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High Ticket Online Coach Helping Hundreds Of Entrepreneurs Transform Their Lives: Kirk Miller

Meet Kirk Miller, founder of Built To Last (BTL) a premium service that is designed for entrepreneurs and business owners to transform their health and fitness through education and lifestyle management. Join us as we delve into how Kirk found his niche within the fitness industry utilising his mindset on health and wellness. Kirk talks about the internal pain and struggles he faced trying to find his path after losing out on his dream at 20 years old and doing a job he wasn’t passionate about. To being on the cover of Men’s Health magazine at 26, we see how Kirk transformed his mindset to pursue a passion for training and fitness and turn it into a successful business. He also explains how vital mindset and education are within the fitness industry and how to stay physically fit in a healthy way. We explore how fitness coaching goes deeper than diet plans and training sessions and how important it is to implement a sustainable mindset for a healthy lifestyle. Finally, Kirk explains his hopes for the direction of his fitness business and his goals for the future.

Key Highlights:
-The internal pain and struggles within Kirk’s identity after his football career ended at 20 years old.

-Delving into the process of Built To Last and why Kirk believes his programme is the best in the fitness business as an online coaching service.

-The importance of collective energy that makes up a team and how that environment can benefit and affect clients.

-Understanding skill issues, belief issues and environmental issues and how these cause people to struggle to achieve the results they are after with their fitness.

-How the mindset of starting a fitness journey at a ‘convenient time’ counteracts his business’s ideology of maintaining a lifestyle that lasts forever.

-Why social proof and investing in the quality of content you produce as a fitness business owner is vital to attracting clients.

-Kirk’s fitness journey and how he has adapted his training style to suit his lifestyle, mental health and wellbeing.

-Reflecting on the fitness industry and discusses the direction he believes it is heading and what fitness business owners should be doing!

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:00:41 – Kirk Miller’s Story
00:11:46 – The Importance of Community in Fitness
00:15:10 – Client Transformation Stories
00:18:04 – The Built to Last Program
00:19:44 – Coaching Philosophy
00:20:54 – Success Story: John Hockaday
00:24:32 – Success Story: Luke Bland
00:28:18 – Importance of Lifestyle and Environment
00:28:41 – Fitness Journey and Evolution
00:29:03 – Current Fitness Routine and Lifestyle
00:36:00 – Personal Philosophy
00:36:18 – Importance of Mentorship
00:36:39 – Value of Learning from Others
00:37:05 – Role of Mentors in Personal Growth
00:38:52 – Importance of Investing in Yourself
00:39:28 – Common Mistakes in the Fitness Industry
00:39:47 – Importance of Personal Fitness for Coaches
00:40:54 – The Problem of Overworking in the Fitness Industry
00:42:11 – Importance of Setting Standards as a Leader
00:42:58 – Building a Successful Business
00:47:06 – Investing in a Team
00:48:00 – Social Media Strategy
00:48:12 – Content Creation Process
00:49:56 – Frequency and Type of Social Media Posts
00:51:24 – Being Authentic on Social Media
00:52:23 – Importance of Telling the Truth on Social Media
00:54:14 – Personal Philosophy and Approach
00:55:31 – The Importance of Consistency
00:56:03 – Overcoming Excuses and Obstacles
00:57:39 – The Role of a Coach
00:58:27 – The Three Reasons People Don’t Transform
00:58:44 – The Power of Belief and Mindset
01:02:07 – The Importance of Community and Support
01:02:28 – Business Structure and Team
01:06:08 – Future Goals and Industry Trends
01:09:44 – Value of Investment in Health and Fitness
01:11:21 – Final Thoughts on Industry Standards
01:13:07 – Guest Introduction
01:13:13 – Guest Social Media Handles
01:13:30 – Podcast Conclusion
01:13:32 – Outro

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A client isn’t investing you for a Yes Man on today’s podcast we’ve got Kirk Miller the founder of the world’s leading built to last program people in my opinion don’t transform or can’t stay in shape we discuss how Kirk went from failed professional football player to the front cover of men’s health I

Struggle massively with my identity he broke down exactly how to build a worldclass team service that gets life-changing results our plan our program our service our systems our community is to make sure that anyone who comes on my ship they have zero excuse is we discussed pricing and

Packaging and how Kirk’s able to charge thousands to help some of the most successful people on this planet if you can afford to pay business In First Class fights you got the really St after your health and fitness we hope you enjoyed this episode Kur Miller welcome to the fitness marketing agency podcast

Thank you for coming down can you just tell everyone a little backstory about yourself how you got started in the fitness industry and then fast forward to what you’re doing right now okay um well I’ve been first of all thank you for having me secondly I’ve been someone

Who’s been obsessed with helping Fitness as long as I could walk talk and kick a football that’s where the the first Passion started with kicking a ball when you dad puts the ball at your feet um and the original Dream Ben was to be a professional footballer very very long story short um

That dream was going super smooth up until the age of 20 uh when I had a 30 second conversation by Gary mallister very famous um Scott International he’ done everything in football I probably wanted to do in terms of winning championships play with the year and all

This type of stuff play for his country and I get told in a 30 second conversation unfortunately your your servic is no longer required and you’re not get to know the contract so that’s where the the passion for health and fitness first started via football and all aspects of training and learning

About food and stuff trying to pursue as a professional footballer um then very simply put from that but I got lost in life with them for about six years um retrained as a gas engineer a plumber so from the AG 20 to 25 6 even though I’m ripped uh cuz that was my

Only security blanket you see Ben you know I’m the guy that’s been in shape and my only like area of significance and happiness really during that five six year period was was was training um I was totally lost as a plumber because with the greatest respect to all any

Plumbers potentially listen to this um I went on this serve to be a plumber um so I struggled massively Ben with my identity because I attached my whole identity to be footballer when it was what I did not who I was and looking back even though I probably should should have went

Straight into personal training coaching after getting released by centry it was too obvious it was like the pain of getting told for the first time in your life you’re not good enough um you know didn’t steer me in the direction of personal training it was just too obvious even though looking

Back I love I was one of the players at centry Who Loved training in the gym all the time love loved working out but I mean this was like 20 years ago I’m 40 now it wasn’t really seen as a a serious career I don’t think at that point as

Well um so maybe that was another subconscious reason of not going into coaching and then after five or six years being lost in life living for the weekend uh it’s being stuck in that career um I entered a men’s health competition um the age of 26 I got

Pushed by a friend um who was bored of me looking at this magazine and literally saying to her and all my friends God I’ve got better body than that guy I could be on that that that cover so she entered the the competition for me she literally wrote 250 words sub

Bitted pictures for me on my behalf which you know I mean it just shows you Ben how sort of lazy lost and despondent I was really at that that time um she entered it for me um I made the final but there’s a big butt here I I I

Basically missed a phone call because I was fit fit in a toilet in the job that I didn’t like and had a voice note to say Kirk uh you’ve made the men’s health final can you call us back I thought they’d call me back called them back

About a week later and I remember to this St was CLA mat CLA Matthew she says um C you made the mental health uh yeah you did make the mental health final C but fortunately we’ve had to give you place to someone else so picture the

Scene you know what I mean the job that I hate and this is a potential Outlet you know and a breakthrough to you know potentially do something I love and um I basically messed it up because I missed a phone call so I’m then thinking what do I do kept

Training for another year in that plumbing job as well still stayed in shape as I said that’s one thing I’ve always pred myself on B of staying in shape and then the same year later Sonia the same friend says to me c I think you should into that

Again and for those unfamiliar with how the men have competition used to work thousands of people used to enter that every single year and they had literally a yearly cover model competition so when she says to me enter it again I’m thinking there’s no way they’re going to

Pick me again after messing it up the you know the previous year anyway long story short she pushed me forward for it again she wrote the another 250 word right up uh submit the pictures and thankfully I pick up the phone I answer the phone call this time and I suppose

The rest is history really um forget the external side of things of winning a mental health c c model competition and that the opportunities that that led on to I’m sure will impact um that was when the penny dropped like the universe is telling you here Follow Your Passion follow your

Purpose here you’re not on this Earth to be a Plummer and surely there there has to be a profession for me to help people with the health their Fitness their body Etc and retrained then as a a personal trainer got my qualification and quit my job Ben with literally five hours personal training

So it was a massive risk like literally a massive risk um I bearing in mind as well at that point because I was living for the weekend I had no savings and I I was skinn to put it bluntly uh I literally didn’t have a vehicle to get

Around so I started my personal training career um borrowing a friend’s Plumbing van which kept breaking down just in case I might had to do some Plumbing uh Plumbing work you know I was building up my personal training thankfully within two weeks had a full Diary which generally happens when you you you’re

Following your passion you’re good at it and and you’re being conr with yourself opportunities to happen got busy very very quickly uh with with personal training the I suppose the big fish in a small pond pretty quickly in centry personal trained for a number of years um

Realized there’s only so much you can do in the gym and looking back I was a glamoro motivator even though I was pretty good at it helping people um in the gym I didn’t have what I have now which is the infrastructure outside the gym to really help people with the real

Challenges they have which is the food the livestock management the mindset Etc um and and and with that in mind I knew in order to help more people I needed online business and uh maybe after about five years five six years of personal training um that’s when I started online

Training but I’m sure will impact today I was completely winging it didn’t have a clue didn’t have no system no model no structure it was just a diet plan training plan and I think I was doing weekly calls but I didn’t have a clue about business I

Didn’t have a clue about how to scale and give a great service um and then that’s when uh you know I got me mentorship I’ve had mentors of different people but Phil Graham helped me immensely uh in terms of building a proper model moved them from centry to London still personal

Training um some really high-profile clients um but then with Phil’s help and learning more about business and fast forward to where I am now over the last I’d say five or six years in particular really niching down um you know into the specific demographic I’m working with

And uh evolving with service and team and things like that um where I’m at now is I firmly believe my business my service uh our program is the best on the planet in terms of helping entrepreneurs Executives and business owners to get and stay in the best physical mental shape of their lives

Without compromising their lifestyle and we’ve evolved very much so into a health and lifesty management business where you know the minimum requirement now of our delivery our service is to get clients in great physical shape but it’s the emotional side the mental side where we really help clients too and um really

Help them stay healthy as well as look good and and as our program name built to last create lasting change across all them different facets of the physical the emotional the mental um and and lifestyle management for me that’s that’s where the real coaching comes in I’ve seen this firsthand so maybe six

Weeks ago I was at one of your live events at the Mayfair Hotel in London uh There Was 80 or so uh of your clients in the room maybe more um can you just break down and sort of tell everyone who’s either watching this on YouTube or

Listening to this and if you’re watching this on YouTube we’ll thr up uh video footage of your event yeah um the types of clientele that are in that room um what their challenges are how you uh help them uh the price point they pay and the community that you’ve built and

Why you do these live events for an online coaching business yeah I mean the most common challenges with entrepreneurs business owners Etc is time outdated training methods they’re still trying to train how they used to training their 20s bro splits chest back legs arms it doesn’t work for someone who can only

Work out three or four times a week has a business to think about they’re married they got kids um so where we are exceptional is helping them look at what their current Asis process and then optimize their system to take them to where they want to be so very simply put

Uh we look at every single aspect of their food their training their lifestyle money management their habits um basically how they operate their current calendar and then improve um you know how they train so they’re training less but better look at what they’re doing with their food and how can we

Make the way they manage their food more complimentary to the day-to-day lifestyle because entrepreneurs business owners relying on diet plans and living out of top OFW just doesn’t work over you know 52- week period and then a lot of entrepreneurs business owners they they’re dealing with stress they’ve got

Decisions to make all the time in business there’s last minute curve balls um and stress your emotional state influences your decisions so we’re very very uh sort of aware and and handhold in that respect to to help our clients make better decisions because ultimately whether you’re a business owner

Entrepreneur or not how you look and how you feel and how healthy you are is a BYOD decisions so we want to make sure that that day-to-day week toe lifestyle management uh through ruthless accountability you know really structured plan the education the support is making their decision making

In relation to training food and movement so simple in relation to the outcome they want and and the body they want this live event that I attended you could have easily not done it you could have easily um hired a very uh Standard Hotel um I was very impressed with the

Caliber of the speakers the environment that you had and then having the conversations uh with your clients to find out a little bit more about them and their goals and their passions and and their wi so to to answer that question why do you do these Live Events

Um for me the reason I do live events and Live Events to the standards I do I believe one of the key things to creating lasting change and this is a difference in what we do it’s not some quick fix rent body attitude which is failing so many people especially

Entrepreneurs to create lasting change the missing link is an environment where the mentality in the identity is that of a high performance attitude where the the common um sense of belonging and attitude is people who want to stay in shape for 52 weeks of the Year create an environment where

People can bounce off ideas make new connections and upgrade their peer group has helped immensely every single person who’s ever invested us invested in us to get and stay in shape um for me people are coming to us initially from their mindset to change physically but

The beauty of the community we have and the ongoing support um that’s what really helps take someone’s identity mentality and consistent lifesty management habits to a totally different level because it’s the norm because the reason so many business owners and entrepreneurs are struggling or forever yo-yoing it’s because of their immediate

Environment where the people they spend time with whether it’s their work colleagues their team members maybe even Partners they don’t have the the aspirations to be as healthy or have maybe the physical shape that they want to so if you don’t have that current environment immediately access to you

Then that’s where these um inperson events and our virtual community is absolutely imperative and the reason we go to the expense and go the extra mile as you you seen um with our events in terms of locations speakers I just want to give a five star experience and some

Uh to every single person who trust me with their investment you know it’s for me I’m not just trying to create a world class physical result I’m trying to create life-changing experiences and the events we have in Dubai London America um it it certainly does that um so it’s very easy I think

For um gym owners or online coaches is to just forget that Community element and go oh you know what our our gyms so good our online training programs so good we get people results and then they just forget about the community element and the connections that happen in the

Room the conversations and what I noticed was it wasn’t the Kirk Miller show no your name was hardly mentioned it was the People speaking about their results and their challenges the obstacles they’ve overcome and you know referring to each other in the room and and the friendships that they’ve built

Because you know you and we’ll talk about your clients in a second but they maybe they their families don’t understand their friends don’t understand because they’re not business owners or entrepreneurs but everyone else in that room does understand that high performance is key uh if you want

To succeed in in any area of life so let’s talk about some of the Transformations that your clients have had we’ll flash up some um pictures or videos of them on on YouTube um so just tell me like the problem that they were facing how quickly the results occurred

And then the ongoing like part that you’re playing in their life yeah I mean there’s many examples but one that comes to mind in a particularly challenging industry to to get and stay in shape is David Meyers he’s a world leading celebrity chef and entrepreneur he’s

Been on TV with the likes of Gordon Ramsey very high-profile figure and he’s a Michelin St Chef so you said this guy like literally private jet to different people’s homes or restaurants to cook amazing meals right and he’s he’s one of the best chefs on the planet and you

Don’t from what I can gather in that industry you don’t get Michelin stars dished out um but let’s get clear here on the industry is in it’s food and the biggest challenge that people have to get and stay in shape is managing food that problem and challenge is

Amplified when someone’s a chef and having to taste test and things like that but David came to us after trying for over two decades and having worked with multiple personal trainers online trainers and hired the best and celebrity trainers all this stuff but still wasn’t where he wanted to be and

The difference was and David has vouched for this on our site and testimonial so you don’t have to take my word for it it was the attention to detail with the way we plan with the way we communicate and the way we solve problems and challenges

At speed a major point of what we do Ben is the personal accountability because uh again I’m friends with a lot of great coaches but I also know there’s a lot of poor coaches out there who claim they have accountability for um their clients our our accountability is second to earn

I mean we have stats and data and systems for absolutely everything so there’s no winging a result with people like David you know we are helping him forward plan week to week wherever he’s in the world whatever decisions he has with his eating with his travel with his

Food how he has to adapt in hotels um and that’s for me what a great service does you remove any excuses like my personal standard with the way we create our our model our plan our program our service our systems our community is to make sure that anyone who comes on my

Ship they have zero excuses why they can’t get and even surpass their expectations of the results they’ve invested in and how do you frame that to the uh customer that comes on board with you are you in the Sal’s core laying down the road of like hey this is how we

Operate and you have to adhere to these rules or do you do it on the onboarding process does it start in the marketing where where does it start for you are you are you framing it to the customer like this is how you operate once you come inside the built to last program

Or is it more um you know you’re just hoping that they’re a good fit from from the outside no I believe my sort of setting the expectation and standards and hopefully this comes through on my social media is my message is congruent from the front front end on social media

Or wherever you’re trying to uh attract new clients or at least create awareness of what you do to the back end and the internal side of things within the program you know and our coaching service I’m set I’m setting that message from the start to the Finish CU one I’m

Not telling lies and two I know what works but then of course when you are on boarding a specific client then yeah you set an expectation because I believe that the someone getting the result they want it starts from that first point of personal contact and as I say to them on

That call whenever I’ve you know been involved in sales I don’t want to waste people’s money on my time I have no interest in that I don’t want clients I want client success stories and I think even saying that with certainty with conviction and belief that gives a

Potential client belief that you know what okay this this this this this coaching service or this coach Kirk doesn’t necessarily need me but he gives a [ __ ] and and I think that that’s what I’m I’m trying to do from the GetGo really is just set the expectation and

Also give anyone who trusts me and my team with their investment and wavering belief that if they do what we ask them to do do it’s impossible for them to fail it’s impossible and and my promise to any single client who trusts me with their investment is once they work with

Me my team and within that built to last program and Community they will never need to invest in their health and fitness again you know I don’t believe health and fitness is that complicated there’s a lot of [ __ ] out there on social media and quick fix and the

Latest gimmick I’ve been in shape for over three decades where my whole life in fact but since I left school nearly three decades I know what works and that’s in spite of moving from cenci to London London to Dubai and managing lifestyle and all this stuff and I want

To teach my my clients to do the same and uh it’s not that complicated what we’re doing from our program perspective and I say this from the start is literally they Outsourcing their thinking in the in in the areas of food training lifestyle management so they

Can focus on what they love to do which is business and family because no matter how successful you are you only have a certain level of BWI to make decisions so even though we’ve got the community the events the education the bread and of what we do

Which gets people in fantastic shape is help them on a week- toe basis train efficiently and consistently eat well and make sure that what the food they put in their mouth is complimentary to the body they want the health they want and help them manage sleep food and and

Stress and things like that give me one more success story of someone who’s transformed in the program there’s there there’s lots um there’s lots I would say one of our most impressive purely because of his age today is John hwad Day 60 years of age like if you look at that man’s

Transformation right I haven’t seen many 60 year-olds who run their own business who have children have a wife have challenges day-to-day challenges in business and life look like that and get a six-pack like that and to be fully transparent our clientele are typically 40 50 and 60 they’re not coming to us to

Get shredded sixpacks or do a shoot but the impact we had on John Haw day inspired him that much that he actually said I want to do a shoot for my 60th birthday we never forced to do a six-year-old to do a shoot when they’ve

Got a lot going on their life but we inspired him that much much and he was that happy with our service after years of working with personal trainers and online trainers that he said I want to do a shoot because I I feel that good and that transformation I’m yet to see a

Better 60-year old transformation on the planet in the world of online coaching let’s get clear here I’ve never personal trained him but because of how thorough our model is even with in the the coaching app where we house our clients plans Ben we have videos of every exercise sub 60 seconds so they’re

Efficient demonstrated by me so technique is perfect so so there’s no guesswork of am I doing this right and even then we’ll make John or who whatever client is send videos back and forth until that’s perfect and the same with food just the the attention to detail and and that was another major

Play in John’s transformation was the attention to detail and helping me manage holidays weekends Easter Christmases and this is a major point a major difference in what we do in s bu the last is helping clients with their food in particular on weekends holidays Easter Christmas special occasions cuz I’ve said as I’ve

Said to every single client who’s come on board and I believe if you listen to this struggling your health and fitness it’s probably because of this reason it’s not because of how structured and well you eat Monday to Thursday when you’re at home and you got no challenges

Or you got someone you got your partner making your food it’s weekends holidays Christmases and we are again ruthless with our accountability and and forward planning with our clients in the decision in these areas whether it is helping a client uh via voice note video personal

Call or a a resource which is even quicker for the client when they’re at certain restaurants and airports um or even a video train if it’s somewhat more complex we we we don’t care what bullet we have to shoot to to to solve the problem but we’ve got an answer for

Everything if not I’ll go and find one um what is funny about that story is I personally know John so John lives in this town and we hired him in his business to help us behind the scenes at Fitness marketing agency and then he was

The one who was like hey have you heard of Kirk Miller I was like yeah I have and then I watched him transform I saw it firsthand over it wasn’t a quick short fix it was a a long long process but he he massively changed his life and

Um it’s just funny how you know we’re all connected some some way and he he did amazing um at the event that I was at in London at Mayfair Hotel you had client Awards yeah um so just touch upon May one one of those awards that you gave

Out and just highlight one of those clients yeah yeah um I mean one that one that comes to mind from my event is Luke Bland so Luke Bland very successful business again married children came to me like a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners very All or Nothing

Character it’s a very common trait in in business owners and entrepreneur uh they they they’re either doing something or they’re not um he was the perfect archetype of that of when he trained he trained well uh but equally when he used to go out with his friends he wasn’t

Very good at stopping at two beers and yeah join the club but uh no he he had and you know he’d say this himself massive challenges with a few things one with his training he trained okay but technique wasn’t where it need needed to be so he

Was scratching his head why why not getting stronger why I’m not changing certain areas then when his food again the attention to detail wasn’t there but bigger than that it was his weekend habits um because after a long week at work he’d be stressed and wanted to let

His hair down and and and his release was alcohol he just didn’t know when to stop but an even bigger challenge than that was he’d outgrown his peer group with a greatest respect to his friends his friends constantly living for the weekend not not remotely interested in health

And fitness Luke was different he knew in his heart that he love training really wanted to make a change and shift that identity to another level and deep down he didn’t want to be in pubs and restaurants and eating and drinking the way he was but that’s where our community been absolutely

Invaluable for him and he shared that on stage you know of the impact the community’s had and and like you said Ben it’s not the Kurt Miller Show anymore um with a great ECT um to my previous personal training career yes I I could even if someone

Would see me five times a week you can have the five best sessions of your life but it doesn’t help manage the 168 hours minus training minus sleep outside of that and um I certainly didn’t have the support team that I have then I mean my team is absolutely exceptional all bar a

Couple of ex-professional footballers I played aty with them there’s a different mentality when someone comes from a professional sports background and as you saw at the event the event is full of so many industry leaders in their profession but people have achieved even more in than me in life to date Ben I’m

Not lucky enough to be a father yet as much as fingers crossed that’ll happen soon um but my CL so many of them clients have achieved way more in business and life experiences than me so it’s the collection of myself the team and that Collective energy and ambition

And openness to share how tips and tricks and things that have worked that has helped rub off on Luke on on such a level I mean his mentality has gone to another level his physique of course has gone to another level but it’s it’s a mindset you know if people want lasting

Change it has to be who you are what you do and how you see yourself and I truly believe that the model we have inside built to last with our delivery our system our community our program the event it it helps do that because lasting change is key I just have no

Interest in helping someone change short term for 6 8 12 weeks it has to be um how someone operates across a calendar year cuz I genu believe that given the choice if you if I looked any single person in the eye and said to them do you want to be healthy and in

Shape every week of the year would you take it they’d all say yes but people don’t know how and that’s where we come in I think there’s levels to everything in uh life business personal health and fitness and sometimes people can just coast and um they think they’re doing

Really well with their health and fitness or their business and then it’s not until you get into another room and you unlock and you see what’s possible and you realize actually I could with some mentorship with some help unlock that next level be it business or or

Health and fitness going back to the start um I’m sure everyone listening or watching this would love to know what was your um programming your how did you get in that shape for for Men’s Health like what was you training what was you eating what body fat percentage were you

At and then um fast forward 20 more years you’re now at 40 what does your training and and lifestyle and and how do you manage everything yeah no a great question so when I played uh at centry at professional when I was a professional footballer um that was

Around the time I sort of get started getting into the gym but because of my football i’ maybe train two three times a week or whenever you could around football when that chapter closed like a lot of guys when they first go in the gym there’s nothing

Wrong with this by the way I believe every training system works if you’re consistent with it but I believe certain Training Systems don’t work in relation to certain Lifestyles as I’ll share in a second so when I first started in the gym it was very much the Bro split I was training

Six days a week chest back hamstrings arms shoulders quads I think something like that and I used to eat six seven times a day at the top OFW and there’s nothing wrong with that by the way if that’s conducive to your lifestyle and you enjoy it and it keeps

You in shape by all means crack on with that I just have no desire to do that right but that was six meals a day every 3 hours and I don’t know if you would like this B but I was that uh paranoid that if I was 10 minutes out thinking

God I’m going to ruin my physique you it’s certainly not the case but the reason that was my training system and the way I managed my food at that point that was a product of my environment and you know I speak about environment a lot I trained in a

Bodybuilding gym where the only way that people knew how to get in shape was because of the more experienced gym goers who were in shape for that reason in that gym so you’re listening to people who have tried and trusted method which is true but that’s for

Bodybuilders who want to step on a stage and look good for 10 minutes and then bul up and look [ __ ] to put it bluntly for four months the year I have no aspirations of doing that and that’s one thing even though I’ve adapted my system I was always someone from a very early

Age that never wanted to be out of shape it just didn’t make me feel good even when I’ve done like short periods of mini buls it didn’t really make me happy being lethargic and having to force feed and stuff like that so I would say that way of training and food was that

Continued for a number of years I’d say for the large part of my 20s and maybe maybe even early 30s it’s easy to do though when you’re young it is it is absolutely so when you’re young right all you have to think about is yourself um maybe have a couple of girlfriends

But I wasn’t exactly looking to settle down at that point um so you’ve got loads of time to do that you do like two three hour gym session I did yeah yeah I literally I mean one thing I I didn’t share there is not only did I do six

Days a week in the gym waights I don’t know if you’ve done this I literally used to do I remember the most extreme was i’ I’d go to the gym in the morning I’d do interval sprints on a stair climber anywhere from 10: to 20 every morning or 5 six mornings then

I’d you know do my plumbing job when I was doing that then I’d finish Plumbing i’ I’d lift i’ do a weight session then I do more cardio and bear in mind I was I probably weren’t my knowledge on food was wasn’t what it was then so I was

Underere eating drawing the week then overe the weekend binging a little bit but but that system is absolutely unsustainable for for the majority humor but especially an entrepreneur and business owner so then when I moved from centry to London I still wanted the same outcome of being in shape being ripped being

Strong being able to perform but I knew that system didn’t allow me to do that because I realized I I’m getting busier at work I’m traveling and also I’m I’m I’m I’m pretty sick of living out a Topper W but how can I achieve the same

Outcome and this is where I look at my training and went okay I don’t I don’t want to live six days a week I also want to be a little bit fitter now perhaps and then I just evolved with my my programming and just simply become more

Efficient with the way I trained then went to periods of maybe push pull legs and arms and stuff um and then with my food brought down my meal frequency as opposed to eating six or seven smaller meals I’d eat three or four but that again that was more complimentary

To my London lifestyle and then that’s where I met my now fiance Gabby and you know you’ve got more business meetings and clients and stuff like that so that worked in in in London and then since then I’ve moved to Dubai and travel a lot more and then in Dubai now uh the

Way I train it’s it’s very much full body I believe that is significantly more efficient for every single entrepreneur business owner executive on the planet because and have evidence of this when you do a bro split or the that old method that worked in your 20s especially as a entrepreneur

Business owner are very all on nothing obsessive characters if they miss a workout they feel like they failed and then the [ __ ] it mentality comes in and then that’s when usually if people miss a workout and they’re stressed and it isn’t perfect then they start eating

[ __ ] so it’s a it’s a yo-yo cycle you sum me up there’s no judgment but it’s just it’s it’s like night and day I’ve seen it over and over again but the beauty of a full body training system when you are in your late 30s 40s 50s

And 60s is you can achieve more and less time they’re more malleable wherever you’re train wherever you’re based and whatever obstacles you might have in terms of equipment and stuff like that they’re just totally more malleable um and our clientele so many of them have came to us with back

Problems I believe that’s because there’s been a major imbalance in their training of course lifestyle habits too the way we structure the for body training and the attention to detail we have trained people out of Pain by getting strong and and and just structuring workouts properly and then

With my food um my food is very very simple uh I try and prep as minimal as I possibly can uh 80% of my food is outsourced to deliver and people won’t be thinking got deliver whether you Outsource your food to deliver or you eat out at restaurants as long as you

Know what to choose off deliver room what to choose in restaurants you can totally get and stay in phenomenal shape and I don’t want to pat on the back for it I’m just doing my job but I’m Living testament to that as are our clientele

Um it’s just not good use of my time making food and to be brutally honest I’m not very good at it I choose not to be good at it and I’d rather Focus my time just like my clients on on on business team making money and uh doing

More valuable things that I’m good at um do you drink uh I’m I’m I I do but I go through periods where I’m not I could like this year for example Ben last year I I didn’t drink for n and a half months just because i’ you know I just had had

A big year didn’t want to you know drink too much I had my 40th so I come out of retirement for my 40th um I’m still very very good at um still very good at having uh 20 drinks even if I’ve had in a period of three or four where I’m not

Uh so I’m very much probably still when I do dip my toe in it a binge drinker but I believe letting some steam off a few times a year is is is is no problem when you’re that structured with you training your food around that you know

It’s just I’ve realized this year that’s one of the things that helps me sort decompressed because I you know I’m so focused and obsessed with business and and and and training and things like that you touched upon it previously um Phil Graham is a friend of Fitness marketing agency and he massively

Impacted you and your business can you just um how he helped you and then why it’s important to get mentorship and help from people in all areas of your life where you feel that you could you know be more and do more yeah I think the the reason having mental

Ship peers whatever you want to call them is so important you you you you you you you’re buying Solutions at speed they allow you to get from where you want to where you are to where you want to be quicker more efficiently usually with less stress and they teach you what

You don’t know especially if they’ve got evidence that they they can achieve what you haven’t yet um so I believe mentorship for me is has been absolutely imperative not just in business but if I look at the knowledge I have now as a coach um I’ve had some phenomenal mentors or

Even training Partners uh Ben you know that have added a little bit of layer of knowledge or or or expertise across Food Training you know all these little things you know when when someone has been there got the T-shirt or who has strengths that you don’t have you can Implement those

Traits behaviors and skill sets into your identity and and and and your um your your presence as a businessman or even with a body um so yeah for me I think it’s absolutely imperative you can get to where you want to get to slow if you try and do it

Yourself or you want you can get to where you want to get to quicker just by looking at who has the the the the the stack of proof the evidence that they can get results in the areas that you want results mirror that of course merge

It your own style you know if that’s your thing but success leaves Clues and um yeah I I think if if for example you’re listening to this and you’re a coach who is still stuck in the same place or you’ve been in the same spot

For at least a year or two and you’ve been trying multiple different things and it’s not working then look at who in that area um has the success that you want and lean on them whether you invest or you know it’s got to be done same

With body you know the amount of people that have um tried to by themsel at the age of 40 to master training of food but they still not where they want to be it’s just basic logic if you keep doing the same and expect to be in a

Different result place in a year’s time it’s it’s mental so one key question I asked myself in business in body and even just on a personal standpoint in life is if I keep doing what I’m currently doing will my life get better in a year’s time or will I stand still

And if I’m not if I don’t have certainty that what I’m currently doing is going to take me to where I want to be then I think who not how and and and and try yeah find the solution what are some of the biggest mistakes that you see in the

Fitness industry from gym owners from coaches in terms of their prescription of exercise or nutrition or what they’re charging or what they’re off bring as an actual product or service what are some of the mistakes that you see having all of this experience and building the the

The business that you have today I mean that could be a really open-ended question it’s a great question um I think some of the the the mistakes or the first portol that I see with a lot of people maybe struggling with marketing or struggling to grow a

Business is that they don’t stay in shape I know that sounds very basic right but if you’re trying to if you if you’re asking people through your marketing or on a sales call to join your program to get and stay in shape and you can’t do it yourself

That’s going to create a whole host of problems uh one um your message on the front end no matter what Mentor you have who’s told you to write this marketing post doesn’t work there’s so much competition out there now Ben in personal training online coaching gyms so for me it’s the minimum

Requirement to to be in shape because one that’s going to help you with your marketing two it’s going to help you sell with more conviction and three it’s just going to help you grab more attention so that’s a that’s a massive uh problem I see and then I

Think it’s going back to what you said earlier when using plumbing and for some people Plumbing they love it and they wake up for it it’s their passion and they’ve built a significant business off of it but what I see touched touching on what you’ve just said is some people in

This industry they’re dead behind the eyes they’ve fallen out of love of the process of helping other people and then they’ve stopped themselves as well and it’s not saying that everyone has to be an elite percent of body fat no they don’t no no but but as I said because as

I say there’s performance goals I mean one of the things we may training at the minute I’m training for hiero now that me being as lean as I possibly certain shoots is not effective when you’re training for performance you need a bit more body fat you need more power you

Need more strength so I’m not trying to say you need to be shredded by any means because equally I’ve been the person that has has been for I’d say 2 to three year period after wi the mental competition so paranoid that I wasn’t going to continually get all these

Covers which I had that had to stay so shredded because I’d created a story in my mind because i’ come from a place of pain of being in that job that I hated that I was only getting these opportunities go was actually shredded so it’s not about being shredded but as

A coach you have to be in active in the gym and leading by example whatever that looks like for you you can’t okay maybe this is my own personal standard I will never have a client who trains harder than me who uh is more consistent than

Me and that rubs off I believe the leader has to set the standard and we’ve got many leaders within our program we passed the Baton now but I don’t let the standard drop from a personal standpoint you have to eat your own dog food right I’ve never heard that I’ve never heard

That St but it’s uh it’s it’s it’s true but that’s where the the confidence and the belief comes um you know in in the marketing and the sales and and I think the Trap many coaches and gyms and personal trainers have fell into that’re they’re constantly on the lookout for for the

Greatest marketing tactic and you know looking for the best marketing agency but you but you have to um have the tools for that marketing agency or for the people that help grown your business um for them give them something to work with and that comes from being in shape

Having a great product and and having the the infrastructure you know to handle more clients and things like that so it’s it doesn’t matter how good the marketing agency the mentor the consultant is if they’re trying to Market a product that’s it’s a result it’s a result exactly like you can you

Know so many people have I’ve seen it happen Ben have come in and out this industry like you would not believe over the last I mean been industry now a long time and I’ve seen so many come and go because they they couldn’t stay in shape they weren’t consistent and they weren’t

Prepared to invest in their skill set or become more valuable not just with themsel but with hiring help so they just blend in the next coach the next they they don’t want to invest but you’re trying to charge whatever you’re trying to charge with your coaching but but you’re not prepared to

Invest to become more valuable to deliver on that result that you and and and and back up the price that maybe you’re asking to to to to charge and um I just think as well I’m speaking from experience here and having had some challenges myself and one of the biggest

Challenges a lot of people have is is they trying to do everything themselves literally they they’re not they’re not prepared to put their ego away and ask for help or pay for help and I think one of the greatest things that’s helped me I remember seeing it on a Tony Robbins

Forbes interview and it’s always stuck with me is in business ask yourself who are you and who do you need and I’ve realized through a lot of ups and downs I’m sure you’ve done the same like there are certain things that I’m good at and I’m stronger

And there are certain things that I’m not so strong at and I have no passion for and just as you touched on a second ago I really believe that the reason why a lot of people fall out of love with coaching and I was very close to doing

This is because um they are wearing too many caps in their business and and they haven’t expanded their model and service and maybe developed a community to give them more enjoyment so for example Ben I I would go as far as saying if I was still on the gym floor

Solely personal training there’s a chance that I would have fell out in love with this industry because it when I was you know packed with personal training but but knowing how can I help more people how can I create more longevity as a career with this I knew

That me just personal training was not going to make that happen so then the beauty of investing in help for example with the likes of Phil where you improve your model you improve your systems you improve your team you improve your community you create events like you’ve

Seen it gives you a whole new level of enjoyment and you go from being a personal trainer a glamorized rep counter in my opinion right to then helping someone genuinely transform their life and develop uh connections and relationships with people you get a new lease alive but what it takes to get

There is and this is where I won’t sugar coat it is investment time patience becoming more valuable upgrading your skill set realizing that some people are better better than you at certain things so for example in terms of our product delivery I was getting great results before we had a qualified nutritionist

Because I know I understand food you obviously I’ve been in shape and stuff and transforming people but then I’ve got a world class nutrition coach now Chris who oversees all of our nutrition strategies he’s worked with Elite level rby players football players professional athletes so him managing day to-day Entre rurs and business

Owners is is very comfortable but he upgraded the standard of our service and product but I had to invest in that and also put my ego away a lot of coaches won’t do that they think they can they know everything and you’ll just stand still and go around in circles and then

My coaching team got world class coaching team I don’t have children yet many of my coaches have children so they know how to relate to certain challenges and problems related to our clients who’ve got children and then I also realized as we we’ developed our product and service

That there are certain things which influence the implementation of our programs such as sleep breathing mindset psychology I’ve brought in World leing Sleep Experts Nick little hailes to deliver trainings spent a lot of money on that why that’s going to help my clients look feel and perform better and deal

With challenges kids keeping them away travel but it costs money I go I found out who’s the best I stay in my Lane because I’m I’m No Sleep Guru same with breathing people why would you why would why would you invest in breathing for a program well bre how your breathe

Affects your state and how you how how you manage your state affects your decisions and ultimately the the the body helping a client build is going to be a byproduct toide decision so simply put with my products and delivery then I don’t care what I need to do who I need

To bring in from a team perspective service perspective system perspective to create a world class result with a client which far um exceeds anything they they ever thought they could achieve and and maybe where they’ve been let down in the past by preing Co previous coaching Services you are prolific on Instagram

Can you just give some insight to what you do your structure the content that you put out and how you’ve grown the business that you have today through that platform yeah so with social media um I I hired paid for a a videographer I have a videographer who films me at least eight

Times a month you know we we we plan the content we shoot the content um so the the quality of that footage is is better of course I have raw stuff too um and then from the the the content we create then that is passed on to another

Company we work with who doing a great job who edit the content chop up the content and then from there of course it goes onto a social media platform it’s organized it’s structured it’s forward planned of course you might have to make changes and stuff you know it’s the

Market it changes or you’ve got Roar off the cuff post but it’s just trying to be as efficient as possible with okay what is my biggest value to social media content which is talking training leading you know sort of spreading that message but with the greatest respect uh

Me editing videos and uh shooting the content for professional cameras it’s it comes back to what I said Ben you know you can only do so much and and yes this this costs money and and letting go of control but I believe to to build some

Special and I want to build you know the the world’s number one brand for entrepreneurs business owners um in terms of a health and lifesty management business then you know you need people who are better than you in certain in other areas and definitely when it comes to shooting content chopping up content

All that stuff then uh one I don’t want to do it two uh I’m not very good at it and three bu Outsourcing that allows me to create more content at speed which is why you see me so consistent now on social media yeah what’s your frequency

Of posting across all social media and then is there like one piece of content that always pops versus others in terms of likes comments DMS yeah great great question so we we make sure we post every single day once once a day minimum on on Main across all platforms uh

Active on on stories of course too um in terms of content that we find uh pops um in terms of getting leads nothing is going to get potential prospects on book calls and things like that more than social proof period when you have convey abouts of evidence that

The message you are you you are saying on social media about helping people when you’ve got evidence that relates to that Potential Prospect and ideal client nothing’s going to instigate a conversation more or a like or a DM or you know an application form on the website site alongside

That I think it’s simply demonstrating all the different facets and tips and value around training in food as well that is is is maybe been um a challenge or a problem you know in a potential um prospect’s mind as well so yeah there’s multi multiple different things really uh Ben you know around

Training food um but relatable posts as well just people seeing the The Human Side to you I think is is is is something that whenever I’ve had periods where I haven’t put I don’t know life pictures or life videos then and it’s gone a bit too military with just

Training food then um you know that that can as as Gabby tells me sometimes you know she says you know come across a bit too intense and serious Gabby’s your partner yes yeah yeah yeah yes I saw a great picture of you guys yeah well as as she reminds me I mean what’s

Interesting you at my my social media images and pictures um I think I I think just going going back to what I just said some of my highest engagement posts if not all of them were with Gabby obviously when I got engaged and then there some been some personal posts

And so so yeah some of my highest performing post been with with Gabby non-stage like natural non-stage natural and and look even if I’ve done filming though Ben with you know my videographer which some might say that’s staged it’s not one thing I myself on on social media is just consistently telling the

Truth you know I’m not telling lies I’m not saying I’m perfect but I tell the truth so if anyone was to potentially invest in us I I know from the bottom of my heart and in my hard word into my DNA that I’m not telling lies you know I’m not not

Trying to preach something that I know doesn’t work based on my current experience and and and and results um so the one thing thing I try to pride myself on with social media is just telling the truth adding as much value as possible um you know see my podcast

And my YouTube YouTu the amount of free content that I pump out is is is you know a lot um podcast every week YouTube’s two every week you know that’s a lot of content but I want to provide that much free value that you know when

People are in pain and off or they just they’re searching for a solution the time is right for them then you know i’ like to think especially in my nich and space that there’s only one option they’re looking for the biggest takeaway for me from this segment is people will

Buy from people but people will buy quicker from people that are real and by you showing up on social media real and not this polished version you know sharing the UPS sharing the Downs is when people just like connect with you quicker and then they’re going to like

They’re going to comment they’re going to DM and then they’re going to inquire book a call and and you know go through the process I couldn’t agree more I mean if I go back to the The Men’s Health days when I when I win that competition

I mean I was like 26 at the time I I genuinely believe the reason I WN that aside from the sixpack and maybe the like the way I look on the cover uh there were seven of us who made that final and they had an article that went with

The pictures you know a story about the cover model and um they they asked us certain questions on how do you relax how do you live outside of the gym and the the Tupperware boxes and uh I was just brutally honest brutally honest I mean when some of the other guys got

Asked that question about you know how do they relax I mean I think there was someone who said they um they have a two squares dark chocolate and some grapes to give himself a sweet treat I’m like [ __ ] you actually being serious you know whereas I was just it was just one of

Them Ben and this where I’ve always tried to be so relatable and just I literally said like when I train a train when I relax a relax and yes it was a bit you know too extreme back then but um I think there was Clues back then to

Uh winning that men’s health because they love the story and the the Roar and the realness and the relatability and I’ve tried to carry that through as much as possible because if I compare myself to a lot of people who’ve been in the industry the last 20

Years I’ve never had aspirations to get on stage and do some of these competitions or bodybuilding comps and again it’s nothing personal I just never had aspirations to put on a pair of pants and look good for 10 minutes I was I wanted to be the guy that was in shape

All year round with a life with a social life maybe having a drink or 10 every now and then and also eating what I wanted at the weekend within reason uh but never being off it and and just showing whatever the age whatever location I’ve been in that you can get

In stain shape wherever you are and and showing in that side um that you don’t have to be perfect as I say to my clients in order to get and stay in shape and this is a part of the ethos since I built the last is it’s better to

Be uh consistently progressing however small than be than to be inconsistently perfect and I think one of the thing that kills so many people’s um aspirations of getting in stay in shape is they they’re too busy waiting for these perfect conditions this block of time where they’ve got no work they got

No challenges they’ve got no curve balls it’s it’s nonsense I’ll get started after the holiday I’ll get started once my baby born it’s it’s garbage I mean we we we signed someone up um a couple of weeks ago who said c do you think I’m best starting start of February because

You know I’ve got I’m away in a couple of weeks and I said to him I said uh do you have as do you have as do do you have aspirations of going away in January if this is yearly thing for the next 40 years and he said yes I said so

Would you like to know how to manage your training of food uh on holidays like this so if you ever do decide to leave our ship you know exactly how to handle these over the next 40 years would you like to know how to do that

Yes okay cool how do you expect to learn to know how to manage this if we don’t get started during this period so it’s very logical uh Ben because again I’m yet to coach an entrepreneur a business owner who has this perfect week I mean actually as

Asked a question at the event that you attended uh I said to all the people in the room raise your hand if you’ve had a week this year where nothing’s gone wrong and there wasn’t one person who raised their hand whether it’s a professional curveball a physical curve

Ball a financial curveball simply put something where there’s a week where nothing went wrong it it doesn’t happen and especially as we get older and you got more pressures and people to think about More Travel um you know so so we just want to make sure that uh you know

My service and and leading from the top that it doesn’t matter where where you are whatever challenges you face you know we always find a way that’s that’s what we do what you just dropped there was so valuable so many gym owners online coaches they get that excuse all

The time oh this is great but I will start when insert excuse and the way you you know um you know challenge that person’s thinking logically but but you you need to you need to whether you’re on a sales call or or whether you’ve got a client need deep in the coaching

Program you’re being paid to push you’re being paid to push people to a standard that they previously haven’t had like a client isn’t investing you for a yes man if they want a best made I’m sure they’ve got many of them already so even though I build a phenomenal relationship with all my

Clients as you saw at the event it never deviates from the fact that people are paying us first and foremost for a result they’ve not been able to achieve and we are doing a disservice if we don’t tell them the truth for override objections and [ __ ] because there’s

Usually three reasons why um people in my opinion don’t transform or can’t stay in shape it’s either a will issue a skill issue or an environment issue so whatever um sort of solution from those three I need to override or or or or prevent present a different solution

What do you mean by will uh will is mindset emotions belief so emotions belie emotions and belief I believe so many people do not transform because they they don’t believe they can and they can’t control their emotional because my genetics are this way because I I used to play rugby so I’m always

Going to be big genetics and when someone has failed multiple times on a certain Journey or they’ve been let down by a personal trainer online coach they can think the problems them and this is where like and this starts from the sales call process if anyone’s on board our ship I don’t care

How many times people have failed if someone genuinely their heart wants to change as long as they have the the structure the skills the sense of direction the road map and the accountability and support anyone can change you know and and one one one thing I say to um anyone doubting

Whether they especially an entrepreneur anyone doubting whether or not they they have the mindset and the belief and the State Management potential to get and stay in shape I simply ask them a question of um to it area your life where at some point you did something you didn’t think

You were capable of now for many entrepreneurs who have made Millions made a lot of money or got to a certain level of status in their career they’ve had to go through Blood Sweat and Tears and override limiting beliefs and challenges and stress over and over again to get to that position their

Career and if you’ve done it in one area you can do it in another area and we’re just Masters inside built to last at helping people realize they’ve already got all of that that belief potential that that mindset within them because they’ve demonstrated that if you’ve run

A business you can handle stress and you’ve got you’ve got grit you’ve got you’ve got minerals if you have bought um you you’ve raised children you’ve got grit you’ve got adversity you’ve dealt with last minute curve balls and life being not so perfect but I think too many people do

Not realize that those same principles and identity traits are already within them and when you pair those existing traits with with structure with plan accountability and handholding and Outsourcing the decision making unless someone genuinely in their heart didn’t want to change you can’t fail and and I think that’s a really

Important thing to you know for people to realize everyone’s got an area of life that that however big or small that they’ pushed for adversity and I just think that so many people aren’t where they want to be because of the their State Management their belief and this

Is where what I’m trying to create with built to last it’s a [ __ ] mentality it’s a mentality where it doesn’t matter what you’ve done it’s a mentality where it’s it’s just what we do and and who who we’re trying to become because Ben if it was as simple as

Training food sleep water steps why is it that millions and millions and millions of people especially entrepreneurs aren’t in shape if it was as simple as that then then then more people will be healthy but they don’t know how to manage the training the food the movement more effectively as they

Get older with more lifestyle pressures or it’s a state management issue a belief issue or an environment issue and with our services are built to last as you saw at the event training food movement that’s covered within a plan that’s a minimum requirement as a personal trainer online

Coach in my opinion but when you’ve got the emotional support the mental support and then that environment it’s just another few pieces of that jigsaw that alleviates the risk of someone investing you and not getting the result they came for how many clients do you have right

Now what is the price point the structure and then you’ve mentioned team a few times can you just go into the insights behind the scenes like who is the team what are their roles responsibilities yeah yeah yeah so so we we have around now inside built test uh

Around about 100 clients and uh we we’ve also just introduced a new program which I haven’t marketed yet just for people who are not quite ready with built to last but with him so built to last um we have about clients uh we’re not we’re not a budget program we’re a premium

Service because we back it up and you know as you’ve saw with the events the service the speakers the team um but our price point now is £5,000 for the first 12 weeks and then we dropped down to 1,000 per four week from there um I

Don’t take on anyone for less than a calendar year why because if someone hasn’t managed to stay in shape across all seasons for at least a couple of years if they’ve not been able to do that without us then they need to learn to do that with us and and I know for

Some people they might think oh I can do this in 8 12 weeks okay my argument to that is how many 8 and 12 week programs will work for you in the past um and I say that if you’re someone who wants a short-term result that that that’s all

Well and good but built toas we work with people for 12 months to help them Master across all seasons and then once someone’s worked with us for a calendar year um as long as you implement what we’ve asked them to do they will never need to invest in their health and

Fitness again and they’ll know everything they need to do around training food livestock management forever so if someone wanted to stay with us after a 12 month period it’s because they want to not because they need to and our retention rate is phenomenal we’ve had clients who’ve been

With us you know six seven eight years but that’s because we’re continually stretching vision and they just love Outsourcing the decision making in the area so they still got more time for business and family um but we want to make the the client that well educated and um sure of every single

Aspect of the health and fitness that if they did decide to float their own ship as I say it’s it’s our ship is the the last portal call now when it comes to team um of course we’ve got you know basic admin and design and videographers

As I’ve just said but the the the most important aspect of a coaching service is the quality of your coaches and product and for me that that is one of the things I’m most proud of everyone plays their part within a team in some way shape or form but um the the the

Attention to detail that we have within our coaching team I believe is as good as any on the planet as I said we’ve got people who are specialist in nutrition and background in professional sport and um but yeah we’ve got about five coaches now that handson and one of the things

It’s Unique to us we’ll never have a um client feeling like they’re stretched you can have a client who feels like not heard or listened to um so the speed of response has to be there um and then even though my role within the business has changed the last few years you know

I still you know very much got a strong foothold on the on the coaching standards you know involved in in the in the weekly meetings and things like that so um but yeah that that that for me is the most important aspect of our service because it’s all right having the best

Marketing team in the world and the the the all these different aspects of business but um you know the coaching team is the most important but like anything I’m just trying to build a proper infrastructure and organization now bit by bit um just so again people are focused on their strengths and we

Can scale and we can only get clients but keep clients long term um and there’s so many different uh facets to make that happen what’s the future hold for the business and and where do you see the industry going a great question so in terms of my business I’ll just say

Is it is I I want my business my service my team to be without question the the the world’s number one brand service coach and program for entrepreneurs business owners Executives on the planet um when people think of lasting change quality um covering all aspects of health and lifestyle management and

Getting and keeping people in world class shape and more importantly happy within themsel and and and and helping people become the person they’ve always been capable of I want that the business to be stick out like a sore thumb and of course from a scalability perspective help thousands and ideally millions of

People on this Earth to to to be healthy and happy where do you see the industry heading um in terms of the industry I just believe the standards as they have done the last couple of years I just think that they’re going to continually raise as I’ve said earlier on this

Podcast Ben I think the minimum requirement now of a coach is to have a training plan and diet plan and create a physical result but I believe the way the the competition’s evolved and consumers being a lot smarter now and and and and having more choice I I I believe

That coaches and services who do not have a community who do not invest in helping clients far beyond achieve a result far beyond a physical result are going to get left behind I really do um I think people don’t just want a physical result now they want

Experiences as part of that service they they they want a sense of belonging um they want things quicker so you got to evolve with with technology and systems um I feel people are willing to pay more to get the result quicker so um people are willing to invest in their

Health and fit especially after covid yeah they want the result and they they’re Fed Up of paying out for multiple gym memberships or coaches and not just churning the hamster wheel not getting that desired result and if you’ve got a concept and a service and a community then you know you can

Massively you know help people because people do have the money they are willing to invest and and they want that result quicker yeah well 100% people got the money like I mean said this on to some clients who’ve joined build to last you know if you can afford to pay

Business in first class flights and and spend thousands of pounds on [ __ ] Gucci bags and Valentino t-shirts whatever people buy real interest in that then you’ve got the need to look after your health and fitness and the harsh reality is a lot of people who are overweight who are business owners and

Entrepreneurs one of the reasons they’re overweight is they spend money on food and alcohol in in restaurants festy restaurants premium service restaurants where you do not get to change out of 4500 up to thousands or more to sit down for 1 hour and eat some food and drink

Some drinks and if you think about first class flights and stuff you know it baffles me how some people are willing to pay 56 7 8 10 grand or more maybe more if they’re moving their family for a 7h hour flight to New York where they

Want to feel good for 6 seven hours on the flight and drink the free champagne and feel like [ __ ] the other end of it but they they sometimes won’t look at that same value on the health and fitness I I can get this cheaper elsewhere but then not get the result

Yeah listen but you cheapest and the best doesn’t work and I’m listen I’m not sat on this podcast trying to say I’m the only the only great coach out there I’m friends with some amazing coaches I really am um who are in different niches and you know we’ve got a lot of mutual

Friends ourself Ben that doing great things um but all of them have invested all of them have invested in themselves and team put their ego away and realize that to grow a bigger entity to grow a bigger service let’s get clear here you know I

I I haven’t expanded my team for my ego it’s just to expand give a better experience and service to clients um and people will pay for that you know I’m Testament to that even though I’m not a cheap service I believe I am if you look at the grand

Scheme of value on my life if someone’s paying over C year £15,000 right to work with us but that person then can live a healthy life for the next three or four decades what is that worth to that person you distribute that cost and not just cost but when

Someone has their [ __ ] together with their food their training especially food they’re going to have less reactive spending which means by default you’re going to save more money because most entrepreneurs and business owners when they overeat and drink it’s because they’re stressed whereas if you’ve got structure in place that is

Minimizing stress and less reactive spending you’re going to build a better body be healthier long term and by default probably manage your money a little bit better anyway so um people have got the money but I believe where the industry is going um if you’re trying to charge a lot of

Money and you don’t deliver you get found out you you you will you will and I I I just think whether it’s what I do whether it’s what you do or you know my friends in the industry if you’ve been doing some for a decade two decades you can’t fluk youate

To that so I I believe if you are a coach who is scratching your head going why is my business not where it needs to be ask yourself hand on heart are you in shape are you as consistent as what you say you are and putting out

On the front end are you investing in team are you continually looking at your product going how can I have a better product how can I go above and beyond for my clients a little bit more how can I make the experience the service better if you can’t say with certainty

That you’re taking the time to do that then don’t moan about not scaling or helping more people and then of course from uh you know you know pH a physical standpoint just just do not the standard you know it’s just it’s something that I consider myself one of the most

Consistent on the planet irrelevant of age and travel and circumstances all this stuff is just being in great shape makes everything else easier and then getting great results makes everything else easier um you can get as fancy as you want but if you’re in great shape

Yourself as a coach and your team are in great shape my team I wouldn’t have any coach who’s not in shape and uh you know you putting money back into the business great great results then you it R how the industry goes if you’re getting great results and you’re staying in

Great shape and you’re consistent with your marketing I believe that um you know you can have longevity in this career if that’s what you want Kirk has been very insightful thank you for coming on the podcast can you just tell everyone your Instagram handle your website so they can find out more yeah

First of all thank you so much for having me um really enjoyed the podcast my social media is very simple just Kirk Miller uncore uh fortunately I didn’t have the someone’s already taken the the original Kurt Miller but yeah Kurt Miller you’ll find me and then my website is Kurt miller. excellent

Thank you very much thank you thanks for listening to the fitness marketing agency podcast if you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe so you can catch future episodes

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