Golf Players

Shane learns how to make the best wings in Chicago | Shane Riordan

Shane Riordan is joined by the chef of Jake Melnick’s world-famous wings to learn how to perfectly make the best wings in the city for a Super Bowl party.

Jake Melnick’s is located on the corner of Superior and Wabash in Chicago.

Wings image is via Jake Melnick’s official website.

#cooking #wings #chicago

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Hello welcome in Shane Reen Odyssey Chicago here with Chef Nick from Jake melnick’s Corner tap one of the Premier Wing joints burger joints elevated bar food joints in the city of Chicago right on Superior in Wabash today we’re doing Super Bowl Wings because there’s no easier way to please your large group of

People than with wings and we’re going to show you how easy it can be with Jake melnick’s Corner tap wings and their signature Sof Chef Nick how you doing good good great to be here sh good thank you for coming so you brought your wings pre-cooked we’re going to make the sauce from your nice me and pl here right I’m going to tell you first how I do my wings at home

And you’re going to tell me if I’m an idiot or home cook right I’m not pretending to be else so I do one part baking soda baking powder okay to four parts salt and then however much I need for however many wings I’m doing overnight in the fridge uncovered is that good for

Someone at home yeah that’s that’s great for somebody at home okay um so the way we do it we home see the difference home and go to Jake Melix at home we know I don’t judge you know we uh we do a a seasoned flour actually does not have uh

Baking powder baking soda in it but generally it’s uh garlic white pepper salt Lowry seasoned salt with the flour and it is a two-step or two-day process you know it’s kind of same concept so we actually toss them in the flow dredge them really well we power blanch them

Power fry them lay them out on sheet trays you know for the Super Bowl we’ll have I’ll be putting them in our beer coolers and and all over the place um about 6 minutes we par blanch them then the next day when we get the orders to

Order we fry them up crisp and for people who don’t know what par blanch is right that means you’re dropping it in boiling water and cooking it only part way yeah we’re we’re using the in this term case we’re using the fryer oil as for blanching okay and then um yeah only

About partway and then to order we drop them down again the whole process is about 12 to 14 minutes of cooking time um higher temperature when we finish them at 350 um you know cooking the one trick is chicken is normally cooked to 165 you’ve heard I know but on these we

Also like to say here when we do like our cooking stuff don’t be afraid to get sick every once in a while so like underdo it a little bit because you’d rather be a little more juicy than overdone right little more juicy I’m not a proponent of that for like a

Restaurant but if I’m doing it on my own that’s an interesting concept yeah unfortunately for a restaurant I can’t do that but no but actually we can go like 175 180 they get really crisp they’re still going to say juicy um especially with a dark meat right a wing

A a leg Yeah Yeah so they’re going to stay totally juicy and crisp at at higher temperature but we really want that crispiness juiciness on the inside especially when you you know when you toss them in the sauce they can get a little soggy some places do but ours

Still stays PR crisp all right so let’s move these out of the way let’s start your sauce I think we were talking earlier my favorite thing so far that and we haven’t talked about the sauce yet I’ll switch spots with you so you can be by the pot but you start with

Bacon so your the base of your sauce is the rendered Bacon Fat yeah exactly so we can’t go wrong with that so we’re going to put some of that in there nice Sizzle yeah so we’re going to do a whiskey barbecue whiskey okay which one’s the whiskey I just want to

See is that one the whiskey yeah I have extra lat if you want to try it yeah yeah okay so yeah we’re just going to render that so we’re going to use the fat um you our oil so I didn’t even add any oil to the pan right perfect use use

A f from the B like a low proof whiskey a high proof whiskey what works best with something like this something like but look at 80 to 90 Proof kind of solid yeah gy beam Benchmark something like that I wouldn’t probably wouldn’t do a Ry I would stick more to a bourbon

That’s a little more sweetness to it okay so Bacon’s in we’re going to let that render down we let that go just for another minute or so okay heatwise on the sauce what do you recommend people do do you recommend starting lower especially with the bacon to slowly

Render out the fat yes you really know what you’re doing I can see that come on I’m not going to be it’s just like some kind of idiot exactly start out a little low medium medium low just to render some of that bacon and then we we’ll turn it up a

Little bit here and is there any preference on the bacon is it like a is it an Applewood smoked is it like a a cured a non-cured a PE this this is a a good call this is actually an apple wood Applewood uh smoked bacon so yeah we can

Go with the uh onion I’m leaving the bacon in there we’re going to cook it of course do do we end up straining all those bits out or do you no we’re going to leave it right in there we’re going to leave it right in there we went in

With the onion did you went white onion or yellow onion I did uh it’s a Spanish onion and yellow onion okay so for the the sauce a little sweeter yeah this a little bit more sweetness to it okay more than the white will but yeah this

So the components of this sauce you have the little bit of spicy we have some sweet chili Tha some crushed red pepper obviously some sweetness with the barbecue we’re going to add some brown sugar some orange juice so you kind of get a little bit of everything cook this

For a minute or so you threw the garlic in there and I know some people at home make the mistake of either adding the garlic too early or adding the garlic at too high of a heat and that garlic tends to burn easily it just ends up perfect

Now because yeah once it gets too it gets Browns basically you’re going to be done it’s going to be better all right so we’re in there with the bacon let that go for a couple minutes the yellow onion Spanish onion and then your minced garlic keep this bourbon away from me if

You you don’t have to I’m responsible at all only what time is after 10 so I might you might be ready I don’t know no I’m doing so I’m doing like damp January where I’m completely dry unless I don’t want to be and I have like I mapped out

Certain days over the month that I like I’ve got a birthday party coming up this weekend for somebody so I knew I wanted to get hammered then so I’ve like stayed dry might steal that one yeah I I try to be damp till about 3: 4 in the afternoon

And then I go for it so it’s kind of a variation of that but I’m going to go ahead and add oh you put all of it in there yeah I put all of it in there what the I’m not shy you know yeah I wasn’t

Saying you a sh I wanted what was left at the bottom so yeah we’re so yeah we’ll let that cook for a little bit you can actually smells great yeah let me get in there oh yeah how about that crank this up I think smell so yeah we’ll get that going um

You’re going to render off burn off probably most of the alcohol but um yeah it’ll be great it’s going to be balanced nice balance sweet Savory everything kind of what we’re looking for yeah it’s smelling good smells really good now we’re going to pretty much we’re going

To add everything else in here too great so this is our uh our Ley restaurant Jake’s proprietary barbecue sauce sure kind of traditional made barbecue sauce this already made this is made for us special it’s made for the whole company okay um we used to make it at

Jake but yeah it’s uh broadened out now a little bit so we make a lot of um especially for specials we do a lot of homemade barbecues as well um for the special this is a sweet chili Thai sauce what do you think I love that dude is are they

Both the same I’ll check those are we sure we did a cranberry barbecue around Christmas we did a smoked apple barbecue sauce those were all homemade that we did um so I had some sweet chili I did some orange juice orange juice is coming up right here see the person standing

Next to me you have to tell me if there’s barbecue sauce in my mustache or beard and I just found some good I didn’t see it yeah I didn’t see it whatever man uh don’t be mad at me now molasses okay that has a nice richness

Is that like a barley malt molasses or is that like a yeah that’s a more of a Mal masses so it’s not it’s not super sweet but brown sugar okay and then just like a neutral oil that one yeah I don’t need I don’t need oil actually okay and then we’re going

To stir that up God that looks good yeah basically we’re just going to let this go what I like about this is you get the when you know when we plate the wings you get a nice you get some of the garnish the bacon on the wings which

Is really nice do you want me to throw those wings in the oven to warm them yeah we can do that they’re all fully cooked but okay salt and pepper now do you recommend seasoning at every step or do you taste at the end and then because you got different

Levels of salt and all these ingredients yeah I’m going to let all that go and then we’ll we’ll try it at the end okay and just kind of see where we’re at that’s what I I usually uh we’ll taste at certain times throughout the course yeah depending on what I’m making but we

Definitely will check it for seasoning now if people at home want to make these wings for their Super Bowl party but they don’t want to be as involved as like this 12 ingredient steps by steps for the barbecue sauce we’re talking like brown sugar maybe a shallot as a

Base and then like ketchup maybe a coarse mustard brown sugar or honey honey sure for sure mustard the bourbon’s easy you can do bourbon you can do like an apple cider vinegar to balances out and that’s it that’s all you need for barbecue sauce it’s it’s

The same as every every step of cooking right like salt acid fat heat exactly that’s it you know garlic shallots onions kind of like the base of what we do sure and then yeah like you said as long as you have balance you have a little acidity have some I always like a

Little bit of spice yeah I brought some forx wings that are really spicy okay but um I like a little bit of heat and everything just to balance with the sweetness so cool all right let’s see this let’s get a little bit here let’s see where we’re at you can tell me what

We need I mean maybe a little bit of salt but maybe not I think that’s your call Professional I’m pretty um a high tolerance for salt the guys always give me a hard time in the restaurant because they think that I like it too much but such I’m like I hate going to

Restaurants in it’s food time is under Seas right it’s like what’s the point we can we can do better at home yeah so we all right a lot of bowls going out at the restaurant for sure yeah I’d I’d assume so man I I mean the most underappreciated job has to be the

Dishwasher especially in a place like this very very busy uh obviously and and the fry fry person too oh they’re very busy as well so yeah I think we can uh kill it let’s do it all right is there a technique to this or is it just

Basically keep all the wings in the bowl keep it in the bowl just kind of give it a little s this is a little little bigger than we normally do don’t try that at home yeah don’t profressionals only baby all the bacon still in there the onions

Lord get that I don’t want I don’t want to get on your mustache I mean it’s going to get on there anyway you how many relationships I’ve lost because like some mustard in my mustache for a week I mean they they say stay true to yourself though that’s important think

All right I think we’re ready to could be that or the fear of commitment I don’t know look at that yeah that’s amazing now do you garnish with anything or you just say here here’s your wing eat it for this particular Wing yeah yeah it’s

Here’s your wing eat it um you have see like the bits of the garlic the bacon the onion um on the firecracker Wing we like to do green onions sometimes just fresh cilantro parsley but yeah this one it’s kind of is what it is but it’s

Pretty hot if you want to try one I don’t I don’t know if I’m ready to burn my mouth yet I mean how hot is it no we could do that we could do that same school of thought here peel the top back I love this technique what about

For the drummies you well you don’t eat them so you well I just put a Wing In My Mouth Nick so it’s not a good time ask me a question brother my God good good good Balan every enough heat plenty of heat not overwhelming um I’m going to take your

Towel over here and wipe my face yeah this is definitely one of my favorites dude that is so good for sure and like you said at home you can kind of I hate to use the word kind of I don’t want to say dummy it down keep it simple for

Sure you there a lot of dumb people out there you got to make it as simple when you got a lot of things going on at home you got four five six different things going on yeah I always you know I I try to keep it easy have a little plan get

Get some prep done the day before so then you’re not over welmed that day it’s all about getting getting things done ahead of time as much as you can my favorite thing about this is on that one Wing I probably got like two little pieces of bacon which I’ve never thought

About leaving the bacon in there before I always strain a lot of times you you strain out or’ll say to remove it that’s an insane Edition yeah yeah it really brings it out you got you know smokiness from the bacon you got some some heat from the sweet chili the the red pepper

Obviously sweetness with everything else going on so yeah and just at the base a high quality chicken wing is probably the most important thing here right not something pumped with hormones and steroid no so the important thing is in the restaurant we get them in you know

Six days a week fresh obviously always fresh never Frozen it’s a jumbo split Wing it’s hard to find oh you don’t have to split them yourself no we get them all already split it’s hard to find uh those that size in in the grocery stores but hey that’s why we’re special right

Otherwise you’d make them at home are you not someone who gets high on their own Supply am I the only want eat I’ll eat a leg if leg I have just for quality control I eat about don’t go crazy about three to four wings a day

So I would want the jummy to get a little less messy but yeah that’s really good I have to say not just cuz I made it but oh yeah of course well Nick thank you very much Jake melx Corner Taps Peri and Wabash downtown sorry I got food in my mouth

This is the least professional thing in the world but I don’t care because it’s authentic cuz when you’re cooking at home you’re trying your stuff as you’re doing it and you still got people to talk to you got a dog to yell at you got a kid to yell at Supply right yeah

Exactly thank you very much Jake Mel cor tap Superior in wob bash Championship Sunday this Sunday take a week off get ready for the Super Bowl either go there and watch it or order for pickup delivery whatever we we be ready for you Nick thank you very much thank for coming in thanks

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