Golf Babe

How I Fixed My Backhand This Off-Season

I’ve got 7 tips for you to generate more power and snap. I’ve been incorporating this stuff for the past month, so I thought I’d make a video.

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0:00 intro
1:24 leaning back
3:15 coil
4:44 grip
8:09 plant leg
9:51 leaning forward
11:59 off arm
13:40 off leg
14:32 outro

Around a month ago I made a video about just checking in on my backand distance it wasn’t meant to really be all that much I just wanted to see how far I was throwing see if I could finally get to that elusive 500 foot Mark spoiler alert

I kind of didn’t but I’m still working on it and I thought that was just going to be it I was mostly going to work on putting and strength training in the offseason I wasn’t really worried about distance or backhand form all that much at the time however I edited that video

I watched it through and I was like man I got to work out my backend like this is I can’t go with whole offseason without doing something about this so for the past month my main focus has been working on my backhand trying to iron out all those little details that I

Thought were wrong so today I’m going to give you seven tips seven things that I’ve worked on in this offseason that I fixed my back end so hopefully if you’ve been following along you’ve got all the things I was doing right before and you can continue to learn as I continue to

Learn and get some more pointers from me here real quick though before we get to the rest of the video I want to make I guess a little announcement I’m going to be with OTB again for the 2024 season from now until March we’re going to be

Using Code off seon for 10% off of your order at checkout big thanks to everyone that used my code throughout the 2023 season a ton of you guys used it way more than I would have thought it’s been super helpful to me and it’s super

Helpful to OTB so all in all thank you so much and continue to support me using my code and from March onward we’re going to have a new code every month so just keep coming back to the videos you’ll keep getting codes keep getting discounts everyone’s happy all right

Number one the biggest thing that I found that was wrong with my backhand and I think this is probably the hardest thing for me to unlearn because it just feels so natural to throw this way is leaning backwards so when I would reach back I would I would kind of start my

Runup like cocked back a little bit with my right shoulder up and I would reach back by like doing this motion right so I was bringing my back shoulder back doing this like that was kind of how I reached back when in reality you just

Want it to be a rotation and a straight back and forth motion not this sort of like semi-rounded leaning back thing and I also it probably comes from one I learned on a course that was uphill a lot and two I played ultimate where you

Had to like kind of lean back and throw the disc up to get it to go far cuz leads don’t go that far but with a disc disc golf disc you don’t need to lean back and put your disc way nose up and because I was leaning back I was instead

Of fixing my leaning back I was compensating for that by kind of coming over the disc a little bit and getting it nose down which was good but the leaning back made it so I couldn’t really generate power because my whole body was this way my hips were like this

It was putting a ton of strain on my hips on my low back which was not good and I just wasn’t getting as much power being in a neutral position with your shoulders even I try to think of my shoulders even or I even think to get my

Right shoulder forward a little bit because even though you’re not supposed to do that really that’s kind of the Quee that stops me from leaning back a little bit so if you’re having trouble leaning back maybe try to think like going in the other direction to fix it

And then find out kind of where you start to fall where it starts to look normal obviously take videos but you want to get to the point where your reach back is all rotation and not leaning right I was starting my runup by doing this see I had my elbow up my

Shoulder up I was leaning back and you want to start your run up right in this position I’m not I’m not doing this I’m not starting like this second thing and this is something I’ve actually talked about before a little bit but I think I misunderstood sort of the importance of

A very specific aspect of this and it’s going to be with the reach back and the tip is to make sure you fully coil now I didn’t really use that term very much but I have been watching a little bit of overthrows videos which they talk about

A little bit and something that’s really important to me is when you do coil and when they say coil they mean this reach back position where the disc is all the way back you’re getting ready to explode forward but you haven’t started accelerating the disc yet and for me I

Think of my chest pointing backwards and my body open right I’m not closed off like this and starting to rotate my body’s open my shoulders are both facing the direction the disc is in what I would do is I would get to my full reach back like I’m supposed to but before I

Got to my reach back this arm would start coming over and I would start to rotate so if you watch old videos of me throwing in slow-mo I would basically get to my reach back and then my shoulders would start to rotate before I got fully to the reach back and then my

Coil would be like this where what you want is you want to get to that reach back and you want your coil to be like this open and then as soon as you hit that point your body’s totally open and you can pull everything in together you have this nice controlled explosive

Power pulling through as opposed to this sort of like early pull through rounded bull crap all right number three this is the most important thing for getting snap on the disc I know this is a controversial topic the snap matter it doesn’t matter it does matter well snap

Is this snap is that well snap is just the sound that it makes you know you can throw far without snap this is is all true but I was throwing and I was getting no snap ever and I was like I could throw pretty far like I’m not

Getting snap it must not mean that much I think I was wrong I think snap does have a place in the discussion for how to throw well in disl it doesn’t necessarily mean all that much some people maybe you have kind of dry hands and you just don’t make as much of a

Noise but there is kind of like a snap that you can feel when you’re throwing with the right grip with a lot of power my problem was I would hold the disc basically with my thumb on top like this and then what ended up happening is the

Grip under the disc was B basically these three fingers so if you can see how I’m holding the disc right now my thumb and pointer finger don’t even need to be on the disc for me to have control of it like I can move it around as much

As I want my entire power grip was the palm of my hand on top of the disc and my three fingers under it and then this finger would kind of just come down and hang out which probably comes from learning to throw the disc with your finger on the front that’s probably how

I learned to throw a frisbee and then sort of my thumb just chilling up here not really doing anything and what I noticed happening the reason I figured this out is because when I reached back right I didn’t have it like this but it was basically the

Same thing it was like my finger was on the front it was doing just as much as being on the front when I reach back I do what pretty much everyone does when they throw is I loosen my grip up a little bit and then tighten it but

Because my thumb wasn’t doing anything and it didn’t need to stabilize the disc I noticed my thumb was coming off the disc and then it wasn’t as Extreme as this but it was kind of lifting up a little bit and then coming back onto the disc and I could feel that I didn’t

Really have good control of the disc and it’s really important that you have control because one you keep everything straight and controlled you get way more power and two the way I was holding it the disc instead of ripping off of like a very concentrated point of my thumb and

Pointer finger I kind of had this like baby like soft release coming off of my palm in three fingers and I could feel it my my fingers would start to hurt because they were doing a lot of the work and it wasn’t really snapping out

Of my hand what I instead switched to is I stopped relying on sort of the disc sitting under my palm like this to have power I brought my fingers way under and I think the start of my grip is my finger getting under the disc and then

My thumb coming up on top and then now instead of holding it like this with all the contact the contact is here right that is all the contact that I care about the rest just kind of comes in and helps but this is all I need and notice

If I reach back and let go with my thumb the disc falls out of my hand so that eliminates the problem of the thumb coming off of the disc losing that power and now when I throw the disc is snapping out of my hands that snapping sound happens because of that I don’t

Think I’m nearly as loud as some crazy power throwers but I’m hearing it now and feeling it as well and I can feel the disc really exploding out of my hand in a way it hadn’t before number four is going to do with the plant leg and it’s

Pretty simple you want to keep your plant leg straight for the most part now it’s okay if there’s a little bit of a Bend okay so when you plant your plant leg there’s probably going to be some Bend and when you come through you want

There to be that brace but what I notice is I was planting my foot and it was super bent like this and I and it’s because I was lean back and and and reaching too far with my plant leg and so I couldn’t really rotate like this

Because if I rotate like this once my leg goes straight my foot’s coming way off the ground because I’m way too reached out I I would have to like really stretch my like inner thigh to get everything together so what I have to do is bring this in get my leg flat

And now I can rotate on that really rigid plant leg and absorb all of that power and that’s going to help having flexibility in your hips having flexibility in your hamstrings having strong quads strong knees strong glutes all these are going to be important for getting all of this

To be able to go into that rigid plant leg and not bending it and doing this kind of hips forward not rigid Loosey Goosey bent plant leg which is what I would do a lot and it would also make my plant foot not really want to have a strong point to

Rotate on it would kind of move a lot which meant I was losing a lot of power to movement in my leg if you try and plant on ice and your foot slips you’re losing all of your power same thing if your leg is bent and you and you can’t

Rotate on one single point you’re going to lose power that way so making sure that you make a small enough step so that everything can stay rigid and straight and have one axis to rotate on is very important okay number five is is I just learned this one this is one that

I just figured out and I don’t really see a ton of people talk about it but it has been hugely helpful in getting more power and feeling a lot more controll in my form and also allowing my reach back to kind of be straight and controlled in

The way that I want it to so the the the queue that I’m going to use here is leaning over the disc but it’s it’s kind of more than that so I’m going to think leaning over the disc like this this is kind of the position I’m going to think

Of but really what you’re doing is you’re one you’re getting in an athletic position and two you’re getting the disc away from your hips and because the disc is away from your hips you have all this room to reach back when you rotate if I’m totally upright in the way that I

Throw and I try to rotate I cannot get the disc to go straight back unless I keep my elbow tucked my body entirely and if you watch most people throw especially highle Pros people who know what they’re doing their arm is nowhere near their body it’s way out here but if

I’m not leaning over the disc in order to rotate I have to have this sort of of round it like it’s not natural to reach back straight like that however if I bring my hips back and get over the disc now it has all this room out here and I

Can reach back and rotate without having to round my body at all and although I used a queue to try and not round my body it always ended up being a thing that I did because I wasn’t putting myself in this athletic position where I could get that full reach back without

Having to round so just having this upright position that I always had always forced that rounding because I couldn’t do the reach back without keeping the disc away from my body and it just felt unnatural to do a reach back like this right it’s just not how

You reach back but if you’re like this you’re leaned over the disc watch Casey white throw Anthony Bella Simon lazad Paul McBeth literally watch any good thrower they’re all in this position where their hips are super far away from the disc and they have all this room to

Reach back I think that that is one of the more important things for an elite thrower to really generate power I’m going to Breeze through the last two cuz they’re not super important but they’re things that I am trying to focus on right now so I thought I would include

Them so number six is going to be the off arm really all you want to do is just the most important thing is that the off arm is straight and tight to your body when you are swinging through it just keeps everything really clean really nice and tight to your body you

Get way faster rotation that way it’s not in the way it’s not creating any drag for you and it’s something that’s probably not that important right if my arm is like this and I rotate through like doesn’t matter if it’s this or this probably not but I am trying to get into

The habit of keeping it down to the side here because it just makes it easier for me to rotate it feels a lot more athletic it’s just kind of a bad habit that I’m trying to fix the second thing with the off arm is something that I

Would do is bring my arm way out here and then pull it in kind of I I can’t really recreate it but my arm would come way out some people kind of do that I’m more trying to keep things Compact and simple I’m not trying to do all this

Weird crazy stuff out here so I’m not coming across my body I’m just kind of bringing the arm as I rotate my body I’m not rotating my arm either I’m just lifting it up like this like my arm is literally just doing this so as I reach

Back I’m just trying to do this right my arms out here it’s creating this Force coming in a little bit more rotation but it’s not like this right that is too much it’s just reaching back and doing this right reach back like that and then in and then when I’m pulling forward

When I’m rotating into the power pocket I’m just thinking bring this in and then just straight into the seventh point the seventh thing is you’re off leg so something I didn’t really think about a whole lot and I’m still working on it if you pay attention to your off leg a lot

Of people do this when they throw they’ll do everything right they’ll plant they’ll get everything their arms going to come in and and then they’ll rotate and their leg will stop and drag behind them and you’re literally just losing rotational power by doing this and you’re creating this whole mass hanging

Off of you stopping you from rotating so what you want to do is just get your back leg off the ground when you rotate through and I’m I’m even noticing I’m doing the leaning back thing while doing this you want to get your back leg off the ground when you rotate through so

You can pivot on the at one point and you don’t have this point back here dragging you behind so those are my seven points that I’ve been working on again I’m not perfect I figured all these out within the last month I’m still working on them but they’re all

For sure things that I just absolutely have to incorporate in my form I’ve noticed that pretty much every highle Pro does this to an extent it’s really hard to figure out these small things I had to ask some people for some help to figure out some of these things cuz I

Just have watched my form so many times and sometimes it’s just hard to see after a while while but now that I’ve started to incorporate some of these I feel a lot more confident and I’m really trying to put in the effort to do all of these as perfectly as I can anyways

Thanks for watching hope this helped it’s getting nice out here it’s not going to be this warm for the next like whole month but it’s starting to get nice out all right so I’ll see you next time and hopefully that soon peace


  1. I'm just half way, but that's already some if not the best video I've watched on the topic, good job and thank you because I see a lot of similarities with my (bad) form!

  2. The grip epiphany is huge! Getting that snap feels so good. And idk about you but I noticed once I figured out the snap, my discs got a lot more spinny ground play.

  3. I notice I’m a lot better at disc golf if I remember to stick my butt out (athletic position) 😂
    Seriously a huge difference that I try to mention on form reviews.

  4. Vid is jampacked with good intel. Thanks a lot for sharing this. Something for everyone here. One o these in particular smacked me upside the dome.

  5. Did you know your last name means 'Science' in Finnish? I found that quite funny in this context. Loved the vid! Keep up the good work.

  6. Pretty solid tips! You didn't include a throw though. Would have liked to see the difference as I remember your old video.

  7. if you watch Simon throw he intentionally slaps/punch his off hand into his hip, he doesn't do anything fancy but seems to be a great and simple Q to deal with the off hand.

  8. This is a GREAT video. Please add some chapter markers so it's easy to return to it and review it point by point. Thanks!

  9. See simons form in the OT slowmotion from a couple of years ago

    at 4:43 bottom left of the video his left leg clearly pushes in and under his body as a counter weight, it does not rotate at all, until the disc has left his hand, most, if not all throwing 600ft+ does this

    (tried to link the video, but my comment got deleted).

  10. I think pinching more with your first finger and thumb, causes the release of the disc to rotate around that point … and that point is closer to the rim with the right grip, which is a longer lever and makes it spin faster.

  11. Leaning back can definitely lead to a lot of these other faults. Especially keeping the rear leg on the ground, obviously leaned back posture puts the rear leg lower in relation to the ground than the front leg.

    As for the off arm I think there is something to getting it back in front. A lot of tall long armed pros don’t need to commit to a double move to bomb distance but my theory is that biomechanically the more you can bring your rear shoulder in as you lead into your swing it sets your throwing shoulder into a more anatomically correct position to take a full swing while keeping integrity at the wrist hand. (Basically the further back the rear shoulder is when you swing the harder it is to keep the throwing arm from internally rotating to alleviate pressure through the follow through.

  12. Question about "leaning over the disc" in regards to the pros doing it — couldn't another explanation be that they lean to get more hyzer angle, because they have the power to flip most discs to flat? When I lean that much, it's hard to release the disc on a flat angle, so I'm wondering if the pros leaning is more of a CAUSE vs an EFFECT of their power (if that makes sense?)

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