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September 25, 1993 – Seekonk Speedway weekly racing

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September 25, 1993
Weekly racing
Seekonk Speedway
Seekonk, MA

Originally produced by Johnny Mercury Photo & Video
Video provided by the ProNyne Motorsports Museum

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[Applause] S on Speedway the action track of the East here we are at the end of the season this is our last Saturday night race our next big race is October the 10th we’re pleased to have Dale quarley with us tonight Dale we want to thank you for taking a few minutes out of your uh i’ to be a busy schedule spend a few minutes with us uh we know you’re you’re a super bike racer and uh

Want to ask you a few questions about what brought you in spot conv race okay uh I can probably answer that pretty simply that uh years ago when I started racing I started in the go-karts and my father actually owned the go-kart mini bike shop and as time progressed you

Know we winning national championships in the cot and running all over the country I wanted to do something else and move on I really wanted to run the cars but at the time I couldn’t really afford it so I decided to uh go motorcycle racing it’s something I can

Afford it paid the paid to win races it just you know one thing led to the another and at the end of three years I was number seven in the country so at that point you kind of couldn’t get out and I’ve been in it ever since all right

Now with all the success you’ve enjoyed motorcycle racing why would you choose now at the top of your super bike career to come into stock car you know I think one of the reasons is is that uh over time I’ve kind of showed people that as a privateer someone trying to do

It on their own that you can be competitive against the full Factory machines we won a a national Superbike race this year and you know we’ve got a nice looking truck and holler and motorcycle team that while I’m on the the peak of my career and have tons of

Medeia attention what I wanted to be able to do is move over into the cars because I knew I’d be able to sign up sponsors a lot easier while you’re on top you know when you’re doing good people want to help you’re doing bad nobody wants to help so while I’m doing

Good I’m trying to move over okay now you kind of robed me out of my next question because I was going to ask you if it was easier to get sponsorship coming over the bikes you you know what what has helped me here at seon is uh

You know we’ve got two two to three primary sponsors right now we have uh ever’s Auto Pars in Brockton Mass we have uh Peterson machine right here in stoen and we have the team itself which is the New England racing team you know what what has happened is because we’re

A top running team and the sponsors knew that we’d show up at the racetrack and present ourselves in a in a respectable fashion and be able to be competitive on the racetrack that they wanted to sign up with us you know I didn’t have to

Talk them into it all had to do was present them a package and they said yes okay now has has has the quality name helped you in your transition as far as getting along with your fellow drivers the officials the fans uh I think what H what kind of happens

Is some of these questions are hard to answer in a small phrase but what kind of happens in that case is yes I do have a decent name you know I’m I’m known in the motorcycles as being real aggressive you know what I mean I think nothing of

Pushing on somebody body to body at 180 M hour you know uh so kind of what has happened is when I came to the race cars everybody here knows that yes you can drive motorcycles but the first week I showed up in the car I mean not only did

I have a hard time driving it but the car didn’t handle either so you almost the driver’s almost more to n you because oh you’re this big hero over here but you’re terrible over here you know what I mean so on one aspect it hurts you but on the other aspect a

Couple of weeks later we started to get our act together and because of that now it seems that the drivers know that they can run side by side with you not worried about it even though you’re only 3 or 4 weeks old in the race car they

Know that you’ve been Racing for 10 years you know competitively so at this point you know I think anyone here in the pitch will run with me side by side okay now you’ve stated all along that you still consider yourself a rookie in stock car racing how long have you been

Racing stock cars well I rented my first stock car off of Robbie Crouch’s dad Clarence in 1986 I think I drove three act races for him that year uh it was 86 I bought a a car off of Dick Trickle in 1988 I think we ran that 13 times

Between 88 and ’89 but then we got back out and I didn’t get back in until halfway through this year which is 93 and into the New England racing team and I for Thunderbird so I basically probably have 20 shows in you know in my

Life so you are really are a rookie yeah uh now uh there are major differences between motorcycle racing and stock cars explain some of them and also what do you find to be the biggest difference to you personally the biggest adjustment you’ve had to make I would say it’s

Basically this simple when I’m riding the motorcycles a I’ve been in it for years so I know how to make the motorcycle handle and I know that within two laps no it’s not right and I can come in and fix it and I’m what makes the motorcycle team really be

Competitive against the factories because I’m really good with suspension and knowing you know what to make motorcycle do but in the car I don’t know any of that you know if the car is loose I can’t come in and say hey it needs a spring it needs a pan out it

Needs a stagger I just have to tell the crew chief and let him do it so that’s one problem I have on on the other instance with the race car the motorcycles go so much faster that my level of thought is much higher than I think most of the racers here at seeon

That when I’m in the race car Everything feels real slow so because of that I can’t come in and tell the crew chief John McKenna what is going on with the car in more detail than he even wants to hear you know and I think the on the

Flip side of that the hard part of the race car is when you’re in the motorcycle it’s not handled right you can do body English to make it right you know you can put more weight on the front or more weight on the rear or left or right you

Can move your body around and move you know 100 lb in all four directions when you’re in the car when you’re strapped in all you can do is a little footwork but I mean you might gain 3 to 4% with footwork you’re not going to

Gain 20% you know when the car is out the lunch you can’t make it even competitive it’s just you know you can’t do that much footwork even D ear High can’t do that much footwork you know okay now you’re kind of reading my mind too because my next question was you

Race the speeds excessive 200 M an hour race crosses all over the world yeah uh now you at a qu mile RAC track when you’re doing uh does it feel like you’re racing and what is what is the difference as far as you know the feel of the race one of the

Differences is you know it it’s pretty easy to figure that the motorcycle is 3 ft wide that mean the car is 7 ft wide so even though on a motorcycle track even let’s take a place like Daytona you know we go over start Finish Line 172

Mil an hour we average like 105 miles hour at Daytona but the racetrack is 70 ft wide well I’m only using 3 fet of it so you get three or four of us side by side it’s no big deal we’re still only using 7 ft of a

70t racetrack you know so it’s really no big deal there’s plenty of room that kind of jockey yourselves around but here at seeon you know the racetrack’s 40 ft wide the cars are 7 ft wide and you get two cars side by side they’re really about eight by the time you do

The rub rails you get two cars side by side there’s not that much room left that’s the hard part about the car racing here and as far as the speed goes yes the speed is a little slower but on the motorcycles just like when you watch on TV the motorcycles

Are you know two or three guys are running up front then there’s three or four guys maybe third fourth fifth sixth a gap and you know some more guys and then the rest of the pack at seeon and at all the Stockard tracks you know there’s only 210 between 24th and first

So even if you’re running good you still have 10 guys ahead of you 10 guys behind you and as you move up there’s nine guys ahead of you but that just puts more guys behind you and then you know they’re always right there so you mess up on the motorcycle you might Breeze

Off the racetrack or overshoot a turn a little and you mess up here there’s 20 guys ready to kill you you know that’s the hard part knowing that even though the terminal speed is slower the sensation of racing isn’t you know there’s more things happening here okay

Dale uh you have you have your motorcycle reputation and I’m sure you could get sponsors and race just about any way you wanted to why would you choose a qu mile facility likey car way to come the race he guys had mentioned earlier in ‘ 88 we bought the race car

From dick tricko and I didn’t think it was going to be that hard the learn set up I’m real good at suspension I’m you can basically explain anything to me once and I understand it you know and I know it except for going to school to get that but anything but that you’re

Going to explain it once and I can do it uh that I thought I was going to be able to buy the car within a few weeks have a a grasp at least to be able to qualify for every show and have a decent run in

It little did I know I mean there’s a thousand combinations you have to learn and it changes mean the weather changes 10° and those thousand combinations get thrown out the window and there’s another thousand so because of that I had a stop for a little while and I

Decided my best way to learn would be find a good local racetrack which seeon is actually one of the best on the northeast find a good local racetrack they had a good fan turnout was vans come uh press which is you know what I’m looking for and then I’d be able to run

The same RAC track week in week out have a good day have a good night go home and be able to work on it you know and one thing that seeon does it’s that’s much saror to other racetracks is they have Thursday practice days you know they

They might not be every week but they’re every couple of weeks and it for someone like me I mean it’s just golden to be able to come here with no major pressure no nobody else out there and just try whatever you want you know if I singing

Into the turn so hard that it doesn’t begin the turn so what there’s not 20 guys out there ready to kill me and I can really find the extremes of you know the race car okay now you raced four wheels and two wheels what is what is

The difference in your approach for the race what is the difference in your mental approach and your physical approach how you prepared for a race uh you know as far as mindset goes which which would be how I word it I basically look at it like

This you can only do what you can do I don’t care who you are you can only do the best you can do on that night even nhart doesn’t qualify on poll every week you so alls I do when I sit in the race car is just say to myself okay you’re

Just going to go out and do the best you can do whatever that is and that’s all I can do you know the crew can’t yell at me cuz I didn’t qualify cuz I did the best I can do know there’s other nights where I should qualified that I end up

Finishing second or third in the heat from starting 15 I just did the best I could do on any given night and that’s all they can ask okay a few minutes ago you mentioned that uh first race was a horrible race the car was up the lunch uh you went you

Weren very familiar with the tracking uh how did you feel after that race and what has made the difference in uh when I get out of the car it’s actually sming because I loved it you know I love the I love driving the race car I love racing I’d race tricycles if

I could uh when when I got out of the race car I was happy I was happy because I took a 2-year layoff we showed up satday night with a brand new race car from front the rear and at the end of the night we qualified not only did we

Qualifi we made it through the night without an accident so I was actually happy because of that you know I did the best I could do that’s all they could ask of me and I think what the big turnaround was when I had said before that just we have Thursday practices at

Secom uh the drivers you know like Vinnie and uh those gentlemen are more than willing to help a rookie come up and you know teach them how to drive so I went and talk to other drivers and they explained different things they do and things not to do which is even more

Important and just between the practices and the Saturday nights and talking to the drivers and having a crew chief like John McKenna fixing the race car between the three things just every week I mean kind of double what the car goes like every week there only one week since

Then we actually went backwards but the following week we came back and GE we you know we finished dates from starting l so uh success isn’t always winning on the racetrack sometimes it’s more important to get respect from your fellow drivers from PE do you believe you’ve attained that J

It I don’t know if I’d actually worded that uh I’ve earned their quote respect I think what I have earned from the fellow drivers is the fact that they know that yes dley can drive a race car yes that I do know how to race and that no I am not

Going to give them an inch on the racetrack you know if they want it they’re going to have to earn it like everybody else so I don’t know if that would be quote respect yet but I think they they treat me as an honest race car

Driver and if they want the spot they’re going to have to earn it just like I would have to earn it from them okay yeah race car drivers are always quick point out that they’re only as good as the team behind them can you give us a little insight on your team

And your sponsors and what what they’ve done for your refence so far uh you know my team is New England racing and they are everything you know I could not have done this without him I have the sponsors and yes I might have the talent but without them I couldn’t even begin

To leave the garage John McKenna is an excellent crew chief we have the body man and his wife that come and work on it every night they have to put a bumper on it about every weak a front one anyways and uh just you know my my uh

Mechanic Daytona Mike those guys are everything you know you you could not do it without him uh who would the sponsor our you know our two primary sponsors would be ever’s auto parts of Brockton Mass and uh FH Peterson machine out of stoen mass and the team itself to Eng racing you

Know everybody is uh just like we said before I mean that car would not leave the garage without him team and one final question before we leave uh what’s the future uh stock you know like everybody else I’d like to end up running Winston Cup you know I’m running Winston Cup now

Which is called the American Motorcycle Association Superbike series I just need to move over into Winston Cup you know at the moment I’m down here running the secon stuff and that’s helping me get that learning cve back up to the top uh We’ve earned you know some respect this

Year and hopefully that’ll help carry me in the next year we’ll get them run a couple of bush for National North races maybe I can put together a full season for 95 and then we’ll just go thank you very much it’s been a pleasure is there anything else you like to tell No beautiful oh good you got that Beautiful That’s awesome can he get it close up and can he get that close up at all can he get a zoom on that or anything he has he got it down okay coming around right here beautiful think you and I believe the street stocks are going to come out it’s Joe cadero and

Car number 43 from T and Rhode Island on the pole with Dave Titus in the 68 from Ado as the AL service center pack Pirates Atlantic Alexander limo sponsored car number 68 guy Workman in car number 80 from West Greenwich NAPA Auto Parts Joe Service Taylor Motorsports holl Dorado Rhode Island

Drive Shaft sponsored number 80 guy Workman Dean Petty from mased and the 119 the free toown sand and gravel CSA Chevy auto parts with the 82 of Scott sundine from East Douglas the sundine furniture Standard Auto wrecking sponsored automobile the 123 is rust B 100% of this best bck you’ve ever

Spent oh we got Debris we got G Workman in the 80 out of control as that 68 automobile of n Titus is working over the 43 of Joe Cadera trying to get into the lead Dave Titus holding his own up the outside gadera a little bit wide and the yellow comes out as the

42 is in a bad spot the 42 is in a bad spot we got a piece of debris on the fourth turn right up against the wall number 68 as Dave Titus comes around and jumps ahead of the 43 Joe Cadera Dave Titus and Joe Cadera really battling it out this

Time and the goose Chris Robbins goes around backward straightens out gets going again I think almost all right the 68 has the lead that’s Dave Titus Dave Titus in this tricolor number 68 Joe caderas holding down that second spot the 119 of Dean Petty and something just blew out of one

Of the cars look like somebody’s tax returned some to forms there all over the back Scott sundine in the 82 is moving in strong as we pass that halfway mark we continue on with that 68 automobile of Dave Titus in the lead well Joe cadira gets out sideways and straightens out

Again as Scott sandine gets under him and he carries the O2 back with him as he uh looks to gather it back up again as the 68 just keeps on Rolling Along two laps to go two laps to go 14 up almost against the fence as he’s almost the lap down hold on

Look to excited now one more left to go here and Dave Titus in the 68 started on the pole and is going strong nobody’s getting anywhere near him now the double zero of Jean Weston is putting him whoa he got caught up behind the slower car and he has to get

Back in line here we come for the finish the winner is the 68 automobile of Dave Titus second spot went to the 119 of Dean Petty and I think I’m not sure who came inside I think SC in need was in Third and one of the things he forgot to do was take the rubbish out of the car when he got to the track because it’s now all over the second turn and one of the gentlemen that uh you read every week in Speedway scene the uh editor of Ron Cornell’s column is Ron

Canel thank you very much Jim I’d like to welcome everybody out to the C speedway tonight rolling out onto the track is the Second Street Stock heat second or four I believe starting on the pole is going to be the number 05 of Ed Plante in second

Position is going to be the number 67 of Nancy Sherman in third we have the number four of Robert Cola in fourth it’s the okay Ron manfredo brings him down it’s the green flag Mr Plante is going into the first trim looking for that first position side by side the old five

And the four down the backstretch I don’t even see around here three wide is the 89 the 49 and the seven three wide the 89 is getting shuffled back he’s getting up into that high Groove he can’t quite cut it up there he’s getting shuffled back let

Shuffled back about six positions in uh about a half a lap looks like it’s going to be the number four looks like it’s going to be the number four taking over the lead we have the 97 heading for the pit it’s number 97 of James Thomas he caugh the there he

Goes he gets it going he gets it out of H’s way this Heat’s going to continue it’s been a side bys side battle out front between the four and the 05 lap after lap they’re working each other over they want that win in the back you got the qualifying positions

With the 99 the 49 and the 03 black CL 15 I think of the number 13 got the Black Flag that’s Ron Lum on a Rand off Mass he’s going to have to head to the pit area get whatever his problem is straighten out it’s the halfway point

The number four jumps out to the lead at the halfway point after a side by side battle the 45 is working his way up front the 13 is way off the pace he’s going to have to head to the pit area he’s been showing the Black Flag twice

Fuel sneaking something from the rear of the to it looks like it might be fuel we have the 89 smoking going through the turns he looks like his right rear tie is rubbing against the fender the 13 gets shown the Black Flag one more time Ron manfredo wants him off the speedway

Two laps to go for the number four we got a bumper up on the third turn and the caution fly is going to have to come out so we can clean up the debris we got an action over here the 78 to get it jumbled up over

Here a nice even steady Pace they’re going to get under power at the line and Ron manfredo calls him down it’s the green flag number four jumps out front and it’s the 45 diving in for for the second position it’s the 45 of Scott he started

In the 11th position and is looking to take over the lead he Dives underneath the four of Mr Cola with one lap to go he’s going to take the lead folks he gets it at the line with one lap to go excellent race up front one lap to go

For the 45 he pulls it off down the backstretch in the lead it’s a 45 of Scott Estrella here he comes under the checkers right out sideways and across the line for the win that’s Scott Estell out of ROV Massachusetts next excellent run for Mr Estell well thank you Ron canal and

Ready to go with the third one I’m trying to get this tootsie roll down yeah you shouldn’t try to tackle the whole Tootsie Roll in between there isn’t enough time between a race Chris Rooney from Smithfield rhod Island the 108 the Columbus doors Reds auto salvage automobile will be on the

Pole long side rest is going to be Tim ausus from Plymouth and car number 60 the South St Jeep and Eagle carry auto F and Auto automobile Richard Wisher from war Rhode Island in the 29 car the AR Wisher Rhode Island ambulance Michaels Towing in aragan RH Island sponsored car

The Tim farara automobile car number 15 Rumford discount oil anr Racing Engine starting in full Missy 87 TSR specialty in construction Cara torman should be out there too yeah there’s Cara bringing up along too Cara torman from Mansfield okay it’s the 108 who jumps out to early lead the 69er Roger s takes

A wild ride through the infield we’re going to watch and see if he’s going to be able to get his automobile running again doesn’t look like he’s going to you see some smoke coming out the exhaust it looks like he’s going to be able to get under the way at the 29 up

Richard Wisher looking to take the lead he Dives to the inside Billy Henrik at the 41 makes a three wide slides to the turn gains about three positions if you can get hooked up on the outside here at see Speedway that’s the fast way around there he goes the 41

Way up to the wall pulling up alongside of Jeffrey Waterman we have Richard Wisher in the 29 out front the 87 slides down through the dir the 41 of Billy Hendricks is now working over the rear end of the number 120 of Jeff Waterman the 24 and the 81

Tangle up into the wall the 24 just stops just bumps the wall slightly I don’t think he’s going to have too much damage from that contact although he did take a wild ride over the left front of the 87 maybe there’ll be some damage to his right front but it’s not because of

His contact with the wall he managed to get a slow down and just tap it in the 120 and Kenny maret in the 11 and Richard wishes bringing them all down for the green flag and it’s going to be a green flag this time around Richard

Wisher jumps right out to the lead the 15 of timara looking to the bottom of the 108 the 108 closes the door they’re looking to make it wide as Jeffrey Waterman goes to underneath Kenny moriset into turn three it’s the 120 and the 11 battling it out for that fourth

Position Jeffrey Waterman is uh getting a little bit held up I Believe by the 15 and it looks like Kenny Marset is going to be able to Power by on the outside watch for the 120 to go up to the second Groove and follow suit two laps to go for Richard

Wisher we got the 60 on the backstretch with some slot of a me mechanical problem that’s Tim Augustus on a Plymouth Mass he’s going to be heading to the pit area I believe he’s got some sort of a mechanical problem we got one lap to go for Richard Wisher and the 108

Brings her around coming out of turn four faces traffic 38 hit the wall 38 came out of turn four a little heavy and tapped the wall he’s got White Walls Kenny Mor morette and Jeff Waterman whoa we got the caution with I believe one lap to go we got the caution it’s the

108 is going to bring out the caution it’s the weight of Chris Rooney out of in Bedford Ron Chico’s speedy speedy oil change Speedy with a Y Larry only from onville yeah it’s car number 47 from East Mansfield JB Transmissions Junior’s Auto Supply sponsored car number 47 will be

On the pole Gary D gaspari from Pucket in the New England recycling gyms Towing Precision Harley Davidson car number 71 will be alongside the yellow number 71 Roy Leon with the the red and white white we have uh Bruce Rigo in car number 23 or ising he’s not is Dave Radco from

Waren Rhode Island the 84 looking for the green guy number 22 is Scott sarinski with kith trip in the 32 automobile and the 121 of Rick BOS with Richie Clark from Middleboro in the 31 as the green is out and we are rolling on this fourth of the street

Division Heats remember the points are going to run right up until the Sunday show the points race is not going to be decided who look out for the banging going on we got a whole bunch hung up oh the 34 into the turn I think the 71

Buffer came off and went under his wheel and it caused that green now he Larry O brings him at the green is to 98 up alongside with Billy Manchester junr in the 95 in close hunt Larry only in the 47 gets a little bit High coming out of turn two but he gets

His squ away and looks like he’s going to oh he brings it through turn three way up way up high manages to keep her off the wall everybody scrambling behind him the 09 and the 88 tangle and the 09 finds himself sitting in the infield that’s Tim nouth it’s Kim Nesmith in Tim

Nesmith in the old I see some black smoke coming out of the exhaust like you better to fire it up again we’re not going to go to Yellow the 98 goes underneath the 47 into turn three at the halfway point it’s going to be the number 98 of Scott

Vanning taking the lead Billy Manchester junor taking over second from Larry only the 95 of Billy Manchester Junior looking to the outside of the 98 98 gets it a little squiggly and brings it through sideways Keeps Us straight Billy Manchester Jr nice and smooth and it’s Bobby bonau diving in

For third with Dave Radcliffe in the 84 and fourth and here comes Scott sadinsky last year’s Point Champion he’s in there in the hunt going underneath the 47 two to go two to go for the number 98 of Scott Fanning Scott seski gets under the 47 takes over the fifth position that’s

And the 98 is hanging on for dear life he’s sliding through the turns of the car’s Wicked loose he’s hanging on for dear life he’s dirt tracking it all the way around but it looks like he’s going to be able to maintain the lead as he doesn’t heat up that inside Tire he’s

All right dirt tracks it through dirt dirt tracks it through four and across the line for the win that’s the number 98 of Scot Fanning out of Smithfield R Island he’s sponsored by Aron R FS Billy Manchester Jr second in the n moving along very quickly we come to the

First appearance of the Sportsman division here at seong Speedway on this the Speedy Oil Change Speedy with a Y night as Dana Willis in car number 77 from Hansen will be on the poll Dana sponsored by York Landscaping Allied Auto Parts Greg York and tayg racing alongside will be Steve Sanford

In the 14 automobile from cumland commercial heating service Northeast Auto Recycling Mike Silvia from Mike Silva I’m sorry from war Rhode Island high number 71 aano fision Rocky Point Amusement Park queet industrial boilers and in K Basically one1 row and the green is out oh not too good as ker goes for a hard the 10th we’re going right up until Sunday October the 10th on this points race and the green is out again and it’s very very tight running in there there’s that 14 Automobile grabs a little bit of the lead look out that 3D Dana Willis little squirly the 14 car Steve S The 71 of Mike Silva is hanging on to that second spot 43 is decided he has to pack it in at this point in time that’s going to hurt him Todd Henshaw in that white number 28 automobile as he appears to have everything going for him tonight and hastle of trouble all season

Long qualify we have eight qualifying out of this race as Steve San in the 14 bringing him around Dave doo in the 59 is trying to stay with the action Dave nasan off the outside the 11 of Mike Hassel right behind nasam scul and Hassel cut back in Again at the halfway mark it’s still very very very tight and a lot of racing going on out there as Steve Sanford has the lead the big big race for right now before that last qualifying position number eight Chad Chase is in eight is danan Hassel battling it out for that eighth

Spot nobody wants to be there Hot Hena keeping the 28 right on the back of the 71 naso staying right alongside of Hena we still have a lot of racing going on daeve Sanford has everything his own way well out in front on this heat with two laps to go two laps to go

Wow they’re three coming out of the turn they were three Deep by coming out of the turn settling back in again to two in a row nobody wants to be eight with one lap remaining one lap remaining as the 88 automobile of Scott Anderson sitting in that bad spot Chad

Chase wants to get under Anderson and steal another spot coming across the line it’s Sanford with 71 of Mike two of the top point leaders our number five Cory B and the eight of Chad Chase did not qualify by way of the heat run cut

Up okay on the poll we’re going to have the number nine of Paul vaness out of warer Island shaana Lounge family transport pcket Mill Supply C race cars Subway sandwiches on of War sponsor that automobile in the second field in the third position is the number 48 of herb

Wright out of Brockton Mass he’s brought to you by lynches Towing in Auto AJ Wright electric competitive automotive and City Glass out of Brockton in the fourth position is the number 32 of 10th position is the number 12 of Bobby pelen JR out of Cranston R island in the 11th

Position it’s the O2 of Leroy and Lynwood Cohen’s going to bring the field down for the green they get on the gas of the line it’s 2 by two and Ron manfredo gives him the green flag lwood Cohen jumps out out to an early

Lead side by side is 48 to 32 the 32 is looking to the outside of the nine of Paul vaness Dives down into turn three and 46 brings her around and almost everybody makes it by except the Ana autopot sponsor number 12 but Bobby pelen

Jun lwood con brings a wide and high and across the line and Dives down into turn one with the lead we got bill goodro we got a yellow flag I don’t bad stop think Ron manrao before the line I don’t hear nice smooth even Pace Paul Maness is bringing him down with

Lywood on the outside and it’s going to be a go this time again lywood Cen jumps out a little bit to front Dives down into turn one with the lead got Billy Goodrow in the 32 in the third position with Louis Das up on the outside alongside of the 17 of Andy Johnson

And there is Young Rob muray from tivan with the 08 looking to take over the fifth spot it’s a battle for fifth spot in the’ 08 and the 91 Bobby pelen Jr creeps her in gives a 08 a slight tap to let him know he’s There number 32 is looking underneath Paul vaness takes over that second position and Andy Johnson is looking to follow the suit he Di right under sees the opening the o08 right on the bumper he wants to take over that fourth position in the back we got the 42 of

Bobby ler who is also in the points he wants to qualify for this race Andy Johnson no gives a tap a little tap to Billy goodro and it was just enough to bring young Billy good around and facing traffic oh we got the 09 I think he’s

It’s going to be one more to go as Paul vaness and Billy Goodra up alongside four laps down Ron manfredo calls him down and gives him the green flag and the 17 and the 56 go it side by side through turns one and two clad L cler and Louis Das

Get a little bit tangled up with uh clad cler going high Louie Das makes it by for the fifth spot in the 91 they’re hashing it around up front we got Bobby hel junr looking underneath of Andy Johnson in the final qualifying spot that’s the 15 in the back that’s Kenny

Banford he’s in the final qualifying spot Paul vaness slotted at the rear he’s already passed two PS looking to get by the 33 he sees that 15 of Kenny banford he wants by that 15 he wants him to the Future event the battles for the

Third position we have the 17 and the 12 battling for that third position that’s Bobby pen Jr and Andy Johnson Side by side the two battle it out for that third position we have a side P side by side battle in the back also between Lou Das and the 91 and the 48 on her right Kenny bford gets tapped finds himself finds Himself 52 we can’t say to say’s okay it’s side by side it’s going to be the green flag l Cohen pulls it off again jumps out to the front Bobby pelen Jr looking underneath Robbie Murray the battles for that second position side by side they go down into turn three Here

Comes Claud cler in the 42 this is what it’s all about good clean side by side racing down through turns two and three again and the 8 91 of Lou Das had some spots fly out but he looks like he’s going to be okay it’s two to go lywood find finds himself loose

Coming out of turn four gets her straightened out now it’s a battle between the youngster and the veteran that’s Lynwood CL Cen and Robie Murray in the 08 one more lap to go it’s a side by side battle Lynwood’s a little loose coming out of the turns but he gains on

Him going down the front stretch gives it all he’s got here comes young Andy Johnson Andy Johnson looking for that second position it’s going to be Rob Murray in for the win Rob Murray plows a little but holds her down and takes down the wind that’s

Right M tib in Rhode Island resident he started in the eighth position he’s sponsored by Matthew Autobody I think Brian Mayon may have been the last the last car cross to qualify uh not sure on that Sharon no Sharon Norwood come to the base of the tower please Sharon no

Come to the base of the Tower oh we want to wish our chief scora a happy birthday again it seems like every year we do this for Jennifer Foria Jenny we’ve known Jen for probably 40 45 years Jes Trucking Club fantasy sports legend pup general pest control Rory Boulevard building and IR machine look up for the

Green there’s the green and we’re racing as the pro STS head out to qualify look up with the 23 a little bit sideways coming out of that turn and Jimmy Wilkins very quickly fills up the hole with that number five car remember the points race continues on in all

Divisions until Sunday October the 10th so that we move from tonight to the October the 10th to finish up the racing the points racing will be finished up last day Sunday October the 10 as cavalero Mike cavalero proving to be a difficult man to get by Mike heto richan

Most to the outside tries to get around in that car number 24 Freddy Estelle in that 48 has moved very quickly up through the traffic and he’s sitting now in that fifth spot in that 48 automobile as we’re moving very very rapidly now Rick Cano has the lead M

Cano has the lead blanchin to the outside in the 74 Dave blanchin in that blue number 74 moves to the outside aelle moves to the outside find room gets out there he’s going to go around cavalero as they get through the turns it’s Hano in the lead blanching second a

Stal in that 48 automobile hooked up tonight Dion very very strong in the zero has moved in behind the St coming in very very strong Blanchet using up a lot of the racetrack Blanchet using both groups L trying to decide whether he wants to go over or under

Hano and Estelle Waits his turn now Estelle under Blanchard this should prove interesting as Estelle is under Blanchard gambling that Hano is going to be able to stay out in front of him because Dion could box in pastel right at this moment as Blanchet moves to the

Outside Blanchet to the outside ahead of toe now Estelle moves look out blanch it a little bit squirly head it back out of it Estelle keeps the pressure on underneath him as Blanchet not handling as well on that outside Grove diona is content to wait and see what’s going to happen in front of him right now it’s a little too busy up there again blashin mes to the outside of heto blashin puts the pressure on and he tries to get no hat to deep into the corner and maintains that inside Groove

With two laps remaining this is point of race lant still trying to close the door Hano says not this time around White Flag Hano way out wide Dion almost got under him Blanchard now has a good shot half a left to go Blanchard in the lead let’s

See what happens out of the turn here’s your finish it’s Blanchard aelle anone Leon up to the front and boy what a performance we can look forward to quite a feature event coming up a little bit later on tonight that ladies and gentlemen is your first

Pro Stock heat ready to go with the second one okay rolling out onto the speedway is the second Pro Stock heat of the evening on the poll we have the number 46 of Jeff Thompson a a rookie in the division out of Somerset Massachusetts beas Insurance 46 going to bring him

Down along him is Wayne Newman in the number 57 side by side it’s a nice pace and it’s the green flag and Jeff Thompson jumps off to an early lead nor Holland and number six is in there for second Tex Barry junr is in the bottom pulling up alongside of the 57 is n holand looking to the outside to pass Jeff

Thompson it’s side by side out of turn four side by side through turns one and two but I think Norm Holland’s Got enough he boots it coming out of turn two and into turn three it’s Norm hen in the lead Tex Barry Jr up along outside and Jeff Thomson looking to take over

That second position in the back we got the 99 of Wayne Dion and the 11 of vinan room also looking to the bottom of Wayne Newman Wayne Newman’s got some Sparks coming out of his car as the end the turn it’s a side by side battle Texas got something Texas got something wrong

With his car in the 18 Tex Barry Jr twice he’s done that twice he’s gone through the turns and Spock and it jumps to the outside groove on him made it through nice and clean that time Ray Lee the veteran competitor looking underneath the rookie down into

Turn three side by side he takes over that second position Tex Barry Junior is looking to follow suit here comes the 99 of Wayne Dion and vinan rumo top five position all top Runners nor Holland’s way out in front but a good qu track lead Vin anuma looking to the outside he

Going to look to the outside going into turn three of the 99 creeps it up alongside but not quite it’s the halfway point in the back it’s Bruce Goan Taylor on the outside of Jeff Thompson he’s looking for that sixth position in that Lenny bolone number three Jeff Thompson brings her a little

High it doesn’t quite get out of the turn is quick and Bruce G Taylor jumps out here comes Johnny trip Johnny Trip’s looking to the outside of both Wayne Newman and Jeff Thompson the 46 and the 57 in the rear Jeff Thompson keeps bringing it too high out of four he

Can’t keep it down some contacts made Jeff Thompson makes a beautiful save gets her completely sideways and manages to keep her Going nor Hing it’s all nor holding that’s the home service number six way out in front the battle right now is for the third position Tex Barry Jr and Wayne Dion in his copper Fields Lounge number 99 side by side battle for that third position M and rumo just sitting sitting

There looking to see what’s going to happen as soon as he sees any any space at all you can bet Vin and rumo is going to be in there to take it still a side by side battle for that third position it’s going to be two laps to go this

Time around for nor Holden got a comfortable lead I don’t think n’s got anything to worry about but the battle is for the second Position Bay Lee hugging the bottom just following his own Groove letting Wayne Dion work around him going to be one lap to go Wayne Dion looking to take over that second spot that’s the 33 the 99 and the 18 it’s an intense battle for that second position Here Comes n holding for

The win Wayne Dion takes him in a little deep but is not going to be able to pull it off Ray Le to 33 99 Tex Barry junr owner of Rhode Island blue and silver Bronco sk450 if that’s your registration plate and you’ve been wanting to stretch your

Legs now’s the time to do it it because we invite you to go out and shut your lights off a blue and silver Bronco sk450 here the Rhode Island plate you left your lights on Tony dasas Tony Das Jr from Riverside will be on the pole machinist Union Automotive local 447

Okay as we had two scratches please get off the fence young people please get back please get back your seats get off the fence 42 I can’t see both yeah okay let’s see if we get a restart looking for the green George Rico bringing him

Around Tony Sal Petro got into a bit of a problem on the restart as the 88 uh Bobby trip get a little bit crossed up with Rich PCO now R is grabbing that lead and running with it as Jeff zider on the 19 is right behind him oh Martin and Ellis

Are going at it things are very narrow down the backstretch all of a sudden Geor rgo has the lead Jeff Z him on the 19 keeping the pressure right on him Bobby trip of the 88 moves to the outside of Ellis going the hard way around that

Outside Groove does not appear to be that fast tonight trip is now taking on S Petro trip takes on sou Petro he’s working his way up one at a time up the outside and Z keeps the pressure right on the back of Rigo Rigo wants to impress his sponsors

Tonight Speedy with a Y and motion Motors now we got him side by side down the backstretch as Zid is trying to figure out where to go here what is the best s of action to try to keep that 88 behind them z a little bit wide again sou P said I

Almost got room to go through there the 88 up to the outside of zida Bobby trip now zida pulls again to the outside grigo sitting out in front oblivious to all this just staying ahead of everybody trip this time winning very very deep into the turn and takes zida

In the turn all the way around keeping zida down low zida needed the little bit of an outside row to handle better and trip got around him trip has now taken on Rego the 88 takes on rioo side by side through the turns rioo suddenly find somebody

Alongside of him for the first time in the race as s Petro Amos s Petro cuts down a tire hits for the pits it’s Rego and trip trip going very very deep into the turns with two laps remaining trip is really pouring it on in that 88

Automobile Roo is hanging on by the skin of his teeth as trip takes over the lead trip staying wide right driving hard starts to pull ahead of George Rego car number 88 coming around for the victory flag it’s the 88 of Bobby trip Grio second y this is the also motion Motors

Located in the speed oil complex at 413 Ash little single Bay garage and what a complex they’ve got now it just shows you what you can do when you offer Pico Speedy Oil 413 Ashley what the haunted Hudson okay you want to keep an eye on

The eight and the five they must they must it’s 2 by two at the line and Chad brings him down at a good pace and it’s the green flag with Chad Chase jumping right out to an early lead diving in for second is Cory vdro and the number five as the

19 it looks like he’s off the pace a little bit as Johnny dlac drives in takes the third position PA vaness is next he’s following the 19 into turn three that’s the number nine of Paul vaness he’s going to look to the bottom look to the

Top find out a way around that number 19 Kenny banford is in a side by side battle so contact was made with the number 32 all competitiv keep it straighten out and they’re on their way carw looking to the outside of the eight dives into turn three gets it up

Along his back bumper looking up to the outside that’s Cory vadro Cori vadro wants to win even though it’s just a consolation event Cory vro is going to go for it looking to the outside we have the 15 of Kenny vard and the 32 are good enough they tangle good enough finds himself

Uh side by side they’re going to come down from the green flag in this consolation event breaks were put on a little bit there was a little bit of wrappy tap between the bumpers but everybody is able to keep it under control Johnny Dak

Jr in the tour is looking in for a sure third and Kenny bford Jr gets tapped and spun around and it’s going to be another Yow Chase brings him down it’s going to be the green flag another green flag for this consolation event Chad Chase gets

Him a little bit high and takes over the lead going into turn three Johnny dlac looks to the bottom and it’s going to be Cory vro takes him in a little deep to the outside of Miss the chase Cory vro a little loose coming out of the turns but he’s got lots of

Horsepower on the straightaways Johnny Dak Jr’s just running a steady race at the bottom looking to work underneath Cory vdro for that second position it’s the halfway point for Chad chase the snap of Sanitation number eight out in front at the halfway point got the 26 spun

Around he’s backed in out of H’s way I don’t know if Ron manfredo is going to throw the caution no he’s out of H’s way going to pull it in behind the rear of the field and the constellation continues it’s a side bys side battle in that second position Johnny Dak

Jr his Chevrolet Nova is showing the way around seock speedway tonight beautifully for Chevrolet Nova for Johnny Dak Jr takes over the second position on Cory vro Cory vro still working that outside Groove Chad Chase I don’t know if he knows what’s going on behind him or not he’s

Just running his own race and that snaap of Sanitation number eight Somerset Mass resident in the number eight has two laps to go two laps to go corw I believe he’s just going to settle for third at this point he’s just going to follow Johnny Dak Jr Johnny Dak

Jr came from fifth spot he’s going to finish second it’s going to be one lap to go this time around there’s Cory vro working that outside group just can’t quite pull it off pulls up along behind Johnny Dak Jr but it’s going to be the number eight of Chad

Chase out of Somerset Mass snap for sanitation L power Brothers number eight for Chad Chase wins his consolation here tonight Johnny Dak junr second and well we want to welcome uh from the Speedy gang here tonight we want to welcome Ron Pico Emanuel Silva Miss Speedy of course is Karen B Tim madus

John Raposa Ron bran J Perry Chris Hannis and Ron Pacho that’s Ron’s brother all here from Ron Pico’s motion Motors and Speedy with a Y Speedy Oil 413 Ashley Boulevard and Bedford and 4 uh 70 dmouth Street in New Bedford well we had I’m not going to say it and

I’ve been I’ve been requested not to say that at all and I’ll be careful not let it slip up Ron just Ron just went like that to you too I’ll be good I promise I’m not going to say it okay yeah yeah can we skip no you can’t hit me skip

Potter in car number 18 and the 08 of hoe Bishop from Portsmouth in the Troy City Gas Jade out Jamie Pavo from Fall River in the 27th and the 04 is Rich Ellis the 25 is William Hallet we’re still going and oh my goodness the 33 spun out and back onto

The racetrack we got cars hang On I’m being good I can hear something dragging out there it’s making a ring no he says it goes around that’s what it is I could hear it ring I could help us s this lady gentl Look hly Fu laughing ning and everything here look out here the 06 is still in the lead that’s Jeff Costa Jeff Costa and hold on of that 22 now we go one stuck backwards this may cause a bit of commotion yes it definitely does it is going to be a race in a half and the green is Out micro Bell is hanging in there with that yellow number five micro Bell hanging in there and showing the way Around Dave vanille’s 81 sneaking up to the graic oh way out wide the 42 and he hits the wall in backwards and frontwards the 42 Stacy hak as she hits the wall backwards and frontwards she come out of the fourth turn very very high as she was trying to do some serious passing

And hit the wall backwards and frontwards she’s okay moving around and I’ve been trying you know saying you know is having a birthday again and again and again and don’t Social Security the green comes out the green comes out as that 15 of Mike robello again shoots into the lead

Here comes that 81 automobile Dave bville as Dave bville has got that Volkswagen there really turning up a bit there look out and he almost touches I think he did touch mik rello and we got three of them up against the the fence tiger Perry and the 76 tiger Perry

22 the whole race okay yeah you just can’t put this many cars in race so I don’t know what we’re going to do had three features there’s there’s you know something there an there’s an option anyways you know cut it down soon we all be here and look out for the

Green we’re racing again this time that number 81 has to get Behind set number three car as Robbie Rose Robbie Rose in the three takes over the lead the 81 moves into the second spot the 15 of Mike robello seem to have a problem he’s not going the speed he was going before Mike is having a problem because everybody is now passing quite easily

Well not quite because the 06 got got a little bit loose in the rear now the 81 has taken the lead away from Robbie Rose now David bfield and and Robbie says uh I wasn’t expecting that I’ll be with you in a Minute 15 regains his third spot but he’s doing who the number four goes out of control backwards 46 number 46 stuck on the back strs with one lap to go let’s see if everybody can get by him all right as everybody is so far now the

Yellow is out the yellow is out so they there’s just no room going into that third turn as the 46 hung up there the remember the this point race is very very tight it’ll all be decided Sunday and coming down Sunday the 10th Sunday the 10th Robbie Rose gets the jump Robbie Rose

Gets the jump on Dave vanville green white and Checker now it’s going right down bville trying to take it away from Rose bille Way Out High he make it through the turn that high he can but he loses ground as Robbie Rose continues to lead nville trying to get down in there

Again as he went in too hard into the turn and went way high coming into the third turn Robbie Rose Has It Robbie Rose still in the lead coming out of the turn Rose has still got it across the line Robbie Rose R it with Dave bville

Second and the 15 out of a whole lot of that 33 whoa he old fre backwards look out We’ll get word back from the scene momentarily Al Rodriguez is over there with the Radio oh never mind never Mind what happens is that when you go in backwards you uh you try to go right through the seat and the seat of course is a lot less forgiving than the auto seat in the passenger car it’s a heart seat and it just takes all of the air right out of

You as the outside tries to go inside Robbie Rose spons by race Graphics Ben’s VW service a his lineup for the second formula 4 feature of the night on the poll we get the number 26 of Tom kefir out of War rhod Island the second position is the number 20 of Stan

Sherman out of Lake Field Mass in the third position is the number 16 of Casey Hy out of tibot in Rhode Island in the fourth position we have the number 86 of Joe pental out of Jamestown Rhode Island starting in the fifth position it’s going to be the

Number 24 of Paul gimond out of cumin Rhode Island in the sixth position it’s number 43 Westport resident Jessica Manchester addition it will be the number 53 of Mikey Taylor out of Wakefield Rhode Island in the ninth position it’ll be the number 71 of James Sylvia out of

Okay we’re about ready to begin our second formula 4 feature event and jumping off to the lead is going to be the number 16 and green number 16 jumps right out as the 26 seemed to miss a shift of or some sort had some sort of a

Problem and couldn’t get it up to speed it’s a side by side battle for the lead in the back they’re hashing it up three and four wide two turns three and four they all make it through out in front is the number 20 out in front is the number 20 of Stan

Sherman the 43 of Jessica Manchester looking to take over the third position it’s the 43 of Jessica Manchester we get the 09 sideways sideways and everybody makes it by that’s Johnny Johnny L Johnny P finds himself sideways with another competitor this reach thought that number one now

He’s coming like crazy here we go it’s going to be a green flag on the second formula 4 feature the number 20 jumps out in front the insurance auto sales number one has come from way in the back he’s worked up he’s in uh the sixth position Robbie rundo Robbie Robbie

Rundo in that number one that pink number one like well she’s passed them now get a cont hookers hooked up for a second between Dave Glick and the number one uh Dave Glick makes it through he got a little bit of a tangle in turn two the competitors are able to straighten

It out that’s the d0o in the AL masan he manages to get it straighten out is the 20 out with a big lead Jessica Manchester holding on to that second position with the 11 of Mr wsh looking to take over to second position and here comes that number nine

Folks that number four excuse me Jerry berlet a multi-feature winner here at C Speedway Jerry Beret has worked his way from 20th starting spot he’s now running in fourth jery Beret in that number four looking to take over Jessica Manchester could he be in for another win here at se

Speedway the 20’s hanging on for dear life but the 11 of Mr Walt is working his working his back bump up looks to the inside going down to take the lead side by side and to turn three and the 11 is going to pull it off that’s the that’s the

11 number 11 of Mike W also a feature previous feature winner here at seong Speedway takes the lead Jerry berlet though with a fine run started in 20th looking to take over second spot he’s right on the bumper of the number 20 it’s the halfway point here come the 88

That’s Kevin Here Comes Kevin Casper in the 88 Kevin Casper in the 88 start in 21st he’s looking underneath Jerry berlet for that second position it’s a three-way battle for the second position one LA to go one lap to go in the 10 Jerry berlet trying to hang on to

Second while the number 11’s out front can Jerry Beret holding off here comes the 88 of Mr Casper along the outside coming down for that checking flag Casper takes her inep takes her in real deep the 11 goes wide and it’s the number 11 who pulls off the win looks

Like he uh just off was going to hit the wall this is number 11 for Mike wal out of War Ro Island the owner is City Towing he’s sponsored by PowerUp pris Spring City Towing and Avenue Auto Sal we check on make sure it’s offici that’s owner of the car is L rundo

Assurance Auto Sales peros Auto Parts Pula construction A&A Auto pots friends Auto and Family Auto all bring you the number 10 of Neil Anderson tonight’s formula 4 feature [Applause] Winner hold that up high there you go okay r Hold it right there tell him get away let’s stay on this crowd think made a mistake let go all set any I want to get him running With automobile Vel Parts Rhode Island Mac starting in ninth is the Boston chicken number 22 I don’t know if he’s even out there is he cavalero in the 86 Bray Brown in the 04 Joe carry in the 10 asley has got the 32 in the lead he’s holding his own against Newman

Hold on to the 37 Tony SRO gets a little bit squirly down there coming into that second Turn B and nman get together it looks like Bley cut down a tire in the incident and S Petro loses it again looks like porty cut down a tire in that incident as he and Newman got together I should all right let’s see if the green comes out we get a

Green as Manny dasas trying to get around the outside the 23 automobile the 23 of Steve canning really squirly Johnny trip appears to be able to do a little bit better right now Johnny trip up there in competition and strong comes in behind the nine car six to

Qualify qule trying to get up in there to be among the first six quarterly gets it sideways and hangs on I think he was able to carry On as he CAU that front again great great driving Inn and can I get you the at the halfway mark at the halfway mark and Bley again cuts down a tire get he and Ray Brown had quite a battle and they both did fantastic job to hold

On the leader is the 57 noan Newman in the lead here goes chanic down the inside news Johnny trip going back again back down to the inside trouble seem to be returning as Johnny trip sitting in that six spot with that number 40 automobile he does not want to be

There Brown trying to pass Trevor Ray Brown trying to get by Johnny trip Johnny trip and cavalero and Newman showing the way around the front four a little bit faster than everybody else as cavalero roing to be a hard man white get by Brown tries to move into that qualifying position

As now trip must put somebody down that’s cavalero and brown a qualified trip is not trip must pass cavalero with one lap to go trip puts everything into it he wants to qualify that 40 trip and cavalero side by side there’s your race the 40 at the

87 as trip wants to qualify that 40 automobile he and cavalero out of the turret and Johnny Tri dag it just number 42 of Bobby L cler out of Totton mass in the 13th Position will be points Runner number 11 Mike Hassel out of warot island in the 14th position the number

12 of Bobby pelen JR out of fron Rhode Island starting in the 15th is night feature for this division Steve sampit brings him down 2 by two at a nice even pace and it looks like it’s going to be a green flag this time around as Stevie sord jumps out to the early

Lead her Bry is right there for second with Mike Sylvia looking to take over the second position up underneath her Dave naso in the fourth position Mike Dana Willis and lward Cohen battling out for the fifth spot side by side is for the fifth spot and for the lead underneath Stevie

Sampin is the number 48 he Dives underneath Ste s and he’s going to take the point going across the line top five positions single fileer down through appearance one and two in the battle right now is in the back with number seven and Lynwood Cohen number

Seven of Tom smly and the 56 of lywood loen battling it out for that seventh position Tom selly looks underneath Lou Das got a whole car under him going into turn three that’s the number seven looking to take over that seventh position side by side is the 71 and Dave

Naso into 59 59 looking for that third position brings her out a little bit high on a turn four loses a little bit of ground but Dives it back down alongside of the 71 the battle is for that third position the 71 and the 59

Doing it side by side one of these men are going to come out to the third position St sord hanging in there nice and smooth for that second spot B stul looking to whip over the back of the 77 of Dana Willis 77 the 7 the 91 and lywood Cowen all single

Violet working his way on the outside of Bobby L cler is the number 28 of Todd Henshaw looking to take the position away from the 42 five gets it a little bit quickly gets it slow down to R out of H’s way and manages to stay out of everybody’s

Way way out the front is the number 41 of her wri her bright in the lead 14 of Stevie sord in thirds the 59 of David naso 42 the 42 up alongside of the 17 but can’t pull it off that’s the 17 of Andy Johnson Bobby uh Bobby M looking underneath this 17

Of Andy Johnson it’s a side by side battle the 17 and the eight who’s going to take it over 17 takes are in deep looking alongside of the 56 to Linwood Cohen it’s still a 48 way out in front the 59 of Dave naso works over the

Back bumper of Stevie sford and some contact was made as BL the fo goes for a wild F keeps it down out of H’s way everybody seems to get by the number 42 number 42 is uh in Palm’s way and the caution will have to come out it’s still

With 48 of her right leading leading the event 11 laps going to be a go this time around 12 laps complete working on lap number 13 watch the 48 of her right the pressure is on this is the best race he’s run so far this year the pressure

Is on the 48 her right her right jumps right out to the lead Stevie sford Dave ASO battling side by side Tom stul looks underneath and that’s seven Tom stul looking underneath Stevie sord is the halfway point this time around it’s still right out front in the back there you got the 11

And the eight and the five that’s all our pointman battling for battling for it so far it’s Cory out in front the top seven or eight position go single nobody can find a way around anybody in the backage Andy Johnson looking underneath the 71 of Mike Sylvia Scott Anderson follow suit Dives underneath

Mikey Sylvia Andy Johnson gets her sideways bring it down brings it down into the grass high as a smoker let’s see uh they going to vot abortion flag Andy is in Kindred of a treacherous spot 10 laps to go we have 10 laps to go in this Sportsman 25 laap

Feature 10 laps to go I believe Mano shows him the line and it’s going to be a goal this time around it’s the green flag and go they do side by side Dave naso and her right driv into turn three Tom Scully right there some contact Michael Hassel gets brought

Around lywood Cohen Dana Willis Michael Hassel he’s our uh point leader that’s not where Michael Hassel wants to be he got caught up in the uh Mayhem there I’m not sure exactly how it started but Mike truck stop okay it’s her Bri and Dave naso once again bringing him

Down to the green flag it’s the green flag her right jumps out to an early lead he gets the jump on the field it’s side by side for that second position the seven and the 59 for that second position Tom Scully look like he’s got the edge Tom Scully bringing a nice and

Smoo for turn four gets the jump he takes over to second position Young sord looks to take over the third we got a tangle on turn four Michael H again the O2 and lywood Cohen the O2 also involved uh the O2 of Leroy Hudson was involved in

That Tom Scully here we go the 48 and the Seven brings the field down once again her right gets to jump on the field Dave nasos looking to looking to get to the front Lou Das and Stevie sord run side by side for that four starting spot we got three

Wide action between the 12 the O8 and the 28 the 08 wisely backs out gives a road w w 19 gets way high into the wall almost rolls are over but manages to keep going he’s got some fluid coming out of it and he’s got some wed sheet metal but

He does manage to keep it going I think he’ll be headed to the pit area that’s the number 19 of dou Maro almost flips it he gets the Black Flag the car is not going to be safe to finish off the feature he’ll have to

Head to the pit area Okay Dave naso gets loose coming out of turn four Tom Scully takes advantage looks to the outside Todd Hena faces traffic and oh Elma Wing makes heavy contact with Todd Henshaw the five of Cory with the five of Cory vro another Point Runner and he’s

Sitting in the turn and smoking bad 20 Dage bad front end damage on that number five Todd hen dropping water all over the RAC track Elma Wing 18 LA complete 18 Elma Wing made very very heavy contact for that did not Any here they comes the green flag side by side 48 to 59 side by side for that for that front front position down into turn three they go at it battling Dave naso takes it through the turn as hard as he can but her white manages to hold on with a slight

Lead six laps left six laps left going to be five to go this time around her right gets her a little bit squiggly but Thomas Scully backs out lets him get straightened out oh and the 5 of Dave naso oh we got the 88 spun around the 08 the 42 and

Again call Vanessa the number nine all spun around it looks like Cory vro might have been involved a little bit I hope he didn’t make contact although it looks like he did Von man Fredo calls him down it’s the green flag once again her wght jumps out

Toward to the lead down at the third one it’s a wicked battle Chad Chase gets Tangled Up and Lou Das finds himself spun around and Paul vaness once again with no place to go he had to spin to avoid this is my spot and off they go

And her right brings him down side by side Dave naso gets a slight Edge Dave naso jumps out to the front her brets are a little squiggly there’s a little bit of breakes and some rap AAP with the bumpers and everybody gets through Scotty Anderson Scotty Anderson

Looks under the 96 they make it three wide to 96 7 whoa her bright finds himself facing traffic Todd H says hey wait a minute h two laps down I got to get around you I can’t be H you and everybody gets going and it’s Dave naso out with his two laps to

Go Dave naso with two laps to go the battle right now is for four spot Tom Scully Dives on theath Johnny Dak and takes it over one lap to go for Dave naso in the leex tree service number 59 Dave naso with a half a lap left takes it down the

Backstretch and yes folks it’s going to be David nafo and the number 59 out of Swansea MK sponsored by Len Ellis race cars Manchester racing engines and manchest and JayZ gym in for second is Mike Sylvia Tom scan third and unofficially October 10th where’s the where guy Dave naso from Swansea the

Winner hard fought Sportsman [Applause] featur ladies [Applause] gentlem get closer and he win [Applause] look at the video [Applause] camera okay what’s the sign in the back what’s a speedy sign that goes in the back Johnny what am I smile hey smile Dave come on man man

Here we go just want aure where you going da I got to focus myself on one alone one alone somebody take a Picture D got smile [Applause] The Got get one withn guys tell me he got the [Applause] win 11 okay all the boys the front get on your knees a little bit here come on hey [Laughter] John we all set here Johnny we all set these two these two of them go down please come on you rude all the

Time get in there goone yeah all right gang break it up let’s go we got your gang Already on [Applause] your [Applause] joh Johnny I need to take a picture of this girl with check flag Father and Son Father and Son Johnny big small Come On Dave yes sir all right we go three now to take a picture with her they need

It for the power PU going be uh okay now wait a minute okay got to get one with the trophy girl trophy girl in there yep here we go one one Go Johnny good good good BR take this Johnny Johnny Johnny girl hurry up come on Johnny hold up the shell unbelievable Cho spe oil CH that’s this [Applause] he get George now wait for George hey George wave here buddy here we go You sit up there with I wonder if she got two stles right out just look at ofn holding and you see by the dawn early light what so proudly we ha at the Twilight last gleaming who’s brought stripes and bright stars through the peress night for the r parts we watched were so

Gly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that a flag was still there oh say does that Spangles B yet W for the land of the free and the home of the gra absolutely absolutely marvelous one you can October the 10th H laps

Time as trippy makes it back into the back of the packet let’s see what’s going to happen right now as the green is out and the Speedy number 64 takes the lead Grio Speedy sponsored number 64 whoa somebody backed into it and we got a jam

Up out in the back end we get a lot of them sideways he wh he greets we’re racing we go up to a very very solid St d as Ray Lee did not get off well now he gets it picked up and moves back up in

Ray had to drop right out of line but he gathered himself up and move forward again R Hano up around the outside of R pushing hard to close the door hanon rioo a little smoke as the zero of Dion is out of action the zero is out of action and heading for the

Pits we have a side by side for the lead with George Rego in the 64 ricko in the 24 joh H just waiting it Out Rego Gathering momentum weo Gathering momentum and hen gets under Hano band muscles his way to the outside holding now to do battle with R in that number six automobile hold PS up alongside of Rioo it’s Char Rego and nor side by side Ray Lee decides to get underneath Rego a lot of smoke as the number one I believe lost the motor I’m not sure the number one a lot of smoke I don’t know if it I believe it was all from the number

One maybe just looking for it right now it comes to the line r again called upon he’s down on it he jumps up and goes as rayy again has problems rayy again having problems getting started and this time he couldn’t get a squ away couldn’t gather it up and ends

Up in the infield and noran power his way BYO and takes over the lead as R Le comes out onto the track in front of the leaders he gets waved out arm hold powering his way through as the six appears to be hooked up B still holding down that second spot

Chanting behind him Jeff zida Tex Barry Lenny Ellis 88 of Bobby trip as hen is setting a pretty hot Pace as they have to single pile to try to keep up day 48 of prelle working his way up through the traffic a long ways to go to get up

Alongside of anomo he doesn’t want anomo to get any more points on him as n hold Stman hey home service number six running straight in two he’s using a complete oval at the halfway mark hold them driving a big oval way up against the wall in tight to the turn way up against the wall again he he is HT pulling away from everybody

Minana Romo and tex Barry down that inside the 18 of Tex Barry and Lenny Ella spinning out Lenny Ella spinning out is Ohio so it could be you know it could be very interesting definitely will be a lot of remembrances for a lot of people look out here we go

There’s the green Holden really did a number Holden really did a number as he a full Carling coming across the St finish and he P them again very quickly pulling away it’s a new motor is it didn’t he lose the motor here weeks ago it’s the 74 of Chan of

Blan and Jeff cider in the 19 giving that 19 qu ride tonight Here Comes Tex Barry in behind side but look at this three deep in their turns as they’re getting under Rego as Rego is suddenly going backwards there goes anaro to the outside anaro gets around the outside of

The 18 and Aro and the 11th is on the hunt Ano on the Hun as he moves out anomo are ready to take on BL the number 11 of anomo building momentum giving PL plenty of room in the turn and Blanchet really carried up to the wall Blanchet carried up to the

Wall Ando careful not to cut down a tire now gets alongside of him this time he’s far to fly and FL has no other option but to get out of there as ad Mo takes over a second and goes after hold it iy trip gets by

T hold on of there for the 04 as the 04 into the infield five time to go Ino is catching that number six will be time for him to give it a race we got to call for something amance to the infield ambulance to the infield ambulance to the infield ambalance to the Infield was it wall Wally Make sure you keep me in Formed we try to uh anniversary I can be I can be no let’s see what’s going to happen there’s two of the best right now no pulls them don’t pull them very very strong not the ADV it’s holding with two laps to go coming out I think he’s going to do it it’s

Holding Indiana Romo trying to build up momentum trying to get down the inside Poland’s going to go in very deep into the corner and keeps him out with the white flag they’re coming around D hold still has him and the first turn H still has him he’s keeping tight down the

Outside Ando is going to try the outside hold it keeps down and tight across the line let’s see what happens right down to it and hold and wi hold and Win two records and the car totally demolished he finally wins the last Saturday night of the year I’ll tell you there’s a lot of happy people Well no no the flag the flag sponsor by Home Service back back Come on piig cre let’s go all right where’s his wife deserve that one let me get his wife Firstbody [Applause] [Applause] You still going to need pck let’s go pck [Applause] Wa [Applause] skny whoa I almost went right in front of the cameras come on gang let’s [Applause] [Applause] go the second position is the number 78 of Jean car Canon Mas Chan Canon suppli w got to get along with the sponsor the number 85 Of Michael hope okay it’s Ed plant Ed plant brings them down it’s the green flag for the first three stock feature and off they go Jean con gives in and it’s the number 05 of Ed plant takes the lead the number 80 of guy Workman is looking to take

Over the second position he Dives underneath the 78 it’s a side by side battle for that second position and we have the 102 and another automobile AO uh let’s see I can’t read the number from here they’re on turn three they’re able to get out of the way and everybody’s able to keep

Going it’s still the 05 and the 80 of guy Workman street name 82 slot Sun spend around and turn four he’s going to be able to get her going as the 05 still leads 119 of Dean Petty’s looking under the 78 for the fourth position it’s a side by side

Battle for the fourth position Dean Petty jumps out the floor the all five the 80 the four and the 119 of Dean pedy round out your top four they’re going to make it three wide oh they change in mind make it two wide for that fifth position the 45 and the

85 about battling out for that fifth position right in there is the 68 of Roger Titus Titus looking to the bottom but wisely backs out it’s still 2 by two for that fifth position as guy Workman takes the lead number four looking to follow suit he Dives underneath the 05 and

Takes over second Dean Petty follow suit takes over third we now have the ADM gu Workman out out front the 6 if they T Titus CL from Seventh spot all the way up to fifth and at plant gets it sideways everybody is 44 fling Heavenly he didn’t have time

To get his Auto whe slow down Pace but and they’re going to get under power after the wine and it’s the green flag no unicor guy Workman guy Workman jumps out halfing turn one two by two is and no unicorns oh Dean Penny makes it three wide going into three and he

Doesn’t Dean peny is going to pull it off he takes the lead FKS excellent excellent run by Dean Petty maer Titus follows suit takes over that second position thy Workman gets shuffled back the floor the number four Robert po looked to be in for a fine run but he’s dropped

Off the pace there something spark underneath automobile must have a flat left ront I believe that’s the case Robert Cola has a flat left R Shred the ti ti is totally shred he’s going to have to head to the infield it’s all over for Mr Cola too bad he was putting

In a rear Real Fine run it’s deep Penny Roger Titus at the 45 of Estella tangle Estella comes out on top the 85 runs out of room pulls a almost a 360 and the 53 makes slight contact that’s the 53 and the 85 the 85 of Tom

Sh 68 of Roger Titus jumps out to the lead Dean Penny right in there for the win he wants to get to the front Scott Estella in the 45 looking to take over second to side by side battle for number for the number second spot Dean Petty

Gets shifted back and Glen young slides under it’s not a spot strella working over the rear bumper Mr Titus in the 68 that’s the 68 and the 45 a little bit of contact between the 62 and the 40 in the back but they managed to keep it

Going Mr Estella looking to the outside of the 68 he’s going to bring it down alongside of him in turn one he’s going for the lead that’s the 45ers not and Strella Mike B looking to take over the third position goes to go under the 99 who wisely backs out as the 99 shuts the door it’s a side by side battle for the for the win side by side down the backck stretch the 68 and the 45 two laps to go

It’s anybody’s race with two laps to go it’s still Side by Side 68 gets a little bit sideways coming out of turn four but Dives are in deep into turn one still a side by side battle we got the 113 and the caution is going to have to be displayed as the 113 is in a very dangerous position the lead is split and

Make it by everybody else follow suit and manages to make it by the 113 the 68 brings him down it’s the green flag the 68 gets a slight jump again it’s a side by side battle down at the turn one it can be anybody’s race folks the 68 the

45 or out front side by Side one lap to go Titus gets a little loose coming out of floor but keeps it down out of hans’s way still side by side Len young looks to the bot looks to make it three wide but gets loose Mike B looks to the outside at 68 the 45 of Scott arella

Takes over the lead and it is going to be Scott Estrella taking down the win Scott Estella starting in the 16th starting spot a to we hold with mask JB transmissions in junior auto supply of Mansfield we’ll be talking to giv giving you a chance to see Scott at the end of

This next race Scott Bing from Smithfield rhod Island be on the outside pole in car number 98 the RNR fors automobile next in line is going to be Keith Maro from the uh South Adar area car number 38 TCI press TD Sports Bar and lady fingers by Missy Tim farara from Riverside Rhode

Island car number 15 Rumford and distance of 15 laps looking for the green flag and yes we got it that’s Larry Aly grabs the green Keith Maro moves in underneath Scott Banning Keith Maro in that orange number 38 automobile Richard fer in that 29 is moved very quickly up into third spot

Very competitive automobile okay as the 88 down into the infield and back out on the track again we keep on running Steve Blaze who was standing in seventh position lost it all Larry only continuing the roll with Keith Maro in second spot Richard Wisher is third Richard in that 29 car as they

Make it three deep in the turn Wisher tries down the inside wher trying to get under Keith Monroe Wisher get Keith Monroe to the outside wher down the inside and Takes Over Look Out Billy Manchester way out wide almost touches the wall and so hold on the 24 back in

The track again and we’re still running here’s Larry only and we got a jam up with Jeff Waterman and oh a hard hit a double hard hit a double hard hit on the 09 Tim nesi and he gets hit he hit very very hard into the wall he’s uh five laps complete

We got five laps he’s moving around his mother nature did his in for the month of September but we uh well here we are at the last of September still running and larot is still got the lead but not for long as Richard wiard has got other ideas on it with

That 29 but he couldn’t get it down in there look at the number eight sliding down in that’s Eddie Ganon in that number eight he gets under Wisher Eddie Ganon who’s handling down on the inside like he’s on Rails he’s underneath only only is a little bit side sadle coming out of that

Turn and he rides on the side look out we got a couple together down here on the turn the number seven and I don’t know who the other one is car tomman 18 the number seven and Cara tomman we got Tony oosi and carat tomman Tangled Up H

Price and great lar only gets a little bit of a jump with Edie Ganon Billy Manchester is helping Edie Ganon through up alongside of har only phly was get the halfway mark this time Ganon has to do it on the outside he handles better on the inside

Ganon likes that inside row Wisher is going down the inside look at this The backstretch Wisher is going to squeeze in then oh he has to get out of it and look out Manchester ended up backwards Larry coming around EDD goner on the outside Canon remember likes that inside

Row Canon likes that inside row as he’s got that number eight right down into the turns tight Wisher is lost it going into the turn Wisher loses it and he gets nailed and at the same time he takes the tire off the 11 2011 four box and the green is out again lawren at a 81 automobile Jimmy and Ganon are going at it D BR whip the yellow and blue number 84 has the lead and he’s going to try to stretch it out as Ganon who way down inside with five laps to go Ganon really

Driving that inside track the sh way around right flip driving a big oval basically right flip is driving the same oval that Norm hen was as the seven and who was that Wier rich is having problemes keeping that 29 going straight ahead tonight now Ganon is right behind rag

Cliff Ganon came down a little too hard and loses it coming out of the turn a bit gathers it back up it’ll take a minute to cool that tire now rundo and that number one is moved into a competitive spot each of second place two left Remain get me Point red flip comes around again there red flip keeping ah head again rad Cliff stays ahead of Canon White Flag coming out rad Cliff not giv an inch half a left to go for B out of the turn it’s the number 84 of Dave Red Cliff is your winner from

Warren Rod Island Cutler construction Jack Salvage Steve’s Transmission Shaw’s engineering Martin signs and modern grinding techniques and he will join Mr Scott most exciting night for our final Saturday night here at seong Speedway for the Season come on Happy Okay okay okay next gu h r let us screw out there only one I think only one nobody wants to come out that’s it that’s It here comes the rest wait come on come on let’s go let’s go see a Camera let’s go around H up at the Camera hey there’s some of the car on this side I hear over here let’s move down no the guy’s behind you they’re all down this [Laughter] [Laughter] side oh yeah hey what do you like the race later or now oh SM [Applause] CL wait a minute wait a minute hey you want to take a picture with here too one alone last come on gang hurry up let go get over here War I’m sure you

War got take a flag right going to have a picture when you’re done there John all set have a pict when you’re done

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