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Chip Kelly to Ohio State, DeShaun Foster takes over at UCLA & is Power Slap the next great sport?

Dan Wetzel, Ross Dellenger & SI’s Pat Forde kick off the podcast breaking down the coaching turnover that took place over the last few days at UCLA.
It all started when UCLA head coach Chip Kelly decided to take the open offensive coordinator position at Ohio State late last week. Kelly made waves by leaving a respected head coaching position to become a coordinator within the Big Ten (which is now home to both universities). The guys wonder if this move could signal the new nature of college head coaches or if UCLA wasn’t doing enough on their end to get a great football program going.
Meanwhile, DeShaun Foster will be the next man to take the helm for the Bruins. The podcast wants to see the UCLA alum and former NFL running back tap into the rich recruiting bed of California to make the program more competitive.
This week, Pat reflected on one of the craziest coaching offseasons in history, the 2018 coaching derby. After 6 years, only one coach from the historic pool is still at their program.
Later, Ross provides an update on the Tennessee vs. NCAA hearing & when fans can hope for a decision.
Outside of sports, country singer Toby Keith passed away last week, so the crew reflects on his career and fandom of Oklahoma athletics.
Lastly, Dan is on trial in the People’s Court for attending a controversial new sport.

0:00 – Introduction
1:00 – Chip Kelly to be the next Ohio State offensive coordinator
24:17 – UCLA hires DeShaun Foster to be the next head coach
37:28 – Looking back at the 2018 coaching derby
45:00 – Latest on the Tennessee vs. NCAA hearing
50:55 – Toby Keith’s Oklahoma fandom
54:21 – The People’s Court: is Power Slap on the rise?

#collegefootball #chipkelly #ohiostate
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All right welcome to the Pod Chip Kelly gave us some news last week his uh quite dedicated quest to not coach the UCLA Bruins last uh next year success finally success his hell bends on not coaching him I think that was pretty clear applied for every job uh in football

Except for like the uh University of akan uh you know defensive Analyst job didn’t get around of that one but uh he is leaving it’s the head coach at UCLA where he’s making $6 million a year and Coach I mean he’s coaching UCLA to become the offensive coordinator

At Ohio State we make about 2 million got a three-year deal there that said we don’t know how good is team was going to be next year it’s 35 and 34 at UCLA 26 and 26 in uh the Pack 12 had three decent Seasons eight four

Nine and four eight and five the last three years real tough first three years looked like he was going to be fired got it turned around somewhat but I mean if you really look at last year’s team one ranked win over Washington State they did though

Give a Beatdown to uh to USC that was a big moment and uh beat Boise State in a in a bowl game so the program wasn’t bad but then wasn’t great I you know his recruiting was not good going into next year uh who knows uh certainly was not

The Fanfare that everyone was expecting after he had gone 46 and seven in four years at Oregon including 33 and three in uh in a conference play but he made makes a unusual move and this is an unusual guy uh and I feel like every time something happens in college

Football everyone wants to point to whatever narrative they have and I’m probably guilty of that also so everyone’s like oh my God we have a head coach at one school in now the Big 10 leaving to be the offensive coordinator at another school uh and I would agree

That is a uh Eyebrow R raising uh event I just think sh Kelly is uh Oddball enough to want to do that but um Pat we’ll start with you your thoughts on uh chip making a move from UCLA to Ohio State to be a coordinator under Ryan Day who was once his

Quarterback at the University of New Hampshire right it’s a stunner I mean in a vacuum if you just if you take the personality out of it I agree that that if anybody’s going to do something this weird it would be chip but it still is a move that people don’t

Make in college football there could be this could be a stew of like six different factors involved here you know um he very well could be reading the room and saying they’re going to fire me anyway next year you know he saved his job twice in two different years he

Saved his job by beating USC when he was very much on the hot seat and he would go into the season on the hot seat as well you may say you know what I’m tired of of just trying to stay one step ahead uh he may be looking at and say you know

What yeah we’re not we’re not very well funded for nil I can’t get people on board on that and we’re going to fall behind he may say my God UCLA we’re going to the big 10 we’re going to get our ass kicked the travel is going to be

Brutal etc etc and then it could also be just Chip Kelly moves to a different uh beat Different Drummer than anybody else and I want to go coach ball someplace with the best players which you darn you’re going to have at Ohio State this next

Year so there’s a lot of things you know that that could all be factored into this what they you know hopefully at some point Chip’s going to have they will have an introductory press conference you know maybe before Spring ball up there because I think it’d be

Really interesting to to get him to articulate if he will sometimes coaches don’t want to tell the truth but it it’ be great to hear what he think and why it didn’t ever take off at UCLA the way everyone always hopes for it to and it

Never really does but he seemed like the guy to get it done and he even even he didn’t get it done so uh it’s fascinating move I don’t know whether it’s a commentary on college football if might be a commentary on UCLA might be a commentary on chip I don’t know there’s

A commentary beyond that yeah you know um I think Pat hit on most of the the points there of of why he would have left it is a a stunning move and I don’t know that we’ve ever seen it um I think Gary Anderson was the one that maybe did

Something similar left the power head coaching job for an assistant job I believe he’s the only one in the last 20 to 30 years that I can remember um you know so I uh it was stunning but when you look at some of the issues that Pat

Mentioned it makes a lot of sense right he he he was going you know UCLA probably isn’t as prepared uh to go into the Big 10 as chip and others would like you know from a a roster perspective in an nil perspective in the budget in

General you know and then and then you you look at um all the all the things that are going on off the field in college athletics including in iil um in the roster management all that all that stuff and and you you wonder if as Pat mentioned that coach just wants to coach

Right just wants to do the X’s and O’s again and Coach players hands on because if you’re a head coach right now especially at the major college level guess what you’re you’re probably not doing as much coaching as you want um you’re you’re probably more of a a CEO

And it’s funny because chip goes to a place where the the head coach Ryan day is taking a step back from coaching you know and and Chip will probably take some of that responsibility it’s because we’re in an era of College athletics that where you you need to be more of

That uh CEO roster manag manager recruiter whatever you want to call it um and then in in we’re about to evolve College athletics into an even greater world of that um and so all those factors probably contributed most notably right that UCLA is probably going to struggle next year and Chip uh

Would have many would have said would would have probably been fired um so maybe that’s the maybe that’s the the the strongest point to note yeah and look this is not a guy who was recruiting well before excuse me when have the uh Vegas we’ll talk Vegas

Later wetel brought a little B little Vegas back in his lungs eight days in a casino inhale a lot of smoke I mean he just had like the 60th rank recruiting class coming in uh I don’t know if he ever had a top a class that got higher than 25th in recruiting

Uh at UCLA even pre whatever you want to say oh it’s horrible now I mean you look at somebody’s classes 44th 31 like this was not the the perception when he got there was like okay the problem at Oregon is it’s hard to get players to go all the

Way to Oregon well you put this guy in Southern California this many athletes that kind of Run game he sets up Innovative coach high energy all this stuff of personality I mean it was a huge coup to get him they beat Florida for Chip Kelly

Yeah it’s a little why Chip Kelly is a different different breed most people are going to choose Florida SEC power a school that has won three national championships in the modern era over UCLA which is one zero and hasn’t I don’t think they’ve had a 10- win regular season this Century but

Chip Kelly Joes UCLA so you’re like okay here we go and he doesn’t recruit well at all all those years never gets it going and that I think has always held him back so you sit there and say well he doesn’t like recruiting in the mo he didn’t like

It too much in the the past era you know it’s not like this guy was was inking great I mean this is UCLA I get the rose Bull’s not on campus and this and that but like there’s two schools in in in in all you could really

Argue there’s two schools in all of California where you can play major college football I don’t you know I’m no offense to Cal and Stanford but they haven’t Stanford’s a totally different bird and uh or tree and Cal is back and forth you know but even Cal lands you know number one quarterback

Recruits the whole state you’re like you want to stay home and play let on Southern California we’re one of the two schools in all of Southern California right like LA County alone is bigger than 41 States in this country you ought to be able to get

Guys no one else can offer home stay home let your parents watch you other than USC there ought to be enough players for the two of you to be pretty good and then you sell the rest of it and he didn’t do any of that he didn’t

Do enough of it he get some guys but it wasn’t enough so uh you have all of that as as a as a problem going in and I just think uh I’m looking at the schedule for next year it’s totally different deal so they they open at at Hawaii then they

Host Indiana then they’re at LSU Oregon comes to town at Penn State how’s that for three weeks yeah that’s a lot of travel then Minnesota then they’re at ruter right then they get at Nebraska Iowa comes at Washington USC and then they end with Fresno who could proba you

Know find me eight wins there right no way six six yeah Dante Moore left you know like you know like that was it like when he got Dante Moore you know was one number one or two freshman you know recruit quarterback in the country last

Year and he gets him out of out of Michigan gets him out of Detroit and there clearly was nil involved in that and I was like okay this is what like I think this is what we’ve been waiting for yeah right here’s a kid from Detroit saying all right I’ll

Go to La cool I don’t want to be in the midwest anymore I’m going to go to La I’m GNA play for this guy NFL coach and a great Co you know and and there’s gonna be some money you know it’s not like you got to go to La Brook now I

Don’t know how much you get but he had enough I mean I saw his Instagram he wasn’t riding a bike around town and you’re like all right maybe maybe we’re on to something and uh then he you know he’s injured the season doesn’t go great and and he’s off to

Oregon so I I I think the big thing with with chip was the the writing was on the wall and I just don’t think he cares money isn’t the biggest thing he’s got his place up in New Hampshire he doesn’t right I mean most most everyone else is

Like hey man pay me my money I I’ll sit here get fired get all my Millions from U UCLA I think he’s just like forget it let’s just go do this he was trying to get every job under the sun I mean like I I was out there two years ago they

Started 6 and0 and they were they were good you know I mean that Dorian Thompson Robinson who’s shown some some potential in the NFL Jake Bobo’s in the NFL Zack shanet in the NFL I mean they’re offense was really good defense not as good but they you go to practice and chip is

A ball coach that’s the thing and that’s why him going to be an offensive coordinator it’s like okay because he that’s his happy place he wants to be out there on the practice field coaching the quarterback you’re gonna this is going to be your progression this is how

You’re going to look through this play this is what the motion’s going to do you know I mean that’s that’s him and you don’t get to do enough of that now as a head coach and that especially if you’re trying to swim upstream from an nil perspective and

Other uh issues there you know you got new Chancellor coming in who may not like you so he is absolutely wired for the football part of it not necessarily for the rest of it and there’s so much more of the rest of it now and yes you I

Mean Dy your point it is so mystifying you go to UCLA’s campus you go to the practice fields it’s 80 it’s perfect everything about campus is great you’re like why don’t they have 70 great players running around here every year I it has been an enduring mystery to me the football

Facility is unreal yeah yeah beautiful yeah and Chip had that Cameo on the CW’s allamerican terrible acting but great great marketing Dan’s favorite show it was it was I I lost it when uh I got lost in like season five I I need to jump back on but the story’s got increasingly

Ridiculous but anyway go ahead Ross no I yeah it is uh remember going there for the first time a few not not too long ago UCLA’s campus and touring kind of the facility and campus and seeing the uh seeing the football facility and open up to the practice field

Beautiful right there like it’s just all pretty incredible and you you do kind of scratch your head about why they’ve had such inconsistencies in success and then you look at and then maybe you know you look at the the attendance sometimes you look at the shots of the Rose Bowl and you’re

Like what in the world I mean sometimes there are like literally you know 12 15,000 people in the road a in the 40s and that includes some sellouts there’s a lot of 30,000 which look like nothing the roseb is in Pasadena it’s beautiful but that’s at least an hour from

Campus and at times you know dramatically even more than that and you’re not getting the students to go it’s not a raah Rah kind of Campus either I think kids go there they aren’t necessarily going because of the football uh it takes a lot of dedication

To get people on a bus The Freshman there that type of stuff um well that’s a that’s that’s part of this I think Dan is the motivation from fans which forever was always just uh kind of evaluated uh or determined by attendance ticket sales is now determined by nil at least right now

In the n era until we move on in the next year or so uh and I think UCLA is a maybe a great example if you believe everything kind of you read and hear which is hard to these days about nil but that they are behind drastically and in

Nil and that’s a again that’s a good kind of uh when you look at you know fan interest for so long we we just looked at ticket sales and and now uh fan interest is is even more important when it comes to managing and building a

Roster and I’m sure Bo you just love to pump some truth serum into Chip Kelly to to get him to talk about that aspect of it and I I do I want to say I mean chip is not necessarily completely devoid of any fault here right I mean because a

Head coach has to lead in a lot of these schools UC see head coaches leading the nil effort and I don’t know if we saw as much from Chip Kelly as that let me say this though I I’d like to know the truth about UCLA’s nil again they did land the number one

Recruit in the country like everybody’s crying everyone say BW the budget Dan well then you shouldn’t have spent it all on one guy right right okay like we know what quarterbacks are going for yeah and you went in to Detroit and got a kid that everybody wanted and he chose an eight- win

Program so like everyone says they’re broke that’s the thing right everyone’s like ah these other schools I don’t know UCLA does not need a 100,000 fans because they have people who have millions and millions and millions of dollars they’ve a very wealthy fan base so they can make up

Some ground there too but you know I totally get that there’s well we don’t have an nil program going well well that’s fine but how the heck you get Dante War yeah that might have been bad budget allocation and look I I could see Chip saying just get me a quarterback

I’ll figure out the rest and I mean Ohio State Michigan Notre Dame all wanted Dante Moore desperately yep and they didn’t get himh he chose to go to La Oregon want him he was committed to Oregon they came in and flipped him off of Oregon they got something sure they got

Something anyway let’s talk about this before we get to the UCLA part again because we’re g to talk about it uh with their hire what’s the chance let’s focus quickly on the Ohio State part yeah what could he do Bill O’Brien was there we’ll get to Bill O’Brien in a

Sec too he leaves for Boston College transitively Boston College job now better than UCLA job congrats Eagles this like their greatest win since Matt Ryan was around Bill O’Brien leaves they bring in Chip Kelly so for the Ohio State Chip Kelly’s attribute is running backs running game uh you mentioned like sharp they

Had four straight years they had running backs drafted what’s Ohio State’s problem if if at least stereotypically we’re a tough football team where’s Lou Holtz right well I think they get tougher with Chip Kelly and they’ve got Quinn sha Judkins they have trayon Henderson do they become a better running team they’re

Certainly Elite passing and uh wide receivers heartline brings him that maybe Chip Kelly brings him a running game I think it’s could be very good for Ohio State p uh I no I think it’s fantastic for Ohio State um I’m trying to decide which was my favorite era though Bill

O’Brien at Ohio State or Ryan grub at Alabama really put their in Long stor celebratory yeah gold get the staff staff party down there h crying secretaries yeah absolutely thank you thank you for your loyalty to the program I’ll always be a buckeye bleed Buckeye forever yeah all three weeks I

Was here turn back comp car yeah no I I mean I think it’s fantastic first of all yes the relationship with Ryan day they I I would anticipate them being very pretty much on the same page those two guys are really close as a matter of fact I

Mean small world full circle the day USC and UCLA went to the Big 10 Chip Kelly was playing golf with Ryan day that’s true oh um so yeah now they should be on the same page and again chip Elite ball coach he’s gonna drop great stuff he’s going to understand the Personnel he’s

Going to be able to put him in I would think formations play all that sort of thing that will get the most out of them yes Dan they’ll run the ball better I think you know we’ll see what they do with the line but there’s not any lack

Of talent there and there shouldn’t be a lack of commitment to running the ball the question is is Will Howard a great quarterback maybe he doesn’t have to even be great but is he a very good quarterback and he has been for the most part at Kansas State but still I think

That’s going to be the X Factor there but I think this stands to be a yet a another great offseason move for Ohio State yeah I mean like um let’s go through the Ohio State’s offseason it’s been about as good of an offseason acquisition wise as we’ve seen

In this kind of new era of of College athletics the number they got the number one um overall player in the transfer portal Caleb DS they got the number one quarterback uh in the transfer portal Julian S they got the number eight ranked quarterback and number one and running

Back in the transfer portal and qu quinon Judkins and then as Pat mentioned you know uh will Howard number seven ranked quarterback in the portal uh and then they got the the last pickup I think it was you know the center Seth mlot went from from Alabama uh and then

Of course you you uh pile on with a a coach like Chip Kelly uh if I had the AP pole preseason rank vote myself I think I think the Buckeyes would be at number one well they also had a top five recruiting class and landed the number one recruit in the country Jeremiah

Smith another great wide receiver so yeah and then they had Chip Kelly yeah they’re having a uh they’re having the off season that Michigan had the on season so it’s uh and I it’s at what point does Michigan fans stop glowing in their excitement and go wait a minute what’s going on down

There uh not until they have to I know don’t I I recommend don’t when you’ve won the national title stop caring just enjoy it but I think some of them already have they’re always eyeballing each other but yeah you won the national to but I’m just saying see Ohio State wants to

Change the subject immediately to 2024 Michigan’s like oh no no no no a long off season of gloating right right we’re doing fine over here um they’re always go to you always got to talk about each other yeah I I I think Ohio State Georgia are your are your one two I

Think the will Howard question will be the big thing for how good is he this is the one they targeted this is the one they wanted but yeah you couldn’t do a whole lot we said there has to be a response to losing a third consecutive time and they have responded woo they

Have responded whether it works whether you now have to win at least three playoff games whether you know in this new era we don’t even know how it’s all going to work all that stuff we will see but but they have responded if you’re sitting there watching that Michigan win

Again or you’re watching the debacle against Missouri in that bowl game going what happened to my Buckeyes this is they they’re answering you can’t complain about that uh they have answered so Buckeye fan should be happy about that all right back to UCLA because they they go out and hire um Deshawn Foster

Their one time all americ in 20 2001 NFL running back it’s from Orange County extremely popular player it’s spent about 10 years as an assistant there and just left to become the Raiders running back coach obviously Bizarro time to try to hire a coach it looked like they

Couldn’t quite get an active head coach Foster should keep the roster together for the time being although I don’t know how you transfer right now anyway I think the late window will be a big thing but the players like them he’s a young guy knows La perhaps he brings

More recruiting energy which I think you actually have to happen um what’s Poss here’s the thing with coaching hires I got no idea no one has cot when Chip Kelly went to UCLA we had had this podcast whenever that was I would have said UCLA man they’re gonna

Be absolute like they’re going to make the playoffs they’re gonna I don’t know if we had a playoff then but whatever uh yeah we had a playoff then they’re G to make the playoffs they’re like they’re going to be great like how would this not work didn’t really work so I can sit

There and go you just hired a running back coach has never had run anything probably not a good who the hell knows who the hell knows um so thoughts on DeShaun Foster and thoughts on what can UCLA be I think we kind of touched on it

We still think there’s a lot there but uh anything on that Pat I’ll start with you yeah I mean Foster giant TBD you know may turn out great may turn out terrible maybe somewhere in between we don’t know uh obviously extremely enthusiastic reaction from the team when he was announced and introduced so

That’s always a good start uh what that translates into we’ll see uh he does have certainly in the UCLA community and probably in SoCal name recognition some star power he’s not Dion Sanders in terms of star power but he was a very good NFL player and a

Great UCLA player uh I think you know you’re going to need a lot of personality and Charisma you got to try to win back in recruiting that area but you need the infrastructure to go along with it you do need the N commitment you need a staff that’s going to help you go

Out and get people you need you know a a an enthusiasm that goes beyond just the the head coach’s office and what does actually uh go probably to the fan base and are you going to show up and turn this into an atmosphere that kids want to play in so

I don’t know I have no idea whether it’s going to work but you know in an era where you you go get your Exo guys and you need a head coach to maybe be the galvanizer uh and the recruiting Hub we’ll see if he can uh if he can pull

That up well I think Dan’s question is a really good one like what um how what what should be the expectations at at UCLA like how good is the UCLA job how good can the program be you know if you look back the last 25

Years UCLA has finished in the top 25 at the end of the season three times in in roughly 25 24 years so that probably gives you a little bit of an indication you know of of that job and how difficult it can be and it’s about to

Get more difficult as we just talked about right the the Big 10 and the schedule and in let’s look Beyond nil just athletic budget situation at UCLA you know one of the reasons they use for moving to the Big 10 was that they were in the hole athletically with bu you know with

Budgets financially okay well the move to the Big 10 is certainly going to cost more travel it’s probably going to cost more when you look at investment in Staffing recruiting budgets in general and then guess what uh you are going to have to pay Cal five I think it’s five to 10

Million I don’t know that they’ve set a number yet a year back to cal um forgot about that one I did too I love that the UC system tax great the UC yeah the UC system board the board made that ruling I think I think last year and I I I

Think they were supposed to set an exact amount I don’t know if they have yet but it was going to be between 5 and 10 million uh so by the end of it I don’t know that moving to the Big 10 uh really uh is going to generate a whole lot more

Revenue or a hold not more profit I guess I should say because it’s it is going to generate more Revenue but but you’re gonna have to spend more um this is a tough job and and I think that it’s getting a lot tougher reasons Chip Kelly probably did leave you know he he

Probably saw the writing on the wall of how how difficult this job is going to be and that that he was on a a short lease so there’s uh this is I don’t know what to compare it to when you look at teams in other leagues it’s not a obviously it’s not

Like a Vanderbilt or anything but it it probably is like a as crazy as this is to say it probably is like in Arkansas or Mississippi State you know if you’re if you’re that level in the Big 10 you know it’s kind of the the uh the SEC

Equivalent I mean if you made me make a prediction on how UCLA will do in the Big 10 in football I think they’re just it’s going to be a disaster I think it’s they’re going to get crushed we’ll see we’ll see they definitely have a long way to climb to

The top it’s just not you know I say this to everybody who enters these leagues like there’s a reason the teams at the top of that what league you’re joining they don’t go anywhere like right Ohio State Michigan and Penn State aren’t going anywhere if you’re going to pass

Them you’re going to have to bring it maybe a year or two maybe there’s a bad higher along the way but check the records man so you’re playing for fourth and Wisconsin and Iowa some these schools they ain’t really going anywhere either the formula is set so it just

Becomes a a hard process to get in and I think it’s that’s what like when Nebraska joined they’re like okay it’s like yeah that’s great you guys were doing really well over in that other league now you’re in ours and we don’t go anywhere yeah try it try be try

Beating us out we’re not these three aren’t moving so you’re playing for four maybe USC’s got enough juo let me say this two two quick things one that rule where they got to pay cow is my second favorite money rule other than the SEC if you storm the field you have to pay

The team you stormed on that’s even better you have to cut the check to Alabama that that’s fantastic that’s my favorite one I do think they will get more revenue and I here here’s one way they will get more Revenue I don’t think they’re averaging any 40,000 any ever

Again yeah right Indiana plays this year Minnesota plays there Iowa plays there uh those are your three Midwestern now the one thing about La it is full of big 10 alums La is full of everything so like we said the county is bigger than 41 States it’s just a massive place and

That’s just that’s just LA county and even Orange County or whatever so you are a Hawkeye Alum and you live anywhere in Southern California and your Hawkeyes are going to the rosebowl on November 9th you and your Hawkeye friends are going to that game you may be rooting

For Iowa but you’re buying a ticket from UCLA I think that’s going to be a fascinating situation at least for these first few years when the novelty is there Indiana will bring at least 12 fans to that game Indiana will bring none from Indiana but they will bring

Some people from La 12 12 all right we’ll see maybe they’ll wait for basketball M I’m telling you I think there’ll be a big we have like our you know our managing Eder at Yahoo uh Al Toby right Spartan fan any thought the Spartans are anywhere in the west

Coast he’s I went to the Spartan Washington game you know like they get so excited they’re going to go to these games they root the other team but whatever you’re going to get I don’t know it’s better than what they’ve got going yeah so I agree I think it’s a

Very hard job this is it with DeShaun Foster they have to get a recruiter they have to get players and they haven’t and like you’re looking at this job since Deshawn Foster was a player and they have had Bob Toledo Carl derell Rick neisel Jim MOA chip Kelly

The formula at UCLA was get a really good coach right NFL coach xnl guy like coach coach coach the players will be there these are not maybe new Heisel but the other guys are not known for their recruiting maybe Jim MOA he knew what who killed Tupac and stuff allegedly but

They weren’t recr you gota that hasn’t worked maybe loading up on play you know so if Deshawn Foster can run around it’s still the place with energy it’s young Rel get some guys hit the portal hey look you want to you spend your last two years how about out here in La it

Should be a great destination come finish your degree here um you know Elite Academic School I it has so many advantages that it should work but they’ve never just gotten the level of talent pure talent that they need and so as much as they are kind of the

Mississippi State or they’re at that level kind of Mississippi state does not have the ability to sit there and say well if we start dominating recruiting in our area we can be the best there are a lot of players in Mississippi but there’s a lot of schools right there

They only have one other school in the whole really at this point there’s one there are two schools in the entire State of California that are playing major college football at at any kind of reasonable level telling people to go to Cal and playing the ACC is

Not come on right so this is about getting players to me I mean Dan California kids I’m sure grow up wanting so badly to play a game at Wake Forest in Syracuse in Boston College I mean come on I mean these two schools USC and UCLA

Should be in the top 20 I mean they how even more than ever they should be getting guys that’s we’ll see what does conference affiliation the Big 10 help or hurt I don’t know and scouting we we talked about this and we point this one out but Mason Graham at Michigan the kid

From Anaheim yeah that Michigan you know Michigan sees on tape they go offer he’s committed to Boise State UCLA and US USC had even recruited him right he’s a freshman All-American absolute monster sophomore season he’s going to be a top 10 draft pick next year top I’m a little disappointed in

Mason I tried to get him to blast USC and UCLA at media day for the champ now wouldn’t do it like you know there are players there it’s like H look at what are you doing can’t miss this guy he’s 300 pounds and can move he’s in Anaheim

All you got like there something was broken at those two schools they have to get these local players it is a phenomenal place to go to school the Rose Bowl yeah it’s not full but it would be if they win it was a just there’s just too much to

Me to just write off UCLA they just haven’t figured out the formula I was told at some point in time during realignment here that UCLA is the most applied to school in the world it is number one most applicant over like it’s like 120,000 or something it’s crazy but

Yeah they I mean obviously there’s a ton nationally but a ton internationally a lot of Asian kids and in state every kid in state yeah the biggest it’s biggest state mean you go get a UCLA education for instate tuition yeah um pat pat you might know this so what don’t they lead

All schools and like you know alltime national championships like NCA Team Championships maybe uh I think Stanford pass them okay but those yeah it’s those two and then it’s like you know USC is third um and Cal is not far behind either phenomenal Place phenomenal place

So we’ll see all right we’ll be back after this break all right Pat you have an interesting note in one of your stories at SI about the vaunted coaching Derby of 2018 right when all these schools wanted to go higher and it was it was it was

Thrilling who was getting whom what what do we got and Chip Kelly was part of that yeah so like the 2018 coaching Carousel was fascinating a lot of big name schools a lot of bigname coaches involved and guess what it was a complete disaster 21 hires were made at

The FBS level there’s one guy still coaching at the school that hired him and it’s Mike bloomgren from Rice which says more about how much rice cares or doesn’t care than about Mike lunan doing well because his record is 22 and 46 the only guy still standing in the same job

Is 24 games below 500 but you had Nebraska open Florida open Texas A&M Florida State Tennessee then on Down the Line Mississippi State Arkansas Arizona State Arizona Mississippi uh UCLA Oregon Oregon State it was a you know a blockbuster year of moves and none of them worked out it’s

Astounding and okay what happened well think about the the factors that that affected college sports or college football in that time pandemic caused a lot out of Mayhem uh nil arrives transfer portal opens up two-time transfers realignment then you had the like the crazy stuff that actually mattered Elijah Moore pretending he’s a

Dog and urinating in a game that got two coaches fired the egg bow uh the Florida player that threw a cleat and turned around the game against LSU and then turned around Florida season the wrong way and ended up sending Dan ‘s tenure down like the guys that got hired and

Fired Scott Frost everybody thought it was a home run higher right Chip Kelly he didn’t get fired but he got pushed out yes home run higher Dan Mullen everybody thought very good hire Jimbo Fischer National Champion changes jobs there goes to A&M thought it was a good

Hire none of them were good hires Jimbo Fisher as I said uh Willie tager Florida State disaster Jeremy puit Tennessee disaster Joe Morehead Mississippi state had a winning record got run out after two years Chad Morris never did a damn thing at Arkansas Herm Edwards is Legacy at Arizona State NCAA probation that’s

It Kevin sumlin disaster at Arizona Matt Luke bad stop Gap higher there he was an interim they gave him the full-time job didn’t work you had a couple of people that left for other for better jobs you could say or what they perceived to be better jobs they didn’t get fired Mario

Crystal ball left or for Miami that was the one I was thinking he didn’t do that bad of a job he set them up with players yeah but I I would agree with you yes yeah Jonathan Smith did the same thing at Oregon State elevated that job but

Then realignment like I’m out of here Sunny Dykes was at SMU went across the Metroplex takes TCU to the national championship game Josh hyp goes from UCF to Tennessee Billy Napier goes from Louisiana to Florida oops H everybody on that one might think God I wish we could

Redo that Napier was doing a lot better at Louisiana and the guy they hired to replace him Michael dormo isn’t doing well either so I mean just amazing when you think of the amount of effort thought money search firms yeah buyouts what a waste what a complete waste amazing for for truly

Like you know we we all know it now being in this industry long enough like it is truly a crapshoot the whole coaching thing fits and record at previous school and whatever I mean none of these things seem to to Really Matter um it’s just a total role of the uh of

The dice I was at the um the cleat game Florida LSU during Co season and uh I was there to write a story about the hire of Dan Mullen and how he was hired at at Florida it was going to they were going to play in the remember they had

Locked up up an SEC Championship Game bid and they were playing LSU to basically stay in contention for the cfp uh and LSU was pretty bad and probably a three I don’t know two touchdown Underdog or so probably in that game and and the cleat the fog and

The kick um uh as LSU ended up upsetting Florida and so we moved my story on the hiring of Dan Mullen how Dan Mullen was hired at Florida to the next year to the to the before the game against Alabama of course you know a few weeks later he

Was fired so on the same season as a coach was fired we ran how he was hired that was a great one by me um but uh but that story you know dove into that hiring process which of course as we mentioned included a one Chip

Kelly Chip Kelly Scott Frost and and Dan Mullen all in that interview process at Florida and uh and I think many people around the program would would tell you maybe privately that that Bas you know that basically chip kind of turn the job down right uh the Florida job down and

Uh and it’s it’s funny if you think about um you know the ifs and and butts of of college coaching and the carousel if if that would have happened if he would have decided to take that job where would we be maybe the same place I

Don’t know but it’s always fun to to think about it is uh amazing how much speculation and and commentary oh good hire bad hire nobody knows nobody knows that’s why I’m like deshaan f I’m not gonna be like that bad idea to I mean people are like who got no idea none of

Us have any idea Jimbo fish go 15 and0 who Jimbo Fisher Chip Kelly and Scott Frost like there’s there was no way all three of them wouldn’t work out right and I was pretty high on Dan Mullen at Florida yeah yeah I I probably put that in there

Too like those four hirers you’re like A+ yeah all four of them had arguably the best seasons in the history of their previous school right little more Jimbo you know because Bowen won two national titles win a National Title yeah right yeah you frostick UCF perfect season

They claim ation title go ahead as I I applaud um Kelly made Oregon into an absolute beast and then had gone to the NFL and he wasn’t that bad in Philly I I covered some of those games especially his first year yeah I mean amazing amazing all

Right and we’re g to get to the BC higher we’re gonna get that to later in the week we talk Bill O’Brien and BC we want to give that a little bit of time and we we don’t want to go this late because I would give that a plus higher

So look out BC I think it’s a good higher not a good not not good um turns out I’m often wrong go figure quickly Ross uh the temporary restraining order involving Tennessee can the can the NCA apply any nil rules what do we have

We have no stay do we have a stay can they the NCA still exist well this taping for now yeah yeah it does okay it’s 10 10:45 almost 10:45 a.m. in the east as we’re doing this on Tuesday so keep in mind by the time we talk about this a

Ruling could have been levied but the hearing ended this morning in the case uh brought by the Tennessee and Virginia Attorneys General against the NCAA uh in its nil recruiting policy uh the hearing ended both sides gave uh gave testimony it was about an hourong Hearing in Greenville Tennessee No

Cameras allowed uh no like live I don’t think any live tweeting either uh it was really old school take your cell phones yeah so that that’s right so uh so uh but reports from those on the scene are that it ended without a ruling the judge

Said that a ruling will come in quote short order um whatever that means just talking to the lawyers and folks that have been around they believe that that a ruling would come in the next two to three days certainly by the end of the week maybe by the end of today by the

Time you’re listening to this and it’s it’s certainly a a big case right it’s it’s the latest uh lawsuit kind of antitrust lawsuit targeting NCAA policy um it would allow you know the the attorney generals from uh Tennessee and Virginia are seeking an injunction uh to prohibit the NCA from enforcing its nil

Recruiting policy uh so if it does get the injunction if the injunction is granted athletes would be able to legally receive inducements uh to move schools uh even though probably some of that stuff plenty of that stuff happens now right it would be legal completely legal for booster collectives to induced

Athletes and maybe even tamper with athletes um oh I know gas but I know but it’s just uh it’s no was tampering with Chip Kelly were they there’s no way you had a conversation with anybody right just filled out an application uh do I have to sarcasm in

Your voice no way he talk to his old yeah what do you have to like call back to New Hampshire that’s like some intermediary like some guy work at chip recruiter no doubt about it yeah Ryan Day called like the donnut guy in their little town in New Hampshire they’ all

Live at and then he’s hey man I talked to Chip he’s interested just tell Chip come on all right go sorry I couldn’t resist I know you I know uh so we’ll we’ll uh yeah we’ll see what happens there so hopefully woing will uh come soon and just another uh

You know another step from the courts and further basically crippling the nca’s amateurism rules which is why the SEC and Big 10 right have joined together to try to create some different model because this model has been ruled Time and Time Again by the courts to be

Illegal whether you agree with it or not that’s what the courts say Federal lawsuit could end up in the Supreme Court they told them don’t come back so yeah see where this is heading other than that not a big story just the entire glad we put it forth I I did hear

Some uh armchair lawyering speculations that this is that it might be a hard injunction to get because the NCAA has still hasn’t formerly charged Tennessee so like if if they haven’t even been charged can you can you enjoin them to stop doing what they’re doing I you know

That’s true they don’t know what they’re upset about yeah right yeah and so there’s the like this stalemate does the the NCAA if you make the charge you’re going to get swatted in court but if you don’t make the charge you don’t get swatted so what do we all just sit here

And in gridlock or what they’re good at like fiveyear investigations you kidding me seven years just keep getting the checks the most entertaining part of all of this uh this case specifically has been uh Tom Mars’s Twitter oh fir the uh the latest is he had someone I guess

Maybe uh in the in the courtroom uh and said that the NCA brought 13 lawyers to the 13 lawyers an hourong hearing deep bench deep bench uh one thing about the old school Court Reporting I’ll just tell the story I will not embarrass this uh college football writer by naming him

Or her but it was a him woman would not be so foolish uh we’re covering the uh Jerry sanduski trial in uh pen State and uh this guy comes and after the first session he there’s no cameras in there there’s no recording device you don’t

Get I think they took our cell phones or whatever and he goes uh after goes uh when’s the uh quote sheet come out H ASAP Sports on it yeah now there are transcripts they come out like maybe that night if not later right I’m like yeah my man

Got to write down what they saying and you can’t interrupt the testimony go could you repeat that a little louder yeah the box score will be right up too by the way box score coming the judge does not care at all there’s no Sid going to like run an interference

For you you have to sit there and write it down really quick as accurately as possible and hope you get it what a what a concept take notes where’s the TR where’s the quote sheet I’m like that is hilarious okay not that uh briefly I wanted to uh just say uh our condolences

To the uh after the death of Toby Keith the uh country music star 20 number one hits in country music uh including some real Classics and a lot of good drunk and singal songs I mean hey that doesn’t hit our alley uh but the thing about

Toby Keat was that he was a Oklahoma sooner fan in the like the best possible way like grew up an Oklahoma soona fan got famous for his music and did what I think anyone who grew up like that like just he he lived outside of Norman and

He was just at OU games all the time like he’s like oh my God I can trade my celebrity into like hanging around the coaches and all that stuff I mean he would not just be at like hey Oklahoma’s in the football playoff that kind of fan

You go to like Kansas State OU women’s basketball game on a Tuesday night and he might be there you know Courtside and uh I think they sang Red Solo Cup the other day is an honor uh true college sports fan Toby Keith uh I thought that

Was pretty cool Pat Were You There When They sang the I I not that no okay so I was there the day he died or that it was at least announced that he had died last Tuesday that I was doing a three-game basketball tour the Big

12 and he’s from Moore Oklahoma which is between Oklahoma City and Norman they’re all right there on I35 uh and so yeah it was like the very legitimately s mood yeah in in the college town there because he is such a a fixture and had been and so yeah he

Used he would sit on the Baseline next to Joe Castiglione in Lloyd Noble Arena and so after his passing they had a guitar of his sitting in the chair and they had a sooner hat there and castig Leon you know is he’s everybody’s friend but he really was Toby kei’s friend and

He was kind of shook up after the game talking about it and Porter Moser basketball coach came into the postgame press conference and lifted a red Solo up and said I wish I had something stronger than water in here but let’s all you know raise a raise a cup to Toby

Keith uh right now and yes that that was not a celebrity fan that was a fan who was a celebrity he was he was legitimately into it he I saw a uh a video of him surface I think it’s from either last year or the year before he

Was at Eskimo Joe’s you know the famous Oklahoma Norman spot and uh it was a single he was in there and he was you know singing one of his songs a still water y y still are they all over the state are they all over the state no

There’s one esimo yeah right yeah yeah let’s not confuse those two things shall I somewhere else but uh he uh there was a sing along of I think it was a should have been a cowboy or one of his other kits and and he would he pointed at the

Camera and said you’re not singing what a guy yeah what a what a guy yeah always respect the the real fan I mean they’re all fans but that guy yeah he lived it he lived through OU and sooner I grew up on two two types of uh

Music on the on the Golf Coast Southern Gulf Coast uh one was in the car with Grandma so 50s 60s and 70s and the other was in the car with Dad which was 90s country so was all over that there you go there you go all right so no well you know I

I’ll people Court this why don’t we people Court this Pat’s Pat’s been uh heckling me about this uh I was at the Super Bowl spent eight days in a casino we can tell Dan eight days at the luxer not recommended eight days in a casino is a long time the secondhand smoke alone

Will kill you the poor people that work there they gotta someday they’re gonna have a class action suit get these casinos yeah ringing Casino Bells uh you know you open your elevator and there’s like a frozen hurricane stand like it’s it’s an experience eight days the Luxor

With a giant Dorito painted on the the corner giant Dorito not our not our most upscale of Vegas casinos but it was fine for me but uh but I I attended uh my new favorite sport the power slap League oh my God oh God power slap Dana White zufa

Productions over at the Durango it’s very fortunate to go small little we’re in a conference center but it’s a power slap 6 I was a little skeptical of this I’d seen it on social media it was somewhat intrigued but you know not that but man going in person phenomenal so I

Guess my People’s Court is um would you go to the power slap with me uh if you don’t know this sport they basically you line two people up across from each other there’s a little like uh it’s like a little stand almost like the like the Family Feud like you know you

Line up but within slapping distance obviously instead of hitting the buzzer and and uh you just you just line up and you just whail a slap into the other person and try to knock them out and then if you don’t then they get a turn to smack you back and it’s three rounds

And then it goes to the judge’s scorecard no idea exactly how you get the job as yeah judges slapping expert judges I don’t know where they found these people but um you can find anyone yeah judges scorecard uh and then they got all these people around like your Steve Harvey

From the Family Feud he’s but they had a bunch of them who are catching you in case you get knocked down you got to get over the violence because it is violent but it hurts to watch oh absolutely yeah I sent you guys videos I obviously get over the I get

Get over the violence the violence does not bother me I mean they they choose to be in this right obviously life if you’re in a slap fight you probably made poor decisions at some point in your life to lead you to this like you didn’t you know you’re not like Harvard Law or

Slap fighting it’s probably not right so somewhere down the line this was it but I I medium security or slap fight yeah slap fight but uh would you you have questions but I don’t even know how to set this up I mean I’m not proud of it

But I I like it I like it I’m mean I’m really in I think it’s great I think if slap fighting when it goes on the road they’re going to have another one in April uh in Vegas around UFC 300 uh but eventually they’re going to take this

Thing on the road highly recommend highly recommend get get a little crew together go down the slap fight you’ll be highly entertained is my opinion Pat 40 do you agree with my assessment of I will say this so I think it was was it like Friday night or something something

Dan yeah dropped a couple of videos into the the group text there and I showed him to my wife and she said that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen Dan did not even disagree with that she’s not wrong Trish was not wrong about that it is that’s not the

Point Three Stooges is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen and I love it entertain millions and generations ah they poked them in the eye again that’s funny like it’s it’s good go ahead I think I’m on trial in this People’s Court you are I think Sean I’m

Counting on Shan to save me because I think you two are not gonna yeah I’m not I’m not going over here’s the question am I a degenerate am I a horrible degenerate for going to power slab that’s did you bet on it did you gamble

On it I did not I did not I don’t know if you can or can’t yeah you’re still a degenerate going sorry thin strand of redemption there but like I I these people have got to be concussed after they get hit right like I saw one of the

Woman that went down and I mean did the fencing thing and it’s like fine with the Hungarian hurricane got concussed no question the Hungarian hurricane yeah Sheena baite she was she was the heavy favor to win so I would have Pro she got she got but it was actually did win

Because it was an illegal smack she got they put too much Palm into it they call it clubbing she got gu what are the rules what are the rules how do you train for this do you train for it by being slapped in the face I don’t think

You can because their faces swell up really quick yeah I think you just sound awful so here’s the problem here’s the real problem with you deciding to go to this while you’re in Las Vegas is Las Vegas offers plenty of other shows not better than this go top or something I

Think you two is there G Brooks is that Dan there’s plenty of other things to do in Las Vegas much better than watching people slap degenerate the ruling is made no Tom Brady was there oh well is he a degenerate no Tom Brady jumps off a bridge is Charles Barkley

Was there that’s right do You Hear What Ross said what just because Tom Brady’s there doesn’t that doesn’t excuse he was there for like two fight behind Dana White Dana he got G over saw Dana White then after like two fights he left and I was filming those I was waiting to see

Brady’s reaction because I’d like this could be like really something like if he just like eyes pop out of his head watching this and Brady is so smooth and so well Tred like people are getting decked right in front of him and he just does he’s just non puled like not

Flinching imagine this you’re like you’re like uh I’m in this slap fight league right and all your friends like what are you an idiot no it’s like I’m a professional athlete I’m getting paid to be here and and all a sudden you’re at your slap bite and Tom freaking Brady is

Sitting there three feet away like that’s the pressure like hope I win hope I don’t get knocked cold in front of Tom Brady where was this at the Durango casino is in a in a ballroom uh Johnny Manzel was there is Johnny Manzel not the Arbiter of high quality family

Entertainment you follow wherever he leads follow Johnny I would follow Johnny absolutely you won’t end up in trouble that’s for sure you had to see these guys though like we had these like the nicknames there was a guy named Dorian disturbing the peace Perez disturbing the piece that’s his nickname people are chanting

Dtp how much do you get paid to win a slap fight so I don’t have an official tally and I may be wrong this is what I was told and I may get yelled at for coming up with this number which may not be accurate but I was told by a

Unreliable source like you get 7500 to show up and then if you win you get 75 00 more oh boy 15,000 for brain damage okay if you can if you win the covid flip and knock him out in the first shot you didn’t even get hit well that’s the

Other thing too like I mean only Kyle Shanahan could screw this up right like I mean you get the first shot you got to have the advantage well it’s hard to knock these guys down they’re good yeah it’s not that easy there a lot of them went to the scorecard that was really

Disappointing because you like and but again how do you train to withstand blow to face slap slap the bags and stuff like that these guys have arms they’re bit they get they get their feet uh wide as wide as they can that’s a big thing you got to stay in the

Little they got like a little box you got to be in like the Batters box um yeah absolutely I’m telling you high quality and then what there’s this drama right when you withstand a shot it’s better than like when the baseball team’s running off after a half inning

You know and you’re safe you can’t get like you was stay in the shot and all a sudden this the whole mood changes cuz they start going like a I did it and then the other guy’s like oh no because now I gotta stand here and get there’s no

Defense no there’s no defense just gonna take that’s I think probably the thing I like least about is you just have to literally stand still and just have somebody whale on your face and you can’t do anything about it if you Flinch yet they get a second shot too heavy

Penalty for the flinch Sean Anderson save me I think Pat and Ross are New Vegas they don’t like thank you yes they don’t like America having some Edge to it with an awesome slap fighting League we need this is it extreme yeah it is but you come to Vegas you’re

Supposed to get a little bit freaked out so I love it I love power slap be like locking arms at the Selen Deion show oh this old dis impersonator was really good I thought it was like the real guy oh my God this is a setup Dan

How you got you coached Sean before we even start I did not I just know Sean is reliable absolutely it was fantastic oh my goodness Sean and I we actually did talk on the phone this weekend about about that yes it was great Sean you would go with your

Friends right oh yeah yeah no my my issue would be me and my friend slapping each other in the audience that would that’s I mean people were yelling at each other there was almost like Subs you know that people get fired up then like guy on the prelim that won he ends

Up in the stands drinking beers with the other fans why not you just got 7500 bucks the show now Sean did you ever power slap anybody in your bouncer roll uh no I got I I got ashed a couple times really good in football uh but

That was just you know football uh other than that kept it pretty clean outside with SE this might be a sport for you Sean no no I got big hands but I got little forearms and and small wrists I think I think I would have too much Bend back

They’re not sturdy enough there we yeah that is true you might need you might need uh yeah I don’t know I don’t know what makes a good slap fighter yeah what are the good measurables well I’ll tell you people that have worked for a living like a brick mason or

Something this man L not me needy Palm huh that might be too much cushion might be too much cushion I don’t know some of the guys were not the biggest one there was this guy Ryan King of Kings Phillips he’s a star absolute star king the nicknames are good King of

Kings the nicknames are unbelievable come on disturbing the piece that’s the what a name Hungarian hurricane I like Hungarian hurricane got buried and she was the big hype she was they she had that that video was disturbing to me I’m sorry she had smacked us this woman uh

The last fight and the woman sumers saled so that had turned the Hungarian hurricane into a big star everyone was very very excited for Hungarian hurricane and one thing about slap League you know men and women total equal opportunity yeah absolutely you know you talk it is let yeah you too can get

Brain damage for 75 Progressive most Progressive sport out there you have see in slap League no separate there’s no separate women’s final four and men’s final four this is we’re just same card everybody’s equal let’s make it an NCAA sanction sport I was talking to someone in they got

Enough concuss litigation right now Pat yeah yeah I sent I sent the one of the videos to somebody in uh college sports and they you know they’re banned from betting on anything that has like NCA Sport and they’re like I can bet on this right like if you even if you work

Anywhere in college athletics you can’t bet like MLB because you can’t bet anything that has a well you know so this if you get knocked out is there any like length of time before you can come back or they’re like do it just come back no I mean like the next fight can

You come back the next day can you come back a week later two weeks ler we’re not fighting again April oh okay I have I don’t know probably it’s they don’t a real operation Pat power slap cares about athletes oh of course power slap is awesome I highly recommend it it’s

Going to be big I’m telling you you’re going to be like people thought when they for fighting in the cages like this is human [ __ ] fighting and all I don’t care look how big that got this is going to be big I still think it’s human [ __ ] fighting yes I

Agree you know [ __ ] fighting was very popular until people were like it was reminded of the uh the Seinfeld episode tamale I don’t know is it I mean it’s not it’s not the best but it’s you know what’s what’s the like most peaceful sport like race walking or

Something yes probably chess chess off yeah chess although hey you know we know what we know what goes on in chess that is true buttug your end have you seen the man you saw the waste management golf is not on the list is no longer on the list

We’re all heading to we’re all coming to me it’s all heading to the power slap end this show and end this show all right time to R up we’ll be back later this week with more exciting stuff from College athletics and Beyond talk to you later


  1. The Oregon chip was 60-40 run with a running QB. His mantras were, run the ball and stop the run, if you don't block you won't see the rock. Do 5 star wr go for diminished roles?

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