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WINNER INTERVIEW: Niemann Suddenly The Man To Beat | LIV Golf Jeddah

Torque GC captain Joaquin Niemann meets with the media after his LIV Golf Jeddah win to discuss his confidence level after two wins in three events this season and his mindset with The Masters approaching.

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Thank you welcome to our LIF golf J 2024 Champion captain of to GC walking you and congrats walk thank you thank you guys two wins out of three for the 2024 live golf season how does this one feel yeah it feels amazing he uh is yeah it’s

A super special moment uh it’s always nice when you win I mean uh I’m just more happy and more proud the way I’m playing right now and the way I play out there today it was a tough day it was windy I knew there was going to be some

Low scores so so yeah I’m super happy I’m proud of the way I’m playing I just want to yeah on to the next one you looked in control out there all day did it feel like that for you uh it was I wouldn’t say it felt that way all the

Moment I mean there were some tricky shots out there there were some tough holes with especially with this win uh last couple holes you know you have 13 14 15 I mean it’s a good finish and 16 also so so yeah I mean it felt like was able to feel the some pressure

There and being able to BU 17 he kind of chewed me a little bit until 18 so over to Mike Par the way you’re playing right now do you go into a tournament thinking you’re the man to beat now uh I mean at least that’s what I

Think you know I think that’s the way it should be I wanna i w to feel and I want to think I’m the best all the time and I think that’s the only way to to be confident and and play good golf so so yeah I mean if I think it’s something

That that you need you need you need to believe in yourself to be out out here playing this this competitive Golf and and and be winning tournaments so so yeah is this as good of a confidence level as you’ve had in since you’ve taken up golf I believe so yeah and yeah

I feel like he probably my best moment the the best the best I ever played before I I’ll say and yeah I mean I just wanted to keep going on the same direction I think there’s a lot more to improve and and I think I just need to be

Curious about that and and see how much I can learn there was one shot I think it was the t- shot at 15 if I recall oh that was beautiful yeah 15 is I mean the whole I mean i’ I’ve been playing here probably this is my fifth time and and that hole

Always kind of got my eye a little bit because normally I hit that low fade yeah and I’ve been hitting this low draw right now that I that is perfectly made for that one and I and it’s kind of like a shot that is not as comfortable to hit all the time

But I I knew that if I stick into into that shot the whole week or the three days I knew it was going to be the right shot and and and yeah it was it was beautiful i h a low beautiful draw and it was way down there in the middle of

The Fairway tight Fairway it was it was a great t- shot and my last question you talked yesterday about uh adjustment with your off the tea but you also kind of made of a adjustment with your putting stroke because you used to have that set up what can you talk about

That change yeah I used to feel a lot more my right hand when I’m pting so almost all my stroke was more fing with my right hand and normally I’ll grab it with with the right hand and kind of like pull it back just to kind

Of put my shoulders on a right line and now I mean since I’ve working with Eric the last couple month I’ve been trying to feel like my left arm is more dominant and it’s kind of feeling more of kind of like the bigger bigger muscles moving and yeah I mean now I I

Like to go in with my only with my left arm and just you know just feel like that’s the only arm that is doing the stroke and you feel like you’re better putter now yeah I mean it’s it’s been strey it’s been I’ve been having good weeks I’ve been having decent weeks but

I I I certainly think that he he been improving W Co that draw is working so nicely at the moment uh that’s going to be a big help at the Masters as well isn’t it I mean you always play well at the Masters but with that draw working

That could be just an amazing weapon in Your Arsenal yeah obviously there is a lot more I mean I probably hit 10 drivers a day so there’s a lot more shots going on on aasta so it’s not only that what I need I need a lot lot

More I need I need all my game to be on point but but yeah I mean that’s obviously a huge boost into into my game if I can keep doing the same and yeah try to hit that draw it will be helpful and H what was the best thing

About today you were able to call all the shots that you wanted to hit coming down the stretch would would you say that was yeah I that was my goal today you know it was try to to see all my shots from behind and try to go and hit them I never felt

Like I had one shot where I was kind of doubting or struggling a little bit sometimes I took a little bit more time on trying to see the shot but but yeah I mean it’s I think there’s a few shots that I I mean all the shots that I feel like

I went into and hit them they were confidence swings you know and some some of them they didn’t grab the win some of them they just came a little bit different that I wanted but but yeah I’m I’m I mean I’m pretty proud the way I I

Was able to see the the flight the ball flight and and being able to uh to hit them awesome thank you couple of questions in Arabic UMO congratulations this is um a from channel 24 Sports um he’s asking you about uh we’ve seen in the Life feed uh

That you will that you were talking with your caddy most of the time and discussing with him a lot of shots and a lot a lot of things how important was his role today yeah Gary’s role was was huge not not only today I mean during

During every day we play every day we we practice uh he does a good role I mean he he’s pretty good on talking me through the shots he he know how to read me pretty well and and yeah I mean I I feel like during those moments where

You’re under pressure and you want to keep doing better and and kind of stay more PR in the present I think I got to I got a and it’s something that I’ve been working on is trying to have more communication with my caddy during the round trying to talk about the shots

After I hit the shots what was wrong and does doesn’t even help not only helps our communication it just helped me to get some feedback of how I hit that shot you know so yeah I mean he’s been he’s been doing a great job and um yeah we’ve

Been doing a great job together the second question from is uh you’ve shown like uh a strong mindset today and and and strong nerves uh but how crucial was it uh for you like uh when you did really well in the second day coming into the third yeah it was obviously every day

Here is important especially having three days where you got to go low on all three of them to to have a chance to win and yeah the second day was important and I think is the most proud I am for for the the week cuz I I didn’t

Start playing my best golf and I ended up doing a lot of birdies at the end to have a chance into the lead so so yeah I think that Saturday round was was important to kind of put me in position and show me that I that you know that

Being patient has their rewards so so it was it was a it was nice to see that um this is Iman from s electronic uh newspaper uh first of all she congratulates you on the win and would like to ask you um about how uh important is this win um building uh on

This win in terms of the momentum and confidence for Hong Kong yeah it’s it’s G me a lot of confident and I mean obviously having a good week is always positive and I think I got to go back and yeah I mean get some rest look back into what I did

This week the way I played the way I hit the ball and and what I can do better so uh I think that was one of the advice I well not an advice but I I remember in myova I was with John on the press conference and he was talking about it

That when you when you win you you’re so excited that you really you don’t really notice what you did well and you didn’t do well so kind of make some it made me so much sense what he said that I mean he he was right so I I think there is a

Lot of positive things that I got to take from this week obviously because of winning and and see what I can do better for next week and yeah is I mean like I say also in Mexico I would love to be in this situation but having the three

Other guys here next to me it would be a lot more fun congrats wo that’s it good luck next week thanks


  1. Liv golf stinks. Have you tried to read that leader board on television? And whats up with that stupid music in the background. I don't know one person that has music playing while there golfing. Team play? Who wants that?

  2. third time trying to watch LIV golf tour event; STOP THE GARBAGE MUSIC1 STOP THE GARBAGE MUSIC! Love golf, love music. no way will i put them together!

  3. Your YouTube director needs to be fired why would you put up all this stuff before the match is even over televised through cw30. Soon as we woke up this morning we knew who won before the match even started! Please don't ruin Hong Kong like you ruined this match!

  4. Just want to say the LIV+ app is sh1t.. you can watch previous rounds only when they're streaming .When they're not, there is not any access to any videos!

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