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Kings enter All-Star break with a win | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

The Kings (31-23) clinched the season series over Denver as they improved to 3-0 in head-to-head matchups in satisfying fashion as they enter the All-Star break on a winning note.

And what’s next for the 49ers after parting ways with defensive coordinator Steve Wilks?

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At 9163 39140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross well good morning good morning thank you Kings let’s kick it let’s kick it uh cu no no Jason today or tomorrow uh he is on vacation a welld deserved vacation and uh I will be gone next week on my uh vacation and you know look if you haven’t figured it out by now it’s

Pretty it’s pretty easy to uh predict when when we’re gonna not going to be here uh generally we take uh a week in July we take a week in for the Major League Baseball Allstar break we take a week in h February for the NBA All-Star break uh we gen

Generally will take a week or two for the holidays uh but this year I work the holiday so I could do the whole uh the whole England thing because that’s vacation time that’s fair I mean I not bitching I’m just saying that’s what how it works um and and then that’s

Generally about it maybe a maybe a thing here there somewhere else uh so Jason and and the thing that’s great about him is that I’m I’m so glad he’s taking this time off because generally when he takes time off especially during you know like during the holidays or something like

It’s not really time off because he’s still doing King stuff he can’t he can’t go anywhere uh but in this case he gets to not do anything from now until he’s back in yeah his December vacation he’s usually still at the station that’s the thing which it’s like that’s not a

Vacation uh and then Chris I don’t know if there’s much Rhyme or Reason with you right you just pretty much go when whenever whenever it fits I think this year I got talked into going to Boise Idaho in April what was that for I I know you did

One where I know you were gone once I know you were gone for like a fishing trip or something yeah oh yeah so that’s the yearly one the yearly family fishing trip and you know not not that anyone needs an excuse to go to Boise Idaho and

I’m and I know that you probably really enjoyed like I think of Boise Idaho and you and I go that’s yeah I could see Chris retiring there no like that’s your your folks uh a friend of uh mine just like do you want to go to Boise Idaho in

April I’m like yeah okay like legit just cu come on there had to be something no that’s literally it you want to go to Boise yeah the hell did you doing Boise I heard it’s a cool town oh no wait so you haven’t gone yet uhuh oh when are you going

April I’m really excited for this Chris and Boise why Southwest goes there let’s go and then I’m trying to make a year of trip at the end of the year end of the year meaning like December okay uh why I’m honest honestly curious why like December and not like August or

September usually the flights are super cheap are they really because it’s like cold people know how to go there and you’re going to go on the shoulder when it’s like not Christmas week obviously well yeah but like the Christmas markets there are some of the coolest things

Ever you’re right so once you so if you get there in December you get there for cheap it’s always during Champions League so I could fit in three Manchester City games oh okay okay that’s perfect so you’ll you’ll be going up there and staying probably in Manchester Manchester what I liked it so

What I did last time was Manchester then they had a Champions League game in Croatia oh wow then they had a league game in at Arsenal and I know you so that Arsenal down in London right yeah and I know that uh I know that you went

To um Croatia because that was in the two truths and a lie or two Li oh yeah that’s right yeah when you mentioned that uh so Jason’s off today so it’s Chris and I so it’s like a little throwback to the night show and uh I

I’ll be clear I always I always want Jason here because it’s like a a it’s a security blanket B Jason’s a wonderful partner C it’s um you know generally I do the first half of the show he does the second half of the show and so the

Second half of the show is obviously for more researched and well done and then you have a day like today coming up so we’re going to do the normal show and we’ll have Kelly Brothers on at 7:30 we’ll have Sam on uh at 8 we’re going to

Talk about the Kings obviously uh last night we’re going to talk about uh what the ners did um but in a in a sense it’s actually kind of a blessing that Jason’s gone today um because I want to get into what’s going on in Kansas City what

Happened last night or yesterday at the parade obviously if you haven’t heard there was a shooting there one person uh uh was killed 20s something and what I don’t want to do is I don’t want to open up the phone lens and do a gun control conversation because boy is that gonna

Go well but I just I I I I just I need to I need to try to I need to just understand because it’s getting to the point well getting to the point it got to the point a long time ago where it’s like dude okay I I’ve grown to get that

Like all people with guns aren’t bad I’ve grown to understand that gun culture is something that’s been passed down generation to generation and I’ve also grown to understand that um you know like hunting and stuff like that you know what I’m saying like I’m not a hunter

Uh I don’t like it I don’t like shooting things um my brother is a huge gun guy huge gun guy like uh has the whole you know he he doesn’t do the gun porn thing where he has like 50,000 guns um but he has but he has a bunch and he and he

Doesn’t need them he collects some of them some of them are historical some of them are just for fun that he goes out with my nephews who are are serving our country in the Coast Guard right now and uh they they go out and and and shoot

And and they do trap and Ski and it’s like a whole culture thing like they have friends and stuff and they he has this thing where he goes and he like skis then they go and do like trap and ski and then they have like a barbecue

And it’s like incredibly nice people you know what I’m saying um and obviously I love my brother so I I I know he’s not a bad person um just likes guns I don’t I’ve gone out with him and like I I get it like shooting gun at a target’s kind

Of cool like it’s it’s cool feeling but you know it’s noisy and there’s recoil and uh I’m just it’s just not my thing like I don’t I don’t I don’t uh want for you know I don’t sit around go man I’d love to shoot those guns although I do like

Big Buck Hunter but that’s different that’s a video game uh so like I I I try to approach it like okay everything is so you can’t have this conversation without everybody just digging it and everything is so um every it’s like you can’t have the conversation because it’s almost like

You’re attacking someone’s family and relatives and on either side you’ve got the side that’s like Dude get rid of the guns I had a friend or a family member that was murdered and then you have the other side that’s like yeah well I don’t want my family murdered so I have a gun

It’s like this this circle and I just I I’d actually like to you know you go well you know this is a sports station and this is sports keep uh you got to keep this out of sports well guess what this is G this is coming into sports

Like it’s everywhere it’s everywhere and it’s it’s it’s it’s Crossing in and can I can I tell you that I I wish it didn’t um well you know stick to sports leave that to the PO why why leave it to the politicians perfect world everyone

Has as many guns as they want gets to have as much fun as they want yeah never uses them for bad yes everybody’s happy yes of course of course I don’t care if you have a gun I don’t care if Pat still and Cody have guns as long as they don’t

Ever affect me or or anybody I know as long as you don’t do anything bad with them as long as you’re hunting and like shooting cans off a beam I don’t care my dad had a BB gun when I was a kid that was my that was my introduction to guns

It was BB gun I used to go set up his beer cans on little little piece of wood we had in the backyard and I’d sit there and I’d sit on the porch and i’ i’ try to Peg the cans with the BB gun you pump

It a few times you try to shoot and then I I think I’ve actually told a story story before and then one time I saw like a we had these olive trees in our backyard there was a giant squirrel in one of them and I was like oh and that’s

I pumped the gun up and I shot the squirrel and just nailed it squirrel fell out of the fell out of the tree and hit the ground I’ll never forget it hit the ground it it wasn’t dead it hit the ground and then like it took like eight

Steps I’m watching it like took like eight steps and then just went on its back with it like legs in the air it was dead right and I just left it there and then my dad like noticed it later and because I didn’t touch it I I freaked

Out like I murdered a squirrel I freaked out I was like seven or eight and uh and I guess in grabbing the squirrel like he noticed the BB gun hole in it and then I had this whole like talking to I had to get a shovel I had to throw the squirrel

Away it was like this whole like uh damaging thing mentally didn’t didn’t that that was like my thing like I’m good I’m good on it but like I just think it would be amazing whether it is on a sport show or a political show or in a bar or at

Somebody’s house or or wherever it may be in a bingo parlor like wouldn’t it be great to just and it’s not it’s not going to work but wouldn’t it be great to just have a discussion about it and just be like well what’s the answer because what’s happening right now is

Not the answer you know what I’m saying like what’s what’s realistic like taking away all the guns no that’s not it’s not going to happen you’re not getting 200 million guns okay um mental health it’s not the people that it’s not the people that shoot the it’s not the guns it’s people

That shoot the guns I get that but also you know I was talking yesterday about going you know I’m getting ready to get this health kick right I can feel it and so one thing I know when I when I do this is that I have little sections of

The kitchen that I have stashes in you know like I might have the cookie stash and the gummy bear stash and all that and my issue is my sweet tooth hits in two two specific times one when I wake up from a nap and two right before I go

To bed but after dinner that’s just when that’s it’s got to be a blood sugar thing it’s when it hits it’s like I have to have something and that’s where I can pound like a sleeve of Oreos without a problem before I even realize I’m doing

It next thing I know I’ve just hammered a sleeve of Oreos how many God knows how many calories and I feel guilty and fat and stupid but it was at the moment The Willpower now what I’m not going to do almost certainly is at 9:45 when I’m in

My bunny slippers getting ready to go to bed and I have a sweet tooth um I’m not going to put on my shoes put on clothes drive down to the amm and go grab an overpriced sleeve of Oreos I’m not going to do that I’m going to look

Around the house and I’m GNA say okay well I maybe I’ll do like peanut butter and chocolate syrup or something something equivalent that I just gets me by so my whole thing is well guns don’t people or you know the guns don’t kill people people kill people it’s like no I

I get that but like can we what about like making it harder to do like can we have that discussion like can we can we make it where there’s less guns and harder to get them and like super regulated you know well the Second Amendment okay well it it it says that the

The you know we’re entit entitled to a well-regulated militia and the right to bear arm shall not be infringed and the problem is is that the gun gun people say yo shall not be infringed and the non-un people are likew well regulated militia like well-regulated is an Elmer

Grabbing a gun from Walmart because he’s pissed and uh you know has got knows what on his record uh well we have look at Chicago Chicago’s got all these crazy strict gun laws it’s a dark blue City look at their issues well yeah but well and if when our borders are between

States are absolutely uh air like back in Soviet Russia then you can explain that to me because right now you can drive 10 minutes to Indiana and go grab guns or you could drive 30 minutes to Wisconsin that’s what I’m saying exactly so like it’d be nice to have a

Conversation without blaming anyone without attacking anyone without uh you know making it at where your feet are dug in it’s like is there a middle ground can we just I think most people are do have the middle ground when you see like the polls out people do think that there should be more

Regulations unfortunately there’s not willpower in politics to well there’s a lot of money in in not having regulations and and and and at some point like I mean I thought about this like would it like would it help if we openly broadcast the bodies of the kids

That are gunned down like would would that help if we put those up if we ask the family’s permission to do so obviously and and and people actually looked at like six-year-old kids dead with bullet holes riddled through them like I I I’m I’m asking like I feel

Everything should be on the table here because there’s a real disc we saw that with Sandy Hook like one of the worst things that you that was one of those moments like okay things are going to change we can’t get over this nothing happened nothing well the only thing

That happened to your point is it kept happening um maybe not always to that level but I’ll never forget Sandy I went and got my kids from school I I left and went and got my kids out of school like a lot of parents did just to get just

Because I wanted them home I didn’t think there was gonna be a shooter there I just want I went and got my kids out of elementary school and brought them home and cried all day and uh I don’t know but you’re right there is a disconnect my freshman year I talked

About it is when Lawrence thunderberg came to my school and I didn’t forget because it was the same day as Coline and when Coline happened like the country shut down shut down all they were talking about what happened how did this happen how do we fix this what are

We going to do about this yeah and now like today and like we’re going to be doing the same thing it’s going to be it’s thoughts and prayers business as usual it’s it’s thoughts and prayers and I’m not and I didn’t want to disrespect people thinking about others keeping

Them in your thoughts and I certainly won’t disrespect the power of prayer like that’s everyone’s thing but like it’s not working it doesn’t work it’s literally people say oh the least I can do is this right like it’s not working nothing’s working so I don’t know we’ll

We’ll have that discussion later on I mean we kind of just had a little bit of it but I really kind of want to get into it honestly I’d like to hear from folks out there as well especially the ones that are like you know hardcore gun

People like for real in a in a in a in a safe and uh open environment that that as long as it’s respectful and whatever and if that’s something uh look we’re going to spend maybe 15 minutes on this later um and if that’s something that that

Uh well I want to say triggers you that seems like a bad pun if that’s something that you aren’t into then uh I’m never going to get mad for you tuning out for that but um it would be I I personally would like to use the platform to have

That conversation and sometimes it’s the most unlikely a Platforms in places where you can actually I I believe that a small group of people can make a change and I’m not advocating for us to make that change ourselves what I’m saying is I’d like to have the

Conversation we’ll take a break when we come back though it is sports it is a sports station and we do have a lot of stuff to talk about including the big win last night Kings and nuggets and uh we kind of we kind of hinted at a couple

Things I’m actually a little proud of our record from yesterday not just the uh Kings nuggets but also movement in the 49ers coaching staff so we’ll get to all that right after this trying to find out where to catch your favorite teams games are you a fan

Of the Kings ners and the NFL well sack Down Sports has you covered touchdown San Francisco it’s all on his shoulders trip catch all your kings Niners and NFL games all year long on sack toown Sports and Sactown what’s up we’re talking to Chad HBL of HBL Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram

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Dearon Fox 10 straight points from Fox 15 in the quarter Kings leaded 102 to 95 there is a one of my favorite parts of the movie Hook with Robin Williams where he plays Peter Pan and I was thinking the same exact thing were you uhhuh it last

Night during the end of that game when dear and fox took over it made me think of hook and it made me think of the point where you have Peter Pan who grew up changed you know his name is Peter panning has a wife and kids big

Corporate job forgot who he was he get sent to never Neverland and most of you have seen this movie you’ll remember and at one point one of his Lost Boys turns to him and and and and puts his hands on his face and forces him to smile and he

Goes oh there you are Peter there you are I felt about Dean Fox last night there you are that you’re yes that that’s you that’s that’s who you are that’s who I that’s who we all know and love that’s the guy that’s not just scoring but that’s the guy that is

Completely like dearon Fox and let me say this the team had to the team had to be in the position for him to do this this is a team win but then at the end dearon Fox comes in like uh the name a great baseball closer and just goes on his own personal

Run defensively gets the job done completely you know the strip steel dunk he did it all he personally closed that game out and made sure the Nuggets were not able to figure out a way to win on their home floor the Sacramento Kings are three and overs is the nuggets make

It make sense second night of a backto back after a a heavy minuted uh almost win versus the Phoenix Suns on the road they go into Denver there are backto backs and then there are backto backs when Denver is the second game of that back-to-back and it wasn’t just a

Back-to-back it was the third game in four nights and it was the final of those games I don’t have the stats in front of me I don’t even know if they exist but God I’d love to see the records over the last five years of teams and this this has to

Happen probably at least five six seven times a year of teams that are playing not just the second end of a back-to-back in Denver but where that’s the third game in four four nights and and I’ll just bet you there is a handful you could count on one hand how many

Teams have won that game part of it also is Denver’s very good and has been very good The Last 5 Years I completely get that Denver is missing some folks but they ain’t missing everybody and to be honest and to be honest Jamal Murray ain’t playing that great

Either the Kings did not surprise the nuggets the kings were at a scheduled disadvantage in a massive way and it did not matter oh and by the way the kings were down 2716 after the first quarter the Nuggets built a fairly sizable lead in the second built on that lead and the Kings

Closed quite well the Nuggets were 21 and4 at home they’re the defending Champions and maybe my favorite thing the Kings held the Nuggets to 98 points this was is an old-fashioned defense offense playoff style couple of elite teams the two best centers in my opinion in the league going right now with them

Beat out yes better than Anthony Davis and for the second straight time just be honest Nicole OIC was outplayed by damonta simonis not by a lot but 2013 and seven with three steals for sabonis 15 eight and five with one block zero steals for yic y played them and

The Kings won and they’re three and0 against the nuggets and now they go into the All-Star break hey losing two of three but weirdly enough with momentum we’ll have a lot of conversation on that including audio as well cut number two please cut number two wasn’t ready to

Talk about yet cuz I wasn’t sure which direction I was going to go but I’m sleeping on this forus nights and I’m trying to make come up with a few tough decisions but this morning I um relieved Steve WS of his duties um going to end up making a change here defensive

Coordinator and um really tough decision because really um says nothing about Steve as a man or as a football coach I he’s exactly what we wanted as a man he is a great football coach um but just where we’re going where we’re at with our team um from a scheme standpoint and

Things like that um looking through it all throughout the year through these last few days um felt pretty strongly that this was a decision that was best for organization and even though it was one I didn’t want to make um it was something that um once I realized that I think in different

Directions what’s best for organization and then it’s something that I have to do so uh let him know this morning and I know I wasn’t able to let you guys know yesterday because I wasn’t sure about it yesterday um but I am now and um that’s

The case and want to let you guys know no firstand that’s Kyle Shanahan talking about the firing of Steve wils defensive coordinator we talked about this yesterday that that in in our opinion it was probably inevitable they were going to do this and in looking at a lot of

The discourse and we’ll talk about this at length at 643 a lot of the discourses well hold on a second they held the Chiefs to 19 points in regulation they had this uh you know this is where the defense ranked throughout the year uh he had to run a Shanahan system or this

System already in there he didn’t get to bring his assistant coaches by the way all of that’s incredibly fair I think this just simply came down to a chemistry issue it really did I think it came down to a chemistry issue I think I think Deo Ryan and Robert Salah though

Not exact were very very similar they understood the system they came up in the ranks and by the way they had this emotional leader attachment to the defense and Steve wols I think he kind of knew when he preferred to be in the booth and they forced him to come down

That’s that that was going to be an issue the the ners defense for whatever reason seems like it thrives the most when it has a a 12 man on the sideline with them a 12th member of that defense that is slapping helmets and patting butts and doing all the raw Rah stuff on

Top of everything else a brother in arms if you will and it seemed that Steve wils to the defense was somebody they respected uh somebody they listened to somebody who obviously uh is talented uh but just didn’t mesh so I I I think the focus on the statistics and the numbers

Is probably the wrong tree to bark up I I don’t think that’s the issue I think it’s they could have done better they should have done better and he just didn’t fit the syst he just didn’t fit the culture or the system and that’s okay he’s gonna get paid in nice amount of

Money he’s going to find a job maybe not right away but Steve wils is is incredibly employable and and and coming off with that on his resume with how he ended in Carolina as a head coach I wouldn’t be surprised if he went straight to head coach although DC is

Probably most likely defensive coordinator but we’ll talk more about that at 643 real quick here cut number three please cut number three kcfd units along with our mutual Aid partners that were working to assist us at this event touched a total of 22 gunshot victims

One of those was a fatality okay we we we’re we’re late on time but I wanted to get that in there because obviously uh that’s a a a top three story and to be honest with you that’s the number one story of the day but I didn’t feel like

Putting that number one and then following it up with a king’s win and Steve WIS getting fired that just seemed insensitive that’s why we’re finishing with it we will talk about the parade the shooting uh at 7 am I’m going to try to figure out how to handle this to be

Honest with you it’s still in my head because we have clips from the parade obviously uh any other day I’d be playing drunk clips of Travis Kelce singing G Brooks and other things I think we’ll find a way to be able to do that but I want to have the real I want

To actually acknowledge the real stuff first and then we’ll go to the uh you know the the air quotes fun stuff uh the quotes and all that a little bit later we’ll talk about that at 7 AM when we get back though we’ve got audio Sacramento Kings Denver Nuggets big big

Win for Sacramento and we’ve got s for you right after this the Sacramento Kings playing here he’s got the triple Sacramento takes the lead outstanding ball Movement by Sacramento every triple every Jam every Kings win saon with the jam over the Joker he’s got the three-point shot get your king fck all

Season long right here on your home of the Sacramento Kings new are steal by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the rip with the left hand sack toown Sports at sack toown ACO weather is brought to you by fome Lake Kia I’m Tamar BG and the kcr3 weather center your Thursday

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Attempt to the ball G 75 throws it ahead to Holiday goes inside back door cut and a nice block down inside by Keegan Murray on the attempt by Christian Brown so the king come back Bavon Mitchell at the top of the circle looks and finds sabonis sabonis now straddles the arc starts

Right goes left hands it off to Keegan eight seconds on the possession Keegan briefly in a double team Blitz finds sabonis digs spins step back in the paint for two is good nice job good smooth rhym that time by dematas sabonis Alle set up great Baseline cut reverse

Rip thrown down by Aaron Gordon yic with the assist for the Joker that’s his fourth assist to go with four points and a couple of boards here’s a drive into traffic oh another blown tire and a turnover this time it was Gordon Lead Out Pass to Keegan two and flush off the

Drive to the basket and Mike Malone will take a time out so at this point they’re going back and forth uh Denver’s kind of maintaining a lead right around 10 points but the kings were playing really good defense and they were frustrating Denver they were frustrating nicoa joic

And that finally boiled over Comes The Joker down the lane and he misses a roll up to the rim on a nice feed from Gordon Kings come back sabonis shovels it to Barnes drives to his right crosses to his left frees up for the little floating bank shot it’s good

And wait a minute wait a minute had a whistle and a technical foul and the Joker is livid now Mike Malone is out to protect his man he’s just been teed up I believe you can hear the reaction from the crowd here we did not see what precipitated that but suddenly things

Just exploded into life Harrison Barnes got into the lane strip foul attempt on Joker Joker apparently barked something at the official and then was teed up I’m not sure if Michael Malone also got a te but he was right in the face of the official and this one continues to be a

RedHot conversation and Barnes was able to get the hoop so two technical fouls two free throws from Harrison it’s 6 seven to 60 h Nicole yic definitely got some MVP love from the refs in the sense that they gave him uh quite a bit of leeway there it’s it’s funny because if

You were to split screen what Nicole yic was saying and gesticulating to the refs and split screen that with Kevin herder turning around to the ref at the end of the Detroit game and getting a quick double te and a toss uh it’s it’s it’s absolutely ridiculous how they change

Based on who it is that’s fine he’s the MVP I understand that’s how it works right now uh but the Kings continued to outmuscle the Nuggets when it mattered grabb by Trey L gives to Fox quickly across the logo accelerates on Brown plants in the paint leans in

Eight-footer heel the rim and out no good offensive rebound putot back hangs no good tipped In by Trey L man Fox just having the hardest time getting shots to fall but Trey lyes this time there was no foul call and he was able to get the offensive rebound the second chance put

Back we’re back to a three-point one possession game yep that that that possession continued one two possessions at a time that that lead that is and then finally dearen was able to tie it up here’s a dribble hand off from sabonis to Fox Fox Now changes Direction

Steps back to launch the three he’s got the triple and this game is tied for the first time tonight we are tied at 82 Denver was wired wire up until that point they hit a three to take the lead then of all people Chris dwarte rattles

It in Fox on the left wing finds Chris dwarte comes off the curl he’s open he launches he scores the three-pointer Chris dwarte has the Sacramento bench up waving towels and active ties it at 85 got to get a lead though it was dear and fox time late and this is perhaps his

Best stretch of the season to close out the defending champs Malik monk has the rebound and in cruise control he advances to the right wing to Fox almost lost the ball controls it drives toward the Baseline pulls the dribble back now he curls inside reaches with the left

Hand he’s got the bucket strong take to the basket that time against Michael Porter Jr Fox gives the Kings the lead at 94 93 and we’re inside two minutes to go that’s two here’s four fox has it now he drives he plants he flips he scores a

13t in the middle of the paint Sacramento with seven unanswered points after they had gone down by four on a 60 Denver run it’s 9693 the first time the Kings have led by as many as three points box wasn’t done at all he continued to help with

His defense Reggie Jackson will put the ball in play ball fake to the left inbounds pass to Holiday back to Jackson pocket picked by Fox Breakaway coming up thearon spikes it with a left hand rip and the Kings have scored nine straight here come the Nuggets right back a run

To the rim shot missed by holiday rebound B sabonis gives it up to Malik monk a minute 10 to go in this one Sacramento leading 98 93 now they space the floor spread things out now try to milk a little bit of clock we hit the

One minute Mark it’s Fox into the paint circles to the left goes high glass he scores again and the Kings have hit the century mark and they lead by seven with 58.7 seconds to go Denver takes another timeout fourth quarter fox has come to life in Colorado it was 9392

Denver and dearen fox scores eight straight points including the pit pocket and then seals the deal step back 19 foter score two more for dearon Fox 10 straight points from Fox 15 in the quarter Kings lead at 102 to 95 that’s how it went dear look I I I dearen Fox

Is the hero of the game there’s no doubt about it the man of the match whatever you want to call it but it was an absolute team effort uh Trey ly had key moments in there he had four points five boards and a steal in just 12 minutes

Malik monk did not have a great shooting night at all six points on two of 11 in 30 minutes um Keegan Murray two of eight six points Kevin herder three of seven eight points the king splits 44 % 27% and 79% on 15 to 19 from the line

That’s two games right in a row where they’ve improved at the line at least enough to be acceptable but they go nine of 33 from Beyond The Arc and get a road win over the Denver Nuggets part of that is the Nuggets were nine of

26 uh from Beyond The Arc 19 of 22 from the free throw line there’s a lot to dissect from this this game we’ll continue to do so Sam am will join us at 8:00 a.m. we’ll get your postgame audio at 7:43 when we come back ners Shanahan

Steve wils gone we’ll dive into that next did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the Drive

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916 277 8599 that’s 916 277 8599 or visit reviv Waking you up with the best in local sports just make it interesting you know it’s the carich Dave show with Jason Ross on sack Down Sports K sh had fired Steve wils yesterday we played it earlier but here’s a little bit of what he said and I knew that was a challenge you know it was tough it was real tough losing um Deo was tough Los soled the year before and but um you know we had

Committed to not just the system but the players that had been in the system from our dline or linebackers um they had played in it for such a long time so it was it was my goal to not have to change all of them and um bringing in Steve who was

Unbelievable and how loyal he was and him trying to do it and but it just ended up not being um the right F and it’s like I you know it hurt for me to do this but that’s exactly why I had to and I don’t know that you have to go too

Much further than that first off I’ll say this you know we said yesterday we think they’re gonna fire Steve wils was when I first floated the idea of hey do you do you call Bill bellich and offer him 10 million now here’s the thing this is the second

Thing I’m going to tell you uh it it wasn’t just um it wasn’t just that move either you know they made a number of of coaching and announcements yesterday obviously less less high profile uh than Steve WIS but Steve WIS wasn’t the only one to go uh running

Backs coach Anthony Lynn assistant head coach he is now the Run game coordinator for the commanders Clint kubak pass game coordinator is now the offensive coordinator for the Saints assistant offensive line coach James Craig goes to the Raiders to be their head offensive line coach assistant uh defensive line coach Daryl tap

Is following Anthony Lynn to the commanders as their defensive line coach and a lot of these are fairly normal look coaches move around they’re trying to move up they all want the the head coach gig or a better gig better coordinated gig but I will tell you this on the

Heels of what happened yesterday and I don’t know you know well I it’s probably odds are decently against them being able to grab bill bellich but I will tell you this all the head coaching positions on the carousel are filled everybody’s got their coordinators they made that move they

Have somebody in mind and I think they’re gonna you know wait a day maybe a couple I don’t know depending on on leaks probably but they they I can tell you this much they fired Steve wils knowing who they’re going to put in his place and something tells me it this

Smells a lot like they had a conversation with somebody that they weren’t sure they could get or that was on their dream list and that person said yeah I’d take the job and they said okay we’re going to make the move then you don’t just fire Steve wils and say okay well we

We’ll figure it out because the defense did was not poor this year overall he did not do a horrific job and and my guess is I I’m gonna say one of three candidates I’m just going to guess here in no particular order I would say but I would say probably the most

Likely the most likely is Mike Vel uh he’s looking for a job and that would make some sense and brael seems the type of guy that they would like the Rah raw the guy that’s played that will get down there he ain’t going to be he ain’t gonna be

In the booth I can promise you that he ain’t gonna be in the booth and I you know there’s some talk about vel’s got a huge personality and very intimidating in interviews blah blah that that ain’t that that ain’t going to fly in in in San Francisco they don’t

Care that’s an established culture that Vel would be coming into and I would say he’s probably the oddson favorite to get the job bill bellachic is interesting because he’s not coaching bill bellich is unemployed now is he gonna come to San Francisco and and take over the job

For a year two does that really help them well you saw it with Salah and you saw it with Deo Ryan I mean the the defensive coordinator position with San Francisco is probably the most high-profile assistant coaching job in the league when it comes to launching

Pads to getting a head coach job or moving up it’s what the offensive coordinator job with Kansas City you’d think would have been with Eric bamy all those years so could you throw a ton of money at Bill bellich one of the great defensive Minds in the history of the

Game a guy who no longer has to worry about being imagine bill bellich you don’t have to worry about being the GM you don’t have to worry about the pressure on on you to win it’s on somebody else you don’t have to worry about the offense you don’t have to worry about

All the other coordinators you don’t have to do the press conferences Bill you’re gonna come in you’re gonna make a boatload of money maybe even around what he made last year as the head coach of the Patriots I mean you throw money at him and say you just you you have one

Job the defense that’s it you’re buddy Ryan with the 85 Bears this year we want to win a Super Bowl we want the best you’re the best it’s not g to cost us on the cap I mean easy to say it’s not my money but Jed York ain’t

Poor you want to send a message you do you do everything you can and you go after Bill Bellic but that’s that’s a pie in the sky thing I would put those two though as the most likely candidates and I’ll give you a dark horse a real Dark

Horse and and don’t laugh I’m just it’s a dark horse there a reason they call you know it’s not likely but it’s one of those keep your eye on and I would say Robert solah of the Jets and let me explain what I’m saying about a week ago at the awards

Ceremony for the NFL we played Jets owner Woody Johnson’s comments and Woody did everything but come out and say yeah if they don’t figure this out they’re not coming back it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Salah understands that that pissed him off he knows that Aaron

Roders is coming back next year he’s not an offensive guy he’s a defensive guy that defense is great as Sola sees the riding on the wall you can make similar money and if the Jets can get some sort of compensation that’s not too Over the Top

If Sol sees the writing on the wall and knows that it it’s it’s maybe likely he ain’t back after next year and he has an opportunity to go back to San Francisco back to the team he knows most of the players he knows the architect or one of the architects of that whole

System still get paid keep his reputation maybe win a ring and then Circle back and get another head coaching job with another team and that frees up Woody Johnson by the way to go out and say oh okay well now I can bring somebody in to fit Aaron

Rodgers because I don’t know that Robert solah fits Aaron Rodgers and the offense he needs to bring it they got the defense I mean imagine if you’re Woody Johnson and maybe you have the opportunity to bring in a guy like Steve wils to replace uh to to run that

Defense and you go out and you look at the different Minds oh by the way in that scenario imagine Bill Bellic going back to the Jets that opens that up I’m just saying that is a crazy maybe someone smoked too much Pie in the Sky Dark Horse situation but it’s just something I’d

Keep an eye on we’ll have more on that later including was this a fair firing is this a scapegoating as some have said I don’t think so when we come back though tragedy in Kansas City uh a a an ecstatic happy day turn tragic uh and we’ll get into that uh and everything

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3424 from the power business technology TOA Studios kht kamam Sacramento kymx HD2 Sacramento the only station in Sacramento giving you local sports coverage from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday SE Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when

He’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports all right welcome back Jason on vacation he’ll be back Monday

And then I will be gone for the week that’ll be Jason and fris Kelly Brothers at 7:30 Sam am at 800 a.m Sports business with Kelly and obviously good business Kings and uh the rest of the NBA World post trade deadline into Allstar break with uh

Sam so uh yeah got to talk about it of course we did and uh it gives me absolutely no pleasure to whatsoever of course why would it um but uh there was a Super Bowl Parade yesterday in Kansas City and you know look as a a Niner fan of course wish

That parade was in in San Francisco uh it wasn’t and uh good on Kansas City you know that’s what Champions do you get the parade uh um but in in this day and age uh anytime you have a massive public gathering uh there’s always a chance of

Something going wrong and uh here’s the chief of police uh answering some questions is there was a shooting with I I believe one person passed 20 uh shot wounded uh here’s a quick statement at the conclusion of the chief’s rally today there were shots fired on the west side of Union Station

Immediately officers responded to the area took two people into custody and also immediately rendered life sustaining Aid to those victims we’re still gathering information on the number and the status of victims but like I said we know that one of the victims is deceased so this is where you

Know pretty much anywhere it’s going to be you know a range from you know our thoughts and prayers with the victims to this has to stop to you know I say grandstanding and I I don’t mean that in the insulting way but just you know getting on a soap box

And you know demonizing uh politicizing um you know making some sort of grandiose statement and then you know let’s move on to three for madness which by the way is coming up next uh we’re not going to solve um this on a sport show in 10 minutes but as I

Said earlier if it was up to me and I guess it is so you know I’d spend an hour on this and just lose half the audience but I i’ i’ gain the conversation I really would like to have a conversation and as I said to open the

Show you know well stick to sports yeah I’d like to but this is now into the sports the shooting happened at the Super Bowl Parade um the sports Dave you’re a sports host yeah I’m I’m also a dad and and a husband and a son and a

Voter um and a fan huh and a fan and a fan this could have been anywhere for any sports team it 100% could have and and and everybody naturally personalizes it you know you think of when there’s a school shooting you think of your kids when there’s a shooting like this you

Think you’re absolutely right Chris I thought oh my God Kings win the championship we’re on J Street something happens it’s it’s it’s intertwined and as I said in the open and not everybody was listening at the open so if you’re just joining us before you get all wired up I I’m not

Interested in demonizing either side um I I I like I said I’m not a gun guy I’m not part of gun culture my brother is uh I understand it I come from a very deep military family I get it it’s just not my thing doesn’t matter I also don’t

Like certain types of music doesn’t mean that’s not for it’s not okay to like it um I just want and I don’t think this is a controversial statement I would like for there to be less people shot and murdered and I would like for

That to get as low as we possibly can as quick as we possibly can I would like that I I don’t think it’s realistic when you have either side putting out these grandiose Solutions air quotes solutions that have no chance so then everybody just keeps yelling well go get the guns

You’re not going to get the guns it’s 200 million plus guns in in the you’re not getting them you’re not you could do a buyback you could Outlaw certain guns and demand people turn them in it would help that you if you did a buyback and

You outlaw a certain amount of types of guns yes you would get some people selling the guns back and you would get some people turning them in yes you would wouldn’t solve the issue because also very likely the people that want to do the things with

The guns they may not be giving theirs back or they’ll go get it some other way guns don’t kill people people kill people you’re 100% correct a gun can sit in a safe for 400 years and it will do absolutely no damage it’s the person

That shoots it and I said yeah well in my house when I’m on a diet if I have Oreos stashed all over the place if I am in a if I uh if I’m craving something it’s a lot easier for me to eat those Oreos than if they’re at the store and I

Have to leave and go get them doesn’t mean it’s impossible but how many times am I going to Crave those Oreos they’re not going to be in the house I’m not going to want to go to the store and then my craving is going to subside it’s G to happen

Sometimes and sometimes is enough right well we have a second to one side says it says well-regulated militia and uh Chris verad going down to Walmart and grabbing a gun and having it in his house because he wants it is not necessarily a well-regulated militia sorry Chris I’m just using

You on the other side shall not be infringed okay well we can argue all day long about what some Dead Guy 300 years ago meant but we’re not going to come to a conclusion the conclusion is going to be what you want it to be and the

Conclusion that has been made is very new which I don’t think people have realized no they haven’t because everybody wants an echo chamber and everybody wants to go to their corners and everybody just wants to yell and meanwhile kids and people are dying a lot are there other bigger problems

Yes if I sit here and I I tell you about how the the highest rate per capita of gun deaths are almost entirely in the top 10 in red states that doesn’t solve any problems because they can just point to Chicago and other blue states where

The big cities are I get it I get it don’t politicize it it’s political but politicizing it’s not going to help I I would prefer to stick to just numbers the rate of homicides from a firearm per 100,000 people for the United States is 4.52 when you look at higher income countries

With populations of 10 million or more you just take them all second place behind the USA at 4.52 is Saudi Arabia at 1.46 that’s second place man followed by Chile at 1.2 Canada which we share a border with at 62 now on the other hand it’s big in

Mexico who we also share a border with and where did they get their guns from that’s exactly right the number one place they get their guns from is the United States by the way the United Kingdom which I think is a model of this 01 per 100,000 we’re at 4.52 they’re at

0.1 Japan is almost zero like can’t we just look at that and say okay can we do some of the other thing can we just can we just have some balls and get our legislators and unite around the fact that we all agree mass shootings are lame we all agree there’s

A mental health issue we all agree that people kill people not guns we all agree on that nobody wants to take your guns and you can’t hunt can we like just find a middle ground and at least get something done where we we we we you know it’s like the

The figure skating like let’s let’s throw out the the Russian judge and the other one let’s let’s let’s throw out the highest and lowest score and come to the middle and have some common sense and say Okay can could we start with like Universal hardcore background checks well those already exist not everywhere

And not hardcore like legit waiting periods can we start there and maybe maybe start at like the highest end of like the craziest guns they are doesn’t even stand for assault rifle I I understand that I’m not I’m saying like can we like ban the ones that like fire

100 billion rounds a minute and can shoot a deer’s face off you know from a thousand you know stuff like that I don’t profess to be like gun scientist here can we just do can we just have basic just basic basic stuff yes should we have higher punishment rates

Sure should we have mental health more help yeah I just don’t know why like in order to buy a gun you don’t have to like have a waiting period and go through a background check and then you have to in order to get the gun you have

To pass like a safety course and do all of that universally in every single state yeah I think what you and I would say is like all the Hoops we have to do to drive a car right shouldn’t that be for a gun and then that will come back

With well you don’t have a right to drive a car I have a right to have a gun so you don’t but you don’t have a right to kill people yeah and part of the reason why you go through all that with a car is because cars can kill

People well you don’t ban knives yeah well okay look I’ll take my chances at a mass knifing over a mass shooting sorry I’ll take my chances there doesn’t mean a knife can’t kill people doesn’t mean a knife can’t kill multiple people but tell you this much if there were no

Guns and only knives bet you the body count would be lower bet you the wounded would be lower like can we can we is that not common sense is that is that controversial we don’t blame a fork or spoon for fat people it’s a tragedy either way

Yeah are you saying we should Outlaw forks and spoons part of the problem too is we do these false equivalencies like different problems are different things and it should be Universal it has to be Federal because until you can’t come into my state without papers which I don’t think

Anybody’s for in regulations if you can freely travel into my state and I can freely travel into yours and we have to have some some basic rules that we agree on I just don’t know if the toothpaste is out of the tube here I I don’t know how you walk it back

I know that 94 they had an assault rifle ban I think it lasted to’ 04 and then expired and I was looking at some numbers there just just looking at numbers and the data showed an almost immediate and steep r in mass shooting deaths in the years after the assault weapons ban expired

No4 the average number of yearly deaths attributed to mass shootings was 25 compared to 5.3 during the 10-year ten year of of the assault weapons ban and 7.2 in the Years leading up now you might say Corel correlation is not causation or vice versa but I know this when they had the

Ban it was 5.3 before the Bandit was 7.2 after the Bandit was 25 and then you look at probably the closest country to us when it comes to culture and lifestyle in the United Kingdom where they have heavy heavy heavy rules they have almost none like why why why is it

Controversial wh why why can’t we just why can’t we just have common sense well I I have my guns to prevent the government from tyranny well I hear you like historically I understand that I understand the time that that was put in and I understand that we were living

In a world where you had to you know manually reload muskets and you had to fight the red coats and stuff but like look I I’m not trying to be disrespectful here at all and I know this doesn’t this is a flippant answer I acknowledge that but like you know John

And Jill uh you know in the mountains you’re you’re your assault rifles aren’t stopping the government if they want to invade you like it’s not going to happen like you might delay a few things but come on man like we’re already kind of there in this world of drone strikes and

All this like the the two Pac out of the tube there bro I just want kids I I I just want people to be able to go to church synagogue and school Super Bowl parades and and all this stuff and and and for us quit thoughts in and

Praying again no disrespect to thoughts it’s a super nice thing think about the victims praying I’m not a religious person but have at it man can’t hurt and many people say it helps awesome awesome dude I want to yucky or yum but like it’s not working it’s not

Working and it it’s I thought about it like and I know we got a break Chris but it’s like like I talked about earlier like would it help if we with family’s permission would it help if we shared the photos of the people shot up like

Would it help if people saw saw a picture of a seven-year-old kid with bullets in him or her like as just absolutely terrifyingly disgusting as it sounds like do we is it like one of those where you you never want to name the lobsters in the tanket Red Lobster

You don’t want to personalize it maybe we we haven’t personalized it enough I don’t know and I I just have a really hard time with the the people that are the most hardcore against any sort of Regulation rule or or or or or bringing something forward to try to

Help if if God forbid that happened to to their wife or husband or kids if they still feel the same you know all I know is it’s sad we’re not going to solve it here but every big problem ever in the world has been solved It generally gets solved when it

Starts with a small group of people having a Fair conversation a balanced conversation and then organizing and pressuring and I just at what point is enough’s enough how many how many more kids how many more schools before you know where we come out of our corners but

Uh I’m just a I’m just a sports host who has a couple of kids who wants people to go to Super Bowl events if you think if you you think that more guns and more good guys with guns is what we need because the aren’t going to follow the

Rules I would I would simply say this there were 850 armed police officers at the parade yesterday and it took a civilian tackling the shooter to end the shooting and I would say that Ronald Reagan was shot and almost killed their last president to be shot in office and he was surrounded literally

By the most highly trained militia in the entire history of the world and that didn’t help so I don’t know that that’s the answer either I don’t know what the answer is I don’t want to demonize everyone I just I hope that I I would love for everybody to just take a

Moment you know do one thing man just figure it out because this this is stupid shootings at Super Bowl parades are stupid that’s my take we’ll take a break when we come back three for madness brought to you by fire Wings we’re back into sports thank you for

Indulging me there what was it about last night that was almost predi ictable and we’ll grade the first half we’ll do that next you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game going for another triple man is he feeling itan can he do it yes

There’s number 11 Keegan Murray Keegan steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a Kings franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack Town Sports what’s up as always we’re talking to Chad hoblet of HBL Dodge Chrysler

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500 first resp bonus cash must be current member of eligible first responder Association privet saving simple Vin 221 743 three questions three answers it’s three for madness on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross here’s question one my dad’s favorite segment yours Sports business with Kelly

Brothers good a business coming up in 10 minutes uh in the meantime three for madness brought to you by fire wings with Sam amch in just about 40 minutes from now with question one what was it about last night’s game that seemed almost predictable you know we were trying to

Put our finger on it yesterday when when we said look we’re not calling the king’s Victory and then we didn’t do that I think we said that something the effect of it would not it certainly wouldn’t shock us and it really wouldn’t even be much of a surprise number one nicoa

Yic is one of the biggest weapons in the in the in the National Basketball Association and the Denver offense runs through him completely and he his toughest matchup might be damont sabonis Joel embiid’s tough too but he and sabonis they they both have that that they’re they’re they’re almost mirror images

And when you add in a couple of key injuries Jamal Murray kav’s Caldwell Pope I’m not gonna lie if Jamal Murray and kav’s calwell Pope are playing last night they probably win but I don’t know if they win if the Kings aren’t on the second night of a back-to-back and

Playing their third and fourth going into the All-Star break dog tired this was to me the best win of the year it was the best win of the year because of the Phoenix loss the Oklahoma City loss the inconsistencies over the previous weeks the fact that it was the

Last game going into the All-Star break and the fact that they were going into Denver fourth and five nights second night of a back-to-back into arguably the toughest place to play I think what do we say the Nuggets were up 24 and four at home going into yesterday it’s

Not just because the nuggets are a good team they’ve always had a great home record why altitude anybody who ever anybody who skis and does Mountain Sports anyone who’s ever lived at elevation you know you’re walking around Lake Tahoe hell you’re walk I walk around poock

Pines and you can tell just a little bit you can tell it’s a just a little tougher to catch your breath now I understand these are trained in shape Ferrari style athletes but it’s still it’s still aware on its own much less when you’re already dog tired and

For this team to not just win but come from behind a double digit deficit where they very easily could have turned everything in g limped into the All-Star break and and lived a fight another day no that’s not what happened and the reason we won in the end was because of

Our clutch Superstar non- Allstar in dearon Fox I couldn’t be more proud of them and I think why was it almost predictable because this team matches up well with the nuggets and bottom line if you just look at the Kings games and think about the opposite of what you

Think they’re going to do odds are that’s what’s going to happen cut number two question two do you want sabonis in the All-Star game uh personally as somebody who cares about Damonte sabonis and wants all the best for him and recognizes what he gives this team in this city and I bring

This up because Kawhi Leonard is now questionable for the All-Star Game and my guess is Damonte sabonis is your first alternate so if kawhai doesn’t play I I would be surprised if sabonis isn’t offered a spot but at the same time I don’t know what damont sabonis has

Planned I don’t know if maybe he promised uh his lovely wife and his two young kids that hey Daddy’s going to be home for a week or we’re going to go to Hawaii or some other place with a beach I don’t know Napa I mean doesn’t have a

Beach but I know he likes nap um and maybe he doesn’t want to go but but also he gets a $1.3 million bonus for going plus the the the status if damont sabonis is offered a spot and he wants to play then of course I would be happy for him now as a

Selfish Kings fan that’s not thinking of damont sabonis there’s no way in hell I want him anywhere near Allstar Weekend I don’t want him near there I don’t want Fox near there I don’t even want Keegan to go but at this point a a you know any anything basketball related will H

Keegan but honest to God man get the rest spend the time with your family it’s going to be a nice stretch uh between uh between next week and the end of the year and then hopefully uh a nice run into the playoffs uh number three question

Three grade the first half of the Season well last year I know this we had the same question at some point we graded the first half of the season in a and the Kings have the exact same record that they did last year I think their competition has been tougher I think

Health in the west has been healthier I understand that expectations and that combined with number of really bad losses it makes it really difficult for me to give this team an a and the cynical side of me because I feel like last night is what they’re capable of and they’ve barely even done

That the cynical side wants wants to give him a c minus but I think if I’m being fair I’m gonna give him a solid B there’s a lot more there but they’re also learning how to change things up defensively they’re being coached harder than they were last

Year they have a Target on their back now we forget about that sometimes not surprising anybody they were The Darlings of the NBA last year there’s a lot of things going on and they still H happen to have the same record they did last year and that’s with playing a top five most

Difficult schedule in the NBA I’ll give him a b we’ll take a break when we come back Kelly Brothers Sports business we’ll do that next our first year as the radio home of the San Francisco 49ers is one we will never forget and here’s pie going to throw one deep wide for Deo

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ANS and products right when you need them call Quick or just. buy Granger for the ones who get it done the NBA All-Star Game revs up in Indie this is going to be a blast he did it yes he did the world’s best Bowers show out in Circle City it’s

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Joining us now on Sports set certified financial planner Kelly Brothers Kelly is an adviser with cap trust one of the nation’s largest registered investment advisors cap trust counts among its clients numerous pro athletes and pro sports franchises but most importantly serves many Northern Californians through comprehensive financial planning here’s Kelly

Brothers all righty then well for Kelly’s a pro long long history of talking people on obviously as you know and he knows that at least when he comes on this show once a week when he Stoops down and gets himself dirty uh that it’ll at least be a half professional program today not

Not so much Jason’s on vacation so Kelly I’m gonna try to do my dad proud to get through this segment and try not to embarrass myself good morning Dave good morning to you as well great to talk to you uh first off um my dad made me promise I

Know we generally have an outline of what we’re going to talk about but my dad made me promise to ask you because you know quite a bit on the subject he he he the first thing he did uh when he learned was text me and says I know

You’re having Kelly on tomorrow could you get him say a few words about the impact CC Meers had on the community and on Sacramento CC was one of a kind man he was I mean not just just a great businessman just not not just an unbelievable American story of success a

Guy who grew up in abject poverty in Southern California left school in the 10th grade uh went on to found you know multiple companies um but but he was just he was a character he he was a it was fun to be around CC he had stories he had opinions

You know I’m sure in today’s day and age a cc would would have been uh ripped apart on social media but he he and and he loved a challenge I mean you know when when they when they called on cc to repair road work after the Northridge

Quake or after LMA pretta or after floods he loved that challenge he loved you know working his Crews 24 hours a day and they love being a part of it to get to to some goal so uh but I I just really enjoyed the man I loved uh you

You know when you called him up you’d hear his gra voice Myers and and and I’ll miss that I will he was he was a great local character and that’s not to say he didn’t have a few Financial rough spots along the way he had to file for

Bankruptcy back in 07 when the real estate market turned on him right in the right after he had put millions and millions of dollars into a few projects including Winchester up there in Meadow Visa um so he had he had a few rough spots along the way but man he he was

Just a fun guy to be around he really was I was a uh uh we we were members up until recently uh up at Winchester that we got lucky they had a great deal we joined it’s a it’s a gorgeous it it’s my favorite Golf Course maybe uh well

There’s I don’t want to get any sponsors in trouble along with timber creek and a few others it is it is my favorite Golf Course uh probably outside of the you know the the pebble beaches and the Bay Area ones around here but around Northern California but man Winchester

Has been an enigma from day one man they can’t it seems like they can’t figure it out as beautiful as that chus is and as beautiful as the houses in the area is that thing they just got sold I think seven eight months ago again they have

Never been able to figure that thing out it what just Cey yeah I I didn’t know you lived in Sun City Dave that’s interesting no no that my parents do though um uh but uh no you’re right considering the beauty of it I mean that

Was cce’s baby man he he carved that out of the mountain and uh it I don’t yeah I I wish you’re right no one has crack the code on that one Dave I wish they could because it is a spectacular site uh when we get speak by the way speaking of golf

I’ll just say this uh I think the Phoenix Open has jumped the shark I mean that play that’s just a that’s just a messy sloppy drunk of a tournament now it’s just a I don’t know they they’ve they’ve gone too far and I hope hope I hope they’re raining it in because

They’re I mean it’s one thing to be the most fun or loudest tournament but you don’t have to be kind of the sloppy drunk of all golf tournaments like it seemingly has turned into I hope they turned that around and they they have they have uh created that they have

Fostered that environment and in many cases they have encouraged it’s always Super Bowl week I had a chance to go there a few years ago when the Super Bowls in Arizona we were on r row we went we sat at the 16th and did the whole thing and you know really it’s the

Bulk of it is well first off half of Arizona is drunk anyway secondly you got the the college kids Arizona State takes over that that whole area um and they just roll in it’s like one big giant frat party and it’s one of those like how do you put the toothpaste back in

The tube they’re probably going to swing the pendulum too far the other way this time but they can’t have what they did this year no and I at least I think they know it um and you could sense that it was going that way the last few years

You thought they would have put some governors in place because the momentum was in that direction but they didn’t and it got ugly uh but um Super Bowl I wanted to bring up a few things Dave just about in a recap first of all know that CBS made an additional $50

Million when that game went to overtime 50 million wow that’s nice yeah isn’t that nice they were the ones cheering for overtime uh by the way Usher stats Spotify streams were up 550% post Super Bowl and ticket prices for his shows went up by 40% post Super Bowl which is

All you need to know to understand why the artist will put so much time into a 13 minute set and not get paid a DME for it because they do get paid it’s just not by the Super Bowl so when you look at all the money we

Were talking about the Super Bowl versus the World Cup a couple of days ago and just the advertising opportunities that are available one thing that I wonder is you know you have this halftime show are we ever going to get to a point where they say because we found out what Apple

Paid for the halftime show and it’s like do you get to a point if you’re the Super Bowl where you go yeah we’re not gonna do the halftime show anymore our halftime show is going to be all commercials with like a two-minute Studio break and then back to commercials because what are they

They’re gonna turn it off they G stop watching why not make more money no absolutely I that’s why I wonder um I’m a little surprised that the Super Bowl is not pay-per-view already because people will pay for it um and they would still have all the commercials they want uh you know the

Other uh what was the other thing I was going to bring up about uh the economics of the Super Bowl um oh oh uh the criticism though Dave that you know the halftime of the Super Bowl is longer than the halftime of most NFL games and

That’s right there are a lot of Niner fans who are wondering all right did that contribute to Dre green you know ripping his leg up as he ran out onto the field because he had to sit for a half hour for the halftime show and you know how athletes bodies work once they

Cool down they cool down um but uh I don’t know if there’s any legitimacy medically in that or not but it certainly came to the attention of some Niner fans anyway when we move on from that moneymaking world of the Super Bowl and we get back into uh everything else

Going on uh these this name image likeness you know speaking of sports just continues to be a a cash cow for many it does uh and but and it’s real interesting now I noticed this week especially Michigan made the announcement but then I looked up others colleges as well so they’ve announced

Two new jobs in their athletic department an executive general manager as well as a senior manager of Business Development and so there there’s a whole new world out there for aspiring uh agents or people who want to get into that part of the business where you manage basically college players nil

Opportunities um you know the interesting part about that will be all right how do you how do you spread that around when you’ve got I mean Michigan has how many people do they going to go to prod day I mean it’s they have an incredible stable of athletes so that

Will be the tricky part but these colleges now are going to be at adding on these positions which do nothing but set up nil Partnerships for their players so it it’s a it’s a whole new world and um some of these colleges are jumping in with both feet I think I read

Somewhere I was looking at the top nil earners and I want to say 39 College athletes earn more than Brock py this year yeah saw that it’s insane it’s the world we liveing though you’re gonna have to start having salary caps at these colleges yeah but Olivia Dunn can’t throw a pass unfortun

Forun um but hey the other thing keep an eye on this I hope I hope it doesn’t work to be honest with you but the allstar game they’re going to play on an LED Court Dave um and and and so they will be flipping advertisers and

Graphics I I don’t know it would make me car sick to play on that court but uh watch for that this weekend first time they’ll ever play this game on an LED court and of course if it works you’re going to see it everywhere but I hope

It’s just a little too busy for me man we are on the precipice of living in a world Kelly where with your meta quests and your vision pros and your LED courts and your you’re going to be able to interact with all of them where where by

The time uh By the time my kids have kids uh I think we’re going to live in a world where you can basically design your own television screen color the court however you want put the stats wherever you want put the announcers wherever you want pick the camera angles

You want the feed you want uh it’s going to be very interesting to see the way sports are viewed differently over the next five to 10 years than now but my guess is it’s going to be the biggest jump we’ve ever seen in technology I agree all all all all Kings

Games to me will be on a paret court and here here’s Dave I got a question for you yeah I think that’s all true and I how long until you’re watching a Kings game do you think and you’ll be able to pick a feed of three or four different options of

Play-by-play and Analysis how long and I ask you that because obviously your station makes money off this and TV but but they could own the three or four different options you see what I’m saying you’re talking about the team itself yeah but I know that in the Premier League they already have this

Right where you can pick they might have five or six options I don’t want to get you know I hope I don’t get in trouble for saying this and I hope I’m wrong but um I don’t know whatever contract we’re in right now with the Kings I I I think

We at one more max I I I think eventually with the Advent of internet and streaming and everything and you’ve already seen some teams take all of this inhouse and they control their own advertising the problem is and Kelly I’ve I’ve gone real deep on this the

Problem is is there’s some teams that say you know what uh we’re going to get a check for you know I don’t know what the number is 500 Grand a year whatever it is a million dollars a year we’re going to get a check for the rights and

We can just hand it off to you and uh and there you go and then there’s others that say well no we can we can employ this staff to sell this inventory and we think we can get a lot more than 500,000 or a million dollars but they have to

Justify that it’s got to be at least two or three x before they I think could justify having an entire crew do it on top of that look when when uh of course when ever I’m in my car or anywhere else I’m always tuned in sack toown Sports

1140 for every Kings game all 82 plus playoffs however there are also people in this world that can now grab YouTube TV and every other streaming whatever they can that you put it on your phone and you shouldn’t do this but they’re throwing their phones up in their car

Where the cops can’t see they’ve got the audio on and they can glance down at a red light and look at Mark Jones and Kyle and Katie chrisan and calling the game and all that so I don’t know about the future of radio and radio rights but

I I think we’re uh we’re we’re on the deathbed or near it okay I hope I’m wrong by the way and and I know we have to wrap up for time but I just that’s that was an interesting wrinkle I was reading the details about the contract ESPN signed

For the college football playoff I think it’s eight or nine billion if I remember correctly but anyway they have the right in that contract Dave to to basically sell off the rights of individual games to other broadcasters if they want to so you know these used to be exclusive to

But now ESPN could say oh okay uh you know uh CBS you know we’re going to sell you the semifinal game for1 billion do whatever it is they they will have that option to then resell the rights if they choose to do so which I thought was a

New wrinkle aren’t we also kind of Dipping our pinkies in there anyways with the simoc cast The Pat ma the Mannings the Lans now why why broadcast the game once on one Channel when you can you can change the environment of that game and go out I I I’m not saying

This to be flippant and and then we’ll break here you’re right this is a good conversation Kelly I’m not saying this to be flippant I’m not saying this to be offensive or misogynistic as the guy’s about to say something flippant misogynistic but what I’m saying is is

That are we really that when when when the NFL looks at the Taylor Swift effect are we really that far away from having a Super Bowl alternate broadcast on on Bravo’s app where you have the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills gathered around bsing about the Super Bowl and

Not just necessarily the game but what this is and that is and the drama did you hear this and I know that that because you’re going after all these demographics for this one event but there’s different angles I think it’s just a matter of time before the networks have 10 different simoc casts

Absolutely because the easy part they’re already covering which is the visuals now you just you’re putting different commentary down on the same visuals so it’s it’s pretty easy um and not every you know play byplay and analyst is for everyone you you and you would get people sampling like crazy I want to

Hear what they’re saying about this yes you know so I want to hear what Carmichael Dave thinks about this boom I’m going to the Carmichael Dave Channel yeah that’s gonna be on the uh the History Channel app where I’m sitting there making zucchini fries PBS yeah

There you go the Food Network Super Bowl broadcast with car Michael Dave Kelly always appreciate you thank you so much uh rest in peace Mr Myers great peace on that we’ll talk to you soon all right that is that’s Kelly Brothers we’ll take a break when we come back we got some

Kings post game audio we got a lively chat going on right now that’s uh that’s part of the uh what I wanted here a good conversation there and uh more you can call us 1 18009 12140 we’re right back on sack toown Sports subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the

Carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys live Monday through Friday from 6:00 to 6: plus view archive shows and exclusive content subscribe at actown Sports hey it’s Doug Christie here for fulam Lake Ford during the President’s Day sellathon get zero down deals on

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Commercials it’s not that great it really isn’t I like a break here and there it’s so weird I I I and I don’t mean weird as a u i don’t mean weird derogatory but in in in working in my my my shorttime working in the world of English soccer football whatever you

Want to call it it’s so weird because you have to look at everything so much more different than over here like you go to a King’s game and not by the way everybody does their own thing but most you get there early you uh you go get your food and your

Drink maybe you’re one of those Lounge people that go to the lounges whatever maybe you get dinner it’s sauc then you uh you watch the game but you have timeouts you have quarter breaks halftime uh you have stoppages somebody has to go to the bathroom yeah hey honey

I need a I need a refill you go there yeah would you grab me one oh I need more popcorn oh I want a hot dog oh the kid hasn’t go pee and you work those through the breakes as best you can soccer you know it’s it’s here too but

I’m just speaking over there because it’s it’s it’s it’s the only way they know they look at that like what are you doing we arrive at the stadium right when I was um I’ll never forget this actually I was at your place I was at at

The edad Stadium or Man City Place it’s like 10 minutes to match time it’s empty there’s like it’s almost empty I’m looking around the stadium it’s empty why because everybody’s getting wasted because when the match starts you don’t move until halim because you can’t because there

Might be one score the whole match and you can’t miss it if you’re out if you’re taking a leak and The Crowd Goes Crazy you might have missed the only the highlight of the whole thing now obviously you know football game you could miss the 99 yard touchdown basketball the full court

Shot the baseball the grand that but in soccer because scoring is so much more infrequent than in other sports it’s a huge thing and then halftime hits it’s 20 minutes everybody goes to the bathroom or goes to the the the beer place the lines are insane it’s like

Cattle it is like cattle i w I sat with my back to a wall perched up and watched the whole thing like like ants and it was insane how people are just like they’re strategizing their beeline and all a sudden they’re going it’s like when they

Open the the doors at the Cowboys games and everybody rushes to the standing room only seats it’s like that and you’re packed into these bathrooms they’re absolutely you know o overrun everybody’s got to not only do you have to get the beer you have to drink the

Beers because you can’t take the beer back to your seat they don’t do food and beverage in the seats I’m pretty sure because people were throwing them or they were just getting too Sauced during the matches yeah and over there it’s a thing too because again imagine us living in a

World where uh Kings Lakers uh Lakers have a right to buy 10% of the tickets so they can have up toh what would that be 2,000 fans here and those fans are in a specific section of the Arena every single game and that section is surrounded by

Security and they have their own doors they have to come in they have their own concessions there’s no intermingling their own outside bars right because that’s how it is over there because of the history of like basically everybody goes gets hammered watches soccer beats the hell out of

Each other and goes home this is the one that people did not like they didn’t think it was real when I told them mhm in 2012 City and United were playing a late game in April yeah for the title it was they were basically tied at the time

The whole city uh disallowed alcohol sales not just in the stadium the entire city you cannot buy alcohol anywhere I mean could you imagine that for like a playoff gate like game seven Kings Warriors if they said hey Sacramento no alcohol sales anywhere I mean I’m okay here’s the problem I’m the wrong

Guy I’m the wrong guy because I don’t drink and my brain I think along with my taste buds my brain works differently than someone like you who likes to go to a game have a few points have a good time for me I don’t want anything in my

Body that’s going to my senses in any way I need to tell my senses I don’t want that I want I don’t want anything that’s going to make me forget uh I don’t want anything that’s gonna fog my brain and I by the way like

What you know I know the Super Bowl is an outlier but a can of Michelob Ultra was $18.99 I also don’t understand what a can of beer does for you either I mean I can’t I understand what four does I understand and what 12 does I don’t

Understand the person that says I’m just going to have a beer because first of I think beer tastes like you know butt but secondly I don’t that’s not enough unless you’re like 4 foot one probably not enough to even get a tiny buzz but I don’t understand the thought but I also know

That I’m the outlier and people like to go and get satic games I understand that but when it comes to advertising it’s the same thing when are your commercials running well your commercials are running pregame at halftime and nobody cares after the game you’re gonna have all kinds of signage

You’re gonna have all kinds of live reads you’re going to do everything you can to fit the advertising into it but in many ways Chris and you know this the uh the and I say this with all love and respect but the the European broadcasts are way behind the way

America does things not just the broadcast themselves I actually think the play byplay is better overall I’m talking about the business of it I’m talking about the the the the sites that they use like for the championship league it’s if follow is what it’s called where people over here can watch

It the distribution there’s a lot of work that can be done over there it’s just you have to completely rethink the way you do it compared to how things are here we’ll take a break when we come back we hope we’ve got Sam am uh we do

Have Sam okay good because he was traveling around he sent a note earlier saying uh just a heads up we’ll have Sam with us I believe he’s going to be at the airport so we’ll do what we can with him coming up next you never know what

You might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling it Kean can he do it yes there’s number 11 Kean murrayan steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a Kings franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a

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In Sierra Pines your ultimate golf Haven Carle Dave here for Jiffy Lube your proud sponsor of the drive of the game listen to every Kings game for Gary Gerald’s Drive of the game call then listen to Jason and me the next morning for a chance to win a $100 Jiffy Loop

Certificate courtesy of all the Jiffy Lube locations in the greater Sacramento area Jiffy Lube your place for oil changes wiper blades tire rotations and more hey for valuable coupons and a location near you visit Jiffy hey it’s Doug Christie here for fome Lake Ford during the President’s Day

Cathon get zero down deals on approval of credit huge discounts and top dollar for all trades shop your truck headquarters at fom lak from the power business technology Toshiba Studios your home for Kings basketball for over 25 Seasons no look B to Weber down the lane flying Jam

There’s your PR of night right there inside is sabonis a two hand rip a brilliant pass from Theon Fox ktk Sacramento kymx ht2 Sacramento sown Sports the Carmichael Dave show he on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the

Microphone and then Bo Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did caller text at 91 6339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports all right I think he’s flying somewhere or about to so we’ll have Sam as long as we have Sam for from the

Athletic joining us right now good morning Samuel good morning David how you doing today buddy I’m good it’s just me Jason’s uh enjoying uh his first day of vacation so is that why you’re flying and uh not on the TV screen because Jason’s not here no there’s a thing

Called um allar weekend that I’m heading off to uh so no vacation for me but I’m I’m happy for the Ross family so they’re getting away so the good news for you is you know we don’t have any dog distractions but you probably will deal with a little bit of airport and be

Annoyed but happy to be with you are you uh did you say you’re taking the the family out to all Indianapolis no no no I said no vacation oh gotcha because all to Indianapolis that’s not on short list that’s why I was asking no that’s why I was asking I

Was like oh Indian February but my my kids I think a lot of kids have all or most the next week off so I didn’t know if uh if you’re pulling that or not well good no we only we only got the one day

I think we got Monday but uh we must be on different schedules yeah my kids like my kids start school in July and end it in June and they get like five weeks off for President’s Day so it’s it’s it’s not like us Sam when we used to start

The day after Labor Day remember that I do I do I have a change man how it changeed uh let me put you on the spot here with a fun sports radio question um are the Sacramento Kings the biggest Enigma in the NBA yes um the other night after they

Beat the Nuggets this relates to your question uh Christian Brown from the Nuggets is talking to n yic in the locker room and he looks at his phone and he is very confused by the New Orleans Pelicans and he says man I can’t figure these guys out and I forget the

Teams but he says you know they beat this team but they lost to that team and I couldn’t help myself it was a little bit of a calculated risk because I don’t know either of those guys all that well I kind of interjected I was like well

Not to interrupt guys but you know that team that just took it to you tonight just beat or just lost to Detroit two nights ago that’s pretty ballsy dude what they say they they laughed a little bit uh they it did land it was fine and then Joker

Looked at me and he said that’s that’s the NBA yeah that’s I guess I mean it is and we see you know look every team has goofy losses we’ve seen it time and time again I mean the defending Champions they’re in the middle of a a bad stretch

Right now but it’s just I don’t know man the Kings whether it’s blowing lead against the Bucks blowing a the bigger what what what do we always say 1,245 games since a team blew a lead that late like the Kings did versus Phoenix a couple weeks ago uh Portland

On the road Charlotte at home Detroit at home but then this is also the same team that uh beat is has beaten Minnesota beaten Oklahoma City beaten their three and 0 versus Denver and it makes you kind of Wonder are are are they a first round exit team playing like a two-time

Defending champ and coasting through the season or is there something else going on um I think matchups impact them greater than most I think that’s part of it OKC’s a pretty good matchup although they obviously got run the other day um Denver’s a good matchup New Orleans is a

Terrible matchup yeah uh the Clippers come to mind they have not beat the Clippers right uh they have not I believe beat the Clippers no yeah so I think you know honestly just some of their size deficiencies down low and their defensive vulnerabilities get exposed in certain matchups um I also think more

Recently that you know it’s kind of like which dearon Fox are you gonna get plays a big part um they don’t win that game last night if if thearon doesn’t go Bonkers yeah Dave I need you to talk for 30 seconds give me one more no problem think I think Sam’s going through

Security right now what would be hilarious is if Sam got picked as the random guy that gets checked at security what would be even funnier than that would be is if uh we were on streamyard right now and we could actually see Sam getting padded down as he is on his way

Out to Indianapolis for the All-Star game as somebody mentioned on the chat sabonis Fox they don’t get an All-Star birth Sam Amic does is there something wrong with that probably and yes by the way Clippers two matchups with the Clippers so far the first one remember

That was the one they didn’t even show up for although Fox had 40 they lost 1317 at home that was the day after they had that comeback and finally beat Golden State 124 123 uh and then a few weeks later they lost by 20 in La

Against the but did you make it through security okay were you chosen for the random pat down see that that’d be fun I wish I was um I I should uh I should just let you believe that it was security because that’s like something that I couldn’t control I’m just going

To be a nice honest person and admit to you that I really needed this copy today so uh I was getting copy I’m gonna you know what I I want to break off this normal conversation because that’s what we do I want to ask you some travel

Questions Sam uh number one uh do you have a uh I assume you have TSA pre-check buddy you ask uh yes I do but I didn’t for years um and literally today is the first day that I used it ever really yes and it was a lifesaver

Because I checked a bag because Indy’s so cold all my clothes were massive and so the the check in the bag took forever but then ccsa uh came in the clutch so that was very nice so let me ask you this Sam um I’m going to turn this into

A commercial right now you it’s it’s fair to say that you travel more than the average bear right I know you don’t travel as much as you used to but NBA season hits you’re travel in a decent clip right and then you try to do one or

Two things with the family so are you still traveling at least enough um EXC what do you mean enough what is enough well because here’s where here’s where I was going Sam and I imagine you’re a guy with a good credit score so I want to tell you a little bit

About the American Express Platinum Card okay because number one all right first off it’s like $600 a year for the card okay oh my God right like that’s a lot it truly is a lot of money but they pay for your TSA and the one you really need to get

Is clear if you don’t have clear you ain’t living life man they they they do a scan of your eyes and then they take you let me let me interject a little context uh I have an American Express card it’s a Marriott card I don’t think it’s all the way to

The platinet it’s not cheap but it’s not 600 so you’re telling me I should upgrade yes yes because in exchange for that that that the the the price you’re paying your TSA gets paid for your clear gets paid for which is like TSA on steroids bro they scan your eyes and

They take you directly to the front of the line past the TSA people to the point where you’re almost uncomfortable because they Lead You past everybody and just roll you right through instead of waiting to get a coffee you could have gone into the Escape Lounge at uh at

Sack airport where it’s free that’s huh that’s the thing so that’s the thing I do have a little bit of fomo Because by my American Express doesn’t L yeah I might have snuck in a couple times because I’m that kind of guy you are um also the clear I know

Your listeners really logged on travel stuff Jason’s gone this what happens since you brought it up yeah this is the thing I got kind of forced into buying clear a couple months ago when I was in such a rush and was going to miss a flight in Denver if I didn’t have clear

The question I have for you is I was probably not gonna renew it next year what is the point of having clear when you have fre TSA because clear gets you past the TSA you and I both know there TSA has become so widespread that there’s times where when it’s busy

Enough even the TSA line is going to be a little bit crazy clear is like tsav viip in the sense that it gets you they will walk you to the front of the TSA line I got and and it’s almost like it’s instant almost because not enough people

Have it now not every airport has clear but most of the major ones do on on top of that you get a $25 a month Uber credit you get 50 bucks in December so that right there when you’re landing and you’re you’re traveling around there’s your Uber credits right there and

There’s about 900 other benefits I could tell you about off the air I’m just telling you it changed my travel life a couple years ago I’m just saying all right I appreciate it this has been Dave’s travel segment they just got 10 minutes of like a full sponsorship that someone’s gonna

Yell at me for that um yeah uh do you anticipate well I’m not gonna ask you to give me the injury update on Kawai Leonard but it when it’s all said and done if you’re a betting man do you think Damonte sabonis is going to be off

Offered some form of access to Allstar Weekend or no I actually hadn’t thought about that in the context of Kawai um I don’t have a beat on it I could look into it later today I I do think who else is in the running as snugs

Fox yeah sabonis will get it over Fox yeah um especially you know this is not supposed to come into play but like you know the way domas is has played since getting snub and then you know triple doubles and and beating joic you know multiple times and in a week um National

Television games where you can even though they lost the Phoenix you know he destroyed the subs that night and you know the profile gets a little bump as a result so uh yeah I had not actually pondered that option but if if Kawai is out uh which even if he’s like

Borderline you and I both know that kaw in Kawai I mean he’s already playing so much this year I could see him just bowing out so maybe the Kings fans will will get themselves an Allstar after all what do you think of the uh the the smoke if not fire some of your

Colleagues were talking about recently with the idea of uh Lebron James and Steph Curry uh uniting in Golden state is that all smoke any fire there what was your take when you heard that I’m sure you heard a little bit of it before it broke um well my friend usually you know

With your two subscriptions to our website you’re usually still on top of things but you should read my 1600w story on the top um I did I just know everybody else did and I wanted to lead you into and full credit it wasn’t just me Anthony Slater Yan buhan and I Lakers

And Warriors beat writers respectively um we jumped all over it we don’t often I’m just being real and honest because we talk about media stuff sometimes we’re competitive right so a lot of times we’re a little stubborn to like jump on a story that somebody else broke

But it was like Hey listen ESPN did a nice job they broke that story of The Warriors and Lakers talking about LeBron um but we thought there was more ground to cover there and so you know we did our thing and I mean the smoke is not

That he’s gonna play for the Warriors the smoke and this is the kind of stuff I love is that it just revealed um some truths about LeBron’s relationship with the Lakers which is that it’s been tenuous enough recently that a lot of rival teams are now of the belief that

He would be open to leaving um by that being said he was forced into basically answering that question because partly because the Warriors called and it was Joe lob talking to jeie bus directly and so jeie uh says you know what uh I have no interest in trading him if you would

Like to know his State of Mind feel free to call his agent guy by the name of rich and they called Rich and and rich said no we’re not going anywhere uh so you know it was almost I told someone yesterday like like somebody uh the

Lakers and LeBron seem to have it’s like they have to renew their vows every year right um but they did do that but this summer is going to be potentially kind of wild um I I think the smart money still is on him staying in LA but I

Think the bronny factor is big I had a a prominent NBA person not part of the Lakers say yesterday that that uh they definitely think that bronny is is a huge factor and so teams are are are looking at the idea of getting bronnie to get LeBron um you know and then on

The warrior side I think it shows that Joe Le is is still hanging on to the uh you know trying to maximize the Steph Cur era and and shooting for the stars and and they’re going to keep looking at Big names um you know as big as they get

And see if they can get lucky it’s fascinating because we’re talking about a guy who’s going to be 40 years old next year and he controls his own destiny as you know in the sense that he has a $ 51.5 million player option but he could opt

Out and the whole bronny thing is interesting because as far as from what I’ve read there’s no way in hell this guy gets drafted if he’s you know Fred Smith this year he’s 19 years old he’ll be 20 and October that that there’s no way if he declared he’d be anywhere near

A second round pick yet if if it means you can get 40-year-old LeBron and everything that comes with it Sam could we be could we be sitting here realistically in a situation where if bronny were to declare we’ve got GMS in the first round of the NBA draft saying

How high do we want to draft this kid knowing that LeBron James will likely come with him and I think that’s unprecedented if that’s the case it is I don’t have total Clarity of the market but I do know uh of at least one other Western Conference team that

In the past has you know actually tried to come up with a plan to to kind of get LeBron out of LA and you know they didn’t ultimately go down that road but it makes you think that door could be open again I think there could be others

Like them you know the the whole the calculus to me is all right how short is your Runway the Warriors have a short Runway because Steph is 35 right so if they if they can get two good years out of LeBron that’s great um you know most

Teams are not like that um Phil Philadelphia as ESPN reported called um Phil you know Joel and be’s Health means you have a short Runway yeah like we gotta go so uh you know a lot of teams not a lot I think a fair number of teams

Would look at it because the guy is still playing out of his mind you know um he can sign with the Lakers there’s an over 38 rule that limits him to a three-year extension um so that’s the other contractor could be on the table this year the Lakers can pay him a lot

More money than everybody else uh that matters because this guy let’s not forget this guy wants to buy an NBA team right and and so yes he’s rich but he not that rich um and he needs to keep adding to the bank account uh so uh yeah

A lot of layers to it um super interesting and and I think again the summer will be will be fascinating hey not to not to ask you anything uh you know you want to keep on the download but you mentioned a Western Conference team that you know had done that did

They just to keep it secret did they did that team rhyme with schmack ramento it did not okay just speaking of SCH smaco going into the All-Star break I know you and I both said when we asked uh last week would we be surprised if the Kings didn’t make any moves we both

Felt like they’d at least make a minor move therefore we’re both a little surprised that Monty McNair stuck with things but now that you’ve had a little bit of postmortem does it surprise you as much that he decided to stick with the hand he has

Yeah it does um it does I mean you know you you’ve heard since then this kind of idea and this narrative it just got loud here budy can you hear me yeah I can hear you right um this idea that you know they decided to to just you know

Lean into the top seven to let things evolve and grow uh you know they it’s a group thing with them but specifically Mike Brown kind of feeling like he wanted this group to have more time I mean that you know that sounds nice but it’s obviously a response to the market

And what they thought was possible and not possible out there and like I wrote after the trade deadline you know in hindsight what is very clear is that their big decisions came pretty early like the you know the seak deal right seemed like they got fairly close and

Didn’t ultimately go down the OG an aobi deal of all of them I think the OG one like if I was Joe Blow looking to focus on something that is fair to I you know to to agree with or not agree with you know potentially criticize is like OG

Anobi is a free agent this summer U now granted he got hurt with the Knicks but in his short time with the Knicks he’s made a massive impact on their team and I you could make the argument that he would have done the same to the king

They just cooled on him they didn’t they were not excited about the idea of paying him $40 million this summer um which again that’s a huge number and you’re going to have to pay Kagan Murray here in a couple of years and so I get it but as far as like splashing moves

That would have vaulted them a bit I don’t not into title Contender status but what have vaulted them that one I think was it because after that you know we’re talking about role players and and Royce O’Neal and and players like that um so we’ll see I mean they uh you know

This group as you know I think they’re one game behind their Pace from last year even though in the standings they’re a whole lot farther down um and then after the allstar break last year they they had a nice little surge we’ll see if they can do it again well and

Just to kind of land that plane it’s interesting with M McNair now now in his what 30 years the GM I think uh that the uh defending uh executive of the year it is hard to put a finger on this guy because it seems like you know you’ll

Remember back before the the Tyrese Halbert move the whole thing was this guy didn’t do anything he’s not going to move he doesn’t make any moves and then all of a sudden he explodes and does that and then The Herder followup and the Malik monk thing and and and all

That now we’re kind of back to where you’re kind of hearing some of the same Whispers like hey dude are you gonna do something which kind of makes me go oh my God what is this guy got in store this summer or next year this is a Daryl Mory guy by the

Way yeah no he’s he’s a big game hunter so to speak you know he’s from that kind of you know ethos and you’re right I mean one massive move he he made paid off and has been a good move um and you know we’ll see the other thing they’re a

Little bit analogous to the Lakers in this sense and I don’t have all the info at at top of mine but I think I’m accurate saying this like the Lakers standing Pat at the deadline opened up some real possibilities for them this Summer in terms of draft assets um I

Mean that’s the other game plan here is that mid-season trades are are tough to pull off and don’t always you know really land um saving your powder for the offseason and you can maybe go even bigger you know the kings of course have the DraStic situation where they they’ve

Got to make sure they make the playoffs um you know so that the pick conveys do I have that correct um with with herder yeah The Herder pick yeah it’s Lottery protected yes um yeah so um better to move that along I think and have access to your other picks uh

Hopefully I’m processing that accurately but like you know it’s I guess generally speaking the offseason versus mid-season calculus I think sometimes gets overlooked by media and fans in terms of uh you know just strategy does that make sense like everything is rushed and hurried and risky midseason offseason LS

Itself to um you know more research more data more time uh and and maybe that’s part of what I thinking was the number one thing to do in Indianapolis according to Trip Advisor is the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis followed by the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum and then the Benjamin

Harrison presidential site wasn’t he the guy that like died after two weeks that’s anyways uh so good luck I think I should you know I’m hoping that former King local Legends Brad Miller is listening to your F program Brad I think Brad has my number although full disclosure I saw Brad from

A distance the other day I felt bad I didn’t say hi I was kind of in a rush um as in aside but I know we gotta go you’ll love this uh Brad I don’t think intentionally but kind of trolling Michael Malone a little bit he sees

Michael Malone walk by and uh it made some comment about you know Michael and he says hi to him real quick and I think he told him you know he’s just like I was happy you guys had a back to back thanks buddy you know or something like that like and you

Know how serious Malone is like he made some comment about Malone about you know the Kings winning the game right Michael was not in the mood to uh to have Brad to a celebration no he wasn’t that made me laugh well yeah Brad if you want to text me all the Indiana

Hotpots like Shake Shack and things of that nature and then I’m here for it look you know exactly what that text would be if he was listening he’d be like no I’ll take you out in my five wheeler and we’re going to grab ourselves a couple shotguns we’re going

To go grab ourselves some moose or deer or whatever with an 18 pack of Budweiser you know have have fun with that that sounds pretty great to be honest with wearing camo in the middle of a Duck Blind and 20 degree weather have fun out there uh have a safe flight I’m sure

It’s direct right always direct oh yeah oh absolutely you go to Denver yeah through Denver so long day travel I’ll I’ll call I’ll call you later so I can get the points bonus if you sign up for the anex no kidding man who is lying in your

Pockets good Lord feel like I just got a pan call have a safe flight and uh we’ll see you when you get back thanks buddy bu all right take care that’s a Sam kind enough to join us from the uh from the airport where he is off to what a great

You know I hope he appreciates it what a what a great thing I wonder if a little kid Sam in his in his class with his probably his glasses and his Ginger hair whatever he was thinking back in the day you know someday I’m gonna get paid to

Fly to the All-Star Game and talk to professional athletes and hobnob with the media colleagues I have turn out a couple of stories stay in a nice hotel and fly back good for him ex Sacramento be beat writer for the Kings made Good Sam AMC his his career is on fire and uh

He can afford speaking of some fire wings uh with their 21 different flavors here’s the thing though no fire Wings in Indianapolis at least not yet I mean honest to God no offense I’ve wait no I did go to oh yeah we went to India on

The RV trip we were there for like literally 20 minutes so I don’t know Indi Indianapolis doesn’t strike me as a fun place unless there’s like there’s the final four uh the Indie 500 or something you know like an event yeah but what do you do in Indianapolis that isn’t sports

Related also uh William Henry Harrison not Benjamin Harrison was the president that was in office for a month I believe he caught pneumonia that is uration it’s not funny caught pneumonia is an inauguration and uh passed away so he’s not around for fire weights with there 21 different flavors to choose from you

Can order right now on a Thursday and then get yourself some of your own pick them up whatever you want yeah you could order right now set it pick up for lunch dinner little mid-afternoon snack locally owned locally operated there’s nothing like them soaked in buttermilk all night long so they are

Juicy go to fire find the location near you and you tell them Michael S fire Wings just wing it four down territory coming up right after this the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to mcaffrey takes it right

Down to the goal line he does his thing again mcaffrey goes in motion right backwards pass led by yek a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown CC you can hear all of Christian McCaffrey’s touchdowns on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports carel Dave here for Jiffy Lube

Your proud sponsor of the drive of the game listen to every King’s game for Gary Gerald’s Drive of the game call then listen to Jason and me the next morning for a chance to win a $100 Jiffy Lube certificate courtesy of all the Jiffy Lube locations in the greater

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At M together let’s try GM keep it here to sack toown Sports for the Sacramento Kings push toward the postseason get analysis from our local shows breakdowns from our Kings insiders and all the thrilling moments from the Gman Murray scrambles to save it he

Gives it now to Barnes one on the clock desperate three on the way he scores the triple game tied at 121 a piece 17 for barns sack Down Sports is your proud home of the Sacramento Kings Sacramento weather is brought to you by Elkgrove Honda I’m Tamar B and

The kc3 weather center your Thursday starts out on a damp note but expected to be a partly cloudy and dry day today highs will peak in the lower 60s and we’re heading down to the 40s overnight tonight get the latest forecast on the kc3 news and the kc3 app the 2024 Accord

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Visit citp brought to you by KL Garner Roofing and Roseville kitchen at bath last season the Sacramento Kings gave us a little bit of everything a Pacific Division type GM of the Year Coach of the Year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers

Plus we got to light the Beast a steal by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the rip with the left hand what does this season have in store find out each and every Sacramento Kings game can be heard right here on your proud home of the Beam Team sack toown Sports and Sactown they bleed black and purple B it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on your local sports leader sack toown Sports one under 92140 gifty Lube Drive of the game there was a drive the game last night what was it I’m not going to tell you but if you

Listened you’d know and you get yourself a $100 gift certificate to Jiffy Loop and if you want to give it to me that’s fine I don’t know if that’s legal or not but I’ll find out uh one thing we haven’t mentioned today we’ll mention a little bit later Isaiah Stewart was a arrested

For assault after punching a Phoenix Sun Center Drew Eubanks at the arena hours before the team played uh Isaiah Stewart is the center for the Pistons Stewart was already listed as out for the game because he sprained his left ankle um according to Eubanks the altercation happened as he was coming

Into the arena an argument started they were chest to chest Stuart threw a punch and uh Eubanks end up ended up uh playing in the game and uh Stuart was cited and released interesting to see what the NBA does with that uh coming up next Who’s hot who’s not we’ll recap the

Three in the key for yesterday and ners at 9ine coming up at 9:00 am then we’re gonna we’re going to talk about uh these parades here uh just just just a we we talked a little bit about the guns and stuff earlier relax we talk about parades themselves are they are they on

Their way out we’ll have that conversation at 9:13 in the meantime Chris lad with the music and four down territory starts right Now seriously seriously could bich be the answer in San Francisco all right let’s have a serious conversation uh I said earlier I think uh I think that Kyle Shanahan made the move knowing he had somebody ready to go uh and my guess is that would be a a pretty big name could be

Wrong I think Mike Vel is probably your favorite and Vel looks like he would fit this team in the system quite well I would list him as a heavy Favorite I said the Dark Horse here is Robert Salah I understand Robert Salah is the current coach of the Jets but Woody Johnson didn’t exactly give him a uh stamp of approval so what if you had a story where he had Salah and some compensation for some compensation come back to the

Ners and uh who knows maybe belit goes back to the Jets where he had those great hours but Bill bellachic in San Francisco coaching that defense I think would be amazing what a what a get it would be to get a guy who was the main architect obviously he had Tom Brady but

The architect behind Seven Super Bowl titles who is a defensive Wizard who’s universally thought of as one of the best defensive Minds if not the best defensive mind in the history of the game we’re talking like buddy Ryan Bill bellich and a couple of others including probably Steve spago to be honest Vic

Fangio might be in the conversation if you could throw head coach like money at Bill and say hey he ain’t doing anything next year anyways come on in help us win another ring then you can say you and Brady each have one without each other sort of come into this already awesome

Situation and you don’t have to worry about being the GM you don’t have to worry about the offense you don’t have to worry about anything else you get to focus all of your time on the defense I think it could be a sight to see so yeah

I’d make a run at him and if they got him yes that could be a really good answer though not the raw run type perhaps that they’re looking for that they get with varble second down please was Steve wils a bit of a scapegoat here

I I I think it depends on how you cover it I I think a lot of the the media and I understand it by the way by the way this isn’t one of those like the media sucks I think they’re focusing on the the numbers and saying you know hey they

They kept the Chiefs to 19 points in regulation and it was one of the higher rated defenses this year you know I don’t want to throw all that away that’s all true I think part of it is you know you look at how they got there the 31 points

They gave up to the Lions the week before the fact that the Run game uh was often enough effective especially late in the year against San Francisco but I just don’t think he mesed we talked yesterday about how teams like the Cowboys teams like the Raiders would love to have a front

Office and an owner and a head coach that are all kind of in unison a lot of Team you can’t underrate those relationships and maybe the same thing goes with beyond that I just don’t think Steve wils matched the culture in in San Francisco what I mean by culture

Has nothing to do with who he is as a human he just this is a guy that wanted to be in the booth look who is before him demo Ryan and Robert solid these guys are are like the 12th man they’re on the they’re on the the sideline they’re yelling and screaming they’re

Jumping up up and down remember all the shots of Robert Salah after a big sack just freaking out and jumping on players I think that’s part of the culture there I think in the end what what Kyle Shanahan said I think I don’t think he was

Lying that Steve WIS is a great man he’s a great coach but it won the right fence and I knew that was a challenge you know it was tough it was real tough losing um Deo was tough losing solid the year before and but um you know we had

Committed to not just this system but the players that had been in the system from our dline or linebackers um they had played in it for such a long time so it it was my goal to not have to change all of them more on that lat third down please Travis Kelce

Has apologized for bumping Andy Reid is this going to be an issue no I understand why people why it was kind of an issue and I understand I I get it it’s not a good look dude when you’ve got some big giant Meathead tight end in the Heat of the

Moment bumping his old man coach and almost knocking him over but like also and I’ve never played in the NFL but I guarantee you every single person that’s played in the NFL probably would be saying something the effect of hey if you haven’t played you don’t understand

And and I buy that like these guys spend more time with each other than their families they’re they are family they are under high amounts of strain pressures that none of us can understand the pressure of being in front of 200 million people winning a ring losing a

Ring knowing that any play you go out there you could get seriously injured or Worse all the things that go with that and your testosterone your decision making everything is just wonk and In the Heat of the Moment now let’s he didn’t slap Andy Reid I think what

Happened is he came up to get in Andy’s face and he just misjudged himself he has apologized he has called himself out his brother called him out Andy Reed defended him look if they’re good with each other they’re good with each other Andy’s not a delicate Little Flower that’s the

Wallor this the former punt pass and kick Champion when he was 12 don’t forget no that was a 35y old man out there what it looked like Andy and Travis Kel will be just fine when they’re hanging out uh comparing rings with each other fourth down please what

Other athletes could compare to Patrick mahomes’s start to his career so I saw this yesterday and it was like some dude was like there’s no other athletes you compare no Brady Compares a little bit and and the question was what other athlete at 28 as the first ballot Hall of Famer is

Really what it was Brady was LeBron was Kareem was Darkhorse here Tim Duncan was you go back and you look at what he I think he had three titles and two finals MVPs when he was 28 so look let’s not uh go to someone like Michael Phelps oh God yeah you’re

Right I mean if you go outside the The Big Three yeah I mean hell Tiger Woods Tiger Woods 100% probably Phil Michelson to be honest with you even though he’s a late bloomer uh tiger for sure Jack Nicholas probably for sure yeah there’s a lot look this isn’t this isn’t

To rip on Patrick mahomes’s uh you know disrespect his history guys haven’t the best stretch he’s on the biggest heater I think a quarterback’s ever been on start their career I think that’s that’s factual even Brady even Montana uh but you know let’s just we we always have this need to like

Elevate and then half of us half the people Elevate the other half hate the person being elevated uh and then we have to tear down and argue about it then we have to compare so if you know it’s part of our whole DNA we left the cave we made fire

We moved on to the different cave cave and made a garden or whatever the hell we did when we were cave people like we always want to advance so we always want to know what the next record is that’s going to get broken uh who’s gonna be

The next Michael Jordan who’s gonna be the next Kobe who’s gonna be the next LeBron who’s gonna be the next Tom Brady we’re already there I’m sorry but I don’t even think we can have a conversation about Mahomes and Brady I don’t even we can have that conversation until at a minimum Patrick

Mahomes has won five Super Bowls at a minimum five that’s two more than he has right now until then it’s not I don’t I don’t think it’s a conversation other than uh people are bringing up on Yell yell Sports Talk radio and TV so that they

Can fill a segment is stupid we’ll take a break when we come back who’s hot who’s not we’ll recap three in the key for Kings nuggets we’ll do all that right after this last season the Sacramento Kings gave us a little bit of everything a Pacific Division type GM of

The Year coach of the Year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers plus we got to light the be a steal by box a breakaway he’s got the ri with the left hand what does this season have in store find out each and every

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Top dollar for all trades shop your truck headquarters at fulam Lake right now the sewer system is probably the last thing on your mind and that’s okay because at the Sacramento Area Sewer District it’s our first priority if you have a sewer problem like a slow drain or a backup call us

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Heating and Cooling company and second opinion Partner People are now tagging American Express and clear on Twitter trying to get free stuff for the free airtime we gave them earlier hey I a’t I ain’t I ain’t mad at it who’s hot Chris rot dear Fox yeah he is me yeah in the fourth quarter Fox was seven of 12 for

15 points including the final 10 points for the Kings he also had along with that four assists and three rebounds yeah I will take that from him that was uh the uh hey Peter it’s you moments before the uh the end of the All-Star break that that is that is the

Dear and fox we know and love and by the way not just because he made all the baskets and not just because he had the steal and not just because they won but it’s that aggression and execution that we miss so much so who’s not the Denver Nuggets they aren’t this

SE this season against the kings of nuggets are 0 and three losing by an average of 13 points a game their final game against the Kings will be on February 28th and if the Kings beat the Nuggets it will be the first time the Kings have had a season sweep against the Nugget

Since 19 uh they’ve never done it the sac era 2021 oh really I check that a couple yeah uh okay okay um it’s interesting because what this is going to turn I I I can already smell what this is going to probably turn into especially considering where the uh

Where the team where the teams might finish I just just be careful what you wish for and please don’t do the thing I mean you can do whatever you want everyone but you know let’s not fall into the Trap shall we of oh we want the nuggets in the

Playoffs like they’re still a very good team and let’s please keep in mind that they have been quite look full credit to us yay I’m GNA be wrong but that that that doesn’t mean that uh you know you’re going to sweep the nuggets in the playoffs they are the defending

Champions they are the defending champions for a reason a Trevor a reason let’s recap three in the key right now Kings and Dougs I’m actually super proud of myself because I found who had the biggest leads have you already done the homework on this I did oh yay I don’t

Have to I thought I did okay good all right three in the key Chris take it away okay the first one Jason asked us oh you know what I didn’t do the first one all right I got it I got it happens when Jason leaves just like we don’t know

What so it was uh Joker and sabon is what they’ each have right so for me I said 27 12 and 12 for Joker 185 and8 for sabonis Jason said 4011 and seven for Joker 23 14 and 10 for sabonis and Chris you said 2813 and 8 15 16 and seven for sabonis

The only person uh let’s see 203 and seven for sabonis uh gosh we were all you nailed the assist you were three rebounds off and five points off Jason was three points off one rebound off three assists off and I was two points two rebounds

And one assist I go I think I barely get that all right largest lead you take over you got it now all right so Davey said the Denver’s largest lead would be 15 saak would be six uh Denver I Jason said Denver’s highest would be 11 and saaks would be

Eight I said Denver’s highest would be 18 and Sachs would be seven I think this is a tie between you and me because it was Denver 16 was the largest lead and the Kings was seven yeah it’s funny I was one off of Denver and one off of

Sack I was two off of Denver and I got the Kings yeah and you nailed the Kings nice so yeah I think you and I are in a tie that’s actually really really good Jason not that great but we’ll forget about him we’ll forget about him he’s

Not here all right random stat uh you said that brown will win a challenge I don’t remember there being a challenge I don’t think he did there’s a couple of ones where it’s like oh maybe he should yeah yeah I thought maybe he would but no uh that did not happen Jason said

That Sacramento’s bench would double Denver’s bench well the Kings had 18 points Off the Bench neets had 19 oh that’s not double wow Jason what a loser oh you know what is it last day before vacation he just taking it off he was just he was mailing it in uh oh look out

Mine Joker would get a technical and the third quarter Joker got a technical look at that that when there’s something special about when the random stat hits and the random stat absolutely hit there I might have been at home yelling TM up t t then and I mean almost an ejection too

You thought for a second here’s the tactic Here Comes The Joker down the lane and he misses a roll up to the rim on a nice feed from Gordon Kings come back sabonis shovels it to Barnes drives to his right crosses to his left raise up for a little floating bank shot it’s

Good and wait a minute wait a minute had a whistle and a technical foul and the Joker is hey how sweet would it be if one of these times it was like wait a minute wait a minute tactical foul on Nicole yic and chrisopher Lon just won his random stat

Listen to the Carmichael dve show J Ross that might be scary uh speaking of not scary but Terry uh Terry Johnson and Rocklin congratulations you are our Jiffy Lube Drive the game winner wanted to make sure we covered that you’ve got yourself a $100 gift certificate to Jiffy Lube to

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Ners at nine coming up next uh at 9:13 we’re going to talk about the parade situation is this are these going to start changing a little bit now or not uh 9:30 what to watch and then we’ll have cross talk celebrity birthdays uh Chris by the way with Jason gone do we

Have a strategy for Friday funing games tomorrow oh I’ll have to okay all right all of that final hour of the show coming up next the only place you’ll find Harrison Barnes is sack toown Sports she’s got the bucket at the buzzer Harrison Barnes hey Sacramento it’s Harrison Barns and

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Behind the-scenes tidbits from the Beloved TV show featuring guests Like Richard Lewis Bob Odenkirk and Larry David himself the joy of doing the show for me is to be able to say things to people that I can’t say in my life and one of them is you want to go to dinner

Tomorrow night no I don’t listen to the history of Curb Your Enthusiasm wherever you get your podcasts hey it’s Doug Christie here for fom Lake Ford during the President’s Day sellathon get zero down deals on approval of credit huge discounts and top dollar for all trades shop your truck headquarters at falam Lake khtk Sacramento K ymx ht2 Sacramento from the power business technology to shba Studios your new home for 49ers football in the 916 sewn Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the

Microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 11:40 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports always cracks me up and he’s probably listening so I say this with love like the guy and it better to be over communicative than under but like the guy that the guy that takes care of uh the pool at my house he’s he’s like super updating right and

So he texts me he goes hey buddy pool guy here just a heads up gonna swing back by later today to clean your filters I didn’t know you were there dud and then the best part is I I always try to be polite so I’ll like I’ll text

Him back and be like okay or thumbs up or something and it’s like driving can’t tax sent from my Frontier phone Brody if you’re listening I love you you do a great job honestly you don’t need to ever update me about anything unless there’s something wrong

Or you can’t make it I didn’t even know you were there they say the best pool cleaners are the ones you don’t notice I don’t there I’ve got the best ones man listen I wanted to I wanted to pull my whole life we we got when we got this

House like 10 years ago but now it’s like I have to force my kids to go in it well my daughter at least yeah I don’t want to mess my hair up you know my son’s always in there shooting Hoops but Bo they’re just a [ __ ] dude and I know

I know how this sounds but here’s imagine this imagine pay you’re paying like I don’t know what hundred and something bucks a month to take care of the thing and it’s like you use it for like three or four months a year like the rest of the time it’s just a giant

Hole of water in your backyard like it’s not all it’s cool I’m trying I’m realizing how douchy I’m sounding right now I’m fully aware of this but I think if I think if we were to move I don’t know I wouldn’t give me like one of them Kitty

Pools dude don’t isn’t there like a bunch of regulations now on pools yes and like the whole the fencing if depending on the ages and then your insurance and you know I mean look I’m not saying like it’s terrible that great Summer’s here I can dive in the pool

That’s awesome but when you’re sitting there in like January December and one year I decided I was like I’m not getting the pool guy I’m just going to let it go green and then I’ll shock it and then uh and then you know in in

And be ready to go no no they had to drain everything we had to replace everything because it had algae we had an investation of frogs like a hundred frogs in my backyard dude I’m not even it’s called a plague yeah it yes is that what a hey you’re not being

Ser is that what a group of frogs is called no what is a what is your guest what is a group of frog you know like a pride of lions what is a group of frogs called that is called oh something different a conquering that’s actually I

Mean look look that’s a great guess a group you everyone always wants to learn something right a group of frogs is called an army huh an army of frogs which would you rather face an army of frogs or a murder of crows right those are both hardcore

Some of these are great man everyone you know like a swarm of bees a clouder of cats a m like who came up with a murder of crows oh what do you want to call that group over there how about a murder a parade of elephants a business see this is where

People are just you’re just smoking drugs and naming stuff a a business of ferrets a charm of foxes a tower of giraffes that makes sense it’s it’s here’s a here’s a double one what would you say for a hippo see with a lot of them it’s just

Like oh that’s a cow so like a herd of Hipp right this is a two-parter it’s a bloat of hippopotamus I not hippopotamuses a cackle of hyena totally makes sense a mob of kangaroos bro a conspiracy of lemur that’s that’s that’s an English alternative ban from the 80s 100% that’s a Smith’s album

Conspiracy of lemur opened up for Joy Division in 1982 a parliament of owls a pandemonium of parrots a prickle of porcupines that works but a herd of rabbits why wouldn’t that be like a a a Fluff of rabbits that would make sense a herd here comes a herd of

Rabbits it’s a murder of crows Chris verlon do you know what a a group of ravens is called Jokers sorry sorry no a group of ravens I would think murdered too because they’re crows you would think so there’s got to be something historical here an [Laughter]

Unkindness and why is a group of ravens so like a group of crows is a murderer a group of ravens is it’s it’s an unkindness a crash of rhinoceroses why isn’t it rosai yeah a shiver of sharks it’s like fing oh you know what of sharks a stench of skunks that’s

Real a Scurry of squirrels that makes sense a game of swans that was the HBO show an ambush of Tigers game of swans uh a knot of toads a gang of turkeys which is like what my wife from Southern California would says about it there’s a lot of anything like wow that

Is a gang of kids over there that that’s a gang of squirrels that’s a gang of turkeys a nest of turtles a colony of weasels and a Zeal of zebras there you go six minutes of ners at nine to learn an unkindness of ravens well it wasn’t in kindness of

49ers yesterday when they called uh oh Steve wils um we’ll see who they hire my guess is that new hire will come in if not tomorrow by the end of the week and we’ll see it’s a big name I doubt they do it tomorrow because tomorrow’s stick out

The trash day Friday which doesn’t really count anymore because newspapers aren’t really the thing they used to be uh so like I said I think varable is your favorite your big favorite uh followed by I said bellich and let’s have fun and say Robert Salah just just as just as a dark

Horse Robert Salah for a fifth round pick and the Jets hire bellich to come home come home to New York when you look at the team I wanted to look at the team as to where they are the last time they lost to the Chiefs in the Super Bowl and

And I think things are a lot better starting with and you could even even end it with when they lost to the Chiefs last time they had no idea who their quarterback was going to be but they they they figured that Jimmy G wasn’t the guy they

They figured when that happened Jimmy G wasn’t the guy now Jimmy was the guy for a while longer but that was more out of necessity than anything else but the difference I think this time is they know who their quarterback is whether you sir or you ma’am uh agree with it or

Not I they they have Brock pie and Kyle Shanahan loves Brock pie and again I I I will say it for the 900th time without opening up the whole what shouldn’t be controversial controversial thing uh when it comes to Brock pie if Brock pie was picked third and Trey Lance was Mr

Irrelevant there wouldn’t even be this conversation it would be the 49ers have one of the best young quarterbacks in the game and that would be almost a universal thing that that’s the position they don’t have to worry about they have just about everybody locked down obviously they got to make

Some decisions with guys like Chase young um they got to make a decision with a guy like Joan Jennings they’re gonna have to you know I don’t know if they’re GNA go after Eric Armstead completely or if they’re going to ask him to restructure but there are some moves

They can make I think Bose’s big extension kicks in I think next year I could be wrong but I think they have one more year on that and that’s also when they’re gonna have to restructure Brock pie you know you want to talk about a window

Closing the window has not closed on the 49ers yet at all they still got most everybody in their Prime and the main guy that isn’t in his prime anymore at least age-wise is Trent Williams and uh he did get beat a couple times against the Chiefs you saw the film but he’s

Still one of the if not the best at his position uh in the entire league so they have the quarterback they’ve got most everybody locked down they’ve got to figure out who the new uh the new uh Robert Salah is the new Deo Ryans I personally think they’ve already got that person you

Okay you hitting the wrong buttons okay I thought maybe you just doing sound effects for to make a point what I was saying uh and and I’ll reiterate don’t don’t go to sleep uh don’t go to sleep on the idea of Robert solid coming back although again like I said that is a

That is a dark horse here’s what Kyle Shanah had said about the new defensive coordinator so now do you look inside the building or do you look for people familiar with that system outside the building uh we’ll do both um got some good coaches in here and um definitely

Going to look out out outside also so there’s a number of things I got to do for the interview process but um you know I had to get this I had to you know this wasn’t an easy decision so it’s something that I had to really put a lot

Of time into and um now that and have that conversation with Steve this morning which have us taken care of and um now I’ll start working on interview process and things like that trying to find who’s best for our group interesting I think they already got it how about the defensive system

Remember if you want to defend wils one of the ways you can is that he came in and had to run the system they already had in place and he got to bring none of his assistants none of his coordinators so the question is are they

Going to stick with this system are you committed to the system that you’ve been running or would you consider bringing in a a defensive coordinator who comes in with his own system I’m committed to trying with the situation we’re in trying to find what we believe will give the ners the best

Chance in 2024 and when you have a group of guys who have played at a high level doing certain things um a specific way for a while um I do feel that’s the best thing to do for them but if I find something that I should believe in and I could be

Sold on that could be a better Avenue um I would never hesitate to do that so I’m not close minded in any way uh looking every possibility um but you know when you have some good players who have played at a high level and done it a

Certain way um I’m not just trying to change that you know I lean towards trying to keep them doing similar stuff that they’ve been very good at that’s got us very far um but I have to make sure that um I find the right person who’s capable of leading our group in

That way that the standard of how we have done it and that believe that will continue to get better at it um I believe been with whoever I choose to do this for us yeah he ain’t changing his system dude I I I I think the only way

He changes his system is if they hire Bill bich and Bill bich wants to come in and say no no no no no here’s what you need to do I have a hard time believing Kyle Shan would say well Bill no we’re gonna need you to do this other

Thing we’ll take a break when we come back very quick break here one minute uh the tragedy at the Kansas City parade we we had a conversation earlier uh that spilled into the chat about you know what can be done I I want to switch it now we’re not going to

We’re to talk guns or anything like that but are the days of parades coming to a close and what is the alternative and does it make sense let’s just have a conversation about that we’ll do that right after this did you miss any part of our live

Local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast page and play our shows when you want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The

Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank L Roa they’re all available right now on sack toown hey it’s car Michael Dave I got good news the American energy heat and air Z HVAC diagnostic has been extended to February 29th that’s right it expired at the end of January but

Want to give you all an opportunity who missed out to get in it’s a $99 value all right it’s a 100 bucks and right now it’s free I don’t know how much easier I can pitch that normally $100 now zero do let the American Energy team test your

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Greater Sacramento area proud since 1981 $0 agac diagnostic normally a $100 value right now at American energy heat and air go to American Energy or call them to make your appointment 916520 [Applause] 9990 the car Michael Dave show with Jason Ross call or text at 916 339 1140 on sack toown Sports all right what to watch coming up next and we’ll cross talk with Styles and Watkins Jason Ross on vacation he’ll be back Monday uh here’s Ross Grundy I believe he is the fire chief on uh the injuries yesterday at Kansas City kcfd units along with our mutual Aid partners that were working to assist us at this event touched a total of 22 gunshot victims one of those was a fatality um we had

Eight what we considered immediately life-threatening patients we had seven with life-threatening injuries and we had six that were had minor injuries okay uh so there’s a lot of talk because it comes up uh you also have the mayor of Kansas City talking specifically uh about not just the parade itself but the police

Presence we had over 800 officers there staffed situated all around Union Station today we had Security in in any number of places eyes on top of buildings and Beyond and there still is a risk to people and I think that’s something that all of us who are our

Parents who are just regular people living each day have to decide what we wish to do about it parades rallies schools movies it seems like almost nothing is safe and we had hundreds of law enforcement there working hard today and I want to I I do want to Echo what

The chief said we were running towards danger but in a matter of seconds someone who wants to disrupt anything someone who wants to create any type of situation or someone who is very simply Reckless okay so it’s obviously a politically charged thing and you can’t you know as

I saw again earlier today conversation went fine but you know spilled into the chat of course it became arguing and so you know Le let’s just be honest um nothing’s going to be done more people are going to die we’re all going to argue about it there’s going to be

Thoughts and prayers and it’s going to get politicized and more people are going to die and I hope it’s not you and I hope it’s not your mom or dad or your kids I truly do I hope it’s not me or my mom or dad are kids but more people are

Going to die and we’re just going to thoughts and prayers our way through it and that’s it that’s all that’s going to happen everyone’s going to yell about amendments and Republicans and Democrats and people are going to die so acknowledging the fact that we live in a

World where there are going to be many many many many many many more children brutally murdered let’s just acknowledge that for a quick second let that sink in okay moving on now what about these parades I I I I understand that the tradition is you get on the floats and you parade

Around the city and you know everybody’s hanging out and all that but are are are we at the point where and I’m saying obviously the impetus of this is that there was a tragedy yesterday at the Super Bowl Parade but are we anywhere near a point

Where you stop doing the parades and you just start having the celebrations in Arena or in stadium you know especially for football why could you not just have guys on floats circling the stadium you’ve got more first off you have control you have metal detectors and all

The safety aspects secondly uh you can sell concessions make money off of that blah blah blah I mean hell charge everybody a dollar to get in and that’s $50,000 a charity or you know $5 250 whatever it is you there you have more control over the situation from many

Aspects including audio video Everybody Wants to broadcast from out there it’s a lot easier to do that than on this you know random street corner wherever they decide to finish in front of City Hall and just the logistics of getting the trucks out there and the wiring and all

That is there an argument that the logic of having a championship Parade from now on within the confines of either the arena or in multiport cities okay fine maybe the uh I don’t know dude the Warriors the Warriors win the title and the arena is

Too small so they go over to uh the giant stadium and they they F you know they have their parade there I don’t know but Chris do we really need to continue to are is there ever going to be a day where we stop having these

Parades um it’s one of those things as you’re talking about like oh yeah maybe but then at the same time I’m thinking well if the Kings wion the championship I want it like right in front of the capital on Capital Mall I do because you’re gonna have hundreds of thousands

Of people that just can’t fit any place else that want to be part of the celebration yeah and and and the thing about parades is they’re free like how many people in Kansas City couldn’t go to a game this year that were at that parade a lot yeah a lot a

Lot and you know you got you got kids on your shoulders and you know Dwayne says on the the the chat line well if this is an epidemic at Victory parades maybe but it isn’t no not yet there was a shooting at the Rangers yeah parade we need more though yeah there’s a

Line there there there the truth of the matter is Chris is it hasn’t happened enough but more importantly not enough people were brutally murdered yesterday the scary thing was I was watching the Champions League games yesterday and after the game their host say like hey obviously we’re

Talking to soccer games but we can’t go without talking about what happened in Kansas City and each one of the panelists talked about it and they’re all English and they were all like shooken to the core yeah of just like how is this something that has happened

I can’t even imagine something like this happening anywhere how did and it’s scary because you’re hearing the people here going just like oh well this is what it is just kind of happens I just I get to the point where I think they don’t care I know it’s a brutal thing to

Say I just don’t think they care I think if you ask them in a vacuum do you care if a child is murdered by a gun I think they go uh duh of course I’m a human being it’s like okay what are you doing about it what are you willing to

Do it’s one of those things of just like I think for a good Society everybody has to make small sacrifices I agree we’re all part of this togethere I agree we’ve seen specifically a lot over the last 10 years of no because I want to do this

I’m not sacrif I’m not doing that yeah I’m going Outdoors not doing it not doing it not not not not sacrificing and the problem is that everybody has their line of what they’re willing to sacrifice and it’s like okay me it was me personally if it was up to

Me like we ban all guns and you can only have like muskets yeah you only have like single load muskets everything when the second amendment was written that’s what you’re allowed to have that’s what that’s what you’re allowed to have and you have to be that’s me now obviously

It’s not realistic and that I’m just one person of course not so I’m willing to make a ton of compromise I me I’m like hey let’s figure it out like but what’s Halfway the problem is is that you have so much money involved with with the politicians and then you have this this

This group of like this group of folks that are like wrapping themselves in the flag that are like shall not be infringed that’s what the founders wrote bro and I always want to say so you think a black guy is worth three- fifths of the vote then right well that’s a

Different part I understand that oh you’re saying what their retort would be yeah but hold on that’s what the founders said so can we roll with that well they were very old back then matter now no but it matters for the the the gun thing and by the way you’re not

You but the Roy you’re ignoring the whole well regulated part for the shell not be infringed so if if we’re gonna if we’re gonna going to wrap ourselves up in the Constitution we’re going to wrap oursel up in the original writings because that wasn’t the cons that just say you think a black

Person’s worth three fifths just just acknowledge it I won’t well I mean I will judge you but let’s just go with the whole thing you can’t you can’t mess with the Constitution that’s weird then what’s an amendment amendments our way of messing with the Constitution no but only when

We needed to there’s there’s an amendment that makes something illegal and then another amendment says no it’s legal again so you can even amend the Amendments so you’re telling me the Constitution has been messed with before amended what that’s what I’m saying that’s for the conversation you know

What it was amended 10 times the first time it came out can’t do it now though just uh stti wrap yourself in your flag and uh shall not be infringed and uh and that’s cool but if you think the blood’s not on your hands you’re tripping now I know you won’t

Acknowledge that of course you won’t acknowledge that I don’t care I’m losing half my audience right now I just do not care I I I in case you don’t I don’t care I don’t want you if if you don’t think something should be done if you if you if you’re not going

To come up and and and meet halfway if you’re not willing to stand up and say look enough’s enough I’m not going all the way but I can go part the way we can meet somewhere there’s got to be some more regulations if you’re in the will

Not be regulated shall not be infringed I don’t care sorry about the kids let’s let’s put dads in homes uh let’s put uh mental health if you can’t look over at England or Canada and see that they’re a fra of the issue what they don’t have crazy people they don’t have mental health

Issues they don’t have uh uh issues at home no it’s they have they have more regulations now well they’re not free they’re not it’s just this circle of asininity which is not a word and I’m not equipped and in reality how free are you if you’re thinking in your head I

Mean I’m I do this when I go to big events I think okay what’s the quickest way I could get out of here 100% what was that noise what was that noise yeah is that free what was that pop yeah ah shall not be infringed unless we

Amend it which we can’t even though it’s been done and the three- fifths thing doesn’t count when we come back what to watch it’s call what to watch out for uhhuh 20 people can walk with knives and axes and kill people without guns or use a bomb

Do these people vote tell you what brother give me give me some guns and you take your axes and your knife and let’s see whose group wins and who does the most damage like I said I’ll take my chances against a knife mob and how many

People they grab as opposed to some dude whose rifle is shooting or his gun is shooting you know what I’m saying well how about the guy in Vegas what if he what if he had a knife I think that would have worked as opposed to the guy in Vegas

With all the stuff I don’t understand except knowing that it shot everything everywhere knives should they ban knives should they ban seat belts should they ban knives and forks for fat people I can’t have a conversation with those folks okay cool more kids will die meanwhile we’ll take a break and we’ll

Come back with sports to watch coming up right after this our first year is the radio home of the San Francisco 49ers is one we will never forget they give it now it’s a play action get roll left over for the End Zone caught by George kennel he has the hatrick tonight a

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Building trust in your business our approach involves leveraging multiple tools and strategies to deliver exceptional results that are customized to your unique business needs don’t wait to run out of sales leads keep your business growing get started with am your Today waking you up with the best in local Sports Jason on sack Sports all right good conversations today I appreciate that agree or disagree good conversations today and a lot of conversations that uh we need to have um what to watch tonight well unless you’re a degenerate

Gambler not much uh bucks and Grizzlies in Memphis on TNT the only game that might well I mean you never know who am I who am I as a Kings fan to say that on paper this isn’t a good game but on paper the only

Game that seems to be even close to good Warriors will visit Utah this is a makeup from the the cancellation January 17th uh when the assistant coach for the Warriors they were mourning him he had just passed away so they’re making that up uh tonight so the Warriors

Unfortunately for them on on a backto back but they’re still favored over the Jazz by one and a half and then the Timberwolves visit Portland to take on the Trailblazers so there you go uh like I said not not not a ton to watch uh we we

Spent a lot of time talking about different aspects of the parade from a serious point of view uh I think we’ve done that whether you agree or not I think we have acknowledged and done it justice so I’m going to go ahead there’s a couple of Clips in here uh prior to

Anything going on uh that I think are newsworthy uh number one Chris Jones who Kansas City has to resign letting the people know how he feels about Kansas City I need three of those dreams baby we ain’t done yet Kansas City we will be back here next

Year and for those who want Chris Jones go I ain’t going nowhere baby okay I don’t know this for a fact and I don’t want to um you never wanna in you never W to say anything or even drop innuendo if you don’t really know especially with

Accusations like this Chris but I will just bet that at least some of these Chiefs had been drinking I’ll just bet a couple of them have been drinking you think for example I think Travis Kelce did you see uh Patrick Mahomes on ESPN being interviewed at

Disneyland oh I saw I did okay I saw it it was on one of the monitors I think uh or it was on a on a TV at my I didn’t hear it though was he uh slurring a bit I don’t think he was drinking oh oh he was flying oh had a

Baby here’s Travis [Applause] Kelsey [Laughter] okay so somebody took him trying to sing Friends in Low Places and put the music with it that’s what that is I gotta hear that [Applause] Again will be oh hey man have a day in that kind of tradition that Tom Brady hammered throwing the Lombardi in Tampa Bay stumbling out of there Patrick momes loves being an underdog so battle through the adversity to continue to go to go for that Championship they all doubted

Us I don’t want to hear any different but you know who came through in the end that’s the Kansas City [Applause] Chiefs he house I mean I guess technically they were dogs they were they were underdogs but I I I have a really hard time there was one thing what the uh

What the what the what Vegas said which was Niners by one and a half I think toward WS the end you look around just about every sport show us on T did I know I did did you pick Chiefs or Niners I picked the Niners you pick the N okay so you and

Jason picked the ners I picked the Chiefs ail picked the Chiefs I know that so it was either fairly split or honestly on all the TV shows like the pregame I saw seven out of 10 picking the the Chiefs one of our guys in the chat was

Was making fun of a meal for being our Niner Insider yet in the Chiefs it’s like bro he’s not the Niner uh Niner Homer if you got The Insider for a team picking against that team I would say this season I’ve noticed a lot is 49ers fans thinking way too much about what

Other people think of a 49ers I think you’re right I think you’re right uh but that paranoia I think comes with the territory I agree with you it’s dumb why do you care what other why do I care what others think about Brock pie it is actually kind of funny because

Imagine imagine a guy you’ve never met that throws a football really well and you’re spending a ton of Time online going around to people you don’t know saying here’s why you I need you to respect this guy and I’m going to argue with you for two hours

Knowing I’m not going to change your mind about this guy and we’re going to trade statistics and things that support our narrative and then we’re gonna start calling each other names and then we’re gonna part as not friends and that’s how we’re going to fill that two hours of our

Life it really is I say this is a guy that has probably if I think about it I’m a grown man at Le at least physically not mentally I would say it’s a conservative estimate that I have spent one week of my life and when I say a week I’m

Talking about if you added up all the minutes together without sleeping literally seven days of my life on social media trying to convince people I’ve never met and that I will never meet that somebody on my team or my team in itself like defending their honor like they’re a pretty pretty princess

That is sad I would say I think I’ve gotten better of that because I used to argue all the time it’s just like wait this doesn’t affect me exactly like I don’t stick up for my kids that much I’m and I’m sitting here talking to you know John 05

6969 and telling him why he he’s disrespecting Damon sabonis what the hell do I care if John 6969 is disrespecting damont why because that is a life devoid of meaning and entertainment that I need to compensate for apparently when I could be reading a book volunteering at a

Shelter raising my children talking to them but instead I need to make that one final point to this Twitter person because I just know when I get this last bit of stats in Chris they’re going to read it and they’re gonna be like oh my God I

Have been owned more than I’ve ever been owned before I need to apologize he’s right he got me That’s How It Ends right yes exactly he got me that that was it I should be spending time time telling people how they can save $155,000 off MSRP on the brand new 2023

Ram 1500 Big Horn crew cap 4x4s at the start something new sales event going on at hoblet up to 17 grand off MSRP on hard to find brand new 2024 Ram 2500 laramy Crew cap 4x4s save up to 18 Grand off MSRP on the new 2023 Jeep Gladiator Eco

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Hblt where the price you see yeah that’s the price you’ll pay no hidden fees no add-ons no surprises unbeatable prices unbeatable selection nobody I said nobody be toet very we’ll take a break when we come back Styles and Watkins and Watkins and styles and celebrity birthdays and more as we wrap

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Away from getting in the best shape of your life call revive Men’s Health at 916 277 8599 that’s 916 277 8599 or visit reviv men birthdays are meant to be spent with family and friends and nothing brings family and friends together better than freshly baked and hom delivered crumble cookies it’s time

For the news of the day the latest headlines the biggest stories hard hitting analysis yeah this is none of those things and now here’s carmichel Dave and Jason Ross hi sorry about your leading guys good morning how’s it going you know I hear UK has a problem with knives too so yeah dude ban knives yeah nice seriously it’s it’s a real like I heard IDR Ela going on podcast talking about how uh yeah they seriously

Are considering Banning knives uh just some control I’m just saying I mean you know again I don’t have sass in front of me but I’m going to I’m going to say that I’m going to say you guys have a choice tomorrow you you’re going to be a

Part of a mass shooting or a mass or a mass knifing okay is there a conversation as to which one you’re taking your chances with just ask them no no there’s not right it’s not a conversation no yeah so it’s definitely not a I think I think we all are common

Sensical is what it is someone say by by we all I mean in this room yeah that’s it and that’s literally it and and Chris and my buddy from fourth grade at he’s cool yeah but then that’s that is it it grade that is it fourth grade was amaza it really

Was 10 remember uh remember your teacher’s name yeah absolutely Mr Harrington does everyone just have a Mr Harrington because I had a did you have a Mr Harrington I did not have a Mr Harrington no who was your fourth grade teacher Miss Latrell Miss latr she’s good she’s good teacher Vikings fan

Really the best and you can’t remember yours not off the top but so must have been amazing yeah lifechanging teacher it was it was I believe mine was Mrs Weber Mrs Weber nice Chris is uh very timely too probably I remember my first grade teacher

Yeah who was what was her name Mrs Mar oh Mrs Mar oh was that like French was it spell it all yeah was trying toite uh today’s national Gumdrop day guys gumdrops or uh like jelly beans neither jelly beans you know what that means I don’t need I

Guess gumdrops I’m actually a gumdrop guy gumdrops are gross are they no none of them are great who’s who’s buying Jelly Belly jelly be that’s top of the pops though oh so like but also here’s the thing about jelly I okay are they they’re not spons okay here’s why I

Don’t like Jelly Belly jelly beans because they’re all gourmet beans and I don’t like eating one at a time I want to flipping hand I just want you know the popcorn stuffed in my face uh I think he could get like singles on their own like he could get like a bag

Like a bag of same flavor got to go to the factory I think cuz when they start getting into like oh this one’s buttered popcorn and this one’s a Ru Tutti fresh and fruity man it’s the best one is there really one called Rudy Tutti fresh and fruity isn’t that an IHOP meal

Probably yeah that’s an IHOP I think there’s is fruity toti oh so they’re not shall not be in Fr oh yeah my childhood is just merging together uh am I am I surrounded generally by people that don’t like black licorice that’s usually the thing yeah I love black licorice you

I’m just out you just you’re not a candy guy huh well that’s why you’re not fat like me Alan do you know who got me hooked on black licorice dou Christie really yeah he brings some in and it’s one of those things that just like oh

Want some like it’s like is it like Gourmet Black yeah yeah yeah Twizzlers or Red Vine red I’m one of the few like definitely Red Vines tzz but I’m also one of the few I I’ll Twizzlers even even though they’re they’re waxy I think it’s weird that there’s like a split

Because I think Red Vines are great and I think Twizzlers are just gross there’s very few it’s like beetles why are you wait why are you surprised there’s a split I thought you because like yeah because there is a split of there’s a lot of people like oh Red Vines are

Gross Twizzlers are where to go right that’s crazy or uh it’s like the PES mode in the Cure like it’s weird that you even though there similar musics most people don’t like both I was just thinking that were you yeah no dude but do you I’m telling you you’re you’re in

The minority bro most people I knew that we are in um I Wen joking about this lead in yeah at all I am cool with to here’s the thing about Red Vines though and then we’ll move on there’s two different kinds of Red Vines there’s the best Red Vines and

And and and you’re not always guaranteed to get them when you first open them but about eight out of 10 freshly opened Red Vines packs they’re like super soft and like melt in your mouth but then there’s Red Vines that your daughter left the thing open all all night you go there

The next morning and you’ve got to like just rip it off and it’s like yeah right exactly it’s like licorice gum those suck red no one talks about red ropes red ropes are great great at Lally that’s cuz you were playing yeah we had trip sandwiches oh hey you know

What I I realiz this morning when I saw him walking in his name is a sentence Alan Styles it is you were not joking about this lead in celebrity birthdays save me brought to you by crumble cookies hey crumble cookies they’re great birthdays are meant to be

Spent with family and friends I just like I just like getting you and uh nothing uh nothing uh helps more than a crumble cookies with the the family and friends thing Chris back to you okay today celebrating a birthday Christopher McDonald why I know who that wait who is

That sh McGavin oh yeah yeah Happy Gilmore he’s my guy sha oh it’s it’s your guy so you should know how old sizler he’s older than you think yeah I actually think he’s 75 whoa that is old if you see him that’s true I because I

Watch him I follow him on Twitter okay I’m GNA say I’m gonna say 68 yeah I probably went too much he older than when he was shooter all right so 75 66 Dave 68 you’ve got a correct answer carmichel Dave 68 years old for go back to your shanties how am I

Supposed to putt with this going on Dave all right how about Alex ory oh Alex bin oh Lois from Family Guy oh he’s also on matad TV uh she’s actually she’s older than you think she’s 67 she’s 66 she’s uh 62 you guys are all terrible Chris Watkins

With the win 53 years I was like I don’t think even that old I also don’t know what she wants I don’t even I Really voice though good voice okay uh no longer with us unfortunately Chris Harley’s birthday I will uh I’ll I’ll step out of this one

How old would he have been today I know I know how old okay um when did when did he pass because I feel like pretty much I was like I think my entire lifetime he’s I mean that’s that’s about right um man okay I’ll say uh Chris Farley what been

57 57 55 55 Carmichael Dave 60 60 years old been 60 years old today what’s coming up on the show fellas lot of reacting to Kings Kings really just love messing with us you know yeah we I ripped the Kings yesterday did you they do this yeah we actually uh pretty

Much called the win last night on the show Jason we didn’t call it we said it would be incredibly not surprising A’s meeting with the with Alam County city of Oakland today yeah and Steve wils was he scapegoated yay or nay you know they got somebody on the

Hook right like oh yeah they’re bringing in I say it’s going to be uh Vel bichi darkh horse I said earlier uhuh Robert solid you have to get fired after after what Woody Johnson said last week little draft compensation bellich goes back home to the Jets where he spent five

Minutes wow what you got the see car car by the way also last thing you do you remember the show uh Happy Days of course remember the character F yes you know his favorite baseball team is the A’s a ah and Fon also like tuneups as well right now you get a 40

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