Golf Players

Cognizant Classic | Fantasy Golf Preview & Picks, Sleepers, Data – DFS Golf & DraftKings

The TOUR heads to PGA National in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida for the Cognizant Classic (formerly Honda Classic) . Rick uses data to breakdown the courses, field and much more!

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0:00 Intro
0:36 Course Preview
8:52 10K Range
17:17 9K Range
29:31 8K Range
34:03 7K Range
37:16 6K Range
40:39 5K Range
42:49 Custom Model
46:20 Outro

#CognizantClassic #PGANational #PGATOUR #DFS #Golf​ #FantasyGolf #PGA​ #OneAndDone ​#RickRunGood​​ #draftkings #underdogfantasy

What’s up guys Rick here with your preview for this week’s cognizant Classic this is the event formerly known as the Honda Classic so if you’re wondering what the heck is going on that’s what the heck is going on so we’ve played at PGA National for a ton

We’ve got a good beat on it there are a couple of changes for this year which we’ll cover in just a second but we’re going to go through the course we’re going to go through the field I’ve got some major championship stuff ahead there’s just a lot going on right now

It’s a Sprint now that we’re on to the Florida swing I cannot wait and we will not wait let’s go PGA National the Champion Course and there are a few changes so histo let’s back up historically a very difficult Golf Course uh it can get windy there is

Water everywhere the official number is 15 holes I count 16 holes in which water is in play maybe they don’t think water’s in play on one of them that I do maybe I’m thinking about if I were playing that but anyway it’s a lot of

Water on on approach shots it’s a lot of water off the te you can get in trouble here you can make big numbers quickly historically one of the most difficult venues that we get and definitely one of the most difficult not major venues that we get over the last couple of years it

Has been I don’t want to say softened but the scoring averages have gotten better last year it was the 14th most difficult golf course on the schedule still very very difficult but that was the easiest that it’s played in the last half decade okay it’s usually the second most difficult third fourth whatever

Something like that this year I think it’s probably going to play even easier than that especially to a scoring average uh rate because they’ve done a couple of things one they have changed number 10 from a 500 yard par 4 to a 525 530 yard par five so it’s no longer a

Par 70 it’s a par 71 there are three par fivs now so you’re actually seeing what you’re seeing on the course key stats page which by the way this is my website rickr everything you see will come from my website rickun you should go sign up for it so I’m showing

You last year’s data which still shows this as a Par Four number 10 but it is technically a part five the other thing that they have done is added more Fairway here they’ve cut some of the rough to be Fairway length and the quote about that is they’ve added an acre of

New Fairway so uh I think that Fairways will be up I think guys will be playing from Short Grass more frequently they will get the reprieve on number 10 as a par five now making it what I think is probably going to be one of the easier

Holes I mean scoring averages were four 4.1 4.2 in some situations last year or over the previous years you had 20 or 30 yards I don’t I don’t think it’s going to be that big of a difference I think it’s going to probably be one of the easier holes so

Uh number three number 10 now and number 18 are your par fives we obviously know there’s the bear trap the the end of this golf course uh 15 16 17 where you have to play two part threes very very difficult lots of water everywhere so that’s the score card and some of the

Changes if you look at the metrics I think there’s a couple of things um that we can glean from this so this is just there’s just no opinion whatsoever in this it takes a look at every single stat on the PGA tour Compares it to uh success correlates it to success and

Finds out what that value is then I rank them display them Etc the one that stands out here to me is is strok SC putting um of the really sticky good stat profiles or uh stats excuse me it’s the highest ranked stat there’s only 15 other courses in which Strokes gain

Putting is more correlated to success and I think that there’s a couple of reasons for that um number one I don’t think anyone is particularly immune from a blow up from a couple balls in the water and your week is done so so you know the guys that normally Crush from T

To Green that stuff like it it is much more in play that you’re going to make a big number from T to Green you’re not going to make a big number on the pting services right that kind of that kind of adds up a little bit so I think that the

Uh the danger and and think about when you hit a ball in the I mean that’s a stroke that’s a full stroke a full Two Strokes if you’re hitting balls into the water it it adds up and will definitely uh skew these stats but when you do that

Over time I think it starts to tell a really good story um and then the other thing is you know we’ve basically been on poana or on Pas palum all year long we are finally going back to Bermuda in Florida which should be flat which should roll pure and the better putter

Kind of show up here that I think they lean into that I think they love it so so on and so forth not only out out of these key stats metrics The Strokes game putting show up as the the highest ranked but also when you look at every

Stat which most of these are are garbage but if you start to look at the sense of them what what is the trend here you do get a lot of putting stats right out of the gate putting from 10 to 15 putting from four to eight feet putting from six

Feet that’s a very noisy silly stat by itself but when you add it to putting from 4 to eight putting from 10 to 15 you add it to scrambling you add it to sand safe percentages which also have components of putting you look at the uh the big Strokes game putting number it’s

Like yeah okay I get it I get it we can we can see guys that are going to um put well probably or good Putters generally have success here the other thing if we want to go back to you know those shots off the te and here’s here’s all those

Metrics using the last 36 rounds and who gets the best adust adjusted fit Billy hell gets a great fit Eric Cole gets a great fit JT post and Ben Silverman Chris John bazay and ho get the top top top five wow uh best adjusted fit

Numbers and if you if you want to go and look at um you know look at the look at the Miss Fairway penalties on some of these holes right you missed the Fairway on number eight you’re losing a third of a stroke to the field you miss a fairway

On 13 you’re losing nearly a half a shot to the field so there are some spots where missing the Fairway obviously especially if you miss it on the wrong side is is going to be be troublesome you could go to something like the Holy

Grail go to the stats page go to off the te and find this stat here which says distance from edge of Fairway there are a couple of spots I put this in my stat article on rickun earlier um you know there are some narrow spots at

300 and 310 yards where if you are 21 yards off in the wrong direction you’re in the water um you know we’re kind of most Pros are looking for a 40 a 50 even a 60 yard wide Landing Zone you don’t always get that here and when you miss

And if you miss on the wrong side it’s water so distance from edge of Fairway says when a golfer misses the Fairway how far are they missing by so the best players in this field I think Russell Henley’s number one he is third on tour first in this field when he misses a

Fairway the average distant he distance he misses it by is 19 ft so what’s that less than seven yards which is a really good stat to assume at least off the te Russell Henley’s probably not going to find the water now that you have to believe that

He and his caddy have picked good lines and that all you know all that stuff right but he should have the ability to keep the ball dry off the tea second shot is obviously a different story but Henley Connor Sun JM Tom hogi Lucas Glover all very good at this distance

From edge of Fairway stat then when you look at the approaches uh you get a lot of approach shots nearly 30% of them coming from that middle Iron Range 150 to 175 yards some more at above average from 175 to 200 so you get a lot of

Those types of shots so you can take um you know you can go look at this we’ll put it into the model 150 to 200 we we’ll model those guys out for for seeing who the best players are and then you can see who also gets the putting

Boost so to be clear and we’re gonna I’m sure going to talk a lot about him in just a second Eric Cole The Floridian who popped at this event last year gets the best adjusted fit number or one of them gets the best putting Boost number

I will already tell you he is a Bermuda specialist something we’ll talk about in a little bit he’s going to be pretty popular right is he going to be the most popular one and done selection I think so let’s go to the cheat sheet again rickun I’ve got uh cognizant in

Here it’s going to be really hard for me to remember to say say that I’ve loaded in the Liv golf field we don’t have salaries for them yet uh but the field the field is loaded in and their and their metrics are as well so uh we we’re

Seeing a trend now I think we’ve entered a new era on DraftKings we’re going above $122,000 on salary and we’re going down to $5,000 on salary so we have entered the wide range era Rory mroy 122 cam young 107 Matt Fitzpatrick at 106 Russell Henley at 102 Tom Kim at 101 uh

Let’s start with Rory mroy here he is coming off at t-24 at the Genesis t66 at Pebble Beach two underwhelming starts if you’re Rory mroy I’m going to point out something that is that is pretty sick um he hasn’t played he used to play this event yearly and he played it every year

From 2009 to 2016 he took off in 2017 he played it for the last time in 2018 so he has not been back here since 2018 I understand he is a completely different golfer now than he was then he won this event in 2012 he finished second in 2014

Even with that this is one of the courses where he has the worst course history at now it is all very relative when you are Rory mroy because he’s gaining something like 84 Strokes per round at this golf course which guys would kill for that to be their career

But when you’re Rory maore and you’ve played this many rounds somewhere and it’s only 84 or8 six whatever it is it’s underwhelming and I think there’s only one other course on this on in his career where he has 16 rounds played and a worse record so it’s certainly worth noting for a big

$122,200 price tag you know he um when you look at his Advanced metrics from both the Genesis and from from Pebble Beach the big concern here is that he that he lost basically five Strokes on approach over those two starts because when he was rocking and rolling even

Across his win in Dubai his runner up in Dubai it is just some high-end second shot play right ever remember Rory went through that stretch where he couldn’t hit his wedges just couldn’t hit him and when you’re Rory you have wedges in like everywhere um yeah he fixed that a while

Ago and and you’re seeing how good he was gaining multiple Strokes on approach constantly but he’s starting to falter a little bit more as of late so it’s it’s uh a very big price tag he probably has to win or finish like second behind someone who is not popular to to to make

That worth it I will wait and see what the projected ownership is but I’m not super excited about Rory right now pretty lukewarm Cameron young is here and I think Cameron young is probably one of the most interesting golfers on this slate I don’t know if that’s good

Or bad I just think it’s interesting uh I think he’s going to be able to keep his ball out of the water right he has consistently been driving it well he’s back to hitting his second shots well he was great at Riviera he uh gained four strokes on approach

There this is just a matter of whether or not he’s going to put the short game together that that is that is really the big question here let’s see what he’s done at this event in the past has he ever played it we don’t have any history

We do 2022 he finished t16 and did had a similar stat profile to what he’s doing right now great ball Striker lost around the green maybe a little bit of a Gainer uh on the putting surfaces and he finished t16 almost identical to what he did at Riviera last week so this while

There doesn’t feel like there’s a lot of juice to squeeze out of this right when you’re looking at stat profiles I don’t see a place where Cam Young’s going to bounce back I don’t see a place where you know he’s being mispriced based on the stat uh profile I think he’s very

Fairly priced and if you are cool if you’re cool spending $10,700 on a guy who is fairly priced then I think cam young young is your guy I think it’ll be interesting to see you know there’s such a big difference no offense to Russell Henley but such a big difference between

Rory mroy right above you and Russell Henley only $500 below you that’s kind of a tough pill to swallow sorry Russ um which kind of puts cam young and Matt Fitzpatrick in this awkward in this awkward spot here quickly on Matt Fitzpatrick this is a very concerning stat profile we’ve been we’ve been

Tracking this for the last couple of weeks since the start of 2024 this is this is very unlike Matt Fitzpatrick he’s generally when he when he plays well he’s a well-rounded golfer he gains across the board he’s playing whack-a-mole right now when I say that I

Mean one week he’s good off the te the next week he’s not one week he’s good on approach the next week he’s not the Putter’s not there that’s been pretty consistent the short games generally losing more than gaining I mean the fact that he’s the fact that has not been

Able to figure out the putter so far in 2024 is a little bit concerning um I’ll pull up his history here but maybe Bermuda is what he needs maybe he needs a change to bermuda’s he’s always putted well here he just hasn’t done anything else well here he’s lost 14 Strokes ball striking

He’s he’s gained nearly six on the putting surfaces this is probably just a wait and see um if I get burned by Matt Fitzpatrick at PGA National putting up this stat profile I’m not going to be too worried about it Russell Henley um consistently good this is definitely a

Henley spot right when you think about how how well he keeps it in play off the te then he turns into one of the best second shot players are we going to get enough of the flat stick is that going to cooperate if we look at what he’s

Done here it’s Splendid so he hasn’t played since 2021 he finished 3rd 8th in 2020 20th in 2019 24th in 2018 that’s four consecutive top 25s does not even include him winning this event in 2014 long time ago gained eight Strokes putting here in 2021 it was a long time

Ago but that is a pretty darn good record I would almost be willing I’d almost be more excited about trying to grab Henley than Matt Fitzpatrick and I don’t know if that’s a hot take or not obviously salary just came out a couple of minutes ago I don’t I don’t know what

People are thinking at this point but that is a little more exciting than this just kind of allaround struggle from Matt Fitzpatrick we’ve got some good on good and bad for Tom Kim you know everything kind of almost offsets one another accurate driver gain Strokes in ball striking doesn’t putt well you look

At his distance from edge of Fairway that’s good you look at his mid to Long iron play that’s not very good 106th uh from 125 to 150 that’s that’s not as important this week as 15175 where he’s 135th 100 75 to 200 he’s 56

Let’s go back to last year we can get a little bit of a better sample size he admittedly okay so much better from all of those ranges last year and that is a larger sample size 2024 has not been that good of a start form you can see

Losing Strokes on Approach at both the American Express and at Pebble this could be an interesting buy Spot pebble’s a weird event or at least it was this year course rotation weather don’t care American Express always a weird event if those are the two that he’s losing on I think I’m okay with

That gains five and a half Strokes on approaching Phoenix 1.2 at Riv we’ve got to get the putter fixed we’ve absolutely got to get the putter fixed if he wants to have a chance here but keeps it in play this should be a decent spot for

Him I think turning into a 71 probably helps him um I wouldn’t mind that so I mean I think it’s for me I think it’s probably wait and see on Rory not very excited cam young is fair and then Tom Kim at 101 could be the most interesting

And Henley over Fitzpatrick is probably the way I see it right now let’s see what happens to Rory mroy as the week goes on if there’s an opportunity to get to Rory I’ll have no problem but um it would take a pretty a pretty low ownership okay the 9k range so Eric Cole

I remember this event vividly right finishes runner up last year went to a playoff right with with Chris Kirk and it seemed like it was going to be okay well here he is he finishes second and you know misses his cut misses the cut at Bay Hill T t-27 at the Players missed

Cut t39 missed cut missed cut it’s like all right it was fun Eric Cole you had your moment we’re probably not going to hear a lot from you wrong very very wrong because then he goes on this run wins Rookie of the Year piles up a bunch

Of top fives a bunch of top 10 finishes is continues it into 2024 finish T10 at Riviera I already mentioned he gets a great adjusted fit boost I already mentioned he gets a great putting boost um you look at his ability to keep it in play 56th

In distance from edge of Fairway you look at the long irons um 57th on tour much better in this field from 150 to 175 14th on tour from 175 to 200 33rd from 200 to 225 very very good from those longer ranges actually not as good

With his with his wedges which is good for this week FL Floridian we already talked about that he also him and Taylor Montgomery are number one and number two in Bermuda putting specialist for this week they are um both guys who gain Strokes putting in general right

Sometimes you get guys who are like really bad and then they’re good on Bermuda Eric Cole and Taylor Montgomery are both positive Putters uh overall and get a significant boost on Bermuda I believe Eric Cole is going to be the most popular one in D selection I think

When we get to the Wednesday live chat and we see that information and we start digesting who should be playing Eric Cole and all that fun stuff um I think he’s I think he’s gonna be a big part of this conversation you’re gonna have to deploy him in a responsible way

Uh whether that means putting him in every single one of your lineups and going overweight on a very popular player fading him little bit concerning but I would get it if he starts getting up to that 30% like we saw uh Tony fenal do last week we’re we are going to have

To learn the sentiment around Eric Cole this week speaking of one and done I have partnered with Splash to release a three and done we’ve never done this before or I’ve never done this before uh uh and I’m very interested to see how it goes so with major championship season

Coming up with the players coming up this is going to be five events long players Masters PGA US Open Open Championship five events you have to pick three golfers in each of those and you cannot pick them again I love that that’s sick right so a

True three and done you’re going to pick 15 golfers over the course of this so it starts the PLAYERS Championship which is March 14 this is a $500 Buy in that’s what we settled on here if we fill it it’ll be 464 people first place will be 25k

Second will be 20K we’re going to pay out 50 spots which means that’s more than 10% and also there are payouts for each tournament so there are five essentially segments with one segment each or one tournament in each segment so if you have the be if you have the

Best Masters you win $5,800 or whatever that final number is going to be depending on how many people get in and if you don’t make a cut the rest of the way that money is yours and it’s you’re good to go this is legal fully legal and

Regulated in like 41 States 40 States something like that I think I think it’s 40 NDC um I suggest getting in now because I think as I start promoting this and from what I understand Majors pools Master like that stuff is crazy popular and I think this is going to be pretty

Popular too so go check it out I’ll have my uh entry in there or entries you can have up to three I’ll probably only play one we’ll see how it goes but um yeah I thought that was pretty cool I thought that was pretty cool that we that we

Rocked that all right the rest of the 9k range here what I’m hoping is that we can get a vacuum on Eric Cole right every if everybody wants to play Eric Cole JT Poston is basically Eric Cole right both of these guys for the last year have done

Nothing but finish inside the top 15 and have done and have zero wins for it right both of them finished T10 at Riviera both of them generally are not good statistical drivers but they hit a lot of Fairways which is important here both of them then turn into pretty good

Iron players and pretty darn good Putters so they are very very similar from that uh from that perspective we’re going to look up JT post and history around this event it’s not good it’s not bad he’s made the cut in five out of six but he doesn’t have a finish better than

T27 and that was seven years ago the metrics aren’t horrible he just hasn’t really ever put it all together um I think there’s a chance that many just simply opt for Eric Cole or for sun JM who has won this event and then finished eighth who has and struggled recently

And leave JT Poston untouched that’s what I’m hoping for that’s that would be that would be great that’s that’s what I would go for um quickly on sun JM because I do find him to when when you have a win and an eighth place finish you’re you’re going to be one of the

More interesting golfers I I do not like this stat profile one single bit uh I’m a huge sunjay guy I wish he was playing better ever since the American Express it has been very bad very very bad he lost Strokes on approach the American Express he lost Strokes on approach Farmers did

It again at Pebble Beach did it again in Phoenix did it again at Riviera five in a row I don’t think there is time in his career where he has lost Strokes on approach in even three in a row and we are at five he did it he did

Four here but some of these losses are microscopic 0.1.2 over four rounds and this is a match play loss which is a very wonky stat so so I mean we are definitely here’s three in a row he actually lost six out of seven from Phoenix in 2021 to

The Masters in 2021 so again we we’re pretty pretty much in unchartered territory it’s been a couple of years and that is quite concerning to me so probably not for me this week there will be a lot of love for benan here he’s played great recently he’s played

Great here there will be a lot of love for Chris Kirk hasn’t played as well recently but remember he won the Sentry he’s won this event last year give me there there will be love for Keith Mitchell at $99,000 there might even be love for Daniel Burger who knows Daniel

I I don’t know what Daniel Burger is he’s played three times this year he’s been all right and he’s got a great record here and he loves Florida give me all the Shane Lowry right give me all the 7% Shane Lowry who is playing fine gains from gained T to

Green in Phoenix lost three Strokes putting finished T25 at Farmers much more difficult Golf Course well differently difficult and way deeper field missed the cut at the American Express lost two strokes putting when you when when Shane Lowry struggling Los loses Strokes putting I it’s quick he’s quick to bounce back and

The T green play has been great you go back even any further than that the European tour stuff awesome T t18 at the DP World Tour Championship he played well at the Ryder Cup had uh three two good starts before that at Wentworth and the k club and then when you start

Comparing his history at this event there’s a lot of good guy a lot of good course history in the 9k range right a lot of wins a lot of runner-up finishes a lot of top fives uh Lowry is just as good T5 last year runner up the year before hasn’t missed a cut

Here putts well more often I mean if finished fifth last year losing a stroke putting I think that there is going to be some really popular guys in this 9k range and I’m hoping it leaves kind of Lowry and JT Poston untouched if I could if I

Could get maybe I’d even start there who knows if I could go there I’d be pretty happy also for this week uh I have not really if if if you are watching this video as it’s coming out or like close to when it came out on Monday you have

Not seen um my major championship rankings and best ball video yet so this is the rankings and these are 100% free rickun bestall I have learned how popular major championship pools are Masters the big four five right with the PLAYERS Championship it’s stunning one and done is growing like a weed these

Are growing like a weed so what I’ve done for the first time ever is I’ve put together major championship rankings and this is actually a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be because one not everybody’s in every major obviously but the problem is the

Qualification processes are not done and they’re not going to be done until like these events start so what I actually ended up going through and doing is keep is marking everybody who’s already qualified right that’s your end ofe stuff that’s your past champions guys that are already in no matter what

They’re green check marks then I did these yellow circles which is basically saying they’re currently qualified if if if qualification ended right now they’d be in then there are red X’s which means they are not qualified and they are not currently qualified then I use that information along with Strokes gain

Numbers from each of the majors recent form generated a score and then ranked them and my rank supersedes the score but that’s just for me you can do whatever whatever you want here and my hope for these is that you’ll use these rankings for the splash pool you’ll use

These to draft on Underdog so Underdog is running I’ll pull it up Underdog is running major only best balls so you’ll draft a team of 10 and it’s only for the majors which is so much better because the live guys are available like I have John ROM second and in season long best

Ball I don’t think I drafted any of John ROM it just didn’t make any sense but now I can draft a lot of John ROM that’s fun so they’ve got I mean that the $10 entry has a 50,000 first prize and I think there should be

A pretty big emphasis on the Masters for a couple of reasons we’ll definitely know the qualifications of that before this starts we and who’s playing it the course history is pretty sticky so it should be the easiest one to predict and then also that’s how you advance you have to

Advance through the Masters to get to the PGA and then if you advance again you go to the US Open right and then the championship round is the Open Championship so hopefully these rankings are helpful for you um I’ll continue to update them you know I have to add Jake

Napp is now in some of these right so I I’ll continue to update these qualifications and my ranks but you can download these you can mess around all I ask is if you’re going to use them you know use them on Splash click the link in the description use them on Underdog

Click the link in the description or use the promo code Rick that helps me it helps you it helps all of us I want to support all these things so if you use them use in good health rickun bestall the 8K range so I have not heard

Anything about Jake knap yet I as um I would not be surprised if he withdrew from this event but as of this moment as of recording he is still in it sometimes we see guys first win very emotional take some time off I do not know what

He’s going to do but he’s currently in the field at $8,400 uh if you cannot keep it in play off the tea or you get a little loose when you get nervous there are big numbers lurking so I’m glad Jake knap got uh the win out of the way last week

There’s going to be a lot of good golf courses for him moving forward I am not sure this is one of them Nikolai hoard has gotten a lot of run as of late do not forget about his brother Rasmus who is in this field twin bro Rasmus is

$88,500 let us look up this stat profile and I’ll give you the quick plug rickun tracks six tours including the DP World Tour the European tour with Strokes gained when they when they track those when they have the lasers set up so we have a complete picture of

Rasmus if that is not the selling point right there I don’t know what is look at what he has done he has gained at least five Strokes to the field in every event for his last 10 events in those 40 rounds he’s gained Strokes in 32 of them he has three

Straight top eight finishes including ining a runner up he has six straight seven straight top 11 finishes you can say it’s DP World Tour and it doesn’t matter I will tell you uh one of them was the DP World Tour Championship where everybody was there that’s their like

Rory played in that Dubai and Dubai the Invitational the Desert Classic Fleetwood and Rory won those right I mean the these are not sure sure you want to knock him for a T8 in bahin have at it but you got to give him credit for

The two t1s in Dubai okay so I I really like the way he plays um the ball striking metrics have gotten much better he’s actually just gotten much more well-rounded as of late and you know don’t don’t forget that Rasmus is here he’s hanging out at 8500 good bad or

Indifferent that Matthew Pavone took time off right you know he was eligible for a signature event that he didn’t play right could have played a Genesis didn’t play it the win at Farmers the third place finish at Pebble Beach the seventh and Sony I mean this is just a a

Dream start to the year for him um I thought he did a good job at least at Pebble or excuse me at least at Tori of of managing that golf course and playing to his strengths I worry he’s a little inaccurate although if you kind of look

Deeper into the metrics he does miss a lot of Fairways but he doesn’t miss them by much he’s 109th in accuracy but 45th in distance from edge of Fairway average is only 22 feet that’s seven yards so it’s a very strange combination to do that and then he’s okay it’s a very

Small bucket but he’s okay from some of those those those farther ranges so I think he’s kind of interesting I don’t know what’s going to happen with him taking the time off um the sneaky one I think here might be Alex noren you know noren had me pretty excited at the end

Of last year ENT ing this year because he was starting to put together a bunch of really good results you know he had the runner-up finish in Bermuda the T3 at the Shriners and it’s not like he’s been bad he just it’s been okay right he’s got um four straight Miss made Cuts

Excuse me in in 2024 best finish T25 he has a T25 and a t-26 worst finish t53 so he’s just kind of living in that little area there um he hasn’t played this event since two years ago he didn’t play it last year but he finished I think

Fifth the last time he played it yeah so fifth in 2022 he had a third place finish in 2018 it’s definitely a course he’s familiar with it’s definitely a course that I think sets up well for him I wish he was playing a little bit better but honestly if he was playing a

Little bit better I don’t think that he’d be 8200 I think he’d be more expensive than that so I’m I’m looking at Rasmus I’m looking at at Pavone I’m looking at um norin and I’m sprinkling in a little Jagger right Jagger who’s showing us what what his ceiling is

Uh repeatedly but he might be popular this week sprinkling in a little Jagger along the way I don’t love firing the hot takes into the atmosphere but I was Gob smacked when I saw that Thor buj olison was $7,700 to be clear this guy was 10K last week and one of the betting

Favorites I realized that that was a weaker field I’m not sure it was substantially weaker there’s like 40 guys ahead of him now did he play well no 46 you know it wasn’t Thomas dietry he didn’t do what Thomas dietry did yes I worry about his

Ability to drive it that has not always been an issue for him him he lost a stroke off the te in a win at in on the DP World Tour uh last week lost Strokes off the team rounds two three and four for pretty substantial amount much better iron player very

Stout around the greens and he can putt it well enough I am not sprinting to get as much thorbjorn olison as as I can but this this change in quick change in perception Quick Change in pricing feels a little off to me still a guy who in

His last 10 starts has like a win and four more top 10 finishes oh I’m sorry I won’t waste your time with any more like mad mcney stuff because i’ I spend a lot of time on McNeely this is also very wrong $7,100 he finished t13 last week

Where did Tony feno finish last week t-13 I don’t know why I picked him mad mcne is healthy mad mcney is healthy and mad mad mcney is back mad mcney is a probably the best putter on the PJ tour and if he’s not number one he’s top five

And oh by the way all of a sudden he’s driving it well I don’t know if he got healthy and start and figured out the driver took that time off to figure it out but he was hemorrhaging Strokes last year off the te he’s a Gainer 3.6 in

Mexico 1.7 in Phoenix 1.8 at Tory that’s only three measured rounds the approach Play Still leaves a little bit to be desired but when you can make up for it with one of the best Putters on a golf course that kind of asks you to do that mad MC

$7,100 come on kind of a joke right quite honestly I I mean I I would like stack this this Vegas crew right give me mcne 7100 Doug gim at 7,000 Doug gim has three straight top 13 finishes he has turned into a different golfer the problem with gim is he’s like I’m not

Sure he’s ever made a cut here he’s definitely missed his last three which might mean that this is a very bad Golf Course for him but look at this t113 T12 T8 in which he is gaining across the board in basically all of them really impressive stuff let’s look at his I’ll

Show you something much less impressive if it’s going to be his results around here it’s definitely at least three miscuts yeah okay three miscuts with just enormous losses with the putter enormous he’s been much better lately much much better lately that was team no put Doug gim this is this is

Team kind of putt Doug gim okay um the $6,000 range we still have another range to go here uh I I don’t think I’ll be chasing Sammy valaki off the runner-up finish in Mexico I think that going back to Alexander bu who finished 11th the MX

Last time we saw him actually that might not be the last time we saw him that was the last time we saw him definitely on the uh PGA tour let’s pull him up here uh miss the cut I’m Sorry Miss the cut in Phoenix and T70 at the farmers

Gain Strokes on approach in both of those is not driving it well he is accurate though he’s losing all he is losing all of his Strokes off the the T in distance he’s very short 271 yard off the T but one of the most accurate drivers that we have very good from some

Of those buckets pretty darn good putter yeah so Bor I’m Ena I’m I shouldn’t say enamored because that makes it sound like I’m already there like Gary Woodland is flirting with me I I’m not sure if I’m going to take him up on it right I’m not

Sure if if I’m going to in his advances or not but he’s flirting with me uh obviously you know he’s he’s still dealing with some of the the the side effects of um the brain surgery and having the lesion removed but seems to be you know healthy he’s getting back

Into the routine of things he’s playing playing more events I’m seeing Snippets of that really good Gary Woodland ball Striker right we seeing maybe a round at a time two rounds at a time like you know what what are we getting you know far what he

Did in round one at Farmers on the south course gaining 2.6 Strokes ball striking um like that that’s the stuff that I I see and he’s and I and I say’s he’s flirting with me and then you know the the back-to-back top 10 here 2022 2020 I

Think it’s a really good spot for him $6,500 he’s also a very good um I think he’s a pretty good buy I don’t know where I have him ranked in I have him 65th in in major championship rankings he should probably be higher than that he’s in everything he’s he’s he’s in

Everything and because his US Open win was within the last five years right so he’s so he’s in everything and I think just like we were buying mad mcne we were buying will zot Torres trying to be early like I’d be buying Gary Woodland stock right now I don’t know if it’s

This week but I think it’s coming this is a pretty good Chan Kim spot right T8 in Mexico T14 at the American Express uh uh good enough from Tia green he had those back-to-back wins on the corn fairy tour at the end of last year a very very high upside golfer uh accurate

As all get off off the T 27th in accuracy on tour decent with those middle irons uh obviously he’s got to be a good putter the the thing with his putter is it can be all over the place uh gains four strokes putting at the American Express loses four on the south

Course at Tory Pines don’t blame him for that then he gained uh picked up five last week on on Pas palum so maybe I don’t know we’ll see what he does on on Bermuda here but um that’s a pretty darn good price he’s got no history which is

Which is probably going to keep uh keep people away the $55,000 range still very very weird to say that so we can pick out our favorite Dart throws here uh we’ll get to know Chandler Phillips I think more over the course of the next uh couple weeks he has he has two top

25s in his in his last three starts he has not missed a cut in 2024 graduates from the corn faery gets his gets his card he had a kind of a volatile corn faery career um or season last year he won the first event that he played and

Then had a bunch of miscuts but a bunch of top 10 as well hasn’t missed a cut on the PGA tour yet second shot numbers are good around the green play is good putter eh doesn’t drive it well um so he’s got to keep it in play the others

Jorge campio played well last week finished 19th last week right we we kind of highlighted him last week as somebody who um you know was coming from a a a DP World Tour background this is what you get like you get these guys that now come over for the Florida swing Jorge

Got here a week early and played the Mexico open and finished t19 it’s great now he’s in now he’s in the swing of PGA Tour life right it’s it’s it’s much easier and the second start to know where dining is and know like all that stuff it’s a real thing I

Think the obvious play in the 5K range is uh Parker Coy at 5100 it’s really dirty that DraftKings took both cooties and priced them at 5100 so be careful uh Pearson not the guy I’m talking about Parker is the guy that I’m talking about uh Parker’s got back-to-back top 25s

Finished 25th at the farmer good little stat profile finished 24th last week in Mexico decent little stat profile 5100 bucks if you’re trying to get Rory maybe it’s a a Rory cooe combo that gets you there but don’t accidentally click Pearson’s name he’ll probably win now that I said that but don’t don’t

Accidentally do that custom model Rick run let me zoom in a little bit and see what’s going on all right so let us do a couple of things before I forget we need Strokes game putting on Bermuda for uh we’ll do we’ll do 15 but then

I’ll do another Strokes game I don’t want to just you know if Strokes gain putting is important like the model seems to think it is I’ll do strokes game putting last 50 as well um the other thing that I’ll do is because we’re still dealing with

This some guys are from the corn fairy some guys are from whatever I’ll I’ll hit you with a baseline of um 20 on weighted Strokes gain total right everybody has that it’s it’s going to allow us to kind of give everybody a nice little Baseline okay what we’ll

Also do is we’ll do a little bit on driving accuracy we call it 10 there we’re going to hit the approach numbers in those longer ranges 8 on 150 to 175 8 on 75 to 200 eight on 200 to 225 so we’ve got putting we’ve got driving we’ve got approach play we haven’t

Really done around the green but that’s also encompassed into the uh Strokes gained total I would like to call this a hard Golf Course uh but I don’t know if that’s gonna be the case this year you know 14th last year that’s just kind of upper third and then the changes ah

Really really tough so I maybe I’ll stay away from calling it Strokes gain easy medium or hard oh we could do course history sure PGA National put 10 there um and then we have 11 left let’s just do 11 on fantasy points gained okay my number one golfer oh man Eric Cole

It’s either going to be a community win or a uh 40% owned miscut uh yeah I mean makes sense Eric Cole number one Chris Johan bazen ho number two Russell Henley is three for me Poston four see that’s what’s interesting both Eric Cole and JT Poston are in my top four and

I imagine they’re going to be wildly different ownerships Matthew Pavone is five hubard is six Ben Griffin Eric Van royan Billy horel Matt Fitzpatrick Rory mroy is number 23 cam young is number 20 Tom Kim is number 14 those are the rest of the 10K guys so you are really seeing

Kind of a shift I mean I mean what was the uh optimal again last week was 47,4 or something like that wow really interesting okay Lowry’s 11 love that okay well we’ll I’m Gonna Save this I always forget save my model and call it Monday Honda model 2024 we can revisit this on

Wednesday so Wednesday live chat um same time 3 p p.m. eastern time I will be on the road but we will still let me make sure we’re actually going to do it at 3:00 uh no it’s probably going to be later it is probably going to be maybe 4

O’clock well I’ll it’ll be like four o’clock or something like that but we will still do it on Wednesday I’ll be on the road I have a new side monitor to hopefully make it a little bit easier which will be nice uh go sign up for the

Splash uh majors and players three and done see if we can get that thing filled up go sign up go trft your teams for Underdog for the best ball um Majors best ball use the ranks Rick run bestall all all the links you need are in the description looking

Forward to it best of luck and I’ll talk to you guys soon


  1. I love how you saved the model as Monday "Honda" model 2024.😊 We're all going to struggle with that this week.

  2. Awesome Stuff! Ben An is a must IMO, also like Svennson, Hodges, Brandon Wu and looking at Chan Kim, B. Wu, M. Wallace, A. Noren

  3. I dont care the Hojgaard screwed me at Mexico so not sinking with His Bro for the Hojgaard Double take down (atleast for my O&D) lol

  4. Any concerns with ties in the 3 & Done? Three golfers per tournament doesn't feel like enough. I feel like 5 or 6 per tournament requires more strategy and is much harder to have ties.

  5. Rick, Can we change the download format for best ball rankings to directly import into UD & splash, would help !

  6. Rick maverick Mcnealy lost over 4 strokes on approach on 1 of the rounds and the other rounds were pretty good

  7. I feel like a lot of people will start their lineups with Cole and Poston. Both safe picks and save a lot of salary for more of a mid tier build as the 10K+ range has a lot of unknowns other than Cam Young. I wouldn't be surprised if Poston is higher owned than we think.

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