Golf Players

LIV Lessons: Bubba Watson – Driving | Episode 1

Two-time Masters champion and RangeGoats GC captain Bubba Watson has dazzled fans with his length off the tee over the years, and now he shares some tips and tricks on how to hit the driver in this episode of LIV Lessons.

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[Applause] hey guys I’m Bubba Watson two-time Masters champion but most importantly captain of the range goats GC that’s incredible just Sensational the range goats are going to take out the team title I hit plastic golf balls around my house all the way through High School My dad growing up he was the guy that showed me the game at age six um he wasn’t very good barely break a 100 but he he knew some of the things and he always said this is what got you here this is what you do why change it

If that means hitting driver every hole if that means hitting big hooks that means hitting it low high cutting it that’s ingrained in you now now you focus on the target you focus on the right shot that’s that’s all you need to focus on how do you combine all of that and

Somehow we come up with bubble golf I’ve never had a lesson I’ve asked people questions but nobody’s ever gave me a lesson showed me the right way to hold a club or anything like that and so I just figured it up developed my own technique and somehow it’s worked

Out I know I’m self-taught but I have a few tips to help you to make it simple make the game more fun when a driver’s working for me then I know that I have a shot at um pulling stuff off because I can shape shots from

The Fairway from out of out of trouble but I believe in myself so much and so once I get that t- shot in play then it’s all over from there the Masters Augusta National that Golf Course sets up perfect for the way I want to fade it off the tea and when I

Think about um coming down the stretch number 11 and 18 are my two toughest holes the way the the trees are the way the whole shape it’s tough for me and so you can’t focus on the future you can’t focus on what could happen you can’t

Focus on all the things going around you somebody birdied somebody didn’t birdie all these things you have to focus on that single moment you have a chance to to pull this shot off so the key here for me teeing off that starts your round but to start your

Round off the right foot what do you do Under Pressure the t-shot is key you have to have as little as possible in your head the whole idea is focus on the target we got a par4 we got water we got out of bounds so I’m going to aim it

Towards the out of bounds there’s some tall trees Tall Pine trees what I want to do is start it at at those trees and cut it back to the middle of the Fairway it’s not about distance here this is about accuracy and being able to hit the

Fairway amateur golfers off the te you need to find a shot if it was up to me I’d go with a cut my driver is built not to hook it so that’s from left to right I want it to fall to the left from right to left so that Under Pressure the first

T- shot when there’s crowds around or your buddies around and you want to beat everybody you have to have a go-to shot you don’t need to try to draw it one hole and cut at the next hole and draw it and cut it and do all that

Because that’s just too much my driver is built not to hook because I want consistency I want to know what it’s doing when I set up I walk into it looking at those trees I like to hover my driver and the reason why I hover my

Driver is because now I’m in the locked and loaded position I’m ready to fire if I set it here on the ground look at that I don’t even have to be set up the club is just there so now I’ve got to set up I’ve got to grip it tighter and then I

Got to swing remember the key here is Target those trees those trees I want my driver built just right for that shot and amateurs they shafts for every swing speed driver heads every kind of LOF CU you might be a person that has an impact like this where the face is closed or

Shut or Del lofted so you need more Loft when I try to hit it really hard my feet kind of move around dance around as we call it but I’m always pushing up and I’m not a big guy I’m not a muscle a muscle guy when you’re trying to hit a ball as

A 6-year-old or an 8-year-old you’re trying to hit a ball 10 ft further how do you do that nobody’s telling you to swing faster or anything you’re just figuring it out on your own to do that how do you swing it faster the only way to swing a club

Faster is real strong muscles or a Big Arc so what I’m using I’m using the ground as my Force so that I can get that power we’ve actually looked at my foot movement on my t- shots on my toes my toes are grabbing my toes are using

As much as as I can I’m using every part of my body to create the power and so my toes will grab the ground and then I twist on it and so I’m trying to use the force of everything using my legs my hips everything going forward so I can get more

Power I want to be able to just trust that the club is built for me to hit the shot that I want to hit I want to be able to get off that tea box pick up that tea and take a deep breath and say I hit the

Fairway the first few holes is just about getting in the flow of the game where’s your mental state and what you’re focused on and then slowing your swing down focusing on Target and getting that swing where it needs to be so you can be consistent one of my downfalls under

Pressure is I get short my takeaway is short and I get real fast through the swing and the ball doesn’t do what I want it to do and so for me it’s it’s slowing down it’s that it’s making sure I finish my takeaway so that I can finish my back

Swing as your body loosens up throughout the heat throughout the day pressure kind of wears off then you can start hitting your normal shot but right away on the first T it’s whatever you had on the driving range don’t try to change it don’t try to figure out where your elbow

Is or where your stance is or where the ball is you just got to go with what you have and so when I’m on the Range uh before round of golf doesn’t matter what round of golf it is it’s trying to figure out what I have that day so that

I can beat myself I can beat the people next to me or win a golf tournament weather and golf courses are going to dictate how you play the golf windy conditions obviously you want the ball to be a little lower you want to try not to curve it as much let the

Wind curve it and not you because then it doubles the curve cold weather the ball is not going to go as far so you want to probably add a club rainy conditions you want to try to hit it straighter too because with the face being wet the ball slides off of it

Bit funny creates some weird spins out there as an amateur has bad weather you just don’t play you take those days off the reason why the pink driver came about I thought it’d be funny to have a pink shaft and then you know my life my life

Changes a lot and one of the things that I wanted to do I wanted to give back and so the pink driver now changed from just the shaft to actual the head and so for me I wanted to make a pink driver head and change from just being funny to

Actually being a reason and that reason is Charity the origins was young goofball to where it is today with millions of dollars helping raise money for a charity so it’s grown into this pink driver bubble with the pink driver and that’s really why their pink stands out for me

Hope you enjoyed my live lessons


  1. I hear he’s lost a lot of points rankings and Greg Norman doesn’t want to be involved in the point ranking system so he wants to take his little golf club and plastic golf ball and cry often to the Australian outback

  2. Bubba's one of those guys where golf is 100% art and 0% science (the complete opposite of Bryson), interesting to hear both sides. And… interesting that both have had their peaks as the biggest hitters in pro golf.

  3. Bubba has always been one of my favorites to watch during a match. That said, I want my driver built not to slice.

  4. Honestly I had forgotten that he was a TWO time masters champion. I remember that incredible bending shot from the pine straws. But the second win, I cannot.

  5. Love the guy but that intro: ‘Two time master champion but most importantly captain of the range goats’ is exactly the type of liv sayings that make it stupid to watch

  6. 7:09 haha true😅 last day I went and it started rain and blow like on 4th and I didn't even putt, went home😂 anyways his shot in Augusta is still GOAT of all shots

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