Build a repeatable Golf Swing

You asked, we delivered! This is how to build a repeatable golf swing ✅

With so many golfers struggling with the complexity of the swing, getting overly complicated coaching and generally not understanding the fundamentals of the golf swing, we wanted to help!

Every golf swing is different and each requires different elements to make it work, but all good golf swing (almost all) have these 3 physical elements as a foundation for consistency and power!

Instead of focusing on plane, tilts, deviation etc get the basics right to load and rotate in the back swing, retain posture and use the ground through impact and finish in balance.

Sounds simple enough and it can be, we just have to work through all the other noise to deliver what matters most 🏌🏽‍♂️

Here we make these physical movements as simple as possible and give you 2 drills and 2 movements to use anytime, anywhere to improve your game and get your body delivering a high quality, repeatable golf swing time after time 💰

And if you’re ready to get your body in better golfing shape than ever, head on over and download the GOLFWOD App now for the best workouts in Golf and complete Golf Training Programs for all levels:


There are three key elements your body has to be capable of to make a consistent golf swing and in this video we’re going to make them as simple as possible and give you the movements and drills to improve so many golfers struggle going round to round creating a repeatable

Swing that delivers the results they want to see sometimes we feel good and the ball is going exactly where we want it to go next time we Tee It Up it could be different and we don’t know why think about the best players in the world they have physical therapists they have

Programs they have coaches they have all the resources possible to keep their body in the best shape possible to play consistent golf that’s where we want to get you to and we’re going to break the swing down to three key elements we’re going to look at back swing loading

We’re going to look at the magic move in transition to get into that impact position and then then we’re going to look at the finish for an overall awareness of your balance stability and again the repeatable nature of your golf swing we’re going to keep it simple

We’re going to look at the body as opposed to positions in the swing because those are a different element we want to get you moving well feeling good and playing better golf so the three key factors are going to help you do that factor number one is the back swing

A lot of golfers correctly focus on on the shoulder turn we want to get to that 90° position or potentially more if your Mobility allows that gives you the speed and the power to get it done however when golfers focus on this and not the lower body which is where our focus is

Going to be you can sub very easily get out of position we can collapse we can lead the swing with our arms and that’s going to impact our transition on the way down that’s Factor number two but think of it like this very simply your downswing is going to be a reflection of

Your back swing so if we lead with the arms going back you’re probably going to lead with the arms coming down and we get out of whack pretty quickly so what we want to look at is how you use the lower body because with that stability you can then build consistency and

Repeatable movements so when we start to turn off the ball instead of thinking about the club and the shoulders what we want to think about is an immediate shift of pressure into the trail leg we’re not going laterally we’re not swaying side to side but once we start

The takeaway we want to feel as though pressure goes into the trail leg and it’s going to very slightly extend straighten that means your hips are rotating it also means that the lead leg is going to move down just a natural balance between the two sides so as we

Turn back the first feel is that once we load that trail foot the lead leg is going to sorry the lead knee is going to work down towards your Trail foot this sets the hips the position and the stability of your lower body to then allow the upper body to continue its

Rotation to stretch all of the musculature through the lead lats all of the big muscles here and actually give you a position where the muscles then want to create your transition more on that later but basically that gives you a great feel physically it gets you in

The best position and it means that the swing is going to take care of itself into those sequencing elements a great way to get this done is the back swing Lo drill now what we’re trying to do here is load and turn our upper body against the lower body I like to feel

Two key things number one is that the left shoulder goes behind the ball you’ll hear almost all players talk about this but number two for me I like the feel of really rotating the core against my trail quad okay that gives me the feeling of stretch and load to get

Into a really strong powerful position this drill is going to give you both okay you can do this with any club in the back but very simply you’re going to take your standard posture as if you were going to hit the shot and then you’re going to place a ball in line

With your Trail foot from here we set the club up we’re obviously not going to hit from here this is just a drill to give you the feel and the turn and from here we’re going to wind up immediately focusing on those two things we talked about loading down into the right foot

And then trying to move our left shoulder in line with the ball so you can see there I’m turning against that trail leg we’re looking at the ball we got a huge shoulder turn but my lower body is active and creating that resistance so then we can use the ground

And change direction so we go again ball in line with the trail foot we take our back swing we load and look at the ball with that left side you can see we’re retaining good width we got a really strong turn powerful body positions and that’s going to give you consistency as

Well you can see from the swing over here these are the mechanics that are going to build the found Foundation of your swing and if you can’t replicate this position if our legs are not doing enough any inefficient movement is going to mean you’re not returning the club to

The ball in the same way that leads to inconsistency and that leads to inconsistent golf Factor number two is building on Factor number one and now we look at the transition so that means that loaded back swing is super important because our transition is going to decide how well we hit the ball

Okay the best players in the world we know they SE we know that they leave the lower body the club stays behind and they can impact the ball with the right type of angle of attack up on the driver down with the irons and that leads to incredible ball striking time after time

Too many amateurs too many everyday golfers are going to pull down with the upper body so we get to the top we don’t have that reference point we don’t have that separation of the lower body we pull down over the top and anything can happen from there some days you’ll hit a

Slice that ends up in the Fairway some days you’ll drop it right in the slot and hit good shots and some days you won’t hit good shots at all okay we want to reduce that we want to help you play consistent Golf and that is where this

Magic movement comes in now as we get to the top because we’ve now got active legs what we want to feel is that legs are going to start the down swing okay the simplest feel here is that we squat into the position okay so once we get to

The top of the back swing if we Flex our knees and let our hips move down that’s going to reduce the chance of that early extension and the throwing of the club out in front of our body okay the squat feel matched with all of the forces and

The rotation you have going on is going to allow you to engage the legs use the big muscles get down into the ground so you get all of those reactionary forces and yes deliver the club more consistently and with more power as well so Keys here number one it is technical

We need to feel as we get to the top and that is where that back swing loading drill comes in until your left shoulder moves behind the ball we don’t pull down take your time get patient and then once you feel that you fully loaded then we

Go down before we rotate into the ballb that is huge so is your hip mobility and your glute activation okay so we talk about this all the time you’ll see it with the best players in the world you see it with everybody else tight hip flexes and weak glutes are going to redu

Reduce your ability to stay in posture and to create power and sequencing in the swing because if they’re not taking the load they’re going to want to straighten up that is your early extension and that’s a bad golf swing okay so every day or at least often we

Need to work on loosening the hip flexes and activating the glutes because then we can hit that kinematic sequence just to go over that again you hear it all the time but very simply the sequence is that we load that back swing again starting with a legs we get to the top

Once we get in that position the magic move is to go down and then rotate because then the legs lead the hips are next to the Torso arms into the club and the head is the last thing to reach the ball as we launch into it the whole body

Is then working as an efficient system driving power through the ground all the way through the body you use the big muscles you put less stress on the back and you hit better golf shots okay so here we want you to work on the hip mobility and the glute activation we

Have two simple exercises that you can do at home at the office or on the course with just the golf club and it’s going to help you every single day movement one is the lunge with Club hold rotation so take the club out in front step into a lunge position the

Back knee can touch the ground if we need to and rot rotate over the lead side from here we alternate legs and continue to rotate in the opposing Direction what we’re doing here we’re engaging the glutes we’re building lower body balance and stability through that air Symmetry and then we’re separating the

Upper and lower body hitting all of the key components we just talked about in the swing and helping you move better movement two a lateral lunges this really is about ground for fores and hip mobility again hitting on those key points Club out in front as a reference

Point for your balance we take one leg up try and stay balanced on that single leg we lunge out to the side to your range of motion push and then balance at the top lunge push and balance okay this is huge for your footwork huge for your hip

Mobility and just like we are in a swing we’re pushing against the ground to create reverse forces that reactionary Force we’re engaging everything and yes work both sides okay we want as much symmetry want as much activation through the big muscles as possible so that when you get into your

Downswing we don’t lose posture we don’t lose position and speed we can stay in the big muscles we can drive with the legs down into the ground sequence through into the ball clear and release that you can absolutely rip it we’ve built a stable bled back swing that’s

Better for your body we learned the transition to help you deliver the club head as optimally as possible and now we bring it all together by getting into a balanced finish position it’s probably the most simple of all of the factors we’ve talked about but being in balance at the end of

Your swing is two things number one it’s a huge amount of feedback as to how efficient and how consistent your body movements were throughout the whole swing and number two it can bring a awareness to faults to bad elements of your swing that we want to work on okay

Because if we find ourselves getting to the end of the swing and sometimes we’re falling backwards sometimes we’re not actually reaching the top of the Swing we’re trying to steer the shot those are all feedback points to tell you that something in the rest of the Swing was

Not working as well as it could have done so if we’re going to max out our speed our ball striking capability and the shots that we hit we need to be able to get into a full follow through that has a lot of balance and consistency okay it’s not just about looking good

And dropping a twirl on Instagram this is about having a free flowing golf swing where you don’t try and control the result you trust your golf swing you know that your body positions are consistent and you deliver the shot required okay so the key elements actually just factor in from what we’ve

Already talked about if we can be loaded going going back there’s a good chance we’re going to be loaded and have good footwork going through okay those are key elements same with your transition if we find oursel losing posture here we’ve already changed our center of gravity the club’s working

Away from us and then we’re always trying to catch up okay we’re going to see instability and a significant loss of balance okay so if we hit factors 1 and two well this really should be quite easy an excellent drill to do to enhance your speed balance and stability at the

Top end of your swing is the step two swing drill okay so this is going to add a dynamic dynamic element into your movement it’s great as a warm-up you can do it at home if you got space and it’s going to improve your sequencing and speed creation okay so the faster we

Move the more challenge to our balance so if you can do it here you can do it in the full swing this one’s really simple we’re going to start with our feet together we’re going to take a back swing and then as we get to the top

We’re going to step to the Target and swing through okay the key is to max out that step to really push against the ground get those reactionary forces and also to add speed while staying in Balance so you can see there we push turn against it as our hips rotate and

Release that’s a huge element in terms of a consistent gol s We Go Again solid grip solid position we take our back swing step and load okay really really important that you understand where the feet are at where our body positions are and again that comes down to factors one

And two down the line to finish it out we get set bring the feet together load and hit those are your three key factors okay you got two drills you got two Mobility exercises that can be used at any time of the week to create more consistent golf swing that delivers you repeatable

Consistency that leads to better golf there’s a lot of detail in this video but again it comes down to us three simple factors to go over super quick so you get it dialed in number one use your lower body to load against the ground and stabilize your back swing once you

Do so we then want to squat and use our legs even more during transition because the upper body is rotating we then sequence keep the club Behind and get into that impact position and when we do fact to three release and get into that balance finish

If you do that your body is going to deliver good results you can add the technical elements onto this as well grip ball position all of these different elements are going to impact your flight but these are the three key foundational factors that your body needs to deliver to create a consistent

Golf swing a huge element here outside of those three elements is your overall golf Fitness the more prepared your body is to deliver the golf swing you want the more it will consistent application of Mobility stretching training lifting weights and basically looking after yourself in the best way possible will

Deliver the best results short and long term that’s what we do at golw so head down into the description get your 7-Day free trial to the app now so you can build a better body and build a better golf swing we appreciate your time watching the video hit like hit

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1 Comment

  1. Both my outlets in life are lifting weights and hitting the links. Your channel has helped me implement 1-2 days a week of functional strength training and rotational work that in the past I typically ignored. 4 weeks in and already feeling more stability and awareness. No mess straight to the point knowledge being passed down earned a big thumbs up from Texas 👍

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