Golf Players

Troy Casey – Certified Health Nut – w/guest host NHLer Rem Pitlick EP109 | The Hockey Journey…

The Next Guest on the Hockey Journey Podcast is Leading Longevity Authority, Troy Casey, and will have a guest host, my son Rem Pitlick. He’ll be interviewing the Certified Health Nut, who has successfully restored physical, mental and emotional balance to clients who have failed with all other systems. His unique holistic approach uses nature-based simplicity anyone can follow. As a Versace model in Milan, Italy, 33 years ago, Troy studied nutrition, herbs and internal purification as a way of looking and feeling great in front of the camera.

He has scoured the Earth for the most powerful health and healing methods, working with indigenous tribes in the Amazon as a medicine hunter, studying the ancient Vipassana Meditation technique, Ashtanga Yoga and more recently at the world famous CHEK Institute, working closely with Paul Chek.

His new book #RippedAt50: A Journey To Self Love, has sold thousands of copies and is transforming lives around the globe. He continues creating educational and inspiring content every week that helps people around the world lead healthier lives. Troy’s YouTube channel has more than 133,000 loyal subscribers, and he has been featured on the Discovery Network, MTV, Fox News, and most recently appeared on the Netflix Series, Chad and JT Go Deep.

Today, Troy’s work goes a step beyond biohacking your own body and mind. He has a grand vision for co-creating a world with clean air, water, soil, and equitable systems for all mankind in his lifetime – something he believes is absolutely attainable. To complete the mission, though, we need two things: a complete systems change that values creativity over competition, in every area of life (energy, agriculture, commerce, media, government, etc.), and a collective rising of consciousness to support the new systems.

Why is he on the Hockey Journey Podcast? There is a hockey connection, as Mr. Casey has a son that plays hockey, and is a mentor of my son Rem Pitlick.

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy this episode and have a wonderfully productive day!!

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Foreign Welcome back to the hockey Journey podcast episode number 109 Troy Casey the certified health nut with our guest host my son Ram pedlik presented to you by I’m your co-host today coach Lance pedlock if you’re new here please make sure you subscribe so you won’t miss out on any

Future episodes before we put on our learning caps get our self-improvement groove on and begin this conversation if you want to learn more about me my hockey experiences what I know and most importantly how I’ve been helping hockey players get really good with a stick and puck just head on over to that’s and gain instant access to my 10 part video series where I’ll show you everything consider it my gift to you lastly if you live in Minnesota or are visiting the state of hockey sometime soon and you want to schedule an in-person office stick skills lesson I’d

Love to have the opportunity to show you my little world go to sweet that’s sweet and watch the video on the home page for instructions thanks and I look forward to working with you sometime soon so this is a special episode for Coach as we’re about to experience something

That’s never happened on the hockey Journey podcast we have a guest host today and it happens to be my son REM pedlik as a parent of two boys in their 20s One Life transition both my wife and I have enjoyed is when the kids started getting curious began asking questions

And started investing time into exploring their own thoughts and feelings without the guidance or influence of mom and dad it’s awesome at the start seeing your kids seek truths from their own perspectives but when the learning is on a really big scale and they gain expert Insight on topics such as nutrition

Recovery meditation visualization spirituality and self-mastery to mention a few at least for me there was a time where I needed to step up my game in order to be able to hold a high level conversation on whatever the topic of the day was one person that has been a very positive

And impactful teacher for my boys and now myself is our next guest Troy Casey the certified health nut and I’m super excited to be able to consume all the goodness and learning golden nuggets that are about to be deployed here on the hockey Journey podcast I’ve never

Met or spoke to Mr Casey I’ve just heard stories from my boys about him listened to some podcasts of his watched a couple YouTube videos and most recently finishing up his book hashtag ripped at 50. but guess what I’m not the Grand Puba on this episode it’s our guest host

Show and I’m going to settle in and enjoy the back seat I’m about to ride in for this conversation remember please welcome our next guest on the hockey Journey podcast yeah I like that intro dad appreciate that I’m gonna take my first swing at a professional formal introduction that

We’ll actually give to to real talking but here we go uh hey everyone welcome back to the hockey Journey podcast my name is REM pitlick I’m son of Coach Lance I’ve had a friend I’ve been wanting to get my dad’s podcast for a while now and the time is here no one

Buys large social media following as certified health nut I am proud to call Troy Casey my friend we got to know each other through studying under Paul check and for those who don’t know Paul check is a certified holistic health practitioner licensed as as a medicine man through the Nemanja band and Native

American traditional organization and is a passionate studier of world religions he is a highly sought after speaker trainer and consultant for some of the most iconic athletes corporations and people in the world including Tony Robbins Laird Hamilton Adam Oates Kobe Bryant Mike Modano the Chicago Bulls and many others

One thing led to another and I took Troy Casey’s courses breath is life and Stress Management I read his book which was absolutely fantastic as my dad said ripped at 50. he welcomed my brother retinai to his home in Sedona for a barbecue we connected at Paul checks Zen

In the Garden workshop and most recently I got to know his son Troy Jr who is a hockey player on the journey to the NHL Troy is a man that brings heart credibility experience and stands for holistic health healing longevity sustainability collaboration and so much more we are excited to introduce an

Authentic fun and definitely energized authority figure in the space of Health longevity and healing Troy Casey welcome to the hockey Journey podcast thank you so much that was an awesome introduction and I’m so grateful to be on this podcast Lance I saw some of your videos as well and of course I’ve

Followed RAM and his journey in the NHL uh and I’m so grateful I love hockey and really the the graceful yet rough and tough energy that resides behind it and uh thank you guys for having me on the show let’s go yes so Troy what we do when I’m interviewing

Um hockey greats uh as well as Masters in their sectors uh like to give our listeners uh just a little taste uh you know what it was like growing up Troy Casey where where did you grow up uh Sports you played and then kind of work

Your way through to where you are today yeah awesome so uh I was born in Connecticut and my parents were hippies so we moved back and forth from hate Ashbury San Francisco in the 60s and uh in the 70s um we moved to a lake up in Andover

Connecticut and swimming in the Summers and uh skating on the winters and playing hockey and lighting bonfires with Christmas trees and doing all sorts of you know kids stuff it was it was out in nature and had a lot of fun and uh actually my brother was skating home one

Day well you guys live up in Minnesota so you probably know you know bodies of water you have to watch out for thin ice and so uh he actually dropped in and almost drowned and froze to death and he was able to get out and uh

Uh but we we grew up on that Lake we you know skated in the winter lots of swimming uh in the in the summer canoeing and uh really an ideal you know childhood uh living out in nature and so uh and then uh my dad got some

Challenges with the FBI he got he got busted for uh dealing hashish back in the day which is now legal or marijuana is now legal and so uh so he was facing a lot of time in in prison this was the early 80s in uh the

Early 80s in uh New England and so uh they sent me back up to uh California San Francisco Bay area with some of their friends to stay with so uh and before that I’d had some challenges uh with my stepfather and I started running away from home uh uh right around that

Time and I found myself on my own by the time I was 14 15 years old I was staying with some of their friends but they they were kind of up to no good as well so I had to learn how to fend for myself I

Ended up getting in some of my own trouble and I was incarcerated as a youth they let me out when I was 18 and uh and then I had you know plenty of intelligence and Street smarts and I I had some good teachers over the years and uh and so I read literature

And did a bunch of book reports when I was sitting in juvenile hall and uh and when I got out I was able to enter in regular high school again I was 18 I graduated on time and uh and then from there I went to college and uh I got all

Sorts of financial aid because I I had been on my own and uh I knew nothing about financial aid I ran into one of my high school buddies and he used to play varsity football and I was like how did you get financial aid like you live with

Your parents all that stuff and he goes well the last year I stayed with a friend because my parents moved away and that qualified me for the Pell Grant and all sorts of other stuff so I went down filled out the papers and you know I basically got a really strong free ride

To college and uh you know welfare makes people weak and although I was working for it with my education uh it’s still I think I did three and a half years in Community College uh and was getting ready to transfer and uh that’s when I started modeling and so I

Was kind of on the fast track to Nowhere in college and uh got a decent education Spanish mathematics and stuff like that and then I got an opportunity to become a professional model and move to Europe and so I quit school uh as soon as that opportunity presented itself and then I

Started traveling which I do believe is the best education on the planet being submerged in other currencies uh other language other culture um and so I traveled extensively for seven and a half years I was a Versace model I went to Tokyo I went to uh Miami

New York London Paris Vienna I went to South Africa during apartheid I traveled all around the world and uh it was a great education but a really weird and funky business politics in anything and everything as as as as you probably have already realized and I

Didn’t see it coming I gave it the real good college try put together a resume took care of myself that’s how I got into holistic health fasting and uh juicing and internal purification because I wanted to look and feel the best in front of the camera and uh I had

My own digestive issues so I was motivated in that industry to do my best and I put together a great resume a great portfolio but there was so many weird sexual innuendo games and you know come to find out the whole entertainment industry and the music industry and you

Know since then I was an actor and I’ve got a lot of friends in the entertainment industry and so it’s just a weirdo energy and I didn’t want to play any of those games so uh I did what I did and then I moved on gracefully and uh

Um but I did four Versace campaigns which is kind of the height of that industry I moved to Miami right when my Miami was coming up and my agent down there wanted to come up as an agent right he wanted to make his Mark in the fashion world and uh he helped Gianni

Versace by the Mansion on Ocean Drive one of his friends they put the deal together and then my agent was like used my guys on your next campaigns and uh and so I ended up doing four campaigns so that’s a little bit of my becoming an

Entry into Health uh since I was in front of the camera I stayed healthy and then I got into partying a little way too much and when I sobered up I found meditation I found indigenous Maori healers uh Ayahuasca and the Amazon and uh and then my journey as a certified

Health nut has kind of been unfolding uh since then well that’s a lot to unpack there thank you for sharing Troy um so cool just traveling everywhere you’re a good looking guy we’ve got to give it to you definitely a good looking guy um one thing that I wanted to touch on

Is just I I found you online through social media because I had gotten in touch with Paul check I’ve done some coaching with him and that was a huge like transformative time in my life and I just I love Paul’s work and then you know I started to follow other people

That were following Paul and you were someone that just stuck out to me and like I kind of said in the intro just like your fun energy but at the same time you you know what you’re talking about because of your hard-earned experiences and I just wanted to hear a

Little bit more how you found Paul because you know when we’ve talked you’ve talked about how he has been super transformative for your life so I was just curious like how your road led to meeting up with Paul yeah so in 2006 I was in the Amazon

Drink in Ayahuasca and I had three very powerful Visions one was uh of my family and I wasn’t married at the time and um you know I wasn’t planning on having kids anytime soon and that changed down in the Amazon then I had a vision of the amalgamation of my Online Career

Um and uh well no I had a vision of uh my career in front of the camera I was doing stand-up comedy at the time and I had been studying natural medicine uh since my Versace days fasting and all that stuff and the amalgamation of that uh came together and the certified

Health nut was born in the Amazon when I came out of the jungle YouTube was a brand new reality and I had all this digital footage on one of those old uh digital cameras and I was like oh wow I have a distribution platform well let me just upload some of

This and so I did and then some it was new and not a lot of Health people were working in the Amazon rainforest and so uh I instantly got uh notoriety my son was born in water uh in in my living room and uh uh and then um so natural childbirth and

And uh plant medicine in the Amazon really opened up my YouTube career and then who’s on the internet well you got young guys on steroids and then you got vegans and that was basically it and I was like that’s not a really good cross-section to health and then there

Was this guy Paul check teaching with his shirt off and he was yoked and dead lifting 450 pounds and and he was almost 50 and I was like holy smokes who is this guy so that would have been that would have been around 2008 I probably

Saw his first video and then I kept on watching other videos and one of the the best nutrition video on the whole entire internet is called uh dot uh was it nutrition the dirt facts it was his uh his lecture and his dissertation uh in um

Can fit Pro in Canada which is uh the biggest sports fitness show in the world can fit Pro in 2000 it was filmed in like 2003 or 2004. it’s called nutrition the dirt facts you can actually buy it from Paul’s website uh and it’s the best nutrition video on the world blew my

Mind this is back when YouTube only had 10 minute videos and so you have to watch like 10 or 15 videos in a row and he didn’t even talk about macronutrients he talked about soil and what actually makes up nutrition and the closed organic life cycle it blew my mind and

So then I continued to follow him for a couple of years and he wrote A Blog in 2011 about sustainability and kind of like well if you don’t dirty your clothes don’t use too much water you know if it’s if it’s yellow it’s mellow you know you don’t have to flush the

Toilet just real conservative you know values around the environment and don’t use pesticides unnecessarily and and don’t buy uh you know commercial soaps that have detergents in them that are toxic and like all the stuff I’ve been living and breathing and I literally I

Was in tears it was the earth day it was the Earth Day blog March of 2011. I do believe and so I’ve been following some 2008 to 2011 and there I was in tears and I was just like I have to meet this man and so I went on this website looked at

His curriculum he wasn’t teaching the uh first courses like hlc one his instructors were and so I had to sign up for hlc too I had to buy all his prerequisite I adopt I dropped like 10 grand just to meet them and so uh and then my friend was doing a movie

Called The Cure is you and I was like you have to get Paul check uh in that in that video in that movie and uh he did and then I went and filmed Paul for the pickups they needed to get some uh pickups for the movie and uh I

Went and filmed him and uh just before that my raw food Club had gotten busted we used to get raw cheese and raw milk from the Amish and drive it out to LA every week uh and uh grass-fed meats and it was a it was a high quality food club

And LAPD and the FBI uh and the FDA came in and busted it and they threw fifty thousand dollars worth of food away like 800 gallons of milk has that for sustainability yeah exactly and so I interviewed Paul on that and did some editing he loved the editing I launched

It it was a huge success and we’ve been friends ever since and I love Paul he’s amazing oh he’s so awesome that’s really cool and I think it’s so cool just hearing you talk about your story and I know you’re talking about your visions and it’s just interesting I feel like

I’ve just listened to so many stories it’s the same thing over and over again like you all of a sudden you draw those connections you’re a comedian you had the modeling the cam camera and you had to do the health stuff to be better at modeling and it just connected you that

Way and then how cool is the internet to be able to find someone then you know you pay your cash you meet a guy you make connections who you are and now you’re basically like returning the favor paying it forward and and sharing so much of your unique knowledge through

Your path it’s I love that I I had a similar Journey with with Paul I I definitely tracked him down and spent a little bit to finally get him but uh he’s been he’s been huge in my life um cool cool one other question I have just

Kind of thinking off the top of my head um because I read your book like it was probably when it was more coming out I remember dming you on Instagram I think that was your book come out five years ago four years ago yeah it came out in 2020. yeah so right

Around that time that’s when I met Paul and I was I was dming with you and so that’s when I read the book um because I ordered it I remember you talking about your your black mold exposure and going back to your your modeling stuff you’re a good looking guy

And one thing that I noticed is like you do like to have your shirt off too and you have a very nice stomach and you talk about you I’ve heard you talk about your digestive issues on certain podcasts and I think you had a long one with Ben Greenfield just talking about

Some of your your routines around digestion we’ll get to that a little bit later but I kind of going around all over the place but I want to understand a little bit more how you kind of tackle the black mold and got over that because I’ve heard some some not so good stories

And that’s quite the one to overcome I want to hear a little bit more about that yeah well you know black mold is deadly right strachabatris Asperger aspergillus penicillium it’s also prevalent in our environment I mean these are the natural microbes and bacteria and fungus these are you know natural elements of our

Life here on Earth and you know houses if they get a drip behind the wall with a leaky pipe or something like that it can build moisture and it’s really bad here in Phoenix because you’ve got the extreme heat you got air conditioning it can be bad in Florida as well because of

The the Ducks they get all dirty and so um we were in a house in a penthouse in Santa Monica and they had flooding I finally talked to one of the neighbors and they had flooding like uh a couple of times in a row ankle ankle deep water

Uh in a penthouse and so it ends up getting in the walls and we moved into it it was dry it was summertime we didn’t know anything about mold now I’m very wary I can walk into a building and know s right or if I’ll get contaminated and so

Um because we’ve already been injured it’s easy to get re-injured and so uh the mold has mycotoxins uh they off gas these these spores that are deadly and uh so I had weird neurological issues I’m a Barefoot Walker I’m an active person I like to be out in the sun and in 2012

I remember I got it was like pneumonia my lungs were on fire I don’t go to the doctor that’s the doctor’s not my bag of tricks um it’s just not uh a business that I frequent and so uh um for hooker crook I mean that’s that’s

My that’s my thing I don’t go to the doctor and so I didn’t go to the doctor but my lungs were burning I was bedridden for seven days and I never liked to be bedridden if I’m sick I’m still out moving in the Sun and so I was

Bedridden for seven days and then it lingered hardcore in and out of bed for a month and so and I did the math when we moved out we were sick five times a year upper respiratory infections and uh from 2010 to 2013 and so and I just thought and that’s right when Athena

Came my second child and um I started having children uh in my 40s and my wife was almost uh 40 at the time so we just thought we were just exhausted I knew the exhaustion was coming but uh I just thought I was exhausted well lo

And behold we had a smart we had six Smart Meters outside of our living room and smart meters have uh cell phone radiation and then uh the cell phones and the laptops were all brand new I remember my nuts used to be on fire with

My laptop I put it on a pillow and start doing work and and so and again I was building my career online right and it was all new how to monetize yourself online and uh uh in the meantime I just made sure that I I had content out there and I was

Touching people’s lives so I was on the internet and lo and behold I did research with Dr Dietrich klinghart ambient Wi-Fi allows mold to proliferate it 600 percent it helps the mold grow and so uh and I think they put a faraday cage over

It and uh he tested it and so he had the research because this is when all the information on the smart meters were coming out because the smart meters are pulsing the cell towers uh I think uh multiple times per minute with information and so uh so I had six smart

Meters on my back wall I had mold in uh um on my living room wall I had mold in the the uh in the walls as well one room was even worse and uh and then I started to get neurological issues in my legs so not only did I have

All these upper respiratory infections and and just kind of sickness um but I started getting neurological issues and weird arthritis that would go from joint to Joint so you know it’s classic autoimmune you’ve got chronic fatigue and you’ve got you know other things going on with your

Pain and so number one Paul check told me to get out right and when the when the master speaks you know and Paul Paul’s like a wise man right so when he speaks you can either listen or be not wise right so I didn’t really want to

Hear it because a man with a young family at 40 uh you gotta move in LA and Google just moved into my neighborhood so all sorts of challenges rents were going up uh you know living on the beach and uh it was very stressful we we ended up

Moving 15 or 16 times since 2013. and uh and I guarantee the mold had uh a play on our emotions and we’re divorced now and uh yeah I healed really well for getting my book out because 2015 I was still feeling like crap and then I started to

Push my book out and uh I did some very esoteric protocols and uh and then this year I was hit last year I was hit with my son we went into a ice rink that should be condemned the Arcadia Ice Rink in uh Phoenix Arizona

The place I mean it already is that uh you know a pie hole the things terrible you walk in it’s all run down and so and then it rained when it was 115 degrees out there and I walked in there it was like a black it was like a cloud of

Black mold and so Troy got sick and then he got sick again and he was on a travel team uh practicing at this at this Arcadia Ice den and uh I and he was on the ice like uh 10 times a week and he was in a prep academy and I said listen

If you get sick one more time I’m pulling you off that team because I knew the place was contaminated sure enough he got sick you got this little cough and it wouldn’t go away and I pulled him off the ice and he got better so but in the meantime I got hit

And that lasted all the way up into the last couple of months March I thought I was losing my mind anyways I’ve just been getting so much sun I’ve been doing some more esoteric protocols um and uh you know it’s kind of uh uh it’s a little bit of a battle but I’ve

Had enough people have MS or chronic fatigue or you know fibromyalgia or these kind of incurable just big pains in the ass which overwhelm you and I refuse to just be sick I told myself when I was a kid if I get AIDS or cancer I’m going to solve my own problems and

So um so I just you know I refuse to take that to my grave I will overcome I like that a lot yeah that’s I really appreciate that mentality with it but that’s definitely like that’s not easy and you know I I had my radar up

For some of those things with them all stuff I think I watched Dave asprey’s moldy movie a couple years ago and it definitely heightened my awareness for different things like that so I’m conscious of it in in the in the hockey rinks they’re uh they’re all over the place and um you

Know I I can appreciate the Attunement for you to like be aware of it but at the same time you have that mentality to say like screw it I’m gonna be fine and I’ll get through it and um I think that’s really cool um one thing one another thing you know

Let me let me let me just stand on that though let me elaborate so I have to practice my own medicine I’ve got the nine pillars of Health in my book I’ve got the seven factors of stress I’ve got my Stress Management program so I have

To practice Qigong I have to practice I get to practice I get to practice grounding earthing sunlight clean eating clean water all the purest stuff that I teach and preach about my book because you don’t need the fancy esoteric stuff until you’ve at least covered those

Bases so I practice what I preach and that is exactly how I heal my body absolutely and that’s what I wanted to get into I’m sure some of the some of the listeners are wondering coach Lance what is grim talking about this is a hockey podcast and I promise everyone

We’ll get there and we’re going to get there right now um so I was trying to you know draw some connections here like Paul is a very reputable guy with some of his experiences you learned under him we’ve talked about the modeling and just your worldly experience that’s something that

Troy I was really drawn to like you’re not just I know that you’ve been in the jungle and you’re talking about these esoteric things but you’re you’re a guy that will pull his pants up and just get to work you know you have that work ethic and that drive but you also have

That kind of intuitive more I guess feminine way of doing things and you combine them both and that’s something that I think is really cool and it’s what draw me to you you have this educate like I said the education the worldly experience and now you’re out

There teaching it anyone can find you you have a huge following on social media and you have a lot of expertise and wisdom in the health Wellness Personal Training Fitness whatever you want to call it kind of all the buzzwords in that space and so bear with

Me for a couple maybe one more minute um it’s kind of it’s a one question from my dad and I had the most important question but I kind of want to add a few more things in there because I kind of want the answer for myself and uh the question is um

More of a statement first than coming to a question is I’ve been playing hockey for over 20 years now and I feel like the same thing is said to me at the end of the year whether it’s by the personal trainer the coach or the general manager it’s said different because it’s you

Know said by everyone different but it’s the same thing is really being said it’s some version of you know go have a great summer and get stronger or harder or whatever other buzzword they use go go do that in the gym and and you know come

Back and have a great year and my dad and his business partner and I were looking at some of their surveys that they’ve um you know they’ve done with with their business online hockey training and you know everyone has you know their skills coach but everyone has their strength strength coach and that’s

Highly emphasized in the hockey world and sports industry and I think it’s very important and one thing for me that was always challenging and maybe that was the point so I could kind of follow my own curiosity or my own interests and things that were fun is like I feel like

I never was told like what does it mean to get strong what does it mean to get harder like these things kind of to get you know Paul uses the word meme like these things kind of get like thrown around so I had to kind of go explore

And find out what that meant for myself and I started to get into martial arts and different Congress I went through the gauntlet of all the coaches and stuff but um you know you start talking you start seeing things you know some topics that were talking about I was

Like well what is strength you know these guys are huge but they can’t like move their body so technically you know they’re so big that their muscles are getting the way of their movement so they’re actually not punching as hard or kicking as hard or moving as fast

Because their muscles in the wet are in the way and then I’d be rolling with with smaller guys in Jiu Jitsu that were like half my size and they’d be tanking me so I was like what is this strength so now to kind of wrap it up why I was

Drawn to you and Paul is because I felt like that was the first time where people actually looked at things from a holistic perspective and it wasn’t just blanket statements anymore it wasn’t you know go get better go get stronger or go get harder like I would always be like

Well what does that mean like teach me and I feel like you guys do a great job at articulating and explaining what that means so you have a son as we mentioned in the beginning of the podcast Troy Jr who is on his way to becoming an NHL

Player and you have a lot of wisdom in the health and wellness fitness space What are you telling your son to do or to focus on to help him become the best hockey player that he can become yeah well great question so you know first and foremost I coach

Or I teach you know high performance balance all the ancient sages have said walk the middle path right and so um you have yin and yang masculine feminine anabolic catabolic right anabolic is the phase when you’re sleeping resting you’re rebuilding that’s when your muscles build catabolic

Is in the gym you’re breaking the body down and so there is no one thing that is right um better than the other you need both they’re complementary opposites this is the dualistic Paradox that we live in this is the dualistic world that we live

In on uh light dark you know up down masculine feminine inhalation exhalation and so you can’t have one without the other so you need balance the body requires balance now you can get through hormesis or stress you can get a stimulus that helps you grow you can

Punch a wood block and you can build strength in your bones and bone marrow uh it’s Etc and so um there there is a the stress component which is hormesis elevated chronic stress if you’re working out too much you’re over training uh plus you add to it caffeine

Which speeds up the metabolism uh it’s a it’s a narcotic effect on the body um you know you can burn yourself out so everything is about balance so sleep is just as important as um you know weight lifting or Plyometrics or um uh stick handling if you will you

Need everything but you’re going to restore and replenish like if you get injured right injury nothing fixes an injury better than resting right you’re not going to just you know you see these MMA fighters Conor McGregor just uh snapped his ankle right he had bursitis and then the thing finally broke down it

Snapped in half right and so he’s been out for two years right he’s been nursing that thing for two years went on a bunch of cycles of steroids all sorts of stuff but he hasn’t gone back into the arena he hasn’t been uh you know training super hard on that

Actual leg and so he’s letting it repair so again back to high performance balance so and As Above So Below is the natural law of Correspondence um strong mind strong body flexible bind flexible body and so it applies across the board how you do anything is how you

Do everything so you can be Supreme you can be Kobe Bryant and keep practicing more than anyone else out there and keep throwing your throws but I guarantee his nutrition is on point why do I know that because Paul helped on his Achilles injury and so uh

Uh guarantee he’s going to have good sleep patterns I think LeBron James talks about this as well I think LeBron James last time I checked he spent he was spending about 1.5 million dollars on his health each year massage therapy uh pmf um you know he’s probably got a sauna

He’s got this at his house he’s got this coach that coach right he’s not just the man on the court right he’s also the man off the court and I think his sleep is supreme somebody I think he’s on that app called calm and he’s got some kind

Of meditation on it for sleeping or something like that so these guys are are no dummies right and I think there’s an illusion especially at the more amateur level whether that’s in business or anything else but I especially see it in business you see these internet guys that want to

Drive Lambos talking about crushing it and hustle hustle grind grind grind and they’re pounding coffee and they’re shooting steroids and they’re you know they think they’re going to be young forever which is great but eventually that type of stuff hits a wall and you do need that balance

And if you burn out you’re of use to no one it’s the same thing as a parent if a parent doesn’t take care of themselves when they have new children they can also burn themselves out so I think it really comes down for me to balance

Because I like to burn the candle at both ends I stayed up when I was in my 20s you know but now I don’t met I don’t mess with my sleep unless I want a sleep hangover I don’t eat gluten and pasteurized Dairy and commercial food

Because I know what that’ll do to my gut and when my when my gut gets upset and I get indigestion I bloat like a tomato my face blows up so I just don’t do it I’ve got 33 years into my practices I know what works and what doesn’t work and

Look I’m a high performance athlete I like to get out there and move my body for hours at a time during the day whether that’s walking or riding my bicycle or socializing or jumping in the pool or jumping in the ocean I want my apparatus to work all the time I go to

The gym a lot of the gym is for social but I I get I get you know 20 minutes to an hour of stretching some cardio some weight lifting you know most days of the week I like to go hiking you know I want full access to my apparatus and at 57

Years old things have slowed down a little bit I think I’m just going through a repairing phase because the black mold but I plan on coming back like gangbusters in my 60s I got a friend who’s doing a competition right now he signed up for it last week because he walks around

Yoked I did a live with him yesterday on my Instagram and uh he just got off a six mile trail run and you know you can have your energy forever you can play and be healthy what was the name of that picture that played into his 40s uh

Nolan Ryan yeah there you go I mean and so you know and you cup you throw in and some people are like genetic anomalies right the Neanderthal gene they can eat anything and they can go through anything and they come out looking like a spring chicken and so but if you if

You throw holistic health on top of your awesome Talent organic nutritious food damn good sleep you know from the beginning of your career you have such more of an edge on everyone else because let’s face it you get into the NBA you get into the NFL you’re sponsored by

Snickers Gatorade this stuff is garbage yeah you can get away with it in your 20s but as Paul check told me he would coach a lot of these guys and they’d have injuries and it was directly related to what they were eating and then well organic food’s too expensive

And he’s like well sound that Ferrari you just drove up here yeah sorry I love that one so so yeah it all comes down to choice and and and and balance and this comes from a person who had plenty of vices in his life as well and so but taking care

Of the human body is going to pay huge dividends and as you well know I’m sure uh some of uh the holistic health stuff has applied into your own career am I right REM yeah absolutely and what comes to my mind I think there are so many

Different moments in my life where I got more interested but this was this was many many years ago when when Tom Brady came out with his book um the tb12 method and I don’t agree with every single thing in there but Tom is someone that is one of the best ever

And he talks about some of these principles that aren’t just specifically football training and that changed my life and there was a quote in the book I can’t I’m not going to say it exactly but it was somewhere along the lines of what you were just saying like you know

When you get into your 60s you want to have your full vitality and on and on and Tom kind of said similar things and that was around the first time where I started the contemplate like yeah like I’m around some older people at times and always claiming that they hurt all

These different things but Tom’s all playing in the NFL and he’s getting banged around and he’s still looking great feeling great all those different things and all of a sudden Paul came into my life like you said he had that same effect on me he’s he’s an older

Dude and he’s like probably stronger than me and then I was at the Zen the garden workshop last year with you and I know that you said that some of the mold effects were bothering you last summer but I remember when we started stacking rocks because we were on the same team

You’re like let’s build the Taj Mahal like you had the most energy and strength like in our group and so like I just started to connect the dots that way and just you know kind of ranting a little bit and come back to some of the

Things that you talk about in your book and your courses of what you’re teaching your son because I had a conversation with them the other day but you know on all the flights you know in between games with the team I I really bonded with a player

Um on the Minnesota Wild his name was Nick bug said a lot of Minnesota people know him obviously but he he talked about his time with the Pittsburgh Penguins and was talking about Crosby and just how Crosby has created this thing in Pittsburgh where there is some nutrition stuff there’s different things

Where there are other things outside of hockey that aren’t necessarily hockey that directly impact your game on the ice and one other little story that I’ll add in there is that you mentioned Kobe Bryant with the Achilles I was just with Paul and Angie last month and Angie was

Doing some physical assessments on me and Paul came in he goes hey you need to go to uh arnuka dock in San Diego here um and he said this is the guy that I sent Kobe Bryant to so you brought up Kobe and just like you’re right you’re teaching high performance balance and

All these Superstars you might not hear it as much in the media but they have all their money to spend on these coaches and things because they know that yes they need to work on their reps but what about when you’re not working on your reps you need to take care of

Your health so your body can hold up to keep doing the Reps and I think that’s where you’re such an asset with your knowledge and the people that you’ve been in front of that you just have such amazing wisdom to share and that’s why I’ve always been drawn to you like I

Said I I read your book I took your courses I follow you on Instagram I went through oh my gosh like all your YouTube videos I’ve been in the archives too so I mean I just love what you do like I just kind of want to just keep going

Where we’re where we were like you know I was talking to your son Troy Junior the other day and he was just talking about some of the things that you know you were suggesting for him to do he said he’s been doing some martial arts was he is he doing some martial arts

Right now or some of the workout stuff he was asking me some questions I can’t remember exactly what he was saying but he’s like yeah my dad wants me to try some of these things so what do you you know what are the real things that you’re actually telling him right now

Well I like him you know when we were living together these past eight months when he was in the academy we get good sleep he goes to bed on time he’s a kid so he wants to play video games and I didn’t he didn’t have access to a

Computer up in one second what’s the what’s the right time to go to bed uh well ten to six is a good marker children are developing especially uh men boys will develop up until 24 25 years old and you can definitely get 12 to 14 hours sleep as a child your organs

Are still developing as well uh and just providing that atmosphere so but people don’t get to bed that early sometimes I let them sleep in but uh for the most part I like them to get to bed around 9 9 30. you know he’s still he’s still a

Child uh but for adults 10 to 6 a.m are good markers I’m a nine hour guy sometimes and so uh my body needs more rest I like really deep sleep some people are seven hours seven to nine hours is is average but sleep is very good right you can always you can get

More on the weekends or whatever you can fit it in and so um so I’m always you know enforcing that he he’s a meat eater he really likes steak and so we’re always barbecuing uh and trying you know different meats and stuff like that uh he likes fish and so

But he knows to eat clean and of course he’s a kid so he’s found his way to Skittles and starbust and Starburst and you know then I gotta bust him and you know I’ve got cavity problems I’ve got teeth problems from when I was younger and I didn’t have the supervision and I

Had my own money from my paper route and I would buy Bubble Yum and all sorts of sugar stuff and I’m paying the price so I definitely you know reinforce that to him and he understands and then anytime I see him stepping out of line it’s

Going to affect his game I remind him that’s I’m I’m one of his coaches I’m his dad I’m here to remind him and he’s such a a good child he’s a he’s a great son that uh he he listens and so um so it’s really it’s really easy

Working with my son and he it shows on the ice too uh he applies his stuff and it shows this year is a big development year and so we’re going to start to see his talents really come out um and so um and all the work that he’s put in

This past year uh you know it shows on the ice and with his coaches and so I forgot what question you asked me but yeah I was I was just asked yeah I I wanted to ask a little bit about the sleep because I have my I know at the

Right times are what Paul says in this book but just for people listening like there’s a lot of different stuff on sleep so I kind of wanted to go on a little bit of a side tangent there but yeah specifically what you’re what you’re telling Troy Junior you talked

About the sleep you talked about the nutrition and you know he’s applying on the ice you know like I said I took your movement course um and Stress Management and breathing so there’s movement involved and I know your education with Paul like what what are the the movement practices that

You’re having him do to keep his body like mobile and functional to be able to move and have good balance on the ice well I think he’s getting most of that training from his programs and his coaches so um I’ve taught him you know the the compound exercises squats deadlifts dips pull-ups

Push-ups you know those are the fundamentals and then um I’ve had some trainers teach them some Plyometrics uh we do some fascia workouts uh from the tips of the toes engaged through the core swinging kettlebells and you know just real engagement for the fascia I’ve

Taught them that I take them to a lot of yoga so we belong to a nice gym that has really good yoga program and uh and we’ve done some Yin Yoga not just the Power Yoga stuff the Asana flows we’ve done some some Yin Yoga which is very relaxing and it stretches

The tendons and so he’s gotten benefit from that I send him to my myofascial therapist he’s got a chiropractor uh reflexologist in Los Angeles he sees Dr Dave and uh any you know uh big healers that I work with that I resonate with I’ve got him a

Uh Taoist sexual Kung Fu counselor just in case he needs any advice on his genitalia and his sexuality and so um you know in exercises he can do that to keep up his Vitality with Chi and so um um you know and also opening up his mind

Because the sexual energy is the most powerful creative force that we have when it’s cultivated properly and channeled properly you know we can move the worlds I mean we can create worlds if you if you if you make a couple Elon musks along the way and he goes out and

You know occupies Mars and then goes from there it’s like you can create worlds right so we can create babies with that type of energy and with young men especially with the testosterone you can also make a lot of mistakes so I wanted to make sure he was equipped

Um you know and and and uh he knows what he’s doing and he knows the power of that energy and the repercussions and so I provide all of the information so he can go out and make his own mistakes I’m not here to brow beat him I made plenty

Of mistakes probably way more than he’s going to make but I want to give him the the education and the information so that I didn’t have so that he can navigate the world uh a lot better because the world is weird so we talk about contracts I’ve been in the

Entertainment business for years people try and take advantage of you they exploit you Etc and so I tell him to keep his eye on everything and uh um and then there is there is skating and playing hockey and then there is the business of hockey REM you shared some of that with me

Um with with your business and and you know just you we think that we’ve arrived when we get to the NHL but as you well know then there’s a whole series of other you know issues same thing happened with me in business the same thing happened with me when I was

In the entertainment industry and so you just pick yourself up and keep going but getting your mindset iron clad nothing’s more powerful than a made-up mind setting his intentions his goals the ideas around becoming a champion on and off the ice right because you’re he’s not just a Showboat and he hasn’t showed

Those type of skills where Scouts are like scouting him right now at 15 years old so he still has to be you know a team player well-rounded well-behaved because coaches look out for that so I talked to him about everything and so and then also his expectations injuries

Uh you know any kind of potential you know you get so far and then maybe you get let down or you know keep your eye on business son use your use your uh your goal towards going to NHL and your sports performance and all that use that have your mind on entrepreneurial

Endeavors how you’re going to make money or build businesses either while you’re playing hockey or after you’re playing hockey because those contracts don’t last forever and so so I you know I’m preparing him for for the world uh as much as as as much as much as I can um

Yeah absolutely I I really like that um and that’s coming back to the beginning that’s that’s what really drew me to you is like the the 360 degree lens because I’m definitely someone that has made plenty of mistakes and I I’m kind of someone that I love my reps you know my

My dad has his business online hockey training and I’m sitting right now downstairs in our underground garage that he has decked out with his his old company that he sold with you know the uh what are they called the hockey training AIDS he has the flooring the

Net with the shooting tarps all the stick handling things like I’ve spent my life in this basement and I went through life and all of a sudden I realized that whoa there were some other things I need to consider like it’s all about hockey but like there’s some other things that

Are coming into play here that like well I need to look at this and I kind of think about um George st-pierre’s book um that one of the best MMA fighters for anyone who doesn’t know um I think he’s from Montreal or somewhere in Quebec but uh you know he

Talked about his his learning process of just how once you learn something then a whole new world of possibilities opens so his his wisdom is like the more you know the the less you know because like now you there’s a whole new universe of new things that you need to learn and

Kind of driving back to to your your comments about uh sexual sexual Kung Fu um I can’t say that I’ve ever heard any other guests in the hockey Journey podcast talk about sexual Kung Fu and to be honest I just want to touch on that because it’s not that weird like that

Kind of sounds a little bit weird but I think I think Napoleon Hill mentions that in think and go rich like The Power of sexuality and just how it’s not it sounds a little bit weird when you say sexual Kung Fu but it’s really not that weird like a lot of parents are

Concerned about my kids going through puberty and like what happens if he gets a girl pregnant he ruins his whole life or just the hormones are coming and you know boys want to I’m speaking for boys right now but maybe a boy wants to impress a girl and he uses that energy

To like get better at hockey per se to get the girl it’s just the energy of what’s the word like polarity between sex is it’s kind of like a Creative Energy so it’s it’s not that crazy so if anyone thinks I’m crazy for talking about a choice Casey or Troy Casey’s

Crazy for talking about go read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon no like I think it’s a pretty like modest book like it’s really cool and it’s it’s not that weird so um go ahead is his chapters on sexual transmutation and channeling it and I think he interviewed the industrial

Magnets of the 20th century and a lot of them had gone through that process I just went through a divorce and uh I realized you know I’m building my business I’m maintaining my business I’m advancing my career I have my children and the weird the world is kind of weird

Right now and there’s a lot of entitlement being thrown around there and this digital dating thing and then the the men we all have porn mind women too as well because pornography is so easily accessible and then you’ve got hookup culture started in the 70s with swingers and all that stuff and it’s

Come up to the point where people don’t even know who they are they have sex and it’s very powerful and it’s very enjoyable but also there’s an emotional component on the back end and there’s a huge responsibility you cannot just have sex with a woman and not have some kind

Of emotional entanglement some kind of spiritual entanglement what I’m doing is is trying to uh sew up a lot of the mistakes that I made and then if my children go out and fall on their face at least they were prepared and at least they can take responsibility that’s the

Other thing there’s no entitlement on my watch right just because you make a mistake if you can admit that you’re wrong you know you’re you’re or ask for forgiveness you’re off the hook but you still get to take responsibility for your actions so there there ultimately

Is no free launch is is my message hold on remember I gotta interject here I think we need to take a little breath work this has been awesome uh I just I wanted to to jump in and I apologize Ram uh this has been so informative and I what

I’m what I’m hearing you know I haven’t had a a podcast interview like this at all I mean they’re they’re all real but I mean we’re getting really real I mean you’re you’re throwing well you are you know people are uh you know uh I myself

I mean I I’ve been guilty of that as well where you don’t want to have those hard conversations or uh just even speak of it uh you just rather bury your head in the sand um so I just have one question you know if I look at

Um what’s you’re really saying in a nutshell is that you’re providing all the puzzle pieces to live uh as you put it a high performance Balanced Life and your nine pillars are the Legacy pillar food pillar rest pillar movement pillar breath pillar thought pillar relationship pillar water pillar nature

Killer then we got the stressors physical chemical psychic nutritional thermal uh elect Electric magnetic fields digital Communications those are all stressors how is a person that you know has to work a full-time job uh where do where do they start Troy how do how do they if

If they’re living if their life is not they’re not happy and they’re they’re they’re sore they’re they’re they’re they’re they’re not in a good relationship where does someone start you started somewhere you were in a dark place at one time how did you begin well uh Lance I mean it’s ultimately

It’s the same thing with what if somebody wants to you know Master uh the slap shot right it’s a step-by-step process and your commitment to the consistency and whatever other factors lead up to that Slap Shot you have to practice and keep practicing somebody wants to be a black belt it’s punch

Block kick you do that 10 20 30 40 000 times you get your black belt and so um David Goggins puts this in his book uh and and his story he was fat and he was a termite uh you know he was a pest control you know and uh spraying

Cockroaches and so he was down on himself and uh he wanted to become a Navy SEAL and he went step by step first he had to lose the weight right everything was step by step then he wanted to run Ultra marathons step by step everything is step by step and in

My book Legacy is the first chapter I have a new program coming out the fit and free Legacy method and so is that what Mike is that with Mike yes I’m working with Mike yeah and so get your mind right awareness is the first step in anything and nothing is

More powerful than a made-up mind figure out what your legacy is figure out what you want this is very important for a man women it’s a little bit different because they uh possess the power to uh have babies and so and that is usually enough and that usually wears out their

Body and then the children are hardwired to them and so uh that is enough of a legacy nurturing the children nourishing and nurturing a family and so but men they need to go out into the world and figure it out what direction they’re going in we live in the modern world and

You can actually do anything you’ve got people like uh um what’s his name uh Apple guy uh Steve Jobs Steve Jobs and you’ve got the Wright brothers that wanted to Fly Like an Eagle you know whatever the mind can conceive and believe is Napoleon Hill’s work you can achieve so get your mind

Right understand the minefields and the pitfalls that are in front of you and there are many and we’ve become soft and domesticated as as as human beings we’re in we’re inside we’ve got air-conditioned houses we’ve got soft fake food with tons of sugar and what’s that doing to the populace well just

Look at our statistics 70 of the American people are obese or overweight now we’re talking about hockey which is super high performance such a graceful amazing powerful rough and tough sport um and uh there’s so many beautiful things about it but you still need that high performance

And so and if you go the way statistics that’s why I love that my son in 2023 is involved with hockey there is not too many safe grounds in the world today I don’t want my children in public school uh I you know I don’t want them you know

Surfing the internet unconsciously with their neck craned into their phone and getting all sorts of information and possible sexual predators and so I think hockey is a beautiful thing but my son’s not living in a hockey vacuum he’s living in the real world so if he gets a

Girl pregnant well that may affect your NHL dreams so are you aware of that do you take responsibility of that yeah I’m here to steer it in a in a more sustainable holistic Direction oh awesome that well just to go for a second what I want to say that I really

Appreciate that question because that is what I’ve discovered through Paul’s work some of the stuff you do Troy like there there is a lot out there and it’s like where do you begin you’ve been in that spot I’ve been in that spot dad you’ve been in that spot many different ways

And you just touched on it Troy like whatever the mind can conceive you know you can do it and I that’s that’s the first step in your work and Paul’s work is finding out that dream or that Legacy or what you want to do and ultimately yeah there’s there could be ten thousand

More steps you just got to take the next one and if you don’t know what you’re doing you’re never gonna do it so I think that’s where is this cool and and Troy junior is obviously blessed to have you because you just you’re talking about all these Concepts but you’re

You’re helping him kind of formulate that information into what he wants to create he wants to be an NHL player so you’re giving him all the tools that are in life to help him achieve that goal everything is around that goal but there’s all these different things so he’s he’s very lucky

To be able to have you show him all these different things to be balanced and so he doesn’t maybe you know make a choice that changes his dream because he can’t do it anymore because now he’s like just using what we’re talking about as a kid now that changes everything so

I think that’s very cool and I would say too that the I would add on that that there there comes a time where there’s certain things that are better said by someone else you know I was absolutely that I was grateful that I was able to coach the the boys as long

As I did but there was a time where if I had a deal with our assistant coaches that if you wanted uh to say something to your kid have another coach say it to him you know and uh but that’s that it takes a it takes an army to to uh to get

To the you know close to the top of the mountain and uh we can’t specialize we can’t be the best at everything uh uh I try to stay in my Lane but uh the one thing that REM and uh Rhett have done for for my wife and I opened up our eyes

As to to Really seek out experts in in the field no matter how you know minuscule you think it is important for you know your long-term success because there’s a lot of small little sectors that have big impacts that you know most people don’t even know exist

Yep and uh and we got the internet now so we can find those things yeah it’s crazy Dad I know that we had talked about this question I might as well just ask it because like I I want to ask you because you’ve put these things in my mind I always think about

Like the two things that you’ve always said to me my whole life growing up and that was you become the average of the five people that you spend the most time with and with that being said figure out what you want to do and what you know

What you want to do just move the needle ahead one little bit every day and just keep making those little efforts and get them get in front of the right people all those different things so the question to you is Troy based on those

Things I said is that you know we had I started a group chat to set this call up with your with your personal assistant and when you have a personal assistant you know we’re curious about what he does for you and we’re assuming that he potentially frees up more time for you

And then we’re curious like what what do you do in your free time or how do you how do you live your days you’re you’re very knowledgeable but you know yeah that’s that’s kind of what I’m getting at what is your personal assistant do and how does that for you up time for

You to do more than things that you love well Curtis is amazing because he’s a jack of all trades and uh he built houses with his father so he’s you know he’s handy skilled he went to college he can type um and Curtis has helped me out extensively I mean traditionally I like

Him to help me book plane tickets uh follow up with podcasts set me up make sure I’m on schedule uh you know knick-knack paddy whack stuff that really helps free up my time you know he looks at everything email software marketing uh AI to to write copy

Um uh he helps me upload videos he’s he’s really an amazing angel in my life and it has I never thought I thought it was weird having a an assistant but he’s so dedicated and I’ve had one other assistant before and he was terrible and

So uh yeah Curtis is amazing and uh you know once I get my business to the next level um you know I want to bring him in as a as a partner because he’s a he’s a team player and he’s been with me for four years so

Um it’s been you know a big learning curve but he helps me out tremendously and what do I like to do with my life I like to wake up and do whatever I want whenever I want to do it which is mainly riding my bicycle kissing on my children

Going to the gym socializing a little bit eating super clean food riding my bicycle going on Hikes riding my bicycle I just you know anything that’s kind of like work related stress related like driving in a car you know um I just shot 30 videos this morning

That was completely enjoyable and then I do that once a month right and that’s my content for the month and so I like things that are automated so I can have more free time because out of my free time that’s when I get the creative ideas that’s what you know I’m an artist

At heart I am a digital Creator I’m a I’m a filmmaker video maker um you know I’m a comedian I like to express myself and I like to entertain people I like to tickle their soul and so and help them think a little bit more I’m like you know uh Socrates you know

I’m here to stimulate thought and so and make people laugh and make people laugh at themselves and not take themselves so seriously and a conduit for health and healing because everybody needs healing we’re all on the same path the journey back to God if you will or you know

We’re all here for our Soul’s growth and so I like to help to be a catalyst for people and the more I can feel good about that because I have my own inner a-hole right and most of my practices is because when I don’t feel good or my

Digestion’s off or I haven’t got a I got a poor night’s sleep then I’m a jerk and I don’t want to be a jerk I’m actually a pretty fun gregarious guy I like being that guy and so uh most of my practices meditation yoga Qigong weightlifting I go to the gym for

My mental health not my physical health I go there to get the serotonin and the dopamine so I can feel good right and so and then I can be presentable and and out connecting with people so that’s you know a bit about my lifestyle right there

Awesomeness hey Troy uh you know I got a wide variety of listeners here but uh where can where can people find out about the courses that uh you offer and then just uh to learn more about you what are a few uh social media sites that they can get to

Yeah awesome so I’m certified health nut branded across the internet Twitter I’m Mr health nut I’m most active on YouTube over the years certified health not Instagram is where I’m most active right now I’m on Facebook for all you Boomers out there uh and so I just got 200 000

Followers in the last six months over there so Facebook is still alive and well I’m on Facebook uh and I’m on Tick Tock for all the newbies but I have my social media manager handling that because I speak on such a wide variety of topics I run the risk of being

Censored and Shadow banned and so I speak my mind and I talk about health and nothing is worse for the main businesses we have running the world right now than a healthy person so so uh so Tick Tock I I stay off of most of the

Time but I put you know very succinct Health uh and fitness content out there otherwise I’m most active on on on Instagram and then my websites get on my email list for any Live Events I do men’s work and Ice baths and other types of Retreats um and so and

Then my other website is and so holler at me I’ll make sure that I put all of those in the description so people can easily find you sir awesome man this has been great I really appreciate um kind of the uh what is that the crossover I I mean this

Is the first time I’ve really done Sports specific podcasts wow and I I can say that there’s been a pretty solid energy here fellas yeah I I’ve really enjoyed it and just going back to some of the concepts I know that we’re kind of wrapping up here but uh

Troy like I just I love that you do weird stuff like I I feel like but I think it’s really cool because if you look at yourself and what anyone look up Troy his Instagram his social media the courses he’s built this is a man who is an entrepreneur he’s been a Versace

Model he’s traveled the world you know very chill and like uh intuitive and you can talk about some of the weird things that we’ve talked about in this Con in this conversation so I think it’s really cool that you you blend those things together I just think you’re such an

Asset to to people who can find you and I just I love what you talk about so thank you yeah you’re welcome and thanks you know thanks for giving me the platform and I know I’m into a bunch of esoteric and different things but you know look at my

Skin you know obviously there’s some applications like looking at Paul check deadlift you know 450 pounds in his 50s right so so okay all right you can because Paul’s got some very very challenging World Views for a lot of people uh and so uh but his results my

Mentors told me results never lie so um you can argue philosophically but uh when you look at the results you know that’s what that’s where that’s where the energy is at the results well that’s at some points I think it was Jim Rohn was quoted as saying at some point we

All have to face one of two pains you know the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and everything you’ve talked about today you know some I I chewed tobacco since I was 16 years old and I haven’t had a choose since January 5th because I know at some

Moment that’s gonna count that’s gonna come and bite you in the butt uh very difficult to do but uh one thing at a time and that’s I guess what I’m hearing from from you Troy is uh you know start throwing the antennas Out start uh investigating and then really Define

What you want to to leave as your legacy here as one of your pillars uh and just begin um so thank you for everything today this was an amazing podcast you’re welcome and I’ll leave you with the note on Tobacco because I like some tobacco too but I’ve learned that you

Can’t smoke it forever or ingest it forever and it’s highly addicting and I use natural tobacco of course but here’s the thing get some niacin get some niacin and you know work up to your dosages because you don’t want to be walking around like a lobster it uh has

A niacin flush and it has the vasopressin which there’s something that the nicotine does at the cellular level and that will begin to put uh push the toxins out and you can also couple that with a sauna so I get 50 milligram uh tabs and uh the niacin will help flush

The body out well thank you for that bremmer co-host thank you for doing that you want to bring us home no Deb I I started it’s it’s your it’s your podcast I really enjoyed being here and I had a lot of questions for myself so thank you

For letting me talk to Troy and ask some questions hey if we were on a line together I think they might be saying like McDavid dry seidle and uh Casey on the left wing get him out and get them out there so all right well thank you guys for

Being here uh I hope everyone enjoys this and you know take some time to investigate uh Troy Casey and what what he’s got going on because he’s made his life uh uh a road map for others to follow uh thank you for being uh so generous and in sharing the knowledge

That you have Troy because it discontinues to benefit people day after day after day thank you gentlemen for having me on I really appreciate you guys and much love to all the hockey dads out there and the hockey kids and the hockey families I I really uh I really like the uh the

Hockey community the moms too all right well thank you guys and uh until next time well that concludes another episode of the hockey Journey podcast I can’t thank you enough for stopping by and listening I hope you enjoyed hearing Troy Casey’s life journey and I’ll put all his points

Of contact in the description so you can easily learn more about the certified health nut lastly if you think there’s someone in your circle of family and friends that might like this episode as well please share it with just one person it will really help me in growing

This hockey Community again I appreciate you being here don’t forget to subscribe rate or submit a review I hope to see you back here soon and do me a favor make someone close to your smile today all the best my friends

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