The Simple Hip Move You Need For An Effortless Transfer! (Right Pocket Back)

Could this be the simple hip movement you need to make an effortless transition and weight transfer to your lead side? Milo Lines Golf coach, Ed Lasater is back to expand on a feel that many elite ball strikers use to wind up their trail side efficiently. Some in the past, including the likes of Tiger Woods and Greg Norman have eluded to this right pocket back feel in helping them not only creating a powerful load, but also ample space and a proper weight shift back to their lead side. And if you also struggle with creating consistent ball first contact, then this feel could truly be a game-changer. We hope you enjoy this episode and look forward to hearing your feedback!

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So today we’re going to talk about this move how that right pocket moves to get ball first Contact so Ed you just demonstrated something you have a glove in your pocket you demonstrated how your Trail hip Trail glute how that’s moving in space how does that help us get ball first Contact or why would not doing that make it hard for ball first Contact

Well we of see one of many things but most pervasive is that when people take the club back they often don’t load the trail hip with a little trigger and their ribs don’t move to the right so as a result this is this right hip is super

Super high and then they have to push off crazy and then teeter totter themselves and by then it’s simply too late to the game they call that the Teeter Totter swing yeah basically the the pelvis shifts like this the the spine does this kind of an action and when this

Happens there’s generally very little pivot very little rotation and lots of low Point problems exactly so what we like to prescribe is that people feel like there’s a little trigger and the ribs move slightly to the right which kind of loads this TR hip and then the

More you turn into this right hip the more the right back pocket starts to Circle back around gaining depth as well as position and now you you’ve moved everything about an inch forward with all this clearance to hit from the inside of the ball turn back around for

The camera again you got that nice visual here so when this goes around now when you change directions your hips don’t ever really back back up so you’re forward yep forward enough and the loading process did it for me yes if I don’t feel any tension internally in

This hip then I have to find some way to get pressure forward and quite often people start pushing off and then all of a sudden we get out of alignment and those other factors so if we can feel like there’s a little pressure into this internally loaded into this hip it will

Start to move that direction because you’re run out a range of motion exactly and so our winding up actually helps us create the reentering so a lot of things are happening kind of on autopilot it’s not like you’re thinking about all these things you just create the proper wind

Up and then all of a sudden things start to do the the right things and low point move forward without even thinking about it true yeah exactly and but I think again I think if you don’t have a trigger and you’re just whipping it club inside then it’s going to be a problem

If I if I even if I have a trigger but then I don’t move my ribs to the right enough and I’m this way I’m back in the same teet titter position I was MH so really it’s a matter of trigger ribs now wind up makes it all happen yep so it’s

In that F the sequence of that loading is correct kind of magical yes sir okay so let’s show him another Viewpoint here so now we’re going to show down the line what that look will be so you can almost see that the glove’s trying to disappear behind

Him that’s that’s kind of my preference what I like to see in a player because I don’t I don’t like them feeling like this ever kicks into the ball or they’re like they’re sliding this direction or or or if they don’t load this Trail hip they straighten it too fast now there’s

No tension this is already kicked out and now the only way to get pressure forward is to start pushing and sliding which causes early extension and a lot of pressure on your back I don’t really care for that either so I think that first initial part where the ribs move

To the right and because of your turn it starts sending it this way this never actually goes straight it does straighten slightly because of the range of motion but it’s a an effect you’re not trying to do to do it you know does that make sense yeah that’s it you’re not you’re

Not physically trying to straighten your leg out exactly you’re not physically trying to turn your hips no they’re turning some yeah but it’s more of an effect of the body reacting to this turning yes so the body is stretching it’s actually creating a stretch across the midsection people call those the the

Slings right so you’re loading up those muscle and fascia mhm like this and then that’s pulling this hip around that’s that’s causing this to rotate around exactly it’s not it’s it’s more of an effect not something we’re intending to have happen exactly Okay so we’ve got a

Little setup here that’s going to show us what’s what’s going on how things are moving so I want you to kind of walk through this in slow motion once for me and then we’ll hit one okay just so everybody can see what happens here so we’re going to see as you trigger show

The trigger now there’s so there’s a little trigger now there’s going to be a little shift you can see how his chest is kind of moved a little right now keep winding now you see the the pelvis start to wander a little forward and then there’s the flex down and then the

Tailbone working back and around so let’s see if if that actually happens when you go ahead and hit one with a little bit of speed oo a flusher okay let’s let’s show them one more from a different angle we’re going to hit a little down the line and then I

Want to talk through a little more about this same same kind of Swing same kind of feel beautiful another pretty darn striped shot okay so there’s this this famous golfer that I’ve heard of named Tiger Woods and one of his feels in 2019 when he won the Masters as kind of a

Crippled older golfer was feeling right pocket back it’s trying to get this hip deeper and then from there you know keep it keep the left hit deep as well which puts the club out more out in front of me m instead of a lot of time when I’m

When I’m feeling tight I don’t quite get deep enough loaded on my right hip and I start standing up which puts a lot of stress on my back and then right pocket back some more yep and it’s it’s kind of moving back on like a 45° angle it’s not

Moving straight back it’s not moving to the Target it’s kind of feeling like it’s moving back on a 45 as an equal amount to how much they’re turning I would assume if someone didn’t necessarily turn that much then it wouldn’t feel like it was pushing back

Almost as if it were at a clock I mean sometimes when I’m giving lessons I’ll talk to it as it’s a clock and so if you’re at 12 and there’s six and there’s five and seven often I will say is as you’re loading you’ll feel like you’re

Your right back pocket is moving back to seven about an inch and then as this squares itself up you’re pushing the lead hip back to five yeah so it’s goes this way and then it swivels back around this way never invading your space cuz we always want to keep this space free

For your arms you never want to get up here like this and just drop because then this kicks out then I have to do something cuz my right arm is trapped y so whatever depth it stays it’s going to stay there as you’re reentering then you’re pushing Up and Away at that point

Yeah and then that that hip coming forward is later in the in the ball game and it happens because the left side is pulling it basically it’s turning so much that it pulls it up and forward exactly so add again the way our pelvis moves is pretty important for providing

A couple things space for us to be able to swing through and also it helps us with being able to control our low point if our pelvis tilts the wrong way that leaks up the chain or if it kicks in or if it kicks in another kicking in will

Cause me to do some funky things correct either I’m going to come over my hips or I’m going to tilt away and fall behind them now that’s not to look there is a performance drop if the pelvis not every player does it the same but if you have

Enough swing speed that you can benefit by extension in your troll wrist your right arm a little bit bent you have to keep this back in addition to that if my right hip ever does kick in or let’s say I’m a slower speeder play speed player I

Might have to have this come up some amount to kick the head face out maybe I need a little more Loft into the shot depends on the person yeah but as a general rule you don’t want this right arm stuck too far behind you and usually that’s a caused by either early

Extension or the right hip kicking out too quickly if that right hip stays back I have all this free room for my arms back in here so coining the freas right pocket back which is what this title is if my right hip works correctly I should have free passage from the inside of

That ball yep one other way that a player can learn to feel this is something we’ve done in the past we did a video on this is with a yoga ball behind you take your setup make a turn away and you can see how that ball started to roll toward the target with

With his hip right there like that so it’s on my trail hip right here it’s my lead hips come off the ball at this point yeah slightly yep and if my Footwear come off it’d come off even more make that turn and and then as you change directions and go the other way

See how that ball starts to go backward and it keeps going backwards now this Trail hips become uh starting to come off and this stays on yeah now show us what would happen if you did it wrong so if you were a slider see how the ball wants to roll

Down the wall toward the target or if I or if you hump it a little bit we don’t want it to fall down right so this is a great exercise you can do at the house and a lot of people have these stability balls uhhuh if they can’t make a swing

They could just do a hug right so they get the feeling of this sort of turning back on plane keeping their tilt and there you go turning through and making sure that ball runs the other way we want that ball to roll good that’s a great feel and as

We’re winding up we’re going to feel the ball rolling toward the target so we’ll roll the ball that way and then we can drop in and then we can roll the ball away if our pelvis Works in either side Works away the ball drops yep so it’s another really good way to train

Yourself to feel it at home a little harder to set it up so you can hit balls but really good for training and or maybe you can even at home during the winter months when you’re watching television maybe you can put a chair literally right against you here and

Then feel like you’re creating space backing away so that you’re not touching that but the chair one is also a really good one and we’ve we’ve posted some videos on that on our Instagram page so hopefully you all have liked this video the way our pelvis moves is critical to

Us being able to create proper low Point give ourselves room to swing the golf club if you did hit the like And subscribe come visit us at Milo lines where we have way more content like this and we’ll be able to help you with your specific needs and lastly if

You are in Southern California or will be in Southern California and would like golf lessons please go visit Ed he’s in San Diego absolutely you can find his booking information on Milo lines


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