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Drew Brees Unloads on Botched Payton/Russ Marriage, Hints at Next QB | MHH Podcast

Chad Jensen and Zack Kelberman sift through the latest #BroncosNews & #BroncosRumors, including #DrewBrees breaking his silence on the #DenverBroncos’ failed Payton/Wilson marriage. The future HoFer also seemed to forecast where #SeanPayton will go for his next franchise QB.

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Okay we are live but we got to let it breathe just for a moment got to bring in Facebook folks they’re not going to want to miss this conversation that is for show and we are good welcome in everybody it is the mile high huddle podcast I’m your host Chad Jensen and

With me as always my fellow football priest who you know who you love Zack kelberman Zack you know I think it’s safe to say that the Sha Russell Wilson marriage failed to meet expectations of Broncos country but for Drew Breeze turns out basically it shook out about

How he expected it to what were your thoughts on what he said and for those of you who haven’t seen what he said we’ll we’ll break it down but what were your thoughts I mean I appreciate them obviously he knows Shawn Peyton obviously he knows something about

Playing quarterback in the NFL Chad but he still is just an outsider to the situation and I don’t think he’s privy to the same information that we are necessarily who cover the team uh day in and day out so it was more of a pro sha Payton approach which is totally

Unsurprising but again it’s just one person’s opinion it’s not going to change the course of what the Broncos do or don’t do with uh Russ going forward uh yes indeed real quick David the papa bear good to see you appreciate you my friend he’s all about the McCarthy train

Buckham heck yeah dude mhh for Life much love and respect I want to read this real quick so this is Drew bre you know the whole radio row thing Super Bowl people making the rounds he sat down with NBC Sports Mike Florio and former Bronco Chris Sims quote when he was

Asked about you know the the Broncos and Russ situation quote it kind of played out the way I thought it would honestly I think Russell has a skill set and I think Russell is still going to be able to go and have a great rest of his

Career elsewhere as I watched them play this year it didn’t feel like the tin the Rhythm the tempo that I’m used to seeing in a Shawn Payton offense and I know those are the Hallmarks of the offense that’s the standard that’s been set close quote on that Zack and then

When he was pressed to say so you know what what is it about Russ like where does he fit you know if if the timing and the Rhythm was so off Drew what what was it that Russell couldn’t make work etc quote he says Breeze I think Russell

To me is not a timing Rhythm passer Russell is one of the best deep ball throwers in the league and has been for a long time but it’s Run game it’s read option stuff it’s the RPO game and then it’s heavy play action man let’s let him

Launch it or kind of give him these high to low reads to me that’s the best system fit for him close quote so that’s the first few things he said Z it’s kind of Switzerland isn’t it Chad playing uh not playing both sides but kind of being

Neutral to the situation he kind of took a shot at Russ by saying the timing is off with the offense and then complimented him by saying uh he has a more longevity in the NFL I took it as him saying the marriage wasn’t working and it was oil and water as it was

Described by several other people including us over the course of the season and um again it’s just he’s he’s taking a shot at one and complimenting the other I don’t know I’m kind of w he’s he’s like some people take this a as a straight

Um insult the fact that he said to me Russ is not a timing Rhythm passer but if you go back this is nothing new I mean this is something Pete Carroll was talking about two weeks ago or three weeks ago when he stepped down in Seattle his last appearance on the PE

Carol Radio Show in Seattle on whatever that ESPN station was and he was being asked about the Russell thing with pton and all this too right and he’s like hey you know some some quarterbacks are the timing Rhythm pocket guys others are more of the athlete type and Russ is the

Athlete type that’s just so you got to know how to play to that as a strength if that’s a strength you got to know how to play to that and I think Shawn Payton very much tried to do that Zack um and it went counter and against so much of

The so much of his core philosophy that like you said it ended up coming out in the wash quite clearly that it was Jank it wasn’t meant to be oil water did Russ play better yes comparatively to 2022 but you go back and look at his body of

Work in Seattle especially at the peak of his prime still quite a demarcation especially with just the ridiculous amount of sacks poor pocket presents Etc Sam bamb brro love you thank you so much for jumping in with the super you and the papa bear David helping us get

Rolling early much love and respect big doc yeah thank you Sam I’m not really trying Chad to uh read into more than what Drew Brees was saying there I just found it funny that he said it’s a timing based offense and then he says Russell Wilson’s on a timing based

Quarterback and then compliments Russell Wilson for what he can do in the NFL um I I don’t want to create a narrative that isn’t there but I what was more interesting to me were the comments he made about the next Broncos quarterback and where Payton might be looking let’s

Talk about that so you know uh everyone’s familiar with the phrase a uh crap eating grin that’s the that’s the PG way of saying it right there’s the naughty way of saying that but when Drew Brees was asked by uh the the hosts hey what’s the next move then at quarterback

For the Broncos and they kind of let him on you know is it going to be is it g to be the draft is it gonna be for and he just gets this crap eaten grin and goes on to say this and this was definitely to me Zach and I’m going to interpret

The body language I’m going to actually pull some uh context from the body language he’s talked to Shawn pyton he knows what quarterback Shawn Payton’s dreaming of but you’re going to see here gang in his response that he also recognizes the obstacles in front of the Broncos and realistically Landing any of

These guys but here’s what he said with that crap eatting grin quote I don’t know I think there’s always a shakeup remember that he goes on there’s some talented guys in the draft this year unfortunately the Broncos traded quite a bit to get Russ in the first

Place so if you’re in a position where you love one of these guys and you want to trade up do you have the assets to do it and what does that do to your roster moving forward I do know this you really do have to build your team through the

Draft you can go out in free agency and you can get some core pieces some core leadership pieces some cultural pieces but man if you’re going to build your team within this cap system you got to do it through the draft closed quotes Z once again kind of a contradictory

Statement he’s hitting at a trade up for a quarterback yet he says you have to have assets to build through the draft you can’t have it both ways but Chad I’ll ask you a question would you look like you’ve just eaten feces if you were talking about jamus Winston or Sam

Darnold no you would not you have that look on your face Maybe actually maybe I would you know in a literal sense in a different way yeah um I think you would have that and you would you kind of tease that if you knew Shawn Payton

Wants one of the big three and there’s been Rumblings we’ve reported on it with Tony Pauline and other sources that said that Shawn Payton wants one of those guys we don’t know who though I think his initials might rhyme with uh DM Ron much love and respect we love you we

Appreciate you Mike uh by the way isn’t that a curious saying a swword eating grin like where does that even come from like is there possible that someone there was enough sample size somewhere Zack of someone actually eating that and smiling that it it like found its way into the

Linguistic you know Ze guys I Google probably knows I could Google it and it will probably figure it out but um get our minds what what’s that a lot of weird fetishes out there Chad doesn’t surprise me this is true had to start somewhere but again Mike much love and

Respect my friend thank you so much lots more to get to gang but first we got to remind you Little Caesars the official Pizza sponsor of the NFL knows football fans love a great game and a great deal to boot so we’re tossing out a challenge

And calling it pick six for slices and sticks if there is a pick six during Super Bowl 58 that Sunday fans who accepted the challenge on the Little Caesars app will get a free slices and sticks period yeah Broncos Country we’ve partnered with NFL legend Derek Brooks

Of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers because he knows all about the pick six having returned one during Super Bowl 37 as you might recall uh that play led to a 44 yard touchdown and a win for the bucks so accept the challenge today and win some zah some zah indeed that’s right

Pizza pizza everybody love you guys thank you uh for supporting our great sponsors and uh Partners on the show coleby jumping in the Triple C as we like to call him on Facebook good evening enjoy the Super Bowl Zach what are your plans for uh the Super Bowl you

Going to a party you’re doing anything fancy or fun or is it run-of-the-mill Sunday for you listen I don’t know if you saw it was M dog he gave an interview on radio row and I only bring him up because his comments kind of resonated with me he says he wants to

Watch the game and focus on football not be distracted by halftime or the commercials or the celebrities so I like you know watching the game for the game it’s last game of the year but I will say this Chad I I’m not looking forward to it that much simply because I think

The script writers have it in for Kansas City they’re going to win another Super Bowl and it’s going to be the Kelsey Taylor Swift experience and everything like that it also feels like it’s the longest buildup to a Super Bowl ever and of course this one happens to have again the Bronco’s biggest

Rival I just can’t countenance a fourth Chiefs Lombardi you know but there’s a couple ways to look at that you could go I just don’t want the Chiefs to officially Edge ahead of the Broncos and the you know Lombardi trophy tally so to speak or you could say you know

What Mahomes is going to win another one he’s still young young draft in 2017 maybe if they just win one this year Andy Reid will ride off into the sunset sooner than later like maybe that will precipitate Zack uh Andy Reid you know hanging up his clipboard maybe there’s been rumors

About that then he came out and said that he wants to keep coaching so I there’s more of a chance I think he’d walk away if he wins another like you were talking about than if he loses so in that sense I can’t bring myself to say go Chiefs it’s go Niners until

Proven otherwise Chad guys tonight we are going to be doing the live raffle here in just a few minutes to uh find out who gets the Jersey on Super Chat the Super Chat Jersey for January so stay tuned for that uh Sam bam jumping in again thank you my dog thank you so

Much he says I highly doubt Shawn Payton in the front office have made their official plans AB C and D for quarterback yet the off season hasn’t officially started and they still have lots of players to evaluate right well if by that you mean the Super Bowl

The playoffs have been rolling a pace and all that yeah it hasn’t started but it has started I think for the Broncos in terms of you know when there’s not football to be played and games to be game planned for and executed like it goes into offseason mode and based on

The end of season pressor Zach uh both Shawn and George pyton talked about they’re going to take two weeks come back and start cracking into the big decisions and you know it’s not just Russ but they have to really start trimming this roster to get under the

Cap to become even cap compliant Zack they’re 24 million over as it stands but your thoughts for Sam here on whether or not the Broncos and Payton have really started sketching out quarterback plans um for for 2024 I do for two reasons number one being Shawn Peyton a a month

Ago tomorrow he said it won’t be a long drawn out process with Russell Wilson it leads me to believe that they made their decision or they’re leaning toward a decision the other point is if you go back and watch George Payton’s yearend press conference alongside Greg pen and Shawn

Pyton he was asked you know I’m gonna paraphrase do you know what Shawn pyton wants on a quarterback and he kind of ominously said yeah I know what Shawn pyton wants and what he wants to do so there has been discussions they know the direction they want to go in they just

Don’t know who exactly at this juncture they can land now the problem is it’s like Drew Brees was sketching at the conundrum which is the guys they’re probably in love with are in the top three do you have the Firepower I mean in a literal sense yes you have first

Round pick this year first round pick next year you have a two next year you have other players that could sweeten the pot you know PS2 as a as a worst case scenario but do you have the Firepower sure but at what cost that’s what he was I think uh aptly trying to

Kind of portrayed there maybe a bit of a smoke screen on behalf of his former boss and still close friend you know the crap eating grin so to speak uh when he was asked I I would bet dollars to Donuts another stupid phrase who knows

Where it comes from I would bet money if I could be Zack a little fly on the wall and know for sure uh I would get I would bet money that yes Drew Brees has talked to Shawn Payton even in passing his friends do right texting back and forth

Chitchatting on the phone catching up on the golf course whatever he knows what is ideally right out there for Shawn Payton what he would ideally like to see making it happen though it’s not as easy as one two three exactly and you know what Chad Donuts are a lot more palatable than

Scat so I I tend to lean toward that expression and I don’t think that Shawn Peyton would explicitly say to Drew Brees listen we are going to trade up for Drake may we are going to trade up for Caleb Williams blah blah I think he might say listen we’re looking in this

Direction we like this guy hey I like you know Caleb Williams I think he’s a generational Talent i’ love to have him on the Broncos so they for sure have spoken I just think that Shawn Peyton being the tactician that he is wouldn’t give anything away to

Anyone George Fox jumping in on Facebook one of our great regulars really appreciate you my friend he says this is going to be a draft that will keep us all guessing thanks all of you at mhh podcast group for all you do to keep us into our team uh absolutely dude Broncos

For Life mhh For Life yes yeah I mean for us we we even Zack in the face of easily the biggest back swell of fan apathy I’ve seen in the post Super Bowl 50 era you know Zach and I we cross paths in the short aftermath let’s see 2016

17 early 18 so there was basically two years in between post Super Bowl 50 that Zach and I weren’t working together but um but Zach’s been on the beat every year since Super Bowl 50 and uh MH predates Super Bowl 50 by a little bit but the point being we’ve been around

Long enough to know kind of have our finger on the pulse so to speak you know when you manage social media accounts of in the hundreds of thousands of Broncos fans you start to kind of see how the wind blows and how the and I got to tell you Zach this is

Is easily the most apathetic stretch I’ve seen from Broncos fans in terms of just their General enthusiasm interest Um passion etc for these big unanswered questions for the Broncos normally Zach these are the type of questions that you would have the vast majority of Broncos Country checking

Their phones daily to get the answers on in the offseason any little buzz nugget this that they’d be on top of it about half those people they’re just kind of signed off for now they’re they’re kind of over it I can’t blame them we talked

About years past well 16 17 18 19 20 and 21 happened then they got Russell Wilson and the fan base mustered whatever optimism they could to put it back in the team and then got screwed over by hacket and Russ in year one then they mustered even more that they didn’t have

For Shawn Peyton and Russ in year two and got screwed over again so I don’t want Bronco’s country to have apathy though I totally understand as a human why you would same here um same here it’s just one of those things where for me as a fan apathy honestly and and and

Disappointment whatnot it becomes irrelevant because Broncos the Broncos have become such a way of life for me even long before I started mhh that you know being disappointed all that stuff it was like you know charge it to the game now albeit in my existence on this

Earth never has there been a stretch uh of ineptitude for the Broncos like the the past seven eight years so we are kind of in uncharted waters but Keith let’s grab let’s grab these supers Scott then we’ll get to the we’ll get to the uh drawing but Keith jumping in with his

Glorious beard on Facebook appreciate you big dog he says Chad and Zack pton is a smart guy did he take the job thinking he could work with Russ or knowing that he could move on from Russ the answer is yes he took it going yeah if anyone can can turn the ship around

I’m probably the guy that could do it I’m willing to accept that challenge so long as I’m given the prerogative if it doesn’t work out and the green light from ownership and and whatnot to move on that’s what we’ve learned Zack yeah in the aftermath of the benching

100,000% I was going to say it’s a little of both Keith um he probably took the job thinking listen I’m Shawn Payton $18 million a year I can fix this guy and if not well you’re giving me the power because of that $188 million per

Year to move on when I see fit so I do think it’s a little of both mhm but he did give it the old College try that’s for sure and you know that actually makes it sound that minimizes I think the effort sha pton did go to calling it

The Old College try it minimizes the lengths I think Shawn pton did go to to try to make it work I mean his offense that he put out there in year one with the Denver Broncos was a 80 degree departure from anything you’d seen in New Orleans since 2006 The Duchess

Jumping in from the top rope thank you Michaela we love you Michaela she says donation to the football gods for Randy gradishar making the Hall of Fame mhh is the bees knes yes indeed it’s ry’s time Zack love you Michaela did he officially get in I’m double- checking that right

Now it’s it’s tonight because I know it was going to be announced I don’t know if it was official though uh let us know well aren’t the honors tonight are they I don’t Scott could you do a research on that real quick and see pretty sure we

We find out tonight but either way all the guys you know uh around all the the tenur beat writers and the Mike kisses of the world and those who are plugged in with the voters and whatnot it’s F they’re kind of talking about it like this even though it’s not a guarantee it

Feels this time around fate comple for Randy gradishar but still what this dude has been through the agony uh he’s been put through yeah not just Zach the fact that he’s been omitted unjustly but just being dragged so close for so many years going through the emotional hope

Disappointment cycle on a year in year out Bas uh basis for this many years man is it’s just bad and uh let’s pray to the football Gods along with michaa here that those scales get balanced ASAP yeah Michaela is saying after seven Mountain Times so we’ll know pretty soon uh

Whether he gets in and he should get in he’s obviously deserving I saw that Jared Allen did not get in that was one of the leaks and uh it was his fourth year on the ballot former Broncos pass rush consultant adviser whatever tile to me he’s Hall of the of the good not

Great like Hall of the very good yeah he is he was uh did he contribute to a championship no you know he toiled away for a lot of those bad years of the Chiefs pre Andy Reid in Kansas City you know there’s those Vikings years he had um what’s another one of

The stops there’s one more wasn’t there Kansas City Vikings maybe that was it but either way Hall of the very good not not not necessarily the hall of fame um okay two more quick comments super chats and then we’re going to do the drawing Phil my dog I love love you down in

Tucson you prove every single day that Broncos country is not a geographic location it’s a state of being baby he says good evening Chad Zack and Deacon Scott so if terryon Arnold and Bone Nicks are available at 12 who do you take Buck them mhh for Life go Broncos

That one’s still easy for me that one’s still easy for me I’m sorry that’s assuming Zack all the kings horses all the kings men you couldn’t get up into the top three you’re still at 12 so I’m also part of that calculus assuming gone are the top three possibly

Even one more quarterback because there are a lot of QB desperate teams in the top 12 this year um I’m still taking the quarterback uh I don’t know dude I don’t know I’ve vacillated a little bit on this Zack what’s your answer same I’m going back and forth in my head I can

Make a pros and cons for either Prospect uh I think I’m still probably exploring trading down Phill unless on 100% dead set on B Knicks from what I understand based on you know the scouts and what they’re saying out there it could be Nicks and penck that dropped to late day

One early day two and JJ McCarthy everyone’s least controversial quarterback prospect out there is rising up and could be a top 10 pick so I don’t know could go I could go either way with these I’m still not really loving the idea of a cornerback right there I mean

It would be the dream to have those two dudes as your boundary Corners I mean good Lord Arnold and PS2 however and you know the draft purists start yelling at their phones when I’m when I say what I’m about to say which is you know base looking at the lay of the land

Right every draft pick there is to varying degrees a balance Zack of BPA the taking the best guy there on your board and roster needs right there is to varying degrees depending on the situation where you’re at in the draft do the Broncos absolutely need a number

Two corner right now like no they don’t they have one of the best corners in the league and a couple of young guys one of whom they drafted last year in Riley Moss what do they need they need a freaking offensive tackle they need a freaking Edge rusher uh this is of

Course Beyond quarterback quarterback to me is like stop the presses until it gets that gets ironed out everything else is irrelevant yeah I definitely can see the argument arent against Arnold there the only argu argument I can make for him is the fact that you might not have PS2

Much longer I’m not saying that the Broncos are going to trade him but at some point he’s going to want to get paid and he’s going to get paid a fat contract and if you’re the Broncos do you cut that deal when you’re going through a your build or you’re going

Through a multi-year process do you cut a a record setting contract for a non-quarterback I don’t know I don’t I plus also Chad real quick all the times that ps2’s Dad expressed frustration with PS2 and Denver and kind of hinted that he should be elsewhere by the way JJ McCarthy mocked

To the Broncos at 12 recently by CBS sports like and Scott’s making the point you know you’re G to take the fifth quarterback of the you know the fifth ranked quarterback the fifth best quarterback of the of the class at 12 it just depends dude like you got to have a

Quarterback solution you got to have one so you know by this point the the Broncos will have made a decision on whether they’re going hellbent for high water on a quarterback in the draft or if they’re just not getting the kind of call backs from moving up or whatnot

That they wanted to maybe by this point Zach they may it becomes moot because they went out and you know signed uh Baker Mayfield or Ryan tanah Hill or something to Kick the Can down the road a year and they take one of these other

Guys you know uh Milton they take a uh two-lane kid um they take a Rattler in the third round or something like that kick the can down the road I just think that until you have that position solved doesn’t freaking matter dude the last seven eight years have proven that dude all

The king’s horses All the King’s Men Without the quarterback you’re just not getting there you know don’t let these crazy outliers like the 0 03 or uh 02 bucks you know the 2000 Ravens uh even the 2015 Broncos get thrown into this mix unjustly by the way it was still pton Manning at

Quarterback don’t don’t let those outliers fool you those are the minuscule exceptions that prove the rule without a quarterback you’re dead in the water I think it’s almost impossible to get the entirety of Broncos country to agree on what they should do with quarterback but this is

How I feel and I think we could all agree on this I would rather the Broncos take any of the top five or six quarterback prospects then sign Ryan tanah Hill you swing for the fences only and as uh Todd says in the comments Zack draft a quarterback every year until

They get your guy right right that’s what you have to do that’s the only way you’re GNA compete and turn the Broncos into a winning product again and it’s also worth mentioning before we grab Troy here that you know the media perception is that uh say a bon knck

Could be the fifth quarterback of this class as far as rankings are concerned but all it takes is one team and that team could be the the Broncos falling in love with him falling in love with McCarthy falling in love with penx um and all that media rankings and all that

Stuff the best efforts goes out the freaking window uh For Better or For Worse Troy the fwn donkey as he is known on X on Twitter jumping in with a generous super thank you Troy much love big dog he says Hey guys a super just to support thanks for the discussion and

News Broncos for life our turn for a dip we will emerge um dipping back into the uh to the draft pool for a quarterback I I hope that’s what you mean Troy either way Troy thank you so much and it’s you know it’s been a tough eight years but it’s because of

Fans like you and everyone else uh that make it worthwhile so definitely appreciate it and we will emerge soon you just have to get your guy and that’s why even if it’s JJ McCarthy Chad who’s not my first choice I would rather sign him than go back to the retread well or

The project well or the Reclamation well all right one more here from Sam bam then we’ll do our raffle uh Sam thank you brother number three tonight you man he says it would be funny if Shawn Payton calls Jim Harbaugh now of course the head coach of the LA Chargers and

Asks him for a scouting report on JJ McCarthy I wonder if Harbaugh would be honest about him heck I don’t think Harbaugh would answer that call both these guys are crazy lunatics when it comes to football and competition I mean even in that same sit down Zack that Drew Breeze had with the

Pro Football Talk guys you know that toward the end they’re they’re talking about Shawn pton and he’s like dude Shawn Payton is a lunatic on Game Day M you know mfing everybody left and right you know mfing the refs MF in the opponent MF in his own assistants MF in

His own players Etc like he is out of his mind it’s the fog of War you know the the the intensity of the situation uh the stakes of the situation Elevate the intensity to such high levels and a guy like Shawn pyton Jim Harbaugh the exact same way I mean you could even

Argue Jim Harbaugh’s probably even more of a game day type lunatic they take this whole football Espionage thing quite seriously I mean even small things like Shawn pyton shortly after hired Zack uh by the Broncos Chiefs going to the Super Bowl hey who do you got Chiefs

Eagles right it was Chiefs Eagles and he’s like hey we never want to see anybody in our division win anything Eagles all the way he’s just a maniac dude I couldn’t imagine Jim Harbaugh would even answer that call but if he did I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

Think so I don’t think he’d get much out of him on it I think the only thing you get out of him would be disinformation would be false um information that he wants to put out there same as what Sam is saying you know harau would say no he

Sucks so drafted um it’s it might be true maybe you know there’s that whole coaching fraternity and coaching Brotherhood that Daniel hacky kind of made apparent so maybe if Harbaugh was coaching the bucks or the Vikings or the Packers he would pick up that call and he’d be honest with pton about McCarthy

But in the same division no way in hell one more Super then the the raffle I we skipped over our our dear friend Drake Wally uh from our sister site on the uh Fan Nation Network horseshoe huddle Drake jumping in thank you big dog a podcaster in his own right says my dudes

Want to ask you to are you done with Russ I still think there’s hope but I don’t know doesn’t fit pton thoughts well Drake if the if the Broncos decided to run it back with Russ due to the financial ramifications of not um I would get I would fall in line in terms

Of hoping for the best but again for me the scales fully fell off the eyes on Russ week five that lost to the to the Jets and then you know a couple more bumps on the head and then they went on that crazy six-game run and I was like

There was a certain point in that that period Zack where I started going well maybe I don’t know but even then guys everything still was just too hard to come by everything was just dearly bought there was nothing at any point that ever felt like it was clicking you

Know nothing came easy right like you go back and you think to the great periods of this team or any team out there that has a great quarterback and a good quarterback coach cohesion and there’s times where sure things buckle down come up against a good defense and you know

But by and large things come easy you know rhythm is established it’s it’s not asking the world to get more than a yard and a half on first down and then it’s not asking the world to get more than three or four yards on second down it’s

Not asking the world Zack to convert a third and two without getting sacked in its third and 10 or getting strips everything even during that six game swing Zack was still so hard to come by but they would pull it out thanks to the defense taking it away and Russ just

Turning it on when the chips were down but it was still TBO Wes up until then so yeah I’m I’m done I’m off the rust train as far as realistically Zach having any expectation that he’s the answer at quarterback uh especially with what we saw with sha this last year yeah

Appreciate the question Drake and I think we’ve we answered it over the course of the podcast today and you answered it yourself in your very comment doesn’t fit Shawn Peyton that’s what it boils down to he gave it a go a college try whatever you want to call it

He tried to make it work and it’s oil and water and when two people are not compatible whether it’s a business or a personal relationship it is not going to work out the longer that you force yourself to stay the more unhappy that you’re going to be so the number one

Objective is getting the quarterback that fits Shawn Payton system and the quarterback that he gets to hand select not inherit like Russell Wilson yeah and it’s like Drew Brees said you know I think there’s still some gas there in the tank for Russ um it’s

Just not it’s just not going to be with with Shawn Payton so um gas in the tank meaning like could he go still be a starter somewhere would it totally Shock Me Zach if he landed in say Cleveland and they’re they’re like a fringe playoff team like they were this year no

Wouldn’t shock me but like he’s never going to be the ship I think has sailed on him being that Bonafide uh you know top 10 quarterback that puts you in the conversation for a world championship year in and year out that ship has sailed and that’s what the

Broncos thought they were buying when they traded and then paid traded for and then paid rest so all right shifting gears let’s do the raffle so as you know each and every month we take the top 10 finishers on Super Chat names go in the digital hat so to speak we do this

Random drawing the raffle the winner gets a Broncos jersey of their choice and of course the the person who finishes let’s say 10th in the Super Chat ranking is not going to have the same equal number of tickets in the Hat as the person who finished first or second it is weighted

Based on ranking so one and two and three and four those people are going to have more gradually than the last person but let’s just recap here’s how it finished for January rattlesnake Master for the first time finishes number one followed by The Duchess Michaela Parker at two James Moss at

Three I think that’s the highest I’ve ever seen James Moss ranked as well Troy at four uh Gary the swashbuckler at five the lady d Deanna Hendry at six Naj ala at seven Sam Bam’s in there at eight Mike edel at nine and Zeus himself checking in at 10 so that’s the order

We’re going to do the process of elimination here make it so Mr Producer first name out the lady d second name out Naj third name out the duchess uh fourth name out Troy fifth name out James Moss sixth name rattlesnake number one is out all right seventh name Sam bam is

Out Mike edel is out Zeus is out 10 say 10 10 came close to one so it’s it’s Gary Gary wins a jersey and uh have we seen Gary in the chat tonight I don’t think we’ve seen him quite yet tonight uh but Gary leads

Palmer and uh Gary has been waiting on a specific Jersey from the last time he won to become available uh so we’re gonna have to figure this out for Gary because now he’s got he’s gonna have two actually coming his way so and here’s the thing I we feel comfortable guys

When it comes to getting you the jersey that you win Going Through official NFL and team channels if there’s a specific Jersey that you’re dying for and they just don’t have it in your size on any of the team sponsored stores you find it somewhere else as long as you’re clear that it

Might not necessarily be exactly the team stuff and who knows it could be from China it could be you you never know quality wise if you’re okay with it and you send us a link and say no I’m good with this one we’ll still make that

Happen but um for what it’s worth so congratulations to Gary and much love and respect to every one of you uh that finished in the top 10 and let alone uh contributed to what we’re doing here on on Super Chat thank you yeah Lu of those sentiments congratulations Gary and uh

We no matter if you want or not we definitely appreciate each and every one of you more than you know and Sam bam uh he’s got a jersey coming his way from The Duchess officially ordered and head in his Direction so that’ll be cool when

You get the Jersey Sam you got to make sure you send us in that that pick so we can uh we can Flex you okay moving on here Cody dub jumping in good to see you Cody regular that’s been with us a long time by the way Cody’s got some

Bonafides here at mhh he says QB out of this draft I’m not sure taking a QB out of this draft I’m not sure is going to help much so many holes uh one good receiver an o line that might not look the same come the season that could be

Brutal on a rookie yeah but at the same time it’s a really good coaching staff that got improved also by the addition of Pete carmichel so I that’s just not something I worry about honestly um I’m not I’m not not taking a quarterback Zack because my best receiver is cland

Sutton you know what I mean like irrelevant I need the quarterback all that other stuff comes is ancillary and comes second third fourth fifth sixth I got to get a quarterback dude this is like getting ridiculous it’s like worrying about the color of your window shades when the foundation isn’t isn’t

Even isn’t even laid on your house yet you have to start with the QB it’s the most important position and then you work your way out from there and Cody I’ll post to you non hypothetically can you name one starting lineman from the Texans besides laram me honsel probably

Not did any casual fan knew any starting receiver in the Texans receiving CP before last year probably not but CJ strad being that rookie quarterback the franchise guy elevated everyone that’s I know we haven’t seen it since pton Manning but that’s what a true Elite quarterback does so you got to start

There it’s like saying hey you know we think we could make a buck on this housing market if we sell our house but the problem is you got a slipping Foundation you know you can’t really sell the house at least not at any kind of profit let alone like get your money

Out of it till you get that fixed so everything stops and ceases the world stops turning till that gets solved once you fix the foundation hey put her on the market sell her at a profit you know but that’s where the Broncos are stuck and they thought they had that

Foundation fixed with Russ they hoped anyway nope cracks persist got to get her lifted uh it’s a it’s a pickle um okay Zach you are where are we at we’re at 40 minutes you’re working on an article you know I want to shift gears here we talked about Drew breze we’ve

Been talking about the draft and Russ and and uh we talked a little bit about grat Asar but free agency rumors you’re working on something what’s what’s the latest on on the the NFL World At Large predicting how the Broncos maneuver in free agency well it’s a definite slow

Period right now so I’m trying to find any bit of Broncos you know relevant coverage that I can and Pro Football Focus uh kind of linked the Broncos they called them a potential landing spot for Austin Hooper the tight end who spent last year with the Las Vegas Raiders

Played against the Broncos kind of a nondescript player he was in Atlanta uh I’m pretty sure for a while and uh he can do a little of both as a blocker and as a pass catcher he’s not an elite guy he’s not a Kelsey or a George KD but you

Need someone more reliable when your top two options are Greg doich who’s the opposite of reliability and Chris manherz who’s a career blocker so I would wouldn’t hate the move but it’s not a very sexy potential move either yeah you know it’s interesting because the Broncos do need some upgrades at

Tight end a lot of their problems on that front would be solved if the injury bug would just lay off of Greg dolit for a minute for crying out loud but it hasn’t and I didn’t really see much redeeming wise to justify resigning Adam Troutman um you need a you need a

Reinforcement there that would be a good fit I think um Zack I got to get your thoughts on this uh I got to get your thoughts on this from Phil he says I read the Rams will take our number 12 pick give us 19 overall pick 52 and pick 150 I would

Love to see that happen says Phil Zack what are your thoughts on such a tradeback hall I’d like to know you read that Phil if that was like a report or if that was like a you know aggregation opinion from another writer so you’re getting a what there Chad you’re getting

A second and a fifth fourth uh fifth probably fifth so a two and a five to move down seven spots I would like to see that if only though and again it depends how the board breaks if your guy is not there if any of the big four or

Five quarterbacks are off the board you’re not sold on them I would consider trading back but there’s still a part of me Chad that really wants to stay put and just take a blue chip Prospect no matter really who it is whether it’s a q whether it’s an edge rusher whether it’s

A yada Scott we had you at the Senior Bowl of course you were there what do you think by by show of of uh digits what’s the lowest round you could realistically see bonick falling to that’s what I think he went like this round too bunny years

Okay Drew Brees second round pick when he came out I’m only bringing this up because how many legitimate Talking Heads guys that when they do talk on these type of issues you perk up and listen a little bit have compared bonick to Drew Brees in this situation Zack If he if he ends

Up if if the media’s read on bonck turns out to also reflect the internal read in the NFL and he ends up going in the second round you’re the Broncos you could maybe you can get him at 19 maybe you could even get him at 52 probably not you’d

Probably have to get him much earlier in the second round but th those are just risks I’m not sure I’m willing to take just because you know Drew Breeze ended up being a second round pick because there was really nothing about him from a physical uh makeup

Perspective Zack that blows you away at the underwear Olympics he had a prolific and productive career at Purdue but his height his arm strength his combination of tools traits athleticism all that stuff everyone’s like yeah it could be something but not enough there to blow us away it goes in the second round

That’s kind of the read on Bo Knick with the exception that I think B knck is viewed at least as a prospect coming out as a much more as much more of an athlete let’s just put it that way uh than Drew Brees I still think he ends up

Going in the first round and it could end up being the Broncos if they’re not able to make a trade up and and you know top three type thing yeah um I don’t think he’s going to fall around to could be totally wrong maybe there’s a medical that pops up or

Maybe he um there’s a gas mask bong video that leaks Chad before the draft but I think he’ll go in the 20s at the latest and here’s my worry about trading down and this would apply to bonick or McCarthy or any other quarterback who picks right after the Broncos at 13 the

Raiders so if you trade down you’re gifting the Raiders a quarterback prospect potentially and let’s say that quarterback prospect hits now you’re at the division with Jim Harbaugh Andy Reid Justin Herbert momes and that rookie quarterback and who do you have Jarrett stum so there’s a definite case to stay

At 12 and just take whatever best quarterback is still on the board there’s also kind of that bias that exist that was similar uh by the way Scott saying Breeze had a better arm he got knocked for being short um there is that uh kind of like with

With Ohio State Zack there’s a lot of people who just they’re selling on anything that’s an Oregon quarterback if you look at some of the the history of Oregon quarterbacks I mean the most recent success story is Justin Herbert but his story is still kind of out there

Right like he’s had two really good Seasons uh got hurt organizational instability I like his up I I unfortunately for the Broncos like his Outlook with Jim Harbaugh coming but take it back a little further Marcus Mariota number two overall right didn’t really go anywhere in the league uh you

Got to go back a ways I mean even remember Joey Harrington um but you got to go back a ways Billy Musgrave I always forget about that Billy Musgrave was an Oregon quarterback you got to go back quite a ways to Old Dan Fels be before you find a real Bonafide Oregon

Quarterback does that bother you at all in terms of does it color the conversation in any way shape or form on B Knicks I I think the only one it would apply to would be uh Caleb Williams with the USC quarterback curse but you know you talked about CJ shout

In that Ohio State curse and he kind of shed that as well so I I know it’s cliche but I like to you know Scout the player and not the college not the helmet necessarily and B knck has what it takes he’s still very much raw but if

You hone him correctly in a Shawn Payton system he could be the guy so yeah Caleb Williams slovis let’s see I’m going back here on USC JT Daniels darnold swinging a Miss uh Sanchez maybe Matt Barkley Kessler Barkley I’m just going back here um yeah Sanchez uh leer man he was he was

Supposed to be the man at the next level but we know how that shook out Carson Palmer I think you could measure as a success for for USC quarterbacks making good in the league even though he didn’t exactly win at all and he’s not going to

End up in the Hall of Fame but still Carson Palmer uh I’m just going back here a little bit let’s see uh John Fox not that John Fox uh let’s see Rob Johnson yeah I remember that uh Rodney Pete shout out going way back Todd marinovich uh that’s like my childhood

Right there that that era uh Salisbury I’m going back here Sean Salisbury I forgot he was a Trojan but yeah then it’s pretty bleak it’s pretty bleak when Carson Palmer is your shining success story of quarterbacks making good in the league and then number two behind Palmer is the guy who committed

One of the most egregious foul-ups in NFL history Mr butt fumble himself so if you did subscribe to a curse about a school Caleb would be the one that you avoid but I don’t subscribe to that personally uh okay back to the supers we got Cody again my dog saying what would

It take to trade a third rounder to move up to a second you get your Edge or receiver tight end in the first round then trade up into the second it’d have to be early second to get bow Knicks what would it take uh I got to remind

Myself what pick in the third round Zach you start I’m going to look at this for the Broncos yeah it would depend on how far they move up into the second round if it’s the back end or it’s the start of it uh that would dictate how much

Compensation would cost but it’s going to be a pretty it’s going to cost you a future three probably or a future two maybe a player it’s it’s not going to come cheap and if you take a tight end in the first round you got if you trade

Up in the second you better get that pick right I’m trying to see here I’m not sure exactly uh it’s going to be somewhere top 15 of the third round I’m pretty sure let me try this what was let’s see uh I gotta remind myself Broncos trade up javante Williams draft that wasn’t

Too long ago uh so from an article written by Yours Truly uh April 30th 2021 let me see uh package a deal with the Falcons to move up from pick 40 to pick 35 yeah so they stayed in round didn’t they do one last year that’s more applicable

That’s right Mims hold on Broncos trade up because we didn’t have a second round pick last year uh Mims draft standby okay let’s see I bet they had two thirds though so they probably gave one of those yeah let’s see okay d d from Bob Morris here uh evaluate the draft day

Trades for all teams using the draft pick chart blah blah blah okay near perfect trade to select Mims at 63 M there was only one more second round pick to be made he was the second to last third round pick or was he the last third round pick or second round pick

Sorry I’m I’m he Broncos got a pick back and 183 from the Broncos pulled off a near-perfect trade given up just 104 points moving from 68 so early third round to 63 to get Marvin Mims This was pulled off by making sure they got the 183rd pick in return from the Lions I

Don’t know I think if you’re going to move up from the third into the early second it’s probably going to take you at least a third round pick to make that happen yeah or a combination of picks and again you if you’re already short on assets you if you’re squandering more to

Move up George Payton better hope he gets that pick rate Scott says second and fourth to Atlanta so good question very interesting conversation thank you for that Cody uh but we’re about out of time guys any burning topics get it in the chat here I’m going to take a swing

And see if we can find anything interesting from the regulars who uh we might not always get to Jay roer do you think Nicks is Breeze no no no no it’s just there are some interesting parallels there though there really are um especially relative to Shawn Payton and whatnot Phil that was

Part of a mock by Joe win okay all right so his previous thing of the Broncos trading back getting 19 a second and a fifth right Zack yeah good to know uh anovich that’s right Lauren Todd marijanovic we’re dating ourselves Lauren on that fromont people are going what are you

Guys talking about here um okay hold on okay I want to find one from endorf I’m G to find one from uh from Todd endorf hang tight hang tight he’s always in there we try to get to you when we can big dog uh is says I wouldn’t mind I would not

Mind having taes Hill though you know my uh I was talking about this with a family member the other night because you know we saw him at the at my boy basketball game and they’re like hey we saw that report mhh about uh the possibilities of Tamm Hill it’s

Important to remember he is under contract do you are you really in this situation going to trade to get taes Hill it’s possible that the the Saints cut him Zack and he ends up hitting the free agent market and then it’s a different equation but what’s your

Answer and then we’ll get taught you’re right you’d have to trade for him and give up a pick or two but I I believe that Hill has no more guaranteed money left on his contract so it’d be a a fairly lowcost flyer for a guy who who

Bloomed in a Shawn Payton system and he’s not GNA be the answered quarterback but you just need Playmakers you just need dogs on that side of the ball and Tamm Hill is for sure a dog with the ability to throw catch and run I wouldn’t mind having him but I’m not

Gonna make him number one priority Todd says other than Graham I think the I think the other that is closest is TA Hill ta plays a joker role yeah that’s a thing everyone’s got to remember I think for I won’t say many Broncos fans but for some Broncos fans the last memory

They have of Tamm Hill is him coming in on that brutal uh game where the Broncos had not one single active quarterback and uh Shawn pton the Saints came in week 12 uh 2020 and spanked the uh Kendall Hinton Le Denver Broncos Hall of Famer Hall of Famer those gloves forever

Enshrined but he’s not uh you know even Shawn pton did make some modest hay with Tamm Hill as a quarterback you’re bringing him in as just an offensive weapon guy a joker move around get him the ball let him do his thing not to necessarily come in and be your guy I

Think the best case scenario would be to find another tesm Hill through the draft I mean a younger version of guy that can be with you from day one and you don’t have to give up more picks to acquire but he does just have a unique Knack man

Of just he’s just so multifaceted in his talent he’s big enough that you can use him as a little bit of a battering ram if you need to here and there and he can throw the ball you know he’s he he can is he a highlevel passer no but if you

Need him to we can but good stuff fun conversation let me double check here on on Mr Producer uh that I was reading the same point I didn’t realize that either Scott said that I didn’t realize Tamm Hill is gonna be 34 went on a mission

You know he’s BYU Mormon kid that’s a non-starter for me you don’t even start thinking about college or anything till you’re about 2ish is probably you know so if I’m starting normally my freshman year college at 18 and a half or whatever he’s starting it at 20 and a half or 21

So it puts about a two year two to threee delay on the developmental return on these guys he’s on the Brandon Weeden timeline I guess but I just I’m not g to sync assets and time into a guy who’s going to be 34 again just try to find

The next tesm Hill through the draft good catch though Scott love you guys we got a few messages then we’re going to dip on out tremendous installment as usual as per use of the my huddle podcast if you’re not doing so please follow us on Twitter atth mhh pod you

Can follow the main account on Twitter at my high huddle Chad at Chad and Jensen myself at kelberman NFL and Scott our producer at Scout Kennedy if you guys want some merch like we’re rocking each and every day each and every podcast you can get yours at mhh also drop us a like at Mile High huddlepod you can find us on Instagram Atmore High unor huddle and if you’re on Apple podcast make sure you’re leaving your football priest a f star review for a chance to win some of that merch each and every single month but if anything

Please do these three things takes two seconds subscribe like and share this video and every video you see on the mhh channel it really helps us grow and reach more Broncos fans just like you yeah get this real quick so he did serve a mission Tamm Hill coming out of high

School in 2009 he had multip offers from programs in the west including a bunch heavily recruited by head coach Jim Harbaugh at Stanford Hill had originally committed there out of high school but then after he returned from his mission uh he enrolled at at BYU in h January of

12 so exactly that so he started at 21 and he started freshman at 21 so anyway all right guys uh smile High salute and much love and respect to the great Super Chat Superstars and supporters that are helping to keep us rolling especially during the the offseason tonight

Michaela uh The Duchess Michaela David melrath Sam bam we’ve got the Ron we’ve got kbyc Kier we’ve got George Fox Keith bugman Drake wall we got Phil mcclaflin Troy bo uh we got Cody dub in the house much love and respect guys thank you so much we will by the way Super Bowl

Sunday will be going live whenever the Super Bowl’s over so we won’t necessarily be going up 610 or 6 you know Etc whenever the game’s over 10 15 minute window then we’ll be live we will see you then though enjoy your weekend take care and as always go Broncos and go Niners


  1. I’m afraid the Broncos need to have a horrible season to kick start they’re draft position which would give them the opportunity to make trades and stockpile picks.

  2. Nah I'm done with Russ. I tried hard but final straw was today watching a pod and hearing our Superbowl 50 champs talking bout Russ taking Sean screaming at him. Russ shoulda barked back at Payton at that moment it was over.

  3. Denver should keep Russ, move down in the draft for multiple picks, and then lose every game next year. That's the plan.

  4. Find a team that is willing to take on half of the Wilson contract and split it with said team. Find a trade partner for some of our older players such as Simmons.

  5. Yo Chad…ya'll NEED to have film breakdowns on NFL Prospects with guys like erik and nick doing the commentary/ break down.

  6. If the broncos get another retread, I’m done. There’s already 3 retreads on the team.

  7. You guys don’t remember the Denver donkeys from the 60s. Ineptitude was the order of the day. Look up “Half a loaf”.

  8. You guys don’t think Taysom under C, 7-2 running plays called for him, would be a good replacement?

  9. Sean can play call one way. Play call or build around the QB you have like most successful coaches! Instead of the game plan with a QB you want but don't have….IMO.

  10. Brees talks to Payton more than you guys do for sure ! He’s in camp and on the sideline all the time . Much less phone conversations !….. Ya right you know more the then a future hall of fame QB ….. what a disrespectful comment about Brees ?

  11. Sean’s not going to disclose who he wants or even considering …. That would be a very poor business choice ! So why assume ?

  12. Russ should move on to the Raiders. Payton very disrespectful. How does he treat other players. Payton is a narcissist and a racist.

  13. Fellow broncos fans if Kc wins it has nothing to do with Taylor swift do we 4get they won like 2 of the last 4 superbowls ?

  14. Russell Wilson is a man with self-control, and he tries to the best of his ability to conduct himself as a man in Christ living the Christ life every day! Real believers of Jesus Christ as spiritually mature as Russ is not react out of character and allow other people to dictate or control them how to react in a way that stops their blessings!

    Russ is in a great position! The ball is in the Broncos' hands! Either way, Russ is going to be okay!

    What the Broncos do will depend on what the franchise owners want to do and how much money they are willing to spend to win games and move up in the division ranking and please fans! The pressure is on Sean Payton to show what he can do in the new NFL with these new players who are slim,super skillful, super fast, critical thinkers, and athletic offensive and defensive players! They come of college ready for the new NFL that Sean Payton can't handle. If Sean Payton tries to treat thezexnewcplayers like he treated Russ, then the Broncos will not win any games,
    because this new generation Zers do not play that!

    It is not about fixing Russ. It is about having the coaching acumen to be able, like Drew Brees said, to adjust Sean's coaching style and players to Russ' style as a QB. Whether Russ stays or goes, evey QB must have the coaching style and players adjust to the style of the QB.

    All of Purcells' disciples like Sean Payton and Belichick have egos and hunger for power that do not allow them to make this adjustment! Sean and people can hide behind blaming Russ all they want to, but the truth will always come out! They are not where they think they are, and a new QB is not going to fix that!

  15. NFL Fan. I would not be surprised that Denver go after Mac Jones. He is on his 4th year of rookie deal, they can sign him to a Jordan Love like Contract for 2 years somewhere between the 5th year option. He is a pace QB. New England had ZERO weapons last year, if they have their QB.

  16. Build through the draft – sure. Said Brees who wasn't drafted by NO. Look up the QB's Payton has drafted. You'll have to look them up because you won't remember any of them.
    This draft is heavy – reportedly – in OL and RB. The Broncos could use both.

  17. When you're a supposed big time QB, who just got PAID and his new team gave up a king's ransom to get him, and you have a season like last year? Your own office and your own team around you? That's going to automatically put you on bad footing with a coach like Payton. Then, when you can't run basic concepts and keep bafflingly holding onto the football, missing easy reads over the middle? You're going to be shocked when a coach yells at you????

    Russ thought he was a legend still – the Legion of Boom tried to tell us – he wasn't. He maybe never was, not to the degree we thought. Two teams in a row have now given up on Russ. Heck, maybe he will go elsewhere and turn into Pat Mahomes overnight, but the odds ain't great folks.

    Sean Payton is an A-hole, but he's our A-hole and I'd much rather have a coach like him than Hackett who literally let the team lead itself while hugging everyone.

    I hope Payton comes out swinging next year and makes people feel foolish for all this Russ Wilson hand wringing. Payton wasn't perfect, but it's now taboo to yell at players? This isn't playing Barbie…. it's the National Football League. Drew Brees knows what he's talking about.

  18. Give Sean Payton some time he will fix this mess … he taught at a scout conference I attended he is a sharpe coach . He needs time … first thing he has to do is get rid of this poor GM ! Watch things will start making sense soon … he’s an excellent evaluator of talent . Players , coach’s and staff ….. trust me Brees and Payton talk they are friends … come on ! But they both will only talk about what Wilson’s camp has been dumb enough to leak out … they have caused more damage to Wilson’s future so take the money he has never earned and be gone … we have a trophy to grab …. Good luck finding someone to sign another has been QB …. Bridges are burned here Wilson !

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