Golf Players

Golf’s Most ARROGANT Players Of All Time REVEALED..

Golf’s Most ARROGANT Players Of All Time REVEALED..

Welcome back to Sportopia, today on the channel we’re going to be talking about Golf’s Most ARROGANT Players Of All Time REVEALED.. if you’re excited to learn more about this then make sure you watch the whole way through because you don’t want to miss the details we have for you!

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On the playing field some arrogance is accepted and maybe even admired to demonstrate their dominance golfers might Express their dislike for their supporters and ridicule their rivals in the media or even on the golf course strangely enough their arrogant and smug demeanor May simultaneously make them the most despised yet respected

Individuals on the planet in this video we’re going to go through the 10 most arrogant golfers of all time first off at number 10 Bryson Des Shambo younger and pretty recent to the PGA Tour Des Shambo is a player with a lot to say the most notable quality about Bryon is his

Tendency to hit the ball extremely far to cover such a great distance Bryson has put a lot of effort into his body some players though aren’t really happy with how his long shots and his fixation with yards have altered the game without a doubt Bryson believes that his

Distance will allow him to rule any golf course on the other hand golfers think there is a lot more to the game than this we all thought Bryson was odd but entertaining to watch when he first began the course with his scientific methods since then he has made some

Remarks and done some other things that have truly turned people off and his ongoing conflict with Brooks Kea doesn’t help his case anyway in fact kka and D shambo’s entire argument is annoying to watch and somewhat childish next up at number nine Ian poter polter is twice as

Irritating and as loud as his pants just looking at him do you not simply want to remove that smirk from his face he may be all smiles when things are going well which they only seem to be when polter was competing for his Ridder Cup squad

As a member of the European Squad he has in fact won 12 and lost three matches throughout the years but polter was one of those arrogant in-your-face winners for whom graciousness was an alien act he had a reputation for being rude to both the press and his supporters like

Others on the list he has attacked Tiger Woods on Twitter and in the Press while polter was ranked number five in the world ranking polter was never able to reach Woods level we know how badly he wanted to following up number eight Ben Hogan we have to agree Hogan was a

Fantastic golfer but he was also criticized for being arrogant and distant both on and off the course the golfer who was driven by an obsession with success was the opposite of Arnold Palmer who despite his impressive exploits failed to win over golf fans he was one of those players so obsessed

With success that he avoided social interaction he didn’t win the US Open in 1950 but his Valiant comeback from a terrible car accident earned him the respect of not just golf fans but people all across the world moving on to number seven David Duval tactless arrogant and media averse dbal never handled his

Success well he really replaced Tiger Woods as the number one player in the world in 1999 and was regarded as one of the finest in the game at the time however dval came out as being wary of anyone who wanted to discuss his successes with him while being far too

Open in interviews at the same time he was arrogant and overconfident which did not serve him well when things became tough his hiding behind those oakle wraparound sunglasses or his extravagant weight gain also didn’t help dval hasn’t made the cut in any of the competitions he’s entered after 2012 despite losing

Weight and growing a beard he went from being the most popular person in the world to practically being off the tour and nobody seemed to notice coming up at number six Rory sabatini Rory sabatini might be the epitome of the jerkiest kind of arrogance he dis iined Ben Crane

For his sluggish play in 2005 in 2007 he challenged Tiger Woods to a fight well not a fist fight exactly but a warning to pick up his game mind you this was the time when Woods was the finest player in the world during the tournament Players Championship The

Arrogant South African began a conflict with Woods this makes one think about what tiger has ever done to this guy the same year sabatini received the distinction of being chosen as Sports illustrated’s least favorite playing partner on tour due to his arrogant demeanor he held at a teen volunteer at

Riviera in 200 11 and subsequently got into an altercation with sha O’Hare the phrases jerk and Superior have frequently been used to describe him next on the list is fuzzy zeler at number five the worst golfer ever might be fuzzy Zeller when asked what a young Tiger Woods might serve at the Master’s

Annual Champions dinner following his Maiden victory in 1997 Zer really stated tell Woods not to serve Fried Chicken next year as he left he made the situation a lot worse by saying we collard greens or whatever the hell they serve the Despicable comment made by Zeller speaks for itself as a reflection

Of a vengeful and arrogant guy who struggled to understand the accomplishment of someone who was different from him in addition we have Phil mikkelson coming in at number four even though mikkelson is a terrific golfer a fantastic father and a great autograph signer he has occasionally been dubbed an arrogant phony this could

Just be out of jealousy in fact mikkelson was ranked eighth on a list of the 10 most hated athletes in a 2006 GQ Magazine survey trailing Infamous jerks like Terrell Owens and Barry Bonds the only place melson really displays arrogance is on the golf field where he frequently overextends himself during

Vital moments of competition he’s recognized as possibly the finest left-handed player of all time and has won numerous times on the tour but he is probably best renowned for his ability to snatch failure from the jaws of success he did it in the US Open when

Justin Rose was able to win his first major after the open but the most famous one was at Wingfoot in 2006 when he missed the opportunity to win his third consecutive major he admitted the thought of hitting a three-wood just never crossed my mind love him or hate

Him the guy will continue to invoke the cry don’t pull out the driver entering the top three VJ Singh if you’re confused about why VJ is on the list well how else would you describe someone who claimed to be unaware of the benefits of using a type of steroid

Substitute dear antler spray to acquire a Competitive Edge Singh was incidentally accused of cheating early in his career for changing his scorecard and the Asian tour ultimately suspended him a few years back he had a great run where he won many tournaments within two consecutive Seasons but he is the one

Golfer no one wants to cadd for he would never greet his long-standing caddy never wanted to give any interviews and was even against women playing golf some would argue that he was just as arrogant when he spoke out against women participating in the men’s tour Singh even objected to anaka saen Stam

Competing in a men’s competition the golfer may be a lock for the Hall of Fame but he has no business serving as the sports spokesperson not to forget we have Sergio Garcia at number two Garcia practically leapt into our Collective Consciousness when he closed his eyes

And curved a shot around a tree trunk onto the Green in the 1999 PGA Championship the golfer who was overjoyed with the outcome ran erratically and scissor kicked as the ball Rose into the air he ultimately came in second place to Woods in the competition setting up the possibility

Of a future rivalry between the two Garcia gradually lost admirers and Rivals because of constant waggling and unconventional swing through the years as he considered a shot he annoyingly grasped released and regripped his Club although he has since broken the practice Garcia has stated remorse my

Swing works for me so why should I change it I prefer to have a natural swing and play well rather than a perfect swing and not be able to play well the golfer has long been regarded as one of the best golfers in the world but his rivalry with tiger never truly

Material realized instead Garcia’s brashness evolved into idiocy as a result of his Unstoppable desire to express himself he once even said that Tiger Woods would be served fried chicken for dinner at the US Open that alone would have sealed his Doom but he simply wouldn’t stop talking about it

Lastly Tiger Woods comes at number one there is no doubt that Woods is the most arrogant golfer and possibly the most arrogant athlete ever on the golf course he has made a name for himself as the player who spins his Club after making a good stroke points to his ball as it

Approaches the cup and does an enthusiastic fist pump after making a a crucial shot remember he was so commanding that he did not permit his wife Ellen nordgren to smile when he won off the course he is the infamous womanizer who arrogantly cheats on his wife while shattering his Public Image

As a devoted family guy that’s a wrap for this video which one of these golfers do you think is the most arrogant make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more videos like this see you at the next one


  1. I would like to drop the gloves with Sabatini, Garcia , Dechambeau, … it’s actually a pretty accurate list

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