Golf Players

ACO Dalton 19 – World Doubles Championships

LIVE from the ACO Dalton Major and ACO-PRO Series

Watch the LIVE action from the American Cornhole Organization (ACO) Dalton Major and ACO-PRO Series

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Hey whole heads it’s Frank last time you look forward to a family reunion yeah that’s kind of what we thought how’d you like to be part of an ACO family reunion cuz the American cornhole organization is always looking to add new names and new games and more

Smiling faces to the family and you and your friends and neighbors are exactly who we have in mind become an ACO member now and you’ll find players tournaments and More in and around your area all ages and all skill levels are welcome join the ACO to play and party with the

Pros and the entire ACO family go to American membership and remember everyone can play and the minute you sign up and start playing with ACO you’ve already won the American cornhole organization keep on pitching all right the time has come believe it or not to start whittling down the

Doubles here at the ACO Dalton Georgia major in Pro Series skins weekend it’s all wrapping up here on Center Court winners bracket final this is going to be a beauty right here Caleb and Isaac HT against Bryce Jefferson and Sebastian Barger who had a nice little comeback in

Their game as did uh as did the the her locker we’ve seen a lot of comebacks get uh get her done Zack rush and his partner got taken down by Bryce and uh and Sebastian Finn loudmouth for the ACL here with the Mississippi ninja Philip Barnett able to rest our vocal cords for

Just a few minutes before we going to wrap this bad boy up right here where it belongs on Center cord thanks to everybody from The Dalton convention and visitors bureau and everybody here in town that welcomed us with open arms what a great tournament it has been so

Far it really has been there been some great action singles Mason Higgins takes down down the singles yeah how about that and Bryce had a chance to score on Caleb right there look at that he can still slide in the the right side here oh and he almost

Does and he gives up one all right so these guys are active and underway again this is the Winner’s bracket final thanks for spending the weekend with us that part of it which you have whether it was yesterday afternoon throughout the day or for the awesome Pro Series

Skins how about Brandon Earls congrat congratulations to him for taking down the big wooden thing and a big fat check along with him nicely done he was also the recipient of some other Awards as well including the co-ed with Kelsey Haider these guys are underway as I

Mentioned one to nothing Caleb and I Isaac put the first penny up on the board will they repeat as Double’s Champions that’s that was one them short by Sebastian who in the last match we were sitting here Sebastian was throwing fire I bet he was close to probably 11

PPR in that game Caleb and Isaac are the beneficiaries of that low bag there so up three nothing picking up two Bryce really struggled in the last game but he didn’t get frustrated he had his partner picking him up yep if you got any comments feel free to

Bring let us know where you’re watching from get out of here the very first person in here with a com comment Becky hurt Becky we missed you this weekend not that we didn’t enjoy the company of one Rex however we did miss you and your camera

F show and also trying to find you with ours that’s that’s always it’s sort of like a where’s Waldo when she’s here trying to find her with the mobile camera eight on7 again another point to The Hurt Locker had some mixed results over the course of the weekend as have a lot of

Players we’ve seen a lot of new names out here on Center Gord this weekend and uh you know we’re getting into the home stretch of the season a lot of major still still left to go including some other uh events as well including pagora that Golf Coast Classic our second year

In a row that’s going to be big fun are you going to go I’m going to try to get down there just to hang out I don’t you know Andy from B3 was down there last year I think I did a little uh stuff

Over the phone with the two of you did I not that was a lot of fun watching The Bag Maker quads I’ve already put the bug in and I am going to go make that you want to make it down there absolutely Chris Clark Illinois here got the Herz at

2115 yeah yeah what are you thinking I’m thinking look at look at that look at that setup right there FN yeah look at that look at that that’s crazy all of them I was just going to say and it was moving and it’s going to count be nice

For Bryce to win doubles on his birthday is it his birthday too yeah man we had a bunch of birthdays today him Boogie Patrick Barger Tina Armstrong was yesterday that’s crazy what was going on N months ago was here they’d probably make it his birthday at the steak house

Yeah Patrick Patrick says when he was struggling he threw he threw a 95 he said I wish I was struggling like that me too no way you got to be kidding me Nigel you cannot still be awake yeah although in New Zealand I think it is a

Week from next Sunday am I I I’m tired of using that joke but uh glad to have you back on board buddy that’s cheers to you four for Bryce though all right very good up against shoulder-to-shoulder with arguably maybe our next king of cornhole although Becky Becky says she’s

Home taking care helping Luke take care of the goats and I’m taking care of the goat the goat of all time right here baby out of Cincinnati fin the loud mouth baby Becky guess yeah guess what guess what you have in common with Philip Barnett you were surrounded by a Lotus [Laughter]

Sh um man well here’s the funny thing all four of these guys that are out here on Center Court right now you could say are standing shoulder-to-shoulder which with who could be the next king of corn absolutely think about it yeah look at everything busted up there nice B that

Was a little uh delayed release going to go ahead and finish that one off Nice Shot there what did what did what did he do I don’t know I don’t know what happened there I would say we’d show the replay but this game play plays so fast

And double he thought he had last B so he just threw it on the ground I don’t know I don’t know what that was bizarre that was bizarre what what you what happened I don’t know what happened there he thought he had last bag so he threw it

On the ground cuz Isaac’s bags were hanging and Isaac had another bag oh it’s getting late here in do Georgia just cuz everybody’s getting tired all right so 11 to four that was a crazy way to see that 11 get posted up there I’ll be honest with

You and what was it Amish want you to say if there’s an air mail what’s the new thing he wants you to say I have no clue I listen to Jo yeah I wouldn’t listening to them Sebastian I don’t know if Sebastian if if if Isaac herd is in Sebastian’s

Head cuz Sebastian threw really well last game and he is not throwing very well in this game I I call it like I see it I tell you I think I think Isaac can get in everybody’s head look at that push whether whatever he whatever he

Says however he plays his game just gets right in there and burls around that was a nice back there to sneak through the middle but now the push comes through set himself up just remind him he’s got one bag left fix his somebody tell him somebody tell him he’s just oh look at

That here it comes look at me go you know I got one right yeah cuz I got two all right so coming in high and hot there you go he does not miss that shot look at him he’s he’s happy tonight he’s smiling so what’s he try to do here

Oh he tried to gra Air Dragon he yeah he does give up six wow how about Matt gamon tuning in Matt thanks for the butt whipping you put on me today bang look at that right there nicely done he didn’t move one of Sebastian’s bags there

Wendy Bar says DPR or PPR all day and I have no clue what she’s talking about nice bag there by Caleb HT all right so 17 on four this could be a uh a quick hit right here it could be we got a lot of losers bracket matches

That we’re going to be bringing to you but this is the winers bracket final the king seat in the wings and maybe just moments away here now looks like the hers are going to holding that King seed if they can just hang on to this game

It’s 18 to four and for those of you who are not familiar with cornhole let us explain to you who uh the hurt brothers are yeah really actually you know what just watch you’ll figure it out lather rinse repeat copy paste take your pick nice B good roll bag oh what the what

Change your mind just sat it up there and pinched he put it right where he wanted to put it put that pinch on it we still have a handful of people hanging out with us well we got a more than a handful watching as well so glad to have you if

You’re listen he just pulled Isa Hur bar soaked him all the way off the back look at that yeah look at that Zing look at look at as looking at him yeah good bags by Sebastian Barger right there that picks up five points with that bar of soap nicely done all right

18 on N 400 p.m. Sunday afternoon in a relaxed New Zealand There You Go Nigel says The Hurt Locker is a beautiful thing so you’re getting Becky you’re getting International Love from New Zealand for the boys There You Go Nigel knows who the heart brothers are yeah absolutely we had a team from

Australia coming over that came over to the I think I want to say where were we for the World Championships we had a a big construction company sent about 10 or 12 players over for the worlds and then uh our friends from Germany came over where

Was it that was in Los mon Alabama I think it was yeah and the Germans came over from Las Vegas I played I played a couple of those guys y all right so 18 on N it stays Montgomery Alabama thank you April gummy I had to miss that one I had to

Work I showed up to that one and I was all honked off based on my flight and getting there so late and everything else and I believe that’s one where I came down to sit around the pool and I was just steaming and they picked

Up on it go figure oh yeah kind of hit and bounce back you don’t see that happen very I can’t imagine you being mad yeah believe it or not was a little ticked nice clearance right there two what no he wasn’t able to grab it is

That two Isaac’s on top yep 10 on eight yep so they threw me a beer across the pole and they said oh man you need to meet our new certified official Glenn or whatever and I’d look over this bald dude I’m like hey Glenn glad to have

You and they all started laughing I’m like what it was Max he had shaved his head oh Max gears it was Max gears I didn’t even recognize I was blood in my eyeballs that year that was probably that was probably his old Miss days huh yeah oh

No it was before that he was still in high school appreciate you April I know you got my back always I think they created let me tell you something she been taking care of me the last two weeks too cuz I’ve had some senior moments on some of these signups

Yeah thank you April I’ll tell you what April April and I have developed our own eye rolling emoji that we use when we text back and forth Finn the loud mouth for the ACO typically you’ll find me side by side with the cornhole dude on Tuesday night 700 p.m. Eastern on the taco

Tac talk and ACO nice bag there by Patrick Barger but when I’m out on the road I’m side by side with the Mississippi ninja ACO Pro Philip Barnett manab about town bom Von yep and that was not Patrick Barger that remember that’s Sebastian no did I say

Patrick you did say Patrick oh Patrick I think is working the strings I think maybe he’s up there marionet this thing from the second floor you’ll have to excuse that’s a good really nice and he pushed that one out off the backside he’s he said if he

Wants to he’s going to try to piggy back it no he’s trying to run through just leave it just leave it sit there that’s kind of uh uncharacteristic yeah 20 to 20 now wow are you kidding me yeah I guess it wasn’t worth the risk for the reward on

No I didn’t realize the score was 20 to 20 when when they get those points well they threw some cornhole bags and the bending upon where they landed in cancellation scoring that’s typically where they come from I don’t know much but I do know that all right just going to stack him

Up here he’s going to take turns forcing the other to make a decision nice shot as soon as it left his hand you saw it come out at that angle that was getting ready to cut right over and this they they can win this game f all he has to

Do is do it again yeah he’s coming around again oh he’ll take that he’ll take that all right up and over oh off the back that does itet that is going to take Caleb and Isaac down to the losers bracket to work their way back Bryce Jefferson Sebastian Barger hosting the

King seat for the doubles World doubles here in Dalton Georgia that’s crazy wow that was yeah that 2020 uh that was 18 to4 when I looked over there that that’s a uh that’s a great result for those guys uh but now if you’re in the losers

Bracket the last thing you want to hear is the Herz just got beat No Lie we shall see four guys coming through the losers bracket right all right so Jerry Armstrong and Gary Ferguson are awaiting the winner of uh Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce who are up over Jace Thompson and

Derek Williams right now 20 to9 Matt lead better and Zack Rush were down in the losers bracket still Brandon ears and his partner Darren tanne yeah zastro Darren zastro and Tanner Neil and Zach here are battling right now 12 to8 Earls and zastro man that’d be a good game

Right there Johnny Thomas and Daryl mon up over Kelsey Haider and Alex Gillum 19-2 I don’t know who Alex is I’m trying to see him over there well we’ll see what happens oh I do know he who he is he put up never mind who’s going to roll

Up uh on Center Court here next and we will keep you posted you got it let us know where you’re watching from that’s that’s insane Money Mike checking in yeah been a while been a minute that was a great game people talking about y it was very nicely

Played a good comeback indeed Zach Zach Adams says good comeback so if you’re checking us out don’t forget on the uh YouTube channel hit that subscribe button hit that Bell so we can notify if brand new content or match is getting ready to start or anything that we add to the page for

That matter we’ve had some great stuff happen over the course of the weekend how about all of our winners Kim dice takes down Megan Pucket into double dip scenario takes the Women’s Championship Jace Thompson uh put a little hurt on Isaac hert 21-1 to take the junior

Johnny Thomas who is uh partnered with Daryl mon right now is he he took down Daryl mon 2119 uh in a surprise seniors Championship final one and two he’d be the first one to tell you he was as surprised as anybody and ears Kelsey Haider took down Chad Johnson and or

Jackson and Kim dice 21 to 18 uh The Bag Maker quads it was the Killer Bees who took that one and Mason Higgins as you mentioned defeated Jack harcrow in a oneand done earlier today in a very hardfought four bracket re configured final and uh now all we do is await the

Doubles Championship so matches still going on around the arena here in the Dalton Convention Center there’s Tanya no was on last night pulling for Sebastian again remember is that great ant not Tanya did I remember that correctly which one I’m sorry Tanya noahwood Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce

Up 20 to6 on Jace Tompson and Derrick Williams were waiting on that one to finish to find out what’ll be over here next that’ll be a Jerry Armstrong Gary Ferguson match against the winner that one what do you do the pocket I put the shirt over my pockets my hands are froze

Oh man the number of times I’ve watched my two bookends over here dress and undress it’s amazing I’ve had a war wardrobe change a few times y but no malfunctions fortunately for us all thank God mhm we have been talking so long these are a little uh some of the

Behind the scenes that we like to share with you our loyal viewers I’m going to have to reapply my nasal spray no I’m starting to get and you can even hear it happen yeah perfect starting to hear it get all clogged up man these microphones pick up everything yeah they do just

Like Tony Romo and Jim Dan yeah you hear them doing that applying medication all the time only on cornhole buddy ah I just don’t want to sound stuffed up I want to be clean and clear Paula Steven says she’s watching in her jammies from the comfort of her living room I wonder if

Jack designed those jammies oh probably how about that all right so who we looking at here oh so this is not the match I was expecting oh this is a this probably is going to be the match you expecting looks like Johnny Thomas is they switched us out we’re going to I

Think we’re going to have Johnny Thomas and darl Mak Parker Berget and Ace Rogers I don’t know what’s going on here well as soon as we know we soon as they show up here we’ll do it man South Car checking in William wri Northern Michigan nice scammer shot there Eric Martin

Tennessee who’s coming from Martin Tennessee uh Doug bills checking in yeah what’s up Doug all right looks like dereck’s putting his bags up man there’s been some good bags for him this weekend though a he don’t feel like The Lone Ranger Dereck Williams not able to recreate the

Success that he enjoyed last night in the final round of 16 in the Pro Series Skins game but it was Destiny yesterday I do believe for Brandon Earls because no matter what anybody threw at him he was able to throw back and

Uh yes he was it was a it was an e and flow kind of day for him but man oh man did he come out on top nicely done he did grind it out now Johnny Thomas and darl mon both of whom have had a very good weekend

Respectively we’ll take on Ace Rogers and Parker bergette more Alabama people tell they everywhere man I tell you what I would think I was in Alabama sometimes way all these people showed up from Alabama this weekend yeah Ace Rogers from Mississippi how about that we got a Mississippi Boy how

About that yeah we’re in a nice Jersey there huh I noticed that yeah Elite bags is that right you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you maybe just a hair just a hair best bags in the business it’s the closest to a hair you’re going to

Come Bacon Kevin say through some some some emojis up about Nance and Romo oh I did not see those I’m Patrick Barger uh I’m his favorite great ant I’m your favorite great an you well okay I guess you can be my great ant that’s perfect she talking to me Tanya I

Guess so I guess so you’re my great anunt Tanya special shout out while these guys get on way to our bag Partners who are not only scrolling across the top of the screen but those who showed up here to show off their Wares IMF Gusto X level TNT was out

There high rollers were out there I think that’s everybody I think that’s all five that were here on site all right looks like we are uh underway two nothing already Johnny Thomas darl Megan it’s so funny because these guys just kind without without the bring it guy whatever his name is yeah

We just sit here and we we you know we’re on a need to know basis I suppose yes so higher Seat Johnny and Daryl the number four seed how about Parker and Ace the number 30 seed running out of the red lane yeah but they’re playing well yeah they

Are it’s interesting how when you get into split brackets or things like sometimes the seatings look a little wonky but man they always shake out when you get down to shot Parker I don’t know if darl Megan expected that I don’t think he did shaking his head I know Parker

Did all right Johnny says good shot Daryl Nice Shot he just try to run it up middle and hope that fall Falls is it going to fall not with Johnny’s quick hands 1 2 3 4 5 One Mississippi yeah five Mississippi yeah Ace Rogers Mississippi Cody speaking of Cody

Me he’s in the in the chat baby right out see what else is going on here so let’s see who we had checking in we’ve had Nigel in New Zealand yeah we’ve had uh Canada check in Finland check in had Germany check in Brazil checked in that’s

Right ace Rogers big push right here for thr for point oh he just rolled and gave up a point no thought maybe that one might drop I thought David won says Kentucky Kentucky yes the Bluegrass Country Michigan of course yeah home of uh can Michigan goated bags will rule the

ACO and what is that I don’t know I can’t rate it I don’t know something with bet your knee yeah a little shootout going here yeah Parker’s playing well man yeah he’s got a nice Groove going especially against Daryl mon who who by this point after everything that we’ve seen over the last

Couple of days with the the way that you know like I call it that hitch in his gine up the way that he delivers the bag you’d think his arm be ready to fall off at this point but God Almighty I’m amazed at the number of different ways

That bags get delivered to the boards these two guys are seniors and they got to be tired yep and we mean that in the nicest possible I really do I mean well and they’ve been playing all day both days as you know as have the younger

Guys but you know we saw what fresh legs also did for some of our Pros who rolled in just today Jack harcrow and uh absolutely Tyler Goodwin both rolled in today and I I think that certainly served them well it’s true but the Youth of Mason Higgins was more than anybody

Could overcome yeah I think Craig Irvin caught the brunt of some of that as well but I think he is still is he still in uh doubl I want to check the rest Craig and Tyler are they’re out no yeah Jerry Armstrong and Gary Ferguson are down to Higgins and Pierce

Right now five nothing Matt lead better and Zack Rush await the winner of that match I could have sworn I saw those guys in here still but I don’t know where they did go again waiting in the king seat Bryce Jefferson Sebastian Barger Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce

Still hold that five nothing lead over Jerry Armstrong and Ferg Johnny Thomas and darl Megan open up his a 7 nothing lead and boy I tell you what as well as Parker’s been playing Parker briet where what happened there giving your heads up what happened there that that bag from Parker just

Popped and Russell Tab S arms I mean uh Tyler and Craig finished 25th did they I was just searching through the bracket for him there I would I thought I saw them continuing on but that was half hour ago or so good stuff again good times been had by all

Here I do believe in Dalton Georgia and looking forward to getting back here the good news about this room that we’re in you can open up the wall we’re staring at right now and double the size of it and I do have a feeling that that’s

Going to have to be the case at one point they had another convention going on on the other side of the room but I think they’d be more than happy to open it up to us based on what I heard from the consessions folks they said they

Liked it huh oh yes they did yes they did up and over goes Johnny Thomas great shot Center a steps out to the very edge of the red carpet a good very well played up and over again dead center showing off yep he’s couldn’t get it to go no

Couldn’t replicate that he was up four that same success migy tuning in Tim Smith I saw MC girl velvet Devin Thompson Donnie Long back again I know he’s been catching some big fish out in the Tennessee River yeah migy and his crew one of the three uh pre-parties hosted welcome parties

Hosted in Clarksville that’s the one I I attended another one I think is going to be uh from uh zero to Hero after just one year I think we’re going to be expanding that major in the coming season as well that was a beautiful building V you missed out it was like

Old basketball arena for uh Austin P oh boy sneaks one off the back does Daryl oh Parker I thought he got them all right there one kicked off to the left that bag is is on the Slick side it may go oh he didn’t catch still picks up a

Penny this is Elimination Game 12 to one Johnny Thomas and uh Daryl mon in the lead a a chance Johnny’s got one out of play Finn you talking about an unusual occurrence yeah well he’s playing he’s pretty uh he’s playing throttle wide open here yeah he’s not afraid of the air mail

He’s nice bag bringing everything he’s got Ace needs to get this bag in try to get a wash cuz Parker’s playing pretty well down on the other end there it is nicely done leaves plenty of room for Johnny to do the same oh wow he’s Lu B

Was there to use as a bumper Bank Cherokee Alabama checking in Paul Malone let’s go yep James Tulie says hello from Missouri I’m just sitting here waiting on the Bentonville major well take a nap or something yeah you got a couple more wins here buddy

Might need to yeah get a little shut eye yeah Scottsburg Virginia checking in a lot of good games Doug I agree with you what a what a what a Center Court we have had this weekend it’s been really good for us actually we’ve been here a l

A lot of a lot of hours but it’s been good we’ve had some really good games yeah I had a lot of fun earlier too with the Game Zone challenges as well with whole nation I see I almost made that bag too rich Tracy pile yeah you almost took that mini bag

Long toss absolutely question is could you have done it twice nicely done there by midd oh boy now a little hot spun a little out of control Parker talking to I don’t know but he’s going to have to uh put an end to that conversation get

Out of his own head he was not I think he said a bad word fan mm no such thing I tell off on them too don’t I told off on Kim dice did Kim said a bad word uhoh several times I tell you what I think everybody on the Barger family tree is

Tuned Sebastian’s great grandmother mom is watching hey hey mom nice bag there by Ace to get around oh look at Johnny he got lucky with that tell you that right now he’s lucky that bag didn’t it did car them off the back mhm these guys are just creating

Lanes for one another and taking them another 10-point wash Ace Roger how old do you think Ace is he is either 18 or 37 he’s 16 man come on that’s a big old boy that’s right I know I forgot he’s a he’s a junor he can’t be

18 and be still be a junior yeah he a big old boy for for 16 yeah what is he about 6′ 6’1 yeah he he’s about talls me little over six Brad Woods T don’t win buddy you got that right Brad woods from my Nick of the country best hat thrower in the

Game now he can even beat Bryce Jefferson in a hat throw yeah boy and uh I caught his ass out just end didn’t yeah Daryl uh left one lay out there and Parker little bit too much mustard on that one Daryl’s going to come in left or right

Right it’s all right it’s all right get propped up by your partner right there up and over oh and that’s way too much he knew as soon as he he’s done man I think he done his head’s checked out his head is checked out just so you know the

Rest of this game is on you now buddy and you hate to see that too to get this far and then just allow yourself to to get twisted up 15 to one was you want to playing a world class team here now discour use it as a Mo motivation

Absolutely they are throwing the elit 1839s how about that Johnny a little bit like Jack he’s like yeah you know what I think I’m going to do I’m just going to throw that a just show you what I can do whatever I want here’s another one yeah sorry about that brother Mike Cochran’s

Watching Indiana C watching Y how about that my boy is 68 and throws a pretty bag but he won’t compete he might want to pick a basketball up I don’t know how old he is is there what’s who’s the tallest person in this in this ACO is it uh Robert

Um uh Whitehead Cole Whitehead’s pretty tall Cole Cole’s tall yeah shers the shreders yeah he’s up there the Shredder’s about five but uh what about Robert oh man I just blanked on his last name I feel like a dumbass um whatever I don’t know let’s move on to another question

Pass if you can help us out pass on my own question all right so one hanging out there to the left Parker has an opportunity to come back and did you see that did you see what just happened there Johnny Thomas nice job good job

That’s the way they that’s how you do it If he if he was from Mississippi he wouldn’t have said a word just saying he wouldn’t tell me that oh he did tell me a good shot on an air Mill I hit when I played him yesterday

Yeah and man you just got to throw the bag in a hole when you playing Johnny Thomas you can’t jack around he is so solid man he still has the line of the tournament as far as I’m concerned oh he does with you yeah thank you f you keep about that show

Off another Deuce show off uhhuh I hope I’m trying to say he’s looking at you I’m trying to say it loud enough for you to hear me hear you yeah what’s so funny is he knows you’re saying it whether he knows you’re saying it or not look his

Face turned red too I had him laughing how about that that’s why he’s doing it Troy Catlin he about OG Gia from up in Indiana moved down to Gulf Shores Alabama to soothe his wife and how about that we saw a good comeback on the herds

A minut ago don’t count these guys out Daryl’s got one off the back let’s see what’s going on in some of these other matches here let’s see Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce are up over Jerry Armstrong and Ferg 17-9 three points there for Ace and

Parker yeah so 20 to6 now just a handful of games left now as Bryce Jefferson and Seb B Barger I would imagine are still you’d like to think out warming up somewhere to get ready to defend that King seat there’s the here’s the comments I like to see what’s that David

Penny Jon David Penny Jones Love American cornhole organization first year playing at any in any Majors been to three would be at all if I could Glasgow Kentucky come on buddy that’s the reason I’m sitting here on this table right cuz I love the ACL no question no question

Yep somebody asking who was two men in a truck I tell you what I’ve used two men in a truck a couple of times bang up job they do a great job so we were talking about where Sebastian Works he works for the moving company out of out of

Jonesboro Arkansas Jarrett Ray Bark’s ACO player nice company too does a bang up job yep now are they national uh moving comp or is that a regional pretty Regional pretty Regional y Boogie is pretty tall Paula Steven says yeah Tennessee represent come on boys I don’t know who she’s saying to I don’t

See anybody from Tennessee out there but that’s okay bought Brad wood said he bought tossa tickets today living on toss of time my man maybe she’s talking about Ace’s hair that Tennessee waterfall I I pick on about that hair all the time is that a layup by Daryl

Mon oh my goodness did he just lay up or did I don’t think he did it on purpose he didn’t want to but he did well you know what a 20 on six you can afford to lay one up he just wants he just wants Johnny to be able to yeah

Come on Johnny to finish that game for you he Johnny to show off one more time mhm run it right up there leave it Oh I thought he’d run it up and leave one oh man Trey Howard Seth Turner there’s another one that that’s going to

Do it right there 20 on six is not going to survive that right there so Ace said I’m going to go ahead and give it a shot Johnny runs it right up the middle that’s going to do it 21 to six congratulations to uh a a team that if

You saw them on paper y if you’d seen them on paper you’d say yep absolutely based on the way these guys have been playing and uh you know what it’s all right ace and Parker they showed out nicely they made it this deep into a stacked field of doubles teams well done

Let’s see who’s going to be over here next we’re going to be looking at uh who do we got right now Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce after just dispatching with Armstrong and Ferguson 21 to n they’re going to take on on court one Matt lead better and Zach Rush Center Court now

Will be Brandon Earls and Darren zastro against Johnny Thomas and Daryl maken who you just saw get the job done here against Ace Rogers and Parker Brigette and I I love that encouragement from Johnny after it was all said and done good stuff Trey Howard what do you say

Hit the Thumbs Up Button y’all let’s go says Shane Smiley these guys are going to wrap up their warmup tosses take a moment to remind you about uh some different upcoming Majors that we’ve got still happening here if you want to get in and still make enough points to get to the

World championships in Owensboro Kentucky you can still do it Bentonville March one and two looks like it’s pretty close to sold out the Tulsa major at Central Park Hall there in Expo Square in Tulsa Oklahoma March 89 there is room for you would love to have you the

Europe major don’t know that you’re going to be uh running over to Manchester England to earn points but if you want to got you got a passport come on bring it March 22 23 and 24 and March 29 and 30 are going to wrap up my

Birthday month and a uh Poria style and Peoria Illinois at the Four Points by Sheridan that’s going to be a good one then we roll into April at shreport Boer there at the Boer Civic Center in shreport Louisiana big pre-party set for that at East Park oh I’m sorry uh is it East

Park East Bank East Bank yeah Cedar Rapids follows from there going to be just outside of Dallas and Grand perie Texas think about this I mean especially if you’re in kind of the the Bread Basket of the country Black Hills Rapid City South Dakota then we roll up to

Toledo the last City on May 3rd and 4th Mobile Alabama May 3rd and 4th as well Camp Margaritaville and auale Florida May 17 and 18 and everything comes to a conclusion with our ACL final major of the year in Pro Series and Skins game of the year in Branson Missouri on May 24th

And 25th on Memorial Day weekend so looking forward to lots of great Majors still to go and you still got time to earn those points and get yourself into sweet position for the world championship chips in Owensboro Kentucky Johnny Thomas darl mon Brandon Earls Darren zastro zastro lets it Go got his over

The ear headphones on you don’t see as much as many uh sets of over the ears and that right there is one of the more unique deliveries you’re ever going to see I was afraid for him just for a moment there this first time I’ve ever

Seen him pitch and the first time I’ve looked up from my computer screen to be honest with you I almost went out there to help him up but that’s what he does and he does it well or he wouldn’t be here he said that one’s on

Me five on zero that’s a 129 and an 86 rounds one and two Daryl takes first bag lets it go from the higher seed blue Lane perfectly play blocker there and Brandon Earl’s just so smooth man so smooth we absolutely have four completely different throwing styles on this uh on

This court right now it might actually be possible hinderman to be honest with you we have four players in five different throwing Styles stacking them up on the right side like there’s something to win over there darl says all right I’ll I’ll go back to the middle if you don’t mind

Going to pile it up there and just call it around nothing anybody’s going to write home about but it keeps it a five to nothing again let us know where you’re watching from who do you think is based on who’s left who’s going to take it

Down kind of curious to see what you think Bryce Jefferson Sebastian Barger in the king seat right now Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce getting ready to take on Matt lead better and Zack Rush that one still has not started Matthew Davis and James Hill await the winner of this

Match I know Darren’s astr is no joke my man that’s just again I’m always amazed by the number of different ways that the bags get delivered to the boards and I am in no position whatsoever to talk of any smack about anybody based on my inability to even touch the uh the top

Of the board based on uh on my technique I that’s why they Clinton from IMF developed a set of bags for me called carpet Burns cuz that’s uh where most of mine end up on the carpet on the side of the board oh goodness Bryson Sebastian one game that’s the call

Yeah DJ is from Russellville Kentucky but he’s watching from Pigeon Forge tell Dolly we said hello my man may be hanging out with you you CH in that area huh yeah how about that chip Garrett I know he busted out of here last night he only lives about 90 minutes away MH

Showed up at the pre-party Johnny and Daryl hold on to a 6 nothing lead but Brandon and Darren at any moment could bust out for three or four hell no who knows I mean we we’ve seen some very odd large single scores here not a ton

But I tell what these two these two kids can play he throwing the b3s man he is that motion is like I was talking about that earlier I know you probably were basically told us shut up shut up who told you shut up not me I think somebody

Misunderstood what I was trying to say I looked up and caught him for the first time and that was the first time I had seen his delivery and it is that is going to be one he’s going to have to adjust as he gets older cuz his body is

Not going to allow for that kind of flexibility get two points right there though oh goodness he’s one I had a little conversation with earlier today I was asking are they throwing B what what’s uh they’re throwing b3s b3s that’s what I thought yeah yeah I think

Uh Brandon Earles is a B3 player mhm I know Andy’s happy with that small gathering of about the same people that hang with us every every tournament all the way to the end how about that mhm yep the SVC uh typically here late into the evening time and time again

Mhm they’ve done a marvelous job getting this room picked up Caleb and Isaac Hertz still waiting to fight their way back towards the king seed holders right now Bryson Sebastian let’s see Frank going up oh got one to drop got one to set Frank and Jay Boogie got a big match

Going on over there looks like a singles match how about that who who you got in that match I’ve got Frank I don’t know the further we away we get from Thursday night the more I bump my money on Boogie Thursday night Frank is pretty unbeatable Saturday night Frank nice

Bag oh boy Johnny lucky to grab that one right there oh and an air M shot there he made Johnny feel better about his bag for sure he was able to kick off that he’s lucky he didn’t shoot deep there nice air mail to follow up oh Johnny

Chased up and he gets one yep looked like he was trying to chase that and move it a little bit but N9 on five that’s that’s fourpoint swing right there six to six six on six six to six I think my voice gets higher as the night goes yeah mine gets uh emptier

Yeah the fatals that’s the b3s that they’re throwing the fatals and we’ve seen uh Brandon throw those all day I don’t remember him throwing them last night but I’ve remember seeing them all day long today oh what a darl Mak fantastic air M Get on

Up have to come up with a new uh a new noise to make yeah now I’m thinking about over he’s got boom and bang and beat two in a row in the center baby give it to him how about that field goal HS and he’s going to chance pick up four

Take the Lead back right up the middle he doesn’t have to do anything special there but just slide Johnny Thomas Point how about that yes he did very Roman Reigns of you Johnny Thomas acknowledge Him Ace Rogers and Parker B no Jeremy says swoosh nah I’m thinking about how about that

Yeah Sebastian Barger and come on F Sebastian Barger yeah and Bryce Jefferson in the king SE in the doubles how about that yeah took down the Herz to get to the king SE Matthew Davis and James Hill a waiting the winner of this that’s another good team Mason Higgins

Cody Pierce up 86 over lead better and Rush right now the winners of those two will face off and then face off against Caleb and Isaac I guess Jerry and Imon Jerry and Fergie yeah I do believe so I believe the Armstrongs have bugged out yep all right looks like celebrating

Tina’s birthday as we speak adjustments have been made yeah 13 to6 now that’s a big round for Johnny mhm there six his head cuz cuz he’s trying to play that block game right behind him done and this cut bag is not cutting right now this is up and over Daryl

Making another air mail R here it comes yep Zing Bingo backside smash man he is he is hitting those a I think shoot it again he’s in a Groove how about that that is not the least bit annoying nope and he gives he gets another four

Spot right there and those air Ms are taking that roll bag right out of the game yeah they sure are yeah and that’s one that uh many have been counting on not as much not as much in the situations where we thought they were but you know we even talked to Mason

Higgins about that earlier like there was a chance he had to roll one and win it and he just went for the air mail and then took him a couple extra frames to get the job done nice bag there by Johnny I just man that all that motion I

Would me all up yeah well yeah the mechanics of that throw there is a lot going on there just seemed it would it would drive me crazy to try to get back to square I think I’d probably fall down yeah good bag going to force him to

Uh going to take a look at it yeah what you think do what you think is best oh he came in low he pushed through got it but he didn’t he gives up a point yeah that maybe that other one there at 9:00 block might go and uh Brandon gave

It a little extra Split Second there to see if it would fall but physics are what physics are and it hung up so 18 on six Johnny Thomas Johnny got away with a bag off the board Mak yeah still holding their own three times the score of

Brandon and Darren right now 18 on six what else is going on here Higgins and Pierce up 14 to8 on lead better and rush we are getting close to crowning doubles Champions here and Dalton Georgia I almost said M Georgia sing sing sing with a nice compliment yeah appreciate you brother yeah

Absolutely means a lot oh when Daryl leaves one short can he survive nope he’s going to give up a point yeah that one’s dirty dirty that’s all right he gave himself a hug he F yeah he did 18 to7 we’ve seen bigger comebacks James seals with his long pant

Shorts boy right there is one I know uh Darren would like to have back yeah that can be such a bothersome bag well it’s in your ey line it’s in your head it is both of them have touched just on the front of it now you

Know you got to get over it three bags in a row cuz that’s where you want to land a bag four bags in a it’s a good thing it’s got It’s pointed toward the hole I suppose to give them room to get around the front edge of it nice bag right there

Yep and Matt Davis and James Hill await the winner of this one Trey Hunt says Daryl’s been on fire with air Mills he absolutely has Trey let’s go bees that must be for Killer Bees yeah as you see darl making make all those air mails and then drop a bag short of the

Board that’s going on for you buddy that was the air fail yeah that was one of my great sayings I had look he’s got another bag off the board he is throwing in the Philip Barnett frame of mine uhhuh he watched your frame Game and learned everything absolutely you taught him everything he

Knows yeah all right so Brandon’s got a what a what he going to roll it now he’s going to push oh nice bag right there nice clean up pick up three points M let’s see if his partner can hold Johnny down to keep this game moving Johnny Johnny’s been throwing pretty pretty

Good as s 20 on 10 yeah first bag on its way there you go right down the middle underneath now let me ask you a question what do you think he’s listening to F uh I’m I’m going to guess a yoga tape to keep that flexibility I’m

Thinking some kind of punk rock man you think I don’t think it’s punk rock Johnny’s got another bag off the board I don’t know if you see it it’s laying back there in the backyard as Boogie likes to call it mhm and Dan cleans up he’s going to get

A point at least yep yep one point and uh so far in the last few rounds Johnny and Daryl have averaged one bag off the board they’ve had a had a tough go of it here when it looked like they had it easily in hand but again the wild card

Here is the guy that just let go of The Bag Man yeah Brandon Earls just cannot count him out no heck no he’s he’s been doing it all weekend yeah SOLO may be counted out right now buddy this could do it right here that bag is not going to be

Getable going have to hope that Daryl makes a another mistake another boner if you will that’s pretty much going to call it a night right up the middle he built that there it is on ramp bang that’s going to do it going to do it all right the Alabama boys are

Moving on one bag left to go Johnny Thomas Daryl Meg they finish it off 21-1 they’ll now face off against Matt Davis and James Hill James Hill who is still thinking about that bag from last night got he’s staring a hole through me what

Did I do James you think he is but I think what he’s doing he’s looking at the scoreboard that’s down on the ground right in front of us I keept thinking a lot of people oh uh oh he’s giving you the yeah stink CU I talk about hisain shorts or pain

Long pants whatever Center Court welcomes Matthew Davis and James Hill back to it Johnny Thomas and darl mon the number four seed will stay in the higher seed blue Lane they’re going to oh it’s what it is now they’re now he’s trying to come up with reasons why

He dropped a dirty bag on there it was moved right when you threw it off to the left too right oh yeah yeah absolutely they having fun late at night for a couple old guys aren’t they huh yeah this is this is good stuff man a

Ton of you watching on Facebook glad to have you along for the ride as well a bunch of you here on the YouTube channel all these comments are are uh welcome and appreciated we’re loved to have you and we want to know who you think’s

Going to take it down based on the teams that are left it will be Thomas and mon will it be Davis and Hill this is going to be onehive versus one high Higgins Pierce lead better and Rush hurt and hurt or the king seed holders Jefferson and Barger you know

One Hive versus one Hive mhm has been go ahead and say his last name B danowitz yeah uh I hope I’m getting it right I feel like I am it’s B danowit it’s BDO BD I say B danowitz because he’s a Bag Man armite versus armite yep killer bees

Will win yeah BD danowitz Ben BD danowitz DN chitty that’s a good call for you yeah well done Jerry stallion’s getting a call out yeah what’s up Jerry all right little bit of love being exchanged back and forth before the first bag flies out of the right

Paw of Johnny Thomas I just got to asked if if Eric is cold in the truck right now what makes you say that he looks like Kenny from South Park he is yeah he could use a shell here I got one more if you want this will fit over top of

Everything he looks like he’s getting ready to go into a swap [Laughter] raid oh man a little bit of a James trying to roll on that board again a roll and a bank off if you tap it little little they started I thought theyve already been

Down the B one two three four five six he wants to take a time out already Matt Davis seven seven bags on top of the board he’s he’s trying to get him to tap that one that’s right there in front of him I’m going tell you right now Johnny

Johnny Thomas has two bags that’s going to fall If he if he hits it and from the look what I can see right here looking over over my shoulder I can’t see the there you go yeah Johnny Thomas got two bags he going to fall he’s got one right

There yep and if he can if he can hit it just right but he does run the risk oh well eight bags on top yeah there we go there’s a PPR killer right there is a PPR killer I think this late in a game on a

Saturday night if you put in a four on four I think uh score Holio should spit it back out and go quit your line there’s no way absolutely especially with you you have you average of 10 m what’s up Tammy graph Clinger Tammy yeah Claud Miller what’s up Claude Miller had

Seen you out here in a while I still owe you one Bubba Says Championship throwing those four on fours mm nice bag by Daryl Ming slide in slide in for the was big guy there you go sometimes there’s just nothing there why take that big risk yeah especially

When you’re playing guys like darl me and Johnny Thomas yeah I no need to force it no no you let it come to you man cuz Johnny Thomas is going to do Johnny Thomas most of the time yeah James steel is a really good player

Though you know he he did get a bad break last night but he is a really good player one of the more demonstrative yeah players to be sure somebody T was a former Air Force Captain right that’s what we got last night yep yeah and see why don’t don’t why fight

That battle perfect bag by James Hill we could very well be here for quite some time with this match we [Laughter] could H man that’s a goodl looking player jersey that kids got on this with Mason H Higgins over there when you when he gets up you’ll see it I

Can’t see it I know that was designed by Jack Stevens we got some nice player jerseys available for you at American we were showing you some of them a little bit earlier mhm on screen just different color combinations yeah Jack Stevens his design um Acumen is is unmatched some of

These very cool I mean and there’s a subtlety to them but also just a really cool flash stuff that pops out mhm when C celebrated Rob Cook’s anniversary tonight now back watching YouTube ACO catching up on games love hearing YouTube well thank you we’re glad you’re here too love hearing from YouTube yeah

Absolutely I know they’re going to be heading to the Manchester major yeah that’s a fact Caleb hertz’s going to be headed that way I think the irin are headed that way no Isaac I don’t believe Isaac is going to go no he’s not I think it’s Caleb and uh Adrien maybe going to

Be heading over and I think Junior and Tammy’s going Junior and ammy I think uh boom is going with his wife good for boom Frank Sonia friends of theirs are going I’m going I’m taking my better half probably Eric Eric’s still he’s he’s a tough nut to crack we’re trying

To get April and Chris to go as well but uh Chris Chris is not a big fan of international travel no ninja ninja not uh no ninja not going to be part of this trip but we’re just going to go over there and set the base I do believe for

Uh multiple trips to Europe I think uh I’m trying to think of the the perfect City to introduce to the Mississippi ninja perfect just whenever I’m ready what do you think it is what do you think might be the perfect City I don’t know maybe London I don’t know we’ll figure it out

We’ll figure it out but uh who else did I see said that I think Chad and Kim may be going part of their Excellent Adventure here in season 19 Brian leam is Shannon Roberts are going there you go they were here this weekend yeah they were oh nice bag dropped a couple right

There oh I think this Joshua Pin said Johnny Thomas is a closet Georgia fan how about that what I knew Johnny had some never mind yeah I was just say be very careful it’s getting late oh man now this might be an unfair Advantage now uh lael’s playing rush

Over the PA and Zack Rush is still playing yeah Luke Ferguson back checking in the Bama Boys I holled at Luke earlier that’s not too bad not too awful bad just tell him to go up let me tell you something back side baby just crash that backboard he’s been making

Them he’s made all of them so far yep up and oh he’s just a little short man he almost pushed Matt’s other bag in there yeah a little bit of a kick he’s lucky he didn’t back end one himself or six on two sort of picked up

Four uh it ended up yeah six nothing how about how about James Hill Matt Davis going to and nail with uh Johnny and uh darl M they stepped up there with nothing but that in mind absolutely and James just went out of play and Johnny is going to make him pay

Right here I got a prediction y yep all right we’ll see if Johnny finishes the deal and he does so they’ll pick up a couple and get off the proverbial schneide yep six on two look out somebody made something down there yeah it was Frank oh hey it didn’t I

Thought that it didn’t matter I thought that had something to do with the doubles or something man no let’s see what’s going on here in this uh other game oh my God you’re not going to believe this Mason Higgins and Cody all right yep beat Matt lead better

And Zach rice what guess what the score was you got to be kidding me 212 no there’s no way absolutely look I’m not looking dude you you’re haunting me this place is haunted I’m telling you it’s it’s uncanny it is uncanny and if you are Zack Rush’s partner and again I I I

Know I say it all the time but it’s unbelievable yeah you better hope you’re the 21 but at least you know what your opponent will have absolutely Craig Irving is not still in Cody no he and Tyler got bounced about probably about an hour ago you getting

Your comments off of YouTube um I got both up here okay it’s cuz you’re a tech man yes I’m a tech wizard I can bring up two windows on my laptop I couldn’t even bring my laptop up surprised as you are nice oh he tried to roll that look at that

Fancy now what keep ey on Matt Davis a little bit some of his gestures back and forth with his partner he is all right man you’re going to have to roll it bab show some show some style coming in on the back about that’s not a traditional name man he got

Exited yeah I’ll tell you what the way it was coming in it was coming in back loaded but boy did it really get it roll over it was not the side roll that we normally see M that’s a great great replay what a shot and what the thing was it came up

With Force but it almost like it just whiffed just whispered over the top of Johnny’s bag and left it sit there pinned under his fin bag right there on the front at 6:00 that was a great shot it was that’s right up there with Mason Higgins double roll yeah that he had

There a little bit ago and that was a shot at a big time too right there they’re up eight to2 and they’re trying to keep the gas push down yeah Adam Gilbert James is always on the hill hill from my hood but throwing them bees always doing work beg Ben back down

W Mercy he says yeah you could just hear him talking it too right no no question no question at that exact volume absolutely Johnny come in hard and fast and off the back I I think that’s 10 on five huh is that Five Points yes sir I

Think it is 10 on five yeah yeah so how about that 13-2 Matt Davis strug on Center Court against the hers he’s thring pretty good right here he’s got a nice release point he does it’s real high he got a good sock game too with those Batman he’s called Batman yeah

That thumb kind of guides the bag to leave the size to let it go it’s a nice easy release stepping out a little bit there it’s not a bad back lay up for two Johnny says do not mess with that just let it go yep yep Brandy Cochran says she wants to be

Like that when she grows up me too Brandy me too 10 on eight puts another couple on there for Johnny and Daryl three types of rolls the wheel the back load and the front load I I can I can recognize the backload when it leaves to hand the

Others uh maybe it’s with that heavier butterfly grip I it doesn’t uh it doesn’t re reveal itself to me as quickly out of the hand well James he’s he’s kind of animated tonight I I guess after that oh boy how come that little Joker little short Joker never does that when he

Plays me fin ever cuz he knows you want him to do it I mean come on nice bag right there kind of pushing John bag out to the side there there so he’s got really no choice but to come in and try to oh my goodness are you kidding me two

Off the pack I was trying to see Daryl’s face it is a conern that’s going to be 10 on four four yeah yeah another six spot Good Golly Wall-E look at Johnny Johnny is fuming look at look at his face to four yeah he is fuming he’s competitive I

Mean I don’t care he’s getting late or not he is competitive and he don’t like doing that and he is fuming right now you can I can feel the heat over there G you getting warm it’s a good thing he’s not on the red side of the carpenter he

Blend right in No Lie nice block by Matt Davis right there look at you T couple of chili pepper emojis being thrown his leg oh boy good bag Matt he is set up for the kill yeah he set up to end this game darl’s got some a good bagely done

To Matt Davis finishes off this game is over Finn oh that does that does do it how about that Matthew Davis and James Hill will remain on Center Court Johnny Thomas and darl mon put it into a very very strong doubles tournament Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce await their turn

To step up onto Center court and let’s see they’re the number 12 seed Matt and uh James are the 28 seed so Mason and Cody will be running out of the blue Lane so they’ll swap it out a great weekend though by darl Mon and Johnny Thomas not the result that they were

Looking for but certainly got to be happy with digging this deep into it so Matt Davis and James Hill being red Mason Higgins and Cody Pierce in the blue Lane and you were about to see our singles champ singles champ in concert with his partner Cody

Pierce and it looks like he will be running shoulder toosh shoulder will Mason with Matt Davis the Batman and here comes Mama Higgins back over there she comes Mason’s having a good weekend yeah everybody’s going to run and uh yeah I don’t know what you told me

But that was that was a nice well played uh saying that roll bag was nice people just like to say I told you so or or I’m proving your that’s what they’re doing yeah I do not I’ve played against uh Mason and his partner before I swear what’s his

Name give me his name again who James’s partner no uh yeah Cody Pierce that’s it where we at in the bracket we are easing down is where we’re at in the bracket uh the winner of this will take on Caleb and Isaac there’s three games left possibly four three possibly four if the

Double Di comes into play but Bryce Jefferson and Sebastian Barger the 39 seed will be hosting the king seat portion of the program the number one seeds Caleb and Isaac will take on the winner of this match right here and very shortly maybe uh well I’m not even going

To I’m not even going to Hazard a again yes at a time here’s another unique toss right here Cody Pierce he takes that bag and he takes it all the way back almost to an unnatural elbow B it’s like the cop’s trying to handcuff him back there man that’s some flexibility you don’t

Normally see and it doesn’t seem like you’d be able to maintain control of the bag when it comes around your body but he does keep it in tight and my understanding from the uh from the truck is keep that elbow and tight to the body and that’s

The key to the entire shooting man he’s probably invented the the throw yeah talking about Eric hunman former former pro he talking him today about how much he loved cornhole until he started to get mad about it it’s fact I I can understand that he says I go out there

Now and if I play and I make some mistakes and I get mad about it I realize it’s not worth it’s not worth a stress it really is he quit working on it yeah he quit working on it and then all of a sudden you come out and you get beat by people

Whose uh names shall remain nameless but their initials May ride with FG oh and he said I couldn’t bear Los I thought she was going to throw me out there cuz you know I wore him out when he is a pro oh is that right I’m just kidding is that right ever all

Right he said there was a minute there was there was a 10year span where Frank never beat him and he said he’s beat him maybe three or four times in his whole life but it’s enough to get him to swear off the game so that’s something drive you to

Drink and wanted all right Batman Maximus do you know may rooting for says Alysa that was two that the double 12 there it is hey yeah yeah let’s I got mine hidden under the thing yeah there we go finer now while we’re on that subject you know where I met Eric right first

Time y the ACO was promoting the World Championship down in tuna Mississippi at the casino right and uh I I didn’t live very far from there so the first time I’ve ever met the ACL guys went to uh went down there met Eric and Frank and

Oh look at that Dallas Parsley was there with you guys yeah the man oh boy off the back he did he did take that one off the back out of play right there that’s not a good B by Mason right there I know I didn’t throw that

Oh my goodness look at man he he he is very animated too I’m going to tell you something right now oh if there was ever a uh an opportunity to grab a mulligan I think both of those guys would take it that scared I out of me I tell you what

Somebody just saw a duck run across the room from what I could tell is that what that was I think somebody threw one at your head and just said duck it was probably James Hill all right you all right all right that cracked me up funny that was

Funny you know what you got to think on your effing feet said we’re thinking on our ass here oh this is looking good now there’s still some gaming going on in the other part of the room how about uh one more shout out to Mia Ray and Brian Jones yeah

I’m doing great tab with Ryan running a fantastic tournament bad duck that’s exactly right Bad Duck hope we don’t do it again yeah you only got one pair of pants with no Li mhm little uh laundry basket building up right there going to add to it a couple drip

Through oh and he went for the air bounc it off the Northwestern side he’s going to get a at least a top four finish here and see doubles I know he I know he’s close in juniors let’s get having a good weekend already won the singles please don’t go off the board oh

It did please oh it did look at that muscle oh and it just got stacked up I don’t there’s a whole lot of I think that’s a wash a whole lot of nothing going on there for a wash exactly right it was exactly what a wash a five five

Was so look at that they start 12 on 12 then a six on two 12 on 10 and a couple of fives yeah it’s an unpredictable game oh James Hill did that on purpose oh how about to roll back from Cody nice James going to muscle it up there very well

Done be all right with that yeah oh that one rolled off to the right just a little bit got one to go out of play sck side just another 10 10 wash couple of Mickey Mouse ears wrap up the frame yep yep yeah PPR Killers that’s exactly right

Absolutely but you know what we have seen I think and and I maybe I’m wrong about this Phil but I feel like we’ve seen a lot more aggressive play I mean we had some long ass games but we have seen some very aggressive play that has that has sacrificed statistics for

Results I agree and you know what what does statistics mean if you don’t win right if you’re not winning it doesn’t matter absolutely it doesn’t if I’m throwing a two and you’re throwing a one yeah who cares man oh boy and that was Mason hickin off the back

And that could be f for the Batman let’s see it was uh what 12 on seven yeah yeah it was I think that might take that dirty word back Adam Gilbert says and and you can translate this for me if you’d like yeah Monday doubles at the Vets the shredder

Becomes the Batman do work I’m not quite sure is he sending some secret code to our allies he’s saying Paul schroer becomes the Shredder the Batman all right then he’s doing work on Monday nights at the at the Vets I tell you what Cody left that Middle Lane took

Advantage another four points right here thank you much I’ll take it got to get it in there all this to get a chance to play the world’s doubles Champions how about that in the king seat two years in a row yeah see him over there staying warm right

Now shout out to Espen Jackson Harold oxer and Brad Woods the world famous hat thrower that’s what I’m going to call him from now on well why don’t you just call him the hatman yeah we got Batman the hatman got the Hat man yeah the fat

Man said get Matt gam in here the Matt man yeah the Matt man it’s getting late late I’m running out of to we could turn that into a WP could we yeah you go ahead you go first I don’t think you want me to do that

Good Lord I wish I had my inversion table right now I feel like I’m about 4 foot2 yeah just ni nice finish for a was plugging away yeah but 11 on four davidon Hill over Higgins and Pierce Higgins and Pierce coming in the 12 seed going to make it a little board

Adjustment there to get it up where they want it looks like might just need a little kick one side I’m tell you what that board has been walking back a little bit I notic that more than the other one for sure when you and Boogie were uh doing the

Commentary over I was sitting over by Eric Eric mentioned it and I looked over there think was that far back man it drives Eric crazy too by the way oh yeah oh he and I both if you get one of these backdrops off center or anything it’s the only thing we can

Focus I know even one of those score tires they that was it yeah yeah all right so right now Cody’s basically got a couple as you like to say on lay away mhm not going to have to worry about him thought that was going to get them both that’s a bad break right

There I think he should have cleaned that up oh look he’s going yeah he’s going to try to come in what bully that out to the back side yeah he did he moved it just enough though he got it just where he wanted still tilting forward just a little bit

You just run it through and take the wash like that no chase good call no Pucket good call 1104 I see Caleb over there with Parker just staying staying warm Isaac is uh talking with Bryce I don’t know that they’re throwing but that was a good Banner between

Uh uh Sebastian and Bryce yes no Sebastian and Isaac during that game oh Isaac yeah yeah yeah when uh Sebastian pull a move one Isaac’s move on him yeah it surprised Isaac did yeah right’s got to get in there and grab a couple right there so Higgins and Pierce pick

Up oh they pick up five that was a 12 on seven yeah I thought they just picked up two yeah Batman not a play again he had one short I know makes the score 11 to N I see my monitors blocking the front side of the board so those dirty bags I don’t

Even see these guys in Parker Beret are the couple re main reason I continue to run ACL regionals also why I don’t play that much anymore they all kick my butt Troy Catlin I appreciate your cander sir yeah absolutely thank you good job Troy that’s

Funny oh up and over oh and he that’s the first air ma we’ve seen James shoot went for the risk no reward yeah oh he’s going to he went after one I like the air fails I get to say that now that you reminded me that was my

Saying one James that man that bag was way short way short I think somebody might need to go out and remind them of the rules of the scoring oh there it is that’s how the back Yep oh James misses three I tell you what that’s going to be five on one four points how about that see there’s the PPR who cares he got four points and took the lead out of it it’s guty I mean that’s that’s a crazy way to earn four

Points right give them up yeah now then when you look at your PPR after this game you go back and see that one it will piss you off P you off that’s right go back and look let’s see if we can figure out exactly what frame that was

It was uh that was frame 11 yeah now if I’m Daren if I’m uh Cody guess where my first bag’s going to be right Square in the middle of the board absolutely let’s see if you can shoot some more Mr Heel but Mason he that’s a good

Bag oh Batman went for a huge push that bag is not pushable and gives up three points man just just take your medicine there Matt stay in front of the of the backdrop please sir I want to ask Matt in your lifetime how many times you made that think about that yeah

Yeah I’m tell you how many times I made it maybe once yeah Ricky Evans says Focus boys I’m fairly certain he’s talking to them and not us he’s not talking to us I’m pretty focused right now ped up man getting my second win that one right there is going to

Be tough to keep on little vibration can get that I think yeah especially with everything working left of the hole moving that one hit really soft that’s crazy and went up there just just he guys got the Johnny Thomas mag going on over there grabbed Cody’s bag and just

Kind of scooted it to the back side coming in right to left gots to oh what a bad break one drops and one sits up on the top yeah just drop it that’s what he says just drop it all right that thing hung on for dear life there for a

Minute 10 on four I already talked about his Brites long Fant whatever he’s got on is that 17 to 16 17 on 16 yeah big round for Matt oh and he miss missed it another one off the back somebody keep eye on him if this game is over after

This Frame yep cuz and it could possibly be two more bags in hole for Mason this game is done nice recovery though Matt kept his cool yep he’s got to go after this back F he has no choice and that’s going to do it game set match and the hurt’s going to take

On the kids and there it is just for good measure Mason Higgins Cody Pierce come out on top of Matthew Davis and James Hill the next game here on Center Court as you mentioned Against The Hurt Locker Caleb and Isaac hert who are both finishing up some warm-up tosses and

Working their way back to Center Court it’s no uh no coincidence that those gold doubles Team of the Year jerseys backto back years back to back years are uh being dawned by both of them I’m going to like this matchup right here yeah of Mason Higgins and Isaac hurt and what’s it’s interesting

Now Mason is the he’s going to be throwing now outside arm he’s staying on the same side so he much I guess he’d rather throw against Isaac than get over there to his inside arm so yeah I mean they they when sometimes that’s you can go matchups you don’t

Have to go sides well I wonder about Cody though now he’s throwing inside arm and he was going outside in he was bringing a lot of outside in before but again these guys can compensate that’s what they do Mason killing it this weekend and last weekend absolutely

Right Troy said A very wise man told me many years ago throw the bag you know you can throw not the bag you think you canow that’s hey that’s that that what a what a great philosophy that to come somebody like Dallas parsley Don Bailey

Or uh I want to say it was the dolly Lama oh okay that too I want to say a lot of things so I just went ahead and said that Doug Parker straight across from us over there exchanging hugs he had a pretty solid weekend probably didn’t have the

Finishes that he was hoping for but man he threw a great frame game yet again yeah um just we saw him on Center Court quite a bit in fact he had a real nice run a three or four games straight on Center Court earlier today getting this one ready and up and

Running again if you’re joining us on Facebook we are now in the loser bracket final to find out who will take on Bryce Jefferson and Sebastian Barger in the king seat of the world doubles here in Dalton Georgia and let me tell you something the loss over there Caleb

Caleb did not have a good game at all I I wonder if he got over there and worked out to Kinks or whatever he needed to and I don’t know I still have to wonder though about this the sides that these guys have checked chosen because I don’t Cody is not

Uh I don’t think he’s had that that same feel yeah throwing an inside arm 109 he and and he only picks up one with Point yeah with a one off the board yeah with one off the board that’s that’s normally a three-point round for Caleb

Her well we know Mason gets over on both sides I think we feel feel like we’ve said it a million times I think like the most aggressive play is going to come in this direction mhm these two are just going to fight it out gunslinging nice

Gather there we see that time and time again gosh man he just makes it look so easy boy but what he does when he has thrown as fast as he does he allows Mason to keep the pace that he wants to play versus what he was throwing earlier

Against Tyler Goodwin where he was sitting around going Good Golly oh boy that just hangs up no rake no rake it’s in the corner of the hole yep it’s stuck in the corner of the hole all right so that’s going to be another Deuce Caleb and Isaac hurt pick pick up winner this

Takes on the king seed holders Sebastian Barger Bryce Jefferson oh I’m telling you yeah I think you’re right he doesn’t look comfortable no he hasn’t over there and he didn’t have enough chance to to warm up from that position he he’s he’s off off off there’s a another one and I can

Expect that uh clean up here either if he doesn’t clean it up you can expect probably the roll through he almost knocked his bag off on the right hand side is he going to roll up over it no he just pushed through it this is going to be a bad round for

Cody and it just hung up on him I’m not sure what that was it might have been 10 on four might have been six points for in let’s see yep I called it and they threw it yep nine to nothing but I tell you it’s I mean you

Were walking straight into the lions den and when you got Isaac hurt tapping his toe to Abba you know he is relaxed dancing queen dancing queen baby look at him look at him going look at that toe he’s got the beat oh boy oh he was going for the kill right there he

Lipped out just a little bit Mason going to come in and try to run through and again a couple but he do give up two so my partner Dustin Bryce Jefferson rode with him he’s he’s been ready to go for a while Bryce is makes it to the

King seat bacon and eggs on the scoreboard right now Becky ht’s tuning in late night Becky hurt how about that mhm little construction project going on here in front of the hole Yeah Caleb’s just going to lay low and add to the uh mortar all the ho folks are out that’s

Man oh boy that’s another badag that’s horrible I’m telling you you’re right Finn he is struggling from that inside arm I’d roll it shoot it what he call yeah he said roll it didn’t he oh he said up and over now that turned out to be bad

And and good for for Mr Cody yeah cuz he took his bag and both of Cody’s bags oh and he gives up three more what happened to all the old folks mer one of them still sitting here struggling to stay awake hey man you’re only as old as your

Driver’s license say you are Phil come on well you know what kind of got away from it you know we lost co uh gosh dang it let me think about it for a minute okay all right who just died the cowboy the cowboy yeah the one singer Mo

Mix no country guy oh Toby Keith Toby Keith yeah he got a song called the old man don’t let the old man in and one of the lines in it is how old would you be if you didn’t know your birthday yeah you know it’s how you feel man great uh

Yeah that’s a great line in the song man that is a great line yeah my boy I lost my boy Mojo Nixon that’s why I thought because he’s he was sort of the the hillbilly potentate and trador yeah out on the Outlaw country Cru his band played that night closed the bar had

Some breakfast at the band and that was it 66 years old God bless Mojo and got a chance to work with him for a number of years Elvis is everywhere you know that allong that was him he went out the way he lived his life he his family

Statement was around the corner on two wheels on [Laughter] fire oh nice clean up look at that there you go there you go you got it man first time you’ve had it all day that yeah that’s a pretty good bag right there by Cody huh 11 on two now Mason

And Cody oh look at that that’s even a better bag that’s the first good roll bag I’ve seen him throw that was a hop skiing a jump off brother oh good night you think he’s intimidated by the Herz I and then he throws a get around the one

With the left turn signal on it I’m I’m telling you I know what the problem is it doesn’t have anything to do uh with the Herz I don’t think man how about this David Penny Jones I’ve been on here since 11:00 a.m. today man I love this

Game I’m 56 and going strong got a to be at work at 5:00 a.m. but can’t stop watching God bless you right on man absolutely you’re the reason we do what we do that and the fact that we get some pretty damn fine seeds to some pretty

Damn fine Sports I I love watching this too man I’m you know and I’m like I always say I ain’t blessed to be sitting here doing what I’m doing I feel you look at that you there you go do it again man there’s your drip there you go hang

On there it is oh nice bag there by Mason 16 to2 is the score they got a mountain to climb though I think that one yeah there’s a replay on that he said my bad what’s it my bad for Mason coming in oh nice clean up nice watch

This though watch this replay earlier this is Isaac’s bag that gets around on the right hand side and comes back in and just there it is that’s a beautiful shot something I don’t have never will have and a good follow of Mason finish strong I don’t know when we could fit a

Corn ho Cru CU we are busy busy I know the closest we may get is Lane that’s pretty damn funny again I will tell you cracking me up tonight you know I am very funny the um the uh one of the first clients of the ACL right

Back in the day was Carnival Cruise Lines they were the primary reason why you have resin pellets in these bags instead of corn yeah really yep go ahead and you got to tell that story pretty simple because after all that time the bag the corn would break down it would

Get moldy you know with the moisture around the ship an occasional varmint might get a hold of it and uh yeah so the breakdown kept the bags inconsistent the synthetic pet idea was born that’s going to do it right it does it no he had one off I’m sorry so that’s going to

Take him to 18 on four I forgot he had one off mhm Isaac wanted that a little bit more Center but he’ll take it but again Mason I keep forgetting about how good he is at that Mason is awesome that cut he’s going to make it a little

Harder for him to get to it he take that blow Bloss stacking him up right now I think Mason can play Isaac coming up and over oh he tried for that back shot put one off the backside Mason’s got to do all the scoring here cuz his partner is

Struggling mightily looking at two on two boy what what what what up and over he knocked Mason’s bag in though yep so four on two now it’s going to be at least two is he going to let him is he going to tell him to just

Lay it up wow he did y l up for three right 18 on four I think as as as aggressively as he’s been playing and like said that struggles Cody has had coming back I think I go after every point I can get there absolutely Cody Cody could be a little

Nervous though you know you’re on Center Court everybody’s watching you you’re playing against the world champions that don’t hardly miss you know and you you put a little pressure on yourself Mason Higgins he’s been in the moment all weekend though so he’s used to it

That’s not a bad bag bag could have hand placed it any better roll you’re going to roll shot oh kicks a couple down yeah he does those are both their bags weren’t they yeah y oh and now just lay up for two little bit of bad luck right

There no don’t lay up shoot it I think he thought he had three oh I love it that was that was that might have been the quote of the weekend he wanted it over with right oh God Seven underneath 19 right now that was funny shoot

It that sounded just like him over there that was pretty good I can do my hand Hill you can do your Isaac HT oh he’s going to end this game here in this round I believe he wants to put a stake through its heart yep and a steak

In his belly there it is right there no they go to Waffle House this late at night well you can still get a quote unquote steak in EDG there oh and he tried to get it done and that’s going to get it done but for The Hurt Locker how

About that Caleb and Isaac hurt Advance once again to the final they will have to double dip the king seed holder Bryce Jefferson and Sebastian Barger but nice job Cody Pearson Mason Higgins what a weekend nice weekend for Mason I was just to say that couple of majors in a

Row right here nicely done they can go home with their heads held high and their bank accounts a little bit bigger so the higher seed now the number one seed Caleb and Isaac HT looking to repeat from last week in Clarksville and uh continue to add uh just a little more

Gold to those jerseys those world champion jerseys double dip situation so if they plan to do it they’re going to have to do it twice twice Sebastian Barger got a big grin on his face check that out he must have him and Isaac have been they’ve been bannering back and forth yeah

So little love shack rolling in the background little b52s of course we do not own the rights to that musicals of the division get a little music coming in from the the master Ryan leel oh yeah brothers and here we go no don’t lay up also

Shock Zar thra is the song I do believe the theme from 2001 Space Odyssey Elvis Presley’s entrance music mhm and we we fixed to be underway Finn final games of the night baby or game how about it this the part of it that we’ll get the season toist over at

Some point I’m sure and we are underway first bag out of Caleb her’s hand and it’s a get around from Bryce Jefferson who has just been playing off look at that man how in the hell did he do that it got up on its shoulders and they both took a dive into

The bottom of the pool oh oh my we could be here for quite some time tell what the The X Factor here is Bryce Jefferson I think if he can keep his cool and just keep throwing like he’s been throwing just give up a couple that’s all he does right there he

He he strikes me too that over the years he’s minimized his throwing motion seemed like there was a lot more to it he’s very smooth though he’s very fluid very smooth and it’s got very compact there’s Brandy now I know what she’s talking about the Tennessee boys she talking about Bryce Je

Ah yes Tennessee and Arkansas the mids South well represented here plenty of eyeballs on us on Facebook plenty of eyeballs checking us out on the YouTube channel glad to have you all along for the ride here as we get underway with the American cornhole organization season 19 Dalton Georgia

Major last night wrapped up the pro series Skins game Brandon ears walks away with the big wooden barrel head Trophy and a big fat check nicely done and he had himself a great uh yeah he’s picked by the Mississippi ninja to do just that and that’s exactly what he did don’t uh

Tear your rater cuff here patting yourself on the back barely could reach back to that was pretty good your flexibility is uh is remarkable but uh yeah we watched the hers work their way back to the finals to absolutely no one’s surprise and there’s one of those Wild Card shot

What I’m talking about now can he keep his head together throwing those Gusto bags there same shot yeah no I think oh no they’re not throwing gust I think they’re probably throwing cbc’s yeah cbc’s we’s got the Gusto hat on I must have yeah must have

Gotten that for free from Boogie oh and another one off the look you watch his body language watch his facial expression F and that’s what’s going to tell the whole story well he punched the uh little little love tap to the banner Tracy pow Rich pow watching on

Intently waiting to waiting to get their little interview the interview with whoever it’s going to be yep I can guarantee you right now it’s the HTS they can just go back and use the last one copy paste that’s what I was just going to say I can I can

Guarantee you right now rich is taking notes on what in the hell could we possibly ask them already asked them he’s so he’s such a professional though I’m sure he’ll come up with something CB Ronin man I see oh and it’s two more all right so we’re back to bacon

And the Egg that’s right 11 to nothing already if you recall the score of the game that put the Hertz into the losers bracket 21 to 20 so we hug we are in for a ride here my friend they had a big lead and let him come back Bentonville Arkansas will be

The next major on the books and then a whole host of others you can check them out at American find a certified official near you get your membership you can still work your way points wise into throw andboro Kentucky working up to that last Saturday in July for World cornhole day

ACL World cornhole day A nice double four bagger there there’s one maybe one of our final fines here yeah might be let me let me grab under the table clink there we go you know you if he in bville look me up show me where your cooler is there you

Go I know the shot lady will be there bringing all those shots jell variety yeah 11 on nothing up and over and takes the chance see he didn’t lay up y he’s not going to lay up he’s not going to give that advice he’s not going to take that advice Eddie

Devine said her’s about to get some ice cream and that en rode right dead left mhm bang run it up through left it out of play well I say that but that’s a stupid thing to say it did he moved it a little bit yeah it’s nicely done there

By he’s he’s been working on a little right uh uh I mean left to right cut I saw him show I saw him throw it a couple times yesterday stepped out and then he stepped back in did Sebastian no just eased up that’s all right they’ll pick up a couple there

Yeah they get off the goose he picked up three picked up three yeah appreciate that Isaac he says I Lov it when he said that he said to Bryce what do you what should I do he goes what what do you think don’t lay up all right Mason Higgins goes and

Collects some more little wooden thing hard and another check boy I tell you yeah he’s going to have to his taxes are going to be something yeah you got to claim that on your taxes I got one of those the other day you know get you to

$199 I got one in Clarksdale I no I had to claim it mhm nice bag Bryce nicely done there he going to probably get up two here yes sir and Caleb’s getting locked in man that is a uh there’s Renee Shindler he was one of the ones that was in Las

Vegas Abol welcome to the broadcast Renee one of our German friends yeah Hop was hoping maybe to see him in the uh at the Manchester yeah and I told him I told him we had some back and forth on nice bag right there to clean it up I

Said Renee so why don’t you come over well I’d like to but I can’t because I play elsewhere and I’m like Renee you’re a grown ass man you can do whatever you want to do you can do whatever you want to exactly what you said you know what

I’m talking about I know what you’re talking about man all of you are yeah don’t let anybody tell you what you can and can’t do right if you’re a grownup uhoh oh wow man he got break it’s two that was as soon as it left his head

Like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he hit that it didn’t turn out that bad though it actually worked out all right but he hit it Square in the face here’s what you do you go around behind that thing and yell duck yeah boys are playing A little sloppy yeah this been a little

Bit messy but it’s been a long couple of days my man to get to this point you you have maybe exhausted a good portion of what’s in the gas tank and some of your best shots but I tell you who has gotten stronger ISAC and Caleb have got

Stronger as they’ve gone through here they are playing better nice bag oh and he’s dialing in please I think I’m going to do that from now on no on air Ms coming up and over again oh got one in he dropped it in but he didn’t drag

His front side no Vice is going to do that he’s going to do it oh look at that he went off the back dropped game set match we’re going to game two right now he threw that up there the only one that went in was Caleb’s bag his goes

Off the back and look at look at his facial yeah’s all right thumbs up well at least his Hat’s still on yeah so we’ve seen Market improvement from the last time he’s got to be proud of his game though man Bryce’s game has come so far over the last couple of

Years Sebastian just continues to get better and better in both of these boys in the gold I mean they wear it well I tell you what you said that about Sebastian Sebastian’s game right now I know he had to take some time off for a little accident

Yeah but his game is is is in a good good uh yeah good spot spot right now happy with him coming back as quickly yeah as he did but I tell you it doesn’t seem to be worse for where and he gets the first two what kind of velcro bags of the hurt

Boy throwing that’s what we’ve been asking it’s like they got little fish hooks in them and they grab it and go Matt gamon just tuning in thanks for the butt whipping a Matt and Bryce out of play again and Caleb has made him pay in this game the

Last game he couldn’t make him pay when he missed he was taking advantage of those opportunities what’s he going to do here is he going to roll it he tried to roll it now he he let he let Bryce off the hooks he can run it up

Through nice bag that’s a good bag Bryce it wasn’t that funny Matt just tell you right up Main Street there you go is he going toy try to pull that one we know him well enough to know that I know what Isaac would have told him to

Do oh yeah no question I am surprised he went right to left instead of try to go left to Center but you know what I’m not going to argue with him Welcome to the Jungle baby that’s where we it was a real question have not thrown ACL wonder what the bags

Are oh sorry oh Doug I don’t know what kind of oh oh he’s he was serious about the velcro we thought you were kiding no they’re throwing Gusto bags Gusto bags and uh the other ones are throwing CBC Ronin Ronin yeah so the no velcro it just seems that

Way it is a very the boards are a little bit sticky tonight though little stickier than they have been all weekend although I feel like they’re moving a little bit better here now that the room is cleared out well it’s getting like it’s it’s like 30 below in here right

Now I just can’t believe it’s not playing fast it is weird that a couple of sides of beef have been brought into be hung in here for carving later no lie one that you know you had you said you had the Lumberjacks next door I think they’re in the cattle yeah might

It might be I feel like you and I should be doing this uh commentating hanging from a hook upside down there’s nothing there’s never been one as cold as you had me in Panama City when that fan was blowing up oh yeah oh my gosh oh brand he says brand uh oh okay

Then not sure the series of Gusto yeah I don’t know we’d have to ask they may be the rains he’s got a bunch of different yeah series out there and I think these are different bags than they were throwing earlier I think they were throwing the blue

Pattern bag so I don’t know what it is that they decided to do if they’ve gone with a faster bag I think they’re slower to be honest would you no I mean if they’ve tried to go to a faster bag to compensate for the slower boards and Sebastian he down the center man

Really smooth yeah I just going to say the same thing product 870 cornhole over parag Arkansas oh they might be grits says grits or the metals wash just a wash just a wash all right so game number two two nothing right now Caleb and Isaac took game number one 21 to3 in the

Double dip scenario now it’s just a oneand done whoever wins this will be our world doubles Champions here in Dalton Georgia and we will call it a tournament looking forward to getting back here in the coming season 20 yes season 20 wow for the American cornhole organization o stands for organization

Looking forward to the pro series next year That Got Away Bry off the hook again yeah he did he took advantage of it Ry let me tell you something he worked to get his game like that he used to post videos all the time with him practicing

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