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I Alexa stop oh all right welcome to a special Friday edition I’m so sorry to keep you waiting something is wrong with my streaming software here something it it was said I was live earlier and all right I had to get my phone out of there but watch the women’s game last night

So feels weird to me because I just did this and I thought I record the entire thing let me pull the chat up here and and I’m sorry to you uh Nichol stacker I thought I was talking to you in the chat the entire time and uh and apparently

Not let’s get that chat up there all right here we go watch the women’s game last night if you watch that on peacock absolutely fantastic game the IU women really came alive and that that’s what toughness determination desire all that stuff you really want to

Talk about that you want to see on the men’s team we saw it all for the women’s team and there were people lined up around the block to get into the game for hours and hours it was great to see Assembly Hall assembly hall during games

Like this if you’re there it is like a person almost it comes alive it’s like an old old woman like mother earth once they get so many people in that building and people get so fired up over the game you can see it just was really really tough

For Iowa to really kind of get in their groove in the second half Indiana took it to him and really did something denying the ball away from Clark on the outside and the way they were switching on their screens um so I mean Iowa obviously they run a lot of screens out

Top to get Clark the ball and to get get her open shots from deep and Indiana did a great job of they really switched a lot of those screens before the screen even came so they could get the next help person like out on her immediately and they did a great

Job of that I mean that’s what you got to do against a player like that Allah like the guy from Nebraska that killed us in that game the other night it’s like you got to come up with a plan you could tell that like Moren for Indiana the coach she’s genius I

Mean she can coach her team and get them to do the things that she wants them to do and they play with just a grit desire I thought Parish was huge in this game she had some play where she like know went right into the basket play had some

Really physical plays and then made a couple of three-pointers at some really critical times also Scalia was huge hitting some of those threes from the outside and that was just a game Cher and also her defense and how she drove the ball was absolutely fantastic was really really

Fun to see so and then uh garzon garzon yes her defense around the basket and Mackenzie Holmes defense around the basket was absolutely fantastic so we saw a lot in that women’s game and and watching that like the type of like Pride you feel when you watch Indiana play and they play that

Type of a game it is very very fantastic and it fills you up with a lot of uh but um yeah not too much you can say more about that game Clark got Hur she got 22 points and had um I believe it was nine assists three turnovers

And but for the most part in the second half they really took her out of her game and you could tell even at the beginning of the game there were times she was getting very frustrated I’m going tell you she gets more calls than Zack Edy does

And there was one call One play um uh in that right at the end of the first quarter where uh scalo was playing defense and like Caitlyn Clark just takes her elbow and pushes her like that and the defense the defense gets called for the foul I thought that was the

Worst one that was when I tweeted something out was like she gets more calls than Zack Edy what is this you’re that far away from the basket you just try to push somebody no sorry nickel stacker something with my software went wrong and like the It just I I thought I was

Live and I did a whole show and thought I was live and I was not so we’re here now we’re here now special Friday show um lot of stuff to talk about with there’s a video I just watched and I’ll say it’s made by Alex Torres and he is talking about Mike

Woodson is very worth it um let me see if I can find Alex Torres and but he brought us something interesting that that uh you know Indiana are they are they going to have their hand pushed by other coaches out there that might be available do you

Think that could present itself in this offseason for the hooers like if they have a chance to go get a coach they need to go get a coach and this NBA crap it’s just not working and that’s just obvious I think the athletic director and and everybody else involved has to

Look at it and think this whatever is happening there now it’s not working and I wanted to make this episode today to this live stream because you know sometimes I make these episodes and I have a lot more to say sometimes than what just was in the

Episode and afterwards I think oh I should have like I forgot to say this a lot of times I have note cards and everything going in but I try to make the videos like 12 minutes to 15 minutes long so not always do I have just the

Time to get everything in and uh I just try to get the most exciting exciting things but uh today talking about the who your women and then Ohio state is Ohio State going to go after Dusty May and that might be the that might be the one thing

That falls if they make him some make him some type of an offer I don’t know and I know a lot of people are on here saying you know we need Pearl or Chris beard or uh Drew from bayor or all these different guys like can we get these

Guys I really don’t know but it’s an interesting thing coming towards the end of the season here will that Force Indiana’s hand into going in a different direction um I had just a person and I’m going to read some of the comments today because I had a person comment about you know

How Archie Miller was given four years right God I can’t believe believe he was there for four years with the co stuff and everything it felt like two really frustrating years with Archie Miller and then to me see I went to the game um I I thought Archie Miller did get a

Really kind of a a raw Huggins as the new Ohio State coach that probably is um B uh sorry I lost my train of thought there but Um yeah talking about just how the end of The Season’s going to come on I mean if Indiana loses out and I don’t want to see that I want to see I mean in these last games you really want to see them be if Mike Woodson’s definitely going to be here next

Year I want to see some improvement I want to see to me right at this point and and this is what I think any good college basketball coach would do it’s like this season’s over you got to start developing the players Off the Bench Caleb banks no matter what if Caleb

Banks is going to be there next year you better put him out on the court right now so you can figure out if he’s worth it to spend your time working with this guy or if he just doesn’t want to be there I don’t understand what what has

Happened to him um I was at a game um no well earlier I was talking about I was Archie Miller how Archie Miller’s kind of like the co ended that one year and that was the one year we were going to get in the tournament that is what I

Was going to say earlier I went to that game uh I went to the I went to the Minnesota game that year it was like on March 3D and then a couple weeks later we played in the Big 10 tournament we killed Nebraska in the Big 10 tournament

And then then we all know what happened Co game the tournament got canceled everything got canceled so Archie Miller he was there for 4 years but it didn’t feel like four years I mean he had um he had the Co in there Too new coach no no more experient experiments I I can definitely see that you know uh one thing I know don’t going on and it’s kind of hard to like realize the Dynamics sometimes of these small schools but Dusty May has done a really great job at FAU at keeping all those

Kids there they they only play I mean like their uh Arena only holds 2900 people I mean every High School arena in Indiana holds more than 2900 people so dusty May’s ability this year I know a lot of people are saying like well he had the good year last year and now he’s

Really Str maybe struggling a little a little bit more he had to do a lot of work to keep those kids there because it’s FAU I mean you don’t think those kids would rather go to once they had some exposure they wanted to go to places like Kentucky or IU or you know

Where they’re going to get like the big time money and the big time because does FAU have a lot of nil money I mean I know that players can make money off their Instagram and uh but you know that that’s just the dynamic that Dusty May has been dealing

With this year after having some success and and that is what one thing that has really come to my attention after Archie Miller has been our coach here is that every coach that coaches at Dayton is successful is like the the conference they play in they have like one of the

Best Arenas to play in they have some of the best facilities they have some of the best recruiting as far as like the area around there they can like recruit and draw some players from Indiana and and things like that so Archie Miller’s success at Dayton you know should have maybe really

Been examined a little bit more and like oh thank you Michael click the Thumbs Up Button yeah this is an afternoon edition of Indiana Sports Connection this is your first time here hit that thumbs up button ring that bell every time I go live I’m here’s what my plan is with

This channel like when I have time to edit videos I’m going to make videos where I edit the videos when I don’t have time and Friday is a terrible time to put videos on YouTube so on Fridays a lot of times I think I’ll just like do like a live video

Because the the videos where I add more of this and more of that it may not seem like that much like on the screen but it takes like a ton of research and it takes a ton of you know really wherewithal I guess like within my own brain to really like put

Together the video sometimes um if that makes any sense and you know it’s a tough it’s a tough world out there on YouTube I’ll Tell You um but but yeah let’s talk about the coaching search like I mean right now is a time where do we think that

Once do you think if Dolson like a coach came available that he would you know if it was the right guy he’s going to like make his move to go get that guy because I think just at this point after this amount of time it’s going to

Be it’s about that time I mean it’s three years in and and you don’t want see Tom crean really benefited from have getting that few years where um you know we were so bad and we had the sanctions and everything so you know just so you know

It’s like that first Tom creen team they lost six games by 20 points or more and this team we have right now has lost I think five games by 20 points or more and it has it’s not a bunch of Walk-Ons So I’m reading these comments over Here yeah go ahead I mean Robert you are not wrong I mean if you hired Dusty May it’s there’s no Surefire way to know who’s going to be a good coach I mean really you think about Bob Knight coming from army as I mean back then there

Wasn’t the media scrutiny as much and all this stuff but that had to be kind of a risky move when you really think about it it’s like this unknown guy you know that played at Ohio State and then coached to Army a few years I I mean I’m just saying you know

He was a diamond in the rough really and he embraced that he embraced it so yeah Dusty May if he didn’t have IU ties I mean yeah he would just be another upand cominging coach um I think uh for me with Dusty May it’s his personality I’ve watched a lot of

Interviews he’s done and I’ve you know I I just I see a lot of his work ethic how he how he takes a ton of notes and how he really and and he can be a very intense guy I think your personality to be a good college coach more than in the NBA

You have to have a lot of like you have to be able to deal with a lot of different types of personalities where in the NBA you it might just be more of a job where you’re like you know okay like we got to be here at this time it’s more like

Structural in in college basketball it’s more mental because you’re dealing with kids that and now it’s even more I think it’s got to be more confusing for these kids because they’re coming into college and they have money it’s they they have they’re getting money from nil so it’s like not only are they

Like it it would just be you need even that much more uh of a person as a coach to be by your side to kind of help you deal with that a little bit at the same time I’m going to tell you like you know

I had a chance to play golf and Indiana and I went to Indiana to play golf and I was just too immature I mean I I was really I was working full-time and I went there on a golf scholarship and I I uh I mean I basically I got a DUI right

Away and then they put me on uh these sanctions like not sanctions but they they gave me these certain stipulations that I had to do and and I was just too young and immature I just did not care that much about everything that was going on with that and I just totally

Blew it so in that way I mean a lot of times when I watch these young kids I I kind of I I see their point of view I I wish I had somebody that when I was 18 years old that would have like taken me aside and

And kind of like explain some things to me in a in a different type of way not in like a i but but yeah it it is tough I mean these kids coming into college and now they’re getting this money it’s just totally different than it even was five years

Ago and I think that makes it even that much more difficult for somebody like Mike Woodson to be able to you know get through to these kids because he is older and and he I mean it doesn’t it’s like far removed from you know his time at IU but not only

That it’s just like the entire world has changed so much even in the past like five years basketball with the nil and look for me to just level with everybody here’s what I really think has kind of happened at Indiana so we have all this nil money

And and we have we have a bounty of n money and then we bring in Mike Woodson as a coach well I mean he’s got to be thinking I got to bring in these high recruits that’s what people want and in that way he really did that but also in

That way um I think Mike Woodson would have benefited more from being the coach if he was the coach at Indiana and that like the nil money and that wasn’t part of it even though when we brought him in it was like well we’re going to get

These NBA guys guys that are you know one and done the guys that are going to go play in the NBA then they’re going to come play at IU and then we’re going to be that much more talented and that all sounded really really good at the time

Didn’t it I mean I was I was drinking that same Kool-Aid at the same time everybody was really getting on that bandwagon and then um and then you kind of like fast forward a couple of years and you kind of see where I mean college basketball and and I’m ready for I do

Think this is affecting the game big time having all these people that have these like fifth years or these extra years that are given on so you got like guys like xaver Johnson that are 25 years old and I mean let’s face it he just doesn’t mesh well with these guys

On this team I don’t think Xavier Johnson even meshed well with the team last year but I think you just had better leadership on that team so like all of those things there there’s just so many things changing with with the nil in Indiana I think I

Think Mike Woodson when he came in thought uh well just having this this off season like bringing in some five stars that really I mean I was pretty excited about it in the off season I mean I looked at that way be’s tape and I thought I

Thought this guy he’s got potential and I mean he’s got um we has a lot more potential as far as like being a dynamic player in the NBA compared to like tjd or anybody just because of how he shoots the ball now we’ve not put him in any

Positions to shoot the ball or play where where I feel like could be more like Kevin Durant like I mean does anybody else see that it’s just like I see how he moves I see how he moves out there he’s just he’s not a guy that can

Be right around the basket with like big big centers because he’s going to get pushed around I mean he can rebound he can do that stuff but I feel like his game is going to be a perimeter shooting game and and that makes uh that makes it tough because then like

I’m really looking at at Mike Woodson and and really looking at when he coached in the NBA and and you can tell even at this point preparing kalle we for the NBA I don’t think he’s doing a great job of that because he’s not setting him up for shots you know if if

We is one player on our team that could do some mid-range work and and get some shots in the mid range like we’ve not really seen that you know we’ve not really seen him set people up that way get somebody to switch on to him so so

That he can get a shot he’s seven foot tall I mean a lot of times he will shoot like shoot from straight away or you know he’ll take a three but a lot of times those threes that like he takes and imbak takes it it they they feel

Like I got the ball here and nobody’s guarding me so I’m just going to like shoot a three that that’s not like always a great um yeah spend the money just look at the comments here spend the money get the best man for the job yes uh it’s it’s hard for NBA coaches

To um I mean if you can imagine doing a job like I sell mattresses you know so I mean and I did say in New York selling like buildings and uh things like that in New York re renovated buildings and to investors and things like that I mean

If you do a job every day like working in the MBA is a job where every day it’s travel and it’s practice and it’s workouts I mean that’s what in your brain that’s what you think the job is you know it’s like it’s just travel and this and that in college basketball you

Really have to like you you have to look at every single game in college basketball in the way of like okay Northwestern like I mean even back in the forever it’s like northwestern’s coming to Assembly Hall it’s a game where you got to find a way to motivate these guys you got to

Find things within the game and and then really get them motivated by that if that makes any sense I mean you got to like almost get under these kids skin like in a way you got to be like remember the last time we played them remember how yeah he schooled you all

Over the court I mean you know aren’t you going to do something about it that’s the kind of button pressing I feel like you need in college basketball and I don’t think any of that really goes on in the NBA now if you watch like the last dance and

All that with Michael Jordan I mean he like did that to the players on his teams I mean he was just like if you can’t handle this how are you going to handle the NBA Finals you know you can’t handle me being hard on you and practice

How are you going to handle that I mean that’s just kind of like a mindset where you go after something in a way where you kind of take it on like yeah we are not going to be ey of this we’re going to find an edge in some way or another

That we’re going to be able to yeah I saw this who your vodka too so yeah buy your who your vodka um that’s an nil sponsor oh my God it’s well they sell the game day logger at uh Assembly Hall too it’s like I don’t know if that that if that’s like

An Indiana owned company or just looking at some of your comments over here yeah you are right Robert um watching this team does make you want to start drinking again it’s just it’s a head it’s a head scratcher and tomorrow at noon against Northwestern no Penn State I keep saying

Uh you know forever in my mind it was like Penn State Northwestern they were always just like just complete Bottom Feeders like you didn’t even give like a a Northwestern or Penn State game a second thought um uh how many of you guys watch like vintage games on YouTube because I do

All the time late at night I just all the time there are so many gayen clavio has a great Channel on YouTube that and he does I’m sure it’s the G the same galin you know that does the back home network but there are a bunch of games on

There I really uh encourage you to check it out because it really yeah unfortunately Michael we’re in the most conservative State I believe in the entire United States so we’ll we’ll probably be the last to legalize marijuana but uh there’s one one other thing I want to

Bring up on here I watched this grueling Sports uh podcast I used to watch it once in a while and uh rizley was on there and uh they kicked him off of there and I’m just kind of curious about what you guys think about that because it was like

They kicked him off there because he was being critical of the team he was being critical of but I feel like you know what that’s what YouTube is all about I mean you want to this is like a more realistic version of really the crap

That we used to watch on ESPN I mean I used to sit around all day on ESPN I would watch ESPN sometimes for hours to just hear like a five minute blip about Indiana or a five minute blip about you know the Colts and it’s just like our media is

Like so much better now well I mean I don’t think you’re going to miss much of a game tomorrow I mean if the first game was any indication and I I I want Mike Woodson to watch a a film of how the women’s team played defense against Caitlyn Clark late

Yesterday like how they were switching was in a way where where they were able to get up on her before they were switching early so if you switch super early then you can have the person come from come from the other side you see what I’m saying that’s how we

Need to play defense on the perimeter we need to this nail slot Rim is not working and I’ve watched like 20 videos about it and I keep talking to people about I’m like well that guy he’s supposed to be there he’s supposed to be in like weak side help defense there but

So many of the guys they they never help I mean do you notice that in Indiana’s defense well like we guard a person and make them Drive Baseline and then nobody nobody’s there to pick him up I mean Purdue’s defense is like if you watch Purdue they they have a

Specific like structure where they play Ice defense out on the perimeter to try to drive those things Baseline so that it’s going to feed you right into Edy I don’t know you know what Mike Woodson he’s supposed to be a defensive specialist right and that’s what

I mean but if you go back and there is an article there is a 2014 article that talks about Mike Woodson’s defense when he was the coach of the Knicks and it was like they they uh characterize it as this switch every time defense does not

Work does not work and that’s what it is like we our guys don’t know when to switch and they don’t know when to fight through the screen and and that part of it is the teaching part of it by the coach I mean you got to

Be really detail oriented if you want to be that type of a defensive coach in college and and really it’s going to boil down to a lot of positioning I mean the only camps I’ve been to I’ve been to Steve Alford basketball camp and and all we talked

About was the motion offense like the entire time and all of the motion offense is about positioning and how the person is playing in front of you so if this guy is playing here then then you’re going to make this cut like like this and then

If this guy’s playing you this way then you’re going to go Baseline like it was all it’s all that I mean and and within that positioning it can get very confusing like you don’t know what you’re looking for but that’s where the teaching comes in where where you really

Have to stop practice and like show people like he was here so your move was here like okay there was one play in the Nebraska game that I thought was really telling of this Indiana team was uh Galloway drives Baseline in bako standing out on the wing but not on the

Baseline and and the guy the guy who was guarding him was in between Galloway and the ball he wasn’t wa he was watching Galloway with the ball he wasn’t watching inako it’s like all imbak had to do was take two steps to the right to make

Himself open and the pass was there he was G have a wide openen three-pointer but that’s not what happened like he stayed in the same spot he he was just literally was like asleep you know and I don’t know if you remember that play and and Galloway came over and it

Really just sticks out of my mind he was like yeah like move to like right there because that’s where the passing Lane was that’s pretty much like every single play of this team has made all season was like that it’s just like people in the wrong place at the wrong time not

Moving to the right play just just a lot of I am 4 won I started following IU um I mean there are pictures of me my dad and his brothers all watching the 87 game and I was like five so I mean the late 80s teams I like barely

Remember the teams I really remember the most um were were like 90 91 92 89 I don’t really remember I remember that being kind of a a big deal and I had some like shirts and things like that when like Jay Edwards and them came in and

Uh but I don’t think I just didn’t understand basketball enough to really be into it until I was about 10 when I was 10 because I mean this is like when I was 10 when uh when the 93 team lost to Duke that was rough for me that was the

First time I watched a team and I really wanted them to win it all and I really wanted yes Calbert Cheney and um and I remember that game I remember uh like this going to seem embarrassing but there was like five minutes left in that game I remember

Like praying in the bathroom and then like crying as a kid after that game just I wanted them to win so bad but everybody’s got there wherever you started but as far for me when I was like growing up I I dreamed of playing for bob Knight and

Luke Recker lived right behind me so you know I kind of thought um I thought I’m Gonna Make It Happen turns out I’m only like 5′ 11 so um you know I would have loved that I love love basketball I did play I will tell you um I played on

Daal’s high school team in practice only and this was I’m just going to tell you this story on here without rambling on and on and on too much but uh so Cliff Hawkins who was the coach of D Cal’s team I was doing baseball workouts like

All through the fall I would go to the auxiliary gym and I’d be there cuz I was really more of a baseball player and I would be there at like 5: in the morning and so like through like November uh well no it would be like

October November I was there and then he saw me there Cliff Hawkins and uh he was the coach of dcals team and he coached luk recer and a lot of good players that were at at dcal through that time and he saw me there all the time and he asked

Me he’s like hey you should come out for the basketball team and I told I was like I’m like you know just can’t jump I can’t do this so I didn’t he put me on the team and I just I practiced and I will tell you I realized right away I

Was just not cut out for basketball now my best skills when I played basketball were probably my physicality and you know just being just outright brutal with people and that’s really why Cliff Hawkins asked me to practice with a team he knew like I played football and I

Played baseball and he was just saw me there at 5:00 a.m. every every day you know pitching and stuff like that we had pitching mound set up in the auxiliary gym so but that was very overwhelming I like going out and playing on a high school

Team that was well coached like that I I can definitely see how guys that go from high school to college and go to that next level could really really struggle because I mean I played some high level basketball I guess but not on that level and that was

Just that was just a different type of basketball that I really was not involved in so that’s my story of playing high school basketball that was it so I I practiced with them for about six or eight weeks with the team and uh and then I told him after a while I

Was like you know I was like you know I love being here every day and you know I was still doing my baseball workouts in the morning then I was going to these basketball practices after school so I’d be there till like 7 o’clock and I was

Like man I just I can’t do this anymore like I’m just know I’m not ever going to be a successful basketball player and I think you know I’m not going to be a good basketball player I could shoot from the outside decently well I mean I’ve always I feel like people in

Indiana always you know learn how to shoot but you know once you really get into like some really organized basketball you realize it’s it’s a lot more than that and and you really got to be in shape and you gotta be able to do everything so I always think about that when I

Think about like Gabe CB struggling or these guys coming into Indiana struggling because that’s got to be even even a bigger adjustment I don’t think it’s as a big of adjustment I think Indiana high school basketball is still like the cream of the crop but but you know

It’s it’s tough I mean Indiana basketball is better than not Indiana hooers basketball but Indiana high school basketball you were right I mean the shooters used to be abundant I mean with the days like we used to have a team where was like you know ly was on the bench and Pat

Grant like we had guys where if we were if he was going to bench like two or three guys we could bring guys off the bench that were better than any Shooters we have out there now by far by far and just not there anymore just not not able to

Um have that confidence have that Swagger you know like BR Bob night had that I think he had that that type of swagger where it’s like his team came in and I think he took all the heat also I don’t think Mike Woodson’s doing

A good job of that I think if your team is playing bad as a coach um I don’t think sitting there and saying like well I got to get them over the hump is really really helping at this point and I know he’s said that like a million

Times that’s not just because he’s said that so many times why I find it annoying I find it annoying because there’s no creativity to anything he says I mean just think if this was going like this and somebody else was a coach I don’t I I would say there’s no excuses

And I say there’s no excuses to miss free throws and if you know what I would take a video if if people were going to you know rip us about shooting free throws I’d take a video of my s in Assembly Hall with all the music blaring and everything going

On in this day of social media if people are ripping you for like this is how we’re shooting free throws but we still can’t make them in a game like what what’s the deal with that you know what I mean I mean a free throw is something

That is like so automatic especially if you grew up in Indiana I mean I remember like coaches in like third grade looking at your free throw percentage we got to work on this you know it’s like and somehow we made him I mean God I I I remember playing with this kid

Ryan Johnson he was like a 95% free throw shooter and like third grade I mean it’s it’s not difficult it’s like hitting a three-foot putt it can get in your mind but if you have the confidence and you put the work in and you really really you

Know if you really put the preparation in then you have the confidence to that’s my opinion I don’t think they’re really putting the right type of preparation in and here is something I was thinking about the other day with the free throws and what I would do this

Is what I would do I would have every player I say write down your pre-shot routine on a piece of paper write down every action that you make during your pre-shot routine and why that’s important to you and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to shoot free

Throws we’re going to go around the room we’re all going to say what our pre-shot routine is out loud so that you can actually hear it out loud don’t say you know everybody’s got their thing whether you you know you know Steve Alford like did the socks thing and you know Steve

Alford said on his lips every time he shot a free throw gently over the front of the rim that’s why you could see his lips moving when he shot the free throw that’s the type of thing where you make kids think about something that maybe they weren’t thinking about

Before that’s what I would do write down all of your pre-shot routines tell me why it’s important to you come back to come back we’re all going to go over this and then we’re going to you know we’re going to talk about this and then you’re going to say these things out

Loud when you say things out loud it gives it more meaning and yeah offer was automatic Alfred was automatic from everywhere it’s like but that that was just one idea I had I think you got to be creative with these kids you do I would make them play

Defense with their arms tied behind their back I I would make them do I I would make Malik Renu definitely play defense with his arms behind his back here’s one thing I massively massively massively remember about like one of the first times like saw Knight at a uh

Basketball camp and this is exactly what he said he said you can either play defense like this or you can play defense like this and that is all but the truth it’s like you can either be a crazy man out there on defense or or you can’t just you can just beat

There you know I always remember uh uh watching those tapes of abery on the teams and he always his hands were always moving like there like every anything you can do to like distract the guy like do it you know and unbelievable but and I always like to get some

Nostalgia in on this show but it is getting to that time of the afternoon one uh the the free throws I feel like it is like a a it’s a symptom of like a bigger problem you know it’s like if you go I mean if you start having a lot of

Health problems and you know you start to have like this go wrong and this go wrong and this go wrong and this go wrong then like suddenly you have diabetes I feel like that’s what uh is happening with our free throws it’s like you’re so uh not buttoned up in so many

Categories that that’s just one that’s just going to like fly out the window I mean that’s just right now I am assuming that that IU is gonna lose out and uh and yeah uh nickel stacker I uh I saw your comment from earlier like tonight I have uh my nieces and nephews

Are coming into town they have actually an aou tournament over here which is crazy I mean I will tell you these aou teams they’ll play like four games in one day like I just don’t really think you get a whole lot out of that I mean I

I I never played Four basketball games in one day that’s just it’s Overkill it’s just not necessary but my nieces and nephews are coming into town and it’s my wife’s birthday this weekend so we are going out to eat so yeah I’m not I can’t do anything a live stream or anything

Tonight the the only hump is like Mike Woodson is the hump at this time he’s become the hump hump that’s all there is to it I have to go to the bathroom I’ll be right back Alexa play The Humpty Hump Humpty Hump inters Alexa stop Yep I have a daughter I am married uh I live in Huntertown on the north side of Fort Wayne actually and uh and yeah I have a daughter so that’s why I I don’t do like I would love to do live streams and all that I don’t have a basement at

This house so so um I would love to do like the live streams and set up like a whole real studio and everything so I could do all that stuff but just a lot of times late at night I mean I’m going to tell you I started this channel really like I would

Just be like after I did have kids and everything I I would just be watching these games late at night by myself all the time and a lot of times just me and my dad would just talk on the phone and I just started thinking to myself like a

Lot more people have got to be having these exact same conversations because the two of us we would just be like you know we’re just both like super passionate fans so when it goes bad yeah we get really upset when it goes good we get really excited you know that’s what

Life is all about anyway like you don’t want when things are bad they’re bad when things are good they’re good so that’s a big reason why I started this channel I was just like a lot of times I would just be watching the games and also I mean I just thought there

Was uh there were a lot of people out there saying certain things in the media or or wherever you know like I’m not affiliated with the media like you know Jim Coyle is or you know Kent Sterling’s affiliated with the media not I don’t think Kent Sterling’s involved like with any particular

Particular company or anything that’s controlling him or anything like that but uh but um yeah I just saw all that stuff out there and I just thought like you know the fans sometimes have a different perspective of this stuff like a lot of times the stuff that like me and my dad

Were saying in our conversations I’m like they’re not saying that on this show or they’re not saying that on this show and I love Jim Coy and you know I’ve met him a few times and I don’t understand I know like way back in the day he was in

The rodeo he was like a professional Rodeo man I don’t know how he got into this um just because I like him as a person and everything like that but I just I I don’t like I don’t see I I don’t understand how he’s on the radio though

I mean to tell you the truth truth like I would just think there would be a lot more preparation and uh but yeah Jim Coyle he is a funny guy I mean every time I tune into to him it’s uh you never know what you’re going to get and so in that

Way and and Kent Sterling I I started watching him too and um and then I realized that you know people my dad worked with watched him and stuff like that so um yeah he is good he is good on commercials every time I I I always think Jim Coyle reminds me

A lot of the there’s this skit that um Jimmy Fallon did on SNL where he’s like working at the radio station it’s like I always think of that whenever I just turn on Jim Coy and we’re back it’s 5:35 in the a.m down here at the station Jim

Coil coming at you uh we got the Andy Moore on The Andy Moore hotline coming up but here we are you know no you’re right I mean at the games like Jim Coyle he knows a ton of people and and yeah I would like to be connected

With him uh he’s messaged me a few times whenever we work it out like a time slot or something like that I would like love to be on his show and you know give me more exposure CU like I’m not I’m just some guy I’m just sitting in my kitchen

Here but am I like anything I uh built I built upstairs I spent a lot of time in New York I lived there from I moved there in 2009 and I lived there till 2018 and then I lived in Tampa Florida for three years before that and I worked

For an advertising company there but yeah the only thing I’ve been getting every time Jim Coyle he’s always saying there’s no way Woodson’s leaving there’s no way and I’ve heard a few people boose on his show and uh saying like well I don’t know about that because I

Mean if if if Indiana loses out it’s going to get really really hot in that seat it just is This is Indiana like we can’t be a bottom dweller in the Big 10 in a bad Big 10 like this year this year with I mean correct me if I’m wrong but

It’s like we’re bringing in these highlevel recruits this year and I saw this as a good year for Indiana to make a good step forward you know to be like right there at like number four or three with this team and then have like a good building block going

Forward that has entirely Fallen apart it’s I mean to think now there’s still a little bit left of this season we got five games and we’ve had I mean if you look back I mean Archie Miller had like a bad bad year and they won like their last four

Games I think they won their last four games to get in the tournament that year um of Co you know but then the tournament was cancelled but I mean in these last five games if we don’t see any type of improvement and even more than that if we start to see

Like kind of what we saw on that last game like a drastic Decline and then you kind of feel like guys give up on the team to me that holds a lot of weight you can’t be playing basketball in Indiana and the guys give up on the team that that’s really that’s

Really yeah you’re right yeah uh Jim Coy show having uh don fiser on there every Tuesday that’s always one my favorite segments to watch because of anybody in Indiana basketball that’s sat there for a long long time and watched it come and go and come and go like I respect his

Opinion more really more than anybody else’s opinion is Don Fischer when it comes down to what he says about certain players and what he said about this team has not been good has not been good at all and we’re even kind kind of like forgetting about some of the dirty plays

You know that’s kind of like we’re losing so much now kind of forgot a little bit about the dirty plays but you know it’s uh it’s just in a bad State of Affairs and yeah Don fiser I feel for him that you know he’s been there this y long and you know

He’s getting towards the end of you know what he’s gonna probably do at Indiana he’s in his 80s and uh he probably doesn’t want to see it end like this you know for himself going out as a broadcaster he probably wants to see something different you know so and

There’s no indication like he’s going to retire I mean he’s still going strong but um but yeah just his disappointment definitely definitely makes me think a lot about Indiana like when he’s that disappointed about it yeah and the people in the media they can’t like yeah Jim Coy can’t come out

On a radio show and say like Mike Woodson needs to be fired tomorrow you know I mean that’s why I’m on YouTube only it’s like you know yeah yeah I was surprised Allen got fired too so that’s what’s kind of made me think that Scott Dolson might pull a trigger on this

Because I didn’t think I thought Tom Allen would get one more year and and that football team it was terrible this year I mean normally I watch a lot of their games I watch just about all of them and there were some it was like after the Louisville game I felt like

The next game like they didn’t play hard you know that was the same thing with the football team really what’s going on with the basketball team right now they kind of gave up on the season and and you know when you do have that at a place like Indiana that is so entrenched

In basketball normally a change comes it really does because you have extremely invested fans you have extremely invested like just a base of people that really want to see something even beyond the football team like forget about the football team there are millions more that care about this so we’re gonna have to

See Alexa play Bang the Drum the byd but that’s going to do it for me today this is the best Drive Time song on the radio it’s Friday it’s almost 2 o’ it’s good time to get out there do something have yourself a great weekend talk about the hes more I may live

Stream the game tomorrow during the game um I’ll be at work but I still will be able to do it so we’ll see how that works out and until next time Stay classy out there who’s your fans


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