want to play I Spy I’ll play a game with you yeah sure okay so play I Spy see if you can see anything different about my Arrangement here oh okay

Um well I can see that you’ve got your honor I can see your astronaut oh let’s have a look I I spy with my little eyes something beginning with G yes with g o a t the goat towel that is awesome we mentioned that in the last podcast that I went with the

Thomas Gilbert goat tow uh other sponsor other players were available to sponsor and tell me tell me a bit about it who towel is that for people that are listening so goat made three towels this year um they made Thomas Gilberts they made one for Shantel badinski The Miz

Frisbees and that’s the one I got and it’s kind of got a bit of a rainbow color theme and then it’s got a big lion in the middle and it just it’s so bright and it’s kind of maybe a little bit like my personality so figured you got the

Northern Lights I’ve got Shantel now we just need someone else maybe a listener to get the C Monty one and we’ll have the trifecta I did correct myself and I put it in the uh in the graphics on the last episode I apologize it’s um Colton Montgomery uh right yeah Colton

Montgomery I almost got his name wrong again Colin Colton Montgomery is the third um player sponsor towel you can get other towels as well if you like but if you’re going to buy one you know if you’re going to buy one from goat TOS you may as well

Support Canadian disc golfers as well yeah and you mentioned how nice they are and you you weren’t just filling air or something like that you were right it’s a nice towel can’t wait to get it out there next week so yeah no I’ve had a chance to use it and you know other

Towels that I’ve used or other cleaning products they tend to especially in the snow or even in the mud and the wet they tend to just move the mud and the the water around to the other side of the disc so as you keep spinning the disc you’re just continually chasing the mud

In the water and the snow and the ice around your disc but um the black side slightly pimpled a little bit rough to get get the uh the most of the debris off and then you know as much as I don’t like to you to do it but the the nice

Colorful side couple wipes with that and it’s a completely dry disc I really like it there the reason why it’s the greatest of all towels yes exactly well so I have that you’ve got that one towels check another thing I wanted to talk about here Daryl is I

Wanted to do quick shout out to some of our local University College um dis golfers and what we had was another BR uh Ambassador team member in Zoe Loren Bozer yeah as well as Jacob newfeld who plays in the winter league you probably remember when we mentioned

Him in one of our episodes he had gotten an the only ace of the league so far right yeah so the two of them along with a couple people I’m not familiar with which was Luca Sigler and Scott G bear or GE bear they went uh down to Raptor

Null in Vancouver and it was the tww U which is like a Trinity Western University put on a regional qualifier and that was for college disc golf um Nationals I think is what it’s called so it’s a big college Disc Golf Tournament down there so the four of them went down

And participated over two days and you know awesome to have that happening in Canada and that we’re actually going to be part of it or hopefully be part of the US competition yeah no it’s awesome to hear you know like we we’ve spoke to Tim before about you know what are they

Doing to promote disc golf and all that they they getting in schools and all that so it’s good to see um that it’s at that University level and that people are you know supportive enough to actually get a University team to go and compete yeah and you know what it makes

Me think too darl is that we really got to try and get maybe Zoe or Jacob on the show at some point because College disc golf rules yeah it’s a team sport there is an individual component but there’s a team sport and there’s so much that’s different than the way we would normally

Play disc golf so okay rather than cover it now in our intro we should get one of them on and discuss it some more yeah I mean why would why would we try and butcher it when we can just get the experts on to explain it a lot better

Yeah just let me butcher the names we that’s the only part I want to butcher what else have you got going on what else well U you know I don’t know uh I think what was it about a couple episodes ago you had uh told us the

Story about your Alden Harris disc did you want to talk a little bit about that I can definitely shout that out so like yeah like you said a couple epod Go episodes ago I talked about that if you don’t enter a contest you’re not going to win I entered my contest for Alden

Harrison I ended up winning one of his 100 disc that he was giving away obviously he move from pigy to uh um dmania guess what Jeremy what now our listeners and viewers have a chance to enter their own competition because drum roll please we are announcing our first ever chain out podcast Competition it just sounds like we’re a bunch of trains okay we we’re calling this our 100 subscriber you uh what are we calling I think we’re calling it our 100 subscriber contest right yeah we’re calling it our 100 subscriber contest so we want to get to 100 subscribers on

YouTube we’ve been you know it’s like we’re going up a roller coaster every click every clock we’re going up we’re getting closer and closer we’re getting one follower here we’re getting one follower there but we want to get to 100 so we are going to do a draw

For an amazing prize pack giveaway Jeremy would you do the honors of being my van white please of course so while you show it off to the viewers I will tell the listeners what they can win so we are gonna start off with a very nice hand ey Supply zzu

Edition baby blue bindle bag that’s a mouthful that is a mouthful but it looks amazing in yeah yeah that’s a lot bigger than it looks in the photos it’s awesome it can hold about 12 or 14 disc so that’s awesome but that’s not all that’s not

The only thing we’re giving away in this prize Jeremy no let’s see what’s in the bag what’s in the bag let’s take a look we have some BR disc stickers so thank you to BR disc for donating some stickers to our giveaway we have the 2023 be our

Ambassador disc team top left there you can see the aforementioned Zoe Loren Boer in the middle sporting a rather nice beard is dandrew PR and friend of the show Kristen swirls that’s right and not only that we have a little dog there named Duke perfect we

All like a dog who doesn’t like a dog but that’s not all other ambassadors of the team uh you’re going to have to say it cuz I can’t see the one in the bottom right head so on the left there with the three discs we got Brendan kraich uh in

The middle there Nolan litvac and then on the right Jonas stole pot otherwise pots and pans if you’re looking for him on Instagram there you go and then a Burger King BR Disc Go stamp yep a standard BR disc golf logo and it looks to me like a military style

Be our disc golf sticker as well you beta is that all the stickers we have it looks no it’s not we have and I think this might even be the star prize but that’s just me we also have a collector’s edition first run ever chain out podcast sticker oh yes

That’s right we rolled up the battel we have lovely Blue stickers that we printed out blue first run blue purple colors may vary your colors may vary depending on what light you’re looking at edition part is the purple part there you go well that sounds like a lot Jeremy

Well that’s not all though that is not all it keeps getting better and better we have a red BR disc golf mini with a blue stamp so never again will you be called on a footfall Mark your disc with a a lovely blue stamp pink sound like a game

Show host here my friend I’m TR I’m trying to build up the van white connection well that is such an amazing giveaway oh wait that’s not it but wait there’s more there’s more and to top it all off we have a br stamp blue burst Westside harp yeah that

Looks sweet that looks sharp I do like that Jeremy I wish you know when we were looking at that and we were picking it out I think I picked it out because I like it I don’t have a harp it’s an amazing I I hear it’s an amazing disc it

Looks stunning so what a price pack that is after after having Brendan on the show there we wanted to show support to be this so thanks to to Brendan there we uh we purchased and stuff and we he donated some things as well for our 100 subscriber

Contest well and darl to keep the game show type them theme going on here Carry On You may be asking how do I get a chance to win these wonderful prizes well Wonder no more because we’re gonna tell you so we’re gonna put a post on Instagram with a picture of the prizes

And we’re going to ask you to like the post and tag a friend kind of common thing that a lot of people will ask you to do and then we would like you to subscribe on YouTube and follow us on Instagram once we get to a 100 YouTube

Subscribers we’re going to take uh all the followers all the subscribers we’re going to do a draw from there and it’ll be a random draw and we’ll do it either on an episode or do a little video and put that out there for you but that’s

How we’re going to give it away so watch for that post and if there’s any other details We’ll add them in there yeah so the key thing is when we get to 100 subscribers so when you tag your friend in the Instagram post make sure they go

Over and follow us on or subscribe to us on YouTube as well because that’s the key number that’s right so so hopefully you guys like the prize pack we are uh we are working on our budget one day will hopefully be a super big budget but we’re pretty happy with what we put

Together and we hope you are too just imagine what we’re going to be giving away for 200 or 300 or 500 or a, subscribers can you ever imagine a day when we have a thousand subscribers Jeremy I can’t imagine I can’t imagine us in a situation like we are today

Where we did 15 episodes I can’t imagine us having 50 subscribers let alone 67 yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah no I think that’s just that’s just us uh giving it back to the listeners right well support we have we’ve gotten so much support from all of

You guys right now and we appreciate it and we just wanted in our little way to find a way to give back to you and also as we said with BR there and such just show that we are trying to support and and walk the walk right absolutely

Yeah right well I think we should get to it that’s that’s enough of the I think you said last time enough of the faf yeah you don’t have that I always love I always love your English words I did think about after I said it but you didn’t mention it so I figured

You might have had that word over here but you don’t say faf no no I I don’t I knew what you meant I just don’t say it but I’m saying it now it’s enough of the faf darl let’s get on with it stop faffing about there you go all right I’m gonna

Get to our intro here you’re not gonna have to tell me deep dark Voice is coming out okay here we go our guest today is an Alberta fpo player she is a personal coach with fit theorum she is the captain of br’s 2024 Ambassador team she is one of the most positive and

Energetic people you will meet she likes to go by the title Heiser bomb hang on darl what I got to stop the intro man why I thought you’re doing a good job well when you have a great guest on like we do today right I don’t think the standard intro is going to

Work I think we need more more how can you get how can we go bigger than that I think we need a song buddy a song it better be a solo song yeah no I was going to put you on this spot right away yeah no I’m

Thinking more of a song yeah are you ready for this I hope you’re ready for working on this all week all week I’ve been working on this all right so this is song inspired by the great Tom Jones here we go heer bomb a bomb a bomb

Hong not only can she throw it straight but she can throw it long a bomb has a bomb has a bomb Hong it’s time to bring her on the show so Daryl if you’re ready let’s [Laughter] go so what do you think think that’s awesome that’s one of the

Best intros yet I don’t know how you’re going to keep topping it but I the listeners demand that you top it each week so you’re setting the bar High don’t speak for the listeners they may have said don’t ever do that again Jeremy exactly well let’s get her on the

Show Welcome Terry how are you doing hi guys y I’m doing really really good really busy but hey that’s just my life it’s good to be busy right did did you have a short week is it a short week for you or did you work the Monday I worked

I let my St off and I worked do you work this weekend no I took it off tunder toss good yeah we’ll talk about that later on that’s we’re all excited for tunder toss right Jeremy oh we are pumped but you know what i is there any time that

You’re not really working Terry if you’re working there and then I see you last night at putting League it seems like you always got something going on nonstop so windamir short Park and then putting league so I’m driving all over the place are you work you work at both

Locations yes I’m Studios wow wow you’re managing both cool and then uh do you end up with trips down to cam Ro too and stuff as well or what he ships stuff to me now every week actually I think every week or every two weeks he ships uh

Stuff to me gotcha perfect yeah we uh yeah we were lucky enough to get some shipped up and picked up from you picked it up at pting League last night yes gave it to you good okay I was scared he was gonna steal it well I still actually

Have but I think I was going to give his discs that he got maybe a little test run just to make sure that they’re right for Daryl I don’t want him to have something that’s not going to work for him so what a good friend Brendan’s

Trying to convince me that the ringer GT is better than the Berg but we’ll see yeah it looks good and there’s been a bunch of videos too Terry on Instagram from another round that has been slamming the Berg and Daryl’s getting tagged in every single one of them it

Feels like b b b b so much hate for the Berg out there it’s only a disc yeah it’s a thick disc it’s a very thick disc oh definitely well Terry when we start our episodes we like to do rather we want to find out about how you got

Into disc golf but it’s pretty boring if we just ask you that question so I’ve tried to make it and spice it up a little bit so I’ve been doing these disc golf origin stories but here’s the thing they’re modeled after superheroes and superh heroins and that and I did some

Of the more common ones and I just normally hang them out there but this one’s a little more obscure but I feel to me what I’m going to do we we were talking about a contest earlier so I’m going to say out to the listeners is that if you can guess which superhero

This is put a comment in the or put put it in the comments your guess and then if we get it right we’re going to give you an extra contest entry but here we go this is what it is maybe when you were younger you were an aspiring singer

And one day at a junior high school dance you decided to sing and as you sang you realized you had the ability to turn sound into an amazing light show you were able to shine brighter and have more energy than anyone you knew you chose to channel that energy into dis

Golf and you’ve been dazzling the Disc Golf Scene ever since now that may not be your origin story but why don’t you tell us how you got into disc golf um that’s funny because when I was little growing up my sister always told me I was toned deaf screaming Michelle Branch songs in

The Liv at the top of my lungs laying on the piano bench know um but turns out I’m not tone deaf guys yay Jeremy is that singing professionally I know you have perfect pitch I like oh cool um for my origin story okay Co like a lot of disc golfers uh during

Covid you weren’t allowed to hang a friends a lot of businesses were shut down you couldn’t even go to escape rooms um so we resorted to disco I was like okay well I know some people that play this game let’s just try it out see what happens let’s go throw some plastic

Around the field what really got me addicted did was a my very first tournament in Strathmore run by JK discs okay um I entered into intermediate and I just let the girls know I have no idea what I’m doing so if I’m doing anything wrong please let me know uh I didn’t

Even know how to check the scores but me being me silly stupid fun um last final round I decided to Turbo putt the last in front of the tournament Central and I said this is for my fans and I got down on one knee and I turbo

Putt it in cheering I was like wow I didn’t know people would go so nuts for Turbo putts turns out I won wow won wow so you thought it was all about the turbo putt I think I beat out a girl that was playing for years um who it is

But yeah she’s in Alberta um so then I decided hey let’s just move up to advance and see what happens for my next tournament uh it was in Lethbridge with Rebecca Johnson right from okay Noah’s mom and I went to advance because everyone told me the rule is when you

Win your division you have to move up mandatory Fair okay I’m pretty competitive in that way too so I was like okay I’ll move up uh then I competed against the girl that was also playing for a really long time her her husband is actually very huge into disc

Golf um I ended up winning that tournament too what I like wow this is so much fun right um it’s very windy there um and thanks to my buddies up in Saskatoon LOL and Tyler buts they were able to teach me how to spin putt properly okay so no

Lofty putts in the Wind of Left Bridge right obviously right uh but I think the most addicting part was my me and my friends we decided to go to jackfish North Battleford massive course lots of elevation crazy trees you get stuck in the trees you’re pitching out if you’re

Lucky right I was wearing this massive green fanny pack I should probably find the footage for you I was wearing this massive green Nike Fanny fanny pack I was like I’m so cool I can fit seven year throw while I wear my fanny pack I actually hit the cage on one of

The holes no on your drive yes wow wow and I back then I didn’t know any technique I was literally the teads this way I will face the other way and go for the very best um I hit the cage and actually Joe MZ shared that footage

And it was wow um the guy who owned the course uh Zimmerman he was super happy that his course was featured on JZ so that really helped get my name out there everybody’s like have you seen Terry Hong’s video have you seen this chick she’s going so far she’s always out on

The disc offl course um she’s got a green Fanny bag yeah yeah Green Green you can’t miss her yeah uh sas’s pretty small so it’s really easy for for me to sneak away and play around and before going back to work it’s literally like 10 minutes to get across the city uh I

Was on the disc golf course probably six to eight hours a day wow my go-to was three three rounds a day um everybody would recognize me out there if it wasn’t for my long hair I don’t have it up down right now but usually my hair is

Down to my butt it’s leaving in the wind I didn’t know how to turn my hair up back then because I thought it was cool but yes they would either recognize me because my hair is flowing in the wind or um as Darien kid from Saskatoon says

To Riley my boyfriend he goes I always know when your girlfriend’s on the course because there’s just legs I just see leg than you don’t see the flowy hair yeah it’s just the community people noticing me people cheering me on um just sharing my stuff pumping me up

Telling me to keep going huge wow so you entered your first tournament against players that have played it for years and on the 18th screen not only did you win it and the crowd went wild you rubbed salt in the wound by Turbo putting it in front of the girl as well

This all my f that’s awesome and and you didn’t even notice it or I didn’t notice it Jeremy but when you’re giving her a superhero story Terry’s actually sitting behind a a sticker on the wall that says I am my own superhero how fitting fitting is that right that’s fantastic this is our

Mural at work this tells the story of everybody’s Journey finding themselves and being a better version of themselves right yeah that’s so cool yeah so you when you were talking there Terry you said Saskatoon is where it all started but you’re not in Saskatoon anymore how

Did that happen I moved here for this job oh okay so back in saskin I was working a similar job it was a gym called I love kickboxing um they only did kickboxing though nothing else really um and my growth was capped there was nowhere else for me to go and if you

You ever met me I’m ambitious I love taking on absolutely everything let me do everything right uh so when I feel like I’m that’s that’s a Max for me I I want to definitely keep finding something else that will help me grow so fif theem found me um not only do they

Do kickboxing they also have kettle bells for strength building uh flow for Mobility work but we also do a lot of life coaching mindset coaching and nutrition coaching too gotcha awesome the full package it sounds like guys the limit here yeah yeah yeah so Terry we look to and when you signed

Up in 2020 we talked about that you started in the AMS you went straight to the pros we kind of got a feel for that you’re now sitting with like an impressive 853 rating which uh darl and I are hoping one day to catch up to I just was

So happy I got to 800 at the end of last season so uh do you have any goals of where you want your rating to be or what you’re thinking you’re going to do this year my goal last year was to hit 850 so I’m if you can see the record every

Month it either stayed the same or it went up by one point oh um yeah I want to be able to hit 900 I don’t know if I can do that this year uh work is really busy but I am doing better at finding work life balance right always a

Struggle I need to find the work life balance because if I don’t um my disc golf game struggles I used to be the strongest putter out of me and all my friends but now they’re catching up I’m not playing as much I’m not putting as much so yeah it’s time to either do

Something about it or cry about it do find do some the do something Daryl you can do the crying if you want but I’m gonna do the do something part yeah exactly do you find that if you don’t get out there and practice your putting like like how how long between

Practice putting sort of sessions like how do you how soon do you notice the difference um right away really yeah when I first moved to Ed Edmonton this is the fun part I have a bunch of witnesses that can attest to this when I first moved to Edmonton this was when I

Was playing three rounds a day in Saskatoon yeah um I joined a group uh Gabe pisa’s group Tristan was actually on the show his brother they introduced us to their their own little they made their own little league they called themselves the disc dummies um they introduc they welcomed me and Riley into

Their league they had their own little tags we played we’d go to like Eagles Landing anywhere together as a group to play um um I was smashing putts like anywhere between 90 80 70 feet they were going in going in out these guys are like who is this chick where did she

Come from why is she here um so I to be able to get back to there right that’s insane putting from 90 F feet that’s my upshot yeah exactly we’re throwing from that distance yeah yeah that’s my goal get back to being able to hit putts from

Anywhere inside 90 fet well I did get to see you last night night and you were firing them pretty good there now they weren’t all they didn’t all go in but you were going in like you said you were smashing them into the chains and they

Were going straight at him right yeah I don’t do the heer putt because I find the wind especially I’m from Saskatchewan super windy if you heer butt the wind can take it or it can just push it down or just you know um I guess

There’s no Hills for it to roll away in so scatch one Alberta if you land heer putt too it could roll right so I do my best to I do a spin putt directly right at the basket um I don’t think my putt ever goes above

The band so nose up spin putt similar to Tristan’s but Tristan’s a lot more smooth than I am I’m angry well that’s a good tip there Daryl if you don’t throw it any higher than the band there’s no chance you’re going to hit the band and bounce down and roll

Away like we do that’s the problem with my Burg is it has got zero Glide right or one Glide so I’m always I’m always leaving them short but the bird should never roll though right no that’s the reason why I like it because if I do miss it’s it’s pretty

Close to the basket so your second you know the second putt is is a tap in it would be nice to make that first putt Casta plast is gonna have to uh give you something if you’re GNA keep talking about the burg so much well it does I don’t know you know

I still haven’t tried this ringer GT yet that could be my new go-to you never know yeah well Terry you’ve got 35 tournaments under your belt in the short time that you’ve been playing when I was looking at your PDGA and just seeing as you grew and it was like a couple here

And then a few more and then all of a sudden you did like 13 tournaments last year I was like how did you even squeeze that many in uh like how are you how do how do you figure that out is that like especially now that you’ve told us

You’re managing a couple locations how do you get all of that together you got somebody who helps you plan or what do you do all you it’s just me um my staff understands how passionate I am about disc golf they actually come out and play around casual rounds with me too

Now I’m creating the addiction early for them but you go they understand hey uh you have a reputation to uphold I think after moving to Alberta my first year in 2021 um on PDGA I was number one in can number one in Alberta wow wow so it took

Me one year to catch up to the other girls in Alberta and I know a lot of them would be playing since they were kids so that’s that’s huge but also I’m kind of psychotic and I don’t stop until I’m good at something that help well it’s it’s got

Its benefits it shows yeah yeah and tournaments are fun you make a lot of friends you want to see them again the only time that they’re ever going to see them is at DIS golf tournaments because if you’re going to travel to BC why would you not play disc golf yeah

Exactly exactly yeah um and the more tournaments I go to the more friends that I make and the more messages being sent are you going to this one I want to see at this one uh last year I made a couple a friend from Seattle um Adam

Alexander I call him I call him Chef because he’s a kitchen guy it was funny actually middle of his round at TCO I asked him what do you do for work Is It restaurant are you a chef he goes yeah how’ you know I was like you look like

It and I was like guess me guess me guess what I do and then he’s like you’re a programmer I was like excuse me no programmer nothing like it yeah but no we made sure that we’re um I’m I’m going to sign up for BC open so that we

Can see each other there when he goes up too as well awesome great so you played 13 tournaments last year how have you got your schedule planned out for this year you know how many you going to play this year think about last year uh I think

The year before that I also played around 13 14 tournaments yeah um I told myself I’m gonna calm down I’m only gonna do like six or seven um but they’re just too fun and they’re too hard like when the TDS come up to you like Wall-E you know and like ask

Them Meadows crew Jordan Allway if they ask you hey are you coming to the tournament I’ll save you a spot if you need to like make sure you register on time but if you can’t let me know right um it’s hard to say no it’s the

Community that sucks me in um maybe I’m ready to play great maybe I’m not but hey I’m gonna show up and do my best and have the most fun possible and everybody else on the card is gonna have fun as well for sure it’s gonna be hard not to

There’s a girl last year I joined Edmonton open last minute I think the last day of registration I signed up and she messed mesages me and she like oh great I can’t be negative missed positive on the card she like oh I shank my shot but you’re not OB

Though we need you on our card I think hey darl yeah absolutely I’m annoyingly positive but I was never always like this I used to get in my head a lot especially my first two years of tournaments right right yeah um so what made you change just uh like like a a

Mental thing inside yourself so like okay enough of the negativity let’s turn it around and use it for good um I don’t know how to say this nicely you guys can cut this out later if you want but female cards are a lot different than male cards okay absolutely yeah uh

There’s I feel like there’s a lot more mind games going on oh happened to me my first River City cup here okay um yeah a very seasoned player kind of just badgered me down to belittle me to nothing and instead ignoring it I was like I’m angry right so then obviously I started

Playing not that great and they started beating off my negative energy and yeah and I think I think it was like second or third round I finally was like you know what I’m going to switch this off I’m G just I’m just gonna have fun I’m just gonna have fun and because I

Was having fun it made them perform not as good oh great it’s horrible guys it’s I wish it was different but it’s just different on male and female cards if you haven’t noticed like 99% of my friends are all guys there you go well I

Was gonna say Terry was that I had heard in um I think I I don’t know darl might have been when I was listening to the park Pro um footage or something like that they were talking about that it was Casey was one of the guys they were

Talking to and just his feelings about kind of the Mind Games and stuff on a card and he was saying you know if you play hockey that’s a thing that happens guys are tripping at each other and they’re playing hockey if you play soccer if you play football that’s one

Of those things but for me personally I think that this golf is difficult enough as it is and you can be Your Own Worst Enemy and it really is who’s going to be the best person who’s ready the most on that day and Performing the best so to

Me if someone’s going to go and try to take you down one they feel you’re a threat is the first thing but two that justes doesn’t seem like it’s in the spirit of this Sport and this game because you bring out your best I bring out my best let’s support each other and

Let’s just see who comes out on top it shouldn’t be um I’m gonna rant here but it really shouldn’t be teasing each other like or not teasing each other but trying to get in each other’s heads how I play compared to how somebody else plays even though we’re on the same card

My shots should never affect their shots rightless it’s like tiebreaker one stroke final putt yeah you have to run it kind of thing right yeah so I was thinking maybe that the difference was the fact that we we’re just amateurs we’re you know all the amateurs out there are out to have fun

Right but maybe when you start getting into that no fpo level obviously there’s more on the C there’s more on the line right so did you find that that you only really started finding that when you starting to play professionally and not so much on the amateur cards I mean I

Know you around amateur tournament yeah I was going to say you didn’t stick around in the amateur um leagues too much but um there was tension in the amateur my first tournament too uh I actually missed a putt on ho 17 I believe on the final round and when I

Missed it somebody on my card threw their hands up in the air and said yes wow I didn’t see it actually the tournament central people saw it gotcha and so I think they were given a warning well the thing is is it just goes to show how good you were even at that

Starting point is that if people are feeling threatened from that and and and also too you’re already you’re not trying to be in their head but I’m sure you’re already in their head if they’re going oh good she missed it so that maybe I got a chance well you always had

A chance you didn’t need her to miss it to have a chance yeah it’s I’m taking I took this course for my job um it’s called Extreme ownership everything is your fault you should admit everything is your fault you could have did done something to make it a bit better even if somebody

Gets out of their car and just starts randomly yelling at you hey maybe you could have handled the situation a little a little bit better yeah do if you if you go into every scenario in life with that mindset you’re always going to improve you’re always going to fix something about yourself the

Personal development right but if you’re blame playing the blame game is their fault their fault their fault I lost you’re going to be stuck in that amateur kind of mentality forever yeah well and I’ve heard it too Terry and Daryl I’ve heard it said what you think about me is

None of my concern because it’s what I think about me right so you can think whatever you want it it doesn’t bother me but it’s uh it’s hard to live that it’s easy to say it here on a podcast when we’re not in the middle of a

Competition but but it is true I get that a lot too like people always tell me even at work um clients will come in and be like you’re really intimidating sorry I’m not intimidating you’re just intimidated yes sorry how you feel about yourself if you’re insecure about yourself with

Something that you’re hiding or something that you’re not comfortable with we seem to we usually project which is not good right and that’s where the life coaching mindset coaching and the nutrition coaching comes in awesome yeah so I want to bring you back to the tournaments for a sec so is

With the ones that you’re looking at this year do you have any favorite tournaments or one that you’re is like the top of your list you’re very excited to participate in this year um I just know that I want to do as many a tiers as possible I think I’ve mapped out six

Or seven eight uh Nationals is finally coming to Westside Canada yes so that one I’m really excited about wall these 100th tournaments I’m really excited about um I’m really torn between BC open and River City cup though BC open I get to see all my BC friends bigger playing

Field better competition better for personal development River City cup it’s my home course my friends here and I’m the defending champ for last year oh yes I think that was the first a second picture where I get to hold up a massive trophy just so I I I don’t know I think I’ll

Sign up for both and just based on how my game is going I’ll decide which one I’m gonna go to Goa this year’s goals um Podium as many a tier tournaments as I can nice well I I was looking too and I think it was was it La uh not this past

Year but the year before I think almost every tournament you were first or second there might have been like one fifth mixed in there or something that year so uh I I it’s in you to do it so I I wouldn’t doubt it would happen it’s a

Mental struggle we all get in our heads right like you said you it’s I’m thinking about the past oh I shouldn’t have bogied that hole everybody else birdied it and you really got to go what’s the next shot right that that you can’t undo

That hole so you just got to move on to the next one that’s something I’m learning too because then once I started to forget then I’m like okay I need to make it up now so I’m going to run everything oh guys I think there was a

Tournament for sisters the very the only tournament that was ever run there in Strathmore I caused a massive backup was a par five and instead of laying up my putt I kept running it and with my spin putts they just sail like 40 feet past oh no I think a nine puted

Wow W so stubborn I would not lay up I like it’s going to go in this time no it’s going to go in this time the next card was already more than halfway up the Fairway I could see Liam heberg sitting on his cart leaning on his

Handle just watching me back and forth back and forth back and forth so um taking your medicine is very important to in yes it’s it’s so amazing listening because I’ve had so many Revelations just talking to you we’ve only been talking for like 20 minutes but that

Mental side of the game like I always think that you know just golf is just a game of putting a frisbee in a in a basket but I know I’m I have a a um a velcro patch on my on my bag that says let [ __ ] go because one thing that I

Struggle not struggle with but I I don’t struggle with it but I know that I do it it doesn’t you know it’s not one of those things that brings me down but I know that I do it and I have to let it go is like you said you missed that putt

On the last hole not only are you thinking about it on that hole because you think I should have birdied it but every everybody else birdied it I bogied it on the next hole that you’re playing then you’re thinking about that hole so then you have a bad hole on that hole

And then you start thinking well that’s only a knock on effect from the previous hole right so getting out of your head realizing that it’s an individual game you can only play your own game and you know don’t worry about other things and just live in the moment or play in the

Moment yeah yeah and then you remember too right you’re like oh this is the same distance of that same putt I just missed oh no yeah exactly yeah love bringing yourself down yeah well that was it darl do you remember too the other thing we tried to do Terry I don’t

Know if it’s a strategy you’ll look at but we were doing with tasn and when we were in the battle six tournament we actually made our own scorecard so we said forget about the course’s scorecard we’re making a scorecard of what we think we can get and that’s what we’re

Playing to so that we didn’t let the pars get in our mind as much to say yeah this is a par three but it’s not for us it’s a par four for us so if we get a par three we’re happy but that’s not what we’re going for how many pars did

You put for whole three uh yeah yeah have how many part not very many how many is that tunnel shot right this is a par six yeah par six exactly yeah what you was saying the n the nine putts in that I was just in my head I

Was thinking of whole five atasu and Daryl just trying to get to the Mando pole and get around the corner yeah yeah yeah I think that was a good strategy making our own you know our own game plan that we knew holes that were pars were like birdies to us because it

Was a good score for us to get on that hole some holes we were like well this is birdie B so we should expect a birdie we’re okay with the par and then like you said some holes we were like you know what if we get a par we’ll be happy

But a bogey is what we’re expecting to get so that definitely changed our mindset going into that tournament yeah expectations yeah yeah setting them setting them appropriately oh and my issue too at the beginning was having too much fun too much fun too much fun Riley was like dude you’re not

Focused I was like right underneath the basket I was like I’m gonna turbo this in bounce right out oh no yeah but like yes that’s fun in a casual realm but I probably shouldn’t be doing that during a tournament yeah yeah but if it’s your personality if that’s

The way you are then it’s hard to get out of that right because that’s not being true to yourself that’s not being who you are you’re the Entertainer you’re the you know you’re the person that wants to try and not show off so so much but you know entertain or just do

That quirky little putt because you can that’s who you are so it’s hard to break that I guess where whereas yeah like as opposed to Jeremy just carefully dropping it in to make sure there’s no chance it falls off the rim or something like that the other thing that I’ve I’ve

Again I don’t want to say struggled with but I’m trying to change my the way that I play is playing shots that my team my card mates throw so if they can throw a high you know a long heer and it drops near the basket I

Think well I’m around the same range so what did you use okay yeah I think I can do that no just play your own game play the play the shot that you can play because it’s never going to work out if you try and copy someone else’s game

Very very true yeah so with tournaments coming up this weekend by the time our this is released it will have already happened but while we’re talking tonight the tunder toss is on Sunday and it looks to me well this is the third year of it or this rendition if there’s been

Ones before and it’s the biggest one we’ve got 21 holes we’ve got a fairly big Foo field as far as I would think for a local one uh yeah five and I’ve got them here as I’ve got we’ve got Brady we got Jeran coming in from

Saskatchewan right and we got you and we got Kristen and then we got Zoe so I’m sure you’re familiar with all of those players and are you pumped are you psyched you do anything to plan for this and knowing who you’re playing against

Or what do you do I wish I had more time to prep but that’s what Saturday is going to be um two years ago I got a slipped disc in my back oh it’s right when I turned 30 yay 30 um and then the year after that I

Separated the ligaments that attached to this bone here wow um so I lost a lot of power in my putts um this year I’m going to focus more on taking care of of myself I already tore my glute I’m in a little bit of pain but it’s I’ve gone to Phio acupuncture deep

Tissue massages they said I should be good to go I just need to continuing to strengthen right gotcha so working more working out wow but so have you used that information to kind of set your goals for the tournament or have you like what have you set as your own personal goals

For this first tournament of the season um no expectations no expectations and something funny I’ll tell you guys about last tunder toss so I won the first tunder toss that was in in4 uh and then the second tunder TOS I decided to make edibles the night before they were so

Good I couldn’t stop eating them so at tunder toss I was Greening out while I was playing I I was throwing up under the trees oh no I will not do that this year yeah Pro tip Pro tip good Lon are you okay and I’m just like I

Just want I just want to finish this round I’m like suffering but I couldn’t stop smiling I’m just like I just want to finish this round yeah so no no edible no that’s fair that’s a good uh good rule to live by I guess yeah yeah proor I rooting

For who is it there’s two girls that I’ve been really popping off and really advancing their game and that shout out to Jeran and Zoe every time I watch them play via Instagram or in person they are getting better by a lot yeah so huge congrats to them again positivity right

What you put in and they’ve been putting in a lot of work so so I’m very excited to see what they’re going to bring to the table this weekend well and with Zoe there just posted that she had her first Ace and if I’m right it’s on that weird hole that

We’ve got on the layup wasn’t it that one where we’re on the teapad sideways yeah out of all the holes on the course Daryl that’s the one she aced yeah yeah meant to be it’s meant to be right she she got her first a before I got my

First a and I’m not sad about it oh yeah so you’re still chasing your first Ace you had that cage hit you told us about have you had any other close calls uh tons tons um I think it was River City or drton last year I hit the band on

11 okay yeah yeah and was that 11 at uh do you think that was at Hermitage or Rundle at Rundle okay ni yeah so you you mentioned earlier about uh Lethbridge so spring runoff this year we’re planning to go down there can you tell us what we’re

What we’re in for there you mentioned about the wind no no floaty haer putts Jeremy that’s kind of my game Daryl that’s your game yeah well you said putting League the other night that cherry was forcing you to to spin Putt and you got 17 out of 18 you said I

Think so no get it right wasn’t it like 19 the first 19 or something was it Terry that one night with the coat rack wasn’t it you that got like 23 out of 25 was it yeah 23 out of 25 there yeah yeah so what can we expect at

At lethridge um wind is a thing wind is very very much there there is a water carry hole at um aperture aperture is very cute um it’s definitely you need a forehand and a backhand for that course or you be very stubborn and do turnovers like me but there’s lots of tunnel shots

There’s lots of sharp heer shots sharp anheiser shots and yeah it’s and the Nicholas Sheron is a it’s a bomber course the youed whole one is a par five like foot par five like over 800 feet right I think yeah yeah and it’s there’s

The road on the right side so if you get too greedy you turn your disc over you’re hitting Road Rash oh that sounds like um Daryl’s experience at norwester doesn’t it Daryl I thought you weren’t going to bring that up Jeremy but that’s okay yeah not just Road Rash you get uh

Truck crash I think as well right at least I didn’t hit a kid me anyway yes it’s moving along I think they also have three raised baskets oh okay that’d be interesting I’ve never played on a rais basket before I know you played at Rose Hill

Last TCO Jeremy which um is it yeah Rose Hill right with the the pyramid yeah so yeah and I didn’t play in um River City last year with the ray basket either so that’ll be interesting for me to put on that ra baskets um funny story all my

Friends laugh at me whenever I have to put at a raised basket because I’m known to putt mock 1000 at a rais basket and more times than not it goes over and as soon as it goes over you can see my face in the video look by

Like so uh don’t don’t CT mock 1000 out a raised basket people so can you give it can you give me some tips for putting in the wind up to a raised basket uh keep your disc flat and if you’re gonna have no aim for the

Band okay but if it’s a headwind don’t aim for the band aim for the cage okay spin putts always win in the wind gotcha spin putts for the king okay yeah well we’re we’re so excited we’ve already booked ourselves a VRBO we’ve got a place to St we’re just hoping that on

Friday when registration opens that we can get in that that’s the next thing we’ve done the same thing for Nationals as well where we’ve we’ve got a place to stay but we don’t have a registration yet but we’re working on it just got to set the timer you know have it already

Loaded so when the time hits you just hit register that’s it oh good tip I’m loving it so many pro tips tonight there darl that’s it that’s what we bring on for I think two years ago when I was playing Rundle League edj um a lot of us

Our tournament goers it was like mid round everyone’s like stop it’s 8:00 everyone register again they’re doing and like hey can we play through sh for their tournament so as long as you have a good group of friends that’ll remind each other and hey text hey dude

Sign up there’s only two spots left right you’ll get in well and Kristen had told us when she was on the show too like we we knew about dis Golf Scene but for whatever reason we’ never looked at that follow button and then once you click the follow button they email you

Everything if someone makes a comment on the tournament you hear about it so you’re you’d only miss by not reading your emails at that point yeah so that’s a thing I like I said I want to do like six or seven tournaments this year but I think on my Disc Golf Scene I’m

Following 14 tournaments right now that’s because you’re narrowing down so we we’ll see what happens and I don’t I haven’t gotten a chance to play The Lost egg tournament yet but I know I hear really good things about it they pump a lot of extra added cash in it

Which helps so I think I’m going to try to get out there for that one this year two if it’s not the same time as another a tier tournament nearby yeah I guess Terry has a different way of approaching which tournament she plays in because we’re just playing yeah exactly you’re playing

For the catch right we’re just playing for the experience and you know what we’re going to get in our our players pack right we just want to play different courses and want to just get out there and play more disc golf but for you it’s all about that it’s all

About the uh the green I don’t know how many discs you guys own but between my partner and I we have over 350 right now so I don’t need any more players backs that’s fair yeah have a problem yeah well and the other thing too we’ve

Looked at darl or we’ve talked about it is that there are Global Master’s points and other things that might be what we will see come up because I think in my mind I don’t know if Daryl’s quite on board with it yet but I’ve been PL I

Talk all the time Terry when we’re talking about the podcast I’m like we got to plant seeds Daryl we’ll plant seeds we’ll water them and we’ll watch them grow that’s what we’ll do so the one that I planted on him was I’m like you know world’s is uh world’s Masters

Is in Minneapolis in 2025 and The Preserve is not a long drive from there so and we get extra what do we get we we get early registration because we’re from Canada exactly yeah got lots of time to plan can’t see didn’t get time off work Jeremy’s very well known for

Planting seeds and I say it’s okay you’re planting all these seeds but you just got to keep watering them Jeremy so every week There’s a little bit more water that keeps planting on me keeps watering that seed yeah leave sticky notes on his car exactly so Terry we want to talk about

Sponsors and we know this section could go on a while because you have a lot of sponsors there’s a lot of people who wantan to want to be part of Terry’s Journey so we want to start with uh V for the first one and we are also too

We’re amateurs that we’re aspiring to maybe one day be a sponsor or some of our listeners are so we want to hear all about um your different sponsorships so you are the captain of the 2024 BR Ambassador team so congratulations on that yay thank you thank you tell us about

That what does it mean to be on the BR Ambassador team what does it mean to be the captain give us give us the lowdown girl sh a podcast that’s okay she says she’s sorry I guess it’s okay um VR so um I’m very honored to be

Team captain uh I think out of everybody I play the most tournaments so I know the competitive side of things um I’ve probably Gabe’s been playing for like ever since he was like four years old so he probably has more rounds than me but I think when I first started playing

Disc golf I cleared 500 rounds in one year wow full round wow so being an ambassador on the course people getting to know me me on boarding new people too I think that has a really big role in being able to lead a team um my social media presence when I’m active it’s

Non-stop disc golf content here and there I’m exploring different stuff too um I’m trying to get into Tik Tok as well but um voiceover I have a very unique voice I’ve been told by a lot of people use it gotcha so I’m trying to do a little bit more voiceovers for my disc

Videos too but I’m encouraging the team to also hey it’s okay to post right whatever your journey is you can even even post a Miss shot you know make something funny of it say hey this is my progress so far you you kind of want that paper

Trail because when you finally make it to where you want to be it you want to look back and say hey this is all the struggles that I had to go through to get to where I am today um BR with most of my sponsors actually they didn’t reach out directly

It was actually referrals from friends oh all right I think Brendan kudra which was originally on VR first and he had let uh Brenda mckinstry know hey there’s this girl Terry Hong she doesn’t have a sponsor yet and she’s out all the time mob golf there when I first started here

I was always like constantly in groups of like eight to 12 people like a this taking four hours but it’s hard to say no to new friend it was really hard to say no to new friends um so yeah referrals like word of mouth if you have

Good energy you’re a good person people are going to talk about you uh that’s how I got um reached out by PR was Word of Mouth awesome good we we spoke to Brendan um a few episodes ago and he showed we mentioned about the stickers he showed us the uh the the sticker

Sheet from 2023 he didn’t say he didn’t give us any insights into the 2024 he he kind of alluded to it do you know anymore is there going to be a 2024 stick sheet this year I believe so okay he better do itam this year um the whole reason I accepted the

Offer right was the sticker they’re really good the team when I talked to the team last year they said they had no idea he was doing those stickers too so it a surprise that he just did without even asking asking or you know like on his own um by the way sick

Mustache oh yeah he can he can rock the mustache for sure yeah yeah no he’s very honestly um very involved with the Disc Golf Community he just wants to grow the sport I know that he sponsored a lot of tournaments just for the sake of hey

Just let me help you guys I’ll give away some free prizes and stuff just so um just so more people will come yes so it’s been it’s been a lot of give give give on his end which I’m really happy about well and to with that as well

Terry we we just before the we had you on we were showing the contest prize that we have and part of it was we put that bindle bag in that I got from you just last night so he was able to give you a bunch of different items that you

Could then uh sell and and promote and use that to help you with your touring so you know just seeing that kind of support and even what he’s done for the podcast before and since we’ve had him on he’s just you can tell like you said he’s connect connected to the community

And all he wants to do is push it Forward yeah build courses get more people involved um he sent me a box of stuff to sell and there’s a little printing paper that says funds goes towards Terry’s tour funds sales goes proceeds go towards Terry T fund I

Didn’t ask him to do that we didn’t even talk about it he just shipped it to me and it just showed up that’s so cool wow volumes when someone just does stuff without you know bragging recognition about it hey look at me look at me look

What I’m doing they just yeah yeah yeah do it because he’s a good person yep yeah so moving on from BR your one of your other sponsors your disc sponsor is uh yakun discs yes it’s actually pronounced equin but it’s okay that was going to be one of my questions is how

Do you how do you pronounce it uh equin equin equin uh that was my first question to them when they did my video interview before I they I got onboarded um great brand cheap desks great quality plastic um again somebody from Instagram referred me okay somebody from South Carolina I believe SoCal

Instagram uh handle is Lefty Heiser but he actually got on their team first and they asked hey do you know any any ambassadors that would be good for us and he recommended me and they reached out nice fantastic and how long have they been your sponsor I I just I just

Signed on for the third year in a row third year nice yeah and I’m not as familiar with equin where are they based out of SoCal or where are they based out of Ningbo China oh okay yeah and then they they have uh uh so they’ve got a

Lot of stores that they’ve got their discs in here everybody who wants them can get them and they’re easy to get that way or yeah infinite provides it to a lot of the disc stores in Canada I think a lot of them go through infinite um yeah they’re great plastic

Uh yeah not doesn’t cost an arm and a leg um they’re coming out with like six to seven new mold so six to nine new molds every year too wow new plastic too they just came out with a new plastic called glaze it’s really nice awesome how does that work for you

Is it like an open bag that you can have is it a percentage like how does that work for you with the sponsorship I need to bag 70% okay B 70% um the discs here in Edmonton fly a lot different than they do in the states and also in China right

Right a lot of the drivers are way too beefy for me look at this little noodle arm so I love a lot of their Fairways and their mids and Putters gotcha so that’s where your 70% is focused yes yeah yeah nice do they have like a starter pack I

Mean I haven’t seen them in when we looked at Gander um they didn’t have any starter packs or anything like that can can you buy the starter pack through infinite uh yes you can okay so anyone just getting into the sport can definitely uh you know somewhere

Somewhere good for them to start with with that brand anyway yeah have lots of beginner friendly discs one thing that I really like about them is a lot of their discs have more shallow rims so for smaller hands females kids Juniors or just people with small hands sorry dude

Right um the small Rim really helps it really get you can get a good grip on it and you can really spin the disc and you have a lot of Flippy discs too which I love Hiser flipping discs it’s like it’s like wow it it always looks good when

You can do that right yeah yeah yeah so that’s one of my favorite things and just recently Gavin Beamish just signed on with them as well yeah another Edmonton Jr an upand Comer yeah he’s killing it he’s posting a lot of videos on Instagram he’s yeah yeah there’s

Going to be but he’s he’s only like 14 15 16 years old or something I don’t know how old he is but he’s backhanding over 400 feet yeah yes he’s gonna be one to watch for for sure this year just like even last year we were seeing him kind of coming up and

Placing quite high in some tournaments and winning tournaments but I think watching those videos he’s putting out and seeing all the work that he’s putting in I was at the Friday night clinics and he was there doing you know he probably doesn’t need the clinic part

But he was doing it anyways for the throwing and then he was going out and doing the hour of throwing afterwards and just throwing it across the whole field so I’m I’m expecting great things out of him this year and those are max weight desks he’s throwing

Wow yeah good kid excit well Terry last year with equin discs you actually had one and I’m assuming it was an equin that that actually had the Heiser bomb Hong stamp on it mhm and I saw I think you had one at putting League there still that you were hanging on to and

That was amazing it was wonderful I was like oh how do we get them and you were like oh no these ones are all done are you going to have some this year yes yay I’m gonna get more last year I literally sold out in two weeks

And I felt so bad so many people watch like ah guys I I don’t know when I’m going to get more um but I think we ordered I think through okds we ordered like 75 of them wow that was this year or last year

Was 75 last year 75 and you were out in two weeks yes whoa it was crazy it’s awesome so you’re planning to get more this year yes and I full permission to share what it looks like later yeah we may as well talk about that right now Jeremy do you want to

Talk about it right now definitely I’m going to pull it up on my phone that you sent it to me cuz I was like I was in awe I sent it to darl I’m like darl you’ve got to see this picture that’s going on this stamp is GNA be fire yeah

It looks amazing and how did you come up with that design where did that design come from oh man lots of um I’m lucky enough last year’s design was actually designed by um Sarah Candelaria she’s an employee here at fit theum he’s also a really good friend and

She’s like I’ll do it for you dude I love I love it she goes it took me three hours but it was so much fun she just keep sending me I just give her an idea like last year I told her I want a bomb exploding a basket and maybe

A flower in the background and Heiser bomb Hong and equin discs written somewhere so she put it all together um we did a few edits um mods and then finally it came together and said that’s the one um this year I’ve asked not only Sarah to help me design but also Tyler

Ho halter he’s a tattoo artist in Calgary yes he plays Golf and so do his brothers they’re all really golfers um he was more than happy to jump on board and say I’d love to help you design something uh we I think we designed like three maybe three different designs

Before I was like okay I’m finally happy with this one so thank you for your patience Tyler that’s it that’s it at the end of the day like you’ve got to be happy with it right there’s no point someone else’s um vision of it it’s got to be what you

What you want it to be exactly and and looking at it you know it’s iconic with your blue and pink and yeah you’re looking at it you know you’re going to look at it and you’re going to know it’s a Heiser bomb design right well darl and I we can

Describe it a bit like you know we’ve got a hand on there there’s a flower is I would say those are some clouds behind if I’ve got that right and then we’ve got your stamp right in the middle of the hand but the thing is is Daryl’s

Going to put it up because we can’t do it justice it’s just a it’s a thing of beauty so tell us if you’ve thought about it is do you know what discs this stamp is going to go on do you have any ideas or any preferences um hammers for

Sure because they were the first ones to sell out last year okay out of the 75 30 of them were Hammers and which what disc is a hammer H 2303 okay okay it I think when Tristan P he picked one up to support my cause he

Threw it on hold two at Rundle he’s like ah it’s just a little chipper it’s a putter right he threw it was on the other side of 18 Fairway he’s like that but it has enough stability that actually comes back too it doesn’t just turn over too which is really nice

But that’s one of their most famous um popular discs the hammer very reliable really good for forehand rollers too apparently nice nice I’m not Aventure enough enough to try yeah so for all of our listeners do you don’t have to give us an exact date but we’re all going to

Be chomping at the bit when do you think we might be able to get one of those in our hands and how would we do it we’re looking at April April yes how would you do it um it’s going to be on the BR website um I’m probably gonna have a box

Of them in my trunk into tournament um yeah hit me up on Instagram or go through the BR website as well you can do that great perfect yeah okay next sponsor darl next sponsor yeah we like I said we keep doing our research on you next up is tbox sucks

Yay again referal you guys all right we’re seeing a theme Here Yeah so I think Jerry and brownbridge first got sponsored by them um she talked very highly of me she honestly is a big rock supporter in where I am today um she has a really strong story to her first tournament

Ever I was at Sask open I think it was my first fo tournament I don’t know what I was doing guys I won fa1 I had to move up right right I had Mo um I was just I I went there with a buddy he teed off a

Lot earlier than I did so I just went there and I was actually just practicing my putts and throwing Putters on a gravel road where she was where her Kent was set up and she was she comes out and I just started talking to her oh hey how

Are you how are things going blah blah blah um and she has almost Tears In Her Eyes she’s like you’re the first person to actually talk to me at this tournament oh oh wow I like oh well when I come throw poters lost one so instant best friends she mentions

It often that that was the one of the first Community encounters that she’s ever had in the disc golf community and it just encouraged her hey if this person can be like that I can be like that other people should be like that we should all be welcoming everybody into the discol

Community yeah that’s awesome yeah so she was sponsored um and I know tbox Soxs they were sending me messages and they were also commenting on all my content being like we love you so when they announced that they’re taking applications I submitted and didn’t hear

Back for a while so I was kind of concerned and I was like hey just checking in on my application and they responded almost right away being like you already know we love you we’re just taking a time going through old applicant like okay thank you so much

Guys wow that’s awesome yeah well I was up at the oil sands open last year and that was actually one of the parts of the amateur player pack was a pair of t-box socks so they had done you know in in Fort McMurray at the rotary course downtown underneath the bridge they’ve

Got a big spray painted mural it’s very colorful it’s got a black bear on it and that’s what they put on those t-box socks so they’re they’re really quite cool so now with the sponsorship that you have with them is there gonna be a Heiser bomb Hong there Socko yeah there

Is yeah there will be I I want to collab with BR though so that it’ll have br’s logo and some sort of heer bomb Hong on there so that he can carry them in store too and I can go and fund raise them too as well man darl we’re gonna be like

Totally outfitted we’ll be hbh everything there you go you can bet your ass is gonna be caught and C can I say that on you just did you can bet yeah um it’ll be everything cotton candy color uh so for the people who don’t know me or haven’t

Seen me play disc golf all my discs are pastel cotton candy colored um and I even spray painted my cart at I one of my Lethbridge tournaments I stopped at JK discs to pick up a cart um and then I went to Lethbridge and then in between

Rounds I went and spray painted my cart cotton candy yeah cotton candy everything it’s easy to find fantastic never gonna get that mixed up and then I think we’re almost to the done the sponsors because if we miss any you let us know but the one that we know

Is your newest sponsor is Beast so tell us a bit about Beast disc golf because we don’t know a lot about them yet but what we do know and if anybody hasn’t seen it make sure to go and find Terry’s video where she was opening up her first

Package because I don’t think I’ve seen anybody more excited than you were when that that first package of stuff came in it was so pretty yeah so Beast discol they’re based out of the states they want to get more involved in Canada um so they’re actually working with me to

Make sure that shipping costs and duties isn’t going to be through the roof to be able to provide to Canada um they are also making custom jerseys and custom hoodies for me this year oh oh I forgot V Disc Off is also making custom jerseys for me this year

Oh that’s awesome those will be available for the public to buy as well cool so now with Beast disc golf are they everything disc golf are they mainly um clothing what do they do on the on that side of it so mainly shirts and hoodies gotcha yeah that hoodie that

Yeah go ahead Daryl no go ahead I was gonna say that hoodie though that was just it was so awesome yeah yeah there you go at wow for the listeners there we got a thumbs up and then with the the phone it gave us some fireworks and excitement it was perfectly timed with

With our conversation so so what I’m thinking is that all we need now is you need to get a a legging like Lulu Lemon leggings or something like that and then get the uh the shoe sponsor and you’ll be kid out from head to toe yes you got your

Jerseys you got your hoodies you got your socks pending oh there you go yeah I I thought you know just having the t-box socks and the discs in my hand was enough but now I’m going to be able to have a jersey a hoodie and possibly something else who

Knows um I actually got the hookup again another referral um for a vitamin company uh they’re the kinds where you like swab your spit and like you send it into them and they find out exact okay yeah they send you specific pills um so they are ready to sponsor me too but I

Just need to get my Tik Tok off the ground okay right yeah good stuff that’s interesting to certain sponsors obviously want you to be stronger on certain platforms yes yeah is that the only one that’s like that or is everybody else happy with your Instagram and and where else are

You on YouTube as well no yeah no no uh no YouTube um yeah so far just the vitamin company has just asked me to link my Tik Tok and get it as as high as my Instagram there you go that’s if that’s a challenge for you I’m sure you’re up

For it a it’s a lot of work guys I’m I’m the one that makes the videos and posts them too so I’m like ah what else what time I just need more time do they have sorry do they have to be separate from your Instagram or can

They be repost of your Instagram videos they can be reposted ah I will send you a link yeah well I was going to say uh Daryl you know what don’t worry about YouTube in a week from now you’re going to be on YouTube as well with this one so yeah there you go

Yeah well did we I I believe we’ve covered all of your sponsors are we right yeah all right well you had focused a little bit at the start there on Terry the coach is what I’m calling this section so let’s talk a little bit about fit theorem and kind of how that

Ties into your disc golf and just how everything comes together so you said you were kickboxing and you were instructing out in Saskatchewan and then you got brought over to fit theorum and now you’re managing both uh locations one in windamir and one in Sherwood Park I’m just recapping because I want to

Make sure I got it right yes my memory is good Daryl I’m still ma40 there you go yeah um so one of the classes that we do here I’ve actually seen a lot of Kevin Jones and Wicky Ricky Waki doing the same workouts on Instagram okay okay um for

Those people don’t know what animal flow is it’s like an active Flow Yoga you’re constantly either on your hands or your feet or all your hands and your feet but your knees should technically never touch the ground um and you’re going from one animal pose to the other some

People have told me it looks like capera or slow motion break dancing but it’s designed to a strengthen and lengthen all your tendons oh and B strengthen all the tiny little muscles that hold your joints together and people who sling discs your joints definitely pop in and out when

You throw discs so yeah those guys up that’s huge nutrition is huge too because if I’m malnourished I definitely don’t play as well in the course right we all have that one friend that’s like I’m losing energy oh I am so hungry I not playing good because I didn’t bring

Any snacks but yes yeah yeah so well when you said that with the uh tendons and stuff I’ve been seeing Tristan for my elbow because I had overworked it you know trying to play as many rounds as I could my body just wasn’t ready for it

So a workout like that would be right up my alley I I don’t know how I would do with it but I would be interested to learn more about it for sure it’s huge and just um you can gain uh height as well because your posture is getting

Better and loosening up all the tight tendons and ligaments in your body right that’s holding you back and your tight back hips wow so that sounds you know to your casual 40-year-old uh disco for that sounds like it’s a pretty intense workout who do you who do you um who do

You think who do you suggest that comes to fit theorem to get in better shape is it for everybody it is absolutely for everybody um we have a strength building program and we have a fat loss program um it caters to everybody we also have programs where people just get into a

Rout routine right they don’t really want to lose fat or gain muscle mass they just want to get into a regular routine we also have a program where you’re just building a better relationship with food because unfortunately during covid a lot of people started binge eating you know

Eating Disorders um what I find in a lot of the clients that come here they they they truly believe that if they eat less they’ll be less but that’s not the case it slows your metabolism down you’re losing muscle you’re losing water you’re you’re not losing fat you’re actually gaining fat because you’re

Slowing your metabolism down right and so they might be happy oh I lost 10 pounds okay but you lost 10 pounds of skeletal muscle mass and bone density and water yeah so now your metabolism is a lot slower you’re just going to keep gaining more fat so it’s it’s very very

Important it’s unfortunate that a lot of people don’t know um there’s a lot of lies out there on Tik Tok everyone so be careful yeah but once you get on there you’re going to set them all straight right exactly I just I’m a I’m a tough

Love coach I just say it how it is you know me I’m super blunt I don’t I don’t hold anything back I don’t code anything um but as long as like our core values here is really strong too that’s why I believe in this brand and that’s why I

Picked up my entire life in Saskatoon and I moved here the core value is to defeat mediocrity ignite human potential um and transform lives mind body and spirit now with those there’s six things that we need to do with every single act have these intentions with every action

And every every action that we do is lead with love it doesn’t matter how tough you’re being on somebody as long as you’re coming from a place of Love they know that they need to do it and it’s good for them right be a lighthouse every single one of the coaches here you

Are a lighthouse and there is a big sea of lost people not only are you the lighthouse for them to find their way but you’re can to also keep them warm nurture them take good care of them them and send them back on their way when they’re ready right right next one is

Grow or die during Co how many businesses had to switch to Virtual switch to take out switch to something right those businesses who refus to grow died yeah and fun fact actually we opened up this studio here in windir during Co wow it’s a huge risk for a lot of

Gyms right yeah um think big don’t just think about right now don’t just think about this shot think about the next shot the next hole the next par the next round right what what’s your goals going forward focus on the bigger picture don’t just be stuck in like today land

Yeah um self-mastery if you’re never if you’re not constantly working on yourself to be the best version of yourself right Fair yeah um and the last one is be coachable uh you have to be coachable if you’re not coachable you’re stubborn you’re not going to learn anything people around you just don’t

Want to be around you period if you’re not somebody who’s going to be able to take constructive criticism properly right yeah yeah well and Terry too is um if on your Instagram and that and seeing some of the before and during and after photos that you’ve posted like the

Transformation is is crazy like darl if we could even get half of what Terry’s gotten we’d be we’d be so happy yeah I’m very stubborn um and growing up I was really lean but I was so sick and tired of people saying you don’t understand you’ve never

Been fat you’ve never had extra weight you know you’ve never been big you’ve been skinning your whole life I purposely went and gained 30 pounds of fat and then lost it again just to prove a point oh wow that’s powerful too right I think that’s just like the stubbornness inside

Of me being like Oh yeah you want a bet yeah you you’ll prove you’ll prove them wrong right so I had so many Big Macs and Whoppers just to get was was that a good time in your life or was that a bad time because you know how

What damage you were doing to your body not damage but like how bad it was for your body I noticed I was angry all the time so even though I was eating like greasy foods that made me feel good temporarily um my patience was very low my stress levels were very high it’s

Just it goes hand in hand right you take care of your body care your mind yeah so if someone’s going to come in say d well I I’m not putting and I on the line here yet darl I’m not going to do that yet because I’m I’m scared no but if a dis

Golfer was interested in coming into fit theorem and they were going to participate in some classes and some courses what would they what should they expect like what is it going to be like when you come in 45 minutes of whoop ass so our our kickboxing class is 45

Minutes non-stop cardio right okay and then we have our strength class which is 45 minutes of basically non-stop lifting weights um and then the flow active flow you get lots of breaks in between because we understand that you can’t hold your body weight up for 45 minutes

Solely on your hands and your wrists takes a big toll on them right but honestly the kickboxing really helps with your cardio because who loses steam by second round third round right right and then the strength building too guys our backpacks are like close to 30 pounds sometimes with all that we carry

Yeah um flow Mobility making sure that you’re not super tight you’re not your shoulders not icing up your hips not icing up your back’s not icing up right so it’s just well-rounded good for everything um if you are ready to take that next step into your

Game and uh if someone’s coming in how often would they come in during a week what’s the recommended time is it up to the person or kind of if they’re just starting out or the recommended to keep going in the right direction is three times a week they recommended to for

Maintenance is one to two times a week depending on their metabolic rate so we have a here we can tell people’s metabolism oh do you do you have a um is it like a six week program a 10we program or is it just you come and you

Keep going until we tell you to stop we do so we have a six week challenge that onboards people into a healthier lifestyle I always tell people this is not only six weeks this is the beginning of the rest of your life so we want to make sure everybody has that mindset um

They’re going to be listening to the signs that their body gives them they’re going to be getting enough sleep sleep is so important for Recovery they have to drink enough water know that hey do you guys know how much the human body should be made up of

Water how much it should be it’s it’s high right over like 70% or something or even more is it or to 80% to 70% okay there you go majority I I see on average three to eight new people a day coming to check out the gym I’ve only seen one person

60% wow and I think we’ve had over 1,00 people who have done the six we challenge here with us every single person in the world is dehydrated when you don’t have enough water your organs can’t do what they need to do they start to fail right it also slows your

Metabolism down guess what guys water also lives inside your muscles you need it but it’s not just about drinking the water that’s going to help you increase your retention right if you’re drinking water right away and you’re peeing right away that’s actually more detrimental to you you’re flushing out your vitamins

And your minerals and your electrolytes um we got to look at the foods that we’re eating uh magnesium potassium for people who don’t have high cholesterol high blood pressure they need to be having some sodium because it’s part of your electrolytes great unless you’re high blood pressure or high cholesterol um we need

Sodium Salt’s not bad for you it’s only bad for you if you eat lot of salt and don’t drink any water right and it’s probably also all the fat and stuff in the hamburger that goes with the salt it’s not just the salt that’s in there

The stigma right a of people um and snacks people are constantly eating snacks that if you can’t read the ingredients without stuttering or you can’t something in the ingredients list you probably shouldn’t put it in your mouth yeah yeah and then with those six week um classes is that just kind of

Once one six week’s done you guys are starting the next one so it’s just kind of waiting for the right time to join is that what it would be or yeah so we depending on how many people are serious about doing it so obviously we want the

People who are the most serious because coaching 20 people takes a long time a lot of focus I’m actually just finishing a wave right now I’m coaching a total of 23 Challengers um they’re in week five right now they start week six on Monday um my most successful

Challengers have already lost over 15 pounds of fat each um they’re already down six to 8% body fat um and you can physically see how much Slimmer they’ve gotten and also how much happier they’ve gotten is a huge thing uh we always like to celebrate non-scale victories it’s

Not just about the number on the scale you guys that is so toxic that’s old school right how do you feel do you have more energy because if you have more energy you can do more and when you can do more your bosses notice you faster when your bosses notice you faster you

Get a promotion quicker right you take care of yourself you take care of your energy you take care of your mind um and the money will come huge yeah well you answer go ahead d i was going to say that’s also a different mindset as well is once you

Get into that six we program once you finish it you’re going to keep it going you’re not just going to do the six week and stop and think okay that’s it like you’re in that mindset you’re in that progression it’s once you get started I mean that’s what a lot of people have

Struggle with right I know myself I’ll throw myself under the bus um I so many times I’ll try and get started I’ll go out for a run I’ll get on the treadmill I’ll try and lift some weights and I’ll do it for a week or two and something

Will come up I’ll get busy at home or at work and I won’t have time to work out that day and then I’ll do it tomorrow but then that I do it tomorrow turns into well I’ll do it next week I’ll make sure I’ll get back on the plan next week

And before you know it four or five weeks have gone by and then you’re right back at at square one again right but if you can get in that mindset of doing it and keep consistently doing it it just becomes easier and easier and then it’s like second nature um without offending

Anyone in the world that laziness saying I’ll do it later I’ll do it tomorrow that’s not you talking that’s a fat talking oh you have more fat on your body it does slow your metabolism down which gives you less energy right right yeah I just had to have some water there

Terry now that you’ve been talking about it my that have you noticed I haven’t touched my beer since ha Terry started talking about this I’m like I want to drink but I don’t want to drink a beer anymore mind that change right so when people actually coming to do the onboarding for

The sixe challenge I always do a mental check with them um I get them to imagine you don’t do anything you go back to oh I’ll think about it thinking about it think go turn to five minutes to five days to five weeks to five more years

The clothes you’re wearing now don’t fit because they’re too tight you’re even more tired you can’t spend time with your kids you can’t keep up with them you get mad at them when they ask you to to play with them because you’re so tired all the time I asked them how is

This going to affect your home life and your work life oh not good right not good some of them start crying too I’m like he has a Kleenex box and then I okay let’s erase that forget about it forget about it let’s scratch it let’s go the opposite

Direction you do this program you do some sort of program I don’t care where you go you do something for yourself you have way more energy the kids are having a hard time keeping up with you now yeah you are doing so well at work you have so much energy you’re showing

Up early you’re staying late you’re getting so much much done at work you get home you don’t have to take that nap anymore before before you cook supper right how the clothes you’re wearing now no longer fit because they’re loose right How’s that gonna affect you as a

Person and then I asked them at the end who do you want to be because ultim it should be very obvious you choose who do you want to be yeah that’s awesome that’s so motivating hey girl too oh absolutely yeah it’s if we were there I think we’d already have

Signed up if we were sitting in the same place as you poor Daryl just staring at his beer I know it’s mostly water isn’t it yeah there’s hops in there there’s yeah yeah that’s some vegetable so yeah thanks for sharing that with us Terry because I I

Did didn’t know a lot about fit theorem and now I feel like totally educated about now if any of the listeners wanted to come down and check it out would they say that hey can we tell them that you know Terry senta or what would they do

Would they just come in and is there like a you’ve kind of alluded to it may bit of an orientation or just kind of discovering if this is really the right program for you we have tons of ads out on Instagram and Facebook um but we also

Have a page on Facebook and Instagram to you can reach out there but I’ll let you guys know on a cool tip the six week challenge you can actually get it for free oh wow that’s that’s more than a tip yes you are willing to actually

Commit to the full six weeks and do it properly okay yeah and do you find people are able to step up to that challenge uh well we do a phone interview first and then an in-person interview we’ve actually turned away a lot of people who we don’t think is

Serious and just oh I want to do it because it’s free and I have nothing else better to do doesn’t sound like you’re willing to work hard to get it right yeah and to make a change as opposed to somebody actually we have to like keep digging we

Won’t give up on them we’ll keep digging for about 30 minutes to see if they’ll actually admit why they want want to do it but if they’re they can’t admit why they want to do it then we can’t help them right yeah wow well that’s a different approach right because I would

Think like other places and other gyms all they want to do is they want to just sell a membership and get a person in and if you don’t show up that just means they can sell more memberships and that doesn’t seem like the approach that you guys are taking at all like you’re

Really wanting someone to invest in themselves and and to take on that challenge we only want the best of the best aka the people who are ready to do something about it um not the people who are like ah one day I’ll do it one day I’ll do it right because they’re not

They’re not mentally ready that’s where the mindset coaching comes in too right like are you actually ready to start putting time aside to do three 45 minute classes a week oh I don’t have time you have aund was it 172 hours in a week what is it 24 time 7 whatever that is

You’re telling me you don’t have 345 minutes okay can’t continue sorry yeah yeah it’s can I look at your social media time that you’ve spent on your phone in the last week and then I think we might be able to find those three 45 minute chunks for you right yeah or

People that just say like membership gym memberships are too expensive you’re spending 8 on a Starbucks every single day yeah eight times 30 that’s 240 bucks you’re there [Laughter] yeah that’s more than a gym membership per month for sure yeah awesome she’s making good case Jeremy she is yeah so

Everybody who’s listening definitely check out fit theorum and talk to Terry about it if you see her that’s what you know she’s got a number of different things going on and one of them is coach Terry and and it’s awesome to follow they call me coach military in class because I yell

At that is great I was say I could see that on a jersey we do have a third location opening up next year in St Elbert oh you’re just taking away any excuse for me Terry because that’s that’ll be in my backyard I’ll find you yes you I know you will

And and you’ll be running that location as well so you’ll have three locations that you’ll be managing then yeah regional manager for all three awesome regional manager fpo you know winning tournaments travel in the western provinces everything she’s got it all going on darl doing my best um

The best thing about this brand is we all want all the employees to do good too so we’re actually building an army of Future Leaders we do a lot of mentoring um there’s weekly meetings with people from the states uh the top performers top coaches

Everything they put in a lot of time to make sure that we get the proper resources that we’re continuing to grow too but tough love way not just giving us the information they actually ask us questions to make us dig the back of our brain and come up with the answers

Ourselves that’s awesome yeah I think that is a good approach right Daryl that’s uh don’t just hand something to somebody make them want to have it exactly yeah and I think when you give something to somebody they feel okay I’ve got this thing but when you make somebody work for something and they

Figure it out themselves it makes them feel way better it’s called um when you do that you’re not helping them you’re hurting them because dependent on you yeah right absolutely yeah amazing are you inspired oh absolutely yeah no abs spechless I am it because what you say

Makes so much sense and it’s it’s it’s probably nothing new that people don’t already know you’ve got to put the work in you don’t get anything for free you’re not going to get fit by sitting on the couch it makes sense that you’ve got to put the work in you’ve got to put

The time in it’s just whether people are like you said serious about it and whether they actually want to make a change themselves don’t get me wrong like any successful business out there or person you’re going to have haters right right so there’s definitely a lot of keyboard warriors on those ads

That we have being like this is fake you can’t do this blah like okay so their reasoning is oh I talked to a dietitian and that meal plan is not sustainable let me ask you something lowering your sugars eating enough calories but still being in a deficit and balloons sleeping enough water and

Moving to get some cardio how is that bad for you yeah that’s the key signs of everything right Science Sugar we’ve helped a lot of people who are diabetic they’re no longer diabetic wow right high blood pressure no longer high blood pressure anemic no longer anemic um mental side of things

Too we had a lot of people that are on depression medication anxiety medication no longer on the medication yeah when you take care of your body it will take care of you and a lot of different ways that you may not be expecting it to I just get really

Passionate mad because people keyboard Warriors like ha this is fake why are you trying to tear me down and my team down when we’re literally saving lives yeah go find a new hobby well it’s like put down the keyboard come in and then tell me I’m wrong get through six weeks

Of this and actually commit to it and then yeah go see military and then tell her to her face so you know what though darl if you were to do the six week program yeah you would you know she said this wasn’t the the main thing but you know your body

Would be looking good and you’d be ready for the beach in the summer and it might lead us to the next thing if you were kind of in Beach mode and it was hot and it was summerlike could be and she said that she’s opening up her third store so

While we’re talking about numbers we are going to swiftly move on to the desert island disect so coach military let’s say you were on this magical Cruise you were relaxing because you’ve got that beach B you’re taking the cruise you’re loving the Sun but unfortunately the

Ship goes down and you swim to shore but luckily youd show up on a 18 hole disc golf course and of course you had your three favorite disc with you thanks uh Tristan for ruining my intro now which three discs are you taking with you on T

Course well definitely my E Quinn ye putter it’s a 3300 um great for throwing as well veryy um nice that’s actually got quite a bit of stabil for a z z disc it’s got quite a bit of stability to it too um I think there’s a video of me doing a probably

Like a 40 50 foot putt from the knee at Wild Man low hanging ceiling from the stupid Evergreen smash that putt no problem on my knee um in which type of plastic I’m gonna press you for Plastics tiger because I like grip tiger nice okay and then for a mid tiger Ali

Jen okay okay I’ve posted a video about it it’s super tacoed but really nicely I can do a smooth turnover with it nicely it’s just a nice it’s just a nice disc on whole 16 I’ve actually hit the cage with it um straight up turn slight turn

Over hit the cage um and then for my driver I will probably have to go with the B so but I like the dragon line B okay so it’s a shinier plastic a little bit specific yeah um it’s 9512 okay so I can actually throw it

Almost as far as my distance driver so I don’t know why I’m yeah that’s awesome so let’s recap and you’ll have to help me out on the annunciations again so you got the ye yeah for your pter um oh I forgot what you had for the

Second one oh that was the one I needed help with sorry Jang oh the Jen yeah I think it’s like a nin tailed cat um so all the creatures on their discs they’re all mythical creatures by the way okay nice so probably it makes for some neat

Stamps as well then yeah that’s last one’s a b it looks like and the B perfect no just just what you mentioned earlier about uh Gavin throwing all max weight discs with we had carry on last week we were talking about weights do you are you you have a

Preference over your weight discs um I bought probably 50 discs that under 160 grams yes super fun to throw actually I think two tunder tosses ago um I’m GNA say I won just because I had this star 150 gram mamba okay okay super fun flippy disc but honestly realistically if you’re a

Touring Pro uh elevation is everything when I brought all those lightweight discs to DC everything flipped over I get so uh as as a casual player that wants to throw far yes lightweight discs are great but when you’re in competition I am moving back to max weight discs

Interesting okay yeah that’s good good tips again yeah yeah 50 death later yeah yeah well so Terry this is the part where we want to turn the floor over to you and I know we talked about the sponsors and that but if there’s anything that you want to shout out or

Talk about that we didn’t cover this is your time so go ahead and throw it out there I say thank you to all my followers and my supporters uh honestly I don’t think I could be where I am now without Mr Todd Kennedy uh at JK discs he’s been very

Nice and very supportive since day one and you know uh it’s hit or miss when you talk to guys on the disc golf course they can either be really nice or really creepy or both um I’ve never gotten that vibe from him so thank you Mr Todd he’s a Family Guy

Obviously um who else VR disc golf obviously there was a little bit of a falling out if you if you guys followed me I actually switched to okds Okanagan discol store um but since they’re falling out and they’re collapse uh uh V was very nice and welcom me back with

Open Hands arms hands awesome arms AR arms definitely not legs but hands um my Saskatchewan family um there’s a store in sasun called Escape Sports open I don’t think they have an online presence so they have tons of gems in there just so you guys know ever

Inap Sports open okay very friendly know very encouraging again they just told me like keep going don’t stop we love what you’re doing great for the sport great Ambassador um those words carry out a long ways especially when you new to a sport right yes I guess I should probably thank Riley my

Man when I met him I was a push putter okay and he taught me how to spin putt too on as well as LOL and Tyler butts um because I almost took the light bulb out in his garage like it’s just a light bulb there’s no cover was just light bulb and

I was like I was like oh that was I think it touched the light bulb he actually took me aside and he’s the one that keeps reminding me hey if you want to get better you actually have to go and do field work you have to stop

Playing in these groups of 10 people right that if you P me a five hour one round game yes you have lots of fun but you could have went and done field work for an hour and improved your game immensely that way um Tim pandon Mr President very nice and welcoming I

Don’t remember when I I first found out I was moving to Edmonton I was very annoying and I was messaging him non-stop on Instagram being like I’m new to dis golf but I’m addicted how do I join your league what do I do uh I actually drove from Edmonton sorry

Saskatoon to Edmonton right on time for Rundle League just to play and my entire life packed up in the Camry I pulled up to the parking lot and I posted in the Edmonton Disc Golf Scene hey I’m new um if anybody would like to play on my card

That’d be great but if not I’ll just stand at T boox one until I have someone to play with I don’t remember the third person I’m a horrible person but there was Sean hder oh it was gaty must be gatski Sean HRA uh Chad Gamlin and gaty all

Volunteered to be on my card for the first time fantastic he welcomed me into the Edmonton Disc Golf Community which was again very powerful because those are really strong players and yeah they do a lot for the community too right yeah Wall-E of course we have to throw w-e in there prob

I’m probably missing a lot of people but that’s okay no that’s awesome Terry well thank you so much for coming on the show um Good Luck this weekend in tunder toss and we are going to be hopefully in a lot of the tournaments or in some of

The tournaments you’re that you’re in so we’ll be cheering you on we’ll be supporting you as as as we can and uh we hope you tear it up this year thank you hey that was my nickname and slit tarry tear it up oh also fun fact I play all the

Sports all of the sports um I really like volleyball I was on a basketball team I actually was quarterback for a lingerie football team wow binton track slow pitch you name it all of it I found a slow pitch team in Edmonton so yeah so I’ll be so so pretty much if there’s

Sports going on we’re going to probably find you there yeah yeah the crazy in between all the practice rounds and all the field work and all the managing and the tournaments and everything else yeah why wouldn’t you have time to actually go and play slow pitch as well yeah it’s

Great yeah do you ever sleep I do I sleep six to eight hours a night and um I just watch I watch a lot of kramas too guys it’s really fun kramas there you go I just watch until I can’t keep my eyes open anymore and then oh that’s great awesome perfect

Well this was fun thank you so much for having me you guys it was definitely a lot of fun from this side of the camera as well thank you for coming and thank you for you know toning it down a little bit darl don’t waste that beer you still

Have to no waste thank you yeah he will not waste it do not worry awes thank you bye bye holy Jeremy I’m like so pumped up like I don’t know what I want to do now I want to go down lift some weights or something I need to take I need to take

A breather because I feel like my heart is going to pump out of my chest oh I know exactly what you mean it’s like uh we we plan these interviews and we kind of we get an outline and we get some questions and we we think we know where

It’s going to go and where we want it to go and and we did want to talk about uh you know coach Terry that was what we called that section but just you know the energy it was like starting at the start of the interview and just kept

Ramping up and ramping up and I’m like like you said is I’m just jazzed I’m ready to go out and go do something yeah no um such a positive person right no you know I’m surprised that she even addressed like the haters on the on the Facebook post or whatever because it

Seems like like she’s made of like Stone and the hater comments just bounc right off her like I don’t think anything you could do to bring her down yes and it’s you know we we’ve talked about it is we’ll be out on the course and she’s got

So much energy that we’re not playing with her but you’ll hear her on the whole next to you and immediately a smile comes to my face if it terries around I’m smiling I think my face actually hurts a little bit from all the smiling I was doing in the yeah no

Exactly and so like if there was any doubt in your mind or if you were having a bad day like if you if by the time you finish listening to this podcast like you should be geared up and ready to go you should be ready to take on the whole

World after those motivational speeches she was given yeah yeah you know what it is darl now that you say that maybe that’s what I’ll do is I’ll just have episode 15 uh ready and loaded good to go if I’m having trouble getting out of bed in the morning I’ll just punch it to

Whatever section I want in the episode and Terry can get me out of bed and get me moving it should be mandatory for everybody to listen to the coach Terry section before they start around a disc off yes exactly like get you in that right frame of mind but finally I was I

I should have said this to Terry so Terry if you do watch this back and you’re listening thank you because um one of my other like the first disc golf social media that I I started was um my DJ disc golf Instagram Channel and Terry was actually the first person to

Actually follow me oh wow yeah and it was like who is Heiser bomb Hong I don’t know they’re following me so I’ll follow them back and then that’s when I was introduced to Terry so yeah no I mean we knew we knew what we were getting when

We we asked her for an interview anyway she she brought exactly and 100% more yeah of what we were expecting anyway so um yeah a great guest yeah thanks for thanks to her just another great interview and we we say it every week like you said and we will keep saying it

Because the people in this our Disc Golf Community in Canada in Alberta all around they’re just great people and I’m glad that we can share their stories and share conversations with them with with our listeners I think it just helps to grow the sport and I hope everybody’s

Enjoying it as much as we are because we’re going to keep doing it yeah we’re only on episode 15 that’s right yeah early days well should We Roll Along and kind of wrap up this episode a little bit with a few things yeah let’s hurry up and get this episode

Finished because I want to go pumps myON uh you know what we can take a quick break if you want to go grab some dumbbells and you can just kind of do some bicep curls as we finish the episode if you like is it bad for me to

Say that the only bicep curls I’m going to be doing go for it all right let’s move winner League uh given a winter league update here this last week was our last we’re kind of coming to the end of winter league in Edmonton and we had our

Final round at Rundle this past week right and we mentioned at the start of the episode that you came out and we had a couple other people who joined the league for this round and the person with the best round don’t know did you already know or you want to guess yeah

You go ahead and guess well I mean I do know because I I Peak but it was only ever going to be one of two people yeah that’s usually the case yeah I had a 50/50 chance of getting it right so um yeah I know who it was do you want to

Say who it was it was of course Dylan Frolic coming in with a minus eight at Rundle yeah so now the week before he did a minus eight at Hermitage and then for his last round at Rundle he put down a minus eight and I think Tim put it

Best when he put out the post on uh the Edmonton Disc Golf Association page yeah and he said Dylan needs to be stopped so yeah who’s up for the challenge I don’t think anyone’s gonna catch him apart from Uncle Steve yeah I guess so well you know what our last two

Weeks though because we missed a week when it was really cold there so we have two weeks in a row at Hermitage now and that’s how we’re going to wrap up the league so I know I caught lightning in a bottle but come on darl there’s always a

Chance right there’s always a chance with all this extra positive energy I’ve got from Terry maybe I’m going to take that into Saturday and just knock it out of the park yeah I don’t see why not just like I say have this on repeat listen to it before you go out there on

The course and minus 10 is within your graphs Jeremy what’s the record what’s the record Hermitage right now for the league it’s the minus eight now me and uh Steve all have that same minus eight right so I’m expecting a minus n at least well and I’ve got that one

Advantage of this Terry energy that we’re talking about yeah because this episode won’t be out until after the round so maybe I’ll be able to channel it because Dylan listens to the show I know that so he’ll have it for the last week but he’s not going to have it for

This weekend yeah you got your advantage yeah so that’s good uh and then also too what did we got going on we did uh putting League this week I did make it out it seems like our numbers were down just a little bit there we had that um

Change dates the week before and we were recording so I missed out on that one that was just after Valentine’s Day but last night we did still have a fair amount of people show up my night wasn’t that great uh but you know who did have a great

Night take a well Wally always has a good time and he’s always good to be out there I think he might have had a good night but Tristan piss okay yeah yeah friend of the show friend of the show friend of the show yeah he went out and

The I think it was on his first round he put in all five putts from 35 ft wow and then I found out because we do the five putts at five different baskets for a total of 25 putts and you do that three times so he he ended up with 23 of 25

Putts oh from 35 fet no no just like from all of the five different baskets you put it all in that one round yeah 23 out of 25 then he goes into the next round round yeah and he puts 25 of 25 in the basket 25 15 ft 20 or sorry 55t 520

Feet 525 530 535 it was insane and I was like just the pressure of trying to put in that last 35f footer and he did it yeah wow that’s awesome that’s got to be a record hasn’t it I think so well we just uh any hit yeah 25 out of 25 I

Don’t think so because we just put up the latest results that BR put out of the Alberta putting leagues all of them combined together and um I didn’t see a 25 on there anywhere but I’d have to look at it again but I think Tristan’s

The first one to do it right wow that’s awesome good job Tristan must have been the exposure on the podcast we must have rubbed on I rubbed off on him somewhere we’re GNA we’re g to make up credit we’re not just taking credit we’re making up [Laughter]

Credit yeah who want did anybody uh Take the A spot or the uh the ace PT oh the Frozen Ace Frozen Ace so Quinn had it was funny Quinn hadn’t bought any tickets for the 50/50 or the Frozen Ace right and then at the last minute they

Were doing the last call and he’s like okay can I transfer you some money I’d like to buy some tickets okay I’ll buy a few of these a few of those that type of thing then we do the draw you know Brock does a big mixup of the bag and

Everything and then sure enough Quinn’s ticket comes out of the bag wow so he went he put a nice putt he did a good bit at it but I’m telling you once you put that champ cap on and I think we can flash back to what like episode two or

Episode three when Jeremy said you want to make putting harder just put a champ cap on there and you’re like I don’t know Jeremy well I’ll tell you you put a champ cap on there that’s gonna make putting harder for the pros because it certainly does for us so yeah yeah yeah

But no was good but but he didn’t make it no he didn’t make it he so he got he got five bucks and then I guess what they were talking about doing was on our last night we’re going to do three different tries so if the first person

Doesn’t get it they’re going to do another draw but it’s going to go down to like 75% of the payout then it’s going to go down to 50% of the payout and then if that third person doesn’t get it in then they’re going to split it

And they’re going to go 50% to edga and 50% to a charity so everyone thought that was a a great way to kind of finish off the Frozen Ace yeah absolutely that works yep so happened and of course Terry was there so yeah she had set up a

Game for us it was pretty much I was going to say it was very straightforward but it didn’t make it easier elevated basket no one of these weeks she’s gonna do the elevated basket Terry if you’re watching this how many weeks have you got left of uh well don’t take any advice from

Me I think you know what you’re going to do anyway so it doesn’t it’s doesn’t matter what I say but okay so very straightforward it was a straightforward putt it was it was a straightforward putt from 30 ft any way you wanted to putt so I went at it it was the only

Thing that was maybe a little bit more difficult about it was I don’t know if you’ve seen those practice baskets where they fold up and they’ve got more of a fabric bottom and a top to them yeah L 264 have a good a basket like that yeah

Yeah so it was that type of basket so for me it felt like the chains are a little bit of a smaller Target than than in a normal basket yeah but I still managed to put in I think out of my 25 I

Put in nine I think it was is what I got in so that was oh not not nothing to write home about right no not considering me just spent you know a couple minutes arguing whether you put in 17 out of 18 or 20 out of 23 23 out

Of 25 23 out of I was getting there you can put that on the bottom of the of the oh in big numbers 23 out of 25 with you know you get 23 out of 25 underneath a curtain rail in a tunnel forcing you to spin putt but yet when

You’re given any putt you want to try in an open area you get nine yeah no why am I saying it like that that sounds negative sorry Jeremy well you you know what the only reason that that that makes sense though too Daryl is because I think Tim did

Turbo putts he probably got nine doing Turbo putts and uh Wall-E did scubbers and I’m sure he got close to nine that way so you’re right if I’m gonna be doing anything in any tournaments I got to be doing better than nine out of 25

From 30 I think so well 30 feet I mean that’s I mean it just goes to show you how good you were at under the you know using those spin putts if you can get 23 out of 25 yeah where you know it’s not easy from 35 feet right so yeah yeah

Good job on your five foot difference well thanks for changing it around and turning it there okay all right well let’s move on to some Canadian Pro information that I was uh wanted to talk about okay and I wanted to say that first of all we talked about Miss frisbees a little

Earlier today and I was excited to see because um anybody who has been following Shantel she’s had a few things happen in her life lately she her dad passed away and then she had a a dog that passed away not long after that so

It’s been a little bit of a rough go for her there um but she’s kind of working through those things and she’s getting ready for the tour and she was putting out some new content so it was good to see she did a practice round she showed

Off the new towel the like the one I’ve got there and um it looks like where she’s heading down to is her first tournament’s going to be down in uh Waco she’s G that’s her first dgpt tournament yeah yeah no that was a good video I

Watched both of the videos her in the back video um I think that was on The Prodigy Channel and her like you said that practice round that she’s getting back into filming a bit more now whether she’ll do any of that when she’s down there on the tour but um yeah good to

See that she’s put stuff out there and that she’s doing okay again now and that she’s got some great sponsors behind her as well so you know she’s still young so hopefully she’ll she’ll just go she’ll get better and maybe she’ll uh have another good finish this year exactly

Well and as I was saying there she’s heading down to Waco for her first tournament I had also noticed that uh Max jnck that’s going to be his uh first tournament of the Season as well first Pro Tour Tournament right so another one to watch as we get to that point um also

Looking at Thomas Gilbert and what he’s got going on and by the time you’ve heard this one he will have just played in the first actual dgpt Tournament of the year which will be the open down in Florida Paul mcbeth’s course and Dylan CE yeah yeah and Dylan

Ce’s as well and uh Thomas has been down there for a bit watching his content because he was part he was watching the allstars he’s been practicing the course it looks like he’s been lighting up the course in his practice round so hopefully it translated to the first uh

Tournament as well yeah I think I don’t know if you caught the uh the post that he was putting out there but I think he had a really cool idea when he was down at the oldstar he wore these bright white trousers and was walking around

Getting all the pros to Sharpie and sign the trousers so he’s got a pair of trousers with all these different Pros signatures on it I thought that was a really cool idea yeah that is neat for sure awesome no and uh I think even just

Today he had one and I made a comment on it but he was like 458 what are you throwing and I’m like throwing up does that count so anyways that’s just my sense of humor yeah so the other person I wanted to kind of mention as well was friend of the show Joe

Henderson is it anybody that’s been on our show is a friend of the show yes that’s that’s how you earn friend of the show status okay come on the show you’re you’re friend of the show you’re a listener of the show you’re a supporter of the show you’re a friend of the show

There’s different uh I’ve got all these categories in my head darl that’s fine yeah put them on a spreadsheet let me know who you know where do I fit yeah co-host the show depends on the night I’ve actually got you dotted line to a lot of different ones

Right yeah so Joe is actually she’s heading down to Memorial in Phoenix and she did a little post where she was it was kind of a live one where she was packing her bag and just giving us an idea of what is she taking as an fpo Pro

To Memorial like she’s going to be TR traveling and she’s going to be flying or however she’s getting down there you’ve got to make sure once you get there yeah you can go go to a disc golf store but if you forgot your favorite perfectly beaten disc or you now made

The wrong choice and you wish you had it that’s going to be a problem so she kind of went through her bag and showed what she packs for hers and I got a few different tips out of that that I wasn’t you know necessarily thinking about

Before so nice awesome yeah I know she um also announced or she kind of uh um reiterated but I know I was watching um grip locked their their YouTube channel Hunter was doing a live stream and he mentioned about that they’re going through a sort of a transition phase where grip lock is

Separating from foundation and that when the season starts again they’re going to have like a preview and a review show of the different events and they kind of announced it on there and I don’t think Joe really posted too much about it but she’s going to be joining Foundation as

Their fpo correspondent so that’s going to be a big deal for her that’s going to be awesome to see as well yes and and she’s actually got one of the First videos out as well so I just uh I’d watched it and she was talking a little

Bit saying that the European fpos have come over everyone but Kristen and you know so it kind of that’s another sign we talk about all the signs of the season starting and what what offseason it is but when the Europeans end up Landing in North America yeah this golf

Is starting yeah I can’t wait yeah you know what we did uh not that long ago in an episode is we put out a secret word we did and I think we we had some good feedback we had some good engagement we had some fun too I enjoyed the uh yeah

The back and forth kind of like the secret word and how could we use it and how could we reference it yeah I think uh we should do it again Jeremy so if you if you’ve listened this far into the episode hopefully you’re you’re still pumped why wouldn’t you carry on

Listening it’s not like you’re going to listen to Terry and then turn off you’re going to keep watching yes you’re GNA have so much energy you’re just even if you wanted to stop you just won’t have the energy to you have too much energy to stop yeah so I’m

Trying to think of a a word that we can use we’ve got a couple of subjects we talked about today we could we could maybe you know use a word right from the beginning of the episode so we could say something around the prizes some giveaway or something like that yeah we

Could sneak another word in there maybe we could use military that would be a good word to try and sneak in oh I like mil I was thinking harp was what I was thinking harp could be another word but I I don’t mind military I think that’s

Going to be a good one let’s do it yeah let’s yeah okay let’s go military yeah yeah so use it any way you want to use it but uh that because that one there too is you could you can have fun with it because it can be about Terry it can

Be yeah about a lot of different things right so yeah exactly and for people that don’t know Terry uh her her first name is spelled t e r i so you can maybe incorporate that into the military as well if you want to do you want to show

That you really know if you listen this far into the episode so so drop us a comment use the word are we going to do anything with that [Laughter] darl if you if you do if you do drop a comment with the word military not only will we know that you’ve been listening

This far into the episode ah whatever you get an entry you get an entry you all get entries so if you do drop a a comment with the word military we’ll add your name to the um the prize draw as well and and why not while you’re what I mean

While you’re already listening if you if you’re taking the time to write in a comment you should already just click on that subscribe button anyway so you’ll definitely get entered anyway so help us reach a 100 drop the word military in a in a sentence don’t just put the word

Military because we don’t want anyone else to I’m sure people reading those other comments were like why is everybody talking about Monopoly there must be some reason why there’s saying it right but drop the word military you’ll get an entry we’ll get to 100 everyone will have a good time yes they

Will and when you get to when we get to a 100 someone’s going to win that prize pack that we put out there they’re G to have that harp Daryl yeah and they’re going to take that har it’s hard not to do it now isn’t it

It is it’s hard not to laugh we just we just love this we just know it’s coming I think everyone can join us let us in the comments we we keep talking about this off air but we have our you know we have our deep dark announcer voice we

Have I agree with you but you’re wrong or you make a valid point but you’re wrong we have the desert Islanders we have these things that we’re known for one of the things two of the things that we’re known for I guess one of the things that we’re known for at the end

If you watch this late into the episode is our is our outro let us know if you if you like it or if you hate it or if you think it should never go away let us know in the comments below as well try and worked out yeah bonus entry if you can

[Laughter] work if you can work in Military and why we should keep the outro into the end of the episode but Jeremy as you were saying yes and the other thing is is we’ll take all your comments into consideration but we’re having fun so we’ll keep that in mind as well yeah

We’re not gonna say if you don’t like it we’re gonna take it out yeah we just want to know how you feel about it so you’re going to have this harp you’re going to have this BR mini you’re going to be have in this bindle bag wait a sec

Oh yeah okay sorry yeah I was going to say I was going to say we did it last week but we don’t we last week we had a warship we did so seem to be rocking this stuff if you if you’re sporting all this BR gear yeah there’s only one place

To go play and that’s going right back down to camro exactly checking out that course that Brendan’s designed yeah and you’re going to stand up on a hole and you’re going to have so much good mojo with you standing on that teab bad you’re like you’re going to have all of

Terry’s energy yeah you’re going to have all of Terry’s energy as well so you’re going to rip that disc and there’s only one thing that Harp’s going to do it’s going to sail through the air probably make it clear over one of those water carries that uh Brendan was telling us

About yeah it’s going to go down towards that basket yeah it’s going to be honing in maybe on a slight Hiser just Cruise towards the basket it’s gonna hit those Chains It’s GNA crash right in there and the one thing darl yeah it’s not gonna

Do nope I don’t believe do it it could never CH out okay what an episode thanks everybody see you next Week


  1. Was trying to figure out Teri's super hero and I was thinking something Military, unfortunately that didn't work. I think MiliTeri would make a fantastic coach. Can't wait for her to open location in St Albert.

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