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FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 1-31-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 1-31-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

The Jeff Cameron Show for January 31st, 2024 includes FSU football 2024, transfer portal signings, conference realignment, FSU football news, transfer portal update, and recruiting news

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Tom I haven’t talked to him feels like it’s weird because we probably spent the better part of however many how many years have we’ve been doing the show together Tom you know how many years we’ve been doing it you’re unmute well there you go I usually mute

It on the board itself so uh not long enough for me to know what mute and non- mute functions are but this may if you’re including the internship and uh that part of it 15 years 15 years yeah so I think for the better part of 15

Years is the right way to say it we’ve uh had a daily interaction and yesterday we we didn’t like sometimes we go a day occasionally now if we’re on vacation if you’re on vacation I’m on vacation that’s the exception but like as a work day pretty much talk every day and it

Occurred to me yesterday was a simal headlines day you and I have not had a chance to talk on the Jeff Cameron show uh about just the the bombshell nastiness of Florida States uh shall I tort uh and it was a thing of beauty and

I’m still I still I don’t I tried to State it emphatically yesterday and I think I’ve said it in as many ways as I can to people on and off the air like that to me was as big a Fu and we are done here moment as there could possibly be

Delivered like if that were a breakup there is no you’re going to talk to each other in the future there is no I wish you well there’s no at this point when you go after the man and the man’s kid you’ve decided that all bets are off here that is a that’s a

Breakup that ends with I hate you I hope we never see one another again and if we do I hope you trip and fall and hurt yourself I hate you you’re like okay well there’s no ambiguity in that letter I don’t think Susan would like to talk to me ever

Again okay I got it that is that is the end of that it was awesome there’s no well you know they left the door open a little bit no they didn’t no they didn’t this is it’s almost obscene and it’s beautifully obscene it’s just let’s light this on fire it’s

Glorious the did you same way did you not get excited in the same way oh I did I did you know the thing is it’s almost like this representation of Florida State I know there are a couple of holdovers in the athletic office and and maybe some even on the legal team

That you know have been living and dying by the situation for a long time but it’s almost like they’re speaking for everyone over the past 12 years because that’s around the time that the grant of rights was initially signed and and we knew that Florida state was heading down

This path with the ACC long term but a lot of these players you know at the Board of Trustees level the certainly uh the athletic director wasn’t here the president of the University was not here a lot of these guys inherited this situation and yet that document read as

Hey for the last 12 years of what you’ve been doing to everybody not just us long before we got here this is for you pal and it’s you know and it’s a middle finger and yes it was nice to see nepotism and Swafford get thrown around

There left and right as one of the principal keys to it they spe specifically named him instead of using ACC in the place of John Swafford and then they went after Chad and that too was great and I cannot stop chuckling that the man’s name is

Chad it was so perfect it’d be like going after a woman who was insufferable and her name is Karen you just couldn’t believe it worked out so perfectly and I was the more I read it I thought thought oh well that is so perfect but it also

Answered some questions and I I think that’s the other part of it it’s sort of the what would they be willing to do how far are they willing to go and you know way back after that original Board of Trustees meeting Tom I remember saying

To you on the air and we talked about this a little bit and we we we said don’t underestimate the significance of the willingness to put that on video Don’t underes estimate how important it is that they not only chose to say what they said but they did it

Knowing that the world was watching because to me that is overwhelming evidence that they were willing to go the distance you’ve now you you that’s a shot across the bow it is and and I said at the time it’s not a jab it’s a declaration of war you have just told

Everybody else in the conference that’s what I’m saying this is where I’m getting to and then if they needed affirmation they got it a couple days ago but it you have just told everybody in the conference yo the time is now let’s go you know and the question

Was going to be sort of uh whether or not you had your ducks in a row whether or not you understood to the degree that needed to be understood what was coming back at you this second you did it um you know I I it it made me think

Of only it’s timed right uh the famed clip uh the the Leroy Jenkins bit Florida State yelled Leroy it just went in and they’re like damn it Leroy like that’s the ACC Furious and I’m thinking yeah man that’s it we time’s up so yeah that that’s what he says in the

Beginning and that’s where Boston College and wake and Duke go no no no no no Noy what are you doing yeah yeah yeah time’s up let’s do this Leroy I mean that’s that’s it what it was and and the thing is that now you’re starting to see

The language I saw in the last week of North Carolina’s Chancellor Which flies in the face of Cunningham’s language which is what we know North Carolina to have been in this process Cowardly Cowardly like son cowardly man when there’s this much teeth this many teeth and I’m not saying that Florida State’s

Going to get out for zero dollars they’re not but a lot of people thought this was going to be a house of cards they buildt it up oh that’s a weak case that’s I mean Florida State come on guys you’re complicit in every step of the way and Florida State brings its first

Uh lawsuit or whatever you want it it’s first action then the amended complaint and you see that there are layers upon layers here that they can bring to a settlement negotiating table what’s your excuse Clemson what’s your excuse North Carolina why weren’t you on the ground with us initially because this evidence

Is for everybody to consume it is but you know it’s interesting this is what happens when you’re at the Forefront and you’re exacting change and you are a Trailblazer and I’m not trying to paint Florida State as heroic Florida state is rightfully understandably desperate but

In the right kind of way you have to there comes a time there’s a moment there’s a line drawn where you decide all right am I in or am I out what am I doing here I understand that all that comes with this like if you want to

Bring it back to a sports conversation if you want to bring it back to um you know a training type regiment there there’s this idea that you have at some point where you say you know I I’d really like to get in the best shape of

My life well anybody could say that I mean you and I could sit around over a couple of beers and in an offseason and say you know I think this year this next year is going to be different I’m gonna I’m going to get get after it I’m gonna

I’m going to train okay well what are you training for well I want it’s not that that I want to look good I want to train for something I want to I have a goal what’s your goal well I I’d really one day like to compete in the Iron Man

Whoa whoa whoa whoa this is this’s world of difference here you know I I I love going to Orange Theory Orange Theory Fitness is awesome it is not the same as deciding at the sacrifice of everything else that I do out here in the non-fitness world I’m going to do this

This pursuit of an impossibly difficult race right I have to swim every day I’ve gotta run I’ve got to do all these things I Gotta Eat Right I gotta go to bed on time I can’t have a sip of alcohol I gotta I gotta give it all up

I’m all in at some point you just say I’m in I’m in I’m doing it I’m doing it well Florida state recognized right ful you know this isn’t going to work guys if you look at what we decided to do years ago when we built this incredible facade at do Campbell

Stadium and invested in being an elite football program because we understood the economic impact and we understood what it would do for the university the growth of the university the academic side the total enrollment as well as what it did for all of the other programs athletic programs and

What it would do for the department so they understood that by aning up and going all in that was a decision you really can’t go back on you can’t decide oh nope nope didn’t mean it you’re all in everything that you’re you’re gearing towards is dependent on that

Commitment and the success now you know you’re not going to have a a uh success in perpetuity I mean you have up years and down years but you can’t have too many of them or you end up like Nebraska and you can’t have too many of

Them where you just go away you become obsolete as we say on the show you go the way of the dodo or state couldn’t afford to do that and where we’ve been angst ridden in the past Tom as uh as as nolles and as those covering the program

There have been some stretches there the Lost decade for example and then just after Jimbo where you go oh this is getting uncomfortable this is going on too long this is uh too many years in the wilderness one too many times out there at the back of the bar in the

Alley by the dumpster getting kicked dirt in the face right we we got to start turning this around and force they did they they’ve been able to do it in this case they their their future their existence their who they are their identity was on the line and so

Somewhere along the way they recognize uh rightfully so it’s a matter of Economics oh well the Landscapes changed and we need to change with it and if this conference can’t then we can’t be here and we’re g to go ahead and sound the alarms now it’s not I I don’t know

If they thought that others would recognize what is plainly obvious I don’t know how these other institutions uh didn’t think to themselves you know they’re right they’re really really right only to say that maybe perhaps the arrangement for many teams in the ACC is just fine they’re very comfortable at Wake Forest

With the arrangement they’re very comfortable at Boston College with the arrangement they know they’re not what we are I’m not trying to be dismissive of what they are as academic institutions I’m talking about the nuts and bolts of running a successful powerful dominant elite football program those programs recognize they’re

Probably getting what they should get if you’re wake and BC and Syracuse and the rest of these half ass schools that don’t matter in the big picture of college football then you’re probably happy with the arrangement but Florida State can’t afford to be can’t be period ever in

That situation not for a prolonged period of time and Clemson should know that should recognize that North Carolina should too I mean I’m sure they figured out a long time ago it ain’t basketball baby that somewhat Irrelevant in the big picture your history be damned pretty sure Miami recognized it I

Don’t know if they care to compete but that’s the point like you’ve got to do what’s in your best interest and I wondered at the time I think maybe to a point we all did do they understand that this will be for blood because once you make the Declaration that I’m describing

You have just declared war on the on the conference and the conference is now going to have to come back in whatever way they can to defend themselves because if they lose Florida state they’re pretty much about to lose any chance they have longterm of competing on equal footing with the power

Conferences that remain the power two well that’s the delusion that they believe they cannot compete they are not competing on the same footing as the power two it’s not happening and it won’t happen if in the best case scenario for the ACC until the middle part of the next decade when they can

Come up with a negotiation and at that point they can see what they’re worth but not competing at the same level you have the college football playoff chairman whatever Bill Hancock’s title is right now with the playoff committee and the playoff organization saying that we are a so-called power five conference

So-called you’re not we’re not one of them we’re not in the club the ACC is not in the club and to your point this is what happens when a majority or enough votes that don’t get cast in an organization are not a part of the club themselves and they know they’ll never

Be a part of the club so this is okay by me like Boston College for example we’ve been in a corporate setting or two that’s where we first met was in a corporate setting you know how many good people got laid off by the corporation that were so much more qualified and

Productive than somebody who got left on board why did that person stay and the other one go not politics their salary was too low they’re like the office cockroach you know and that’s that’s what happens in Corporate America is oh well he doesn’t get paid enough so let’s

Keep him around or what what he should be paid let’s cut this other person make them work double like that was me 12 10 years ago I got lucky because I was on hourly not salary but in a way that’s Boston College right now their value you

Know Boston College they just like there this whole time they’re going they’re not saying a word no they won’t say anything back and forth they’re going how long how long do you think this lasts how long before they figure it out because how long till they wake up and

Go this is ridiculous well speaking of wake wake up Wake Forest tells you that they’re one of the fastest growing institutions one of the fastest growing 106% increase this and that yeah if that was actually true and let’s say that they were then they would want out too

Because this is a bad deal for them it’s a bad deal for you wake why don’t you acknowledge it it’s a bad deal for you because they know it’s not it’s a great deal for them it’s been a great deal for them and by the way let me answer this

Life spectator I’m not putting North Carolina football in the same Strat as FSU and Clemson in terms of onfield success I’m talking about their value to the big two and they understand that they are immensely valuable some would say more valuable in a lot of ways than Clemson and maybe even Florida State

North Carolina is desired by the SEC and buy the Big 10 they have a landing spot they should recognize that as being vitally important because it’s all the money it’s all the money go go be part part of the mass Exodus this second class conference cannot compete and they

Don’t seem to have an understanding uh of just how dire the circumstances are or they would not have answered so many of these direct questions with deflections time and again and now the gloves are off yes now they’re answering and they’re doing so uh I’d say rather significantly they are announcing their

Presence with authority they fired back and Florida State as I said at the outset said allow me to return shorts and now you wonder where is this going to go because I got to believe there’s more in the coffers let’s go get it out there baby this is where the ugliness if

You had sought to avoid this had they known that the second volley was going to be oh yeah well John swafford’s a crook who set his son up for success and steered contracts to to Ray comp so that they can continue to steal money whoa whoa whoa what fellas we’re having a

Conversation about the confer what are you what is that I mean you’re that’s beyond a bisch that is that is altering uh the way a man’s career and Legacy is viewed this changes the dynamic of the way families are spoken of you have just decided to uh Skip and and go straight

To Third Base from first we’re we’re over here at second base you can’t across the D oh we’re cutting across the diamond I ain’t got time for all this you want to come back with something come on and like it’s funny to watch it’s funny to watch and it’s also

Affirming that’s my point when when they did it when I sat and read that piece yesterday morning that one of the best coffee moments in the last several months that I’ve had you guys all know I like to get up early have some coffee and chill out and enjoy the the few

Minutes of silence I get in a day and and the kids are asleep and my dog is asleep and my wife is asleep and I read a couple of things and I sip my cup and I see what the weather’s going to be

Like and I be an old man I love it and I’m I’m reading that article Tom and I’m laughing I’m chuckling this is Fant I want to call you I almost called you right then there like I wonder if he’s up this is one of the coolest things

I’ve ever read this is a suck it moment so I knew that something was coming Monday night because Ira called me around 6:45 5 650 p.m. he said hey got got wind that you know this amended complaint is coming down so the smash turned into like a recruiting chat

Because Ira needed to go parse through that there’s a lot of documents you got to take a look here’s the first one it’s x amount of pages here’s the second one it’s nearly 60 Pages all right what the hell is different between a and b and

Then I roll so nothing came of it until I was already asleep I rolled over halfway through the night said and I wondered I pulled up Social which I never do and I said I wondered did we write did did he post and sure enough

Yeah it was he did and he’s like and they brought the fire I was like okay okay so let’s read this thing and it’s awesome but here’s the thing that’s coming here’s my prediction and I don’t think it’s really that difficult of one I’m not going out on a limb here here’s

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Out more go to Orange Theory the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out warchant .c today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s conversation it’s like we were talking during the break Tom it’s like why people like succession it’s like you get

Into the the the gloves are off phase uh and and people fighting for their existence things happen things get said and you know we can all relate you know there’s a there’s a you could say well you know this is something that is extrapolated immensely but it’s a microcosm of certain arguments you’ve

Had in the workplace or in certain relationships when the rubber met the road and things had to be said and we had to Define our terms let’s define our terms what are you mad about what am I mad about what are we actually arguing about and then

You know who’s willing to go all the way in in this discussion and expose feelings and vulnerabilities and all this stuff and you know it’s a lot different if it’s somebody you love this is much more uh ugly and in in combative because there’s no love lost here this

Isn’t like oh we’d like to preserve this thing we’d like to see this work out this is an Fu I I don’t care I can’t survive if this continues the way that it’s going and so here’s here it is and there it is this is the Jack Black punting

Oh what do you love you destroy the only thing I love what you that’s it that’s where we’re at so here’s the prediction it’s already happened in a way once but if you looked at what’s going on with North Carolina you’ve got their athletic director calling out Florida State for

Barking quote unquote in the past recent past their Chancellor said in this past week that he hopes they don’t have to cut some of their 28 sports that they are so proud they’re so proud of Carolina with 28 different programs they hope they don’t have to cut any that

Chancellor was talking about financial realities including nil in this day and age but then their version of Peter Collins their Board of Trustees chair said and and here’s a couple of lines there’s more I think that we all just need to realize that it’s a new day in

College athletics than it was when the ACC was created he also says if the current financial model of the Atlantic Coast Conference doesn’t improve then it would cause real concern about how Carolina could continue to maintain its excellence in athletics so here is my prediction that’s already the first Echo

Be prepared for Echoes from different corners of this conference like at Clemson and maybe a couple of others that are going to say the exact same thing that we were saying last year it reminds me of a couple of years ago when I was in between the old place of

Employment and warchant I took a a sabatical I took a month I went up north to go see some family up here and as I was getting up here the doors were just opening from covid like the lights were coming on restaurants bars and the people sounded exactly the same as we

Did in Florida a few months earlier was like oh thank God we’re back like I told my wife it’s like it’s going it’s like going back into a time machine I’m hearing Echoes it’s the same thing that we were experiencing it’s wild to see that a few months later down the line

That is what’s going to happen here it’s going to drive us nuts as Florida State fans and as you put it as Trailblazers but be prepared the Board of Trustees chair from North Carolina is the first but there are going to be another handful or two of Power Players in this

Conference that are going to sound just like we did last year well okay and I’ll continue down that path when we were critical now I don’t want to relitigate all of this and there were some things that I could have said differently but at the time that I thought Bobby bow

Needed to step down at FSU this was a debate amongst the fan base we all went back and forth and was there a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this and what what were we in the midst of doing and what should happen and how

Long should somebody get to to write the ship and all this stuff right and I remember the thing that aggravated me the most and you remember this because I said it over and over again these same folks these talking heads at ESPN that are ripping those that are on the side of moving

On are the same ones that every Saturday when Florida State loses to somebody they ought not lose to to somebody who has less talent and it’s and it’s decisive and they’re in midst of having a five loss or six loss season that rips our asses for being terrible in football

That just goes prattling on and on about how bad Florida state is but God forbid anybody else says yeah man I know we need to make a change we got to do something it’s unfortunate it sucks it’s sad it’s all these things but this ain’t it this isn’t going to get it

Done so you can’t make fun of us for losing left and right and then when somebody says we should be able to make a change without being ridiculed nationally and then come back and ridicule us nationally you can’t do it and we knew this is exactly what was

Going to happen the second that Flor State’s case had some teeth and the second that they realiz began to realize that maybe just maybe they’re in the same set of dire circumstances that Florida State finds themselves in and that perhaps Florida State about the economics anyhow is

Right they’re going to start singing the same tune to your point they’re gonna say those same things that they were mocking and ridiculing when Florida State’s Board of tristes first brought it up they didn’t like are you this the other part of it this is about the wi

And she’s aspect of this conference so they got all up in arms because Florida State got a little boisterous in the meetings over in Jacksonville and things went from a calm tone a respectful conversation to perhaps voices were elevated in the room this is what happens when there’s a lot

At stake this is what happens when there’s a lot on the line and you don’t feel that you’re being heard at some point having very very very even Keel decorum in the midst of a very serious discussion fails it wanes because the desperation and the anger and the

Frustration grows and people who are frustrated and scared and fighting for their life don’t talk in calm even tones to those who aren’t listening about the desperate nature of their predicament so this is how those kinds of conversations get elevated to a place of well this is downright ugly you

You’re right it is ugly and it’s going to get uglier because you’re not hearing me so here you go again this is John prior not to be confused with John Shire Mike Patrick how you doing hope you’re listening this is something that you’re gonna it’s going to sound very familiar

To you because we had talked at length about football is the last one out the door like when you’re talking about you’re going to cut down programs you’re going to cut down expenses like football will always remain for as long as possible because this is Florida State

This is a move if you’re trying to get out of the conference that saves your program all your sports like this football will be the last to get hurt and to that to that point here he is we have a proud tradition of excellence in a lot of these Olympic sports from

Women’s soccer to women’s field hockey we’re so lucky to have Aaron Matson as the field hockey head coach and so lucky to have Jenny Levy with women’s lacrosse and so on obviously we have to look at the expense of those Olympic sports and what we might be able to do to offset

That expense and cost in future by increasing Revenue it’s your conversation the conversation we had which is you like Lonnie being around you like the softball team you like the soft do you like soccer national championships yeah you want to compete in basketball it’s on delay part of me

Thinks this is what makes me mad they knew it all along with the economic situation was at an institution like North Carolina they knew this was coming so did they posture because they thought that we couldn’t penetrate the grant of rights poor phrasing I suppose but it is

Considered Ironclad were they were they fearful that we couldn’t do that so and if they were then what were their lawyers looking at because I’m assuming they’re one of The Magnificent Seven that sent lawyers to review these documents over the years well remember this is where the political happens

Because you have a lot of relationships and this gets into the oh what a you know tingled web we weave discussion this is where that goes I mean uh life spectator who has familiarity of that region I know for a fact is right to point out that UNCC ad Bubba cting ham

And sford are best friends so what else would you expect there’s a lot of that best friend this and those that benefited from The Good Old Boy network for years and years and years you can find any number of periodicals when you know you’ve got Swafford pounding his

Chest about what they were able to do with ESPN and the ACC Network and Swafford I mean they’re old boys like so John Skipper and Swafford are longtime North Carolina friends and they both openly say on the record that one of the reasons they wanted to make this deal

Work was because they wanted Ray comp to continue to exist that’s in periodicals of the time like press releases yeah so they left the part out of but because my son works there they left that part out but you can see it they’re at the 19th

Hole at pineur well look my son’s just not as smart as I am so John what can you do for him well John here’s what I can do for you well hey by the way not for nothing I thought that was fascinating to the name John Skipper got

Mentioned just that was just sort of like Hey we’re not going there yet that’s a different thing but just make it so that it’s in the document so he sees it it’s so you know it’s like it’s like walking past somebody that uh you have a problem with but you hadn’t

Reached that place yet where it’s going to become either physical or you’re going to to confront them down the line if things continue in this manner and as you pass them the setting isn’t quite right but you’re able to give the two fingers to my eyes two fingers

Back to you moment and just or the knowing nod and everybody it’s that’s what that was like hey man don’t think we don’t know that’s all that is and it’s I’ll tell you it it’s a movie I mean it’s a good movie you somebody in the chat yesterday did a great job of

You know Cy the line for Michael Clayton which is one of my three favorite movies um but you think you got the horses for that one of the great lines you know right there clo and him back back and forth on the street you’re like oh and

You think you got the horses for that you’re like here we go and I was thinking the same thing like yeah we do yeah we do we think we have the horses for that and now it gets I just can’t wait there’s gonna be a retort and it’ll

Be scathing yeah I mean that like Florida State doesn’t so yesterday I was thinking the the lawyers working on behalf of the university in a situation like that Tom are sitting there uh having gone through everything and written up the response there’s a moment one likes to

Almost picture it from a movie over of a glass of very expensive Scotch perhaps a cigar and you know a den a beautiful Den with a mahogany desk in all of the books and there is the Casual it’s done you want me to hit some on

This me you want me to hit SN on this you realize what’s coming back if I hit SN you want to read this because it’s done yeah you love the moment and the emphatic oh no I know what’s in there please hit send now you wake up the next

Day with the realization we live in a new world that there is going to be something on the way back now you have you better know what’s coming back what I’m interested in and I have no idea did the ACC because many of these people are no longer

Involved Jim Phillips doesn’t have a clue what the hell’s going on he’s like well good God this is getting ugly uh you know poor Jim’s over here flustered clutching his pearls he’s like what is happening everybody this is this seems a little bit nasty you know there’s an

Executive at the CW has seven voicemails and and he’s like seven I work at the CW I never have more than two I’m like all right let’s play the messages Dennis uh this is uh it’s Jim we’re having some difficulties right now as you know with uh Florida State I

Just wanted to pick your brain you know since we’re we’re working partners and Friends you’ve had some experience with disputes just give me a call anytime I mean here’s my cell all all 24 hours Dennis give me a call Dennis it’s it’s Jim again it’s Jim

I know I just called you three hours ago but I was wondering I was hoping you know maybe had some time the third message Dennis I’m sorry to bother you again but this it’s kind of important can you get back to me tonight I I I don’t think this can wait

I don’t think this can just if you would maybe I forgot to leave myself cell just like I thought I might have said 4887 but but it’s actually 4885 yeah just in case sorry if I gave you the wrong number if you could if you

Could get back to me please um yeah that that he’s just like well I didn’t realize how ugly this was going to get guys this is this is maybe we should let him leave maybe we should let it looks like now maybe we should let him leave

We could have avoided all of this well and and you said that that it could end in a moment with a a scotch and a cigar and somebody just going done and they hit the button yeah but don’t you agree that it had to have started with brandy

And two old war vets yeah like SFI and Skipper who were saying you know my son Chad he’s just like the other rest of his generation they’re just not as strong as we were John they’re just not as strong so I’m worried about him what

Do you say for Old Time sake it’s like you know the old district attorney and the old Sheriff having a brandy and they’re saying well my son’s not strong enough to be on the force but I think he do well with the law what do you say he

Clerks for you this summer could he clerk for you this summer yeah yeah we go way back of course he can clerk for me of course Ray comp can come in for 25 cents in the dollar you’ve got it anything you need pal it’s uh they had to know those are

Smart people on both sides working diligently on this they just had to know from the opening Salvo well this has the potential to get ugly and this is why we were kind of talking about it in those terms like hey you you that was a strong opener that

Was the I mean the first one was just sort of a a nasty email like that first Board of Trustees meeting is a lengthy and considerably nasty email but it portends and at that point you’re the recipient of said email in the triangle and you go whooo call some higher ups before I

Respond to this here I think I think this this could get this could get a little feisty guys this could get a little feisty now we’re talking about people who know where the bodies are buried so we’ve got to re these are delicate times very egg

Shelly kind of stuff going on here guys yeah you know this is um warchant blogger all NOS that’s uh that’s where the ACC was was digging the AC the best they got is war Chan and hey you could do out one of their message boards guys you could do

Worse than War Chan believe me you know there’s this is this is the Pinnacle but that’s what they got we got Swafford nepotism implications of Skipper we got discounts but sure all NOS bring it what you got well I dare say that again he didn’t hit sin without knowing there

Will be blowback here and I’m curious to see what what’s there what’s there I mean it at some point you got to figure something ugly is coming back your way and is there a third level are we going to get down in the muck even further is there will Mistresses be brought to

Light I mean where are we going to go guys come in here they brought up Lisa Stan remember her I do oh do I she’s in the latest document guys the Christmas party oh no that was a good Christmas party though wasn’t it it’s Jeff cry sh33 real

Talk radio warchant TV your local news now a Greyhound bus and a car collided on a northern Alabama Road killing a man and injuring the bus driver and eight bus passengers the bus was traveling from Tallahasse to Nashville the crash happened shortly after 10 p.m. Monday

Sydney C Benson 23 years old of Ardmore Alabama was killed in the wreck authorities said the bus struck Benson’s SUV and then the bus then left the road and overturned the bus driver in eight passenger were injured and taken to hospitals six of the passengers had been released from the hospital by Tuesday

The investigation is ongoing a student organization at Florida State University has been suspended until May 15th of 2025 for disrupting a Board of Trustees meeting back in November members interrupted the meeting chanting free free Palestine until police escorted them out fsu’s chapter of students for a Democratic Society have through February

2nd to appeal the decision this is Rachel an with your real talk 93.3 local news update brought to you mamore systems Telles go to Mac store check them out online at mamor this is meteorologist Paul fley with your real talk 93.3 weather update sunny skies this afternoon with daytime highs approaching 64

Northwesterly winds 10 to 15 mph 38 tonight mainly Cloudy Skies expected tomorrow highs level up around 65 mainly clear skies Friday with a high of 68 70 Saturday this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn currently it’s 64° your heating and air conditioning system doesn’t check with you before it takes a break that’s why we’re always ready to help any day anytime anywhere and with our annual service agreement there are no overtime charges ever at bar no heating and air we will always be there for you no Heating and

A86 so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the food is always good I mean everything on the menu everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bug

Chungle as I call it the P Chong Jeff is that the what what is the pork the B Chong Jeff okay the B CH it’s delicious all these things all the items everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is the skill that you possess that you’re particularly

Proud of that nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair Gordo bringing the flavor and flare of Cuban food to Tallahassee since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s I’m in the midst of drafting here Tom and somebody took my guy with the last pick of the draft so

Now I’m stuck I got to go back through this we’ll see I got I got I got options buddy I got options so the sound just ConEd on this is for Pebble I’m I’m assuming yeah the stupid proam that uh they gotta stop this man with all these

Clowns out here playing but I will tell you um I don’t even know if that tournament’s gonna happen there’s all kinds of weather it’s it’s a nightmare out there right now so somebody pick Clint Eastwood before you could we don’t have to take the Walking Dead we take only the professionals so

We’re in good shape there uh yeah yeah no I’m able to he doesn’t swing it anymore does he just sits in the booth and talks I at least I don’t think I don’t even know if he’s doing that anymore I watch so much more golf than I

Ever have and I was already ahead of my time I like golf as a kid I don’t watch the pebble I just don’t I don’t well that it’s the proam it’s the that’s what’s ruined about it I mean I love the golf course obviously yep um you know

It’s it’s enjoyable to take a look at the scenery but it is but I got to tell you the course is a little overrated I think and the back nine especially no the back nine it the back nine is is well I’m going to I want you to to to go

I’ve walked it and I would like you to do the same I I have a suspicion you’ll you’ll revoke that you you’ll take that back playing enjoyment and scenery is one thing but like television purposes yeah you okay you got 10 down the hill

Then 11 up the hill and it’s all a bunch of nonsense until you get to 17 and 18 which are great but there’s just yeah that is a a stunningly beautiful area though I will tell you and and walking that course it’s like oh my goodness

Gracious you can see how it’s one of the rare courses that professionals have admitted they got distracted by the blinding beauty of the hole that they were on okay so 6789 are awesome too but the front’s kind of a whatever start but yes yeah I I would love to have you walk

With me as we play around a golf out there and say now Tom would you reconsider your stance as as I’ve got 152 two in on number seven yeah yeah well no that’s impossible because it’s a short part for it but you get the point

Yeah yeah yeah it’ be fun it’d be fun Eric writes it’s getting kind of fun living here in Alabama being an FSU fan and a former marching Chief yeah it is it’s fun I think it’s fun for all of us to watch Alabama have to see how the

Other half lives I mean that’s been a big part of this Al together it’s been a lot of fun and then I brought this point up yesterday now that we’ve heard from The Young nolles uh and the TR you know the transfers the folks that are making their way in here now

Again I it there’s no guarantee that all of these guys that came over whether it be from Georgia or Alabama significantly Alabama or LSU are going to be home runs but I sure like my chances because many of those guys obviously recruited out of high school Andor juo to a place

Like Alabama for instance uh the the check mark in the box of yeah go ahead and offer him a scholarship had to be made by by one Nick Sabin who doesn’t have a habit of whiffing you know there’s certain criteria that is met to to be able to get a scholarship offer at

Alabama they had it rooll in such a way that you got your choice the crel Crim of the best five stars out there you did you know you could turn five stars away they had so much talent that there were quite literally guys that they went yeah

He’s talented but he’s trouble I don’t want that in my locker room we’re let somebody else have him and it comes back to bite it’s okay most people don’t have that luxury most people see a kid that runs a 4240 and has you know a 40-inch

Vertical and arms that go on for days and they go we got to save him we’ll get him right we’ll get it it’ll be very structured but look at this kid you’re not gonna find another one of these kids you got to get that kid in here we’ll

Take our chances first Sig ain’t gonna work we’ll let him go but I I I don’t want anybody else to have let’s see if we can write the ship here but Nick didn’t have to do that Georgia doesn’t have to do that currently and so when

You get guys like that you’d say all right well they met a very basic criteria of being an Alabama scholarship football player but that’s a pretty damn High bar that’s an elite bar that’s like okay the best of the best of the players available to one and so I I just again I

I’ll take my chances that the guys that were brought in are going to be really good football players are going to be guys that you’re able to get quite a bit out of and maybe right away I’m just so impressed by how they vet players in the

Portal and you’re right there’s a higher chance that somebody’s going to be successful from Miami than say Colorado State or Western Michigan but they can be successful like Braden Fisk was so it doesn’t it doesn’t rule them out sure but I just love the hearing you know the

Comparisons in a way between their past experiences and now specifically yesterday when you’re hearing from Malik Benson and Ferguson as well and Malik is talking about um the Tour of Duty and he’s like I can see why they do that I can see why they do that around here I

Can see why they’ve been as successful as they have because this is very difficult and then TJ’s asked about Nick Sabin and the retirement and he says you know I feel the same Vibe here that I felt there it’s about the work you got

To go go get to work it’s just you know on the one hand I’m happy because Florida state looks like once again we’ll get to know more of these kids there’s more interviews tomorrow that they just bring in players with good heads on their shoulders when when they

Vet them and they find are they going to be fits are they going to be about the effort and the opportunity rather than a promise or the glitz or the Glam I’m impressed by that but then I’m also when I hear Alabama kids come in and say yeah

This is about the same it’s about the same kind of program a lot of similarities between what Nick did and what Mike norell is doing that’s that’s reassuring as hell to hear like we know it you’re winning you’re winning a lot but it’s just that’s nice to hear from

Players who have lived it yeah it’s affirmation but also I just believe and we have all along and I know we got a good next hour here but if if the the root of what you’re doing if the Bedrock of your success is the work you’re going

To be all right I mean that’s the Mantra it’s about hard work hour number two forthcoming stay with Jeff K show 933 real talk radio warchant TV decorating Center we’re your locally owned Benjamin Moore retailer we’re your store for Quality with brilliant and durable paints and a variety of Sheen and thousands of colors we’re your store for service with one-on-one advice for contractors and homeowners we’re your local experts and we’re here to help

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Today with Orange Theory Fitness find out more go to Orange Theory [Applause] broadcasting live from Florida’s capital city this is the Jeff Cameron show brought to you by Orange Theory Fitness on Real Talk 93.3 now stop what you’re doing and listen closely it’s time for the Jeff Cameron show in five 4 4 3 2 good stuff uh so you remember that uh I got

Very excited when I saw video of uh Cam Davis the young man that is going to be part of the group of folks in the backfield totting the rock for the nolles in the upcoming season and um one of the things about Cam Davis that I got excited about was at the time

I talked about the low center of gravity the uh the big legs obviously the strength there and um really the fluidity with which he moved you know he was a guy that I love running backs that have there’s a couple different types of running backs

That I really like but if you have a guy with Incredible balance obviously but has uh the the body type the thickness the strength to go along with it and you move that fluid it’s it’s usually short of uh you know Vision um you know it’s a

Lock that you’re going to be successful there’s just a certain prototype of of kid that you see and you think H that might work and moreover the point I was making is projecting how soon it could work well for any of you that have not

Yet I think Tom’s going to put it up on the screen here on warchant TV if you haven’t seen it yet if you don’t have if you haven’t had a good look at Cam Davis uh well go find him on social media or watch this but look at that

Young man now that is a 510 511 200 plus pound kid that is densely built and when I talk about the ability to come in and play right away and be able to handle the rigor of uh college football of training at this level taking hits you gotta kind of look like

That that dude is thicker bigger stronger than most Juniors and seniors playing running back across the country that is as they say just different built different that guy that’s the guy that when you’re in the Oklahoma drill you count the people in front of you and you see where he is and you

Decide I’m not taking that rep somebody else can wear that ass kicking somebody else can try to get lower than what that kid’s GNA do so Hey listen I’m secure enough in my own sexuality to gush about another man’s figure and I am gushing about his

That is unreal look at him that dude is a Hos he’s gonna contribute right away He’s listed as 220 510 220 pounds on Florida State’s roster this is the one that they they distribute when guys actually sign as part of um you know signing day and they’re on campus

They’re processed I believe it there are a lot of times where you know they’ll say 5’9 I’m like no you’re 5’7 they’ll say they reported Jordan Travis I think was 212 at one point you’re like man you ain’t 212 you’re lucky to be 197 he might have got there he might

Have got there at some point but yeah I know what you’re saying yeah two years ago he they said 212 and then he reported like to he put on his own social like I got up to an all-time high and it was like 210 I’m like oh I see

Okay I see yeah it’s it’s crazy 220 here yeah I buy that I would 100% buy that muscle weighs more than fat look at that guy holy moly again you’re in the line you’re counting I I don’t need this I don’t need this as part of my day I’m

Tired I don’t need to be out here getting trucked by this guy I’m gonna let Steve go get trucked Steve you’re up oh no I oh sorry didn’t realize cam was coming up sorry about that Steve they’re on to you eventually at some point you got to wear it because the third or

Fourth time you do it they’re like hey man no [Laughter] Europe this is uh now a player that climbs to the top five that I really want to see in spring because if there is the the speed or the burst it doesn’t even have to be top end if it’s just

Short area burst that you can go from zero to 60 at that size he could contribute right away the the the fun part about all of this too is that this isn’t a guy that is a hired gun that you got at the last second maybe widely speculated about best and final offer

And he was the one that said yes you know he said yes to Florida State at the end this is somebody who’s been committed to Florida State for years this is a player who’s already been described as a leader in the making if not in his freshman year he will be soon

Right after that somebody who played quarterback in high school so he has s GPA hard worker in the classroom hard worker in the waight room dedicated leadership focused smart ideal teammate built like that it is a gift to be able to bring in a kid who has all of these

Facets I’m telling you I don’t do a lot of talking about kids and recruiting I don’t do a lot of projections for kids that have never played college football in which I give them uh a weighty praise that say I really can’t imagine he doesn’t do anything but kick ass like I

Don’t usually do that because I get that high school football is so much different than big- time college football but I did it with this kid the second I saw his film I went oh okay we got us a guy here and that was just watching the center of gravity the

Fluidity with which he ran the shifting directions at that size and that I mean he is a bulldozer a Boeing ball nobody wants to deal with that you can’t get beneath those pads it’s a problem this is where I hope that the offensive line and you know they thrown a lot of

Poundage at the problem 330 here 320 there uh even the kid from Harvard’s a pretty big player too I think 65 330 so you bring in a lot of those types of players you retain quite a few large bodies hopefully one or two from that class A couple of years ago Elevate and

Get into that rotation of eight if this offensive line is good if this offensive line is better at running the basics that Florida State wants to run than they were last year if you could put a player like a Ferguson next to a Keandre Jones and because he said he’d play

Center which I found interesting so TJ Ferguson said if I I need to play center I will what if you had it where Darius and TJ and Keandre were your left guard to Your Right Guard and you just want to run straight ahead with players like kaziah Holmes with players like royell

Williams and this young man and Cam Davis we could turn into a bully of an offense in short order but the offensive line has to to be the thing that changes from year over year because we do have dudes now that know how to run downhill

Run hard I think the offense is going to be better than last year and I and I’ve said it I’ve hinted at it I’ve talked about it I I didn’t love the offense last year part of that was injury part of that was knowing you could win kind of

Falling back on your defense and protecting your quarterback and part of that was obviously the offensive line was a disappointment so you had injury that weighed into this you had some precautionary measures that you were taking which limited which limited your offense and then you had an offensive

Line that underwhelmed there’s just no way around it part of that was injury too so you marry all those things together and you kind of had you know inconsistencies and look if the offense could have stayed healthy we saw what they could be early in the season where

They were moving the ball exceptionally well and they actually had a measure of a deep threat like I think we only remember Keon Coleman for the back half of the season but if you go back to that LSU game and you go back to those early games Keon got by people he had

Requisite enough speed to to create the to dial up the downfield play when he had the the injuries begin to mount and then eventually what we think was a a deep thigh contusion and he really couldn’t really let it go he became a different player he was a possession

Receiver and even then you know he was he was not a threat to beat you over the top Johnny Wilson missing a couple games and also not ever being a burner meant that you know you didn’t get the matchups you wanted and he certainly couldn’t stretch the field in the way

That he’s capable of if he’s healthy don’t forget Hakeem Williams who had shown signs of having some top end speed even in that one touchdown run you began to see what he could be but you know he got hurt and then obviously vvus Jacobs really didn’t contribute and you

Had had Dustin Hills injury who’s the burner of the group and you just didn’t have it and now there is a concerted effort to change your identity of who you are and it’s the it’s what you’re pointing out about the beef in the middle you go out and get those linemen

And you got other guys that you brought back in for the purpose that you like that size you might have a chance I mean God forbid you got a healthy Robert Scott out there at left tackle I don’t know we’ll see I’ll believe it when I

See it I don’t trust it but also Simmons I don’t know how much he’s going to contribute a lot of people think it’ll be longer down the road than I anticipate because I think that a full off season of being able to get after it in the weight room with those feet and

The natural size at 6 foot eight 300 plus pounds means he could really be a factor in in this season he could be I’m not saying he will be but it wouldn’t be shocking to me so now if you’re gonna if you’re G to be able to to bully people

At the line of scrimmage and run the football we know what Mike does with creating the extra Gap what Mike does off of that the explo explosives that you can dial up off of that now that you brought in the speed at wide receiver you got two burners that you brought in

At wide receiver I listen I just you got a quarterback who specializes in that throw that is the Deep ball that’s the big arm that’s what he has he’s not terribly accurate game to game he’s not wildly consistent he’s pretty good and he’s played a lot of football and he’s

65 250 himself short yarded situations Florida State’s going to be very difficult to stop and by the way you don’t have to really protect him Brock Glenn’s going to come a long way during these two camps that he’s going to have before this season he got it was baptism

By fire with him last year the poor man has to go out and start a game that he wasn’t prepared to start and didn’t know he was GNA have to start and then he has to play in the Georgia game and you got 20s something dudes out and he still I

Thought acquitted himself pretty well I thought he grew a lot from the Louisville game to the Georgia game I to the point where I was prepared to take a few lumps and start Brock Glenn this year but they decided to go Bridge so they go Bridge quarterback with a guy

That’s played a ton and had a real good year at Oregon State and does have that big arm and is that big body and has played a ton of football so you don’t have to take the step back but here’s the deal what do you really owe him

Let’s go you run him where you want to run him and I hope he’s fine he’s a big strong kid I hope he doesn’t get hurt of course I hope he doesn’t get hurt but if he does you got Brock Brock will be fine it’s you can really let it fly is my

Point you can let it go here and I think you’re seeing what they’re trying to engineer what they’re what they’re hoping they can be we don’t know if it will be successful but I have a hunch that it’s going to be I’m bullish on this offense

I can kind of see where this could go and I think they could be more consistent I nobody ever knows about injury luck and so I mean all bets are off if people get hurt well yeah that’s the case and if it’s the same injury luck as last year then we’re screwed CU

You know we we had such good veteran depth this past season that you could absorb all of that and still win 13 games now I think you’ve got depth this year but it’s not proven the way it was in 2023 so you do need things to even

Out a little bit I’m not even saying go your way just how about they they even out but I do like the idea that you have built on offense a couple of different things it’s like the Home Run Ball but then also the ground and pound and I

Just I want to see how that materializes in practice uh both camps are going to be interesting and you know I don’t know they’re going to break out a lot of wrinkles but do we have to deviate away from the interior of the offensive line

If we need a yard or have we built up enough beef and have we built up enough toughness on the ground like kaziah doesn’t run meekly he doesn’t neither does Roy Dell neither will this kid and if you have DJ in addition to all of that and his size

I mean come on man how about we are a team that imposes that that’s that would be a different dimension there’s always trade-offs there’s always going to be a trade-off if you want to specialize in one thing you’re going to give up another but to me it looks like they

Want track meat on the outside yeah and then they want trench war on the inside and I’m all for that that could be a lot of fun to watch let’s take another look at him before the break look at this kid again for those that tuned in a little

Late here you go this is what this guy looks like that’s a monster by the way he’s young as hell yeah 17 is that right yeah he should be going to prom God bless the poor people had to tackle this man over the next three years I mean think about that the only

Thing that that could be missing in this equation because he’s got the size we can clearly see that would be speed for the college game I I don’t know Vision hands yeah but you you’ve got Vision if you’re being recruited the way he was recruited like that shows up on film we

Can see that he can see like yeah like Jimbo used to say if I have to teach you how to run the football or see things and you know you’re not here so and he he knows he knows the entirety of an offense he was a quarterback and then

ALS quarterback runs require more Vision than any of them because you got to invent ways to create space for yourself whether it’s pocket presence or whether it’s breaking the pocket and getting out in the open yeah this could be a lot of fun and I like the number good choice on

Number three there cam he looks 25 years old he looks like if if somebody if if you didn’t know his backstory and somebody showed you a picture a camp in the NFL they’re like oh the Giants broke camp this week and you just like were looking at the

Pictures online and that guy was in the picture you’d be like yeah looks like an NFL running back look at that dude that’s a big dude that’s I mean that’s what you would say you just keep you wouldn’t even think anything of it you just keep clicking like they all look

Like that in the NFL they’re all monsters they’re all freak ass athletes they’re all huge guys like that’s a grown ass man and he’s Ours by the way the battle’s in uh on a good run here on a really good run here and I talked to Ingram yesterday had a good conversation with

Him and I won’t get into that but I will say that um somebody just posted here that battles in just signed Lucas and uh you know I think we’re all he kind of got lost in the shuffle Tom because you had all the guys out there that you had

But when we got him he was the number one lineman that we were bringing in this was the guy that you thought oh well dude could be I think they’re talking about uh Jaylen Lucas but oh okay well they they Lucas Simmons I I believe that they are

They’re well acquainted at the battles end with with Lucas well I know they are and they were you know obviously very excited about him and to me that was and that’s why I got excited because I he’s who’s on my mind yep when you brought

That guy in he was a star in the making they talked about his feet the length he has the measurements to be a starting left tackle in the National Football League and then we didn’t get to see him so you have a lot of potential that you haven’t either seen yet or gotten

Anything out of yet that if you if if if 75% of what we’re projecting comes to pass Florida State’s in a very good position to have I think a more successful offense this upcoming year it’s the Jeff cam show 933 real talk radio and warchant TV Excellence defines us so we’ll never

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S and uh or or ma’am and uh I’m going to enjoy some of the uh the pre-made well put together delicious meals and I might add two servings of banana pudding will be thrown into the mix my call has been answered for the greatness of banana pudding and it’s

From social kitchen go by there you’ll see talk to Chef Chris ask him anything about cooking buddy that dude knows it I learned a ton in like 10 minutes of being there and then I looked like I yeah I lied I I I took the meats that I

Got I prepared them the way that Chef Chris told me to I cook them the way that he told me to and then when my kids said dad you did a great job I said I studied for hours I care about you you’ll just never

Understand and I got a lot of credit for that so you can do the same go in there get the secrets you got to rub your meats and once you do you’ll be happy and your family will be happy everybody will celebrate and now I’ve got I’ve got a

Plan in place and at least at least once a week I go by the the other thing about it is they have uh you know pre-planned put together meals for you that are fresh made that day you can go in there swinging there and be like I don’t have

Time tonight guys here’s food for four heat it up you’re good to go good times man I feel like you’ve got a missed opportunity there um I know that you have to do the informational spot during commercial breaks when you first launch a campaign but I I do believe that

Rubbing your Meats with Jeff Cameron can be a featured 30 second it could be the 30 second spot for or or the 60-second spot yeah for this particular client and I think it would do well I think you’d get some good return on on those advertisements we can do it live too I

Could segue right in it’s time to rub your meat with me Jeff Cameron and here we go by the way Jaylen Dali knows what I’m talking about that banana pudding there is no joke it is delicious you just add it in there just add it on in there it’s

Uh it’s fantastic like I I you know I made I said the thing about banana pudding a few weeks ago because it was the holiday and I was like I haven’t had banana pudding in years the way I remembered it was good but it’s been a minute I don’t know if

I’ll and then Matt Thompson called me and said we make banana pudding it’s the best you’ve ever had I I’ll I’ll get you some if you’d like to try it and that’s how it happened and he’s not lying it’s good promo code meat rubbing for 20% off your

Next banana there you go hashtag time to rub that meat but you know I’ve Gotten Good at that many years of experience and now I know exactly uh what you got to do and I got pointers and now it’s better than ever so there you go just like that just like

That I uh I wanted to go back to what I was talking about with h Simmons one final point on that ribbon on that I’m happy for that kid man cuz when you have high expectations and opport unities that lay before you and it’s kind of taken away through no fault

Of your own and I won’t get into that there’s nothing nothing salacious about any of this it’s just that you had to be very careful and make sure he was long-term going to be healthy enough to play football and he’s got the full okay to do so now that’s all that matters and

So that’s that’s that’s huge because by all accounts that’s a great kid who’s really willing to put in the work and uh I’m rooting for that to happen I think that this could be uh a year where he gets on the field field and contributes you know the guy

That we didn’t talk about and we never talk about and I frankly am kind of surprised that he’s still on the team and I don’t mean that negatively I just the way that modern college football works and the way that kids lose patience and are disgruntled and I don’t

Necessarily resent that it kind of stinks you lose kids a little prematurely but uh Julian armella uh what do we think what do we think I mean there are days Tom we’ve brought it up many times there are days on this in the practice regiments that

We see where he’s really good and looks like a a star in the making and there are days where you’re like H it’s just not happening does he take another big step forward are we adding him to the list of reasons the offensive line will be better in 2024 than it was in

2023 I think he’s got a crack at being in that eight-man rotation it’s just that they’ve retained so much that it’s hard for me to say that you know he’s a shoe in to be a part of that eight-man rotation um the negative I’ll get that out of the

Way first he’s on the ground too much you know those bad reps he ends up on the ground too much and and that that can’t happen that’s a tough thing uh you know when it was Jared verse and you were a true freshman understandable understandable 100% get why Jared verse

Might put your butt in the ground you get to the second year you need to see a little bit less of that and it was less but I don’t know how much less and the thing is here here’s positive is that his good reps are legit his good reps are everything that

Everybody hoped that Julian ARA would be he’s athletic enough he’s strong enough is just the consistency factor I don’t think he’s out of shape uh that’s another sometimes kids they’re out of shape and they and there’s a lack of commitment there and that’s the last positive I’d say there were there have

Been Whispers over Julian’s time here about commitment man I’m telling you anytime they crank up a cinematic recap and I don’t think he’s doing it for the glitz and the Glam like when Tim t used to find cameras any time like the ACC Championship who is holding the cooler

To dump on Mike norell who is front and center and Mike norell is giving one of his speeches after the game is over like armela is there he’s locked in so I think there’s a commitment there I think he’s in shape and his good reps are good

It’s just those bad reps are holding him back because they’re not you can’t win with that not not with that lack of consistency so this is a year of consistency for him if he nails that then he’ll climb up and he’ll be a contender in the top eight I was watching

Um is it the Senior Bowl that they’re preparing for right now I was flipping around I had it on mute uh on the NFL Network and I was watching the Reps being taken at various position groups and did you see the footage today from Jem

Bell the uh the Deep out route yeah so he’s he just he I mean he’s being held the whole time he just Powers through and oh it’s unbelievable and it makes you mad not at him at all you’re happy for him but it is very clear to me that

He is now 100% healthy and I’ll tell you add him to the list but he’s one of those guys that uh last year when you saw that speed and that strength in the LSU game and really subsequently a couple of other games early you thought that’s a massive Difference Maker and upon

Reflection watching that rep today uh I’ll see if I could find that rep and post it but he just I mean he is being held by a linebacker and he just I mean he this guy and runs through it’s unbelievable and it’s power it is speed makes the catch afterwards and you

Go I didn’t see any of that I didn’t see any of that really post I mean like all the way back to Boston College I mean that the injury to that ankle never healed and it’s so aggravating yeah again if we can uh speak to coach Norvell before Springtime just to Mike I

Know that you want to move forward but can we can we get some clarity on just how hurt that team was because oh buddy we can guess but how just how hurt were they because a lot of guys played through a lot of freaking nonsense so we

Were talking a moment ago before the break and I mentioned that I had talked to Ingram and I know Ingram tweeted this out after the disappointment uh in the the Georgia situation and he hinted at the fact and he can do that and we really couldn’t at the time but he

Hinted at the fact that a lot of these guys were playing through a lot of things and a lot of people I understand if you’re a fan of another team you roll your eyes and you say everybody’s hurt at the end of the year man they’re very

Degrees of that it’s not always an excuse sometimes it’s an explanation but this is a reality many of those players that would have been playing for FSU on that day did not skip at a sheer disappointment or bitter disappointment but rather the minor surgeries they needed before readying

Themselves for what is happening right now this is the Showcase this is the time to go get paid this is where not an exhibition game against Georgia this is where the NFL coaches are to watch you to see what you are this and the combine

And we all know that in prod day this is your chance and to see him run today the way that he ran today the ferocity the speed the size the strength the talent all of that which was not on display I mean for weeks in weeks for FSU let you

Know that he was one of many that were a shell of themselves as the year went on and it got increasingly aggravating I wanted to and this is I guess getting back to the point Mike couldn’t talk about it coaches are very very aware of

What to say and what not to say if they’re paying attention you can’t first of all you’re not going to discuss players Health you’re just not GNA do it if you can avoid it you’re gonna avoid it especially if a guy plans to play so if he’s gonna play for you you’re

Certainly not going to tell the opposing coach that hey he’s at 60% so you’re not g to bring that up so any observation we may have that hey he looks a lot slower I mean I started telling you weeks before the end of the season that Keon Coleman didn’t look anything like Keon

Coleman yeah and I would I would just turn and go man that dude is just an average wide receiver right now he’s not anything special and that’s not me being critical of Keon Coleman that was me pointing out he’s not healthy and we really brought it up every time we did

The pregame show together we would try to hint hint hint at hey let’s see what Jem Bell has today because I wanted to get say the next sense which was a whole lot of nothing for weeks and now you you realize that it’s all the more amazing a they went 13 and0

But now is the time that you could as we go into spring if you talk to to Mike he could say it because there’s nothing at stake anymore I mean they’ve moved on they they’ve gotten healthy they’re working out they’re doing great things and it’s going to be a new year you can

Say without it sounding like a batch of excuses yeah man we were up against it last year it’s it’s amazing Han a lot of people have to deal with it you don’t have to focus on it you don’t have to spend all your time um you know trying

To explain away certain aspects of things that didn’t go well but you can just straight up tell people I’ve not had many years like that I remember talking to a coach years ago uh and they they were saying well there’s no accounting for that you know football is

A war of attrition we all know that it’s it’s cliche to say but it’s true you don’t know in any given year if you’re gonna lose Five Guys on one side of the ball well how about nine how about eight how about 11 different guys at varying

Points that all play meaningful Reps for you on one side of the ball being seriously compromised that that’s I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in the 26 years I’ve been broadcasting I don’t think I’ve seen that many guys on one side of the ball now I’ve seen years

Where we had a disproportionate amount of injury compared to other teams in the league or other teams that we were facing you know some years it was the kind of years that you back when I’d take calls or we get emails and people would say are we doing the right things

In the training room are we training guys the way we need to be training guys because for whatever reason we’ve got 14 players that have been hurt this year and I’m tired of it and we all get tired of it but sometimes the sports like that

I mean guys fall wrong some guys fall into people some guys make a cut another dude falls on their ankle and that’s what it is yeah and I think the tradeoff for that was 13 13 we were remarkably healthy you know and if we weren’t on the offensive line then that could have

Been a problem as dominant as that team was if they lost two of their starting offensive linemen for the season at any point been in trouble yeah You’re vulnerable you probably still win a lot of those games but You’re vulnerable and now you have a weakness that a team can

Pinpoint last year was last year was very very frustrating one of those guys that was hurt towards the end of the year was Braden Fisk and he’s making waves at the Senior Bowl as well for his Quicks you’re seeing different media Outlets talking about Braden Fisk as

Probably a day two guy where he wasn’t on their Radars at that point which I find interesting maybe the Invitational could have put Braden Fisk on some more people’s Radars because the way he was trending towards the end of the season he got he was on fire at the end they

Could block him nobody could they couldn’t and it was exactly this is what will always drive me nuts because sometimes the extra access makes even more angry I remember in the preseason when he and Jared verse were building up the Rapport together and there’s this one drill that I’ll never forget and I

Hope they’re both all protype players because the story gets better if they’re all protype players but it’s Odell and it’s Braden and it’s Jered and it it’s the whole defensive line but those three members uh of the team one coach two players are just talking over

Different ways that they can scheme up a two-man game a twom man game to to trip up three offensive linemen they know that there’s going to be a double on that side but what can they do with their steps with their shoulders with every little detail of how they rush to

Trick an offensive line to think one thing’s gonna happen and then boom Jared loops around Braden or vice versa or whatever it is and it’s just a it’s chess it’s an exercise that they’re going through and it lasted about a full period which is I mean well over five

Minutes and it was one of the best things I saw because you saw how Braden’s brain Jared’s brain worked in sync about how to get after a quarterback back in a third and obvious situation and it was so awesome but the thing was we didn’t really see a whole

Lot of that on the field in the 12 game season until about November like Florida and Louisville were different and that’s the whole thing that they were working on in preseason camp and you know I just wish we got to see it in the Invitational but hopefully those two

Guys we know Jared stock is where it is but hopefully bradden’s continues to rise because he needed a little surgery to be able to do stuff in the Senior Bowl this week Jared verse made me laugh retweeting Trevor uh is it who’s the Tampa Bay guy um there was that tweet of

How quick Braden Fisk is off the ball and Jared verse wrote he’s too quick he’s too quick he is and uh hey maybe maybe down the line there in Tampa who knows that wouldn’t would be a bad thing be you put him with diabi and um diabi had a good

Year and uh cany man yeah that would be nice that would be very nice those two guys can play yeah bucks hit on low key the buck of hit on on some really nice draft choices here lately hey man they want a playoff game with the amount of

Dead money that Denver’s about to have with all uh unlimited with Mr unlimited saw a picture of the Denver Broncos oh don’t do it saw a picture of the Denver Broncos uh Pro Shop there where you go in and you you get your gear and every one of those Russell

Wilson jerseys are available for very very cheap very very cheap you can get you uh a Russell Wilson Jersey for like 90% off and you could put Mr Unlimited on the back wear it with pride to put it up there in the M cave I just in a

Situation like this as as pretty well run as the Buccaneers organization has been I’m just glad that there’s not enough money for the bucks to even think about making that work no oh that would be a bad move because if we had the money if we had

The money that the glazers like to sell jerseys so like I’m glad that we don’t have the money to do that well and Baker Mayfield’s better than he is so that would be stupid yeah just put it that way it’s Jeff C 933 real talk radio warch TV local news now child labor

Restrictions are one step closer to being eased in Florida currently 16 and 17 year olds in Florida cannot work before 6:30 a.m. or after 11:00 p.m. when school is in session to change that business and industry groups are supporting two proposals that would allow Florida teens to work longer

Senator Burgess is proposing opening the window for 16 and 17 to be allowed to work starting at 5:30 a.m. and ending at midnight this will put Florida in line with seven other states State lawmakers are considering new rules for Florida’s hemp industry a house committee approved a proposal that would limit the dosage

Of any hemp product sold in the state for nearly an hour dozens of people urge State lawmakers to not approve those changes and was defined in the 2018 Federal farm bill as anything from a cannabis plant with a 3% concentration of THC hemp has since become a $16

Billion industry in Florida if pass bill could make up to 90% of hemp products illegal this is Rachel LA with your Ro talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mamore systems Tass goto Mac store check them out online at mamore this is meteorologist Paul

Fley with your real talk 93.3 weather update sunny skies this afternoon with daytime highs approaching 64 northwesterly winds 10 to 15 mph 38 tonight mainly Cloudy Skies expected tomorrow eyes up a lot around 65 mainly clear skies Friday with a high of 68 70 Saturday this report is brought to you

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Help you come back stronger call us now at 85777 7777 so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the food is always good I mean everything on the menu everything a gordo is delicious I always of course get the what the bungal chungle as I call it the Bal Chung Jeff

Is that a what is the pork the B Chong Jeff okay the B Chung it’s delicious all these things all the items everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is a skill that you possess that you’re particularly proud of that

Nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair you’re an Gordo bringing the flavor and flare of Cuban food to Tallahassee since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside

Good to see some for State guys getting attention today wonder if it goes one two three in the draft does it go Caleb Williams Drake May Jaden Daniels could could wonder where pennick goes and then after that how do you have him it’s a big drop off it’s a big drop

Off after that I I guess you know penck obviously as I said after that you can get into great debates about who likes what why do I bring it up well I saw a proposal where afor mentioned Baker Mayfield could be signed sort of a bridge deal three years 80

Million uh you it’s a it’s a Team friendly deal backloaded where after a year there’s a way out and it’s not a huge cap hit both sides could kind of get what they want it also frees you up to um franchise tag a couple of your better players so I it’s interesting I

Wondered if they would do it who else are you going to get in free agency and there’s nobody you’re in a position to draft so let’s say you take him and you you sign him to a Team friendly deal if he’ll do it and then from

There I is there somebody in the second or third round you’d like would you take you know like a like a Michael Pratt from tane man I don’t know you know if you’re asking me specifically there’s nobody I love right now uh and that’s strange because this year is

Considered to be one where there’s a little bit more depth at the quarterback position but you could pay me for bow Knicks you could pay me for JJ McCarthy like no um what about Spencer Rattler look frankly I’d rather take a flyer on Jordan Travis in the fifth or

Sixth round if you’re gonna if you’re going to tell me that we’ve got to take one in the draft and you don’t have one of those Top Flight players man i’ I’d go get a value late and then hope that something works but let that player

Comeing and be a backup it could be the equivalent of Jordan doesn’t have to be Jordan Travis himself but no I’m not enamored with the the middle tier of the quarterbacks in this class so I would try to do what I could do to backload the baker deal make that work but I

Think it’s it’s going to be very interesting to see what the the offensive coordinator hire is and What that particular H who they want I mean they got to bring in who they want the only way that that wouldn’t happen is they would interview the OC and say look

Baker had a good working relationship with Mike and Godwin and uton so we’re going to try and run it back you got to be cool with that if you’re going to take this job and so there could be a dynamic at play there but I’ll be

Fascinated to see what we do you know what’s funny when you do this when you go through and you look at all the quarterbacks that are available to be drafted and the projections and you get down in that group like you were just talking about Jordan

Travis well let me pull this up here because I figured he was like 10th or 11th of the quarterbacks that people are looking at and that’s about right well the one side has him as the ninth quarterback on the board uh others have behind say Joe Milton and Sam

Hartman uh I don’t know that I agree with that but anyhow the point is there’s you know he’s in that neighborhood right um but I’m with you basically after pennick and there’s a thought by the way Jaden Daniels could be the second quarterback off the board that it could

Go Caleb Williams Jaden Daniels Drake May interesting to see but one thing I looked at Jadon Daniels is 6’4 penx is 63 obviously Caleb’s not real tall Drake May yeah 6’4 just said that um Michael Pratt the kid of two lane that people like is 62 Joe Milton who’s not accurate

Enough for my taste is 65 but I didn’t realize Sam Hartman’s only 61 same height as Jordan Travis did you know that I did not know that that doesn’t shock me but so is Caleb Williams Caleb is 61 yeah he’s 61 too if you look at the stats from Caleb

Season it’s good he had to play herob ball he had no choice yeah he’s a talent I just worry about does that create bad habits because you’re G to be going from a place where you need to play herob ball to probably a place where you need

To play herob ball because you’re being drafted by a bad football team I just I wonder if that if that produces some bad habits but yeah like Caleb the way he plays I would have thought it would have read 6’2 and a half 6’3 but at least his player profile is not combined

Measurement at this point is just 61 same as Jordan and I think Jordan is pretty much legitimately about 61 I think that’s accurate would point out that somebody amongst this group of players that I’m about to name will be in the league five years from now and

Probably be good all right you ready to prepare yourself where you’ll go no way and yet you know this is true Phil jakovich kyden slovis Devin lery Brenan Armstrong JT Daniels Tanner Mory Austin Reed one of these guys that we all watched play and kind of rolled our eyes

At various points is gonna be in the league seven years from now you’re like never really thought Devin lry was gonna be much guys look my man it happens all the time that’s funny that you say that because of that list I think it’s far and away Devon lirry who would be that

Guy because good Devin L he’s really good and and you might think he’s been gone for a couple years Louisville uh had the unfortunate day where they caught good Devin ly and Kentucky he made four or five throws in that game I remember because it doing the advanced

Look for the ACC Championship I went well there he is where you been Devin I’m sure that’s the guy that Kentucky thought they were getting well where you been my man I’m talking about dropping it in the bucket 30 yards across the FI watch watch it I was cracking up

Laughing I’m like there he is the good Devon ly has NFL throws in him the good Devon lirry has stretches of time where you’re like that’s an NFL quarterback the bad Devon ly is that kid wouldn’t start from my high school it’s just weird yeah it’s true it’s it’s really

Really weird and uh it’s funny though I always go down to look at like 13 through 25 of the quarterbacks that are listed as eligible for this draft and who’s going to take a flyer who’s going to be free agent because Lord knows nobody would have taken perie I mean he

Was Mr Irrelevant for a reason that was a non- plus career at Iowa State you’re like whatever uh and and here he is but yeah you’re gonna sit there and you’re gonna go look at this Devon lery is a legitimate starting quarterback in the NFL and he’s pretty good he’s pretty

Good it’s funny we’ll remember this conversation if that is correct know that I saw it in for years and years and years on the Jeff Cameron show we would rank these injuries this is a good one thanks for bringing it to our attention Blue Jackets Adam fentii is out eight weeks with a

Lacerated calf cut by a skate blade mentioned it could have been much worse man I gotta tell you though skate blade off the calf eight weeks for the laceration that’s that’s not a light one that’s that’s deep eight weeks that’s we have to put your calf back together deep

Oh Cales something about Cales not quite testicles but still calves are a toughy man you hear about Jimmy no ripped his calf and half jogging around the but Jesus that’s how that conversation goes it’s true you’re like ah and the next time you see him he’s got a limp you know it’s

Permanent Jimmy sorry about that a toughy yeah trying to jug around the block oh no doctor says I’ve got a shot in about six weeks rehab you don’t have a shot you’re gonna be limping for Life pal I hate that I hate that it’s your anchor leg for your golf swing too

Brother The Ripped oh we haven’t had a good one in a while so I’m glad you brought it to our attention I appreciate that greatly I have not had the one where we’re like oh boy I don’t know if I could read this one had that

Uh we had a couple of those in our time together Tom including the ruptured testicle oh yeah yeah I think uh kmat suoi had a particularly disgusting one too uh you could just look up kmat sui injury I think it when he was with Houston and it had to do with that

Neighborhood of where Adrien bele uh took his the beltree one is uh an alltime one because not only Hot Corner not only were they bleeding he made the play my man hopped up and made the play that’s dedication you’re not getting a free bag on

Me you may get my bag but you’re on me on me buddy there’s no chance oh I can’t fathom well the the one that we used to show all the time as we wrap it up was the uh is the Umpire wearing the one with the with the

Natural sound the natural sound where that line drive you hear the bat crack and then you hear you’re oh no no and everybody runs away just kind of like okay gonna call it a day nobody needs to be playing Beyond this minute just um if you want to discuss

Yourself at your desk uh folks just look up kmat suoi and then fissure the word fissure it’ll did you look it up oh and I see Matthew in the other room just shake he shook because Matthew knew he knew what I was talking about I remember

Seeing that on the bottom line and I thought they can print that on the bottom line okay I’m gonna go look at it as soon as we sign off goodbye Tom I’ll talk to you tomorrow brother and good work out of you and Matthew good work

Out of all you guys have a great day Peace


  1. I think Clemson and UNC are waiting to see the venue where the suit will be heard. I still believe FSU and Clemson have been dancing partners for almost 2 years if not longer.

  2. I would ask for another group of refs to cover us. ACC refs are really bad, every conference has complains about them

  3. ACC doesn’t want discovery. They would have to release everything. Then you will see a dog tuck his tail and cowering off

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