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CLUB 54 POST-ROUND SHOW: Cam Smith Breaks Down the Action | LIV Golf Las Vegas

Highlights, player interviews and Cam Smith stops by on the Club 54 Post-Round Show from LIV Golf Las Vegas, where it’s tight at the top of the leaderboard.

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Live from Las Vegas the city that never sleeps and what an incredible day two range goats Crushers for aces all leading the team standings right here in the city that never sleeps it’s Super Bowl week y’all John R Bryson D Shambo DJ what an incredible display of golf

Today and we’re here to talk about it welcome to Club 54 post round show and I am your host Christian Crosby couldn’t be more excited to talk to you guys today because we are standing here right now with a special guest but before I intro him I got to intro my host you

Know him very well live golf broadcaster Don Boule what up boy what’s going on having having a good time cam as you can tell is a little bit more relaxed on this set isn’t it it’s right down your alley right from Australia down on the Gold Coast and of course joining us cam

Smith thank you so much for joining us show we’re so excited to talk to you no worries mate two days in Vegas how are you feeling um yeah cold it is cold you see what I got on Kev yeah no it’s uh it’s been good the the golf course I

Think is held up a little bit more than we all thought it was going to it’s very tricky out there and uh one more round to go and um a few back uh the Rippers uh probably a little bit too far back but you never know all four scores count

Tomorrow can agree more yeah you told me at the start of the we had a little chat that you thought 20 underpar 25 underpar might win and like you just said it’s not been that way can you tell us why I Think It’s tricky in between all

These uh houses and buildings to gauge the wind um it’s it swirls around a a lot um although there’s not a lot around um and then there’s plenty of you know 20 25 Footers out there um and I think the gradient of the kind of Earth here

Is is uh dictating what the put’s doing not necessarily bar the slope so what what you see and what the put’s actually doing there’s a lot of people scratching their heads out there so uh they’re tricky to read and um yeah I think that’s it well cam we actually have some

Of your highlights we’re going to take a look at them here and I would love for you to take us through them check it out yeah this is uh this is when I started hitting it actually quite nice and it was nice to roll in a good one

Here kind of got the put hot always roll well well this is actually a really good second shot I hit it in the Trap here and that one just squeezed in the Edge yeah this this is where the uh you know the the shorter RS really started to feel good and um making those parts just keeping the round going was nice did you have any mud balls out there because I know talking to a couple of other players even when they’re on

The Fairway now there was no lift cleaning place today they had trouble with some mud balls yeah we had a we probably had one or two there was uh one uh one on six today that did something really funky but and and then the next one kind of didn’t do anything funky so

Another tough thing to kind of read but um you know towards the end of the round the fairways are actually kind kind of running out a bit and those greens were firming up just a little bit so um tomorrow with the forecast I think it’s

Going to be a little bit windier so um I think it’s going to be real tricky out there tomorrow be fun tomorrow with the loud noise that these guys gave us in the intro I’m assuming they’re all Ripper fans here let’s take a look at some team Ripper highlights and T goes

Through them cam check it out I mean I wish I could see him live right right uh yeah this is this is Herby making a PO here he uh he makes plenty of Parts this guy he makes plenty wow that was a what a highlight there talk your talk cam uh yeah another

But going in here I mean yeah this guy rolls it as good as anyone and once he gets those irons going it’s it’s pretty special to watch nice Eagle there leash wow that’s a hard hole that One yeah if her can control those wedges into these greens he’s he’s going to he’s going to shoot a real low one we saw this one about 3 minutes ago but we’re going to watch it here again right in the middle get the round going on that one

Another one this that was actually one of those parts that did something a little bit different to what I was thinking it was going to do Jonesy Jonesy’s uh he’s worked a lot he’s been telling me he’s worked a lot in these putting in the off season and

Um he just needs to hit it a little bit better he’s he says that he’s scrapping it around a little bit so I’m looking forward to some Jonesy action towards the end of the season and here are some of your fans on S social media cam go Ripper GC loving

The action got to love that from bris Vegas there talk about the fans cam how how have you been receiving the uh fans um yeah I love it um I don’t know I I like to embrace the fans a little bit um I think it’s a really good atmosphere

Out here to to kind of do that um yeah the kind of the more love you give them the more love they give you so there’s no point putting your head down love a tweet we just saw is that Houdini with the putter no that’s Cam Smith the tweets just get better and

Better don’t they absolutely all right so we do this thing on the show called form check we ask fans to submit their swings and then we show them to you and you check them okay you ready for a be interesting all right let’s get into some form check action C be honest it

Makes for good TV um let’s have a look here actually not too bad could do with probably a little bit more rotation in the back swing but and maybe probably not so much rotation with the club head so okay yeah it’s looking pretty good actually I’ll take that

One there’s two like looks like two young boys here ripping it I remember those days just keep trying to hit it hard Lads yeah stay in balance is that cam approved yeah absolutely all right we’ll take it here’s another let’s check this out ooh yeah that one’s not that pretty

But we still love you C BR 23 we still love you don’t be mad at us um yeah probably a little bit more uh connection in the back swing and then then just kind of get your arms down in front of yourself I feel like you’re kind of

Throwing it out there a bit too much on the down swing so all right one more cam there we go oh that one looks nice this guy’s a flusher I can already tell that was Pure got to love that that was niw cam you did great thank you so much for your time you’re an absolute stud we hope to have you back soon and good luck tomorrow thanks F I’m going to find my jumper fall back you you’re in with a

Chance tomorrow yeah I think so I think uh given how tricky it is out here and and the forecast like I mentioned before I think um you know Aussies love the win so um hopefully it can be a good day for myself and a good day for team Ripper so

We’ll see how we go out there tomorrow all the best good luckk thank you as he gets out of here guys come on bring the energy we’re in Las Vegas what is going on behind us they promised us they would bring the energy on show there go thank

You cim guys stick around here at Club 54 post round show and as you know we can’t have a post round show without Rachel Drummond hey Rachel what’s going on water I’m a bit sad Christian we haven’t got an audience over here Richard W you wouldn’t expect stop that right we’re going to

Have a chipping Master Tass by richand from the Cs thank you I’ve given you a tight life to start with you’re welcome should we begin yeah first chip for pretty much first chip of the day cuz I didn’t miss any greens today so uh yeah you’ve not making it very easy ball

Above my feet as well so Blandy shot 5 under today he missed two greens and he made no bogeys which means he got up and down so we thought you’d be the man so we’re going to talk first of all about this Li Blandy very tight lie yeah I

Mean it gives me anxiety I don’t know about the people at home how do you play this technically so for this um you know with with the tight light for me is very much about the strike and the angle of attack so uh what you don’t want to be

Doing is kind of grounding the club too far back cuz then you’ll get like that sort of Bounce of you’ll get too much of the bounce playing so for me it’s kind of like letting the club kind of set a little earlier so this the angle of a

Tackle is a little bit steeper and then it’s just for me it’s just kind of keeping the speed on the on the club and rotating through it just making sure you don’t stop so let’s just try one and by setting that club early you’re talking about wrist hinge does

That keep a bit more Loft on the club head uh I don’t think well say don’t really know I don’t really sort of think of that too much um it does for those at home no um you know for me um you know I I always kind of think

Golf is probably not the brightest people so the less we can think about stuff the better so um yeah I’ve hit a million of these in my career so it’s I just trust my technique and yeah I’ve played it so many times to just just get

Up and play the shot really as long as I commit to it and let’s talk about setup you know what are you thinking about ball position uh again I I don’t really want to sound to to the viewers again you can move the ball a little bit if

You want you can move it up a little bit further and maybe play play the club a bit weaker y or if you want you know you can move it a little bit further back so the hands are set forward and play a little square sort of this way but and

So that would be hitting a slightly lower trajectory yeah I think a lot depends that on what um on what shot you have to play what’s in front of you yeah you there’s that old addage of get the ball on the ground as quickly as you can and that’s what we

Do a lot of the time play this don’t complicate it if you don’t have to just play the shot as simply as you can so this kind of shot here really what we’re trying to play is you’re probably trying to land it maybe 2 three yards on the

Green and just let it kind of release out to the flag so there’s no need to lob it up in the air and make it any more com uh any more complicated so it’s just so for this shot I wouldn’t really be doing anything with my ball position

Pretty Central yeah the hands slightly forward and and as I just said just just kind of set the club a little bit and rotate through it and in terms of routine you obviously Club selection you’ll think about where you want to land it do you visualize the

Shot you want to play do you see it or do you just hit it uh again you know you you once you kind of get up to the ball you got a rough idea of what you’re going to obviously a lot is lie dependent you know if if if the LI is

Bad then yes you know you might move the ball position a little bit to help oh thank you very much there we got a seed divot yeah so seated divot I would tend to go then I would get the ball way back in my stance see here I’ve

Still got some room to work with get the hands forward to make sure then that you know you kind of get down and into the back of the ball because anything anything behind it is just the ball’s just going to go here so I’m putting you under pressure here yeah

Hopefully we don’t do that so let’s try and get ball first oh we there you go lendy come on I have to give you a bit it is a nasty lie yeah let’s try that one again so ball back to help the strike weight in your feet uh nothing really I’m more

Trying to set the club really uh the hands forward there we go can I can I just say that Blandy has never had a short game lesson which is unbelievable probably after those last two maybe I should okay we’re going to go to different lies can

We come to the thicker rough I’m not doing a good caddying job okay so it’s quite thick around the greens here talk us through how you’d play this slightly different you know again you depending on let’s say if we’re going to go to this you know you’ve kind of short

Sided yourself a little bit uh the LI is not too bad so again you’d play it with I’d play it with my 58 degree most lofted club and obviously you’d set the club Behind the ball to see how open you can get it um to get under the ball and then

Again nothing really changes it’s a bit like a bunker shot it’s kind of just keep especially through this longer grass is is is keep the speed up okay you what you don’t want to be doing is De accelerating cuz as soon as the club comes into the into the grass it’s going

To it’s kind of going to flip over I think that is such a good tip for everyone at home playing it like a bunker CU you and actually like with the you know a a good tip that I would maybe give to the to the people at home is is

Maybe actually just grip it a little firmer in the left hand so you actually then keep the Loft on the club as it goes through imp goes through impact so slightly stronger with the lead hand just to to feel that then it’s the club’s moving this way what you don’t

Want is the club moving this way got you there’s a very good coach out here called Pete Cowan and he’s what we call a short game expert and he’d call that the butterfly grip so strong in both lead you’re looking at me like what are you want

About Rachel ex strong in the left and right that yeah it’s it’s the same thing it’s it it’s basically you know sometimes you I would actually probably do that on the course if I’m trying to hit a fade is actually maybe just grip it a little tighter in my left hand so

Then I feel that this stays really strong so then the club is not going to do this that’s one thing I don’t want so if I’m actually trying to hit like a a cut into a flag or something like that I might just try and feel that my left

Left hand grip is that little bit tighter not Stronger Just tighter so given the gold here blendy and I think that is so important your set up before you even take the Club will dictate the shot you want to play does exactly just so then there’s no manipulation yeah so there’s no

Manipulation set set the the club how you want to address squarer more further back and then just play the shot then there’s no manipulation whatsoever beautiful Blandy and how long do you spend on these sorts of shots when you get to a tournament test the

Grass I think if it if it’s like this kind of grass we play on quite a lot so I don’t really feel like you have to do I have to do too much like last week in Mexico where we had the beut the grass of course we haven’t played for 3 months

So um I hadn’t done any chipping out of Bermuda for since we’re in Miami so it just takes you you know maybe 20 30 minutes just to get the feel of how the uh the club goes through the grass how it comes out what kind of trajectory is going to come out

On and and then once you’re you know once you’re sort of got that feel you’re not not too much really right I’m going to finish up with one tip for the viewer at home one that’s never had a golf Lon before for me like with with with short game for me

It’s all about Club head speed that’s what I kind of feel there’s there’s two things Club head speed and strike if you haven’t got those if you certainly if you haven’t got strike you’ve got nothing in short game especially off off this kind of grass um so I would

Certainly work on your strike on on the title eyes when you get into the longer grass it’s more Club head speed for me have you got any good drills for working on you know your strike drill I think strike it’s it’s ball position yeah so work on your ball position you might F

You know just figure it out move it forward move it back play it in the center see which shot you prefer to play what you strike the best and then and then just play with that but there’s all this the same kind of thing if you’re

Maybe two or three yards off the green and it’s putable put it you know it’s even even for a lot of the pros sometimes it’s not about chipping the ball in of course that’s what you’re trying to do it’s actually right it’s making par if you mis agreeing it’s

First and foremost is make par obviously there’s certain shots yes if you’re just off the edge you really are trying to hold but and that’s exactly what you did today blander you said you had a shot just off the green but you puted it cuzz

It was the best shot yeah I was to be fair I was only in off the green so of course that’s what I would do but um yeah it’s just don’t don’t don’t make it complicated just just play the sensible shot all the time that’s the hardest thing in golf not making it

Because you know we all kind of want to play the the shot that looks good but probably I would say eight times out of 10 that’s the wrong shot it’s a smart shot it’s the wrong shot you you look at all the top players tiger was great at

It he played the right shot all the time and there’s a lot to be said about that Blandy you’re a legend well played today 5 under for the cleaks good luck tomorrow thank you Rach thank you Blandy amazing job Rachel thank you Richard that was exceptional uh learned

A lot from watching that hope you guys did it home and here’s a tweet from click GC all eyes on the band on the Bland wagon and what an awesome photo there of our guy Bland great job there Live golf continues to bring golf but louder to exciting venues in cities needless to say the players had this event circled on their calendars check it out Y’all Vegas baby come on man I’m pped it’s Party City you know I think it’s going to be really cool to to showcase the talent in a place like that yeah I mean I think Vegas could be unbelievable being so close to the strip so many people are in town I’m

Definitely very excited about that live golf to Las Vegas we at the Super Bowl is one of the best things that we could have done those fans are the same fans that would really enjoy and appreciate what live golf has to offer we’re going to Las Vegas country

Club it’s a golf course that I really like you know it’s my hometown right on the Strip it’ll be popping very excited about playing out at home because my record at home is pretty good yeah I think could be a lot of people to get noisy Vegas Super Bowl weekend really

Won’t get any better than that we’re live from Las Vegas thanks so much for watching Club 54 post round show I’m your host Christian Crosby and joining us joining me and Dom uh we have to talk to Jerry folz in just a few but let’s take a look

Look at this look at this Jerry you can feel free to chime in here but this reminds me of a a movie I’ve seen before right The Hangover that’s brilliant well we’re in Vegas so uh it it doesn’t get much better than this guys got to love

That baby with Sam horsefield that it is classic who did the Photoshop job is the question I I got to we got to talk to him offline all right we’re keeping the show going here live from Lost Vegas joined by Don Boule and of course Jerry folz thank you

Guys for joining us for the show let’s get into individual leaders yes of today I mean you had a you had a great time watching all day what what’s your take on Bryson well we got a star studed the leaderboard a heavy a heavyweight title fight as Vegas used to be famous for

That we were building it as already for tomorrow but Bryson Des Shambo he L like he was going to break 70 once again as Henrik Stenson walks by and gives me the yep yep yep why would to get him over here and see an idea that was no but uh

He looked like he was going sub 60 again then kind of stalled out after his last part five on 15 let’s check out the highlights real quick Jerry and and let’s hear from you as we watch him here we go Bryson Des Shambo good day for him

And Dom get see these for the first time see the bad part about being OnCourse commentaries you only get to see three players so answer at all though uh-huh this is at six for birdie filling it up as we have seen him do before he said the putter felt good and then just

For some reason got a little uncomfortable after 15 but this is another 15-footer at seven there’s a second shot of the ninth hardest hole on the golf course but uh if he drives it in the middle of the Fairway it’s just a little wed shot for him great distance control moves on to

The 11th and another one of those mid-length FS that really are the Difference Maker around aren’t they yeah absolutely you got to keep this the parts like the one just on the previous highlight reel and looked like he’s rolling it beautifully and he’s out ready to play

Early this year isn’t he yeah struggled last year at the start of the year but uh it’s not the case right now look at that it’s a tap in range cam Smith now making his way over here looking for some hand warmers his hands are ice cold

When I shook it not with the poter it wasn’t no never no they’d have to freeze them solid blocks for him not to make everything and Bryson to touch it off here at 16 so 62 another brilliant round that’s incredible now Bryson Des Shambo actually de agreed to get miked

Up on his day one which is incredible big shout out to live golf productions for that take a look at his day one Bryson Des Shambo Brooks ker and John Ram will tea off together today off the second hole have a good one bro yeah you too have a good

One that is going to be a fascinating group to follow dude it’s so hard to swing in the cold bro you for downwind six 7 I got uh 12 ft play this thing 10 ft kind of flattens out and goes this way first half right to left flat the straight

Putts the straight put’s right here yeah so look like it goes yeah dials in the distance nicely crushed that bro pretty well done there from Bryson no way straight no way just a little Speedy break dude chance to go one shoot 56 under the first round

Bro you know like this is a golf course is Taylor Made For Me person’s such a great character and uh come on let’s make some birdies dude get in the fight get in the fight so much going through his [Applause] mind Bryson kick starts his opening

Round in Las Vegas birdie at 17 he is to under par it’s going to be the fun part yes he’s been grinding all day R Sho thanks brother that was fun as always appreciate brother what’s up dude thanks good play job guys H you got to love it what amazing

Content that is and here’s some tweets ryson Rah and DJ all at the top seems like a good watch for me tomorrow it is official ROM is in that final grouping and our stagger shotgun start tomorrow that’s going to be cool I mean that it’s

So cool to see Bryson get miked up like that by the way that content is just so cool to watch for me he agreed today and tomorrow as well how how special is it for a guy like Bryson to agree to do stuff like that these kids now they call

It content cont oh yeah baby content is King J cont come on get with it no he’s all about the content he’s all about his YouTube channel he’s all about growing his brand but The Crushers brand and live golf as well and introducing the game to an audience that wouldn’t

Otherwise have any interest in watching golf he’s bringing those to him and and thus doing so Dom truly it’s an old catchphrase cliche saying but he’s growing the game he is certainly and like you said he’s growing his and he’s got so many followers then they’ll they

Tune in to watch what he’s got and his team will put together a great show and I think millions of people will see it we SE it before followers and content you ever think we’d be talking about that on TV I have no followers and I have no content you’re good on social

Come on no no have you seen any of my stuff on social I actually haven’t you found it nobody you’re the only one no all right let’s talk about Dustin Johnson a little bit before we get out of here we couldn’t do a post round show without bringing up his game today uh

Jerry what do you think you know he’s claims to have not practiced a whole lot in the offseason came in he expecting a little more rust and he was a little surprised yesterday Dustin Johnson when he knows where the golf balls going coming off that club and assuming the

Putter is just lukewarm he’s a threat to be reckoned with I think the thing we have in store for us tomorrow those those three heavyweights as well as the pursuers are going to all push each other and it’s just going to be a dog fight to the end all right let’s check

Out some highlights here of DJ he actually didn’t putt very well yesterday I followed him for about 15 holes and he hardly made anything but look at this one little left to right perfect Pace right in the middle of the hole and when he gets this

Hot as Jerry says I mean he hits the ball from tier green so well he’s going to give himself so many chances many chances from that sort of distance I mean tomorrow it’s AR Le Fraser Foreman it really is it is yeah That was a second and 10 obviously that was a birdie then on to 11 the left and rer catches the corner of the hole not a problem for DJ and 17 here that’s this is not an easy hole to get to not a lot of room over that bunker there’s a

Bunker behind and look at that fo distance control yeah he didn’t seem to like the shot when he hit in his reaction but 3T behind the hole what’s not to love all right let’s talk about this team comp competition uh top of my mind I’m thinking about the range goats

Uh Jerry these guys are are are looking good out there yeah what see you know we with four scores counting tomorrow anything you could have you could be 10 shots back and make a run at it yeah I mean 10 shots can change in two hes when

You got four scores counting so it’s it’s it’s it’s anybody’s game really but they are playing well all four of them well here are some range go highlights here Peter U line for birdie at seven he had it going pretty well today until the end when he got a little loose on number

Two with his t- shot that’s on the T at8 now the little party hole look at that the way he spun it in there turned the pub head over beautiful shot Thomas Peters he’s got his coach here and his swing is looking a lot better than it did last

Year boy he’s a quick player he he’s he’s as quick as Matt Jones yeah and here’s my guy if there is somebody not out of in that final grouping that’s going to win tomorrow it’s this man wolf he just he just seems to be in just the

Right place to be able to do it and I think at 24 years old he’s not afraid D no he’s not afraid at all he’s as talented as anybody out and he’s found a team that fits him it’s cold out here it should be fun tomorrow to say the least let’s check

Out the uh leaderboard shall we boys all right here we go and these lovely Graphics bow there they are you know I mean I made the point on the air D I know you were listening um there’s only 13 individual titles there’s 30 wa 41 players minimum who are going to win an

Individual title this year we have a lot of alpha dogs on alpha males on this on this who want headlines and they’re contending for 13 headlines that’s it they’re going to push each other they are they really are going to do the John Ram signing has been a a revelation here

And they’re going to push each other harder and you know usually I think five back is got a chance but with that leaderboard at the top I don’t think no anyone five backs really got a chance at all here’s the team leader board here

For Aces at the top who’s your pick d uh let me see I’m going to go with the range goats cuz all four of them seem to be pretty much on form well I’m smash for life so I’m sticking with sticking with it J well I’m M heads where are

They oh no no [Laughter] chance well as you can see we’re live here from Las Vegas thank you guys for joining us in Club 54 post round show I’m your host Christian Crosby Don Boule thank you so much Jerry folz I’ll see you guys bright and early tomorrow for

Day three and I hope to see you guys soon thanks for watching and Goodbye


  1. Saudia Arabia is buying up America, and these greedy golfers are paving the way. Deschambeau, you surprised me. Dustin and Phil, well, your addicts, I can see why you made the choices , you need help😢

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