Golf Players

WINNERS’ INTERVIEW: Legion XIII, Niemann Enjoy Their Victories | LIV Golf Mayakoba

The team and individual winners from LIV Golf Mayakoba take the stage after lifting the trophies at the season-opening tournament in the 2024 LIV Golf League.

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All right we’ll start start in English welcome everybody Legion 13 They just won their very first Victory and their very first start at live golf myova 2024 congratulations everybody John how does it feel feels great feels great uh it’s very nice you know and in a day in

Which in any normal tournament I would have probably been upset at my finish to actually have something to celebrate now as one of the big reasons why I decided to transition uh to share the stage with those three guys to share the the golf course with all the other teams and and

Compete for something else is what it’s all about and uh it means a lot you know it’s it’s really fun to be out there on the golf course and see the team doing well right uh first time I I was able to see any scores was in 12 and by that

Point tro was already seven under and the other guys were also doing great work so we we had a comfortable lead and that also motivated me to play a little bit better right so you can definitely use the all the variables going on to your Advantage so it was definitely a

Lot of fun uh proud of these guys honestly how they they battled um we all come out here as pretty much as rookies I know Kieran played one or two rounds for for team smash last year and uh he knew a little bit of what to

Expect but three of us didn’t and for us to do what we did and perform and get the win uh you know I’m glad that we proved it to ourselves and everybody there were some we’re a team to to uh we’re Team to oh I can’t it team to yeah

Exactly team to record so all four scores count of today Terell you had a lights out day what switched for you today was part of it motivating knowing that all four scores counted yeah definitely it was motivating to to go out there and know that you’re playing

For for three other guys today um fortunately for me I got off to a nice start and it was uh it was nice to actually see some puts go in compared to the previous round so um yeah very happy with how I played and um you know the fact that we’ve we’ve

Won in our first week out together is um is great and obviously looking forward to the rest of the year now and Caleb you had an incredible bounceback today you showed real grit and determination tell us what was going through your head uh throughout the round today yeah I was

Just I mean we sat in this room four days ago and John was explaining our team logo and what a big purpose of us right and it’s just fighting right and I can confidently say that without that fight and without countless other fights from all four of us throughout these

Past three days like we wouldn’t be standing here right so I believe that that’s what Champions are made of and I think that that’s what is going to make us continue to be a really strong team is just the fact that we uh we all fight back from from everything that comes and

That’s kind of what I did and I was I was really pleased with that finish so in your first professional start I know this isn’t exactly accurate I haven’t looked at the final scores but I think you pretty much beat half the field how does that feel yeah it was definitely a

Good finish right um you know it’s it’s it’s tough because there’s a lot of unknowns going into the week right and there’s a lot of doubts and there’s there’s some stuff running through my mind right but it’s just cool to come out here and compete with truly a lot of

The best players in the world um you know I I feel like I’m I’m I’m learning that the same stuff that used to work still works right it’s just golf and um I’m just happy to be here and I’m excited for the rest of the year so

Karen I’ll start with you go down the line so how often today were you guys checking the team leaderboard and kind of seeing where you guys were at and when did you know that you guys had secured the victory start with you um I’m not really a leaderboard follower or

Looker uh so I try and avoid it as best as I can but my peripheral got the better of me today and so I kept peeking at it every now and again like oh I shouldn’t be doing that but um yeah obviously it was it was nice to see a

Little bit of pink on top um and yeah kind of I sort a couple of times throughout the round and I was like well I know my score is you know average right now so the guys must playing good and then I kept looking every now and

Again and kept going so it was awesome awesome John uh I’m I’m the opposite to Kieran I look at every leaderboard I can I like to know where I stand I like to know the score and there’s always information on on the leaderboard that that can motivate me unfortunately I

Never saw the team score until 12 that was the first time I saw it and it was uh a glass surprise to be honest right because at that point I was still I was even par struggling throughout the day and and kind like I said earlier seeing

That I think at that point we were 21 under it was it was a very motivating factor so it kind of helped me make a a clutch four-footer to then go on that birdy streak I went on so but yeah I try to look as much as I can it’s just the

Helping and terl first time playing on a team did you take a glance and look at Legion 13 standing yeah I I quite like looking at leader boards as well to be honest um it it’s motivating for me to to know what I need to to try and do so

Yeah every every lead award I saw it was nice um it was nice to see that Legion and 13 were were at the top I know we had a healthy lead at one point but all four four all four scores counting it’s anything can sort of happen so um it was

Nice nice that we finished it off in so and last one from me how was your very first Podium celebration Caleb we’ll start with you it was different I said coming into the week standing right here that if we were to win I don’t know if I could do the champagne because underage

So uh but maybe in a few years I was just happy to hold the trophy yeah darl how was your first Podium celebration I had an absolute shocker I I said I said to the lads at the back like just don’t go don’t spray it in in each other’s face don’t do it

And he sprayed my face I’d already got my champagne ready and I was just stood there and the cork went off so I had to get another one and then I couldn’t undo it so I’m just stood there at the back everyone’s like sprayed their champagne

So I was looking like an idiot at the back and then eventually I did get it off and just sprayed everyone in the face anyway you have some practice John how was your first Podi of Celebration it always happens to somebody ter yeah uh

It was great it was great uh I had to be careful because Caleb was right next to me right so I didn’t want to overdo it with him but uh yeah after I got Terell while he was trying to uncore Cas and I believe I got

I got curing on the face uh I think I did a number on Caleb I was very cautious not to like do it towards his face or mouth he’s never drank before so I’m really trying not to but you know I think you you know some of the SP must

Have probably got his first taste of alcohol which maybe you know if there’s a reason to do it a team win is is definitely a good one and Kieran yeah well obviously I was laughing at Terell the whole time I thought that was entertaining um but yeah obviously one

To the eye terl not popping it so I think we got some champagne practice to get get going so was entertaining though I don’t think we all get you ever get good at it I’m T I don’t know well congratulations guys I’m going to hand it over to Mike John so early in

The week you told us you weren’t sure just how quickly you guys would get out of the gate as a as a team so is it surprising at all or is it are you obviously ahead of schedule or is this once you got into it did you feel like

All right you know we’re we can do it this week the first week out uh well it’s hard to know what to expect right um I think we all had probably our certain reserves for the week right it’s it’s different to any competition we’ve been in before and this a lot to

Adapt to right and I think we have to get through that to then think about winning but clearly you know uh I don’t think these three guys had the best out the first two days but you know they showed it today right so with the fact

That we were in contention I knew today was was definitely a day where we could get it done um I don’t know no I wouldn’t say we’re ahead of schedule I mean the goal is to win right IID like to thank everybody in this podium in this interview right now when anytime

They teed up they want to win and uh that’s the whole point of being here and uh kind of like what Caleb said is the whole point of the logo and the whole point of the name behind it so um I would say we’re right on schedule

Hopefully we can keep doing it did you have a motivational video again no it was a picture that I know Terell has seen many times uh it was a savy quote but I don’t know if kieren and Caleb had seen it before so uh I thought it was fitting to

Use that one uh Cale he definitely sold in the wrer cup I mean Terell he was on the wall one of the in in locker rooms so um I’m glad that it helped if it did what did it say uh I rather not share yeah and Caleb

Just to go going back to the fight you were talking about you come off the triple and then you reel off five straights 30 so what was going in your mind said as you walked off to that green um you know he still had obviously a few yeah

Um look there’s kind of two pieces one piece is that I’ve never been a leaderboard Watcher and I tried to fight it the front nine and then eventually you you can’t hide from it right so I feel like I really learned to embrace it and just kind of embrace that this is

Where I am right Embrace what has to be done and also there was there was a quote that I kept telling myself all day and it was just that like I will not be shaken um just one quick little one liner and I told my caddy and you know I

Let my guard down early and I was I was being shaken because I was playing so well and I let my guard down and then I had a couple of rough holes then I told myself after that triple that I’m not going to be shaking from anything that

Happens and um I put my head down and and played I wasn’t I wasn’t shooken by anything on the way in and uh I’m I’m proud of that and I think I’m going to keep that quot in my mind for a long time so teral is this what you expected

Once once you made the decision to join a live this kind of week this kind of Celebration the team aspect all that uh well I mean I wouldn’t I didn’t know what to expect so it’s I mean but all of us it’s these are new experiences so um

I really enjoyed the week and um see winning winning as a team is is good fun and hopefully we can keep that going any other questions in English English okay we’re going to let you three go and I’m going to bring Walken up to do a Spanish interview with you

John I’ll see you for breakfast congratulations can you please can you please order appetizers and drinks okay let’s get that going you guys go yeah you guys go I’ll see you at dinner somebody give me food please oh we get rning that too I mean

Yeah my te is getting food for me as well though yeah you look like an need food so a shower up for For for For De know For well see go For you know Domingo In for Um For May For For for Play for joh ah Play when For official But see see k C Car in John thank you I’m GNA let you go walking we’re just gonna ask a couple questions in English and then you’re Done congrats John is your brain ready to switch back to English what is your brain ready to SF English yes that was a joke that was good you’re still on it yours no yeah mine not okay Walken congratulations you have had a wild week you started out

With a 59 yesterday you got assessed with a two- stroke penalty today you had what is end up being Four Hole playoff with Sergio just tell us about this week and what was going through your your head as you a lot of different days obviously the first day coming with expectations I

Was playing good uh first tournament of of the Lea season and yeah I was expecting a lot for myself and I was able to to manage myself through the golf course really well and and ended up shooting 59 which he was I mean I think it’s a dream be under 60

It was close for the 54 but not quite um and yeah and then Saturday Saturday got was a really tricky day the win the win got up obviously I was on on on the lead but a few strokes and yeah I mean I think it was a little bit harder to play well

After that round and then the wi getting up and yeah and then Saturday was still a pretty good day a good test for what was coming on Sunday and then Sunday and started a little bit different uh I I got two shot penalty on on Sunday morning which it was a little

Bit a little bit hard to swallow at the beginning but then I knew that I had to CH the change the situation and and not let the situ the situation beat me and yeah I mean it just I think it gave me more energy to go out and fight

Uh and and prove myself that I mean it’s not going to bother me so I was I’m pretty happy that the they ended up this way especially how the morning started so I think dinner is going to take a little bit better than breakfast so going down this Four Hole

Playoff with Sergio what’s going through your mind as you guys are just battling it out and thinking hey we might have to finish this tomorrow morning yeah it was obviously at the first playoff call I didn’t didn’t thought it was going to get too dark and thought it was going to take a

Little bit well you never know what’s going to happen but yeah was expecting to go as fast as it could and yeah I think I I got lucky on the first playoff h i I didn’t hit the best driver I hit it right and and I and I

Hit a tree so it bounc left and I was like I think that shot right there give me G gave me back from those two shot penalty that I had this morning and I kind of took it that way and yeah I mean just go one shot at a time I mean on

Playoff and especially with Sergio in the first T shot that he hit the Fairway it was a tricky second shot where he got some into the wind and and there have been on the front of the green had a good drop also for me which I was on the

Rft and then I ended up getting a drop into into the Fairway which it was good too and then after that I I hit the I hit my driver incredible uh the the next three holes I I was my ball was within probably a radio of a radio of one yard

I mean I saw my two deot from the two holes before right next to my to my third to the last hole so so yeah I mean I had the same number for the for the last three times and that make it a little bit easier and after the last hole I saw

Sergio missing a r which is not in a good spot and I just told myself to to give myself a chance and ended up hitting a good shot and and making that P which it was awesome so T obviously won a lot last year but the victory personal Victory alluded you how sweet

Does this Victory feel and does it feel better the same as all those tqu team victories yeah it was it wouldn’t be nice to be feel a little bit alone here it’s always fun to have the the three other have me and Carlos on on my side

Here especially on on interviews I think make it a little more more fun and yeah it wouldn’t been nice being being with them on throwing us Champagne and but yeah I mean I think it’s it’s still good we still have a good finish uh we were

Kind of outside the top six during the day and and they they start making some bires and we end they up on the top three so so yeah I mean hly it’s a little bit harder with the with the format being the four scorecards you got to we got to play the

Four of us really good golf and and yeah I mean still still still a good finish for the team I think we got a lot more to prove during during the season and it’s it’s nice to take that first win for individual as as a team and last one

For me you obviously put a lot of golf in the off season and you had a win did you feel coming into the season that this was going to be your year and did you feel coming into this tournament that you had a real chance to win it’s

Hard to tell ly is especially in this game which is hard uh but yeah I was I was playing great I was I was being really confident on on the golf course and hitting my shots and yeah I mean I was just I was more excited than than anything to start the

Season to start playing on leave and start playing for my teammates and yeah I was just excited to get to get started and I think this is the best way to get started that’s awesome you’re a very deserving Champion congratulations I’m let Mike ask a couple and then you’re

Done well Keen are you do you feel like you’re kind of on a mission this year to to showcase exactly what you’re capable of not just here on live but in the golf world in general um obviously you got the win and Aussie got this one he

Played well earlier this year yeah I believe so I think I think I have a different mindset for for this year uh I mean I want to it kind of hurt me a little bit not being on the majors and I think also helped me uh to get motivation

To to kind of air my my sport my spot back into the majors into the into the lead players and yeah I think he was I think it help me a little bit to to get Focus back uh to start working harder to start work working with a with a propose

And and yeah I think I think it’s paying off and I just I mean I just want to keep telling myself that I’m capable of of doing this of winning tournaments and and this is a way uh this is a good way to prove that and and yeah I mean I

Don’t want to I don’t want to stop working the way I’m doing it and I just want to keep going H so after you found out about the penalty did you feel like it affected you at all out there on the course obviously you

Got off to a bit of a shaky start off the first T were you able to shake it off at some point or did you feel like I no once I got to the golf course I was fine I I think I took it

Off an hour after I get the the news but yeah I mean I like I say I thought to myself that I don’t I don’t want to let the situation beat me and and I try to turn it around and I mean the only thing

I needed to do is just play golf I still had a good chance to win the tournament I was still two shots in front of the of the of the one who is behind so I still have a a biggest chance than anybody of winning this tournament and he needed to

Go there and play some good golf and yeah I mean the first te always been tricky I think hit my best t-shir but it was it was close then number three was the first huster well second huster first huster of the te and yeah but yeah

It was just the beginning and and I knew that I I still have a big chance to win so I didn’t let myself down my last question how difficult was it to read that final putt I mean obviously basically playing in darkness but you had the light off

The scoreboard yeah thing is I mean I I wanted to make that last p on the 54 hole so bad that I that I think yeah I mean I I probably started a little bit too far left that I was supposed to and yeah I mean the last part which it was

Super dark they probably help me just not being so pigy on piing my spot and just looking at the hle getting a feeling and just you know just get it there and yeah it was I mean I it was the best way to end it up I

Mean I wanted to make a part on the last one to win by the way did you guys ever a bet on who would win the first individual title amongst you four guys the four of us yeah no we didn’t all right we’ll do we’ll do it now who’s

Next hi I’m grassy from Brazil I am from a top golf show D and I think about the best questions about this tournament they already did so I going to enjoy this opportunity and since you are from South Brazil too uh South America sorry I would know if you already play in

Brazil and even in vacation or you in your beginning and I want know what you think about the country I played I play think two ice I no 100% sure what was the first place that I went I was probably like 13 14 and then I went when

I was proba 18 I went to the PA Latin America in the Olympic Golf Course Campo the Olympic olympo yes and yeah it was great I had a great time it was a it’s a great location also so yeah I had good time I wish I could go more to Brazil I I

Didn’t get to know the country as well but I I enjoyed my stay there for a week and it was it was a lot of fun so you are invit you and your family thank thank you thank you wo congratulations go get some sleep we’ll see you in Vegas thank you


  1. Most important thing in Tyrell Hatton’s world now is getting his champagne cork out straight anyone would take it in the rangoon for 450 million prostitution has change it’s not just ladies of the night showing some thigh and cleavage that can be bought for a few dollars it’s sportsman and not just golfers that can be found bent over with there pants down 🤪🤪🤪🏌️‍♂️

  2. In the US u can drive a car at 16 but not have a beer when u 20 or atleast not officially that does make much sense to me!
    Question can u own a gun when u 18?

  3. Players competing and then enjoying time with each other off the course. Who’d have thought….

  4. The bank managers of this team will be very Happy, not just signing on money, but now the first of many competition payouts. Well played guys

  5. Hatton makes the jump last week from PGA ,,, his first tournament ,, individual plus share of team winnings ,,,, $ 525,000 ,, sure as hell can't blame him for making the move. Plus about fifty million U.K. pound for signing ,,, nope !! sure as hell can't blame him at all.

  6. Funny how a rick shiels video gets more views than liv golf’s official YouTube broadcast. Lol

  7. He was upset with his individual performance it was clear from his green side interview and the disapointment is still etched on his face on this interview. He is just trying to say the right things in this later interview.

  8. I replied to a comment about how I watched the LIV tournament this weekend on CW Sports and yt hid my comment. Just beware. Seems we don't have free speech anymore. Censorship for enjoying something they don't want you to enjoy. Sad

  9. This team nonsense is really dumb. I don’t believe that any of these guys actually like it. Just saying what they have to🙄

  10. Tjats crazy about what Niemann said about his last 3 drives in the playoff were within a 1 yard radius. He said he could see his divots feom the shot before. Crazy how good rhese guys are.

  11. It didn't take long for T to wear shorts out there on the course 😂. LXIII is my favorite team! Congrats to them all.

  12. Niemann hits the crap out of the ball. Put an asterisk next to the major championship winner this year when he is excluded.

  13. Do they come back and add subtitles to these videos? It would be nice to understand the Spanish side of the interview as well. I believe the subtitles can be translated through the settings if the video is uploaded with them, but there isn't a way to translate the auto-generated ones.

  14. The entire world is watching and applauding team Cry Babies win the worlds most exciting and prestigious team competition – when I say entire world I mean 200 people……..all numb nuts……and when I say most exciting and prestigious I mean most forgettable and arbitrary 😉

  15. Hilarious Jaoco being cocky while switching back to English questions towards the end after Jon leaves!

  16. To LIV or not LIV, I don't care. However, team golf is stupid. Just adding up individual scores. That goes for Ryder Cup and President's Cup. Keep your cup. Same for tennis and Davis Cup. It's just not that interesting.

  17. LIV golf is the Pro Bowl of golf

    PGA is the regular season, where it actually matters. I Loved watching all of these guys on LIV play on the PGA where it matters, now that they are getting paid stupid money…. It doesn’t matter if they win or not. Pay me money like these guys and I would give 2 shits. PS. Haven’t even watched a single full day of LIV but follow the PGA still EVERY DAY EVERY TOURNAMENT.

  18. Neimann’s 59 was incredible. Rahm’s team winning right out of the gate, a dream for Liv. Neimann’s playoff with Sergio was great.

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