PAR 5 MISTAKES You Must Avoid! (Simple Golf Tips)

PAR 5 MISTAKES You Must Avoid! (Simple Golf Tips)

Matt Fryer Golf shares some easily avoidable par 5 mistakes that golfers make, that in a few easy steps can be fixed to lower scores.

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Hi I’m Matt Fryer, welcome to my channel MattFryerGolf. This YouTube channel is to help you play better golf and love the game even more!

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I’m going to give you some common mistakes that are made on par five by most golfers but I’m also going to give the answers of how we solve them and start to score better let’s take a look in this lesson before we get stuck into this lesson from the gorgeous poola Golf

Resort let’s make sure you are a subscriber to the channel so you can improve your golf and enjoy it a bit more hit the button down there totally free to do let’s take a look at one of the first mistakes that golfers are making on par fivs so I’ve got to a par

Five and of course I’ve got a driver in my hand because it’s a par five it’s 510 yard long so that means that we’ve got to hit the big stick not the case sometimes we need to put the head cover back on these and the reason for that

Being if we actually take a look at what this hole looks like it’s 510 yards and I think a lot of people think par five and they think long hole so we need to get loads of distance but if you actually broke it down into segments if you’re an 18 handicapper let’s say

Theoretically now it’s a par six so you should only get up onto the Green in four shots so if it’s 500 yards it’s only really requiring you to hit 150 yards consistently four times and you’d actually be past the point of that green so we don’t always need to get driver

And actually as I look on my GPS here if I were to just pull driver and smash it down there thinking oh well it’s a par five there’s actually water that comes into play at 275 for me so I’m going to hit my driver into the water and then

I’m left scrambling to build a score so I I think the first thing we need to do is when we get onto the te is don’t be intimidated by that number par five and then also the yardage on the box think to yourself do you have some shots do

You need to hit your longest drive down here or actually do we need to get in position off the te to make sure that then we can actually start to build a good score down the hole so for me I’m going to take my hybrid cuz this is my

240 Club and with a little bounce on the fairways I know that this isn’t going to get me into a little little bit of a tricky position in the water all because I just thought that I needed to hit driver so we’ll go hybrid I know that

That bunkers on the left I can get by that and from here then I can get safely away just by actually thinking a little bit about how I want to attack this par five and a little fade off the left side of the Fairway picks the tea up before

It’s landed we know it’s a good shot then it’s in play and that is how we start to build success on the par fivs let’s go take a look at another mistake so it’s giveaway time guys we want to hit 300,000 subscribers by the time the Open Championship is played at Royal

Trun and we need your help and as a thank you for helping us do this I’m going to be giving away one video Lesson every tip Tuesday so you’ll get the chance to have your swing analyzed by me and then a personal video sent back to help you improve your swing couple of

Things you need to do to be in with the chance of winning this number one you need to be a subscriber to the channel number two I need you to leave me a comment in the comments below and then finally I need you to like and share the

Video with your friends because the comment with the most likes will be the winner of the video analysis with myself so make sure you get commenting subscribing sharing and liking for your chance to win that video analysis with me so we’ve hit a successful hybrid or Fairway would up there but there’s

Another occasion where now that I’ve actually got a good drive away we may not want to actually take the fairway wood maybe what we want to do is play up to a layup distance where we want to hit our third shot from maybe because of something like the water here or the

Tightness of the Fairway that we can see that we’re going up to maybe I don’t want to hit that Fairway Club but using my GPS here what I can see there’s only really the bunker up in the distance that would be a worry for me so if I’m

Plotting my way up the hole here what I can do now is put my favorite yardage where I want to hit my third shot from that being 70 yards scan up to where I want to and that now just leaves me with a seven iron so instead of worrying

About the downhill line or that slightly iffy lineon thinking well I’ve got to do it cuz it’s a par five I can hit an iron up there put it into a good position and then face a good pitch so let’s give the iron a rip and see where we get up to with

This nicely away down the middle and even there wasn’t my best strike but I’ve actually given myself a chance now to go at this par five Green in three so we’ve safely got up the Fairway now and we’ve found ourselves to a point where the layup actually worked 70 yards I’ve

Actually left myself 65 yards here to the flag and what I think a lot of people then start to do is think right well we’re in Touching distance now of this par five we’ve hit a great t- shot you’ve maybe hit a really good layup you didn’t even need to use maybe your

Longest Club in your bag you might have hit your five iron to lay up to here and we think great we’re filled with confidence and straight up away we just lock in on the flag we think where is it there’s the flag I’m going at it and

This is where we start to crumble sometimes when we think of par five greens they’re generally a bit bigger because of the whole length we see that there’s more landing area on them CU if you were to get up in two for some of the big hitters they want you to maybe

Face a bit of a longer putt we need to think about sort of zones where we’re Landing it in as we see this hole now the flags actually just nestled behind the bunker and all my hard work could come undone very quickly if I were to

Just hit a poor pitch shot just by maybe not quite catching it not getting my best strike and I Fall Into the Bunker I then take two to get out I have a couple of puts lo and behold I’ve fritted it away what we want to try and do what I

Try and tell my students is think about three zones that you want to hit into imagine depending on your skill level if you’re a low handicapper it might be a 10t circle if you’re a mid- handicapper it might be 20 if you’re a higher handicapper think of a 30t circle and if

You can place this around the green and think well as long as my flag is either touching the edge of the circles or is somewhere just inside them I’m probably going to have a chance now of holding that put because you can hold a 30 foot

Putt what you can’t generally do is hold a bunker shot from a very tight angle so for me I don’t like the look of that I’m working on the pitching at the moment so I’m going to put a 10t circle on the green and I’m actually just going to go

A little bit right of it now and just hit a pitch where I know I’ll still have a birdie putt or it might be a par putt for um the higher handicappers but what I’m not doing is bringing in a silly number just by getting greedy when I’m

Out on these greens so pick my spot I know my 10 foot spot I’ve got a little bit of a a null behind or even The Fringe of the green for me is a good angle and I’m now going to hit a pitch that allows me just to get onto that dance FL

Safely oh and there’s the prime example we’ve been safe and I’ve actually hit a pretty poor pitch but because of my planning I’ve got away with a pitch there that has now left me up on the green and in a decent little spot the next thing I see a lot of

People making a mistake with is that they don’t take anything from the playing Partners so as your playing partner is putting and you might have a similar putt why not learn a little bit from them instead of having your hands in your pocket looking up to the sky

Maybe on your phone whatever it may be actually give it a watch see what’s going on because you might just learn something you might have thought your put was right to left and see there’s move left to right and think ah I probably need to have a look at this so

Be aware just as you’re playing partners are in and around the hole or even a little bit further out there is knowledge that you can gain from them whilst on the putting green and one of the final common mistakes I see is what I call the undone mistake and all our

Good work gets undone because maybe we’ve got here in three for the first time on a par five maybe you’ve got here after four good shots and it could be your first time of making a birdie it could be a net birdie but we’re so amped

Up and so over the moon with what we’ve done to get into this position we actually switch off at this point so instead of actually thinking well I plotted my way down the Fairway I made sure didn’t find the trouble off the tea I left my favorite yardage what I need

To do now is actually study what’s going on around here I know I could have learned something from a plane partner we actually end up just walking up thinking I’ve done it guys come around everyone I’m going to make birdie it’s happening and we forget to have a look

And we stand over the put we get all excited oh God now it’s gone oh it’s at that distance that I don’t like now oh no what what have I done what have I done oh I’m going to what if a three put what if a four put what if

I’m going to make bogy and all of a sudden all it would have taken was us just to see the job through having a little bit more concentration getting switched on even if you don’t hold that put for that birdie or that net birdie that’s fine just make sure that you

Don’t undo all that good work and leave yourself a tester like this we want to make sure that we have a look around the hole there was a stone there my ball hit that on the way by so when I come back to the putt here if I would have taken

Some time I would have seen it was a big left to right for me hence why my Ball’s 3 ft right of the flag I would see that it’s a little bit downhill I would see that there’s little stones in my line and now I’ve got this in the tension

Yeah if it goes in great if not at least I’ve done a really good thing of plotting my way up and not making any stupid mistakes and now I’ve got a tapping tapping p or TA in bogey whatever it may be but for me it was a very Stressless

Hole so make sure when you’re playing those par fivs don’t be making those stupid mistakes and making what are the longer holes on the golf course longer and harder for yourself go through them there’ll be one that you really identify with make sure you don’t do it in your

Next round and start scoring better on them guys see you in your next lesson and remember subscribe you’ll start scoring better


  1. I commend you on keeping your focus and continuing your instruction despite the guy in the background with the chainsaw. LOL.

  2. Great video Matt.
    Hurts me to see the beautiful conditions in this video though when it's so miserable outside here 😢

  3. I tend to play with a lot of higher handicappers and you are absolutely right about their putting mistake(s). I would add that they virtually always aim straight at the hole without giving any attention whatsoever to slope or grade. And their results are just as you have shown, or worse!

  4. Great video as always. There is a par 5 near me that is downhill and about 540 yards, but smart play is a 6 iron, 6 iron, 6 iron, we call it the devil's hole because it tempts you to hit driver but the smart play is 666.

  5. Agree Matt, position is more important than distance. I normally use driver off the tee and then use a mid iron (on my home course) for second and hopefully a wedge on to the green, some times a dream!

  6. If I won a free lesson, I would have Matt give my free lesson to any veteran from any country. I sincerely believe when a veteran gets outside and connects with nature in any form to include golf, really helps with battling with PTSD depression and those kind of symptoms

  7. I love what you are doing on this channel and please don’t take this the wrong way but any chance of having Fryer Senior giving me the free lesson?😅

  8. I love these playing tip videos that talk about laying up on holes and not hitting driver so you don’t get into trouble. It sounds so perfect. All you need to do is hit your iron or hybrid and then a long iron and a chip and you are on the green in 3 then 2 putt for par, maybe a birdie!!! Awesome! First problem….. you’re assuming I hit my hybrid straighter than my driver. If I shank my tee shot not only am I still in trouble but now I’m in trouble and a mile away from the hole. Next even if I hit a straight hybrid now I have to hit a great 2nd shot, that one is likely to be topped and roll 50 yards. So now I’m still miles away and that par is looking quite impossible. So I hit my first 2 perfect and now I’m 100 yrds in. I’m going to air mail over the back duff 2 chips and 4 putt for a quad. Thank you so much for your advice!!!! Also this is a joke and I love your channel and the advice!!!

  9. Trying to play like a pro on par 5s, but my ball keeps insisting on a different career path – professional tree hugger! 🌳⛳️

  10. I think it would be fantastic to receive a lesson from you as it would be focused on my specific issues. Just what any golfer needs.

  11. You get you look like Bill Burr alot? Because I do. Good lesson mate you have me thinking of my par 5s on my home course more intentionally now.

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