Today, Jake is at Toulon Golf headquarters in Vista, California to get an exclusive early look at the entire Toulon Golf 24 First Run Collection of milled putters. Sean, Tony, and Preston Toulon have started out on their own again through a retained partnership with Callaway Top Golf Brands unveiling a new lineup of fine milled putters for 2024. With 6 models from the Toulon brand you have known and loved along with the introduction of the new New York City and Alcatraz designs there’s a model in here to fit everyone’s visual preference. And on top of that, they didn’t forget the lefties! The Alcatraz DB, Las Vegas H1, and the San Diego H1 all come in left-handed options!

Each putter in the new Toulon Golf 24 First Run Collection are finished in their new Brilliant Chocolate color with Mint Green and Cream accent paints that are finished with a sort of satin type finish that doesn’t glare harshly in the sun while remaining very very vivid in color. Each putter also features their new mid-depth double fly cut face milling which allows for auditory feedback while maintaining a very soft feel with no “click” off the face of the putters.

With an accessible price point set at $600 for every putter in the lineup, more golfers now have access to playing a Toulon putter in their bag without having to pay the price tag of the much more exclusive small batch line of putters from Toulon Golf.

For more information on all things Toulon Golf or to pick up your very own, visit their brand new website at

Hey everyone Jake from made for the range here and today I have the incredible opportunity to get an early look at the new 2024 collection from my friends over at tuon golf we’ve got a couple really big updates to the lineup over previous years as well as some

Really cool refinements to the shapes that you know and love from the team Here it’s also really cool to me that Preston and Tony are back working with their dad Preston for the first time in the company’s history and then Tony obviously has been with his dad Shawn for quite a while Sean Tuan has a really rich history in the game of golf and as

I now know is a man that basically never sleeps and is never tired of working uh it’s an incredibly passionate family over what they’re doing here and you really recognize it from the moment that you start to interact with everybody here so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do this obviously uh the

New lineup is beautiful I’ve already got a Alcatraz built up for myself and puted with it uh at least for one round at this point but I’m really excited to dive into the lineup and show you guys the differences and some of the new stuff specifically that has come out so

The first thing we going to start off with is the blade family from the 2024 lineup and this is going to include the Austin the San Diego the Madison and then the new edition of the New York city so the Austin and the Madison haven’t changed much they’re on the end

Here the Austin is going to have a sight dot over the flange line of the Madison they’re very very similar shapes but the Austin is a little bit more rounded off it’s also got a wider cavity on the back so just slightly different shaping for those that prefer that as well as with

That sight dot over the flange line and then the Madison is obviously the tried and true model it was the OG model of the tuon family when we move into the San Diego that’s the most popular blade in the 2024 lineup so the San Diego is much more rectangular it’s really

Refined it has really sharp lines the bumpers and the shoulders flow together really really well but it’s very Vivid with those edges you know exactly where they start and stop so for some people that have a visual preference to see those harsh lines it can help with

Alignment and it also lets people have a more uh clear Direction on the face to the back of the blade because it’s a very very clear parallel between the two as we move into the mallets we have some mid Mallet designs and then we’ve got some awesome options in the full Mount

Designs starting with the mid mounts we’ve got the Atlanta and the Memphis so the Atlanta is refined this year for sure this is going to be one of the shapes that you notice a bigger difference than the previous generations just because of its slightly smaller more compact shape based on previous

Years and then it’s also just a little bit more refined a little bit sharper around the edges but still rolls off beautifully on those dual shoulders into the back which has a parallel shape here to the face again super super helpful for Al features this is also the only

One available in the 4.5 uh slant neck here so if if you’re somebody that needs that amount of Towing specifically which is a slightly over moderate amount of uh Arc in your putting stroke I would say this is going to be a great option for

You it also isn’t super big so if you’re somebody that wants a little bit more forgiveness but you like that feel of aiming a smaller putter with a blade design you’re really going to like this the Memphis has gone through some really cool changes so the old Memphis used to

Be super rounded it was really big it was really deep and it was very sweeping so they’ve kept that sweeping feel in the new Memphis but it’s a lot smaller and it’s a lot more visually pleasing to a lot of golfers it’s also a little bit more ear-shaped than it was in previous

Generations so you’re going to notice that there’s a little bit less Mass towards the heel of the butter and then it rounds off towards the toe a little bit better than the previous generation did uh the Memphis this time is also available in a flown neck and in a

Double Bend so those are complete opposite ends of the spectrum basically if you’re somebody that doesn’t want any Arc rotation in your putting stroke you’re going to go with that double Bend and then the flow neck is going to be the most toang available in the entire

Lineup moving on we have the Vegas shape so the Vegas is the most popular model that ton has had since its Inception uh the Vegas is the typical Fang number seven shape and it’s obviously got those unique aling features so we’ve got the line on the top of the sight line as

Well as the lines coming off the flanges from front to back so really really easy to line up your ball it’s also got that perfect shape in the back so you know exactly where that ball is as far as centering goes on face one cool thing that they’ve added with the Vegas ships

This year is the same neck option that Xander schof had on his so it was really popular to see people talking about Xander’s putter on tour especially when you’re scrolling through social media or something like that and now with the new toon collection you have that neck available to the consumer and even

Better on top of that they have added it in a left-handed option so that you standing on the wrong side of the ball aren’t felt left out as we move into the end of the spectrum here we have the new Alcatraz this is a a brand new shape

From the 21 collection and this is to rival the jailbird shape that took the 2023 season by absolute storm last year so this is the first time a shape like this is available in a Mil format so it’s made out of the same stainless steel material as the rest of the lineup

And then of course we’ve got that uh kind of connected shape in the back of what would typically be a Fang shape and then up top with the finishes that they’ve done here and the way that the shoulders swoop into each other that’s where you’re going to get your alignment

Features as well as with that cutout in the back to make sure that even on something this big which is the biggest Mallet in the lineup you have perfect alignment between the face and the back of the putter which really really helps people with something big like this that

Need thei that this is going to give them without the performance lacking features of being too visually impaired by enough stuff on the putter so every putter in the 2024 21 golf lineup has the middepth double fly cut face Milling is what they’re calling it and what that

Was for me as I’ve played it already at this point it was really cool to have such a soft feel but a lot of auditory feedback which is something that’s really really hard to put together without ruining one over the other so you know for sure when you’ve peered a

Putt off of one of these things but it’s also not detrimental when you hit it off center and part of that story is as we move most of these over to the so you’re going to notice that there’s an aluminum so plate on pretty much all of the

Designs except for the three more traditional blades so the New York City which is actually the most forgiving model in the lineup even though it’s a blade is the only one that has the sole plate that I’m talking about here that sole plate is used because they’re cutting

Weight out of the Milling of the head replacing that steel with aluminum and then they’re taking that discretionary weight and they’re spreading it out towards the perimeter of all of the putters and then every putter even the blades has two adjustable weights the stock weights in every single putter are

Going to come with two 10 G weights you can go down to 5 G or all the way up to 25 G in each location on the heads so you can dial in your exact feel whether you’re like a little bit lighter rep putter or you’re somebody that maybe

You’re making a counterbalance build and you need to go up and weight without having to throw ugly lead tape on top of such a beautiful design here so that’s it for the 2024 ton collection they’re all available and what they’re calling their brilliant chocolate finish uh Preston likes to say that the mint

Accents make this a mint chocolate chip butter and then they’ve also got some really cool cream accents as well with the matching head covers and matching grip options as well so stay tuned for more from the tuon family and from the tuon golf as they recreate the brand now

In 2024 and move into the future with some really really cool ideas and obviously some some beautiful stock line Putters so thanks again to the ton family for having me out can’t wait to see these uh in the hands of golfers pretty much Everyone


  1. Thank you for the video! How does the NYC head size compare to the Scotty Newport+? I love a slightly wider blade, but not full double wide, and a long plumber’s neck is so hard to come by. Thanks!

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