This video will help many mid-high handicap golfers lower their scores, 2 on course management tips + 2 equipment tips to make you enjoy the game more!

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿I’m Callum Beveridge, a P.G.A Professional based in Scotland looking to help as many golfers as possible and grow the great game of golf! ⛳️✅

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So you’re a mid to high handicapper looking to either break 100 90 or 80 this video is going to be absolutely perfect we’re going to talk through some of the common mistakes I would see mid to high handicappers making some Simple Solutions and we’re going to get those

Scores down so you can break 100 break 90 or break 80 super easy to implement we’re going to cover some of these points just now all on course things you can do straight away which are going to lower your scores so here are my suggestions for mid to

High handicappers tip number one too many people are using High lofted clubs when they don’t need to and basically what I mean with the high lofted clubs they’re in a position where it’s pretty flat there’s no need to throw up the ball into the air but they pull out the

Sand wedge or the lob wedge which just brings in more margin for error it makes a little little bit more difficult a bad shot with a sand wedge or a gap wedge might end up being a little bit chunky pulling up short of the green the other

Bad shot could be a thin and you could end up going through the other side you tried to lift it you’ve thinned it through the back and the bad shot is much more destructive than what a bad shot with a lower lofted Club so what we

Want to try and do rather than trying to attempt the the nice shot that we would see T thrown it up in the air even that one wasn’t that close what we want to start trying to do is just using clubs when we can using clubs like seven iron8 iron 9

Iron much smaller swing so much easier to get a good strike on the ball and just the bad shots generally aren’t quite as bad so I’m going to try out 7 iron this time and with that it’s obviously a very narrow stance we’ve got 20 yards to go the ball’s slightly right

Of s Center we’re holding down the handle the weight stays left and it’s just a pendulum swing not much on it whatsoever easy to strike and the spin that we give up is ruled out by an improvement on how easy this shot is to play so just try

Them out try different clubs you might like a seven you might like a nine you’ll like a different trajectory so just try them out pick one so you’ve at least got a lower loft of option for days where you may be not striking it so qu quite so good um especially in this

One so here we’ve got a 79 it’s just a really simple shot to try and play we can land it short of the green we can let that ball release up to the flag and it’s ended up being very close with a tiny swing so it might be a

Seven you can try out eight or nine so I would try out this exercise and just go in practice try some different clubs see what works well for you but get a low Loft adoption so only difference we’re going to have with that eight iron obviously it’s still the same setup

We’re still going narrow with the ball right of Center we’re still standing closer this one’s just going to have a touch more spin than the 79 so it won’t release quite as much it’s going to be slightly higher and it didn’t run out quite so much again very small swing very easy to

Strike and then same with nine we just added a few more degrees of Loft slightly less spin the landing spot is just going to be slightly closer to the flag cuz we’re just not going to get quite as much run out but it’s the same technique go back and

Through so similar idea of the nine it’s just going to go a little bit higher landing spot will be slightly closer to the pin and a bit more spin so it won’t run out quite as much as a seven and eight so we’ll set up probably going to

Land it close to The Fringe and there’ll be a little bit of release so definitely try out lower lofted clubs most mid to high handicappers aren’t using this shot enough and your consistency of contacts going to be better it’s easier to play and it’s just

A good option to have so tip number one use lower lofted clubs round the greens tip two and three are actually about equipment Choice what I would always recommend and I see it lot there’s lots and lots of mid to high handicappers using three Woods three Woods three plus

Using less Loft with their fairy wood and so many of my lessons are struggling with their fairy wood they don’t like them so what I would suggest if you can get your hands on one would be to start playing with a easy to use fivewood so

This one’s really old it’s a ping G5 it’s actually still an excellent Club ping G5 it’s got 18° on it so anything around the 18 or 19° Mark is going to give you that extra bit of Loft which makes it easier to launch up the shaft’s slightly shorter so it’s going to make

It easier to make good contact and because of that the chances of you pulling out your 3-woods and starting to lean back on the shot which is going to cause pure contact reduces so if you can get a slight slightly shorter slightly more lofted ditch that 3 use something

Like a fivewood chances are you’ll probably get more success the contact will be more consistent and it’ll be so much easier to launch the ball up in the air you might even find it carries further than what your three-wood doeses purely because you can get it in the air

You can launch it higher and because a shorter shaft and more Loft the contacts improved so the ball speed jumps up despite this having more Loft on it so that would be my suggestion get more five Woods if you struggle with the three wood ditch it get something with

More Loft get something with a shorter shaft that’s going to make it so much easier for you tip number three another piece of equipment advice ditch all the long irons and replace them with hybrids too many people in my opinion have got three and four irons absolutely no need

To have these in the bag it will be so much easier if you’re someone who struggles with your ball striking to get a hybrid in the bag you hit them the exact same way they’re very very similar that extra bit of weight to towards the back of the club the bigger head the

Bigger sweet spot just going to make life a little bit easier for you so if you’re someone who does struggle with your long irons I would recommend that you CH start looking to change those to hybrids what you probably going to find is if you’re using irons they would

Tend to be slightly lower flighted so yeah I think in terms of your ball striking it’s going to going to be so much easier to start using hybrids you’re going to launch them higher irons are going to tend to go a bit lower they’re going to be much much

Easier to get distance and the height if these are going to be second shot clubs which most of the time they are that stopping angle and height coming into the green is really going to help you out hold the greens rather than a 4 iron coming in really flat and chasing on

Into the back rather than that really flat flight that’s going to run through green so definitely commend grabbing some hybrids couple of years ago three iron was no more replaced that with a hybrid and since then it’s just been so so so much easier

To use so get some hybrids in the bag as many as you like to make it easy get more launch get more height hit more greens and then the scores are really going to start to come down so tip number four and I see this happen

All too often we’ve placed our bag here we’re walking 20 30 yards back to the tea and yes I do not condone slow play however this is what I see a lot going in the bag putting another couple of balls in the pocket and off we go so we’ve walked

On the te we’ve got the ball we’ve got two in the pocket one in the pocket straight away what kind of message is that that’s you thinking already before you even stepped up on the tea you think you’re going to hit a bad shot you’ve got the extra couple of balls in the

Pocket you go down you’re already starting to be a bit more negative you’ve got the extra couple of golf balls in the pocket you’re starting to think about trouble you’re looking at the trees you’re looking at the out of bounds you’re looking about the potential bad shots that you could hit

And you know you’ve got that safety net behind you know you don’t have to run back to the bag we really really really need to stop doing this because this is really going to encourage some bad shots so we’re on the tea we’ve got the extra

Ball or the extra two golf balls balls in the pocket right okay I think I might lose a ball here better just have better just have one or two extras trees in the right out of bounds on the left you start looking at trouble rather than

Looking at what you want your ball to do you start thinking about potential bad shots rather than visualizing good shots you should be on this te going right okay I can see that this is my ball flight it’s going to be slightly right to left I’m going to hit down the middle

Hopefully I hit it X distance that’s going to leave me 100 10 yards into the pin and start to visualize good shots and start to build some confidence before you get to your t- shot rather than extra ball in the pocket look at the trouble four so definitely get rid of that extra

Ball in the pocket it’s no good for anyone I also don’t think it’s a good idea to step up in the step up in the tea and think about bad shots we want to try and visualize good shots try and give our a bit of confidence try and

Imagine that good things are going to happen and yes it won’t always give you a good shot but your chances of a good shot become so much higher so one ball one ball only start to visualize good shots stop thinking about where the trouble is think about where you want

Your ball to go rather than where you don’t want your ball to go so there you have it stay tuned for way more videos on how we can start to reduce our score whether that’s scratch single figure handic AP mid to high this one’s obviously for the mid to high handicap

Golfer but it can apply to anyone using less lofted clubs around the green we need a less lofted option that’s easier to make contact two starting to use five Woods rather than three Woods tend to be a lot easier shorter shafts more Loft same goes for hybrids and long irons try

And use less Long irons and start to get hybrid Replacements if their clubs that you struggle with is it’s going to make it so much easier to get contact so much easier to get height on the ball a steeper Landing angle and hit more greens and then step four stop the one

Or two ball trick in your pocket start to visualize what you want to do and what a good shot looks like and stop thinking about where the trouble is four simple tips that you can try out to hopefully reduce some of your scores stay tuned for way more in the coming

Weeks we’re going to release more videos on how to reduce your scores on the golf course so make sure you stay around like the video subscribe to the channel even click that notification Bell so you know about it as soon as it comes out and thanks for watching looking for a couple

Of freebies there’s a free practice guide below we’ve got free newsletter that you can click and even if you want a lesson from me there’s a skillist link that if you follow me on the skillist app you can send me your swings you can get a video analysis and some feedback

All for free make sure you click that link down below if you would like some coaching from me and even more specific help to improve your game thanks again for watching and see you next time on the channel

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