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Sports By The Book Ep. 124

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It’s Sports by the book at the South Point Studio here’s Jeff parl welcome in it is sports by the book here at the sou Point Studio I’m Jeff parles it is we need a different name for football Friday now hoop Central factual Friday I don’t know hoop Central Friday let me get on

That one I’ll think we’ll we’ll have to have some free throw Friday free you know what that there we go it’s a requirement that it’s an alliteration so free throw Friday get into it here and likes it that’s it it’s done right on the money Vinnie Val here Chris Andrews is here

Chris Andrews in a tie today well it is yamir Yager weekend in Pittsburgh yes we’re allowed to say that on this show and Jerry’s also not here uh but you uh got his teammate I got a Mario lutai I could not find a yir Yer TI where’s your

Mullet oh that was gone about 40 years go uh I did have one Vinnie probably no you had the wind tunnel tested hair dude coming out of New York I did I had the mullet um but no anyway yogger uh and Lemieux I mean that was just one of the

Great teams 90 91 92 monster and unfortunately the best team they had did not win that was after they had won two in a row the third year they had a 24 game unbeaten streak we still had ties in those and then lost in the playoffs

To the Islanders one of the worst losses of my life to suffer through and I wonder if Dave damashek my another Pittsburgh boys listening talking about some bad beats that was a horrible horrible beat for uh penguin fans everywhere the Islanders did that to the Penguins a few times they did thanks for

That even even before they won their cups I remember yeah like they they come down back from 03 one uh oh one year oh my Lord I was I was there there for every one of those games every one of them well you worked at the super right

Yep was there for every one of those man good team buddy great the old school Patrick division right yeah wow there been so many divisional changes I can’t even keep track what was what the the NHL the NHL just needs to go back to just the straight one through eight I

Each conference instead of the divisional pods you end up you can legitimately end up with the two best teams and it’s happened plenty of times since they’ve gone this pod system about decade ago where you end up with the two best teams in the in the same conference

Playing in the conference semis as opposed to the Conference Finals and then either works one of two ways the team’s out of gas and they get blasted in the next round or they find their way to The Cup Final and I forget what year it was it was when Gretzky was still

With Edmonton and they had home ICE went to the conference with the better record and I remember making the price I made Edmonton a big favor to whoever there oh geez they don’t have home ICE I think they won anyway but uh we have any hockey historians out there I think it

Was I want to say about 85 something like that where they totally messed up the uh the the the home ICE Advantage rule but Edmonton wound up winning anyway well was that against uh Chicago oh man you got it right look at you no I’m just pulling it up in front of me

Well they won the cup in 84 yeah they well they they won a b well the Islanders won their four straight and then the the Oilers were 80 to 83 and then Oilers won it so that be I had to go to Edmonton uh when I was with Cala

We were looking to set up a uh a Stakes race at northland’s Racetrack and I was like the liaison I went up there spent some time up in the uh uh you know in the Turf Club I got to know Glenn Anderson guy wound up in the Hall of

Fame played for the Oilers played for the Rangers great player and he and I kind of hit it off we were both uh degenerate G horse betters and uh and after I got to know him for a couple days this was uh after they lost the

Calgary when they had the hit off Steve Smith skate they lost one nothing in game seven I said Glenn I I really hate to say this but you guys losing the cup that year made me so much money he says oh my God he says you’re the first one

To ever tell me that I says well Glenn stop and think about it they had to lose it to somebody right I’m the guy I’m one of the guys they lost it to was lny McDonald on that team that Calgary I think yeah he was on the Calgary team yeah was he yeah

Well I think that’s the first four and a half minutes we’ve talked talked hockey I know with the two of you guys all uh all year long good man be a fun time with by the way the uh trade deadline’s coming up in about what three weeks two

And a half weeks sounds right yeah yeah Jake gensel got hurt he was I know he’s a big trade bait for the Penguins but that’s not going to happen Let’s uh let’s roll into uh let’s roll into what we saw last week real quick before we get into looking forward here Chris

Chris obviously Chiefs again MH three titles now in the Mahomes era they’ve officially crossed into the dynastic part of things now and and from a betting perspective Chris uh I I would imagine at the way that game played out somehow still managed to stay under despite the overtime yeah uh that

This was a probably a pretty good day all things considered it was a real good day all things considered and talk to a few people around town and a few people up north I still have a lot of roots up there uh Northern Nevada killed it yeah

First of all that you know we in Las Vegas overpriced a lot of things and they the Niners always drew a big big crowd in the Reno area and everybody had the ners and everybody had the over so it was a real big score for them we did

Really well here and from what I hear around town we did better than most places in Las Vegas and I want to maybe Pat myself on the back a little bit because couple things I said uh first of all all year I’ve been saying the kicker for the

49ers may become a problem at some point and he missed that extra point that totally would have changed the game from had he made it it would have been 1713 instead he misses it at 1613 Kansas City goes down and kicks a field goal to tie would have been a

Whole different game and I was on a couple shows they asked me what I thought I said I think this game’s a dead pick them I think if you look through the 53 man Rost the 49ers definitely are better uh overall on the 53 man muster except for two things quarterback and

Head coach and I think that came to fruition when we saw you know how this game wound up that was the difference in theame spot on Chris was talking about the kickers so you know especially for for the couple of weeks leading up to it um I think overall we did achieve what

We thought we would too in terms of the the handle being a record although I thought thought it would be I thought would it be higher to be honest um we got 2 185 um in change uh million Statewide so um while it was a new

Record it was not the record that we thought um the I think the thing that helped too was was the props I think uh we did uh we did pretty well on the props well on the Futures and um I think Las Vegas you know people get caught did

You win or did you lose I think overall look South Point was certainly a winner with the with the guests that were here right Chris over 7,000 added guests about 7 about 7,000 um and then um that I mean by the way that’s 7,000 additional guests from to that were

Accommodated in uh in uh parties and and things throughout the property I think Las Vegas did uh did a good job overall I mean I think we should uh salute our all of our uh our fellow citizens for for everything that uh that they did and

And put on a great show and I think you ask anybody that was involved with the game and uh I haven’t heard anybody at the NFL complain and uh you know it wasn’t just about the the the sports betting on the event either I would be stunned if Las Vegas doesn’t get the

Game within six years again Super Bowl 63 Super Bowl 64 would imagine he sure he’ll uh he’ll end up back here just going upstairs even before the game started just the crowd that was upstairs here at the South Point was incredible we were talking two hours before game time everyone’s there not a

Seat to be had everyone’s going to get their their uh their their fairly priced food and they and fairly priced drinks which yeah to be honest with oursel doesn’t happen at all in this city anymore and it happens here at the South Point which is all you can really ask

For which all I’ll say is as we know and see a tournaments it’s coming up yep there are there is no better place in Las Vegas that’s exactly right to watch especially on Thursday and Friday yep when you have 12 hours plus of games going all that’s without overtimes Jeff

Oh hey that’s without overtimes and that’s how without a 16 beating on one yet either uh but it is it is there is no better place to watch the games than upstairs or if you happen to get a seat in here as well oh by the way we had God

You know I think we had we had room for nine ticket writers we couldn’t find enough ticket writers up at windows Yep I think we had either seven or eight we had four kiosk upstairs we’ll do the same thing for March Madness and uh we really got a lot of Praise on the

Internet you know usually everybody’s just trying to say how stupid you are how horrible you are blah blah blah but we got a lot of Praise from a lot of guys um not just for how we accommodated everybody but the pricing of the food oh you guys are saying this you guys aren’t

You know where there’s no price guy couching you know I mean beers were like you know four and five you know $4 for like Bud and Corona and stuff like that I mean you always have to150 hot dog but you had the you had the foot long hot

Dogs upstairs for $2 chicken tenders were cheap I mean everything was Jeff you sound like maybe you tried some of those things look I’m Chris I’m a big kindur of food as you would know but uh no look it’s h look I just I of course we we all work for the South

But this is we’re gonna be proud of that though you I know that that’s that’s part of the reason I’m I’m here it’s like that part just seeing that crowd upstairs seeing all just how happy everyone was now granted I wasn’t up there when the game ended so who knows

How happy people were about a 5050 split somewhere somewh going into the going into it everyone was so happy to be there a great a great time had by all up upstairs uh and and of course again yeah people down here to fun time as

Well and I and I have to tell I talked to Mike lionti who’s our entertainment director runs the showroom he said he had four people in line for the showroom at midnight the night before his Mike he says yeah well they were taking turns you know you have to go to the bathroom

At some point you know that’s a long wait but they want that and I’ve said it before the showroom is the best place in town to watch that game watch any big and we do it every Monday night by the way so you know that’s the place to

Be I will say uh as always sad in that football season is over we got a lot of great stuff though coming up March Badness arguably the most fun four days that first weekend all year in Vegas you know with the G the Super Bowl year maybe a little different this year but

Yeah still uh still a whole lot of fun obviously NBA playoffs hockey playoffs around the corner baseball season yeah uh that was the fun thing on Monday I was like oh I actually have to look at some baseball stuff for the for the first time in in six months regular

Season wins are up yeah reg season WIS are up put those when are they uh you’re putting up yes yes no make playoff odds uh I don’t know I haven’t thought that far ahead yet but I want to say like everybody loves the first two days of

The tournament I’m just too busy you know I like I like Saturday and Sunday myself because you spre out last yeah you could actually watch the games like sat you know uh Thursday Friday I’m just so busy it’s great great basketball but a lot of times I only have chance to

Watch you know a couple minutes at a whack and then but Saturday and Sunday I kind of like yeah personally I like those better myself you know what’s also uh one of the most popular bets too is over the last few years of course you’re the first the first of 15 everyone loves

That bed let me tell you something it is absolutely a a fun time to watch some of some of the groups that come in and B we had a group a couple years ago from Texas you would have thought these guys hit the lottery every time they won one

It was and they were sitting right at the counter right ch right in front of the uh of the counter and had a had a great time they were back last year I think they went upstairs last year and they’ll be back I think they did we had

Dave Jensen the casino host who come what’s going on here I say they got first to 15 I mean the these guys were not big betters they murdered us they beat us out of like 30 40,000 I said Dave all the dogs they took they had all

The dogs with big price I said Dave I’d like to bet you most of them don’t walk out of here with with money in their pocket by the time we get to the slot machines and well well those are the first of 15s are just like you take the

16 seeds you take the 15 seeds you take the big you’re getting four $ four on the 16 seeds I mean they murdered us why not all you need to by we’re still standing I knew you’d be okay uh but you just you hit two of them you hear a big

Cheer like with it at like the five or seven minute Mark yeah and it’s not the end of the game you know that you’re on last year was an interesting one with that because of course we had the Monumental up said of Fairly Dickens and upsetting do outright sure where the

Whole room I was upstairs in the baller upstairs last year in uh uh at the party and the entire room had Fairly Dickens at first the 15 yeah the entire room and they got the 15 first yeah and it’s like all right well we got our plus money on

Fairly Dickens and not knowing what was coming about an hour and a half destroyed their brackets at the end of that game I didn’t destroy my bracket they destroyed a lot of other brackets out there uh last year for sure you had purudu going down in that game I had

Purdue going down to Florida Atlantic in the next round okay so I had no issue with them see I did I did too but so didn’t I had other things that killed my bracket not that one I again I ended up with no final four teams but hey what

What are you gonna do when uh when you end up with uh you end up with Florida Atlantic and San Diego State is one of your one of your National semifinals who was it and then Connecticut could be Miami and then who oh Miami was the

Fourth uh thing okay I forgot San Diego I I had a uh that was probably that was that was the the nail in the coffin of the tournament last year I had a I had a big bet on Texas to come out of that Midwest region yeah and Houston had

Gotten upset by Miami it’s like all right well we’re in great shape getting a weaker team Texas up 10 in the second half and it was the game uh outright in regulation yeah thus is betting the NCAA tournament in a nutsh yes it is yes it

Is um going to tonight uh real quick guys uh there are a few games tonight in the college slate not not the this is what you get on Friday night you get you get a few Ivy League games right now Cornell by the way out early as a nine-point favorite against Harvard um

But then you get a whole bunch of mediocre games really tonight that vill Villanova and georgetown’s the only Power five plus a big East game going on tonight which Villanova is a 10-point road favorite that’s more of an indictment of Georgetown but the biggest game on the board is in the Mountain

West yes it is by a wide margin tonight and that’s San Diego State welcoming in New Mexico uh to the uh to Vias again these two teams I would argue of the two biggest homecourt advantages in the Mountain West of course the elevation and Albuquerque at the pit especially

When they’re good like they are this year Chris right now you have six on this one with San Diego State the favorite six and a halfs out there as well total and this is one thing that can happen in college hoops you guys are

At 151 and a half some of the markets at 152 and a half this can happen from time to time in yeah it’s still slicing it pretty close if you’re looking for a middle in New Mexico I was watching uh on the internet the other night they

Went into Reno and beat Nevada by one 7372 I want to say something like that yeah I mean it was uh you know nip and Tuck the whole way and I was texting with some friends of mine I said I don’t you know we we you know Nevada would

Grab a lead I said I don’t think we can hold on here boys you know and uh you I know uh Mexico hit a couple big threes I think two threes in their last two possessions to pull ahead and win by one by the way they play UNLV tomorrow night

And I’m going to the game you know uh so that that that should be a lot of fun late start 8:30 yeah that’s late for me that’s late CBS Sports Network wanted the late tip oh man that’s late for me but I’m I’ll be there um by the way a dent is

Questionable for New Mexico tonight which is a big uh if you can’t go it’s a it’s a major injury listen I I will tell you this outside of um well let me back up that here’s the thing you the way we we rate teams and power rate teams uh we also power

Rate conferences and and I will I’ll tell you this outside of Connecticut in the Big East and you know I I’ll even throw marking but you take that Connecticut this Mountain West Conference is as good a conference as there is uh or you could

Compare them to to uh the Big East in my opinion that’s that’s how strong it is I think statement buddy I think you’re going to get you may get more bids from this conference then uh I think they could it could be neck and neck with the ACC Jeff if

Tomorrow the committee comes out I believe with their first they’ll the 16 right their first four in each conference they’ll do their last four in and their first four out and all of that um and they’re going to go you know the top four seeds in each in each region

But um I’ll tell you right now there’s a lot of teams in in the ACC and the Big East sweating right now and are going to be life and death between now and the remaining couple of weeks before they get into their conference tournament well right now lenardi has

Six Mountain West teams in right the ACC the ACC as of this moment how about four there you go wow big east four the only Leagues with more bids right now lenardi with Paulo come on the big 20 the big the big 12 with nine good Big 12 is going to

And they deserve the most B the Big 12 is the best league in the absolutely they are I will tell you this yeah go ahead the the Mountain West will probably have more than the Pack 12 well I I think that’s a lock I I think I’d be

Willing to lay a team and a half on that so think about what I just said there’s still and again in college basketball uh there’s there’s a power six conferences right yeah because you have to throw the Big East in there we just mentioned them the Mountain West conceivably if the if

The if the draw was today okay they will have more potentially and it’s in a likelihood have more bids than the Pack 12 the Big East and the ACC well and forget that too Vinnie they they right now according to lonardi would have the same amount of

Bids as the Big 10 the Big 10 right has 20 teams yeah yeah I mean a big 10 with six right now yeah who who are the ones out of the Mountain West Mountain West San Diego State yes as a five right now for lardi you Utah State and Colorado

State is sevens a 10 seed on New Mexico and boisee and then Nevada’s going to daten right now yeah okay they’re playing correct first one so now tomorrow night Chris oh yeah yeah there’s a lot of things that are that are going to take place obviously uh

Over the next four weeks but um the other thing is you know these schools are all beating each other up in conference play now too in their respective conferen so um yeah it’s it’s going to be interesting but the uh this is this is a big year for the uh for the

Mountain West uh I will tell you just just eyeballing it I think the Big 12 is gonna end up with 10 I could see that it end I would say there’s at least nine uh but they they will they should have as a conference the most uh the most bids

Yeah Houston Iowa State KU Balor Texas Tech Oklahoma BYU PCU and Texas I think are are clearly all it did you say Texas Tech I did yeah yeah they’re definitely by the way our friend Jeff Fogle does a lot of Big 12 rating so I would say and

I always tell guys follow him on Twitter follow if you could uh his substack reasonable price follow you a lot of great stuff out of Jeff fog yeah it’ll be a it’ll be an interesting go these last few weeks uh in college hoops uh the other yeah there’s really not much

Of anything tonight the interesting one tonight as always and Vinnie we talked about this a little uh a few Saturdays ago when the ivy gets in they have these back they play Friday Saturday and tomorrow Princeton plays Yale who are arguably the two best teams the top them and Cornell is the third

Team that top three are very strong in the ivy this year I I just wonder like if you want to go against both Yale and Princeton tonight you you could you’re getting six with the Quakers tonight at the pester against Yale you’re getting a whole bullo of points with brown in

Princeton tonight uh getting 14 if you want it well especially the pen game because they’re at home right right I mean y’s on the road there Princeton is at least at home and uh again these are these are you talk about home court they’re good teams and they’re right on

Top of you too they’re not big gym they’re they’re there’s some high schools that have bigger gyms around the country and uh so uh the fans are right on top you they know what’s at stake and now yeah there’s a look ahead yes frankly but uh uh the other thing too is

You know at one point do they have a do they have a significant lead and now you’re taking out the starters to R for tomorrow so that’s where the uh the points may become a a premium but uh the pen game has not moved it’s still uh

Yell is still six and uh Princeton is still 13 I think here at U at South Point so 14 so now all right there you go that that just happened when we came in pretty much right before we came into the studio right when we came in so

Again if you can get get the points there they may uh maybe worth a little something because of tomorrow’s game and the ivy still ridiculous to me that they play a conference tournament but hey what they had two though well there’s three legitimate teams in that League like Cornell Y and Princeton are

All they when before they the reason they started it was to try to get more than one bid and and you know something it it really paid off for him right a couple a couple of times where they got at least a couple of bids but they did you know

What it’s also you know like the IV needs money right but um listen anym conferences do have they they’ve got it you have to have a a conference tournament you almost have to in uh at Columbia this year V is that right yeah here we go which could end up with

Columbia having a home game against the number one seed take the subway Uptown yeah exactly uh on that for sure all right we’ll take a quick break we get back more in college hoops the NBA’s also at its All-Star break I know uh you got at least bring that up a little bit

And also you already have the odds up for next year’s Super Bowl as well so we got plenty to talk about here on a free throw Friday as our guy venzo called it here on Sports by the book from the South Point Studio The Perfect Blend of sports but I

Think the ners are going to wear them down Detroit Pistons lost their 36 game comedy see over under on that relationship lasting I’m going to put mayo in the coffee I am beautiful and a whole lot of pitsburgh in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh join Ryan McCormick that’s at least two picks

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Day welcome back in sports by the book at the South Point Studio I’m Jeff parles alongside me Chris Andrews Vinnie malulo as always here on a Friday here on Sports by the book all right keep it in college hoops we go to the Futures Market here real fast guys because

Vinnie you and I when you’ve joined Alex and I on on Saturdays we’ve talked all right it feels like Connecticut and Purdue are a sliver above everyone else that’s not to BGE Houston or Arizona or North Carolina or Auburn it just look at the proof is in the pudding on Purdue

And Yukon they’re they’re above those other two teams now of course does this mean that Purdue or yukon’s going to win a National Championship of course not because the NCA tournament is the wackiest American sporting event there is right now Yukon actually after their win in their

Drubbing of dep Paul the other day I know uh Paul’s taking a lot of drubbings this year uh they’ become the favorite here at the point now 5 to one uh Purdue sitting at 6 to1 Arizona and Houston the only other single digit odds teams to win the national championship in

Basketball well and rightfully so because that’s also play you know I mean let’s face it I mean you know Houston they defend um not not particularly deep but they they do get up and down the court uh and defend their defense is outstanding Samson’s a great coach they

Shoot the ball very well uh they’re never they’re really never out of a game um when you look at the body of work of Connecticut and Purdue Jeff you have to separate them from from everybody else okay and um I think you know what happened to Purdue last year could

Be what similar to what happened to Virginia between 18 and 19 now I’m not saying that Purdue is I’m not anointing them with the just yet but we did see an enormous you know a terrific turnaround and a championship turnaround by Virginia that year and you I think this

This Purdue team from what I’ve seen the way they focus because if you watch Purdue this year too there’s plenty of games where they’re down at the half and the way they respond and and the adjustments that they make at halftime and the way they responded in the second

Half is is strong um I I think it’s scary to say that this this Connecticut team think they lost three starters from last year’s title team this team is better than than than last year’s team and good pedigree uh terrific coaching they’re they’re going to have to run run

The gauntlet of the uh the rest of the Big East schedule and the uh and the Big East tournament but then you got you have everybody else are are they capable who’s capable of beating those two well when they’re healthy certainly Kansas um you know Houston if you know

If they can uh you know keep it close and and and defend the way they do and and dis and be as disruptive as they are Arizona I I don’t know I I kind of Jackel and Hyde I I see in in in Arizona all the talent in the world I give those

Other teams that I just mentioned a big coaching advantage over Arizona uh particularly in big games and in close games um now who’s you know who who can be sleepy out there um you know what SEC look at Auburn Auburn is is is terrific big game tomorrow against Kentucky at

Home Mississippi is a is a dangerous team uh the way they can score look at what Alabama is doing nobody’s talking about Alabama and by the way the South Carolina team has come out of nowhere and just become a uh you know I mean I know they got they got beat up pretty

Good in their last game but that was uh that was that was due to happen I mean so it’s and then you know Pick A team out of the you know out of the uh the Big 12 that we talked about a little while ago so yeah it’s it’s it’s wide

Open and I I think it’s safe to say that we’re probably going to see Connecticut and Purdue as number one seeds um tomorrow the committee will probably come out with Houston with those two and maybe Houston and and Arizona I’m not so sure all four of them

Are going to be number one seeds by the time we get to selection Sunday it’s Yukon and Purdue I think are Lo like you said they’re locked they’re getting one seeds it’s just a matter of who gets the number one overall seed and who gets the number two overall seed the

Purdue will get shipped to the region at Detroit the Midwest Connecticut will play the games in the second weekend in Boston which is a nice little uh nice little little advant is for them but you get why not Kansas gets it every year no I mean look Kansas play Kansas has

Played first round games in wit and de Mo and in second weekend games Kansas City I mean yeah exactly I mean yeah uh granted didn’t help them last year because they lost to Arkansas so uh regardless you know it’s it’s it’s always interesting looking at this right

Now where again Chris this is usually this is the week where the public is like oh college basketball exists again right uh where everyone starts betting and tomorrow we have 99 games on the card yeah will be the day where everyone makes their trium where again people of

Course have been betting it for three months now but the public will make their triumphant return tomorrow to betting college basketball well no Super Bowl no NBA either NBA Allstar Weekend yeah so I mean you’re GNA have a lot of guys coming out of the woodwork all of a

Sudden saying oh it’s Connecticut I heard about them they’re pretty good yeah and then uh I’ll bu Kansas they’re there every year uh I know they have a big game tomorrow who they playing I can’t remember Kansas playing Oklahoma Oklahoma in Oklahoma in Norman yep so I

Mean there’s some big games I mean listen the Big 12 is Big Game pretty much every night you know so or at least every time they square off but you know yeah I expect to have a busy day tomorrow it’ll be be a lot of fun we’ll

Get a lot of faces in here that uh haven’t been following college basketball much all year including me by the way I’m just starting to get uh boning up a little bit on my uh power ratings and fortunately I got vinen over here to my right to help me a little bit

Well the big the biggest game tomorrow is in the Big East because Connecticut welcomes Marquette I got that one yeah and you you look at just the way that these two teams matched up uh or they matched up last year I should say because they’ll play in Milwaukee later

In the year yes uh again I don’t want to take too much from last year even though again Yukon won a title last year and they may be better this year Marquette beat Connecticut twice last year they beat him in Milwaukee and then they beat

Him in the Big East tournament uh in the 14 matchup in that game in Madison Square Garden uh kenpom has this at seven I think it’s low I was just looking at that you think you think it’s low at seven for what K okay and again

They do a great job over there um I just think the way that Connecticut is playing and just current form the way Marquette is playing I mean Marquette they had a they had a terrific start to the season right I mean who’s playing better right now and it’s it’s it’s Connecticut and

And the home court um actually make this game a little bit higher than seven probably about I’d start at 8 maybe and go go from there but that’s I’m just that’s my personal number just just eyeballing it here on this few books that have it out it open seven and a

Half and actually got bet to seven okay don’t be shocked if it comes back up I that’s all I’m going to say I I thought personally I thought seven and a half was where where I was looking at Vinnie I thought that was probably about right

Um if this comes eight by the time this game tips off it wouldn’t shock me yeah I think so Yukon is just the demolishing everything again current current form right yeah current form is is their current form they’ve won 13 straight games they’re the best team in the country home court and college

Basketball is just like college football it’s much stronger in college basketball than it is in the NBA well yeah and we had this conversation a few weeks ago when Kansas played Houston where Kansas came as an underdog for just the third time since 1996 at home and it was one

Of those where it’s like all right you just have to take Kansas because talking home court at the fog six maybe even seven points it’s one of the highest I mean it’s one of the one of the one of the bigger numbers you’re going to see I

Think it is the personal personally I have that as the best homec court with uh Cameron indor second and r at third even though kuy’s defense hasn’t traveled down the street this year no no and that’s probably not going to change and Kansas’s next game they got waxed by

Who who somebody beat them by a million who well they they Kansas this year has been and this has happened with these big with these big 12 teams the home road splits have been jarring for a lot of and Kansas is have been beyond jarring because they’ve they lost to

Central Florida which not a good loss they lost to West Virginia which was a terrible loss even though that’s been of Horrors for them since West Virginia joined a big 12 was that a decade ago now over a decade ago uh they’ve been there LZ at hildon who cares great home

Court at Hilton Coliseum Kansas State beat him in overtime that’s another one Bram is another amazing home court and then Texas Tech beat him by 29 Points that’s one I was talking about yeah Bill self ejected for the first time as head coach is Kansas biggest road loss for

Herself as well Kansas has to get healthy though too mcer did not play on Monday right so so that teams you know for them to be able to make a run uh not only in the in the Big 12 tournament but in in theaa tournament they’re going to have to get everybody

Back and have you know be it be it 100% and which they’re not right now this is not the it’s this is a reasonable game I’m bringing up right now but I’m I’m just curious your thoughts on this one on this team where kenpom has him as a

Top 10 team right now in the futur book you have them at 15 to1 to win the national championship and that’s the fight in the line eye of Illinois yeah who go on the road to take on Maryland tomorrow that is not a particularly easy

Place to play it’s a big it’s a gigantic game for Maryland if they’re going to have any shot of sneaking in the back door to make the NCAA tournament early numbers come two there’s even some one and a half and Far Away places on this game illo Illinois is the slightest of

Favorites in that game where’s thebi number Jeff oh that is 721 722 for tomorrow that one what did I make that game 230 paciic I made Illinois one in that game you made Illinois one what did they what did they come one and a half

In Two okay yeah I mean this is a uh Ken Palm has him three yeah Illinois 3 yeah I think Ken pom’s a little lower on Maryland than I think uh well this is a yeah this huge game for Maryland to your point Jee there’s no doubt about it

They’ve got to they have to start building some uh building their resume um because in all likelihood they are not going to win the tournament their their conference tournament they’re going to need to stockpiling some quality wins right now and then at least

Get uh get a couple of wins in in in the tournament but uh it’s a huge game for them there’s no question about this is this is too where yeah the public getting involved now at this time is there’s big games right now for bigger games for some teams than for others and

This is a a classic example of that well there are again there are a bunch of big like bubbly games tomorrow Butler hosting kadon as wife of them right now lonardi has Butler on the right side of it they win I think Butler is safe uh

This rate lonardi has that as a excuse me kenpom has that as kraton minus one the market has it as kraton two and a half actually kind of like the underdog at home in a very difficult place to play at hankle Fieldhouse and that one especially if somehow we get a pull a

Three I think that’s quite good on on Butler in that game that’s a six 611 612 in I made kraton three kraton three what did you what two and a half okay I mean Ken pal has him one yeah I think Ken Pal’s a little bit light uh uh or excuse

Me the kraton should be closer to what Vinnie has I I mean well again who knows I I don’t know I mean that’s just it’s just you know my number doesn’t make make it make it you know correct either but I think from a betting perspective

Um yeah I mean listen there’s value to to to home dogs now you know we we started the season with you know inflated numbers and there were some inflated numbers because of brand recognition uh and I don’t think this is inflated but again CR this kraton’s another team Jeff right in the second

Half they make some adjustments at halftime and they come back and uh and and and really play well in the second half and that’s something obviously that you want to pay attention to as you start the handicap teams going into the tournament so but yeah just for the you

Know for the real quick um you know we were making numbers before we came out and um that’s just what my number came to on this one I I do want to bring up uh SE 731 732 you mentioned it earlier Auburn and Kentucky Vinnie where some

People may be surprised at where this number is going to come for tomorrow where where it’s double digits right where kenpom has it at 10 yeah yeah uh right now one big multi-state book has it at 9 and a half yeah some other places and Far Away places have it as

Low as seven and a half yeah well I made it 11 you made it 11 and my wife and my and and I’m saying that at the risk of of getting locked out of the house tonight you have just a couch you have Auburn is the number one team in the SEC

Right I do okay I do yeah I so does Ken Palm yeah yeah it’s close between them and Tennessee for me this Kentucky team you know again so they started the season one well well they started the season without three starters without three three big men and and they got

Everybody back they were playing well and I I have to tell you and I noticed kapari just got to the point where he was just saying okay go ahead run just run they don’t defend they don’t I mean when you’re scoring at the rate they’re scoring and losing games okay when you’re scoring

Consistently in the 70s and 80s and get to 90 uh you you can’t be losing games in at at the college level but unfortunately that that’s what probably is going to is going to be their downfall I mean there’s a lot of talent there don’t get me wrong but in the NCAA

Tournament you have to be able to defend you’ve got to be able to rebound and you’ve got to make free throws right in Kentucky right now again their defense is 104th in the country in Ken bom that is outrageously low for that’s outside the bracket I tell that for a

High-end team that is outrageously low now I think they’re the highest scoring team in the country right uh they are seven in offensive efficiency yeah there seven of oh the school’s ahead of them though I’m not sure if they’re I’ll give you the ones I have Alabama’s number one which makes sense

Because when Alabama shoots well Alabama’s unbelievably good number two is Purdue makes sense number three is Connecticut all right so far so good but the two of the Purdue and Connecticut defend so go ahead and well all these other most of these other teams defend Al abama ar oh Alabama 73rd in defense

Arizona is fourth okay Balor is Fifth and Illinois is sixth there you go I just mentioned six high-end teams right there you you and and they’re all in ahead of Kentucky right now right except for Alabama Alabama is s Alabama is 73rd in defense Baler 64th in defense and

Kuy’s 104 everyone else is in the top 40 yeah it’s uh I will say this I think double digits it’s it’s a we when we get to March it’s a weird thing with the with trying to handicap all these things because normally if you’re going off a

Kenpom which a lot of people do you want a team that’s top 20 in both offensive and defensive efficiency that’s usually the key to getting a national championship this year I think it’s going to be a little more complex because you’re dealing with a lot of these high-end teams on defense this

Year are actually good on offense which doesn’t happen very often it’s a good point because Auburn this year let’s take Auburn for example Auburn right now is ninth in offense and fourth in defense they’re strong they’re top 10 in both that’s hard to find a team like

That at any point in a college you ever watch Bruce Pearl coach a game he’s a crazy person I mean intense right and and it’s almost like he’s in the game I think he’s going to sub himself in at one of one one point you know what

Else is happening to is and I think there’s an element of this with Kentucky and K Park there’s coaches that are still literally trying to figure out what they have in terms of okay how do we move forward from March you know you may see kapari go back to the you know

The the second month of the Season style uh where there was a lot more discipline in terms of his coach the way he coached I mean way he preached it was more defense you’ve got a box out you’ve got a re instead of just rolling the ball

Out there you know ref blow you know it’s jump ball let’s go and then we’ll see you at the end of at the end of the game we’ll see where we wind up I think that there’s an element of that there’s still some refining going on and again I

Don’t think that’s really surprising with a month to go in the season I think at this point you look at a lot of teams and we’ll we’ll be able to judge this better in six weeks but teams get either a lot better or a lot worse right around

This time correct and kind of to Vinnie’s point you know uh a lot of that has to do with coaching because we kind of know I mean there’s some injuries and stuff like that but we kind of know the makeup of most teams but you know coaching um huge listen yeah it’s

Monstrous you can just see I mean teams teams can go either way and I think a lot of that does follow on the coach and again a lot of these team Kelvin Samson I know painters had his problems in Marge still respect the coach earle’s a national champion now I mean they’re

Just these teams at the top again the only one I don’t really trust well Rick Barnes I’ve never trusted but that’s a different argument for a different day and Tommy Lloyd is again had I thought the best team in the country two years ago and they got

Smacked in by Houston in the sweet 16 and then they lost a pron in round the me Lloyd I thought would have learned some more things Jeff to your point in the last couple of years I’ve not I’ve not really seen it uh I mean that team is absolutely loaded

Uh Arizona and um you were on them from the beginning of the year I was but I when I’m the more I watch them Chris the more I I watched them in in in some close games and I think to what like what are you doing what are you doing

Adjustment wise what but there aren’t any you know so I’m not as high on them now as I was uh the beginning of the Season or the first half of the season I want I want to shift to the NBA real quick because this is another one

Where a lot of casual talk about no defense I’m sorry a lot of casual BS are going to come flying in and start betting the NBA uh over the next few weeks it is All-Star Weekend yeah so Three-Point Contest of course tomorrow the the dunk contest isn’t booked um you

Have the All-Star game which is back to the original format so see you later defense in that yeah uh but 367 for the total 367 I think we I think we got bet down to 366 oh down to 366 okay but as and you can’t bet a

Teaser please don’t do that please don’t do that it took me a second that the C much yeah please don’t do that but going to the second half of of of or the de facto second half trade that Line’s already passed I this would be a really interesting potential run of things

Going to the playoffs especially on the west side where right now if the Western Conference playoffs were as is the Lakers and the Warriors would be playing each other in a winner winner advances to the second play in game and the loser doesn’t even get there and they’re both

Playing pretty good ball right now the western conference is ridiculous because every the top 10 are all over 500 right now Lakers are 30 and 26 and they have two games to make up on the Pelicans and the Kings who are currently in the seven and eight and right now you have two

Teams at the top of the West guys where Minnesota and Oklahoma City are one two Oklahoma City is a year ahead of schedule right now in Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota I don’t know if Minnesota Minnesota last year remember last year everyone loved them going into regular season and goar didn’t match now

Goar’s meshed and the Anthony Edwards has taking another step forward and here Minnesota is again other than a one-year randomly with Garnett they have never been in this part of the standings in their franchises history we got waxed pretty good with Oklahoma City if they if they win the West I would imagine

They win everything yeah weird yeah you wonder what you know you’re those are young teams um uh without a lot of playoff experience so that’s where you know a veteran team could but could take advantage of them but but again who knows I mean these guys

Are the NBA NBA say what you want about it and a lot of and listen I’ve been critical about about the uh you know the resting and you know load management all that but I will tell you this they’re the greatest athletes in the world when you I mean

They’re just amazing uh the things they can do so um it’s goingon to be it’s going to be a fun play that’s really too Jeff the public will really get involved with the playoffs right Chris I mean those first sure those first rounds of the playoffs uh everybody loves loves

The the NBA Playoffs I’m not a big NBA fan but I do love the playoffs well the playf again the playoffs are at least this year with the way that the western conference is going to line up they going to be some interesting looking series prices in the first round this

Year Well people players are going to play too that’s the thing you know your rosters are a hell of a lot more stable I think don’t overlook the East too you know Milwaukee’s going south and I mean the Knicks are challenging well you know to me at this point with I don’t trust

Boston in the playoffs personally I don’t but they’re so clearly better than everyone else this is the here yeah all right Milwaukee’s a mess the Nick the Knicks are good but they’re not on their level no emid Philly Philly no embiid I don’t know if he’s coming back for the

Playoffs or what the Cavs are the two seed right now Cavs are lowkey been awesome are pretty good they’re pretty good nice team it’s it’s one of those where if you’re Boston you’re G to have home court advantage just get to the finals get to the finals and see who you

Draw from the Western Conference I think you can put more trust in the in the Celtics this year I think they learned from what happened the last couple years but last year down three 0 get it back to 33 and then get annihilated on your home

Court in game seven it’s not listen they got there right they had a shot I mean look look I I was uh not like they got knocked out in the first round right well hey hey look Milwaukee might be heading back to doing that for the second consider you unbelievable what’s

Happened to that team you know I mean got a losing record I know I I I I didn’t understand that move when they did it yeah and now I really don’t understand he he there’s not a connection there and and this look eyeballing you guys mentioned it the

Sixers we I think embiid will be back for the playoffs but it’s no gimme they could fall out and get into a play in scenario Indiana of course had that great run in the n Season tournament but it’s a whole different ball game when we’re talking best of sevens as opposed

To best of ones like Indiana was able to succeed with I’m not a fan of any NBA team but with a Greek Freak I got a re root for the Greek guy right you know and I just uh you he’s got one Championship under his belt but I you

Know boy there’s that team I just I mean I was kind of rooting for them a little bit this year and I thought they were you know right there in the midst of you know certainly the hunt for the Eastern Conference but lately I mean I don’t

Know I’m not sure i’ bet him to get out of the first round right now speaking of the Bucs did you see what Barkley said last night about thees at Teto Yannis is one of his brothers who’s on the Bucks I didn’t see he said he said that thanasis

Has better job security than the Supreme Court Justice which is a great lot I’ll tell you what Charles pretty F I mean I don’t know how much money he made during his NBA career he’s had to make way more as an an house oh see look that show is

That show is still great it’s a great show it’s a and I’m not an NBA fan but I it’s a great show you always laugh yeah at a bare minimum uh when it when it comes uh to that the thing I like about Charles he’s not afraid to laugh at

Himself yeah that well that’s the whole that’s the whole big thing in this thing just don’t take your self too seriously and you’re gon to have a good time with it what did they do to him the other day they showed him doing I can’t even remember gol probably no wasn’t golf he

Better gol he’s a better golfer now somebody G some Lessing yeah he actually has a smooth swing now they had him doing something I forget what it was but you could just see him laughing at himself you know get out on the golf course with us I’ll show them a few

Swing we’ll get a we’ll get a 12pack in him he’ll see it we’ll go right back to his old s uh I I do want to uh you mentioned it before hockey wise uh of course another sport public will start gravitating towards of course Alex white

On on our show always having we’ll get Laro on Laro I believe Lou is coming on Tuesday is he really this upcoming week I double check that with Alex uh when she’s on with us tomorrow morning but you know it’s it’s it’s an it’s been an interesting hockey go because of course

The nights got off to that humongous start it’s a good thing they did and as Vinnie just said properly it’s a good thing they did because they might be on the outside looking in because of that rough mid mid stretch but it’s going to be an in it’s going to be an

Interesting once we get to the playoffs at least that pacific pod and we go back to where we were saying earlier in the show where right now Vancouver at the moment is on Pace to be your president’s Trophy winner right now they’re pretty good I mean two

Years ago if You’ have told me that I’d say you really need to get your head exam kcks are good yeah the the only weird thing the only weird Quirk is how does Edmonton have five games in hand on Vancouver how that happen well look at

This one thing I will say I love the NHL it’s a great product the fans are terrific teams are great I am I I’m baffled by their scheduling because you know the Knights Play tomorrow uh so if you look at the night’s schedule for instance right because they’re Vegas

Right so so you can Carolina in town tomorrow yes and and they beat the they beat the uh the kns about a month or so ago down there but if you look at the night’s schedule the first part of their schedule was so loaded they were playing like three

Games in five nights it was it was ridiculous so now everybody else is catching up particularly in the division they they played Monday they’re going to have four days off between their last game and tomorrow so I I honestly Jeff to your point it’s it’s a great question

I don’t understand how some of these teams how the schedule is still as unbalanced as it is where there’s teams with three four uh F would you say five games in in hand five in hand that’s ridiculous say at this point of season that’s NS you got the trade deadline

Coming up how does he how do you have a team with five games in hand yeah that’s crazy I’m going to quote uh DK dejon kovich who writes DK Pittsburgh sport every pittsburger and I know we got a lot of pittsburghers out there you got to get you got to follow this website

His quote is great game horrible league and I I hate to say he’s probably right by the way the uh outdoor games at the metal lands the next two days as well Devils will play the Flyers Rangers will play the Islanders yeah uh in East Rutherford it does kind of feel like it

Could be the Rangers year finally yet again been a while 94 of course 94 playing well they got uh I think they’re getting healthy too aren’t they yeah they are one one six in a row going into that game uh at the metal by the way speaking of health and the golden

Knights keep an eye out they may be getting Shay Theodore back he’s been skating without a with the without the red jersey the proverbial red jersey on the last few days so um they’re going to need to get healthy and then of course it’s got to be eel and Kier come back

For them too so um but yeah the that you know just one other thing about the schedule too if you’re another team if you’re like the Penguins chrisy mentioned the Penguins before with leang getting hurt you know how many games other teams or they may have in hand

They’re trying to they’re trying to play into a playoff spot but also try to balance what do we do we look towards the future because people are going to come knocking yeah you know I mean they’re not going to get rid of Sydney Crosby but there’s guys on that roster

Like a Laten like a Riley Smith who was here a year ago that the Penguins could accumulate assets for and you know it’s they’ve always been buyers at the trade deadline and that I don’t know if that’ll be the case this year or not I

Really don’t know uh by the way a friend of the show been on here a couple times Josh Yohi great article from him he’s he’s not with uh DK Pittsburgh sports he’s with the athletic but a good good article there and also a good article not by Josh I forget who wrote the

Article but a good article about yogger and Mario Lemieux and about their relationship over the years and U another reason why I wore this tie very nice before we get out of here today guys future book is already up for next year’s Super Bowl already

Up uh all I will say is that Chris I and just eyeballing the early numbers the fact that the Packers got bet not surprising to me no I think that’s the team there’s always one team in the offseason that everyone pinpoints and say hey they’re the team that’s going to

Take take a lead I think Green Bay is that team in the NFC and the AFC it’s just they get your burrow back on the field in one piece and Cincinnati immediately becomes the team they were again with burrow the last years I mean I’d look out for the Chargers too I

Think Harbaugh Really Gonna you know move that team up but I would say Green Bay I understand the feeling I think they still might be one more year away but I think that is a coming team it really is well be uh that that division where going into this year I thought it

Could have been a whole mess of course Detroit took control of it and ended up winning it if the Bears do the off season correctly which is a gigantic if oh yep it is more than possible there are three teams in that division Detroit Green Bay Chicago that could all be quite good

Even with a potential rookie quarterback there in Chicago next year tough one yeah I’m not sure that’s another coaching uh I’m not that confident there in that coaching situation well the other thing about the the prices too for the future but remember they’re going to change and

Oh yeah they’re not real high right now and and the reason is um there’s free agency coming up and and the draft and it’s not like the draft is is going to impact it as much as the draft combined with trades um and and if there’s you

Know a cluster of of players moving based around those trades so um keep you know take a look at the prices now and uh you know what you’re handicapping now is do I get a a really good price on a team that that is probably going to come

Down because they’re already good and are they going to do some you know do some tweaking or do I think that you know somebody’s going to go up and and hold up on it so that’s that’s that’s your handicap right now I think the most fascinating thing is Kirk Cousins I

Expect be on the move this offseason oh yeah sure whoever signs him say it’s uh the Atlanta Falcons that 30 to one is not going to be there if Kirt cousins ends up especially in that division yeah I mean they would they Atlanta with Kurt Cousins even though I didn’t love their

Head coaching higher they’re the betting favorites with ease in that division even right now based off of your futures numbers Atlanta would have to be the favorite in that division anyway at the moment yeah I’m not hearing much Buzz out of Pittsburgh but I I I know there’s

Some that they want Kurt Cousins you know but there’s a lot of Buzz out there a lot of there was one book that had Russell Wilson’s next team odds that Russell Wilson went from 14 to1 to minus 145 to be to go to Pittsburgh really earlier today which if I were Steelers

Don’t do that don’t do that uh I’d much rather have Fields if I were Pittsburgh do that sort of experiment I gotta tell you I know there’s a lot of different opinions there I liked Fields coming out of college I still like Fields if he’s in the right situation I think

Pittsburgh could be a very good situation for him but kind of the underlying thing seems like boy they’ve soured on Kenny pick it pretty quick I think uh I would I don’t expect him to be the starter week one and I didn’t I didn’t like him coming out of college

Either 26 years old as well last time steel retired or signed a free agent quarterback oh to start well trabis technically well Tommy Maddox if you go back again go back to the early 2000s yeah old XFL Tommy Maddox yeah MVP I believe at the title game yeah he was

Game that was played at Sam Boyd right that’s right yeah there we go it all comes back to Vegas everybody all right that’s all the time we have here today we are back tomorrow morning 8:30 in the morning myself Alex white getting you ready for 99 college basketball games

Tomorrow don’t worry Sean we won’t hit all 99 you’re good you’re good over there we’re we’ll be also be back on Sunday as well actually have three on the desk on Sunday we’ll have Matt never joining us on Sunday as well and then a fresh week kicks us off at three o’clock

Next Monday Chris Vinnie pleasure is always see you next Friday absolutely we will see you tomorrow 8:30 in the morning here on Sports by the book [Applause]

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