Golf Players

Has he PICKED the Correct DRIVER For 2024?

Has he PICKED the Correct DRIVER For 2024? – is this the driver you would choose? The Callaway Max driver is in my opinion a HUGE Improvement on last years model but can it go on YOUR bag for 2024?

Today guys we are testing what I think has been the biggest improvement from Callaway we’re testing the AI smoke Paradigm driver but we are testing the max version so not straight into the triple diamond which I did use last year which I thought was the best driver of

2023 we’re going to get this in the hands of a mid handicap golfer I certainly think the looks have improved the sounds improved the performance has improved but will it improve this guy’s driving he has got a new driver but it’s still probably the weakest part of his

Game let’s see if it’s the driver well let’s see if it’s him right in comes days well thanks for the confidence Builder Chris but I’ve built you up there Dave got fired up I think um I think we can definitely say that it’s me not the drivers yeah so again here we’ve

Got this set at 10 and a half degrees so exactly what his pxg which he has just got for Christmas off Mrs Harrison uh again really enjoying that he’s got that in the nice phg flatter setting to stop those left shots which it certainly has done we’ve now got the AI smel Max

Again a little bit low face strike Dave low on the face yes yeah it was there pretty low on the face so again that’s going to encourage it to launch a little bit lower so Dave’s working on his my bad shot is it it is yeah and Dave’s

Certainly working on his swing guys and if you are enjoying the content please do consider hitting that subscriber button below we are going to be doing some lessons with Dave in coming weeks obviously trying to work on his game we’re in February now so it’s the big

Buildup for the season we need the equipment right but we also need him swinging it well to lower his scores another low one another low one again finish position a little bit controversial but sound Dave off that sound and feel I know they were a little

Bit bottomy but sound I prefer the sound to the um the TA made that we uh tested the other when what it was we’ve tested the qi1 on the channel and again that Max version sound a bit tiny didn’t it yeah they they sounded all right um they

Just felt okay yeah but they didn’t perform as well as the uh T made so far no so far anyway we’ll get up there and guys this is a big thing obviously when you’re thinking about drivers you need to make sure you’ve got the right setup

Of shaft is it the driver head that’s going to help you or is it lessons that you do need obviously you need to think about it is your game just needing a little bit of improvement it’s not a drive that’s going to magically get you hitting it another 20 yards although

Dave likes to think that obviously he’s hitting his phg a little bit better but let’s jump into the studio now with this Paradigm and start to see Dave’s actual numbers compared to his phg before we put them to the test against each other out here at Waterfront golf so guys now

Inside with the AI smoke Max driver so like I said out there don’t be put off that it is a Max obviously Dave’s hit some different shots out there some good some bad obviously want to see this for numbers we noway got a driver that Mrs Harrison paid

$199 how does this compare at $499 and obviously Dave Price is obviously a big talking point not just because you’re a yorksman but in general obviously golf’s they have got a little bit cheaper this year 50 pounds down they’ve come down a little bit but is is that price in comparison to what

You can pay for last year’s model are you getting that much of a difference yeah so last year model the paradigms have come under probably just under 300 now so big differences wise in regards to price for me obviously we talked about looks out there and Dave obviously

You prefer this look to last year’s Max model or yes I do it’s it’s a nice looking um shelf appe peel especially cuz the bottom of it looks lovely yeah but down at you know down at the ball I do prefer it I like the um the M bit at

The front yeah it doesn’t look as a bigger difference between that and the triple diamond does it no it doesn’t uh and obviously looks is something that gives you confidence if Dave can get confidence with it but let’s put it to the test for numbers now see how it stands against the pxg

Which we’ll test back out on the golf course pretty good shot yeah carry wise 180 going 200 which is what we’ve what we’ve expected recently yeah so let’s go a couple more Club speed there was 90 so exactly what we know from Dave oh slightly Mis centered shot Dave

Yes let’s see what that does for an off-centered hit so 175 carry 192 so interesting there didn’t lose much yardage Dave for an off it’s on the course and it’s on the course which is always a good thing again guys you’ll seen on the channel we have done a lot

Of testing on we are throughout the year with older clubs and how they compare obviously not only pricewise but performance-wise where is the change strike wise Dave that felt to but it’s it’s not performed like it was toy 176 carry 193 so front to back very consistent that let’s grab your phg and

Just get a couple of numbers with that because dispersion wise there not only front to back but right to left they were all in the Fairway and all within probably seven yards of each other so very consistent there with that drive and Dave certainly had some different strikes

There just like it did on the golf course is that what you’re paying that difference for again we know Dave’s driver the 0311 XF gem 5 pxg is not too old but will it have a bigger difference so a little slip forwards but let’s look at numbers wise

173 wasn’t the best balanced 19 strike wise little centered wasn’t very well centered no no sounded a little bit high on the face if anything if you can go by sound one just up that left hand side carry wise 160 going 180 but again is that

More you Dave yeah strike wise I it low on the face there Chris it was awful yes that was the worst strike of the lot so we are going to obviously lose more distance with that potentially see if Dave can get one right what is he going to have to get

The old hand in the pocket oh no not again all that way today Chris consistent 170 running to 190 so interesting guys that the numbers there are showing that they AI smell Max driver it was actually working obviously better for Dave but that is a mid- handicapper that is off-centered hits

He’s not probably hit his phg like you wanted Dave no not at all so obviously it’s then obviously 10 yards difference in it probably with carry and to but not a good strike as of yet with the pxg but all the off-centered hits just a little

Bit better on that newer driver even if it’s only a year or so 170 going 190 so let’s get back out on the golf course let’s put this to a test in its real element and start to see has theyve made the right decision should you go

Brand new should you go maybe a year old or like the series we got on the channel could you go back a decade and still get a pretty similar distance so guys interesting numbers there inside but back out on the golf course now which is going to be performing again this is the

Real test we want it out on a golf course out on a hole where Dave needs a good drive can we get that phg up first let’s see do we get that Tower in flight and down the m d played a Blinder there through the tree never mind at the tree but again

Good fight there Dave a nice little draw yeah came stra came right off the middle I was aiming up there cuz I was expecting more of a hook cuz you know that generally is M shot yeah obviously inside it was pretty straight but obviously with the phg setting Dave can

Still manipulate it a little bit to the left in with the Callaway Max driver we’ve had to borrow this off James Robinson so Dave has just nudge that tea a little bit further down after the incident he’s had I mean it’s nearly a year go Dave but it’s there’s no proof

It were me there is no video proof anywhere that it was me it’s still mentioned on a regular basis at least three times a week needs to get over it does he really here’s the max driver so pretty good inside let’s see here out on the golf course a little bit

Lower which again we know that can be Dave yeah that’s more me than this but that’s exactly the test we want to do we’ve tested inside numbers are very similar but out on the golf course yes we know Dave’s not going to have the same swing every single time but the PG

Had a little bit more confidence over it struck it well straight out of the middle then goes onto a Callaway where he should still have confidence because he’s just hit a good drive and doesn’t quite match it so the price difference nearly being £300 is it worth it or are

You better off getting something second hand to help you lower your scores this year


  1. Forgiveness is the key for most of us unless you consistently middle it, last year or two forgiving model at a more reasonable price to increase average distances and improve scores.

  2. I’ve noticed Dave’s right thumb is on top even slightly to the right (rear) of the grip which might make him hit shots to the left. Maybe just a thought.

  3. Easy for me to say since I'm not the one on video but Dave's swings look a bit tense. Good videos for mid-handicappers to watch. My takeaway is that getting a center strike is soooo much more important than chasing the possibility of a few yards. PXG drivers are plenty forgiving and can be set up more so than the competition.

  4. Come on Chris, get Dave’s swing fixed. In the time you’ve tested all these clubs you could have given Dave a few lessons. I don’t know how you can stay quiet week after week.

  5. I had a Ping425 started missing right so went for a lesson, after the lesson I played a few rounds and did some range work, then went for a fitting, I tried numerous brands including my old driver, and the AI smoke Max D was by far the best of the bunch, picked up 6mph ball speed, have played a few rounds and it transferred to the course so I am very pleased.

  6. His set up looks like he has ball to far forward or is it just me lol 😆 😂

  7. With Daves short back swing and slow swing speed he needs to be hitting a 45 gram Fujikura Sr. shaft and sit his driver at 12 degrees. Every video I have seen him in he hits it low and with the roll he cannot hit it 200 yards.

  8. Where's Frankie? With all due respect to Dave and Chris I'm a 5 handicap player trying to get my score down and I was thoroughly enjoying seeing Frankie but it feels like it's been forever since we've seen him

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