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ISB 2/12/2024: Joined by Greg Rakestraw, Don Fischer, & Travis Miller

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Indiana sportsbeat radio presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington know your roll and shut your mouth you jaon fires up field into the end zone and it’s caught Jelani Woods touchdown I 43 night for tyres halber how like that part yway drives all the way to the hole

Throws it up got it Indiana’s got their first lead of this contest it’s pretty simple I win Google me now here’s your host Jim Coyle hello everybody Welcome Aboard it is Monday I’m glad to have you and speaking of winners we’ve got one here Greg rraw from the ISC Sports Network

Who uh is always a busy man especially this time of year there is everything going on in the world of Indiana high school sports uh we’ll get to Don fiser today as well as Travis uh will be joining us as well so lots to talk about

Uh from over the weekend of course the Super Bowl and all that we’ll get to that as well uh but uh Greg from ISC first of all how are you sir how was your weekend I’m good my friend uh it was busy as per usual you know it was

Kind of I’m in this little pattern where my during the week is not too bad I make up for it on weekends so I had a five night stretch without play byplay I was in the midst of that when you and I were talking last Monday then I went triple

Header triple header and two pairing shows yesterday so now I’m back to somewhat more chill mode for the next three or four days yeah all kinds of things going on the girls tournament has started and they’re in the sex or Seymour round I mean the Seymour see I

See that that just gave it away Jim Southern Indiana Roots because so many rounds of the tournament are BL and Seymour that in select Indiana counties the ihsaa postseason is just simply known as Seymour basketball I think by the time that Romeo Langford got done he had actually played like the equivalent

Of a full season of his career like in the Lloyd Scott gymnasium so they’re in the semistate round we’re down to 32 teams left playing eight in each of the four classes funny you mention that that year of Romeo he did play three straight weekends there with the sectional

Regional and semi-state being at Seymour’s gym so and you’re looking at about 30,000 people uh over those three weekends but uh yes you are correct I a great part of my youth spent there at the Scott gymnasium so uh uh enjoyed it very much but that is still part of the

Story but girls basketball going on you’ve got boys pairing show coming up uh wrestling it’s all happen happening right now it is uh and this is one of the very busiest times of the year in the ihsaa so um you know I don’t even cover you know things like uh you know

Swimming which are having state championships uh so for example uh I’ll get a little bit of everything this weekend so I’ve got Pike and Lawrence North coming up on Friday night uh then I will head to Evansville uh because the wrestling state finals are there which

Is a very big deal it’s a big deal wherever it’s at but usually it is in Indianapolis and obviously it has been at uh you know gamebridge Fieldhouse with the better part of the last 25 years because of NBA All-Star weekend they elected to move the state finals to

Evansville uh and there are wonderful you know kind of pockets of of wrestling fandom in this state uh and it is a tremendously dedicated fan base uh to that sport but that is no there that’s not more the case anywhere else than in Evansville The Ford Center probably is

Going to hold about nine or 10,000 for that event and they will sell out every every session of that event that is a big stinking deal I I liken it to like the Olympics coming to town that’s kind of the field it has in Evansville so

I’ll be doing that on Saturday night and then it is uh back up the redneck autobond as my friend jmb likes to say on I69 on Sunday and uh and and and then it’s so so a Southern Indiana guy said that so it’s okay that I me a Southern

Indiana guy can say that as well and then it’s the boys basketball pairing show at five o’clock and Jim how about this for a Sunday uh plays at one IU plays at three ihsaa basketball pairing show at 5 and then it’s the NBA All-Star game at at 8 o’ CL from gridge

Fieldhouse man that’s a uh that’s a full day’s work and then some uh then two or three uh without question but yeah you’re you’re right wrestling I remember I remember being in school uh Floyd Central that was they were always very very good in wrestling but Evansville modern day I remember always

Always having a great program uh and it’s just a it’s just a it’s just one of those dude you want to talk about a I hate to use this term so please don’t yell at me but a man’s man’s sport it’s wrestling uh and I don’t mean that in

Any in any uh negative way towards the our femal listeners it’s not about that it’s just that man if you’re wrestling you’re you’re competing because uh I I wrestled for one year um and there’s a reason for that and I loved Sports trust me I played every sport that there was

But man I just felt like I came I’m like wait a minute all these guys been wrestling for five or six years I was getting a crap kicked out of me and I’m my God okay this isn’t G to work but it is the hardest sport I I truly believe

Without having been a swimmer because I know that is also very demanding but wrestling might be the most physically demanding sport on on an individual you know I growing up in Lanesville you know Cordon had a great program at the time uh but that was really kind of it you

Mentioned Floyd Central they’re really good again uh I think they’re just below that level there’s probably three teams that truly have a shot for the state championship Center Grove Brownsburg and Crown Point for example Crown Point has wrestlers in 12 of the 14 weight classes um and if you’re not familiar with

Wrestling May familiar with track and field it’s about number of athletes that place in terms of winning a state championship that that’s how it’s determined so Crown points got an edge there Floyd Central probably is in that next TI of teams they off the top of my

Head I think they have maybe five six or seven kids that have qualified you know for the state championship which is impressive and I have the utmost respect for wrestlers now I know exactly what you’re saying about being a man’s man you know Sport and being as as demanding

Of a sport as you could do but let’s also point out girls wrestling is taking off in this state and it is soon to be an ihsaa sport but you can compete in the girl state championship which is in January and still compete in the boy state championship if you are a female

And so for example in the 106 pound weight class we have two female participants one was the 105 pound champion in the state of Indiana in January the other is the 110 pound champion from the state of Indiana in January so there will be two female participants in the 106 PB weight class

And and that has become somewhat typical to have one or two girls that can compete physically at that level so just something to keep an eye on this weekend very cool and let me tell you a man or woman that is if you’re doing it uh I

Take my heart off to you because it is I I trust me I know I know what the what they go through the weight cut cutting weight and and all of that but it’s not it’s just the demanding of the practices I mean you’re first of all if you’ve

Ever if you know where anybody works out from a wrestling standpoint you know the basetball players they’re out on the gym swimmers in a pool football players out of the wrestling they’re in a box always in a box with that’s closed that’s small that the doors are shut that when you’re

In there it’s 110 degrees it is just a hot box every time and and it amazes me and every time you go by and I was just at heritz Hills a week and a half or so ago watching Trent sisly play basketball but right next to the locker rooms you

Could see into the football wrestling room and this is you know at night when a game is going on and you could still see where they had to clean the mats there was still more wetness there because of the sweat and the Blood Sweat and Tears that goes into that sport man

It is just amazing to me I get to do wrestling maybe twice a year uh and and and I joke with people the wrestling State finals is the easiest gig I have all year so I am the sideline reporter I interview the 14 winners maybe about a

Minute or two after each match give them kind of 60 seconds to catch their breath collect their thoughts and that obviously is on the television broadcast and years’s gone by it’s all stream this year but it’s also into the bowl uh and so they’re speaking to nine 10,000

People they’re there to watch that I then interview the winning coach of of the team championship I interview the mental attitude Award winner and I have about 30 seconds off the top of the broadcast to think of something intelligent to say from a storyline standpoint so as I tell people the

Wrestling broadcast I am a part of is the easiest gig I get to have all year and absolutely one of my most fun uh before we get to the boys of course the girls they have moved along or into the semi-state round so that is cut it down

To eight uh in each class is that right that is correct so and we had a draw show for for them yesterday um and so there are eight and 4A 8 and 3A eight and 2A eight and single a my beloved Hometown Lanesville the defending champs

Still alive in 1A and they get to play in New Albany for a second consecutive year uh one what’s the draw show at this at this stage what’s the draw show so what we have done for a second year in a row there are when when the draw is

Originally announced there is no draw past the regional round all right so we have the draw for for the sectional and we also draw for the Regionals there’s no semi-state pairings so basically the four teams in each half of the bracket in each class North and South we have a

Draw show the Sunday before the semi state to let them know a which site they’re playing at and then B to let them know whom they are going to be playing so there was a draw show yesterday for girls basketball for semi-state there will be one for the

Boys uh coming up uh on March 10th as well between the regional and semi-state rounds when did that start last year I like it that’s that’s about as close because there’s been so much talk of seating is this as close uh right now as think we can get to

Seeding you know I think the first sport that’s going to get seated is football uh and there is a proposal the ifca the Indiana football coach association has talked about this a great deal um and and and I think that we are getting close to a decision on this in

The next year or two and I think Jim if there is a sport that it’s going to happen first it’s going to be football that’ll be the kind of the canary in the coal mine um and and we’ll see just how receptive my friends in terms of the

Ihsa executive committee are to it I think more and more coaches are pushing for this um we’ll we’ll see how it plays out but if something is going to happen first it’s probably going to come in football and it’s it’s probably going to come at the six a level where it’s 32

Teams um you know Jeffersonville again I keep referencing our our shared home of Southern Indiana Jeffersonville is kind of the outlier in terms of from a geographic standpoint right if Jeffersonville is in 5A then all of 6A is Columbus North and further north where teams aren’t as geographically

Spread out where potentially you’re not just seating in the sectional you’re seating like on a Statewide basis maybe seating on a regional basis trying to keep travel costs down so if there’s going to be seating in a tournament I really think it’s 6A football is where it might start I understand that and

Agree wholeheartedly so coming up uh this weekend you do have the grill semi State and where are we with that all right so different sites Jasper New Albany uh Southport and Shelbyville in the south in the north Frankfurt Logansport uh leaport and Huntington North in the Indie area from 4 a

Standpoint Center grve Franklin Lawrence Central and Playfield are the four teams that are still playing in the tournament which means I think crowds at Southport Fieldhouse are going to be tremendous Center Grove and LC are one and two in the state LC is number one in both the

AP and the coaches poll Center Grove is number one in the sagin ratings Center Grove has one loss on the season it’s Franklin Franklin two years ago was in the state championship game that is an absolutely low semi-state field at Southport field house coming up on Saturday and your old lanville Eagles

Are playing at new Aly I see that is correct and so the the dogghouse going to look purple for a good chunk of Saturday so lanville plays Jackson Del whom they played in the semi-state championship game last year and then it’s Wood Memorial and North Central of

Farmersburg uh in the other half of the bracket winners meet Saturday night who is the UN is there an unabashed just best team and girls basketball this year you know in 4A I think it’s Center Grove and LC that are one two um you know in in in 1A lanville has a pretty

Significant gap between them and and the rest of the group uh at least from the Sagarin ratings lel’s up to 30th uh in terms of all schools in the state uh and and the job that Angie hon has done there has just been tremendous in 2A and

3A it’s probably the fields are a little bit more compact um but but the the parody that exists in girl basketball is very similar to the exact same things you me say about boys basketball where they’re Pro there is not a dominant team this year just several very good ones

Which means the February postseason has been really good from a girl standpoint I think the March room for the boys will be just as good if not better absolutely looking forward to each and every bit of it man it uh it’s an exciting time especially if you have whether or not

You have kids in high school sports just a way to keep up with it uh there’s no better way than with Greg break straw and the ISC Sports Network brother I cannot thank you enough as always I’m glad I gave you 15 minutes without talking about the hooers I know

That commences now in the next segment of the show but I’m my my therapist app or your therapist appreciates me providing some sanity into your life you have no no idea how much and I even try when I start off with Don I I sometimes

We just say hey Don how was your weekend uh what did you get out and play any golf I try to find a subject other than but uh not going to be a probably not going to be a way to do that today unfortunately good luck buddy that’s why

You’re from the ISC Sports Network make sure you’re giving them a follow and that’s how you can keep up with everything going on uh in the world of Indiana high school sports and more back with Indiana Sports B radio and Don fiser after this we’ll be right back for

More Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington in the market I always love that hat Don that was a that’s a great hat that that’s a keeper there yeah it’s got Pacers on the front it’s got IU on the side those are it’s like one of those

Golf hats you get someplace tius TI list on the front yeah I can’t remember well my wife who works for the Pacers um forgetting that yeah she’s been with him for 37 years she’s the second oldest employee of the Pacer organization what does she do there she has been the assistant to

The president of basketball operations for 36 of the 30 well actually 30 I 36 of the 37 years she’s been there she um she has been Donnie Walsh’s assistant she has been Larry Bird’s assistant and she has been Kevin pritchard’s assistant so she has been the assistant to the

President of basketball operations for all almost all her career there that is crazy she I need to get her on one day and when uh when your term is up I need to get Mrs fiser on good luck on that because she does not like any kind of

Publicity at all I hear you she hates that stuff I hear you well we could turn the camera off it could be like a unknown the unknown the unknown contributor or uh like the old days what was the The Gong Show and the guy that wore the bag over

His head I don’t know because I I think I watched The Gong Show twice in my life uh I just thought it was so stupid it was oh it was absolutely that and much more oh trust me I I grew up watching a lot of stupid the dumb and dumbers and

All those kinds of things uh the uh what’s Jim what’s what’s the the Jim car Jim Carrey uh the the one of my favorite all-time shows was um the first one that he did was just absolutely ridiculous uh which was a pet pet um oh do uh the dolphin thing the the

Dolphin I see I don’t think I ever even watch that one there are certain ones that I did watch uh like I’ve never I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dumb and Dumber oh I saw ow I’ve seen as dumb as I am I know that’s shocking to people as dumb

As I am there are just even some that I don’t um watch but um there there I mean it’s interesting my my boys growing up they love Chevy Chase and Christmas vacation and all those kinds of things great and they they’d lay on the floor I

Had four sons and they would lay on the floor laughing going nuts over that kind of stuff and and you know when your kidss are having fun you know you’re having fun so exactly your butcher Baker and Fish House no matter where you live this segment is brought to you by The

Chop Shop home of the Indiana football and men’s basketball coaches Shows welcome back to Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy moranda of Bloomington welcome back Indiana Sports speed radio here on Monday I glad to have you with us and now being joined by the voice of the hooers Don fiser and Don for IET Tony kale says hello from

Wcls here in Bloomington how’s he doing he’s doing uh just fine he just sent me a shout out this morning hello and so he want I wanted to make sure that uh I told you that he said hi and uh he’s one of one of bloomington’s great um

Treasures and broadcasters for a long long long time does the Edgewood games uh in in addition to hosting his show there on wcls so uh but just want to make sure to give him a shout out thank you sir appreciate you good man absolutely absolutely terrific guy uh

The weekend let’s let’s talk football for Indiana uh Kurt STI uh Kurt cetti speaking to the media last week for the first time in a while Don the first thing I noticed I don’t know if you got to see this his presser or not because I know you’ve

Been busy but I was like did somebody give him some Xanax uh he was very relaxed almost jovial um and although we have not seen Kurt cetti that much that was still a big change for me to see him that way I’m like wow he was very he seemed very

Happy so uh if you get a coach that’s in his first year here and he’s just gone through uh the the round of uh recruiting and all of that that he’s gone through with filling his staff out and basically filling his roster out uh

All the things you have to do in in in a new situation and even admitting that his wife has said hey all right it’s time to take some time off um but he seemed extraordinarily relaxed which means he’s comfortable with where Indiana is right now well I you know I

Think when they get off the recruiting Trail uh and get a couple of days at home I think they do get relaxed because these guys have been on a whirlwind tour here the last several weeks uh with recruiting trying to make sure that they’ve got their roster the way they

Want it and then recruiting for the next couple of years that’s that’s really where the recruiting has taken place here of late they pretty much have their roster intact I mean there may be a a couple of players they add at some point here year uh I what do they still they

Still have an opportunity I think what in for until April sometime in April I think they have another signing period or a transfer portal thing I think that’s transfer portal opens up one more time yeah yeah so they’ll have that but right now it’s basically a relaxed time

For the coaching staff in the sense that yeah they’re still working on things and getting ready for Spring ball those kinds of things but it’s not the rat race of going out recruiting and being on the road for two three weeks at a time so um I I think most of these guys

Most of these coaches at this juncture are all feeling a lot more comfortable uh in their situations and it’s not the rat race that it has been and this is going to be an unusual situation for at least for on on our side media side uh going into Spring ball having an idea

Already of in certain POS positions like quarterback who’s who’s going to be where who’s the lead guy uh we already know that but not that that couldn’t change but we we kind of know who is going to be in that position uh it’s just going to be interesting to see the

Offense and and and things like that that uh they put in place but other than that it’s it’s different to kind of have an understanding of where the program is going and even though we yet to see all all the different parts and pieces there seems to be an understanding of what

They’re trying do well without question U and the the big thing right now and Kurt said this uh in his press conference last week that uh right now the football program at Indiana is in the hands of Derek Owings uh who’s their uh strength and conditioning guy um and

He he trusts this guy implicitly um right now the players are working feverishly in the wait room and getting ready for Spring ball uh understanding what this coaching staff wants of them because obviously the strength and conditioning guys know exactly uh having been with Kurt Signet for a long time exactly what he’s

Looking for um and they’re adapting these players are adapting to the new system which they’re all learning it at this point and they’re all going through it at this juncture at the same time so it is a learning period especially for the players in regard to what the staff

Expects of them as players uh what they need to do from a strength and conditioning perspective and then just the atmosphere they’re soaking in the culture that Kurt zetti is trying to develop for this program and that’s basically what this time frame is dealing with right now and then they get

Into Spring ball and you we’ll get a better look as you pointed out we’ll get a little more of an idea of what we’re going to see when fall arrives absolutely and uh something that that stood out to me is they’re how they’re going training how they are

Training as far as and I hate to steal a lot I should have worn my uh my shirt from Chad Powers today but to think train fast to be fast uh and that sounds kind of funny or silly but actually it’s there is a method to it everything

They’re doing is they want to move fast and I think that you’re going to see an offense next year that moves quickly and it has a rhythm to it and it’s not going to be by accident no there’s no question and again that’s what this time frame is

All about it’s what the Spring ball is all about and then of course the summer conditioning and seven on seven drills and all the things that they do in the summertime to get ready for a new football season and all these players are acclimating to one another too

Because you got so many players out of the transfer portal I think what 22 22 players out of the portal uh that will be joining this program plus a bunch of freshmen uh many of those freshmen also um will be involved in Spring ball because of the fact that they can

Declare uh and have declared to come to Indiana for this semester so um it’s going to be an interesting time there’s no question about that I think everybody is excited about what they’re going to see in the spring uh and then certainly how it U unfolds this fall when they get

To fall practice sessions uh absolutely and so uh there’s no way I can uh much as try ignore what everything else that happened this week and Indiana goes to West Lafayette and uh Purdue just uh playing like we expected Purdue to play the game was kind of tight early on but

All of a sudden Purdue just hits a stretch and they put separation between themselves and the hooers and that was pretty much how it stayed for the rest of the game well think about this um was six minutes and 13s seconds to go in the first half Indiana is down by Just Four

Points had played Purdue fairly tough even though they let brayon Smith go crazy on him in the first half for 15 points um but when you look at what that Indiana was in the ball game at that point but what happened at six the 613 Mark khil we picks up his second

Personal foul Mike Woodson puts him on the bench and the next thing you know Purdue takes off and they’ve got a 12-point lead at halftime and then from that point forward it was KD Bar the Door in IND had no answers from that point forward and that’s one of the

Issues that we’ve seen with this basketball team this year the inconsistent play uh from half to half uh from game to game we have not seen any consistency hardly at all this season uh from game to game or from half to half that that it just doesn’t happen

They haven’t played a full 40-minute game very often this year um I I you could probably count on one hand the number of games you could say that Indiana was consistently good throughout um it’s just been a ball club that has struggled like I mean earlier in the

Week uh they were playing horrible against Ohio State in the first half of that ball game and down 18 to start the second half after I think Ohio state scored what two or three quick baskets to start the second half Woodson calls a timeout the next thing you know Indiana

Starts to fight back and they do fight back all the way and Trey Galloway give him credit along with the Malik renew and and Anthony Leo uh and that group that was out there in the floor uh they F fought their way back able to win the

Ball game the only shot that basically khil or Anthony Le took in the ball game was the gamewinner and then he adds two free throws to that so a terrific comeback uh but it was all in the second half and and then you get to Purdue and you’re right there one little thing

Happens and they can’t overcome it uh and I say little khil we is not little but him picking up a second foul going to the bench that opened the floodgates for Purdue and Indiana was never able to recover yeah and uh they have got to

Find a way to try to finish the season out uh as strongly as possible now they have dropped to six and seven in big 10 play 14- 10 overall and not that any of us expected them toh be fighting for a number one seed in or a bid in the

Tournament but uh just to finish this season with a winning record is uh I think of uber importance for this program if you if you end up with a losing record that really sets you back um in a number of ways and they have the possibility of not doing that and it’s

It’s basically up to them well it is up to them there’s no question about that and it starts this Sunday uh you’ve got Northwestern coming to town it’s it’s a a good basketball team Northwestern right now is uh certainly in the hunt but they’re not going to catch Purdue

Because I don’t think anybody’s gonna catch Purdue right now everybody’s fighting for those top four spots in in the uh for the Big 10 tournament that will be held in Minneapolis Minnesota by the way um cannot wait for that yeah I’m not no I’m not happy about it in any way

Shape or form or is anybody in the state of Indiana I don’t think but all that said um I this Indiana ball Club still has seven ball games left four of those ball games are at home uh if you can take care of home which is not going to

Be easy because most of those games that they still have to play at home are tough matchups um if you can win those four ball games you put yourself in a decent position if you don’t win those four home ball games and let’s say you

Only win one or two of those um you’ve got to win the other ball game the three on the road uh to not be a part of that first day scenario if you know what I mean a big 10 tournament play so uh this is a ball Club right now that’s on the

Fence and that fence May crumble in a hurry if they get off to uh get another loss here at home right at the beginning and they’ve got seven days to get ready for this game against Northwestern and we know dog on good and well that they’re going to struggle against boooy

Because I was going to say that’s the problem is Northwestern is led by great guard play which is where Indiana has really struggled exactly there’s no question about that uh and their guards I mean Ty brry I guess didn’t play yesterday but they still found a way uh

To get it done or Saturday whatever it was uh and and look this basketball team um has the inconsistency factor is the biggest issue from my perspective on how they go from half to half or game to game they’ve got to find some consistency here at the end of the

Season uh we we’ll see if they can do that and that’ll be a big question for Mike Woodson here uh as we go to inside IU basketball tonight uh how do you get this team to play consistently good 40-minute basketball games the rest of the season because that’s been the

Problem they just haven’t had any consistency throughout games from game to game or from 40 minutes to 20 minutes to the next 20 minutes so far this season very seldom has it been good no and now you look at things like recruiting uh and you think of the

Bigger picture for Indiana what this does to them uh in in Woodson’s thirdd year they’re they’re not anywhere where I I think any of the IU fans thought that they would be which that uh is not always accurate anyway but this think about this I mean Mike Woodson in the

Postgame press conference on Saturday says we’ve got to add some pieces well what’s that tell you I mean that tells you he knows that his roster is not where it needs to be at this point um and I was stunned that he said that but at the same time I understand

It uh it’s factual but at this juncture of the season I well I don’t want to go there all I can tell you it it was it was stunning that I heard him say that uh in the postgame you’re right and it’s something that we we can all see I mean

Uh like with just Northwestern a great example man their guard play is just Superior and that’s going to be a gigantic problem Purdue their guard play is not necessarily superior but it can be and if allowed to be in Indiana allow them to be at certain points and that’s

What you have just have to have you just have to have the guys that can be superior when your other guys aren’t being and Indiana has not gotten that play from the guard situation it’s been such an up and down thing with unfortunately with the unfortunate injury to Xavier then that really

Affects your point guard situation you’ve got a guy in Gabe cups who is a great kid but is not ready and was not ready to be thrust into the the starting situation for a big 10 team uh and then now then you’ve had to move Trey Galloway all the way around to

Different places and it has just not been an optimal situation for this for this roster yeah I mean people can say well if you’re talking about injuries that’s an excuse but it’s a reality too uh there’s no question about that and that’s where Indiana’s at right now

We’ll see if maybe they can get somebody maybe X can get back here before too much longer you’d love to see him back for the Northwestern game that would really help but at this Jun country you’ve got to do what you got to do with the players that are available and

That’s where this team’s at right now absolutely and tonight you are back at chop shop for inside Indiana mids basketball with Coach Mike Woodson uh for the first time in in a week or so so uh get back out there and I’ll be out there to have my normally my Reuben they

Took it off the menu changed it around a little bit not happy about that uh I have to see what I can get done well miky I’m telling you I’m gonna have to see what I can get done there but uh look forward to seeing you out there

Tonight Don all right thanks Jim appreciate your having me thank you very much the voice of the hooers Don fiser joining us here on Indiana Sports speed radio and we’re back with plenty more right after this we’ll be right back for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim

Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington if you’re looking for a home okay well yeah it’s not about benching it’s about getting better players he needs to recruit over yeah Gabe cups should have been recruited over um actually there should be a transfer portal guy that that fil actually Gabe

CBS is a good kid but he is not that’s not who they should have brought in that’s not the guard that should have been brought in you know you know that was an original Lil roie recruit oh you want to talk about something that’s hilarious Lil Ro’s team

Was on over the weekend playing U UMass and there was a shot so I stopped it on TV where Lil Ro’s doing this and there’s but the I I noticed on their their art their merch that they were wearing like their pullovers it said

Roie on it and I’m like oh my God you got to be kidding me please tell me he’s wearing one of those uh oh man he wasn’t but let me let me see if I can get this picture pulled up um uh where are my

DW it’s kind of funny oh uh pull up some Mike Woodson sound if you get a chance so I tried the sound and and there’s not an official one there’s the ones that we got whoever recorded it the sound on Woodson’s presser is horrendous I do have Trey Galloway that sound is fine

But the one on whoever recorded Woodson the sound on it is terrible and we can’t okay um but again I do have a Galloway quote I’m might have to listen to that that’s something that I’ve been not happy with I don’t know if they’re just not hooking up into the little well they

Don’t well they don’t even use M no they don’t they refuse to listen number one number two they got these everybody has uh apple and not sure exactly how to get that accomplished there um what am I looking for oh here looking for something that Lil roie all right first of

All look at his [Laughter] picture it’s like he heard me now look at this look at the U don’t look like him look at here we gotta come back from break over his right shoulder over his right shoulder oh I do see that that is interesting all Li roie for 36 months on

A 2023 Honda ridg line go to anymor and get more to your door this segment is brought to you by Remax Advanced realy Indie Home Pros team by Cheryl seore welcome back to Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coy presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington welcome back Indiana a sports speed radio here on this Monday post Super Bowl man how about that game the Chiefs down the whole time on their heels the whole time and they do what great ones do um Patrick Mahomes leads yet another fourth quarter comeback or

Fourth not just just I mean there was kind of happened twice I guess right did they think one of uh one of only two quarterbacks now to win a Super Bowl in overtime and obviously that other one being the guy that he’s chasing won Tom

Brady and the only guy to went the last guy last team to win back-to-back Super Bowls were the Patriots uh 20 years ago yep with Tom Brady and uh Bill bellich and also they’re chasing the combination of uh momes and and Andy Reid speaking of which did you see the

The Travis Kelce bump of Andy Reid uh the one of him screaming at in Andy Reid’s face well yeah Andy Reid was like not he was you know into something else talking and all of a sudden got blindsided by Kelsey and he was like

What the f uh which I was like whoa dude um and then I noticed to tweet this morning that uh Dan doing sent out that that um Paul McCartney was in Taylor Swift’s Suite yet I CBS never mentioned him Um it’s just they kept showing her and the dancer her dancers or whatever the crap that was and first of all the constant cheering oh every time there was I’m like dude stop please stop showing that crap nobody cares I’ve got to say this one thing I did notice about the the

Whole Taylor Swift aspect of it is they didn’t show a lot of her in the first two-thirds of the game and and for good reason the Chiefs weren’t really doing anything during that point but once I realized that the chiefs were you know doing what they do and Mahomes was making his

Comeback that’s when you kind of notice like you know what we’re going to take advantage of this we’re going to show the excitement that Swift and her posi up in her up in her box are experiencing as they they try to come back and win this thing because that’s when all the

That’s that’s the Chiefs really didn’t have a lot to cheer about up until that point so they did a good job at not making it about Taylor Swift for the majority of the game they did they didn’t just show her to show her I would say they showed her in in in times

Whenever I guess it was more appropriate but it did become a little bit of Overkill I guess you could say towards the end but I mean what else do you expect I mean she single-handedly brought millions and millions of dollars that the Chiefs otherwise would not have

Gotten this season if it weren’t for her just existing in their franchise how have you not seen the amount of money and I’m not even just talking about ticket sales I’m talking about merchandise the amount of people watching their games people are coming to watch this is the Super Bowl winning team

Oh talking about the Super Bowl specifically I’m talking about season they don’t need her to sell tickets this is a team that’s talk I’m talking about the money that she has brought into the chief’s franchise in general since she has shown her face numbers for you if I can find them

I I think these are all estimated numbers that’s the that’s the problem they’re estimated uh so yeah I just here we go front office Sports reports that Taylor Swift has generated more more than $330 million for the NFL and the Chiefs since she began attending games but see they

Don’t how do they attribute that it all Inc exactly there this is some kind of I know no one wants to talk about Taylor Swift for more than a few minutes but like why is this why would this not be real why would this be exaggerated how can you ignore the fact

Of what she brings what she is bringing into I just the fact that we’re giving it air time right now is a disappointment to myself you brought it up first I didn’t say dis I said as a disappointment to myself uh trust me I I

Blame we can put it on the back burner right now than if you want back burner I think we put it throw it in the dump uh and leave it there and instead talk about the game uh it was not a great game the turnovers the fre West like

Felt like a big 10 West football game if yes yeah you’re you know what you’re not far off it was well there was a lot more offense than an Iowa game uh but the whole first half felt like nobody the only the only play worth talking about

From the first half alone was the trick play by the 49ers where Christian McCaffrey barely worked IND Zone it was and it was wild uh but it it was it was just the the turnovers that was the issue I like and the the chiefs were just looking not

Good uh just dropping snaps bad snaps uh just all kinds of stuff but how about the field goals my God they broke the record like twice in the game what you get when you get to play in a dome you can kick field goals as far as you can

Imagine hey Ike uh watching listening to us live from Serbia Miss missed his live shows for a month nice to be back great to have you uh in Serbia that reminds me I was looking at and appreciate you very much trust me um I was going through the

Numbers of where people listen to us from and watch that are that don’t have the fortune of either being down in the Evansville listening on ESPN 977 the ref or up in the region on 12:30 a.m. 104.7 FM wjl the voice of the region or over

In Fort Wayne on 1380 the fan and 100.9 FM uh everyone else generally watches or listens on YouTube and uh what is the oh now I uh dag gone it Talon um it was the city and now I’m Estonia Talon Estonia whoever there has to be a more than one

A group of people there but whoever you are let me know because it’s like the 13th biggest listen group of listeners and I’m like you got to be kidding me uh may not be quite that high but it’s in the top 20 which blows my mind um Talon uh Estonia

So uh shout out to Estonia crazy uh but appreciate and shout out to Serbia uh a lot of great basketball goes on there peeps lot of great basketball players have come from it’s amazing real quick did youi betting for the Super Bowl did you put any parlays

Together any prop bets zip NATA nothing I haven’t placed a bet in so long I couldn’t even tell you um so when I do talk about betting on here don’t think that I’m like this mad crazy better I I generally I forget and because it’s not you know

Something that it’s of great importance to me and I know that uh that’s not Allan the cash man doesn’t hopefully doesn’t hear that uh he does a great job of getting you set up for those bets and and I I think part of it is you get kind

Of busy and then um there’s just too much going on so but uh big shout out to everybody what thanks for everybody jumping on the Indy more Honda hotline which is crazy full uh Ryan new name there let’s see asking do you think that Trey Galloway and Gabe CBS are the starting

Guards next absolutely not um first of all as Don fiser just said Mike Woodson has acknowledged they need pieces well welcome to the welcome to reality yes of course that’s something that we’ve we’ve known all year long for the the rest of us um the guard play for Indiana is just

Absolutely uh you know atrocious uh when you compare it to teams like even Purdue whose guard play is not great but it’s perfectly complimentary and when you don’t need that that’s fine that’s all you need it to be is complimentary um they have a piece that

Is going to give you between 18 and 30 a night so you don’t have to have boooy playing guard for you but you have to have guys that whether it’s Braden Smith or Fletcher lawyer or Lawrence Jones any of those three guys can go off on a given night for Purdue which is

What they have to have for them to be successful if Purdue is GNA have any success in this tournament this year those three guys have to produce on a regular uh schedule we we know that mount Edy is you’re not GNA stop him it’s it’s G to

Be it would take a miracle for something to to slow to slow him down for Purdue but Purdue is going to have to get a regular cycle of good performances from one of those three guys and it’s hard to imagine not getting that from one of those three for them as they go

Through this tournament this year this is to me this is it for them this is you know this is the end of an uh the mount Edy era which I know they’re not they don’t probably think that you know it’s a big deal but it’s a big

Deal um it’s going to be a big deal not that they’re going to fall off the face of the planet next year because they have decent players but they don’t have Zach Edy they don’t have Zack eedy they have a seven-footer but he’s not Zach Edy uh

Who is a two-time player of the year year so but and what does when you have Mike wson talking about we need to add pieces we you know if you’re a member of the team and you hear that that can’t make you feel great but it’s the

Truth um you know you’re you’re you’re caught between telling the truth and um well but it should be you know what should be a a wake-up call to current players you’re not good enough pick up your game your or your game’s not good enough pick up your game you you have to

Be better you have to be way better uh to be a part of what’s going to go on in the future and I think that that has to be known to players because whether it’s Trey Galloway or Gabe cups or Anthony Lee or CJ gun who all have remaining eligibility

Um and you would think coming back with another year and all the experience are going to have that they would have a leg up no far from it um it is going to be Mike Woodson’s job to recruit over these guys for next season and that’s going to be

Something they haven’t done I mean I the recruiting has not exactly been great I know people think it has been because you’ve landed these some big names but you’ve landed singular big pieces you have not landed good recruiting classes what good what really good recruiting class has uh been gotten

That and that’s the problem you’re not bringing in multiple pieces we’ve got to take a break we’ve got lots more coming up here on Indiana Sports be radio including Travis Miller from boiler upload talk about that and much more here on Indiana Sports me brought to you

By Remax realy free in the market for a home in the Indianapolis area you need Cheryl cisor and her two decades of experience it could be the difference between getting the home you want or not reach out to her at Cheryl at any home back with more Indiana

Sportsbeat radio right after this we’ll be right back for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington in the market how about a Funday Monday caption contest I don’t know what that is um I’m sitting at a well you know what I need

To crop that I need more cof got about minute and a half minute and a half minute and a half I didn’t get back with you uh no and we’ll we’ll be able to start getting um um oh damn it I got another cof call it out call what out out time

Oh you got 45 yes is on my side yes it is here we go views of the golf course contact Amy Roa with re Bestco real estate for additional information 812-5838 n or go to my Stone Crest that’s my stonest for more details this segment is brought to you by the ugly Grouper welcome back to Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim coy presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington welcome back it is Monday appreciate you being with us here in this mid-February day uh hope everything is well for you Travis Miller joins us in a little bit we’ll talk some Big 10 Basketball from

Over the weekend of course it was Super Bowl weekend uh was was that a good game to watch because I found it kind of boring because it was I think because of the turnovers but it got exciting toward the end without question John Boy I were you engaged in that game

Um you know it was I I think you’re right on the money I think I enjoyed it just for the simple fact that it was the Super Bowl and it it is interesting to kind of follow along with momes and and seeing if he’s going to truly be the the

Heir to Tom Brady and I think that’s pretty apparent now that he will have a shot by the time he gets to the end of his career to be the greatest of all time and I’m not saying he’s going to do that but I mean he’s put himself in a in

A great position being to four Super Bowls already and winning three of them and fun fact the one that he lost was to Tom Brady um so and I’m not really a big Mahomes fan but as you know being able to see his career unfold the way that it has it is

Interesting and I can respect what he’s done I don’t really like the way that he kind of carries himself necessarily but it is nice to see somebody kind of take that torch I guess from from Brady as being the best quarterback in the NFL well he’s taking it only because Brady’s

No longer there but he’s not yeah he’s not uh but everybody has their time and they’re and right now this is his and oh question he is his window of opportunity is still wide as can be I mean he’s already got three titles I don’t know

How many more he’s got in him but he’s obviously obviously got plenty of years left and if if the roster that they’ve put together with the Chiefs stays together for you know a good enough amount of time I mean there’s no reason they can’t continue to win and uh we’ll

Have to see how that plays out over the next several seasons uh absolutely absolutely uh Indiana basketball of course over the weekend a lost to at Purdue which uh no surprise there uh hell it was a a closer game wasn’t the score closer than it was in

Bloomington um you believe it was a 22 is point loss I don’t remember what the final was in Bloomington but it wasn’t you know close I’d had to I’m going to have go back and look and add the add it up but that could be the this might be

The worst single season Point differential ever could be between these two games for Indiana and that’s saying something considering you know they lost what nine straight during the Archie or little Roadie era and then tailed off of the last the last little bit of last little bit of the Tom creen I

Mean he lost like his last time or two to him which started the run but AR little Ro just never never oh he never won he never beat him not once so but yeah so you’re in the first game what was the point differential in the first

Game uh it was it was the record I’ll pull that up here in just a moment was a record at home yeah record at home they lost by 21 at home to so a total of 41 points I’m I’ll have to go back and add

Up uh add that up uh when comp other seasons but yeah that could be the absolute worst now granted it has been rare that Purdue has been in a situation to where they’re expect that that they’re this good uh you know we’re only I don’t know two three years

Removed or maybe two years removed from their first ever number one ranking ever yeah they have not been to and I’m not knocking on Purdue but they have not been to a final four since 1980 they’ve only been to two in their program’s entire history as as good as they have

Been in the Big 10 they’re not good outside in tournament play not been to a final four since 1980 44 years people so you know I don’t want to be I’m I’m going to sound like as some IU uh Homer and I that’s not my goal but I’m like while

Indiana has not had the success that Indiana is accustomed to they’ve still been to a final four in half of that time they went to a final four in 2002 which is you know seemed like forever ago which it has been but that’s still half the amount of time that Purdue has

Been so um but it is it is Purdue time to beat their chest but they have to do something this year yeah um getting to the final four is probably enough because as hard as hard as it is to do that now but I don’t know this might be their

Shot at winning a national championship because they’re out out without question going to be uh they’re one of the few teams that I think that well I shouldn’t say few but one of the teams that can win at all just because they’re what they’re the only team that has a

Situation and the situation is Mount Edy no other team has that no other team has this singular guy who is the two-time player of the year that is going to that has and will produce game in game out and you know that he’s not stoppable he has not been stoppable by virtually

Anybody so that’s going to be there no other team has that from any position it doesn’t matter if you’re talking about a guard or a forward or a center nobody else has that not Houston not Yukon you know not not not Auburn they’ve got great players and that’s the difference I

Think between them and and Purdue is they’ve everybody else has better ancillary players than Purdue Purdue is just going to need their anary players to play Just well enough six games in a row and that is going to be the Telltale sign for them I think that’s fair the one thing that I

Just I worry about for Purdue is their struggles in the first weekend of the tournament just in general in the past several years I feel like if they can get the monkey off their back of getting to the second weekend and I know that they went to the elite Aid a few years

Ago but they ended up losing to St Peters that year so it’s not necessarily a loss that you want to even though you were in the elite a you should have taken care of business and beaten St Peters but if if Purdue can kind of get

Past the the struggle of of losing to a team they shouldn’t lose to in the first weekend I think they’ll be able to have enough confidence to propel them potentially to a final four unless they run into another you know St Peters esque team that is just beating teams

They’re not supposed to be beat so well it’s not just say Peters they’ve averaged losing to a number 15 seed the last three seasons they’ve lost to a or 14 15 and a 16 I do believe they lost to a North Texas one of the seasons obviously Fairley Dickinson last year so

If they can avoid those double digit teams in the tournament after the first round that might be the key for Purdue to get to a final four we’ll off to see uh how about the Pacers a uh big wi for them over the weekend on Saturday night

They beat the Knicks in New York at the Garden Madison Square Garden 125 to 111 that was after a a home loss to the Warriors when they were here uh the Pacers have won actually three out of their last four they beat uh the Hornets

W 1599 on the road they then came back home got a win over the Rockets 132 129 uh lost that game to the to the Warriors up at gamebridge and then uh knocking off the Knicks uh which the Knicks are rolling man so a again a nice

Win for uh the Pacers as they try to keep Pace with what is going on in the playoffs playoffs uh haven’t said that for a minute but uh right now Pacers sitting in the sixth spot in the Eastern conference for the playoffs right now in front of the magic the Heat the Bulls

And the Hawks sitting behind them but uh the Knicks sitting in fourth so uh Indiana playing up Indiana’s beat the Sixers this year as well so uh they are positioning themselves pretty well pretty pretty pretty good uh you look over in the Western Conference and it’s

The Timberwolves at the top and the last spot is the Mavs owned by our good friend Mark cubin uh the former hoer there so we’ll have to see if any which hooers end up in the playoffs this season as uh the NBA continues to roll on super oh we didn’t talk about the

Super Bowl halftime show johnboy uh did you watch that a and the commercials I did I I’ll start with the commercials because I have to say less to say about that I I do think the commercials as a whole were disappointing at least compared to the

Previous years I did like the uh I did like I like one of my favorites was the um um CH for Walkin I I enjoyed a couple I like the the the lonel Messi one for um melab Ultra that also had Jason sedus in it from Ted lasso uh that was a good

Commercial I liked the the um the Paramount commercial that had Creed in it I just thought that was kind of funny uh as somebody who enjoys Creed and you know they’re people make fun of you know that band so those are the two that kind

Of stood out for me I feel like as a whole the commercial people whatever you want to call them the advertisers I feel like they lean too heavily on just getting a big name for their commercial and they they don’t Focus as much on creating a a commercial with good content if that

Makes sense it’s more about oh how many celebrities we can get in this commercial kind of thing they are definitely more celebrity driven now without question ever there were so many of those spots that all had um star power which but see that that’s that’s today that’s where we are today it’s uh

This BS uh this this this goes back to this I don’t even want to bring it up this TS thing that we talked about earlier yeah very quickly um mailer fast I I’ll call it mailor fast how how’s that sure get it get it I get it just move forward uh

But yeah it’s it’s all about who who what’s but again sometimes it’s funny and I thought that the I like the Christopher Walkin one did you see that one what was that one for I think I think it’s for a car I can’t remember what the commercial was for but

Everybody that he everyone that he encountered did a Christopher Walkin which he’s probably the most uh imitated guy because he has one of the most unusual voices in the history okay I know what you’re talking about yeah I remember that commercial brought up your car and I hope you liked how I

Parked it uh yeah yeah and finally he’s like yeah yeah yeah he’s at the he’s at the grocery uh the price on these bananas are unusually high um that’s my best attempt at a crester for walking um so there’s that so over to Usher what do you think of Usher in his

Halftime performance I’m figur it probably didn’t interest you very much I feel like I didn’t watch it you didn’t watch the halftime show I thought it was a half time show watch I watched a couple of minutes of it and then I’m like what else is on right now I thought

It was a good performance and again I feel like I feel like this halftime show catered to particularly Millennials and maybe older gen z um just because that’s kind of the era that he was most popular with and you know R R&B isn’t for everybody and I

Know his R&B style is a little more upbeat so it’s a little more I guess enjoyable for for the Casual listener and uh I enjoyed I thought he put on a good performance I like the guests bringing on Lil John and ludicrous and then you also they did he had a duet

Piece with Alicia Keys that was pretty good so and also one thing I did appreciate about compared to some other halftime shows recently you could tell that there wasn’t any lip syncing going on there wasn’t I mean there were backing tracks if you’re if you’re familiar with what that is but there

Wasn’t any lips syncing you could tell that Usher was actually seeing into his microphone phone or as opposed in previous years recently I feel like there was a lot more um you know helping out from the backing tracks on the vocal side of things if you know what if you

Know what I’m saying so I thought it was a good show it wasn’t the best wasn’t the worst it was it was what it needed to be which was good enough yeah I uh I’m sure it was I’m not cracking on it uh or saying anything bad

About it I it’s just not it’s not my uh I I you know you know me I’d rather have seen ACDC or uh something dude ACDC would rock that place wrong acdc’s never done a halftime show correct so I know and it’s like it’s almost too late uh

You’ve lost uh Malcolm Young you’ve got David Johnson who’s you know having hearing issues but uh dude they got to get Angus Young up there before it’s too late are you kidding me can you imagine seeing Angus Young going across that stage I mean that’s one they missed out on in my

Opinion the window of opportunity to have ACDC on might be might be pass but hey it’s not completely passed but it’s certainly that window is is closing uh without question um Russell’s talking about warming up towards Dusty may they had a a tight game for uh for Atlantic over

The weekend as I saw they were taking on on the road taking on witch state that game went to overtime but the owls able to pull out a win and actually had their largest lead in the overtime period which was crazy um I mentioned uh Lil roie his team was

Playing on TV against UMass they lost to UMass uh over the weekend that was also Saturday but uh there were some college basketball games going on women as well uh Iowa lost to at Nebraska and Caitlyn Clark just like eight points short of the scoring record held scoreless in the fourth quarter by

Nebraska but she does hit 1,000 assist for her career she’s one of only six women to do that in in NCAA Women’s B basketball and I there are a lot of things about Caitlyn Clark that are kind of irritating um but there are a couple things that I

Do like first of all the fact that she’s got a 1,000 assists she’s one of only six women to ever do that so that uh that that that that means a lot number one number two she doesn’t wear all that makeup and fake eyelashes to play a game

That is a pet peeve of mine um so I got that out and so but but they end up taking the the L and she’ll come back home and and set that record in uh in Iowa City but uh we’ve got Travis Miller joining us up next to talk more Big 10

Basketball and college basketball from over the weekend right after this we’ll be right back for more Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington for let’s see uh morning morning what’s up man ah not much not much uh certainly looks like PR locked

Up the Big 10 this weekend thanks a lot M State who who’ they beat uh Illinois yeah Michigan State beat Illinois and uh Wisconsin’s in freef Fall so what the yeah what the f with Wisconsin I’ve never I’ve never seen a team that was there right there and

Right toward the end battling and hold and all of a sudden it’s like somebody just stepped on their their Knuckles and kicked them off the mountain I I think NE Nebraska but broke them honestly I mean they uh they were up what 18 at halftime on Nebraska in Lincoln and they’ve done absolutely

Nothing since and I don’t even think they played that poorly against Purdue but my goodness she led to Michigan and Rutters in back-to-back games after that yikes wow Kentucky lost to get zaga at home that’s their third a fun fact about that that’s the only time since the I think

The 60s that kuy lost three straight home games and Gaga sucks that may have put them in the NCAA tournament though they needed a signature win like that yeah they’re a decent team they’ve got good computer numbers basically as long as they don’t lose to anyone else they shouldn’t lose

To in their league which you know is a very weak League then they’ll probably be fine yeah they still gotta play St Mary’s and I think San Francisco and TH or no Santa CL it’s either San Francisco or Santa Clair is the other two teams that are kind of challenging in their

League but yeah I don’t at how Gonzaga never got an offer for the Pack 12 you know back when that was they were because they don’t play football yeah you could have been basketball only though I mean like Notre Dame did with the AC football is where

The money is and so that’s if you don’t play football you’re just you’re not you you don’t help a conference unless you’re an all basketball conference unless it’s like the Big East football’s where the dollars are that’s where Butler Notre Dame was able to get what they wanted because they didn’t join the

ACC for football but they committed to playing games against ACC teams or enough of them or something like that five all right here we go guys 20 seconds 23 and 2024 Honda Pilots hrvs CRVs Honda rid lines payment free for 90 days or get 0 point 9% APR financing for

36 months on a 2023 Honda ridg line go to andmore and get more to your door this segment is brought to you by Reynolds Family Dentistry in Sellersburg welcome back to Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington welcome back Indiana Sports

Beed radio here on this day thank you so much for being with us appreciate you Travis Miller from boiler uplo Jo Bo boiler upload joins us now as uh big weekend of college basketball we’ll get to Indiana Purdue but Kentucky lost at home to a Gonzaga team who’s not

Horrible they’re 4-2 on the road 18- six overall but they’re they’re really in the they’re they haven’t done a lot this year that is a gigantic qun for them for Kentucky the third straight loss at home at rup the first time since rup opened in 1976 uh which is that’s kind of crazy

Especially a team as good as they are there’s they’re they’re a top 20 team um so that’s kind of nuts uh you had Yukon they destroy Georgetown North Carolina with a close win over Miami uh Kansas edgy Baylor some Houston getting past Cincinnati 6762 uh Texas A&M unranked just almost destroying

Tennessee at home 85 to 69 um and there was one other uh G whiz oh Wisconsin what the f is up with Wisconsin they are you talk about a team in free fall Wisconsin what Wisconsin was probably Travis Miller Wisconsin was probably a play away from putting themselves in a position to

Possibly win the Big 10 conference uh from Purdue and they weren’t able to make that happen and Purdue gets that win and that just really changed things and Buddy they are just in a free fall four straight losses yeah that four straight losses and when you consider uh where Purdue was trailing Northwestern

By five the night before Wisconsin collapsed and lost in overtime at Nebraska and then the two of them played that following Sunday there was a very real possibility very late in that Purdue Northwestern game now almost two weeks ago that Wisconsin could have been leading the league by three games right

Now uh and then just I have no idea what happened they they fell apart in that Nebraska game they lose at home to Purdue I don’t think they played too poorly against Purdue but they had some opportunities and weren’t able to convert in that one and then you go on

The road and you lose to Michigan who had not shown any signs of Life whatsoever until that game and you lose at ruter which I know ruers is a good defensive team but they have just lose yeah they lost that game big time 78- 56

Yeah giving up 78 points to a you know very bad offensive team in I don’t know what’s wrong with them but they they got to figure it out I mean they were ranked six two weeks ago now they’re probably going to be out of the top 25 I was going to say they’re

They’re Mo they’re 11th they were 11th before this current AP Top 25 which that comes out if it is it out yet I think it comes out about 1 pm today I was gonna say yeah it’s not out just yet but uh man and then Michigan state they’re on a rise M shock

ER Michigan State playing well late in the season making a run not not a not a run to win the Big 10 title but making a run nonetheless uh as now they just continue to rise up the Big 10 standings and before I forget Florida destroyed alurn number 12 alurn

81-65 so all kinds of uh uh upsets this weekend but looking at the Big 10 man it it’s Purdue of course but uh just really surprised that Wisconsin’s drop number one but Michigan State they are one game out of third in the Big 10 right now and two games out uh of

Second yeah they’re they’re gonna have to I mean they’re gonna have to get a lot of luck to get back in and win the Big 10 but uh they’re they’re going to be a team that’s right there at the the end uh they do not play Purdue until the

Third to last game of the regular season they have to come to macki Arena and they have not won in West Lafayette in I think like 10 or 11 years I mean Purdue is Purdue has dominated them at home in the last decade or so but uh I mean

That’s a team that has a lot of talent they probably got back on the you know they’re pretty secure I would say to make the NCAA tournament and as we’ve seen from Tom mizo all he’s got to do is get in the tournament and he can CAU

Some damage so uh I I look for them to be a challenging out uh I think they’re done playing Wisconsin I think they’re done playing Illinois unless they have to go to Champagne I can’t remember correctly they only have Purdue once so they’re they’re not going to win the

League but they’re GNA set themselves up and they can play themselves into a pretty decent seed at this point yeah I don’t no one’s going to win the Big 10 other than Purdue let’s let’s be clear about that but uh they don’t care about that they just at this point they they

Just want to be do what they’re doing right now playing better basketball heading into to the tournament uh Indiana and Purdue uh went at it for the second time this season uh this time up in West layette and it was a 20-point win for the boilers which no surprise

There although it was a a relatively fun and close game uh up until there was a moment in the first half and I was like what what what just happened uh they let Purdue just go on this run and it was like they were just sitting there

Spinning their wheels in in mud and some unforced errors but they just uh can’t get done what they need to get done especially three-point shooting they shoot TW Indiana shoots 25% Purdue was eight of 21 for 38% on the day um neither team can shoot a free throw uh

Indiana 60% 9 for 15 Purdue was 21 of 33 63% what the hell’s happened with college basketball players free throws are not that damn hard they have not gotten here’s the thing the three-point line has been moved over the years I understand a difference in percentage of of connecting there the three-point line

The same thing it has been since 1905 or whatever you want to go back to nothing has changed the basketball the same size The Rim the same size nothing has changed other than the guys that are shooting this and I just don’t think that a there’s either um it’s I don’t

Know that they’re completely focused when those guys are at the line uh I mean there are certain guys that shoot well but then other guys are like yeah that’s a crap shoot yeah and I I think right now Purdue’s just going through a bit of an e there they’ve been a pretty decent

Free throw shooting Team all season long uh Edy for being as big as he is he is usually a very good free throw shooter 7% shooter yeah and if he’s getting to the line 10 times a game and he’s shooting 70% I mean that’s that’s

Something you want to see but he he will go through some stre uh some streaks where he’ll miss four five six in a row and then he’ll dial in he’ll hit like 12 in a row so uh I just think it goes in ABS and flows if you’re a Purdue fan

That is one concern uh that they’re as a team kind of struggling right now I know they really they got a ton of free throws against Northwestern but they missed a lot against Northwestern and uh if there is one weakness uh there Trey Kaufman Ren has struggled from the line

For his entire career and it if you want to put a guy on the line he’s the guy to put on the line honestly I noticed that the other day not very good shooter uh and as a matter of fact he’s just not a really good shooter period um what is

His uh what does he bring to that roster because there are so many they have so much talent with whether it’s Mason Gillis uh the guy I can’t think of his name right now um first no no but he’s another one uh that fills in there but uh there’s one other

One maybe he’s a a two guard I can’t remember um yeah lawyer cin Ren is just like he’s kind of an odd man out when he’s in it’s like he’s just filling some space for a minute and he’s had some really good games uh he had a fantastic

Game against Illinois I think he was close to 20 points in that game and he’s a good rebounder he’s good back to the basket he’s not Edy doesn’t have Ed size but he’d like likes to play on the low block and can work guys that way so I

Think that’s what Matt painer wants out of him and uh he can step out and hit shoot the three he’s shot it relatively well he’s only taken like one or two a game sometimes but he he has shown he can hit it and I think what painter is

Kind of doing now is he’s the starter out there but you got Mason Gillis as the finisher in that spot and Gillis Gillis honestly is one of the best sixth men in the Big 10 if not the entire country uh he would for how many teams

And play 30 minutes a night so I I really think that it’s kind of a hybrid role there where you have uh Kaufman Ren is working working things early and Gillis is working him late but if you’ll notice early in the second half Purdue made a concerted effort those first few

Possessions against Indiana to get Kaufman Ren the ball on the low block and get him some work and that was good to see that they’re kind of trying to see how they can get him involved a little bit more because it is an interesting experiment running two post players post heavy

Players like that Edy and caufman ren like it’s 1984 like it’s 1984 I guess that’s better than Like It’s 1999 uh but so coming up next for uh everybody what’s up next for Purdue let’s check uh their schedule coming up as after their win this weekend they are

Still at home as Minnesota team comes in that should be uh nothing more than a good workout for Purdue not that Minnesota’s bad they’re just they’re not going to beat Purdue and westoff yet uh Purdue then has to travel to what could be the worst team in the Big 10 Ohio

State uh and then they host ruter at home who while they’ve had uh their ups and down with ruter ruter is is be and mainly because ruter is one of those teams that can that can play physically with Purdue and you have to be able to do that but they don’t have the

Offensive Firepower I believe then uh Purdue goes to Michigan again uh a team that’s not playing all that well then they hosts Michigan State which while Michigan state is playing well it’s it’s in West Lafayette Purdue travels to Illinois that’s probably the O before hosting Wisconsin for their last game so

The only game I even see Purdue having a challenge in the rest of this season is when they travel to Illinois on March 5th yeah and the Big 10 might be decided by then I mean that’s the second to last game of the year I would not I don’t

Want to look past ruers just because they have played Purdue hard for many years in a row and they are one of only two teams in the conference that has two wins in West Lafayette the last 10 years and they’re playing well right now yeah and they’re playing well they play nasty

Defense and they Steve pel has given Purdue bits in recent seasons I mean they won in West Lafayette last year they had the uh Miracle heave win two years ago that ended up costing Purdue the Big 10 title in Piscataway and uh they’re they’re gonna give Purdue a game

And that’s really kind of Purdue’s biggest test right now is can they maintain that Focus yeah they’ve got two easier Road games at Ohio State and Michigan never just count never count on a win anywhere in the Big 10 uh and then just got to focused in the other games

But I really do think that Purdue probably won the conference this weekend with Illinois losing at Michigan State just because basically Illinois is gonna have to be perfect the rest of the way they cannot lose another game to get in the race and then everybody else already

Has five losses and is three games behind Purdue while Purdue has seven games left to play Purdue is not going to lose three out of their last seven so it’s really Illinois has to play perfect and get a lot of help to to make this even a challenge right now yeah uh and

Like I said it’s just uh while conference play can always be conference play I looking at looking at it on paper yeah it is what it is but we’ll see that’s why they play the games uh be because uh you’ve got other teams that have other reasons to play hard uh like

I said ruter has not been boy they been looked at as shaky but then they’ve done some things uh they’ve not stopped playing hard that’s the one thing about ruter is they have not stopped playing hard and that’s how you get the win that they got this weekend

So they’re a team you just can’t sleep on and that’s that and especially one that has played well in Mackey which is hard to do so that is why Purdue can’t sleep on him as you as you said yeah I mean that can they drag Purdue into a

6563 game absolutely I mean Purdue struggled to beat them in Piscataway just a few weeks ago and everything it was it ended up being a good win but it was one of Purdue’s worst offensive games probably of the season so you know I’m not putting anything past them and

Then you know you just you just have to take one game at a time I think Minnesota could you know be at least challenging they’re feisty this year uh I thought that they had a real chance to play their way into the tournament before they lost this weekend but uh

Yeah it’s Purdue is a clear favorite the rest of the way and as long as they take care of business in a big 10 they’re going to be a number one seed in the NCAA tournament they’re going to be playing in Indianapolis probably playing in Detroit in the sweet 16 and Elite 8

There’s really no excuse now uh there there’s no excuse to not have a deep tournament run you’re not getting an easier path to the final four than what they’re probably going to get in terms of location and seating yeah uh where is I have not looked here is there is Indianapolis

Hosting a site yes Indianapolis is hosting the first and second rounds at the Fieldhouse downtown so uh if Purdue is a one seed they’ll be right here in Indie there’s virtually no way that they won’t be a one seed they would have to uh they’d have to go on a a Wisconsin

Esque streak to lose that I think because their their body of has been solidified enough that they’re going to be a number one seed uh Yukon is going to be a number one seed um I I don’t know if I know the four who who the fourth will be yet uh

Houston has seemed like that uh their body of work although they just took a pounding from Kansas uh is would be a number one seed and then you’ve got questions is it Kansas who has been so up and down uh they’ve got major wins and some questionable losses um you’ve

Got teams like Tennessee Alburn uh but both of those just teams just lost uh so it’s it’s going to be fun I I I think this tournament is going to be fun again but but but we’ve got the big 10 tournament first which unfortunately is up in as Don mentioned earlier for the

Last time uh in Minneapolis uh and the frozen tundra uh I’m they might as well just played it at uh in in Green Bay let’s just go to Green Bay and and if you’re gonna and just and put a and put a a basketball court out on the frozen

Tundra at least it’s in the right spot this year as opposed to the year it was at the world’s most overrated arena in New York where they made him hold it a week early and everybody had to sit down for a week and not do anything but

Uh but yeah I the Big 10 tournament should always be in Chicago or Indianapolis personally I think it should always be in Indie just because I like taking couple days off my day job and uh going down and watching basketball for four straight days less than five miles from my house [Laughter]

So that and I I think it just should be just well yeah I’m being uh it’s there’s no way to to not say that and not be biased uh but yes it should be I it’s it is uh it is the place man there’s no better place than Indianapolis to host a

Any kind of a basketball tournament or otherwise they have shown that the All-Star game coming up in Indianapolis at gamebridge Fieldhouse uh how about that the uh the nation’s eyes will be on Indianapolis for that so that’s going to be pretty cool how about the picture

Lately that picture from of um of Zach Edy what what the hell was that where he’s sitting in the middle by himself with these these GL what what were those glasses first of all is he triy to watch the game in 3D or something Have you

Ever walked past him like at a game or anything I’ve been near him I know how big he is yeah that that was what is just so shocking to me is as a normal-sized human being the first time I walked past him in person was at the crossroads classic two years ago the

Final one and I’m I’m in the tunnel underneath the the Fieldhouse there and he comes walking down the and walks within two feet of me going one way I’m going the other and I just had this moment in my head of how am I the same species as that

Guy yeah it’s uh it’s it’s definitely uh different I I had the Good Fortune of working with uh tree Rollins once from a former center for the Atlanta Atlanta Hawks he’s a SF footer s footer are just big man I I I’ve worked for many years covering uh zionville high school for

Their local paper and a few years you know now it’s more than a few years ago I remember walking in the first game of the season I see the list and I see Derek smithz freshman on the roster I like I wonder if that’s Rick Smith’s kid

And sure enough I turn around and I see 7 foot4 Rick Smiths ducking underneath the uh Doorway to enter the gym and you’re just like wow okay I guess that is his kid yep it’s amazing uh how many kids are out there now makes us sound old oh

Yeah tell me about it we’ve got to take a break uh appreciate you for joining us here on Indiana sportsbeat radio as always and make sure you give Travis a follow uh at boiler upload and keep up with what’s going on in the Big 10 especially if you’re a boiler fan as

Well uh because they’re going to be making some obviously I think they’re going to make some kind of a run this year regardless of uh where it ends or does not end we will see does does Purdue win a National Championship this year I know that you cover them and follow them and

Uh it’s what’s first of all that’s a question that is that does not have a there’s no way you can actually answer that question because none of us know what the hell is going to happen but there’s I there has been no other time in this run the 2016 team did not have

The dominance that this team has although they had Jaden Ivy which was a much different player they didn’t I was talking about this earlier they have Zack Edy and Zach EDI is Zach EDI and Zack Ed is gonna be Zack EDI every damn time you’re you’re going to get a

Minimum between 18 and 30 from him every night and you know that there is no other team in the country that has a player guard forward Center bench Rider it doesn’t matter that they know they’re going to get that from night in and night out out and that gives Purdue such a

Gigantic uh advantage to me they but they have to count on all somebody either Lance Jones or Braden Smith or Fletcher lawyer to step up as well every night though one of those three guys has to step up every time as well for them

To win six games in a row in my opinion I have learned not to count a single thing when it comes to Purdue in the NCAA tournament I will not believe that they are in the final four until their semi-final game tips off in Phoenix on

April 6th that is the moment that I believe Purdue can make a final four and not a single second earlier so uh you know anything can happen in the tournament as we saw last year they they are coming off of the worst tournament loss in the history of the NCAA I mean

Just there’s no worst loss in my book even this was a worse loss than Virginia to UNBC because at least UNBC just got RedHot from three and took advantage of the fact that Virginia struggles offensively and cannot come back on teams if they fall behind big Purdue had

The most dominant player in college basketball last year and he got taken away by Fairley Dickinson and the guards crumbled so anything can happen but on paper yes I agree this is the year um you’ve got Jones you got Smith you’ve got lawyer they have been consistent

They have been better this year I think the addition of Lance Jones has been tremendous to this team with what he gives in attitude in scoring and defense he fills in a lot of holes that were you know surprisingly there last year that they didn’t realize until that uh that

Fdu game and you saw it against Northwestern uh La two weeks ago they’re down five they need a basket with two and a half minutes to go what happens Lance Shan hits a three they were missing that element last year he is the guy that wants to take that shot he’s

Not afraid to take it he’s not afraid to try and get that big basket that they need late and then Smith and lawyer are just better this year they have improved lawyer’s kind of going through a little bit of a slump right now he’s not been

As uh visible as he has but he has his moments and then Smith is just I mean he’s passing well he’s keeping control of the basketball he’s not turning it over uh he just was driving the lane with impunity against Indiana there to start the game and he was the reason

That that game flipped in a hurry because he just kept getting to the basket getting to the basket absolutely appreciate your brother as always look forward to a next week all right thanks a lot thanks for having me you bet you Travis Miller joining us here on Indiana sportsbeat

Radio and we’re back with more after this brought to you by our good friends in Sellersburg and if you’re down in that area you need to keep that champion ship smile and go see our friend Dr Jay at Reynolds Family Dentistry back with more after this we’ll be right back for

More Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington in the market all right I’ll be right back I’ll be right here well hell might as well go get Some might as well might as well it is swell ring the Bell inside of the cell man I can’t believe I thought of all those matching words e all right all right got about 10 minutes when we come back here I’ve got Trey Galloway sound if you want to use it we’ve had it for a bit and um yeah we

Can do that here if you want yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep oh there now oh Howie wants me to plug the Pod yeah well I’ll do that if you want me to hoe check out out of touch check out the

Out ofou podcast he just put where’s I must I’m not down there yet yeah check us out out of touch me Dustin and Mitchell post every Wednesday go subscribe on YouTube out of touch media get this hump apparently all right here we go a part of the wild food group is your butcher

Baker and Fish House no matter where you live this segment is brought to you by Bubba 33 in Clarksville and Evansville Pizza Burgers beer welcome back to Indiana sportsbeat radio with Jim Coyle presented by Andy Mor Honda of Bloomington hey hey welcome back appreciate uh you being with us here on this Monday thank you so much and uh Howie wants us to plug uh John’s podcast that’s right hey I’ll take any opportunity I can get yeah check it check us out out of touch on YouTube how

Did you come up with that name so back whenever Dustin shy was on the show regularly anytime we would start the show uh without you and it was just me and him we felt like our segments we would just kind of go off the rails and

We would kind of talk about whatever the hell was on our mind sometimes and so see that’s was great there’s nothing I don’t I don’t I find that not out of touch but uh well so it was it came the out of touch I guess title itself came

From like we would try to avoid the sports conversation sometimes and just kind of go our own Direction so check us out real quick and I’ll I’ll hand it back over to you out of touch on YouTube and Spotify we’ll also be putting on Apple podcast soon also Mitchell page is

A part of the podcast as well former Indiana football wide receiver and we talk all things sports related non-sports related we kind of go all over the place and it’s usually about an hour long so if you want more of us uh first of all thank you I can’t believe

You would but if you want more of us check us out we greatly appreciate it and you can hit the hotline send us a message 502 830 9195 and uh you can be a part of the show that way so yeah check us out anything else that’s it you sure

Just kidding I’m just taking the opportunity while I I’m kidding just kidding I I was looking for a comment that I just popped up but I uh I I started but I lost it um she was um oh who said who was talking oh you ah don’t be a Wise Wise himer

Um I can’t read all that uh yeah it’s a long comment yeah too much stuff I don’t care about um there was one that tag on it that I just had popped up the You’ taken off but while you’re while you’re looking through that let’s go ahead and

Hear from Trey Galloway yeah comments so Trey Galloway spoke with the media following Indiana’s lost to Purdue and let’s hear some of what he had to say to to the reporters say just lost our intensity and our Focus um I had a bad turnover to start the half and it kind

Of just spiraled down down the line um with all of us and it kind of just showed um but we got to take care of the ball on the road and obviously there there’s there’s very little room for air and that’s what happened and they won that run and we couldn’t bounce back

Scored scored on the first five possessions of the game what was working early that didn’t continue throughout the rest of the game I think our movement and kind of our Pace we got out to a good start I thought um and that didn’t last very long um so that’s on us

To kind of just remind each other to keep moving it with pace and keep doing the little things that we are able to get easy shots and we’re getting pretty easy ones so we got do a better job of that second half and down the line first

Half so he he said something that should I feel like would easily worry fans and you may have thought the same thing Jim but when you say that you you realize that things were spiraling out of control and you’re your senior you’re the senior point guard whether you

Should be or not that’s Up For Debate obviously but when you are in the position that he’s in and you know that you let things spiral out of control you’ve got to be you’ve got to be able to step up and eliminate those things from happening even if you are playing

The best team in the country if you are the senior point guard it doesn’t matter who you play for you have to be able to find a way to get your team recomposed and I think that’s one of the biggest weaknesses with this Indiana team they don’t have anybody who can get these

Guys to settle down on a consistent basis well no there’s no leadership uh that’s been no secret all year when the leader was expected to be Xavier Johnson which uh even in a um even when you’re not on the floor you can be a leader and I look at someone

Like Anthony Leo who tried to do that from the bench uh much of his time but it’s still at the end of the day it has to be one of your guys it has to be one of the guys that’s on the floor constantly and and consistently and they they don’t have

That they don’t have a number of things they don’t have the guard play i i i Indiana fans love to pick on Purdue uh as the Rival and I get it to a degree but at at a certain point I’m like hey guys um don’t you’re smarter than that you’re better

Than that acknowledge that um it’s like uh and I’m not picking on anybody I I I don’t even I don’t know where the comment is so I’m just going to re say what it was it talked about how good would Purdue be if you took their point guard out for

The for half the season so if they didn’t have Braden Smith well I’m sure that that would hurt but they would probably make an adjustment because you have Fletcher lawyer I don’t know how well he could play the point if he was asked to play the point or um if you

Move someone like Lance Jones around it would definitely change how they do things but uh I don’t know that it would really stop them from being in the position they’re in right now um it they’re they still have Zach EDI and he is everything goes through Zach Edy but they have

Other talents around them Lance Jones Fletcher lawyer Mason Gillis it’s not that they are devoid of talent that that is producing and that’s the thing um you know maybe they’re not quite as successful but I still don’t see that they I I still see them winning

The Big 10 personally um if that had happened it would but you know I can’t we can’t predict that we don’t know um but it is what it is but I you fans you’re just gonna have to accept the the fact that Purdue is a good team they’re

They’re a good program right now and it is what it is and Indiana is not Indiana not only is their team not good the program is not good it’s not going in the right direction and either you know with Mike Woodson acknowledging that they have pieces is

Missing you know if if he’s first just now seeing that that that’s that’s a problem uh but of course the fact that they’re in this position shows that either they did not see it and acknowledge it or they just could not do anything about it I’m not sure which of

Those two it is but they I think it’ll be we’ve talked about this plenty of times and I don’t mean to interrupt but I do think it it bounces off of your point but I do think this off season will be very telling I mean if if he’s

That aware now at this point of what needs to be done and what’s missing from this team if he’s able to put together the roster that he wants to have or thinks he does have a choice year his job his job rides on yeah of course but

Like you’re you’re exactly right and I agree with what you’re saying not only but his job rides on yes this off season getting the pieces that he that they need because you’re not going to have kle wear next year I don’t know that you’re going to have McKenzie and Bako

And that doesn’t mean that he’s going to the NBA I don’t know yeah me the transfer portal you never know who’s going to be on the roster next year exactly but you have to bring in the guys you need you you can’t have open scholarships especially when you have

Needs uh and Indiana desperately has needs Purdue had one spot and they filled it and they did it with Lance Jones but hey man it was a another great day thanks a lot to uh Greg for joining us from the ISC Sports Network as always Don the voice of the hooers Don

Fiser Travis Miller as well from boiler upload John the producer for keeping us between the white lines and most importantly thanks to each and every one of you uh and thank you for all the uh BD wishes tried to ignore that uh not because of you guys but just uh for me

But I am sincerely appreciative of each and every one of them and grateful uh and I look forward to doing this all again tomorrow when uh we’ll continue along and on the program tomorrow Mike dorsy cronic hoer and whatever else we can scare up until then I’m Jim Coyle go

Out and have yourselves a great day I will see you on the radio thanks for listening to Indiana sportsbeat radio be sure to subscribe to our YouTube page for more clips and team coverage of Indiana basketball football and more you can also find full episodes and tons of other content on the

We’ll see you next time for another edition of Indiana sportsbeat radio


  1. Long time youtube viewer and subscriber here just wanted to say love your show and all the great guest concerning the busy Indiana sports scene.Keep up the good work have a great day and Let's go !

  2. I’ll tell you the real travesty…..Tony Romo calling the game! The whole Taylor Swift thing is annoying but Tony Romo is just awful! Also, I’m just like you, Mr. Coyle…..I always forget to put a bet in….Sometimes that’s a really good thing!

  3. When they lost in the Elite 8 they lost to eventual national champion Virginia. They lost to Saint Peters in the Sweet 16.

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