Golf Players

INTERVIEW: Fireballs ready to make jump | LIV Golf Jeddah

Fireballs GC’s Sergio Garcia, Abraham Ancer, Eugenio Chacarra and David Puig discuss their preparations and expectations for LIV Golf Jeddah this week.

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We are welcomed by FS GC we have Abraham Alon David our captain Sergio Garcia and yeno chicaro welcome guys thank you thank Youk it was only in October you guys were back here lifting the trophy as the team champions of LIF golf jeda 2023 is it positive memories coming back

For you we start with serd year yeah you remember yeah maybe not for all of you um yeah no it was uh obviously it was a good week uh remember uh you know we played we all played solid that that week and um you know it was our second

Second week for the year uh so it was nice to to finish the year strong um so uh you know we uh we want to come back and kind of do a little bit more of the same hopefully uh all four of us will will play solid and give ourselves a a

Solid uh solid chance at uh defending our title here and youor good memories yeah I mean winning is always fun for sure I think it’s one of my favorite cours that we play all year I played pretty good in the past so yeah I think

The course is in the best shape I ever seen it so yeah I’m excited to compete I think my game’s trending in the right direction definitely didn’t have the best start I wanted but I I thought I’m I think I’m not that far away so yeah I’m getting better feelings every day

Working really hard to try to help the team and hopefully we can get another win like last year we did and a you can go one more you also W the Saudi International here in February last year so two wins for you round here is there anything different to expect playing in

February rather than October like live was played last year well I think just weatherwise uh it’s not as hot so um it’s going to be a little more pleasant um in October I mean it’s really really hot so you you have to really be careful with uh

Uh with what you’re I mean you got to be drinking a lot of electrolytes and staying on top of that and uh just keeping that on check um the golf course is in great shape I feel like he has a better chance to to be really healthy uh

But the winds always up it’s the golf course that you have to be really really accurate um obviously I’m a big fan of the golf course uh I think you you have to be a good ball Striker and you got to hit it good off the tea as well so I U I

Love it like I said we have some success here as a team and and individually and um I feel like we’re all starting to to play some really good golf as a group and hopefully we can click all four of us and uh and be on the podium on on

Sunday and David are you hoping to get your first five BS GC win here this week yeah for sure um we didn’t have probably the best two weeks as a team on on those last two tournaments but as they said I think we’re we’re playing better individually

And and obviously getting to know each other more and more every single day so so yeah hopefully we can be on that Podium on Sunday and and just celebrating our first team Victory cool I’ll hand over to Mike Sergio uh individually you played really well here uh think couple of

T3s what what is it about this course you think suits your game and and secondly obviously you’ve knocked on the door a couple times to live do do you feel like you know this is going to be a good opportunity for you this week well

I mean like you said Mike I uh yeah I’ve been fortunate to play uh fairly well here uh pretty much every every time I played so obviously there’s there’s some things about the course that I that I enjoy and I like uh I’m usually uh fairly good win player and it always

Blows here so that kind of helps but um yeah it’s uh you know I’ve had uh probably about I would say probably about four or five really good chances at at winning at LIF in the last couple of years uh unfortunately couple seconds uh you know

A couple uh playoff losses and and um you know some top threes and stuff so you know we just got to keep keep giving myself chances uh I think that if um you know my game is on uh I obviously have a have a chance here because I’ve done

I’ve done well in the past so um you know hopefully we can we can do uh we can do well as a team and and and indiv if we all do well individually then we’ll be doing well as a team so you know that’s that’s the

Goal and he do you feel like as a team like this course really suits your team throughout the entire lineup I think so I think we all um we’re all good b ball Strikers and it’s it always blows here I feel like everybody in this group is

Extremely good in the in the wind um I feel like everybody feels comfortable with it and uh and yeah I think I mean Pooch has been playing very solid golf Sergio is always extremely solid uh me and chakara have been maybe a little bit off there but we’re we’re

Definitely both trending in the right direction uh game starting to feel a lot better gra getting more confidence on on the greens uh and ball striking as well and um and yeah I think it’s a it’s definitely a a golf course that that suits us we just got to we

Just got to play good golf we just got to go do it youo when you come to a course like this if the team has had success how much does that factor into like having confidence going into the tournament yeah I mean like I said I

Think we we’re all we know serg and are being playing great and like AE said I think we’re both playing good again and we we love this place uh it’s like it’s windy every time it makes it a good course for both Strikers like they all

Said so yeah it’s excited I think it gives us some extra confidence to know that we already had success here but at the end of the day we Friday and Saturday Sunday we need to it’s a new tournament so we need to perform try to to win that the league is getting better

And better one last question for me obviously you come in with terrific form we talked a little bit about it yesterday off the win uh coming to a course like this do you feel like your form right now now it’s going to it’s going to really pay off on like

This yeah hopefully I mean I obviously had two good weeks these last two weeks and and I think course like like this one ss my game pretty good um can get a little longer with the win and and I have some advantage that with with my distance I think and

Then um again been playing pretty good and and like the conditions I like the type of grass I’m not a big fan of Bermuda so I I really enjoy this grass here so so yeah I think it it’s a or it’s going to be a good week for for me

Personally hopefully and and I think as as a team we’re we’re ready to to start performing better I should have asked this question this is your fifth week in a row right yeah fifth week in a row I didn’t play Malaysia so is that a challeng it doesn’t matter you’re young when when

You’re 22 doesn’t matter no yeah I was I was actually telling Sergio and my cad like 20 minutes ago that last week I felt pretty tired but I don’t know why this week I feel I feel great I I don’t feel as tired and which is a good sign

Obviously and and and yeah I mean fifth week I again I’ve been playing good these last two weeks so I think I have a little bit of a vantage in there and and and hopefully you know that stretch pays pays off um good and you know hopefully we can get a win soon

App hi guys Ben gol love UK hope you’re well um I’ll speak with you later I got questions for the other guys so uh de congratulations on getting your place in the open are you speaking to Sergio who played opens before what’s your what’s your plans to get yourself

Ready yeah I I didn’t speak with Sergio yet um I’m still hoping that these three guys make it through through qualifying so you know we can all play a practice round together that’d be the The best scenario but but yeah I still have time to talk to him and and learn from him

And you know how to how to play these courses properly and and I’m going to ask a lot of questions to him I don’t know if it’s going to be this week or in the upcoming weeks but we have time but but I’ll need his help for sure well

There’s going to be plenty of wind in trune so enjoy the wind here that’ll be a bit of preparation the course is playing longer everyone I spoken to today as it’s playing long obviously last time when you played in October it was after the summer the ground had

Firmed up now it’s after it’s not being the same weather so they’re saying the course is playing a bit longer and also having walk around they’ve overseeded that rough do you see the course playing differently this time tot yeah totally I know you don’t want to be in the rough

But let’s say you happen to be in the rough no no it plays it play totally different than than than in October um the the grass like the the course is Lasher it’s it’s in uh it’s in better shape um I personally think the rough is a

Little bit easier this time of the year with the over seat than than with that uh Zia that long Zia that that we have in October uh because it kind of triples down a little bit and then it makes it very tricky so um know but overall I

Think that the course uh it’s you know it’s meant to be played this time of the year and and and it shows and um you know it should be um you know it should be a good test for for all of us and you’ve recently done obviously

The one Club challenge with Bryson and you went on with Rick Shields and Rick didn’t have his best moment did he did you uh pass any advice on to Rick because those of you who watched it he it wasn’t Rick’s best day out yeah it

Was it was a tough day it was windy it was uh it was a little bit cold and and obviously he um you know he didn’t start great and he lost a little bit of confidence but um you know I was trying to help him as much as I could to you

Know to have as much fun as possible but uh you know we uh we decided that we’ll we’ll make it a we’ll make it a rematch uh give him another shot and uh you know see uh see how it was but it was it was fun you know both both uh both little

Matches were were a lot of fun so uh with Bryson and and with Rick and you know I’m sure we’ll we’ll do some more coming up now obviously there is a collab that could go on we’re talking about you playing with those two we’ve got Abe who’s good friends to Mark

Wallberg surely we’re going to see AB Mark wallberg Four Hole five hole challenge get out there what’s the what’s the idea that’s a good idea I mean now that you mentioned it I think we should uh we should definitely make it happen I’ll do the the only thing is

That Mark plays extremely fast so we got to be almost sprinting to our balls it’s it’s a little bit crazy the way he plays golf he plays 18 holes in like 90 minutes doesn’t it yeah it’s pretty wild yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s not normal to do that gentlemen thank you please all

Have a great weekend and thank you for my time thank you we’ll go into Arabic questions and Yim will translate thank you hello okay so this is Iman Muhammad from s electronic um online first of all she welcomes you back here to the king

And she says that she is a big fan of you guys and you guys have put on a great show pre in the previous uh event and um she she wants to ask all of you and she wants to hear from all of you in your opinion what is the secret about this

Team like what is the one special thing about this team should I start I think yeah I think there’s hopefully uh many many good things about it uh we believe I think that you know we have we have a lot of passion a lot of

Charisma uh so you know we play you can see it out on the course you know we play with uh with a lot of energy uh so that’s that’s always that’s always fun but uh you know at the end of the day it’s just really good players and U you

Know that’s that’s always the kind of team that you want to have when you’re uh when you’re a captain uh so we’re we’re excited to hopefully play very well again uh this week here in in jeda and uh you know see we can it’ll be nice to to get that trophy

Again I think so well thank you for welcoming us again um but I feel like we’re extremely competitive which I feel like all four of us even on practice rounds it gets pretty pretty intense which is good it’s what you want replicate those those moments when you’re playing in the actual tournament

And I think that that little thing is what kind of maybe sets us apart just the way we think and the how how bad we we want it um I think that’s that’s a major component to this team yeah same here I think we we have a

Good team chemistry for sure and and all of us we you know we play to win um sometimes winning is not winning you know but we try to score the best way we can we you know I feel we never give up none of us and and we just as ape say we

Wanton it so bad which you know which makes makes us a good team and and I think we know and everyone knows that when we you know when we have a good week um with the spirit and fighting we have like we you know we can get

Dangerous and and when we don’t have our best stuff we’re still there because we we still care 100% Jor I mean it’s hard to put anything else I think they all said everything we just try our best I think we never quit and Sergio I mean to

David and me that we’re younger and we don’t have that much experience so he trying to help us and give us his thoughts and stuff I think we’re that’s how David is getting way better every single tournament and I’m trying to so I think we we’re in a good spot we had a

Lot of talent we have a lot of diff and hopefully we can start performing the right we start performing a little better and as soon as we play good as a team we’re going to be up there every single week and one thing I forgot to add as well she mention mention that

Last tournament was her first tournament ever to attend a golf event and you guys are one of the reasons why she came back she wants to see you again perfect thank awesome nice she’s on the phone she’s on the phone yeah Fireballs this is from Gad um he

Welcomes you guys again the kingdom says green looks go down your guys and um he’s a big fan you can tell by his bracelet he wears the Fireballs bracelet there you go so um he uh his question is for you David and um he’s like this team already won here in jeda

Um in your opinion what are you going to add in order for them to win it again and secure the second win and to do something uh special well um I hope I’ll add better scores so you know we we win by extra shots um as a team but but yeah and I

Mean I don’t know I mean I I’m trying to have the best preparation I can on the course and trying to to keep learning the course and and hopefully I can you know put three good scores and and just H the team the best way I can thank you David

Um this is from Sports 24 Channel um welcomes you as well uh to the kingdom and his question is for all of you guys he wants to hear from all of you in terms of um what would be the deciding factor in your opinion in terms of you

Guys performing well here in jeder again and what is the one element that is special that is going to give you edge over the other team in your opinion as well Serio um I think it’s it’s consistency pretty much I think that at the end of

The at the end of the day if we’re consistent if we you know if we believe in uh in our ability uh I think that uh you know we have so much quality that uh that that will rise to the top so I think if uh if we can manage to do that

You know with this win it’s it’s it’s this course is not that easy uh so if you if you keep it in play well and you’re and you’re consistent throughout the throughout the week then uh I’m sure that we’ll be we’ll be up there with us with a good solid

Chance yeah for me I think just keeping it simple just playing stressfree golf as much as possible as a as a team I feel like we can we can definitely do that just everything has to click this week obviously but just eliminate dumb mistakes um try to hit a lot of Fairways

And a lot of greens and have good speed um I think just yeah like like I said keeping it keeping it simple and staying out of trouble and just be consistent as a group yeah in my case um something I I want to get better this year is um The

Greens in regulation um thing I mean it’s probably the most important aspect for me because sometimes I get too aggressive and I think it’s very important in this course as well if you can hit as many greens as regulation as possible um that means you’re just putting for birdie pretty much every

Time obviously and and and it’s a super important factor here if you want to score well yeah I mean for me I think uh a lot of of my performance is become with my pting I think it just just gets a little mental and I get a little frustrated and

That affects all my game and my actitude so this week I went back to my pter that I used in college on the first year as a pro that worked pretty well and and I think that’s that’s obviously going to help me if I I can stay patient even

Though if I miss a couple the other the first holes and at the start just stay patient and don’t overthink stuff that’s that’s going to help me stay there and like I said like Ser said consistency and hopefully I can have another good week ball striking wise and my pattern

Works a little better and I can help the team with good scores for the end of the day on Sunday leave the trophy with them this is Nar Ali from abct TV um the question is for you uh Sergio um in terms of the sport

His question is for those who are new to the sport and he wants to hear from someone like you Sergio um in terms of the sport um what will it take in order for for for the for the sport to grow in such places like uh Saudi for example

Where it’s picking up and a lot of fans are starting to uh watch it more yeah well I think uh I think there’s a few different things obviously um you know more courses are being built so that’s more uh more chances of of you

Know kids to to uh to you know to be able to get into the game so that’s that’s obviously important uh as as the years go by uh if you make the game as reachable as as possible to uh to kids it’s uh it’s one of the most important

Things to to be able to to grow the game anywhere in the world um so um here in sou is no different um you know weather uh obviously in the summer it’s a bit warmer but it’s it’s nice so you can uh you have a lot of

Playability there um and uh just just promoting the game as much as possible I think obviously having tournaments like this one helps uh helps the kids get get involved and become fans and then wanting uh wanting to go to the course so um you know that’s that’s what we’re

Trying to do grow grow the game as much as possible uh as we can everywhere in the world and and uh obviously here this week is uh is very important yeah we’ve seen it you’ve got a lot of fans here thank you so much thank you thank

You I think that we thanks for translating thanks for your help thank you thank you thank you guys


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