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Texas Tech Baseball: HC Tim Tadlock Availability | Jan. 26, 2024

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Coach I guess throughout the fall you you talked about wanting to see these guys just get going get these The Freshman on campus were there any of the Freshman arms that stood out to you during that time um parking a tear threw the ball really good um he’s probably

The one guy out of that freshman that really stood out there was days where some of the other ones you know threw the ball good um but he’s probably the one guy that stood out and I’ve seen TJ had mentioned in like some I guess preseason articles that you’ve talked

With some some outlets and I guess what did you see from him this this fall that made him stand out so much um he’s very athletic um gives you the ability to play on both sides of the base C also gives you the ability to go to Center if

You needed to usually if a guy could do that but he’s uh very athletic um got really good hands um and swung the back good the fall I saw when I was around got to see a little bit I saw Austin Green The Outfield I guess how did he adjust to

That How He adjusted to play in the off tell you he’s uh he’s made some really nice plays out there he’s probably got an above average arm out there um seems like he’s playing it really good generally you get a guy to play some middle INF field in his lifetime and you

Stick them out there it is a little bit easier and it seems like that’s happened what’s Kevin looking like behind the plate bazelle uh bazelle had a good fall um caught the ball good he’s looked good how how I mean I see him projected like top 30 possibly as a draft prospect

Next year how talented is he at that position bazelle it’d be this year he’s a junior this year he’s draft eligible this year um nothing bazelle or this whole group you know anything they do is not going to surprise us um he’s he’s a really talented baseball player um can really

Catch can really throw can really hit what’s the competition like at those middle field positions and I mean how many legit guys do you have up there yeah I mean I really think there’s um four or five guys that that that could go play short stop and be adequate there

Obviously there’s going to be a couple that are probably better than the other ones uh there’s some that are uh possibly better second and they aren’t short and vice versa um I think the competition really one through nine is really good I mean really um I think

There’s competition in every spot on the field uh I think the guys are handling that really good and showing up up each day so far can you can of run down who are the guys that you’re looking at at Short Stop and second base name the names well you talking about Tracer

Tracer Lopez will Burns poppy Travis Sanders land strip Ling at second base that should get all of them and Tracer is he he going to play second also he’s going to play one of the two I mean like if he’s in there I would think he’s playing one of the

Two could you talk about this beginning of the Season just some of the powerhouses you’re having to face up right away there blackfield um college baseball is college baseball it’s hard to win at all levels probably doesn’t matter what the name of the Jersey is

You got to earn the right to win coached in a lot of different leagues and hadn’t coached any one yet that was easy to go win and you could just chalk up a w you generally you talk about a college baseball team they’re going to have somebody they can start that you’re

Going to have to go you know give you know have to compete with to beat them and have to play good defense got have to run the bases good um you know it’s it’s going to be exciting for the guys to go to Globe Life and play first five

Games I think that’s really cool we’re going to get to stay down there five or six days and play and uh as far as who we’re playing I think I think it’s you know the guys will get excited about who they’re playing possibly but we don’t

Want to get too caught up in the name on the jerse there’s there’s good baseball players at all levels of college baseball uh and so um but excited about you know those four or five games yeah I know as a coach you don’t really look too far into this but preseason number

Four in the big 12ub is that you know mean you to you with um it’s fuel from the fire for sure I mean it’s uh it’s definitely something that you can look at I think that just came out yesterday we had our Diamond Club dinner last night somebody mentioned it it came came

Out yesterday and it’s yeah it’s absolutely feel from the fire anytime you’re not picked you know first and you feel like you’ve had a really good program for a long time uh yeah it it could absolutely motivate some guys coach in second year here just recently preseason 12 elction does that

Kind of give him a new leadership role um you’d have to ask Gavin that I think Gavin’s going to leave by the way goes about his business every day he he shows up and hits as much as anybody and works as hard as anybody so he’s always

Led by example and Gavin wants to win as far as does an award make him a or a pre-season nomination make him nominated to be a leader I think it’s a matter if he decides to do that and uh again he’s always Le by example you don’t you don’t

Go out and lead the league in RBI and home runs without leing by example for sure how would you uh kind of describe KD what what style of player he is what he brings to you um kad’s uh you know ironically we said this at the dinner

Last night you know if you ask any our team who are third base is they’d say k McGee and what’s up Cy what’s up how’s it going that’s much and uh and so you know he’s a guy’s going to put together good quality at B going to do everything in his power to

Play good defense seems to really like playing baseball you know last summer in the recruiting process there’s many of summer summer days where he was up coaching a baseball game seven in the morning because they play so early out in Arizona and so he’s kind of a

Baseball rat I think he likes being at the Ballpark what what’ you say you said he was up coaching a baseball game he was coaching a younger team okay yeah he yeah I don’t even know what age coach how did Jack was throw the ball on the fall um towards the end

Threw the ball good threw it really good yeah he he threw the ball really good and I shouldn’t say just towards the end he threw the ball good the whole fall what’s your competition like on a rotation how many who are you looking at there oh I think there’s I mean I again

I think there’s guys that could pop out there that I wouldn’t mention like if I mention five or six names I think there’s guys that could come to the Forefront I think the exciting thing is is he run Kyle Robinson out there last year in a

Regional I want to say beats Florida in game two of a regional and you’re probably opening up with him opening day and there’s going to be guys coming out of the bullpen behind him they got every bit as good stuff and uh every bit as much pitch ability and uh but there’s

Five or six guys there Don you could name and like I said I could name them and there’d be somebody you hope that pitches really good out the bullpen pushes some guys what’s k p like Zane P I threw the ball good yesterday thre the ball

Good anything else he St the ball good really good pitched in the NBC last summer through the ball good had a good summer anything else for Coach tadlock who you mentioned the national baseball Congress who all played in that this past summer I would say he would be the

One cuz the other couple that played would have been Ryan free and Gage harlon played up in the C you know those those guys come to mind guys that were playing quite a bit in the summer what did Cal do somewhere cal cal Robinson uh he played on the USA team

That’s done in what I think it’s done in about probably July first week in July that’s right it’s about a two or three week deal yeah he went out right after our season and made the USA team that was really cool coach what do this new facility

Mean to this team in this program and you know how how do you see it helping all out this season yeah I mean there’s been a lot of guys come before all this group that they’ve earned the right to have such a special place and um this

Facility has been really neat and I think it it’s uh every been as advertised um when we finished the nutrition area in the cages in November um you could really see the continuity of guys just hanging out in here a little more so than when you just

Had the locker room um it’s something that’s I think you know the guys that came before this group really you know again they deserve this and uh we appreciate the people that you know obviously funded it and what they did to put it you know put it all this in

Motion and um it’s uh it’s it’s a unique place I mean it’s it’s not like you’re under Stadium it’s it’s a very open area back there guys are having a good time you mentioned some forign players have any even come back and seen this facility be like dang that would have

Been nice um Birdie’s back there right now Ryan shev’s back there right now now there’s not a day goes by that guys aren’t here like every day guys are here either throwing or hitting or just hanging out and just come by and say hi

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