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#CombateGlobal 81

Erik Villasmil vs Ismael Zamora
Elina Kallionidou vs Maritza Sanchez
Elijah Leggett vs Carlos Calderón

Adam Ortiz vs Anas Azizoun
Katie Perez vs Janet Garcia

00:00 Intro
01:10 Katie Perez vs Janet Garcia
30:40 Adam Ortiz vs Anas Azizoun
57:00 Elina Kallionidou vs Maritza Sanchez
1:23:37 Erik Villasmil vs Ismael Zamora
1:42:05 Elijah Leggett vs Carlos Calderón

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F are you ready comob Oh What A Punch what an incredible fight can you believe what you just saw we have a [Applause] champion we’re inviting the snowbirds tonight that’s right the skyline of Miami it is beautiful it is warm almost chill enough this morning had to almost

Wear a sweater a little bit of the hoodie that’s why people love coming down here also why people love coming inside Univision Studios cuz we bring the Knockouts every single time here on combat Global you see the sounds of Lo Knockouts as we’re getting ready to get started Jimmy Smith alongside rodo Roman

A truism in 2023 my first year with combat Global is the ladies always bringing that’s why they lead off our show so often am I wrong rodao listen the numbers don’t lie Jimmy and the the way women these are they’re athletic beautiful they’re smart in there they

Got great fighting IQ and they got that grit and they all want to win and they want to make sure they are part of that highlight reel which we have ton of them inside in 2023 Jimmy and we do we’re going to bring you an exciting fight gaty perz versus Janet Garcia Perez

Always aggressive Janet Garcia trying to build on her beginning MMA career beatric Callas bring us in and get us started KZ there is Katie Perez second degree back black belt in Chinese Kempo that’s where she started but a brown belt in Brazilian jiujitsu trains with Team Phoenix a combat Fitness she is

Aggressive she likes to start very very quickly her Pace very high every time we’ve seen her and laala and a lot of heart a lot of grit should go to the Toe to Toe Until the End Jimmy oh is a a fun fighter to watch inside laala last time

We saw her compete was against Melissa Gomez back in in August it went the distance and she’s taking on some of the top Stars too here Jimmy in Coman including Jay Jan which she also went the distance earlier this year in July and crazy enough Jimmy but this would be

Her fourth fight in the year and talked about it how tough that is yeah that’s going to be a theme tonight A lot of these Fighters very consistent with their schedule fighting four sometimes five times in a year and she’s one of those you call her she’s going to answer

The call well that’s what she did again tonight and an opponent just getting started started let’s bring her in Janet Garcia when you say San Jose California and MMA you think AKA that’s right American kickboxing academy Kan Velasquez Daniel Cormier Luke rockold I I can keep going just it goes on and on

And on that’s where she TRS 22 and4 in mu Tha only 1 and0 in MMA but she says a lot of the problem was nobody wanted to fight me because of my Muti background nobody would stand in bang with me so I’m an amateur in MMA but people treated

Me like a professional that’s not an easy thing to overcome and it’s the second time we see her inside laala last time was it may when she made her debut against Mariah cter and boy did she put on a clinic with that standup game and as we discussed earlier with Anna aamu

Who has that background in stand up she too has it but she’s able to stop any potential takedowns she has that fact and she learned it in AKA she puts a lot of work to make sure that any Grappler that comes close to her he says Nope you just better barricade isn’t just

Kickboxing by itself at AKA it is kickboxing for MMA footwork pacing use of her lead tools she’s exceptionally good at that also on the inside look for the elbow she is very very fluent in those and here is the head tohe head Janet Garcia just a little bit older at 32 but

Katy Perez a little bit taller and a slight reach Advantage both ladies easily made the 106 lb weight limit the division Los W thear theer crooger Byron Sellers and robbert Christopher Ed Hill Global SK in the blue corner whereing blue her official weight 106 PB with a pro record of four victories and six Ling Greensboro North Carolina ktie Minina in the right corner leina Roa wearing official weight 105.6 PB tonight she enters undefeated as a pro with one Victory Victor the P Mexico fighting out of San Jose California Jan [Applause] Garcia Ramon Ramos all right ladies L and dress all right any questions any questions shake hands God bless go sit back we are ready to get underway it is Katie Perez in the blue taking on Janet Garcia in the red ready K Perez 4 and six as a pro J Garcia 1 and0 looking to

Add to that resume tonight right that’s the bell in round number one as you stated Jimmy Katie Perez right for the start like to start off very offensively it’s a pace that’s really hard to keep up with but Janet Garcia has the recipe to put that stoppage on that great

Effective stand up game look for those tie nasty elbows that she has especially in the clinch really vicious elbows already starting out with the leg kick is Janet Garcia stacking that lead leg hands up chin down nice movement beautiful combination right left leg kick there we go

Very lot of stance switching early for the MU Thai specialist from San Jose California Jan Garcia send itop it K never counter out she’ll fight all the way till the end every single time there’s no quit in Katy Perez step in step in well the likes the art she’s the the painter

That’s what you wanted K can work yeah that’s how I express myself looking to paint at the expense of Janet Garcia tonight so far good combinations from Garcia Jan Garcia they both both made 106 but right now Katy Perez looking like the much bigger fighter but and the

Sharpness of Jim Garcia on the feet so far on display here left for Garcia Dynamite all one good a whiplash to Katie there it is there it is but fighting four times you know four times in a year that training that’s a lot it’s a lot and and when it comes to

Fighting day because the wear and tear comes through to the preparation to the fight once you get to the fight that’s the easy part you’re ready over accomplish the hard stuff yeah it’s it’s it’s the camp itself that does it for you and so you bear in mind four fights

Each fight at least a month camp with that that is half a year of training six weeks eight weeks per fight we go there we go keep going with that a lot of grind lot of tenacity that’s where you’re doing the hard Spa the real work is in Camp for a

Fight looks like a slight cut over the left eye of Janet Garcia see what happens in the clinch here for Katie but she needs to watch and someone looking for a take down against someone who’s looking for once again the short elbow M side Plum or the elbows they

Have different goals in this clinch and Garcia is so far able to work her goals those short elbows any opening that she finds she will land those elbows she not hold back there’s another a few already good head positioning as well Perez can’t see get on the head to

Get her own Tak down going nice outside trip opportunity to scramble from Perez but good job by Garcia getting back to her Feet trying to get him more of a better dripping in the clinch and now she has a minute 30 keep that pressure the pressure that’s one thing when it comes to making that transition as a stand up fighter to use that MMA thae style cuz the standing the

Stand is completely different when you put it into play in the world of MMA yeah so far Garcia doing a great job in these clinch positions elbows uh elbows to the head knees to the body yeah good head positioning as stated pulling in right under her chin to put it to the

Side got one minute leaving that Gap put a statement here oh in a position like this yeah being being the smaller fighter is a little bit of an asset she’s able to stay right in the pocket Perez not able to get any space at all underhooks are

Killing you you have to pumo Corner’s not wrong the underhooks are killing you true nice elbow to turn can hear the corner of Katie Perez the same Playbook she used last time we saw her in Jan Garcia lot of elbows in the very comfortable in these positions not

Worried about the take down working her mu Tai game that is inside short elbows and knees oh beautiful shots on the inside from Garcia count how many she’s taken already head on throw and good job rolling all the way through it ending up on top at the Bell ladies and seconds

Left in round number one a round that has gone very well so far for Janet Garcia 1 and0 but fighting like a veteran so far you’re not fighting right now okay it’s almost like oh we’re friends let’s just have a nice little you’ve got to fight

You got to get me you got to get in there she hit you right you are not mounted up at all okay you have to have to fight stop playing this I’m friends with everybody [ __ ] okay fight this [ __ ] fight okay you’re going to hate yourself if you don’t step in there Step

Forwards you’re making it comfortable for her make it uncomfortable staying her face okay you’re just laying against kid you’re making this comfortable okay you tired nah get up let’s do this all right go thank You welcome back to round number two ktie Perez in the blue taking on Janet Garcia in the red round number one seem to go Janet Garcia’s way uh she fought like the experienced fighter here no let me tell you Jimmy I just heard in between rounds I wanted to add in there love

What the corner said and if you as soon as she came out the school Katy Perez was all smiles she said stop playing with your opponent this is not a dance bring it fight don’t get don’t don’t try to doy do here bring the fight to her and that’s

Exactly what she’s doing she and it’s it makes such a difference in a corner think was last week that we saw we talked about uh with a Val deito yes Corner makes a difference you don’t you don’t need a pep talk you need someone to get grind you in there get you

Motivate you tell you some things to do to get the win and tactically the advice to to stay in the fight she’s got to be more aggressive on the Fe more r with the take down he’s trying to do right now but nice heavy hips from Janet

Garcia Janet Garcia to you is it more the same in round number two do she go with the same strategy if it ain’t broken don’t fix it right little bit of an attempt for the guillotine but no hips behind it so far ktie Perez trying to be the

Aggressor in round number two trying to listen to her coaches we have open scoring here on kbat global 10-9 all the way around for Janet gar no surprise she was dominant in round number one but going for that taked down and not getting anything out of it does take out

The energy away from you J it’s incredibly fatiguing just being in this takedown position carrying not just your weight but the weight of your opponent that’s one thing that they ask hey ktie are you tired no immediately no not tired at all never coach clapping in appreciation I know

This is where the action’s going to happen this where the action was in round number one Janet Garcia once again very accomplished in mu Tai 22 and four go way now Katie now keeping up those hands blocking those hooks now bringing a bit a little bit more to the

Fight the kicks get to check them nice counter leg kicks by Janet Garcia she knows exactly when to throw him Katy Perez is putting weight on him com You Have To Go’s not answering back that lead leg is there for her to kick and a lot of stance changes from Janet Garcia

Which means don’t know what side the power leg kick is coming from goes Orthodox then Southpaw and the power comes from the other side can’t get your leg out of the way in time it’s good strategy and so far Janet Garcia’s using it well minut nice right hand counter to

The leg kick and not even wanting to engage on top with ktie Perez I don’t care if I’m on top I want this on the feet she’s right now directing the fight go you’re waiting where she wants it she’s keeping it you can almost feel the slowdown in

The pace of Katy Perez after going for that takedown didn’t get it yeah takes a lot of energy out of you also psychologically it’s like Janet Garcia is now leading the dance now this is a clinch where Garcia loves to land in those vicious elbows

And knees yes now turn you got to get your feet down Katie oh nice elbow over top that really hurt Katie Perez looks like a desperation takeown the fighter from North Carolina now in half guard position nice short elbows from Janet Garcia this is just draining half card so difficult to use in

MMA is getting that leg is what you’re supposed to do in Jiu-Jitsu that leaves you vulnerable to those shots not easy to use at all beautiful shot how much is there left in ktie Perez if she lasts this second round ah head to the third Jimmy and going to come down easy outside

Trip such a good job catching Katy Perez off bounds like a little bit on almost the Judo foot sweep there took the foot right out from underneath her inside control now keep that good position as Katy Perez walking up the fence trying to roll herself back but difficult to do only 20 seconds

Left Garcia wisely bailing out positioning of the hips waiting to get up get that knee now the maturity of Janet Garcia only only her second Pro fight definitely on display as she is leading the dance against Katie Perez are going to make it easier right good job good control on the top good

Strikes strikes okay what’s hard um sometimes when she punches I can’t really see cuz it’s awkward uhuh so she’s Landing all right stay offline stay offline use your legs and adjust your legs right you don’t have to set it up with punches don’t get anxious with the punches when you down

With the second and third shot that’s when you’re getting taken down okay all right you want to stay off the ground use your leg doubting yourself don’t do this for me do this for yep when you’re on top watch your face okay don’t let her throw her legs

Over your head okay so keep your head down okay leg leg do anything fancy can go go [Applause] welcome back the face you see is Katie Perez who is looking for a way back into this fight against your opponent Janet Garcia we are in round number three safe

To say rounds one and two controlled by the fighter on your screen in red Janet Garcia kickboxer out of San Jose that means AKA one and0 but fighting a veterans kind of fight tonight yeah Total Domination from Garcia here Tri here just that great standup game from

Her and very impressive as she positions her hip if Katy Perez goes for that taked down I mean just great overall we’re seeing the evolvement of this young lady going yeah her Evolution has been impressive switching stances very very well always targeting the lead leg but another thing when people just starting

Out in their Mixed Martial artarts career they tend to be a little too aggressive or look for the finish a little too much not Janna Garcia she resets she’s super calm you can see that Combat Sports Experience 22 and four in mu time and you know what that’s more

Impressive is when she switches to stance she doesn’t constantly do it she does it for a purpose for a reason yeah it isn’t like that bouncing frenetic back and forth stance switch and always followed by the leg kick Ohi first real attempt at a high kick and ktie press diving from way outside

Open scoring 20 to8 Janet over K Perez pretty much what we expected K Perez needs a finish in round number three can she get it that’s the question does she have the gas she has 3 minutes and 30 seconds to change left left side as her

Coach stated hey you got to you got to bring the fight if you want it you got to do it for yourself nice high Guard from ktie Perez that is a submission guard low guard tends to be a sweeper guard she’s going going for it in this position but hasn’t

Really committed to triangles Arms any the fight finishing submission she’s going to need that left arm is there just working for it trying to get those legs apart maybe get a triangle but at this point Jimmy how much energy does she have left and that is the question she’s been beaten up

Throughout this fight nice crisp combinations I don’t think any one shot has necessarily hurt her it’s been one of those death of a Thousand Cuts the combinations have been but you know Garcia hasn’t committed to anyone punch consistent going for the standard guard sweep and that is not happening good job

From Janna Garcia bringing her weight back down at exactly the right time two and a half minutes left for a desperate Katie Perez man she just grad passes around making it look so fluid Jimmy and fluid easy and she’s been so comfortable on the feet now pz really

Being aggressive in round number three a side we haven’t seen very much of you know her her her selling out essentially on the feed she is being aggressive finally and now she’s bringing in that striking he’s throwing everything right now not holding anything back trying to

Go for the man I got to give props for Garcia with that trip that inside trip excellent yeah she throws it just like her leg kick disguises it very very well can’t really see it coming it is so tough to land beautiful job catching the body

Kick minute 40 left and she did not want to get on top she wants to finish this fight on the feet does Janet Garcia there’s that attempt again nice heavy hips from Janet Garcia hips all the way in the floor they teach it in the gym exactly it say he comes in Natural

Instinct J yeah nice uppercut make him pay on the way in make pay on the way out J Garcia is doing again only her second Pro fight Kat prz much more experienced nice right hand over the top kti turn on her her own elbow as well Katie’s just throwing the wild

Night now she’s just trying to go for the hir and muscle down to the floor by K Garcia more of those short elbows pressure minute patient patient Garcia is Corner saying be patient don’t get into the firefight that Katy prz wants you get into with 40 seconds left impressive how she’s able to

Compose herself just a short time that she’s been a professional mixed martial artist it’s all that kickboxing kickboxing experience it has translated well so far to MMA when it comes to Janet Garcia oh nice kick right through the center 20 seconds you got to go you got to thr everything out there didn’t

Want to jump the KH wanted to take the the win slowly but surely 10 seconds left losing everything in this fight so far go the way of Janet Garcia she’s going for the kill now Jimmy great combination to finish and we will see the final Bell great job from Janet Garcia only

Question left is was it a unanimous decision that is the question but dominance from start to finish for Janet Garcia only her second Pro fight we will make it official when we come back to combat Global after three rounds of much more action this is the final decision all three judges turn in identical scorecards of 30 30 to 27 all in favor of the winner by way of unanimous Decision Janet Garcia no surprise there moving to 2 and 0 as a professional all smiles look we can’t tell the future we don’t have a magic eightball but I got to say I love what I saw tonight from Janet Garcia and her composure in the r and only her

Second professional fight as a mixed martial artist imagine what she will bring to the table the next time around we see this young lady I mean everything that you see from her right it’s just picture perfect she know she knew how to compose herself that’s switching to

Stance she did it not constantly just for the purpose the low kicks the elbows and the clinch every time every Gap that she found she was able to land anytime that ktie wanted to bring it to the ground perfectly positioned her H hip to stop the take down offense from Katie

Katie just couldn’t find anything Jimmy to bring down this young lady she was just rapid paced but again it’s that maturity in there as a fighter being that this is her second professional fight but you could have just sworn that this lady had been in there for 10 or 15

Fights you know about the Muay Tha experience 22 and or as a Muay Thai professional but her timing and her ability to blend that style into mixed martial arts folks that is not easy now she’s with the right team to do that AKA but her ability to as we saw blend the

Leg kicks in with the foot sweeps right making Muay Tha part of her MMA game that’s impressive coming in real close while engaging and tripping her it’s so difficult to do but she does it so well and the elbows man I mean that’s just a

Story in here in the clinch it did so damage I lost count of how much she did at I think it was the second round amazing yeah an absolute Wipeout for Janet Garcia over Katie Perez look at the numbers 60 punches landed to ktie Perez’s 11 the one takedown of course

Belonged to Janet Garcia Katy Perez went for the takedown ad nauseum not able to get it done against the kick kickboxer out of San Jose who moves to two and0 and it’s a theme in mixed martial arts these days is the fighters coming in with not a whole lot of fights but great

Coaching great uh standup experience and the ability to blend it all together that’s going to be important tonight when we look at Marissa Sanchez only 5 in one as a pro but that MMA maturity the evolution is so much faster these days than it was even a few years ago

Now just look back when we started Jimmy right I mean there weren’t that many schools and it was really just situated to a certain discipline they didn’t have MMA right you had to go to this place and that place to get what you wanted whether it be mu Tha or or or wrestling

It wasn’t all involved it wasn’t a One-Stop shop now that’s the beauty of it the sport has grown so much all over the world hence we’ve seen so many great competitors in here in laala from so many different countries and we’re seeing that evolution of Fighters and

Bringing in their own little spice to it their own little different techniques that other people don’t know Alena K and her uh opponent in the main event tonight 125 pounds more experience nine and five as a pro 14 professional fights also called a couple of her fights in

Bellator she’s used to the big stage she’s used to the big life she’s done very very well usually on paper something like this you think oh it’s a mismatch much more experienced fighter taking on the fighter just getting started but Marita Sanchez attacks with a with a a a confidence that would that

Is extremely rare now speaking of confidence speaking of aggression speaking of Defending Your Pride it is kopa combat that does it for every single fighter involved here’s what we’re looking forward to next week Goa comat new countries new Fighters same awesome trophy eight fighters from eight different countries will go head-to-head

For two nights of non-stop action in the world’s toughest Tournament is over oh man only one will be crowned the winner Country Pride is on the line who will you be rooting for now I’ve called some tournaments in my day but this one Copa combat this will be my first I joined in 2023 this my first one tell me about the energy

Tell me about the excitement tell me about what makes it different that night the world of MMA was a buzz it was broken by Yahoo sports and so many media Outlets when it was brought to the attention that kopa combat is back baby 2023 the last time we had it best back

In 21 where France M Lambo from Ireland won it this will be your 61 Jimmy right we’ve had it in different parts of the of the world as well so let’s go back to 27 17 where Levy Morin won it this guy was an alternate all right he wasn’t

Even part it was in case someone drops he fills in he ended up winning lopa combate that year and what’s a stake is then you have like 2018 Andres kintana 2019 from Peru Umberto banday and who knows this year you know I looked at the

List right some of the guys that we have Jimmy Morales we know what happened with him I I could go on and on very exciting stuff 100K on the line largest trophy in sports yeah well that is next week right now tonight we’re ready to get going Adam Ortiz anas aasoon great

Kickboxing on tap can Ortiz keep up we’ll find out right after This welcome back inside Univision Studios we’re ready with Adam Ortiz anas as his own great kickboxer versus a great mixed martial artist beis get it Going Adam or there’s Adam or getting ready to make his walk into laala feels at home here feels like combat Global is where he is at his best incredibly aggressive as a professional he is 52 and one fighting out of Tucson Arizona trained MMA for about 10 years St his 15 years old

Trains out of the Apex Academy Apex MMA 8 and5 as an amateur so he has the experience when it comes to not just MMA but en laala his opponent though very experienced kickboxer how does he make this the MMA type of fight rodo he has to stop on Doom quickness he has to

Bring him in close to him he does have the majority of his victories have been by way of submission so finding a way figuring out the puzzle of aeno to bring him down to the ground will be the key to victory for Adam Ortiz he’s a grinder

He has a lot of tenacity a lot of gut and courage so he does have what it needs to take to put a stop to the Rain Maker he’s a big striker in his own right loves the overhands the power punches but there’s a great kickboxer

Across from him tonight as soon as beers brings him in as the French flag over his shoulders in my experience some great kickboxers representing that flag when you see that flag in MMA you know they have some great standup some versatile striking maybe little saat in their um accurate

With the feed this is a guy who was a standout in K1 you and I we know what K1 means outstanding kickboxing tall rangy lanky and he’s translated well to MMA so far what are you looking for in terms of improvements tonight against Ortiz I

I’ll be curious to see see if Adam Ortiz does eventually find a way to get it to the ground and what he does there cuz we haven’t seen any of that action from the ground but if he keeps this stin to his bread and butter of that standup game I

Mean it could just be a total domination for we have seen here in the be his second time around that we see him here and he told me South Florida we’re done with the rainy season but he promises to make it rain tonight we shall see anasasis soon from

France making his way into laala getting his prayers in right before he steps in this is a man last time we saw him in laala uh didn’t really have to do much when it came to the takedowns it was pretty much a kickboxing battle he dominated very very aggressive great combinations great

Accuracy see that Bild Paul rangy lanky against Zamora who was going for that ground green is striking just couldn’t figure him out yeah kaken Zamora who’s fighting tonight could not do anything look at the head-to-head aison four years younger than his opponent an inch taller and look at that reach Advantage

73 in that is going to be key tonight eliso Rodriguez Vicente Rodriguez and James lzo Global His official weight 135.7 lb with a pro record of five victories and two losses record professional Or introducing the Red Corner let’s wearing white His official weight 135.8 heent on defeated as a pro with three victories from s FR Anna Ray maker A and referee de Panama okay guys so you know the rule time I want a clean fight to you clo if you want go to your corner they ready to get it started anas aisun in the white versus Adam Ortiz in the blue bring out your umbrella Jimmy ready promises to make it rain down number one

Underway as is own the experienced kickboxer very fast paac very tactical look out for those nonstop there’s no way of stopping his kicks but unlike his previous fights very more composed very calm waiting for Adam Ortiz to come in to dive in like that need an uppercut

Adam Ortiz you know he has excellent striking his zone right but it’s a bit wild right he likes the big overhand right the loopy punch is aggressive with the leg kicks good faint but off and off balance and look for Asun to maybe take advantage of that and Ortiz knows what

He’s up stake here he needs to find that good opportunity where he can take Asen Zoom down and it’s very hard Jimmy nice thuing calf kick there shot below the knee very popular weapon today in MMA and it just numbs the Lego makes it almost impossible to to use and ason

Another thing about him is that he has a nice measured Pace doesn’t go too crazy especially early NOP very tactical there beautiful job that leg kick catching as it lagged behind just a little bit Adam Ortiz right now looking like he’s trying to find his way

In has a decent clinch but he needs to get in and use it very very soon only a minute and half into this fight and already asaon growing in confidence it’s that unfortunate face Jimmy where you have to have to get hit a couple of times if you’re able to find that Tak

Down so far the takedowns have been reaching they’ve been far outside easy for a to see nice right hand Ortiz right now looking like a deer in headlights as a some beautiful knee is isn’t going to last much longer if Ortiz doesn’t come up with something is not answering back

Really puzzled no offense of his own and assoon throwing everything but the kitchen sink good job asone going back to the center resetting not trying to spend too much energy on a a finish right now scratching a inun made a way through this round Ortiz look at over overreacting flinching in

The face of every single strike back with great Fain from doesn’t do many of them but the one that he does yeah or or bites on him every single time every single time he takes it as bait great striking coaches will tell you strikes set up faints faints set up

Strikes once you hit hit somebody and sting them while they’re going to react to everything you throw that jab straight long accurate as you’re saying every time he does anything or te’s overreacts to it beautiful combination to the leg kick looking like a punching bag with legs reaching Tak down from the outside

Nowhere near it can’t get it clinch can’t get it take down heavy right hand by partially blocked thankfully for Ortiz he has his hands very very high but has had no counter offense of his own so far trying to cut angles but as ass having no trouble finding his own offensive

Rhythm and again keeps on baiting also so much bigger knew he had a reach Advantage but bigger dude looks so much bigger he’s a bit leaner he’s a bit lankier has that Striker build Ortiz has yet to do that sellout attack meaning you know big right hand

Big kick followed by a taked down it’s been none of that it’s been reaching takedowns telegraphed easy to see not checking those kicks from morti just throwing a couple of his own but that’s assume that’s no problem getting a leg kicking battle back again Ortiz desperately searching for the Tak down

Just can’t find it and every time Ortiz has come in with that taked down the uppercut has been waiting for him make him Miss make him pay looking at Ortiz’s face have sworn that there had been already three rounds we 30 seconds left to go in round number

One my friend and he is beaten up oh that’s is 4 this is his opportunity now for Ortiz unfortunately 19 seconds left not a whole lot of time to take advantage one hook in the good news though for Adam Ortiz is he should see the end of round number one because of that

Slip look the advantages when you can get him for Adam Ortiz so far as this is the end of round number one St [Applause] St okay Adam how you feeling there feel okay okay so it was a little slow in the in the beginning and that’s more because

We didn’t really warm up okay um how’d you feel when you were on his back right now good okay okay so what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to have to add some level changes and some shots to the body so he doesn’t understand when

We’re going to go in after him okay can I get some shots to the body can I get some level changes and some head movement so that’s your warmup round put get your head up that’s your warmup round okay he got that one you understand that we’re going to get these

Next two let’s look to get on top of them and start riding them okay and then I I if I don’t shoot unless I’m able to touch them okay let’s get this back in there let’s go handle your business go welcome back inside laala here combat

Global it is Adam Ortiz in the blue with the lumped up face you can’t just see the trunks taking on anas aisun who is in the white the French kickboxer in the white right now having his way with Ortiz yeah but great great advice from Ortiz’s Corner hey work the body keep

Asom guessing when you’re going to come in for the taked down that’s essentially what he needs to do cuz he’s having a lot of difficulty just shooting in for the taked down he considered that first round as a warm up oh okay yeah we call him reaching takedowns your hips aren’t

Behind them just your arms like you know the take the wrestling version of arm punches essentially look at that ran into a shot no commitment with the hips but he did take the back of asaon at the end of round number one I if there’s a

Light at the end of the tunnel I guess it’s that the corner said you like that position try to get that again and it was only 19 seconds left when he got it in but but he has to find more time to see what he can work from that position

We have open scoring here combat Global no surprise 10 n all the way around all three judges seeing it for anas aizon French kickboxer in the white trunks but surprised we’re not didn’t see some 10 eights in there cuz it certainly could have been in round number one by the way

Kud is in an open scoring if it changes the world for a fighter for the corter let’s know where they stand and that’s important beautiful combination again from oiso ending with the leg kick see the swelling around the eyes of Adam Ortiz 32- 24 in punches 13 to9 in kicks

Well guess what that doesn’t tell the story at all aun’s punches have hey landed like lasers and his knuckles have been a razor sharp the damage he has done with his shots no comparison in this fight now though Ortiz has taken some punishment he’s still in the fight has a

Lot of heart now giving up now this is clinch work good stuff for him hereon good job breaking out circling away the experienced Strikers man they reset go back to what they’ve been doing doing that trying to get Crea with that overhand left and to the credit of hertiz he’s

Faced their opponents in his previous fights where they’re purely standup Fighters you know you got the TS the kicks so he’s been here before he’s been in this position that’s why I I was when I heard that question how do you feel I feel good cuz he’s been here he knows what to

Anticipate and the problem is is aaz they doing such a great job of controlling range he does he extends his punches extremely well he’s just trying to get as an off and just what happened at the end of that first round but it’s hard to do when someone doesn’t over

Extend on their punches right when they’re tight and accurate there aren’t a lot of gaps oh excellent job with uppercut to leg kick beautiful combinations looking an elbow as well in there oh another one making him pay on the way in and on the way out Ortiz now

Trying to sell out to get close and nothing doing aasoon great job circling out but combination as he’s going backwards Jim hasn’t sneak in a good three four elbows you really have to keep your eyes peeled to see it aason putting on a striking clinic tonight this is how you

Do it and he makes it look so pretty you know that beautiful technique never overextending himself don’t he’s not trying too hard for the Finish but you know if if you’re Ortiz I mean what are you doing at this point t tically right you’re getting beat up on the outside

Sell out for the take down Pull guard what is your thought rodo when it comes to a fight where you’re getting beat up you have to find a way to get in that close that range work the body and try to catch as off guard get this guy on the ground

Somehow the thing is he’s getting punished every time he goes for a taked down he has to bring him real close yeah minute left to go in round number two nothing going the way of Adam Ortiz 72 two and one as a professional getting beaten up by the 3

And0 there we go anas sasoon finally in on a single legegg 37 seconds left to go in round number one but he always tries to get the better of it at the end of the round just like he did in the first and briefly took the back at the end of

Round number one now finishing on the single leg but not close to putting aason down and chastic balance changing of the levels too Jimmy you know not just work the top with the rib area Domino area break him down 10 seconds left to go in round number two once again domination for the

Kickboxer from France anas [Applause] aason okay okay speee I’m afraid my French isn’t good enough to understand the corner instructions to anas aisun in the white taking on Adam Ortiz in the blue look at the French kickboxer right now with the white trunks I’m sure the advice was you’re doing everything right what you’re doing

We we yes yes my friend going back to the jab but utter domination in the first two rounds rodo is this the kind of fight where if you’re in Ortiz’s corner you go you got to show me something or I might throw you know hate to say that but it’s true

You know it’s the punishment that he’s taking and and especially in this in this sport right if you want to have some longevity you know taking a punish man M like this can make a break in the future of what what’s ahead of you yeah hasn’t really been rocked I mean he’s

He’s he’s taking all his damage all these punches very very well but he hasn’t shown a way tactically to get back into the fight it’s like you got to show me a way to win this and if you don’t you know live to fight another day because right now

Asaon easily winning the kickboxing battle the heart is there we can take any credit away from kid solo but but you know the code talking about your heart you ain’t winning the fight no that’s what’s happening so far for Ortiz in the blue on the right side of

Your screen look at the W the Bobby look at that man the mve and for a kickboxer to do that give me a break open scoring here in kbat global Adam Ortiz right now getting blank no surprise and all three judges scard 20 to 18 through two like

Two three shots right there Jimmy and just had no response whatsoever but unfortunately there hasn’t been that fight in combination referee has been right here very close to the action and there just haven’t been that combination of punches to get this over with but Adam Ortiz just taking shot after shot from the

Outside it’s just it’s just a Savage in there methodical a methodical Savage which is the worst combination ever Savages take risks right Savages do things that might get them hurt in return aun has done none of that now he has a change level maybe try to

Sweep try to get in for take that got loose of it that was his chance Jimmy great job so far myum working the head to the toes calf kicks knees to the body combination punches Ortiz just wearing down in this round number three like you said he’s

Still in it still trying to fight back but no reasonable offense it’s ain’t Hollywood Jimmy yeah nothing from the fighter from Tucson Arizona 52 and one as a professional much more experienced than aasoon but aasoon a K1 kickboxer beautiful right hand over 20 victories 20 and one as a professional that’s been showing

Tonight when I saw the fight card for Louis and I saw that this man was going to be on like boy fans are in for a treat fun to watch every timez has been on a backwards treadmill the entire time even didz got with a hook didn’t even blink and he

Connected now if you’re asaon at this point are you making okay minute 45 left either you got two options hit the gas try to get this guy out of here or this one in the bag let it run keep doing what I’m doing Pitter pack shots I’m

Sure Ortiz called him Pitter Pat but not overc committing to anyone shot the numbers 73 to 50 in terms of punches 27 to 13 in kicks 96 significant strikes folks it is worse than it looks it goes you know are you a showman or are you a

Fighter be the show man you finish it off right here it looks like from ASAS style we’ve seen so far whatever the French version of Mama didn’t raise no fool that’s how this guy kick by right he’s not taking those ribs okay hands up chin down if

I’m working I’m stay there if it’s working I’m going keep doing it yep don’t know if they have that expression on par but yeah it’s close it’s going to get what he’s doing and proud showing their appreciation I think for the guts of Adam Ortiz as much as the technique of anas

Aisun he has put on a striking clinic tonight there’s no doubt my hat off to kid solo Ortiz but having his way trying to get it over with 20 seconds left to go in round number three the boss Campbell McLaren is right up to laala checking out every sing

Moment of it soaking it in we might have a star here at 135 lbs aaon hitting him with everything but the kitchen sink going back home getting a kitchen sink and hitting him with it beautiful stuff but Adam Ortiz will see the final Bell full marks for toughness

But the technique of aaso would not be denied wow one-sided we’ll see if it is on the scorecards when we come back seminar in kickboxing beatric Callas make it official after three runs of much more action this is the final decision Rodriguez and lassar turning identical scorecards of 30 to 27

Rodriguez6 Elisa Rodriguez turning 30 to 26 all in favor of the winner by way of unanimous decision de FR an Nas aisun moves to 4 and0 and Hey where’s my title got the boss camel McLaren behind him that’s got to be on the minds of everybody watching this

Smooth combination only none only one word I can say about his technique tonight nice but it’s not the end that’s right alinaa kidu versus Marita Sanchez our main event right after This El cido the Greek flag atena konu is about to walk into laala to take on Mara Sanchez in our main event two talented aggressive destructive 125lb ladies ready to make their way into Thea when we come back don’t miss [Applause] it [Applause] Mar [Applause] Bab Get [Applause] [Applause] oh welcome back to our main event Elina konu on the left from Greece her opponent Marita Sanchez on the right 125 lbs Kido more experienced at 9 and5 she is all smiles why cuz she’s fought under the big lights many many times Mara Sanchez looking for that signature win

Man what a night we’ve had so far here inside Univision Studios Jimmy Smith alongside rodo Roman the team tonight has been just cuz you’re 3 and0 in MMA doesn’t mean you’re not a badass with real skills Mar Sanchez only 5- one looking to keep that train going this is

Our opportunity toughest challenge to date what Marissa Sanchez is all about but she does have the key to stop Elena who is a veteran in the world of MMA toughest challenge out there let’s see what she’s all about Jimmy looking forward to seeing this young lady and

She has the crowd right behind her you saw how everyone’s just elated to see Marissa sanche walk in there yeah but a Greek fighter one of the things is MMA to get to the big fights you got to get outside of Greece she is used to being

The road warrior and having the crowd against her let’s take a look at the head-to-head they’re the same age only 25 years old mariss Sanchez an inch taller a slight reach Advantage as well for mariss Sanchez beatric get us going in our main event no we continue with much more

Action this is the main event of the evening division peso mosa Flyway division Los W on are James Lazaro Jonathan Lane Elis rodrigue global introducing the blue Corner wearing whiteco official weight 1258 pbas with a pro record of nine victories and five losses from preva Gree elen gono And in the righted corner wearing red and green weight 1256 pound with a pro record of five Victor and one defeat the Mexicana repping El California Mara SZ El referee Marcos Perez de Panama I want to follow my Instruction okay so I I want to see fight it’s asking a lot to speak Spanish English and Greek so Kido got to understand what’s going on fighter from Imagine three oh my God especially Greek it is not an easy language Kyo in the white and blue taking on marria Sanchez

In the red and green Jimmy this is oh oh good Shob from K what did we say to take where her confidence get at her punch her in the mouth right in the beginning she is flipping the script we tend to see in her previous fights started off with the

Stiff jab that took Sanchez so she needs to keep that throughout the fight called a lot of K fights in Bellator and the problem is when she faced competition a lot of times she fought out out of her weight class Fighters a little bit heavier than she was but it’s this idea

When she’s on her back foot she has trouble right but when she’s the aggressor and she’s finding those spots she’s very accurate with the strikes right and right now she is doing that being the offensive fighter taking away the offense from SES who’s we’ve seen right from the start leads the path in

The fight you know it’s it’s when you can’t get your offense going and you get frustrated that’s when fighters who don’t have a lot of experience tend to run into trouble seems be complain referee yeah I don’t know what she was complaining about but unless she thinks

She’s going to be broken up and nope got of neither is going hard with the body lock she’s working for the takedown right this is not a position you would break up there’s movement going on y she’s going for it the Greek doing exactly what she needs to do getting her into clinch

Staking taking away that offense from Marita saying got to do something but she out hooking that outside leg she’s moving yeah she’s going for the outside trips now if you’re konu and and you’re worried about this fight getting you know broken up a little bit might want

To change level it to the double leg off do something else to keep the referee away from you and keep control of the fight yeah have the position static the referee’s going to break it up Colo got to keep moving but either way Jim just the start of that fight right Sanchez her

Confidence knowing that she usually comes in all right it it just changes the whole Panorama in the fight itself Jose Torres great boxing world champion said on the Intimidator fails to intimidate he becomes intimidate right so you know if you’re used to always being the aggressor always being the

Bully get punched in the mouth it changes everything K o’o doing a good job of that early in this fight how will Sanchez adjust now Sanchez swinging for the fences now that she has some space now this is what SES likes to be right here the straight off the strike look at

Hering to overwhelm Alo in round number one that last shot hurt her that’s the Merit that we’re known to see in Sil Marissa Sanchez frustrated by that early body lock looking to take it out on konu who’s doing a good job puming inside Mar Sanchez trains out of Team

Alpha Male Sacramento IAH Faber you know how excellent that team is especially in the lighter weights KY back to her comfort zone against the fence body lock has to use it let that confidence from Marissa though even from the clitch looking at her Corner say hang on a second yeah let me

Let let me let me find my path here and let me get right back to you what you want me to do good from Marica Sanchez nicely put for Sanchez to break away Kyo very tough in these clinch positions close ni short elbow Alo answering back with some big

Punches boy Marita have some dynamite in those hand streaming when you go Toe to Toe with her in the pocket that’s one thing about her she’s not afraid to engage body lock over under position again from cidu you tell the something she’s been working on coming slow down the pace of

The fight take the out of the Young Buck and that’s frustrates a fighter that’s known to be consistent with her footwork and moving around and striking nice good aggression from Sanchez to get some space Fighters throwing bombs and when you get a fight like that Jimmy I mean they could go either way

Right yes nice straight right hand from C [Applause] Onu very confident good on the outside M Sanchez taking the center and and unlike those previous fights that we talked about she’s bringing it to the game here Jim yeah she certainly is kyano showing a lot of confidence but so is Marissa Sanchez we come to a close in round

Number one good round excellent round from both Fighters as advertised our women are musty every single time a k coming out jab clinch you’re not going to push me around I’m G to try and dictate the pace of this but Mara Sanchez as she she got

Any space it was all about her P power punches side by side here take a look at the uh into the corner I don’t speak so yeah no not going to happen I gota wait for AI unless unless he says yes no good evening good morning but let’s take a

Look at that highlights for that first round great engagement here from Sanchez trading in of course the clinches will stopped her away but when she found that opening to engage with her opponent void just let her hands go might start showing n and five as a pro M Sanchez 5

And one is round number two right how much energy did you expend in round number one how much can you get back Gano looking good Mar Sanchez not looking exhausted either blood coming after her nose begin round number two all right Mar Sanchez where we and

Redo in the blue and white guys we’re in for a treat man like a bat out of hell is Marita Sanchez full blast in round number two found they asked s hey how how do you feel right you’re you’re at the top of your Division I feel pressured you

Know I got to live up to my name I don’t have a belt but I know that I need to perform to my best ability to show that why am at the top of my division with sex success becomes pressure with success comes all the expectation the fans the promoters everyone even your

Opposition T though unlike that first round you talk about that back foot that she when she’s in trouble I’ve been seeing more her stepping back now not being as offensive yeah a little bit of a split card in round number one Mar Sanchez ahe on two judges scorecards 109 only taking

One not surprised it’s a little mixed up this round two is crucial for both Fighters going back to that CL position I don’t speak Greek my advice would have been hey when you get those body locks need a little more aggression going for the take down right can’t afford the

Body lock and stay there Landing right into you got to Mi it up don’t get the ref involved mix it up exactly keep them interested that half guard position in a position to pressure pass that’s the choice you got to make in half guard do I pressure pass do I you

Know create a little space and go for the take go for the um ground and pound not to ruin the parade but the only defeat that Marissa Sanchez has had goes back to her first professional fight and it was by way of re naked choke from Christina speaking of you may have

Jinxed it great job from kyanu taking the back as Marita Sanchez powered her way out of half guard end up giving up her back problem with that position it just happened is what it is all right just accept it all righto has to pop her head out really get that back position

Trying to turn and end up on top she may get that transition right here got to pop that head out really solidify that back position a little bit of inexperience from both ladies on the Ground and now fully having the back able to shrug her shoulders get her head out she’s doing exactly does have that body lock good grappling elen C so far trying to hook the foot it’s not going to work in this position what could also benefit Sanchez in this position too is that threat

Right we in the second round that slippery slope but it has to be that quick turnaround from Sanchez to escape get the so far content out on the back Sanchez trying to punch her way out experienced in submission game go easily so far hasn’t done a lot of attacking for the neck

Unfortunately doesn’t have a strong body lock though yeah K going back to Crossing her feet and then going back to that unhooked position doing a good job of riding but got to do a little bit more with it now what what s what s yeah has done very very well keeping her body

Weight on top of K it’s hard to get the the rear naked someone’s putting their body weight on you but K hasn’t s strikes either good job turning from Marita Sanchez waiting for the right moment back to full guard for callu she got the guard now she can work here

Something let’s see what the fighter from Greece can do from her back as Mar Sanchez California trying to work the ground and pound good job by K so far wrapping up the arms defending that big ground and pound now Mar to Sanchez getting a little space to go for it

Sanchez has some bricks she can throw from this position but 10 seconds left a back and forth round number two it’s going to be interesting see how the judges saw it you will finish the second stanza of this three round fight [Applause] okay take a look back at that work Jimmy

Unlike that first round Atlanta taking down Sanchez to the ground and then near a near she was searching for a rear naked choke but San has managed to escape get un C and work on the ground and pound but it was just about that’s in 20 Seconds sorry Jimmy I I I couldn’t even that one word see if I can call some to get it no not one single word did we know in Greek We Begin round number three Helena Kono from Greece in appropriately the blue and white taking on Marissa Sanchez in the red and green it was a very back and forth round number two I think K got the better of it on the ground R Sanchez ended with

Some good ground and balance going to be inter to see how the judges saw round number two I see more confidence Sanchez coming in here with a quick rapid pace of boxing K though taking the outside yeah she she’s feeling C of course going to

Try to see it take it down but slow slows down Sanchez on the ground but boy where she was feeling it to start off that third round yeah she ate some good shots but able to get the clinch this led to a Tak down in round number

Two Alo really needs it now in round number three cuz R Sanchez fire in both hands is all tied up 199 all three judges scorecards who wants it the most Jamie is coming down to the wire wow whoever wins this round number three will take this fight

Home talo N9 and five her record coming in Marita Sanchez only five and one once again referee stepping in asking for some action they get less tolerant as the Sanchez attacking Nowu she’s feeling her groove Jimmy she’s feeling it has plenty of energy and she is on the attack ganu back pedaling oh for her countering opportunities they are not there Marita Sanchez all offense gono going to that body lock again but she doesn’t do anything with it just a little port in

The storm right not just Tak down but you know a little relief and Marita Sanchez looking at the ref like hey she’s just stalling with this as I said in round number three referees get less tolerant okay oh nice taked down just in time referee taking a close look at it

Before that now 245 left in round number three this could be the difference right here Jimmy needs to do something yeah holding on won’t be good enough I think C needs to pass or get some serious ground and pound going sway those judges she was eating some leather on

The feet she has to make up make that up on the ground and Sanchez here going good job spinning out now Marita Sanchez on top this is her chance here work from this shot land some shots right here using laala oh thinking triangle she has her leg

Over oh my God it looks something dear Jimmy has to get the arm across arm currently stuck not not enough noes look like it’s enough yet but she could do it I’m thinking about the arm this is TI be in trouble Jimmy SES could be in trouble as soon as K

Nether can sit up this might be over it is locked in tight round number three three of a fight in which she is absolutely exhausted does she have an escape left in her now going to the arm the fighter from Greece working her guard triangle arm yeah can’t see how

Tight it is this triangle armar position like her head might pop out I think it will yeah it’s not tight not anymore some room calano can she transition and get out Marita Sanchez look like she’s about to pull her head out of this position one minute left in round number

Three she’s going to tear that out right here the ankle or that the opener pop out the head out and she does yeah she never had that lock completely Jimmy didn’t have it quite tight enough didn’t have exactly the right angle didn’t have exactly the right arm position you need

All three to finish a triangle especially against an experienced opponent however Sanchez needs to finish this to sway the judges Jimmy [Applause] now Mar Sanchez finishing on top 30 seconds left in a very very close fight close round very close K Marita Sanchez seal this one with 20 seconds left Elena calano has fought her heart out grappled her heart out but Marita Sanchez aggressive in round number three

Oh nice sweep by the Greek fighter will it be enough oh and here’s the final battle of round number three beautiful fight wow man incredible main event by both of these ladies how did the judges see it my God incredible fight you want to feel this energy you

Want to see this action come join [Applause] us you can feel the tension here here inside Univision Studios after a great fight there has to be a winner and a loser who is it beatric after three rounds of much more action this is the final decision all three judges turning

Identical scorecards of 29 on 28 all in favor of the winner by way of unanimous decision meic Mar close de decision we weren’t sure which way it was going to go but now moving to 6 and one Marita Sanchez exactly the kind of fight you

Want to see at this stage in her C she was tested all three rounds BS and she passed and she passed the test with a unanimous decision Victory there’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a reason why she stand on top of her division Marissa Sanchez Campbell a

Right next to the winner and boy did she put on a fight both these women put on an ex awesome fight man had everyone in here under their feet yeah Alena C started out aggressively look at this Jam boom straight into the body lock you know before the fight we said taking on

A young fighter a very talented fighter but one who’s used to be in the bully what do you do come out there smack her on the mouth let her know you’re there to fight G neither did that she read the textbook right did exactly what she did

But Marissa Sanchez just grit and when she engaged boy there was no way of stopping her she won that fist fight no doubt Landing in elbows exchanging of the Fist nonstop taking back Atlanta and by God it was an awesome Main Event between these two ladies now the take

Down here in the second round where she nearly had a rear naked choke but towards the end it was Marissa Sanchez coming out on top working from the guard Landing more shots but right here exchanging working on a potential Guillotine wasn’t having it during the clinch the switch kick nonstop and then

At the end of the fight you’ll see that it goes down to the ground in just a few great faint there from Sanchez as well but right here this is where it is we nearly pulled off the submission Victory from the Greek but Marissa Sanchez nope

This is my Howa I’m going to take the win going on with those last 10 seconds toe totoe fist fight it was a fury of punches and boy did these ladies deliver Marita Sanchez energy in the third round even though the fight was back and forth

Look at it here 47 and 20 in the punches it was the takedowns though and they’re giving Marica Sanchez that taked down in uh round number three Al cidu rolled right through it really should have been 20 on the takedowns for cido she did an amazing job on the ground the strikes

Mar Sanchez on the ground and Lena cidu very tight triangle almost finished it in round number three oh my God what action but we are not done yet that’s right a feature fight still remaining the crowd here in Miami has been given the opportunity to witness some amazing fights tonight we keep on

Going vs m versus Zamora physically very very similar it’s about what’s in between the ears for both of these Fighters beatress get us started we continue with much more action this B in the bamwe division Los are Vicente Rodriguez James Lazaro and Jonathan Lane Global introducing the blue Corner wearing yellow offal weight Eric V introducing the righted corner Roa wearing green weight 135 .4 pound with a pro record seven victories and two losses theang Mexicana from Mexico City Mexico isora referee Christopher M 35 lbs is Ismael Kraken Zamora in the green Eric

The in the yellow we are underway oh that Qui ra is those kicks Jimmy we what what do we say about those that’s him right here but the more the patient one as discuss let him do what he does best in that first round I’ll take over the

Wheel in the second and third round a man in V who has never seen a round number three that is where Zamora lives in that round number three I don’t know but I think uhor was enjoying the uh beautiful sunny weather in South Florida I forgot to talk it’s

Always nice man okay he’s out there working he probably jogging out in the sun okay that’s why heavy hips right now TR to stop the Tak down of V fighter out of karacas Venezuela two and one as a pro both of those wins by finish in round number two

But we talked about Jimmy as far as what he’s learned in at Lima he’s known for this explosiveness in his kicks and his heavy hands but what else can he bring to the table is he going to bring the same stuff we’re seeing right here a little bit of clinch work some attempts

For the take Downs so something new from V coaches like joa fantastic ground game on that guy Douglas Lima Fierce leg kicks great Bodywork has a complete striking game let’s see how much of that vs has picked up training out of at Lima getting in that referee cam Vision there’s a physical pressure

Zamora knew he’d have to deal with this in round number one you if you’re his Corner uh what do you tell him about this round number one now is exactly what you you anticipate right let him go wild he’s going to do the kicks he’s going to throw the heavy hands the

Clinch let him do his thing you know that you have the cap the capacity to go all three rounds and keep it at that pace when you study vas you know I saw all his fights I don’t think I saw him throw a jab one time he just doesn’t do

That everything he does is is is is a heavy weapon with a lot of power it takes a lot of your gas let’s see how composed Zamora is nice short knee nice not jumping the gun not making any mistakes and that’s what you get a fighter when you

See they finish their their opponents in the first or second they never been in that third round they want to jump the gun they want to finish it too fast and that’s how you make mistakes yeah see trying to pull Zamora down making a mistake ended up in a tow hold vas doing

A good job rolling out now going heel hook Zamora has several wins by submission Jimmy going for the hill hook the fighter from Mexico the needs to clear that leg and he does it but ends up on his back Zamora very Savvy on the ground that half butterfly position good

Job by Zamora putting weight on that knee training with Al Lima’s Brothers you know gives you that experience that knowledge on the ground those guys are also gigantic the physical pressure they can put on you is absolutely unbelievable the way of positioning those feet on the hip of Zamora to push

Him off good job by Zamora trying to clear the legs land some short ground and pound good job ofas making his way back to his feet good scramble from both Fighters yeah Landing right back on the clinch oh oh going for that spinning shot look at the fatigue from vs me

Already little wobbly getting off oh he even lost a footing there both Fighters a little off bounds but VSM but look how he keeps his hands down for v he try to go for that Ki spinning kick off the body off the body kick catch in yeah but but but but the thing

Here yeah very good love that but look the uh the physical pressure of the hips of Zamora right now doesn’t let BM push him off with that butterfly on the left side very very heavy on the knee the question is Jimmy will BSB still have

Some gas in the tank in the second round we saw how he came out that clinch he was a little wobbly 30 seconds left to go in round number one is kaken Zamora looking to take the energy aare away from the very explosive Eric V 10 seconds left cany what can they do oh an up kick ending round number one with some ground and pound is the Kraken we will head to round number [Applause] [Applause] two Foree spee [Applause] [Applause] welcome back to round number two it’s Eric vas against Ismael Kraken Zamora Zamora in the green V in the yellow and if V thought he would have his way with Zamora in round number one he was sadly mistaken fighter from Mexico willing to engage yeah from the

Corner from BB says he you you need to calm down a bit you know just take a little break don’t go too much into it yeah that lasts about two seconds V me coming out once game with big shots V me as we said has never been

Round number three but you know what Jamie is so hard Nice Shot Over the Top by V it’s so hard for a fighter to convince him when he’s so used to having that fighting style CU you’re so used to it’s in green and no surprise here Ismael Zamora winning round number one

109 all three judges scorecards and this is a guy who generally starts slowly and builds in rounds two and three and here he took round number one away from the fast starter in vme here the corner get out of the cage take it to the center see can Unleash Your

Offense nice stuck under V trying to roll through into heel hook position tough to do with the knee in that position however he’s got a roll through he might get it he lost the [ __ ] and lost it just as a knee might have been about to turn good job by Zamora putting

Weight on that left leg y simplest response to a leg lock of any kind is put weight on that Leg nice ground and pound from Zamora oh got the grinding right here Jimmy land some shots exactly where VSS doesn’t want to be you saw the ref cam there with on his butt round number two three minutes left which is a ton of time Zamora tends to be relentless in

These positions with his ground and pound Landing in some elbow shots from Zamora waking his way through from that takes away a lot of gas from you in this position Jimmy it’s a very difficult takes away a lot from you still nice short punches from Zamora look for Zamora to do anything

Stupid give a bunch of weight to look for that big shot his ground pound tends to be short but consistent let’s put it that way that’s enough to do damage that eventually he can capitalize and finish it off later on it’s a fatiguing position right now for vs me under the

Best of circumstances and this is not the best of circumstances you have a guy on top of you and that constant little punches turn the pressure on [Applause] oh you see you almost hear what Zamora is thinking of like okay second third round is where I live is where you get

The fight’s finished this is where I’m at my Best chance of Meiko of course yes on the bottom from karacas Venezuela is Zamora on top getting some com Vibes Jimmy that’s the kind of the feel we’re going to get here next week ah it’s going to be outstanding country versus country one night tournament great stuff got some new countries to this

Time around and it you know MMA is just getting great everywhere our show from bogot Columbia a couple weeks ago saw incredible Talent out of there used to be a few countries really dominated MMA no more becoming an international sport cradle position V is going absolutely nowhere oh great passing there turn

Zoraa yeah all the way to half guard don’t know how much interest he has passing into to side control and he can just ground and pound from here oh those shots Wilt 40 seconds left to go in round number two he has no will V see see his first round number three

Or will Zamora pour it on with 30 seconds left see what the ref is looking at keep a close eye on this one just the way that first ended but he has a bit more time 20 seconds left not putting the hook in good job

From v m forcing his way back to his feet but no space no rest at all from the attack of Isel Zamora and VI we’ll see his first round number three [Applause] speee for for the first time in his career Eric vas in the yellow looking at his face right now lumped up on that right side fighter from karacas Venezuela we’ll see a round number three Ismael Zamora though has been in control in the first two rounds that Relentless pressure and

He starting off just where he ended round number two on top his new territory for VB the corner of zoraa told him exactly to do this he went he went exactly 16 seconds into round number three he did exactly what his Corner told him box him clinch him

Finish it exactly what happen Ismael Kraken Zamora shows that he gets tougher as the fight goes along beautiful TKO and round number three man he turned up the heat end up being too much we will make it official when we come back there’s the ground and pound finish

Ismael Zamora great stuff look at the right hands raining down on vas but you said his Corner told him go out there and finish it that’s what he did he he he said I said Tire him out finish it off that’s that’s pretty much it yeah great performance from Kraken Zamora we

Will get the decision when we come back welcome back into laa it was a frenetic fight would we see around three we did just barely official time 16 seconds of round number three and the winner by technical knockout El G knockout Tech is they call him the Kraken now eight

And two deep water is his favorite kind he’ll drag it in drown you round number three that’s what happened in this fight beautifully executed by Zamora let you throw everything that you can in that first second finish you off in the third followed everything that his Corner told

Him word for word stuck to the plan didn’t do anything fancy let’s take a look back at vs and Zamora at Le vs me went to the third round for the first time he did but you know only for 16 seconds the impressive part of this fight is Zamora who

Generally starts going rounds two and three started off strong in round number one that surprise you me everyone here if you ask me typically very aggressive in round number one he met fire with fire did Ismael Zamora yeah he he took him to the clinch wasn’t throwing

Anything wild from the C he started getting a little loose Midway to that first round kind of get very fancy throwing some creative work spining kicks shots over hands very effective I mean the kid got everything however it was Zora’s resilience and fighting IQ that kept

Them at Bay here and just worked his way through into the third round where he knew that his opponent was pretty much done and he had to put the end of this fight by Finning his [ __ ] off right here all he did outbox him clinch him knock

Him out that’s exactly how he took this victory for is Zamora release him Jimmy release him release the Kraken at 62 punches to his opponent’s nine this is an absolute wipe out in total strikes 70- 14 Ismael Zamora with his top pressure ground and pound made this one-sided from beginning to end

Incredible stuff but we are not done yet that’s right we have a banger left to go Elijah Leed versus Carlos Calderon it is going to be an absolute War right after this here on combat Global don’t go anywhere Welcome back to combat Global showdown at 145 lbs Elijah leot versus Carlos Calderon they are the same age Carlos gon just a little bit taller and a slight reach Advantage for Elijah lean Omar Everything is set to continue with much more action with this bout at the three rounds of five minutes in the featherway division Los the judges are Marx Sten Richard green senior and Richard green Jor com Glob ining out of the blue corner he steps in with a professional record of four victories one loss waiting at 145 point2 weing Blue s the Moreno Valley California Eli S Now his opponent out of the Red Corner he also steps in with a professional record of four victories one L he weighting at 44.6 pbsg wearing whole black is the A we are ready for round number one Eli Leed in the blue Carlos Calderon in the black and we are underway yeah leg hit right there right from the start look out for that oh strong power great wrestling round and pound for Calon great striking as you stated beautiful taked down already from

Calderone training with some awesome Fighters it’s Dustin gagei kamaro Oman and so many more wants to put El Salvador on the MMA map not too many fighters coming out of Central America they have made it in MMA Jimmy and Eli legit hopping up to his feet not an easy

Man to hold down both these guys very very explosive really strong for 145 dude yeah taller Ranger than his opponent Eli Le that can be a big advantage in these clinch positions this guy can knee all the way to your forehead from this position turn turn turn good elbow H there we

Go there you go nice good knee really committed to this take down this over under position nice job by Le turning it around trying to go for throw leing not having any of it those for El nice knee knee knee take his legs knee leg KN to leg boy we talked about next

Week coming in we got some new countries that are going to be competing n ‘s going to be part of it EXO of course United States everyone fighting for for Pride Eli Leed right now getting the Tak down in this wrestling ride position nice short knees up hand control full

Control trying to go for sweep here is called their own we have escaping bat yeah nice counter from leged stay on top more trap position so popular last few years in jiujitsu and MMA you know Jimmy having that backward as wring making it to MMA you know you have the base right

With the taked down the grappling the take so many things but now just maneuvering to escape the submission work good job riding so far by Eli leiterer little jerk little jerk yes yes up a little Bobby Green in little jerks little movements get that arm out it’s veteran move there start banging start

Banging bang you want your elbow out you got to get the Shoulder out first gon seems content to work from this Kimura position right now on half guard this is just right here great fighting AQ having your opponent right next to your corner you’re able to hear and dictate what you want to

Do your corner man is Bobby green very experienced very tricky on the feet and on the ground bang trying to lay down trying to lay down work nice reversal by Carlos Calderon sweep sweeping and the half butterfly and the guillotine is there wrenching hard for it good job by Kon getting over

The hips no hips no guillotine cage here to help him posture up and both guys showing a lot of explosiveness on the ground lot of position changes so far in this fight only in round number one minute left to go in round number one nice short left hand even powerful

Yeah powerful strikes from both men against the [Applause] have puming switching around yeah neither guy really wanting to break off and make this a striking striking battle both guys content to work in this clinch position great over under by legit ton working for that switch almost a Splat position now going

For the arm good counter by Leed good chess battle so far on the ground for both these Fighters rodo a back and forth no one having really the advantage sing nice short strikes from Eli Leed that’s the way you put the exclamation point on a round number

One Tommy green just said it beautiful round for Eli legot not his feet not sitting on his stool right there just breathe let’s take a listen here in between rounds of corner take a look here some of the action good start off there with a spinning kick elbow from Kone in the

Clinch littleit he’s going to run good way of breaking up that Cris but nope leg wasn’t having it throwing him down his opponent again a little exchanging of fists and elbows listening to Bobby green some moves keeping slowly right but you can dictate the on Jabs and kicks okay run

That Gap run those punches are all there everything’s there don’t fall asleep in there kon’s Corner calling for Jabs and kicks the long tools right keep the stocky Grappler at a distance so far Eli Leed very confident with the ground and pound begin round number two Eli Leed in

The blue Carlos Calderon in the black and those are the legs that he’s throwing in there to keep away the wrestler but leg answering back it’s almost like Calon saying look I didn’t like how things went on the ground in round number one how we make this a kickboxing

Battle Eli Leed having none of it I know you’re disappointed come on man listen my base is wrestling believe that’s how I started off in this SP you got to appreciate what’s happening right now from Eli leg nice double leg beautiful change up executed when taking down but nothing like the

Striking going after the single leg Keeping Up physical pressure definitely controlling looking like in a double leg position and there it is heav pressure Eli Leed back on top once again in front of his Corner Bobby green yelling out instructions little Landing in his little short elbows from the bottom all

Right now I need you to start posturing up and let’s start banging them simple instructions posture up start banging him needs space between the chests to really land effective ground and pal car got on keeping busy with the Elbows shot to the body those little those little shots Jimmy make a huge difference they build up they accumulate over time best way to put it ANG right there more of action here from the Leed having control got they don’t they justes have that long hands jimy that AR long arms those

Elbows in a body lock position around the body that could be dangerous someone knows how to counter it well but you as you talk about the the long arms the long ways are good at wrapping an opponent up they can’t get distance can’t land effective ground and

Pound it’s kind of slowing leg it down a bit good job posturing up leg is just his explosiveness right just writing for the right moment to get up and land the shots halfway through round number two Eli Leed on top in the blue fighter of the United States Carlos scalone on the

Bottom out El Salvador leaving out that body and himam making it very difficult for Kone other than just Landing those elowes that’s pretty much he can he has been doing for this position and bringing him to the cage to the Howa punishing rib shots to set up the elbow over the

Top Bobby green calling for Hammer fists Hammer fist there we go and there they are we get up goton just desperately trying to find that Gap so he can escape we two up we two let’s keep it going but the majority of this round jimie has been

Leed having full control man Leed on top dominant with the wrestling top control and their own those long legs long arms have prevented serious damage from Eli leg but hasn’t been able to push off hasn’t been able to create space to kind of scramble need to get back to your

Feet that hasn’t been there one minute left one minute left just been in the same position for the majority of this round there we go right now his head just planted right next to laala and 40 seconds left to go in round number two yeah with legeds form right

His that is uncomfortable head right up against Eli right now seeing everything go his way even putting his hand in the mouth you know how obnoxious that is absolutely terrible leg it now starting to unload getting the distance for real ground and pound couple submission opportunities in round number one virtually nothing in

Round number two for the fighter from El Salvador as the American teas off to the bell end of round number two still in it still physically there but Eli leot looking very very fresh in between rounds two and three give me some give some water you can see just for the most part

Just legot wrestling has been the answer and the key of this fighton just in back with the short elbows that’s pretty much the entire round Leed dominating Landing in heavy hands Hammer fist shots to the rib area it right away got let’s go last he last round let’s go right here

Go let off the gas baby great words from Bobby green the coach of go get your money get your money go finish this fight get that win Eli Leed in the blue Carlos garon in the black Eli leot right now dominating first two rounds based on exactly this take down ground and

Pound beautiful take down yeah C just has not had an answer so far the fighter from El Salvador has been on the bottom looking for the arm bar trying to isolate the arm here the right arm of Eli leot you see how Wade how Leed positions his body great way of doing it

Man good job squaring up taking away that submission opportunity for Carlos Calderon get off your get off there you go get him off there go nice now finally looks like Carlos Calon maybe will to sell out and create a scramble the problem with creating scramble is you give your your opponent an opportunity

To pass but got to do something you’re down two rounds To None let brok you hear the ref saying let’s work do something break and then Bobby gr Bobby green say we got a Broken Man underneath you got nothing for you finish him nice let’s go there we

Go give me what I need give me what I need crack Mary might as well crack it all the way through Jimmy 20 18 we are Eli Leed keeping the physical pressure on the grounded pound has slowed down a lot in round number three acting in the first couple rounds but

You know fatigue goes both ways you know when the other when your coach tell y he’s tired the first thing I think is I’m tired too coach but goes both ways goes both ways Eli Leed has been very active in the first two rounds and now gon he’s

Landed those short elbows throughout the fight but those aren’t they’re just not the kind of strikes are going to turn the tide of a fight right they’re annoying that’s it put up with them yeah H H it’s like that little fly that’s just right behind your ear you know just

Can’t grab it it’s there it’s annoying but going to do nothing exactly you know if you have the short El you have the distracting strikes and then you leap back to your feet that’s something but gon hasn’t been able to do that it’s in these positions rodo where

Those long legs are kind of a detriment it’s not easy to scramble because you need a lot of space to do it and especially if your opponent L forward than you you know just pull those all the way down yep leg right now heavy pressure nice let’s B him he’s done bro

He’s done he’s tired he’s done beautiful work from Eli leged on top in half guard just a tell man put your car in cruise control two minutes left put it in neutral Carlos gon has stayed physically in the fight hasn’t been overwhelmed hasn’t really been rocked but also has

Not had an answer for the the Tak down the ground and pound the physical pressure of Eli lean this Total Domination in this position no answer from calone we fight to fight we came to fight we came to fight he’s trying to pass Jimmy but it’s just also not taking the physical risks

To pass necessarily he’s staying chest to chest very very tight to negate the submission game of Carlos scon I like it I like it I like it arm triangle trap you’re not going to finish that from closed guard against someone who knows what they’re doing TR to get

Out of me don’t out you don’t like it one minute left called own trying to work that guard with that body lock position of the Guard can’t really work any submissions from there keep somebody close can’t really work submissions when you have that triangle body lock in guard the

Eli Leed no hesitation going back to the ground and pound right now genius wants to get this Victory he’s going to have to hope for a miracle trying briefly looks like Uma plot the position but with 30 seconds left it’s time for that Miracle submission as Carlos scon hasn’t had an

Answer throughout this fight unless he can find one the next 20 seconds looks like an easy decision win for Eli leit American wrestlers is at the pressure on Carlos ceron no answer 10 seconds left who stays busy and it looks like just like Bobby G wants busy ground and pound

For the American from the top Eli Leed finishing just like he started take down ground and pound we’ll make it official when we come back B Global welcome back inside Univision Studios Jimmy Smith alongside rodao Roman tournaments are amazing how about a one night tournament different countries fighting against one another

You get that every week in combat Global how about every entry in the tournament being from a different country that’s what we get with the outstanding goopa combate it is excitement and laa magnified can’t wait to check it out next week here’s what you’re going to see go new countries new Fighters same

Awesome trophy eight fighters from eight different countries will go head-to-head for two nights of Nonstop Action in the world’s toughest Tournament is over oh man only one will be crowned the winner Country Pride is on the line who will you be rooting for and if that weren’t enough right two countries with deep roots in Combat Sports will be taking one another on which side are you on I got to ask right

Now Ireland versus Mexico what do you thinko I love put you to put me on the spot I like both countries I just want to see good fights man you’re going to have to tune in to Sunday all right definitely Ireland versus Mexico national pride on the line who loves

Fight in more iseland Mexico find out in laala two countries square off in laala a full night of Irish Mexican battles with Lucero laoba aosta Patrick Lane oidio borz and many more presented by Conor McGregor’s forged Irish Stout December 17 comat Global Mexico versus Ireland The Clash

Of two Nations that love fighting almost as much as they love beer so the upcoming week about national pride tonight it was about who’s going to make their Mark especially in the 135lb division a division that is red hot across MMA especially here in kbat

Global I got to ask you Rolo I love putting you on the spot what impressed you tonight Mara Sanchez pulling off that Victory against a game test with Elena and boy I mean anes aanu what a Savage Beast inside laala wo one we can guarantee in the upcoming New Year great

Stuff at 135 lbs but don’t miss next week that’s right national pride on the line we’ll see you there thanks so much from everyone behind the scenes


  1. I'm a Maritza Sanchez supporter but if we love sport we have to be honest, and she lost this fight… judges are crazy?! she lost both 1st and 2nd round 10-9 without any doubt! I havent saw this fight live, but watched it after Ive heard some rumors about it, and I can confirm it was a robber! and maybe she won the 3th too… Elina won

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