Golf Players

Heng Time: Who Is The Real Bryson DeChambeau? | LIV Golf Las Vegas

On Heng Time at LIV Golf Las Vegas, Crushers GC captain opens up to Su-Ann Heng about his YouTube aspirations, how he thinks he can grow the game and his recent collaboration with golf social media sensation Paige Spiranac.

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Hey what’s up we’re here at Las Vegas country club for this week’s live golf event I am just making my way to the 10th T to meet up with captain of crush’s GC Bryson dambo let’s Go what’s up Bryson how are you I’m good good to see you good to see you welcome to hang time thanks for doing this now we’re going to watch you play the 10th I’m not going to play cuz I don’t want to anymore no you know what I’m just going

To save you the hassle okay she’s to cold you scare me what I’m just kidding I’m just kidding what’ I do to you hope hopefully nothing no nothing okay all right what are we doing here so I’m in a driver I’m going to hit this

Thing high and hit a big bomb and crush it right off the right wind’s off the right so I’m going to try and use that to my advantage okay woo sorry my hair just from all that swing speed just that’s be fine rough but it be fine I’ll take that

What questions do you have wellow a lot wouldn’t you want to know should we we should we start chatting we we should we should well Bryson it’s been a long off season but you not really not for me I was going to say it but you were so busy

Um pumping out content for your YouTube channel yep share with us what your goal for that uh brand new awareness growing uh fan base of hopefully not only just The Crushers and myself but but live in general um I want people to realize who

I truly am and you know yeah I mean look there are times where people have seen me certain ways and I want people to see the true me and nobody’s perfect and I hope people can start to relate a lot more that that’s the goal is relatability and I know it’s never going

To be perfect and you know we’re we’re living pretty much in a fantasy land where we’re at right here I mean we’re very blessed and very lucky hopefully we can provide some great entertainment and great content for people to enjoy as time goes on and that’s the that’s the

Main goal with it that’s what I’m excited about for it well what’s the true you this is this is actually the true me you know I I have a couple more words I say after you know around friends but doesn’t everybody um but for

Me the the real me is is this you know and and for so long I was presented as this scientist sort of person and which is yeah I love physics I was a physics major I get it I understand it but the problem is that I I have a lot more I’m

Deeper than that and very emotional as people have seen before and uh it’s a good thing I I’m passionate I care about the game I care about growing the game and so as you asked that first question the the main part of it is not only just

To to to grow my brand and whatnot but it’s also to grow the game of golf give more exposure in different areas and different different light to the game than uh what’s been previously presented before so my goal is to get from 100 million uh golfers to 150 million

Million golfers and that’s that’s the goal just growing it and creating great viral content fun content that people can enjoy worldwide well speaking of viral you recently had a guest on your show uh Paige speet yeah and uh that went viral a lot of chat about it on the

Internet it did um I it certainly caught my attention because she’s been very critical of you in the past oh yeah so how did that come about how did it come about yeah um well I think my social media manager and their manager started talking for some reason I don’t know how

It happened yeah but we like it’d be great to do a video cuz she’s trying to get on YouTube and obviously she’s seen what I’m doing on YouTube and she’s like yeah let’s let’s do something let’s collab it’ be funny it’ be hilarious and then she came out there and she you know

Was obviously Changed by who I was and a little different than what she had thought before so it was pretty funny uh but no she she’s great she’s an awesome individual and I love her perspective on the game and what she’s trying to accomplish in just a different unique

Way and M I think the more that we can get these entertainers out here and continue to grow that space on YouTube uh is only going to benefit the game of golf in general so in whatever way they’re doing it too well speaking of growing the game one other thing that

You are doing making golf more accessible you open up a brand new Range called andap par it’s a two story range right yeah we’re developing that so it’s starting it’s it’s beginning and we’ve got other places that uh we’re going to and a lot of it’s in secret because we

Don’t want land prices going up you start talking about stuff a lot it just creates too much of a improper Buzz for us when we’re trying to create good for the economy in that area and so there’s probably three projects that I’ve got working on right now in secret and I’m

Looking forward to them coming to fruition here in the next year or two and um very excited it’s a long process to develop stuff people don’t realize how long it actually takes to get something developed and and put into place correctly like you can just put

Something up but the problem is is you don’t know what the demand is you don’t know what services they need what actual things they truly need to make it most efficient for that market and so that’s what we’re looking to is a lot of feasibility studies and what makes sense

For the area per the area so we’re very excited to do some more projects here soon are one of those uh secret projects uh perhaps a golf course for Crusher that’s in the works it’s it’s a long-term plan but yes yep we’re working on some stuff so that would be that

Would be pretty epic yep now I’ve seen your mom out and about um supporting you how special is it to share your experiences with her around all these events that you travel to I mean it’s it’s amazing she gets to see the world and experience different cultures different environments uh stuff she’s

Never been able to do in her whole entire life so going to Spain last year Watching Me in Chicago win and experiencing all that it’s pretty special and something that she didn’t get too used to previously do and you know she’s now retired uh luckily um

Because of a lot of what Liv has done for for me financially I’ve been able to take care of her and um it’s just a great thing and that’s the thing people don’t I think realize is what impact uh live is having on families and communities economically uh it’s just

Not talked about enough and I think that’s a really cool perspective that people don’t don’t realize like my my mom was able to retire she to do things that she never could have dreamt of doing and you probably have way more time to spend with her now than you ever

Have right which is amazing that’s the most important part because that time you’ll never get back nope you know you know it’s crazy I view it nowadays when we’re older that um if we can walk just real quickly as as we get older right you have for me I’m 30 I probably have

20 to 25 more years hopefully God willing of my mother being here and so that’s only 25 more Christmas Christmases 25 more thanksgivings yeah and so you’re thinking it’s less than like a 100 days if you’re just spending those days days with with them yeah less

Than 100 days you’re going to see them so you got to make time outside of that to spend quality time and and a lot of the regrets that I’ve heard from other people in life wiser people than me they’ve always been like wish I could

Have spent more time with uh my mom or my dad or whatnot you know and that was the same thing I wish I could have spent more time with my dad that would have been awesome to do that but um that’s what lib is doing yeah what do you miss

The most about him about my dad your dad yeah you know the thing I missed the most about my dad is probably the Jabs that he gave me all the time and the support that he gave me like he jabbed me all the time he was he loved digging

Into under my skin it funny though I was kind of messed up one one year after uh he had a below the knee amputation this is this just shows our relationship um from diabetes um below the knee amputation I was just being an idiot and

I got him a Foot Locker gift card for Christmas that was such a JK that was that was you guys’ sense of that was our sense of humor yeah he threw it back to me as well I mean plenty of times talking about the Rope he’d do stuff to

Me and throw me a robe it was just great we we always throwing each other ja good memories yeah good memories well I I can’t be walking with you and not talking to you about your 58 we got to talk about that absolutely um Dom and I were walking

With Greg that day and Greg had mentioned oh my gosh he can probably shoot 54 yeah it was actually Poss something that crushed your mind you know mid round halfway through when and and and how did you deal with all that when I made Birdie on seven I was six

Under through seven I knew that I had a par five where I could make eagle and I’m like if I just keep going I could I could legitimately shoot 54 that was the moment and then I Bogi it so that kind of shot it down pretty quick I was like

Man I might might struggle to break 60 yeah and uh sure enough yeah that was was that was an epic moment now how do you rate that achievement in terms of your in terms of your career that weekend that weekend achievement it was like it was a

61 no yeah 6158 yeah and that’s you know 59 and a half scoring average for a weekend is pretty solid that’s not chabby is it no no no uh I’d probably say it’s number two or three on my list I mean US Open obviously winning a major

Is gigantic yeah uh it’s probably the best golf I’ve ever played in my entire life so I was probably number one on like golfing ability yeah I definitely played better than the US Open but I I won the US Open right and so from a skill set perspective the 58 the 6158

Was the best performance I’ve ever had MH but in regards to you know what a major kind of means yeah that was Major you can’t you can’t beat a major I’m sorry no I totally understand I totally understand now we’re going to lighten things up and uh I’m going to throw you

Under the bus a little bit now if you were stuck on an island just a random Island which teammate would you want to have with you none of them and why no kidding such strong Team Dynamics these crushes prob probably Charles because he’s so positive and he’s thoughtful

Yeah uh Innovative I think he you know any one of those guys like Paul’s great humor he’s awesome support uh Bon is very thoughtful as well and we get along really well together we we bounce off each other pretty well um but all all three of them I’d want on the island if

I’m being honest well no you have to pick one it’d probably be Charles because I think he’d be the most logical well I think you yourself you I think they would say they want to be stuck with you because you’re like MacGyver basically i’ fig I’d figure out i’

Sorry I’d figure stuff out we can beep it out um now we know how much you love and how passionate you are about it but what’s the one thing about Bryson dambo that we don’t know about oh my gosh well I’ve tried to describe it on YouTube I’ve tried to give

Everybody insight into who I truly am so not much is is out there I’m probably a lot more Goofy and crazier than you think uh off screen you can kind of see it not from like I’m I’m not a partyer I don’t party or anything but I jab people

A lot I love you know pushing the boundaries a lot of banter love when people baned her that’s why like when people were was talking a lot of crap about me and in Brooks like I actually kind of somewhat liked it like it was kind of fun um not saying that it’s the

Ne the right thing but it was fun it was definitely well you guys are good now right you’re good friends we’re fine we we definitely see the same vision with Liv and we want to grow it and continue to grow it yeah in the best way possible

For the game of golf all right and finally what would you want your legacy to be uh growing the game from 100 million golfers to 150 million or even 200 million like I just want to continue to grow the game of golf I think golf is such an amazing sport in regards to

Relationships character building personality that’s the most important thing if if we can continue to come to the golf course have a great time enjoy each other’s company yeah and grow relationships that’s ultimately going to bring the world together from my perspective um you can have two opposing

Parties and uh come together on the golf course because this game levels the playing field while you certainly are on the right track to in the game and we love watching you and you’ve certainly created so much interest and it’s you are such a fun guy to watch and a fun

Guy to be around and I and I hope it comes through the coverage honestly I always tell people that like bryen is the nicest human being that you’ll I’m passionate I do get I have I do get aggressive sometimes yeah but all but I do care I really care so well thank you

So much Bryson to watch you finish finish out this hole let’s do it my producers are going to make me read this putt for which is you’re making me read a putt for Bryson D Cho like what is wrong with you all on you where are we

Going I kind of lined it up for you already um yeah so yeah about like a yard right so 3et yeah that’s perfect I actually like that I think just a fraction more than that I think it’s more than that it depends on your speed

For sure I’m always 2T by 2.2 ft by term of velocity of I’m not kid no less no more oh I crushed it legit crushed it that’s deep that’s deep that’s my fault I get excited you need your own putt no this is fine there you go all right that was

Frustrating there but whatever thanks bryz I appreciate you thanks for your time yeah play well this week and look forward to watching me it’s going to be a fun week thanks guys all right thank You


  1. Honestly he is the most marketable player on LIV. Smart, good looking and talented. Love how he gives back. PGA screwed up not taking care of him. Love how he gives kudos to LIV very brilliant guy

  2. Amazing guy. MISSunderstood for a LONG time. He has also SUFFERED unusual setbacks.
    Great future but BUT he needs to focus more on practice than social media. Add some MAJORS like Augusta AND Pinehurst this year. The question MUST be answered. Does he have The Will To WIN?? I think he does……..

  3. Jesus Christ is Lord.

    (KJV John 3:16) “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

    (KJV John 3:17) “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

    (KJV John 3:18) “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

    (KJV Romans 10:9-10) “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

    (KJV Ephesians 2:8-10) “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

    (KJV Galatians 5:22-25) “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

    (KJV John 5:22-23) “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.”

    (KJV Matt 7 : 13-14) “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

    (KJV Matthew 7:17-18) “Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

    (KJV Psalm 111:10) “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.”

    (KJV Proverbs 29:25) “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.”

    (KJV Isaiah 7:15) “Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.”

    (KJV Ezekiel 18:26-27) “When a righteous man turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and dieth in them; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die. Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.”

    (KJV Revelation 2:10) “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”

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