Golf Players

Balloon Party – January 31st, 2024

Tim McKernan hosts a show rooted in sports but branching off into gambling, entertainment, and whatever bright shiny object distracts him on that particular day!

00:00 – The Blues lose in tough fashion last night before the All-Star break

21:40 – Tom Brady’s broadcasting future

36:51 – Why does somebody need to be blamed when a team loses?

48:35 – How has the atmosphere at and around sporting events changed over the last 20 years?

Live weekdays from 10am-11am on 101 ESPN.

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Yes yes welcome in Bloon party 101 ESPN it’s driven by mgan ass St Louis Acura and mgan ass burkard Alton Toyota Timothy Michael mckernin Jackson Bennett Brett and today is a special edition of this program because it’s Jackson Brett’s last show until Monday that’s right Jackson tell the audience what you’re up to

Heading out to Scottdale Arizona w wow wow and what’s going on out there you’re going to go to a Suns game going to talk with Sophie Cunningham I would love to do both of those things I’d be surprised if Sophie was in Phoenix off season what do you think she’s in Columbia watching

The Tigers yeah probably uh but I’m going out to Scottsdale for uh Buddy’s bachelor party nice first bachelor party where are you guys staying you staying at the Phoenician no we are staying in an Airbnb a big old Airbnb somewhere in the Scottdale area God how many bedrooms

Uh probably not enough now what do you mean by that well I mean you know you’re not going to find a house with 20 bedrooms they call that a hotel so you know probably be doubling up in some circumstances or couches you know we’ll figure it out I’m not too concerned

About it 20 of us going you know it’s nice it’s a big group 20 25-year-old veral men that’s right cooped up all hopped up on booze and X nowhere else to turn H how would they feel about a 47-year-old father two we need a chaperon chaperoning yeah come on out

Bring the sticks and uh you know we’ll Tee It Up and then who know need the best player on this trip yeah I would be really then I’d be giving pops I’m not going now now I’m not going now I will stay home and be a parent otherwise I

Was going yeah probably the responsible move but uh text in your thoughts on Jackson’s bachelor party 314 399 9646 Air Comfort Service text line the uh the Youtube chat hot B of activity uh Droid effect says I I love this time because all the old heads are gone

What does that mean an old head would be like someone and it’s this going to sound very simple but it’s just older MH and so often times when you use that like as a pejorative and you’re like old heads are saying like you know they never call traveling in the NBA anymore

That would be an example of an old head thing to say so what from like before balloon party it’s it’s old heads in the YouTube chat is that what is that what is that Droid effect saying I’d be curious on this I can’t say one way or another because we’re doing a little

Program down the hallway 7 to 10 not to brag HD2 and there was a woman in our YouTube chat today also don’t want to brag but and she got a lot of attention and then the discussion went from flirting with her to OIC right and that’s a natural progression really it’s

A natural progression everyone’s trying to you know shed a couple pounds you’re lying to yourself if you’re saying I can’t lose one or two uh Dan janson’s in the YouTube chat and he says I’m looking for Jackson to break down the blues Fiasco last night I I guess we’ll let

You go ahead and do that it’s probably the Little P’s wide birth Wednesday probably the lead I don’t know what else could be the lead it is the lead all right it is the lead yeah the blues uh that’s a one nothing loss Tim so if you had the under you were handsomely

Rewarded uh not a lot of shots for the Blue Note probably not the best effort probably not the effort you wanted before uh you head off on a little 10day respit for the All-Star break bre but hey it’s how the cookie crumbles uh they’ve been hot leading into the game

So tough to be too upset my question to you is as the Blue Note head into a 10day break for Allstar festivities how confident do you feel that they can finish strong and make their way to the postseason also this question earlier this week but also crap at the Midway

Point of the Season already taking vacation but live on the air at the Midway point of the Season who’s a player who has surprised you positively so far and surprised you negatively as well uh uh take the last one first B Jordan cyu Jeremy ruford was with us on TMA

About an hour ago and uh one of the questions our listeners posed to him was do you think Jordan cyu finishes the eight years in St Louis and if I could ship the bank roll I would go no so there would be that because he’s like he

He he pops up and’ll like go off and then he just kind of disappears then last night didn’t get a shot off in a key spot and a one- nothing game it couldn’t not be key considering what you had going on I just so there’s that I

Would say Jakey Jakey nabe nabe uh I think Jordan bennington’s been sick Joel Hofer uh Colton pero though would be the guy that would be the one that uh I would go uh for the positive yeah especially considering like he used to be the guy that you would see getting

The most criticism so there’s my analysis I had to tell you I disagree with your and I know you weren’t really giving a premise because there’s a good chance you you weren’t able to watch last night’s game with packing and such yeah I don’t have to answer it I don’t

Have to answer if I saw it or not right I’m not beholden to anybody but I was really I I I was surprised by I woke up this morning and I was disappointed and it it affected my mood when I got out of bed and I’m like

What in the hell how does a game in now I don’t want to make it sound like I didn’t sleep because of it but I woke up and I’m like you know you kind of get your bearings yeah uh and and go yeah the blues

Lost and I had a buddy of mine the nonl texted me something along the lines of uh I’ll read it directly why not uh quote don’t let this be a trap game which I guess is something I said either on TMA balloon party of the Tim mcer

Show and uh and sure enough I mean it just you play so well against Great opposition and and it’s one thing and I heard Kerber and Joey Vitali talking about this on uh Kerber’s podcast you know it’s one thing if you lose a game and you play well and a bad team just

Plays a good game or you get some bad breaks or there’s some kind of crappy calls or whatever the hell Puck luck whatever those things can happen but that was just it’s kind of like you with this little P’s wide birth Wednesday you can tell you’re already on vacation

That’s that that that’s what was going on last night and I mean that was garbage like Jeremy Rutherford when we had him on he’s like I don’t know can we just go straight to the two-part questions because what are we going to talk about as Drew banister

Said I was getting cute it’s get cute so if the blues are going to be in the mix for a playoff spot they’re probably not going to run away with a playoff spot the chances of them getting one of the top three spots in the central God or

What I mean like super high side 10% Like that’s going crazy to catch up with Winnipeg Dallas and Colorado so they’re getting one of the Wild Card spots which means they’re going to be like eight teams competing for two spots and yeah if you would have said at the

Beginning of the six games which started with that home game against the capitals that you’re going to pick up 10 of 12 points you’d be happy but that’s not where you were at 7 o’ last night yeah you had the worst opponent you were playing in that stretch and you’re about

To get a 10-day break let’s capitalize on this and at the very least okay you lose you lose but that was just that was rough man that was real rough and so when you see a couple losses to um the Blue Jackets and the bad one to the

Sharks you know and you look back and you go crap man we could have been in the playoffs you got those that’s tough and I I don’t know so that’s I think that’s why I’m a little more irritated than if you would have told me hey Tim

On December 30th just so you know on January 30th you’re going to be irritated when you wake up on the morning of the 31st because of something that happened on January 30th against the blue Jack it’s like go what the hell you talking about but that’s where I am

So I got to be honest with the audience why because Jackson this is honesty and media it is I have a I have a follow-up question I’m taking follow-up questions and I think this this is a bad example after last night but I will say relative

To the last say decade of Blues hockey do you think this team in particular is fun to watch do you enjoy do are you entertained while watching the game do you think it’s a fun team relative to the last 10 years uh I mean watching in really 2019 even though was the 201819

Blues is about as good as it can get from a sports watching standpoint because it was just a rush of wins and then of course what took place in April May and June uh but 2020 up until the shutdown in 2019 therefore the first half of 2019 and then the season in 2020

Before the shutdown you’d watch that team and go holy crap I mean this is a machine and you couldn’t wait for the playoffs which was different than the way they won the Stanley Cup cuz they were so bad in 2018 the first half of the season in 2018 this year there are

Games where you go these guys can beat anybody because they are literally beating the best teams and then there are games like last night and you go the hell and I don’t know I mean so much of sports media and social media is we’re just going to blame people right that

Reminds me and this should be easy for you to remember cuz it deals with like your personal man hero in sports and who is that see if you can get it see long Chris Long yes this is Chris long you might be able to pull it up I think he

Was on the Rich Eisen show and he was asked about Dan Campbell and the Lions thing and like this who to blame thing and Chris long is right with me on this thing he’s like yeah you can blame Campbell but I mean he did what he did but what about Josh Reynolds dropping

Passes I guess that’s that’s so anyway either way so Chris Long’s kind of in line with where I am and I don’t know if that’s where you are but who do you blame on this like if if it’s a great reflection on Drew Bannister for the job

If he is going to be the the head coach and they remove the interim tag and you point to the way the blues played in their two games against Vancouver in the month of January uh the way they managed a really dough difficult stretch of their schedule then I think it’s only fair

That you go okay well the head coach didn’t have them ready for a game that is an easy one to overlook a bad team the night before you go on a break I don’t think I don’t in other words if you’re going to credit him for handling

This stretch of great teams I think it’s reasonable to then criticize how they were not up to play the Blue Jackets and left a point or two out there in what was a just lackluster performance across the board that power play in the first period sweet Mother of

Mercy it it it was really a case where it looked like the Blue Jackets were on the power PL except the blues were on the power play it was brutal and so when that happens you go man you just can’t have that happen you just can’t have

That happen and of course the best teams you know the the Bruins are tied with the Canucks for the top teams in in the east and west respectively and the blues played with them you know they hell they got five or six points when they played

Three games against them in the month of January and really probably should have gotten all six and then you have that kind of performance against one of the worst teams in the Eastern Conference just doesn’t add up and I that that’s that’s no good and that part I think is

The part that frustrates me again you lose 43 and you’re like okay didn’t play great but you know this was just let’s just let’s just get to the plane and get out of here that’s what it screamed to me it was really disappointing so I’m not I don’t have like super high

Expectations for this team but when you have that kind of momentum and you got one game left before you get 10 days off I think that’s why it irritates me so beware I have a hockey take on January 31st and I’m a little irritated by it

But I do I that that’s where I am we’ll fire under your ass yeah and I wasn’t expecting it I’m like what am I doing I’m upset and I’m listening to Kerber’s podcast and I’m I’m getting pissy and I’m listening to Drew banister and he’s pissy and I’m glad that he’s pissy he

Should be pissy but then some of the comments were like you know we we had a great winning streak this is a blip and I’m like ah you know if you would have been playing a great team and they shut you down one- nothing okay but this team

This group and they’re at the end of a road trip themselves ah this is you got to killer stomp on the throat yeah and they’re merciless and that’s not what you saw last night and that that that irritates me you know and again I’m not going and

Otherwise they’d be winning the cup I’m just but that was that was disappointing because I think it was an effort thing and that tilts me let me go down to Enterprise I can go down there and hold some people directions yeah yeah I can put some fingers well Bragg and right’s

Game I’m still it’s still in my phone uh I can put some fingers in chests and and let people know like hey this effort won’t won’t be accepted oh my gosh yeah I think you would carry a lot of weight if you walked into the room I think I

Would too and then you can have like uh Mike Caruso introduce you to the guys so then that way when you go up to kyou you’ll know you’re not like going up to Paro they have the names like the name plates about Locker be like hey I’ll

Like look up and I’ll be like uh uh Faulk you’ll say this won’t cut it name don’t knowe uh probably go fuler hey fauler yeah yeah and the players like when you call them by their nicknames when you’ve never met them oh they respect that yeah especially if you

Can’t skate And then you I take my this finger here and I put it right in their chest and I say I know you’re about to go like play golf and have fun and spend time with your family they might be on the flight with you tomorrow right and

You like earned this because you play hard and play professional sport and worked your ass off to get here but me a guy who can’t skate hasn’t skated in 20 years maybe not good enough not good you’re gonna do that right well because I I think we owe it to the fans gosh

Look at you yeah yeah and I’m surprised that no one else is offering up their services to do this I think you’re probably stealing marshes Thunder yeah yeah maybe we’ll go tandem you know cut the cut the locker room in half they call it a dressing room or a locker room

The room they call it the room well you know we like to keep things in the room okay well either way I’m GNA hold him accountable that’s what I’ll do for this show go down there and walk up to Dan O’Neal Jr and say I’m looking for the dressing room yeah yeah during

Intermission yeah you’re going to go in there during a game sure sure sure say what’s up with all this theater lingo dressing rooms and intermissions and such I think it’ be well received next time you’ll see the blues at home for a chance for you to go in in the middle of

A game will be when they’re playing Conor McDavid two weeks from tomorrow night and Leon drle God look at this guy you know what I think you should be allowed into the dressing room why with knowing that that is the case uh who knows uh these Edmonton Oilers have been

On a heater uh Jackson will take a break Jackson is going to Scottdale for a bachelor party uh Jen who was in the YouTube chat during TMA has followed us to balloon party in the 101 ESPN chat giv more Credence to the fact that she’s actually a female right yeah I would

Have said the opposite but cat dad gamer says Columbus was absolutely awful last night they were darn near worse than the blues but the blues really just didn’t care that’s from cat dad gamer in the YouTube chat that’s nice I like this fire from Jackson today that’s from cat dad gamer

Yeah well someone’s got to bring it you know we can sit here and be you know talk about like the effort wasn’t good enough how about we go up there and tell them I don’t know if they have this pipe I do is there a morning skate that information is out there okay

Yeah I’ll take them down I’d be a little surprised yeah yeah yeah maybe I’ll individually find out and and be like Kurt Russell in Miracle hey boys you’re not going anywhere yeah you thought you had plans uhuh p we’ll see you tomorrow P’s Hockey Camp we’ve got the guy from

The 1 hour show on 101 he’s going to talk to the team I’m a fundamental guy like let’s relearn the game I like that you got to walk before you can run I like that I like where this is going more where that came from in the next

Segment it’s balloon party driven by mungan ass St Louis a here in mongan as Burk Aral and Toyota this is 101 ESPN and the 101 ESPN YouTube channel well here we go Jackson you are looking for a bath solution how about the bath Authority yes indeed new sponsor here on

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A new level of luxury style and safety schedule your free and home estimate today and get $1,000 off a new shower or bath plus 36 months of Interest free financing it’s the bath a better bath awaits welcome back this is balloon party my name is Tim mccaran and this is 101 ESPN

101 ESPN YouTube channel come on in the water is warm uh Jackson you will not be here tomorrow or Friday but that means marshy Marsha and the playful posy will be in your chair have you instructed him on how to do a little PS Thursday thoroughfare and a Friday six shooter

Because that’s not something that you can just say hey we do this thorough fair in this six shooter you gotta you gotta coach him up a bit the thing about marshy is he produces a program that does like prep and like talks out what they’re going to do beforehand I

Understand so I think he’s well-versed and if I say hey you know we usually do like six semi big picture semi localized but depending on the story can be national uh questions that get Tim going if you could just try your hand at it do your best I have faith in your brother

Is he going to send them to you in advance so you can say yay to question one I think you need to refine question two I think we’re going to scratch question three like question four let’s let’s maybe reward question five is that is that how this is going to work for

This Thursday thorough fair I don’t what I don’t do Tim along with watching hockey games is I don’t micromanage wow I if I trust Mary Marsh which I absolutely do I say I give him free run you know I say the people will decide if your questions were good enough or not

So I give you all the I I say take it and run brother take it and run you know it’s a bad sign if over the next two days $70 will come out of my venmo yeah yeah well there’s the there’s definitely that possibility but

Um I’ll I’ll bill you for that yeah all right I uh I’ll have plenty of golf winning so that’ll take that are you gonna run good you striking the ball well bro I know that I’m like striking it well enough that my friends who also haven’t played in months I’m confident

Okay confident keep an eye on that Jackson will call in with updates on his rounds of golf in Scottdale in the meantime it’s back to this wide birth Wednesday on balloon party presented by mugan S St Louis a here in mgin burkard Alton Toyota and Jackson you have a what

Is this a second or is this a third question technically a third question and you and I I called for audio of your man hero does it tie end any of the Little P wide birth Wednesday does also I know you had Tom Brady on Pat McAfee does that tie into this wide

Birth I mean hey you’re the captain of this ship what I’m gonna say is I think we should talk Greg Olsen and Tom Brady okay hey you’re the captain of the ship uh and then I can kind of in my mind freestyle question that regards to improv on display the seong and Rich

Eisen clip uh so the Greg olon I mean I find it fascinating it’s weird to me and I’m I’ve written this question down but I just want to speak it that like people heard Tom Brady was going to take over and they’re like but Greg olsson’s good

It’s like yeah he is but you know Tom Brady is Tom Brady and I feel like the public opinion just became like we shouldn’t take away Greg Olsen he’s great and Brady won’t be great oh you’re talking about social Media Group think and that’s what I’m saying is like and

Then it’s built up and built up around this and now people like I don’t even know if they’re gonna give Brady a fair shake and I don’t even know if Brady’s still gonna do it like I’m still that’s a nice observation and I think you’ve earned this two-day vacation with the

Four bedroom 20 man trip that you are taking this is good because I agree with you I think in general even if Greg Olsen didn’t have the popularity and would Greg olssen have as much popularity if he were about to be replaced by Tom Brady ask yourself that

On your two and a half hour flight uh or is it three hours I don’t know okay fine Tom Brady will be hated on anyway no matter what now with this said I was just discussing this with Randy carrier on uh as he was heading on out and we were heading on

In I number one I was wrong and I don’t think I’ve ever been wrong before this is the first time it’s my fault I never thought Tom Brady was going to do this job I just never thought it was going to happen I knew I knew he signed the deal

But I just never thought he was really actually going to do it and I know he hasn’t done it yet but he has prepared to do it he was on Pat McAfee yesterday talking about it um and so I gather he’s going to do it I read a column in the

Ringer Yesterday by Brian Curtis who I’ve had on my podcast before I enjoy you’re a fan of his work yeah oh yeah and he wrote about this okay we’re about to have perhaps the biggest star going to mainstream football broadcasting since his premise was Joe Montana and I

Don’t think you were going to get that maybe and uh and Montana did it I believe he did it in studio on NBC in ’95 and it was so bad that he did nine games and then quote unquote retired Manning is somebody talking pton who if he were to be Kevin burkart’s

Right-hand guy uh or if CBS goes okay the Romo thing started strong but it’s getting a little off here uh I think Payton Manning could step in and be incredible right away Tom Brady is somebody who I think will work his ass off at it y I really

Do I just don’t know how good it’s going to be I and and I think when it comes to that spot I think it’s I think and I am certainly we’re going to find out open to being wrong I just think you either kind of have it or you

Don’t and I just don’t know if he has it I don’t think that his personality is such that he’s pton Manning’s personality and pton Manning’s personality in my opinion would be free flowing it’s not that he doesn’t know it’s the ability to communicate at conversation

And I think he will work his ass off but I don’t know how it’s going to play now with that all said I think he is already going to have hate no matter what because he is Tom Brady and so that’s just the way that the world Works need

To take him down because he’s up here and that’s kind of the way that the process works so um looks like he’s going to do it I never thought he was going to do it and um I’m intrigued to hear how it actually plays out when he

Joins Kevin burkard in the booth uh come September I have something to say and it might be dumb clip that off we can use that for a promo but I feel like so much of it like when you’re talking about like broadcasters is so subconscious or Primal even like where you’re hearing

Them and it’s like just based on how they sound is how you like judge them like some people think some people have annoying voices some people think they have great voices Oh I don’t think anybody thinks I have an annoying voice I was about I was refer I was actually

Going to use us as a reference point like I know I am monotone and like my voice is pretty one note I can work my ass off on inflection and stuff like that but like I can’t really change the sound of my voice you have a much more

Dynamic voice uh your inflection is good you’ve done this for a long time I don’t think Tom Brady has a great voice not saying like he sounds weird but for broadcasting like when I hear like Kevin harand or Ian Eagle Jim Nance Joe Buck these guys have like really like you

Hear it it’s like broadcast voice and that might be chicken and egg because they’ve been doing it for so long I agree with that good for you to that see I get what you’re saying you’re talking about the voice and then you’re talking about tone and Pitch to

Me in that specific role and you’re the analyst here you’re not the play byplay guy the analyst it’s it’s conversational therefore it’s got to be quick quick quick and so that it needs to sound conversational also is another way of saying normal it’s another way of saying organic it’s another way of saying

Authentic and while I think again I know I’ve said this two previous times he will absolutely work at it which I think is a criticism that Tony Romo is getting that he is not working at it uh but I think that’s is Brady’s nature that he will work his ass

Off at it yeah because that is how he is programmed I just don’t know if you can make somebody you can’t make somebody have it yeah but hey it’d be great if he’s outstanding at it and olsson’s case he will go to be on the number two

Broadcast team and he will wait and see what CBS does if the Romo things spirals keep an eye on what takes place between the Chiefs and 49ers in that broadcast uh is Nance and Romo are under the the microscope right now with criticism of their broadcast and their lack of

Chemistry after the quick start and the contract Romo got uh Joe Buck Troy ikman aren’t going anywhere but if Brady doesn’t work out or if Romo doesn’t work out then olssen would be positioned to go in I do think he does a really good job I think the compliments that he’s

Getting are a correlation in part because he going to be replaced and there is an element of sympathy to it I I definitely think that’s the case and then there’s just social media give me likes I’ll give a take that everybody already agrees with and it’s safe yep is

That engagement farming that would be like bait like bait God I’m just trying to keep track of this stuff your thoughts on it 314 399 9646 uh we have some audio for you here in the second half of the program Jackson’s manh hero Chris Long Tom Brady

Un pack McAfee’s show and more from The Little P’s wide birth Wednesday as we celebrate Jackson before he goes on his uh uh bachelor party trip this weekend this is balloon party 101 ESPN this is Action Jackson with a a sports center update driven by Johnny lond Chevrolet and Johnny lond autolex the

Blues lose last night final score 1 to zero to the Columbus Blue Jackets the blues are off for almost 10 days during the All-Star break but they will return on February 10th as they take on the Buffalo Sabers you of course catch that game right here on the home of the Blues

101 ESPN pregame at 11:00 a.m. and puck drop at noon again that’s Saturday February 10th after the All-Star break and last night in the NBA fun little matchup between the Pacers and the Celtics final score 12924 in favor of Boston Jason Tatum 30 points seven boards seven assists that was another

Sports Center update by Johnny lond find New Roads and Shop 247 at and LOF are you kidding me welcome back balloon party 101 ESPN Tim M and Jackson brette with you Jackson’s having a huge show what do you got what do you got left here I mean I

Can you even have any more how much more can you give us here’s what I’ll give you Tim and it’s referencing is the teleprompter down no it’s you know just kind of pausing letting people settle in you know fresh off that Sports Center update and the momentum created by it what a

Push what a for check that was a good one people might have thought that this upcoming Saturday the loser playing oh no February 10th February 10th super helpful February 10th now my question I feel like and this is going to be leading to the audio we’re about to play

That in situations and this certainly Works locally that there’s always there’s always needs to be a scapegoat for games someone’s always got to be blamed always talking about that’s what we’re talking about the blues and Blue Jackets last night are we going to blame right and when you’re that’s how

We got to the Dan Campbell thing right and that’s a perfect thing because there’s 53 guys on the roster coaches up and down and a head coach there’s no possible way like a loss can be on one person solely obviously there are big moments and key moments that some one

Person might mess up but ultimately they go in with game plans they have weeks between games if the team loses the team lost one person didn’t lose and so I was wondering if you thought the same thing it’s always got to be blame always going to be BL you think that’s like media

That’s the case that’s a sports media thing Sports media thing okay Sports media thing yeah so that’s why I just happened to see this on Tik Tok this morning Chris Long’s appearance and this is the rich Eis in show is that right here is what he had to say about the NFC

Championship game let’s get to it the Dan Campbell decisions your two cents on it okay at first I was like Dan what are we doing uh I just say this the timeout to me is a no no like that to me is the thing that we should be evaluating Dan’s

Performance on you mean at the very end of the game that at the very end of the game okay I I hate that because onside kick not a high percentage play you know if you get three Downs with a minute to go after a kickoff and a chance to maybe

You know like if you get that fourth down right you did you get a chance to be kicking a field goal to tie the game right like unless I’m Mis remembering it I I I feel gas lit by that time out like I was just like what are we doing other

Than that you know the fourth Down’s okay you know that’s who you are and to his credit I just I looked at the second half again just 10 minutes ago I think Detroit just missed their opportunities like they they they had chances the entire second half to convert in these

Situations whether it’s uh Reynolds dropping the ball on Third and nine whether it’s uh you know golf being a little bit off on Fourth and three you know the plays there um you know he didn’t Dan Campbell didn’t fumble the ball Gibbs fumbled the ball there was a

Point in this in this half where they came out and they were rolling they were chunking them it’s 2410 it’s they get third and four Warner makes a great play in The Run game on Fourth and two Reynolds drops the ball like these are plays that need to be

Made right and I know I’ve been on the other end of it like where at the end of the Dallas game where I think golf’s been a little bit off you’re like well I know the plays open in the flat but maybe don’t trust the guy who’s been a

Little bit off but in this situation the ball is they’re on the balls are on guys guys hands dude like so I make the plays I’m with you I’m with you couldn’t agree more I I me I’m in lock step with what he said the only thing that I really had

A problem with there was the Run play because if you don’t get in the end zone the game is over unless and I the recovery for the kicking team and onsides kick in the last an full of years since they changed the rule God I don’t even know what you think you think

It’s less than 5% you’re your B basically gambling on someone dropping it once it goes up in the air kick the field goal yeah and keep the timeouts because they it was a 10-point deficit to refresh people’s memory even though I know this was just a couple days ago

Then get in a spot where the game now hinges on an onside kick get the touchdown don’t get the touchdown doesn’t matter you keep the three timeouts which Speaking of Greg Olsen he was all over before it happened he was on top of that and that’s why the thing

Like be what became and that was the social media Firestorm was oh my God Dan Campbell didn’t kick the field goal and I would imagine a lot of people who were complaining about that hadn’t watched much Detroit football this year to know that that’s what they had done

Throughout the course of the year on Fourth downs and then also weren’t aware of the Lions kicker situation being less than optimal they didn’t have Justin Tucker or Harrison bucker on on their Sidelines but then it just becomes kind of like the Greg olssen phenomenon that we’ve talked about everybody likes

Himone social media oh I will get my tweet out there and then it becomes truth when in reality it’s opinion and often times it can be opinion that’s wrong but I so I love that Chris long is going Case by case play by play Josh Reynolds dropped the ball G made a bad

Throw those aren’t Dan Campbell’s things Gibbs fumbled the football that’s not Dan Campbell so we’re just going to sit here and and I saw Mike Greenberg and I know I get the game I know what you got to do I guess then that’s you know hyperbolize everything blame one person

Which was just your question but that’s the game and how often is it players it’s usually coach manager y or general manager and then it become and once you see people get them in their crosshairs on social media and it can be it doesn’t have to be an athlete or involved in in

Sports you go okay we’re just waiting for the downfall we know we’re going to get them now and then we get them and go on to the next person and that’s that was Dan Campbell on Sunday and Monday and I just I just couldn’t disagree with

That more now if they had some bad play calls and nobody was open on these plays or if you didn’t have the turnovers that they had or the freakish Ricochet to Brandon auk all of these things that’s a different conversation but Josh Reynolds J all the whole things forgotten about

Because people results oriented well they convert they converted it um the one though that stood out to me like what are you doing running the ball you the game is on the line on this play if you don’t get into The End Zone the game

Is over unless you hit that two in 100 shot of of getting the onsides kick you can’t do that you can’t do that especially when you can keep the game Alive by just throwing it in the end zone even if you just throw it away both times you still have three timeouts so

There you’re still alive you can’t because the game is over on one play and it’s a run play at the two or one and a half yard line against that 49er defense and and God I think they lost like half a yard on the play it was just that was

Terrible but what was focal point the focal point was going for it on fourth down and that is what they had done all year to get to S Santa Clara and that NFC Championship game 1046 in St Louis come back with the final segment of balloon party before Jackson bids us a

Day this is balloon party Mass St Louis Acure Mass Berard Alon Toyota presenting sponsor of balloon party on one 101 ESPN in the 101 ESPN YouTube channel and the place I go to get my family’s cars and the place I would love for you to go to get your

Cars as well buy lease doesn’t matter new pre-owned doesn’t matter didn’t get your car there need to get your car serviced fine you can do it in that service department go online at St Louis or Alton and work with the best and the best is Jamie

Burkard Clayton Patterson Peter Mast and then Ryan cyberg and that service department can’t say enough good things about him when I have an issue with my car I don’t go oh man this is going to be a headache for the next couple weeks like I’m going to look forward to

Talking to him because I like them and I know them and I trust them and that’s what it’s all about in the automotive industry and that is why they are all over the shows that I am involved in TMA the Tim mcer Show podcast and the presenting sponsor of balloon party they

Are the place I go and they are the place I recommend you go St Louis Alton welcome back to mccan with you here on balloon party Jackson briquette is vacationing in Scottdale the next two days marshy Marsh and the playful posi will be in uh coming up tomorrow and

Friday uh some people agreeing some people disagreeing and you know what Jackson Ain’t That America yep for you and me Ain’t That America home of the free yeah Ain’t That America we’re something to see little pink houses for you and me think about that uh was that the them

No for some the Little Pink Houses thing maybe think of the theme song from Weeds you’re thinking of little boxes yeah little boxes little pink house is of course John Cougar melon camp or was he John Cougar at that time I’m I’m Jackson cougar melon Camp I didn’t know that mm

Look uh let’s see what we got here Tim I disagree totally coaches get paid to make decisions to put the team in position to win the game they are the one in charge no matter what the players do on the field the coach’s job is to

Put the players in position to win the game and not taking the field goal and getting the three points and going for it did not put them in position to win the game it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out and I don’t care what they did all during the

Regular season Stakes are higher in the playoffs and I should note there wasn’t one period uh you hit the nail right on the head all these screaming head shows pre reach is hyperbole unfortunately an era of salary caps and guaranteed contracts you’re kind of stuck with blaming one

Guy that’s from the 314 Jackson do you have a final question before you say farewell my fairy friend remember that farewell my fairy Fay I remember that from what I think it’s that Meet Me In St Louis oh okay yeah that’s classic cinema right there yeah it’s tough to

Say that Sports aren’t as prominent as they have ever been right now in the 21st century attendance across Sports is up TV ratings for football is reaching the highest highs relative to Modern television and sports continue to dominate the public Consciousness however I ask you from your perspective

Have you seen a drastic change in atmosphere around Sports have you seen a certain sport improve their in-game atmosphere Jackson with another big picture macro question 1052 this guy and also one that has declined are some sports in desperate need of an atmosphere change and do you see any

Trends that may lead you to believe those changes could be coming atmosphere change so you’re talking about like at events games are talking events uh just the kind of discussions and atmosphere around the game I think the PGA Tour the game of golf is one that is on the brink with everything

Surrounding it and as a golf fan watching that leaderboard this past weekend at Tory Pines I’m like oh boy they got a situation on their hands but you know when we when we’re on this program uh we’re usually usually we have Taylor twellman on the program we’ll

Talk out MLS with the great Taylor twellman and I believe he is coming back for uh the upcoming season I was texting with him last night as a matter of fact we’re talking NFL we’re talking MLB we’re talking NHL and you’re talking NBA so on those games on those atmospheres I

Think baseball is in a precipitous spot with the television thing however I am of the belief that for the fan it is going to be better than it has been questioning how it’s going to work out for the teams to replace that Revenue that’s an issue uh I also think for some

Fans because of Co then they found they didn’t necessarily Miss certain games and I think that would be more in the baseball category than anything else oh I have three and a half hours available on nights now and I don’t really miss it and I’m using those

Evenings to do something else and I don’t miss it I think college football is trending in an incredibly popular Direction all while it being built on a shaky foundation of the chaos the Anarchy of nil yeah and the NC in general is a has had some issues with

Governance a lot of issues and I feel like but I could this is this is solely an acknowledging on the front end that I could be just super biased but I just feel like college basketball isn’t as popular as it was 20 years ago but I

Might be wrong on that you might be able and I know you’re a fan and I’m not doing this to pick at you I’m just like I know I’m not as into it as I was and I don’t feel like the country as as into it as it

Was but you might be able to provide television ratings and such that that that you’d immediately be able to refute that I don’t I don’t know the ratings are pretty consistent on college basketball for the last 10 or so years there’s been up and downs last final

Four was certainly down given the lack of star power Atlantic San Diego State Miami and our national champion Yukon huskies and Yukon kind of a blue blood but also lack of star power there’s no one you know drafted super high out of those teams and that’s something we want

To see I think I can’t speak much to 20 years ago only being 25 I know I think if you watch a game the atmosphere the people are still very into it uh but the ratings haven’t changed much whereas something like college football has increased in a big way over the last 10

15 years in terms of teleion Wonder college football is more popular in the Northeast that’s just a portion of the country that does I’m wondering I mean obviously it’s huge in the Southeast Midwest in portions of the Pacific time zone but I’m I just I’m curious if

That’s the case like let’s think about like what is the anchor school what is like the blue blood in the Northeast Penn State if you’re going to count that as the Northeast that would be it kind of but then like I mean Missouri gets to play an Amorous Massachusetts in mid October

This year so that’ll be fun it’ll be outstanding but they they like I think we’ll do high school as a bigger state than what do it’s so exhausting but like accurate also like that north of Penn State I don’t think that there is like a a premier like it

Might be like Buffalo also fluty in 1984 BC against Miami granted it was 40 years ago but you still can talk about it yeah you can and you know but that was was that not like oh my god look Boston College here they are like it’s like and

Matt Ryan went to Boston College but I just don’t feel like the definitely not the Northeast and then but that might be the only part of the country that’s not like really into it because even you say the Pacific Northwest well Washington played in the national championship this

Year uh Andrew says MLS NHL and NBA are the best and most improved NFL and college football are the standard MLB needs some work that’s from Andrew I think that’s accurate uh I would agree with that I I I I just would include NFL and college football

Although is surging I wouldn’t say like the standard unless you’re saying that sets the standard the gold standard saying standard right that’s a bad read on my part and then MLB needs some work and I would agree with that but MLB would point to the recent year I just I

Was reading I can’t Rec the he was a play-by-play guy for the Mets and he’s just like and I know I listen I’m 100% aware it’s not going to happen but he was talking about and he was a play-by-play guy for the Mets when they

Were playing the Cardinals in ‘ 85 and ‘ 87 got and the nle uh in those pennant races and how great they were and the intensity of those things and I just think it’s lost and I get you know because then you’re not going to have probably 75% of the teams

Being relevant in mid August yeah but still then that ensures you that the teams that had the best six months get a chance to play for the championship as opposed to this crap it just it drives me up the wall it lessens my enthusiasm for the baseball regular season if I

Didn’t play Fantasy Baseball I don’t even know how much I’d pay attention to it and of course this is my job but as far as like if I you know whenever I decide to shut it down I don’t know it just it it isn’t the same because it’s

Just like okay it’s it’s NCAA tournament we let’s get in and play in the tournament that’ll be fun if you can get to the final four but otherwise it’s the regular season of Major League Baseball has been diminished the access for fans to watch games is Antiquated and other

Leagues MLS would be one I realize they’re not necessarily worried about MLS but MLS uh has probably set the model for what an MLB will do not NFL NFL can call a chots but ml NFL can say peacock 130 million that’s what we need and then peacock will actually profit by spending

The 130 million that shows the power of the NFL and college football because the TV networks won it college football actually was in a position where it contracted a major conference because of television networks wanting schools and not necessarily wanting others those are the the conferences those are the

Leagues that show uh that they are in a healthy position others are losing because people aren’t necessarily able to access their content all right time for us to go we’re going to go do the Tim mcer Show podcast uh that’s on YouTube and the Tim mcin Show podcast

Feed we talk about everything there and I mean everything Not Just Sports uh BK and Ferrari are up next Jackson have a wonderful trip to Scottdale we will talk on Monday Mary Martian Thursday and Friday tomorrow and Friday Fort Jackson bam C this has been balloon party driven

By mongan St Louis a here mongan burgard Al in Toyota on 101 ESPN and the 101 ESPN YouTube channel

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