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What Do We Know About Devo? | The John Nabors Show is LIVE!

John Nabors discusses the latest with the Razorback Basketball team that has everyone wondering what is going on with Devo Davis & why he left the program.

How many more games do the Hogs win?

Most clutch Razorback players in the history of the sport?

Razorback Baseball Scrimmage updates

Onine So you know what we’re going to Do now now entering Natty State studi the sports media Palace of Mid America The Wolf of Center Street here’s your host John Neor welcome into the John Neighbors show here live from Natty State Sports Studios appreciate everybody listening and watching in on this beautiful day here in the great state of Arkansas I am your host John neighbors and thank you for making us a part of your afternoon

This afternoon is it is a Monday so plenty of things to react to that happened over the sports weekend especially from the razor back side of things too a lot of things to dive in but we’ll talk a little NFL because the Super Bowl’s been officially set former

Razer backs that are going to be involved there as well as look at what’s going on in college basketball and also give some updates to the Razer baseball team as Andre Ellis is they currently going to give uh some I’m sure really astute observations from what you can

Take away inside of a Razorback baseball scrimmage so we’ll do that later in the show but but as we know there’s a lot of things happening in the Razer back Sports landscape especially when it comes to the Razorback basketball team now we will talk about once again

Arkansas taking another L uh which seems to be part for the course in the SEC at least so far to get to the Kentucky Wildcats which actually I don’t care what anybody says it was a closer game than what I thought Arkansas played a better game than what I thought but as

Much as there is to take away from that game it’s really not the story or at least the headline that people are wanting to talk about right now it’s dvo Davis the Razer back guard who of course has been a part of this Razer back basketball program for the past four

Years and being this fourth season of his his senior year it’s expected to have another big Year and be a leader for this team but as for those of you of course were watching the game and even listen to our live stream or watch our live stream we all know that dvo Davis

Is no longer with the team he has officially left the Razorback basketball program now there’s no new statements that’s been made from Eric muser the university and honestly probably won’t have anything at least here today it’d be nice just to have for the sake of knowing but it was quite the strange

Thing it was a strange set of circumstances that really played out because the got to walk you through the timeline before we welcome in Scotty bordland and Curtis Wilkerson here to give their thoughts and opinions it looked as o dvo was just as part of a

Team as ever you know on Friday he was at an Local Elementary School here in fville giv back and social media posts were going around there was no indication or anything as far as from the social media presence of dvo Davis that he was no longer with the program

Or with the team at all and then late Friday night a lot of people started hearing some rumors some speculation that dvo may not be playing against Kentucky people could have chocked it up to injury or some sort of punishment or anything like that but still rumors speculation all that stuff happens all

The time as we know especially in a small town and in a small state like the state of Arkansas but it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not but then college game day comes around and still the the amplification I don’t know that’s a word I just made it one started

Really going hard and heavy for dvo not playing but also not even being a part of the team and then right before tip we get the official statement released by the University of Arkansas that says dvo Davis is no longer with the Razer basketball program now I’ll say just for

My opinion when I saw that it was a pretty big shock to me because even though there had been some rumors and speculation to see dvo who has been a part of this program for so long has been a main stay for the program to leave the program once again which he

Technically left the program a year ago to see it happen again was pretty disappointing pretty shocking and pretty surprising for all intents and purposes but then it got taken to one step further where people were speculating as to why Jay bis who’s on the call for the Arkansas Kentucky game which again I

Wish we could play the clip for you but when he started giving his opinion on the matter which was just an opinion he mentioned the words as awall that dvo Davis had gone awall and had quit on his team and quit on his teammates and nobody really knew what to

Make of it and it was a big surprise to everybody so that’s really where it was left and that’s really where it still is today dvo still not a part of the team I don’t think anyone’s expecting him to be traveling with the team as they’ll be taking on Missouri on Wednesday night

But I don’t care what anybody says we don’t know but it still doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it now we’re going to talk about thing and good faith we’re never going to bring up anything that we don’t have any feelings on or any opinions on or any logical

Conclusions that we can draw from it and we hope that you all do the same because I know that there’s always rumor and speculation anytime somebody like dvo Davis who’s such an important figure for Razorback basketball for him to not be a part of the program it’s just human

Instinct for all of us to want to know why and it could be any player especially in in D’s same position people want to know why and all we have to go on in this point is just he’s not there so human instinct is going to have speculation you’re going to start

Believing things that maybe make sense to you or maybe that you want to believe or maybe that sounds like it could be correct but I want to make it very clear at least on this program folks the only things that we’re going to be discussing is just things that we know in good

Faith about we want to make sure that it gets talked about and discuss because it is a story but we also don’t want to make Reckless assumptions about anything because at least how I feel about it this could be deeper than just something that’s going on on the basketball team and being basketball

Related dvo has been an instate kid that’s been a great addition and a huge part of this Great era of Razorback basketball over the past few years he demands and and absolutely deserves the respect of Razer back fans because of that fact but he also deserves his

Privacy too for whatever may be going on in his life that we hope that everything is going well for him and that he’ll be able to come out on the other side better from it we do know he’s healthy we do know his state from that is that

He is fine and it’s nothing like he’s gone missing or anything like that but we want to make it clear that anything that we discussed today is something that we just believe that we have logical belief or logical reason to believe into it and that we won’t won’t

Want to make any Reckless assumptions or dive into anything that may be harmful to dvo to D.’s family or to anybody in the Razorback basketball program so we want to make that clear but we still need to discuss it we still need to talk about it so let’s go ahead and welcome

In the guys themselves that is Scotty bordland as well as Curtis Wilkerson of Natty State Sports doing a great job as always so guys uh how we feeling on this Monday getting back in third week right third week of Natty State Sports we’re going strong right now yeah I’d say

We’re going strong it was kind of crazy looking at the calendar today and and seeing we’ve only been doing this for a couple weeks I mean it feels like months but in a good way I was saying make sure it’s a good way you know like we’ve

Gotten a lot done and and we’ve learned a lot and I don’t know it just I just feel like I’ve been here longer than two weeks I think it’s good settling in a little bit you know for sure um yeah you know with the with the dvo stuff it’s

Uh it’s troubling you know there’s been some history there you worry about you know dvo you worry about anybody when there’s circumstances like this going on so it is good to hear um you know at least that at least it sounds like he’s doing well he’s okay you know from that

Standpoint uh but it is a weird situation I mean obviously I I spent a better part of Sunday just reaching out to you know different people within the program to see if I could get a better handle on what’s going on and and naturally there you know they weren’t

Giving up a lot there and I don’t blame them it’s just one of those situations where I don’t think we’re going to get a whole lot of detail at least from you know people who are who are really really close to the situation but um you

Know I wonder if Jay bis I mean he’s he knows what he’s doing and so I just don’t feel like he would have said some of the things that he said I know he wasn’t necessarily reporting anything but he would have made the comments that

He made if he didn’t have a a pretty good idea of what that situation is looking like so you like some of the things I would like to know is you know was dvo at practice on Friday was he at the shoo round before the game Saturday

Like did the did the coaches know he wasn’t going to be there did they communicate that to him was it D’s decision was it a coaching staff decision was it Mutual like there there’s just a lot of dots I think you know yet to be connected and I I don’t

Know if that’s going to happen and quite honestly I don’t I don’t know if we’re going to see him again in in a Razer back uniform yeah this uh this quote stepping away from the program just feels different from the last one and I think the timing of it makes it a little

Bit different like the first time that he stepped away was after Maui right so it’s like that’s Thanksgiving week and it’s not even December yet you’re about to get this this one is coming you know right before February hits will he come back I mean I just don’t know that the

Timing makes sense we don’t know if Arkansas would have him back we don’t know if dvo wants to go back um but like like Curtis I I reached out to somebody yesterday who knows dvo um just said hey just genuinely curious if if he’s okay like he’s I’ve always

Really enjoyed my time talking with him he’s been at SEC media days you know the last two years traveled you know covered his games um got a one-on-one with him after the Kansas game in March which was I mean it was one of the cooler things

I’ve done in my career so you got to you know kind of take all that into account um I just I’ve really appreciated his time and I’m like we’ve me and Curtis have covered every second that that he’s played here um and so you know you build

Relationships with kids and I would hope that you know he’s enjoyed the time that he’s spent with us so you you kind of grow genuinely uh curious if he’s okay and I got a text that said he’s okay so that was that was a a a positive um and

That we we talked about that on the pot at the palace today we just we hope we hope our gu’s okay yeah and see that’s the thing that we got to remembering this cuz I don’t like you know everybody kind of tries to go out for clicks or

Tries to go out for you know shock value and you know listen I I’m I’ve been in this business just like these guys have for a long time and I understand sometimes you got to drive what’s the content and what you know that’s what our job is is to drive content to drive

Interest in everything but there’s also a time where you got to remember where like in this case with dvo uh I know you guys have had a much closer back and forth with him than I have you know because I just moved back to fville I’ve had some discussions with him and you

Know SEC basketball media days and everything and he’s always just been awesome awesome to talk to and everything and so I think it’s always put you in a different lens of how you view certain people and certain players when you’ve actually had a sit down and

Talk with them or or anything and this is what makes it so sad but at the same time uh so interesting and I mean that in the in the best way possible because dvo is a competitor I mean dvo is a guy who he’s a basketball player at the end

Of the day that’s what that’s who he is he’s a basketball player and because of him being a basketball player to see him not playing basketball stepping away from the team I know things haven’t gone great this year and I don’t think it’s the way that any of anybody us mus the

Coaches the player nobody is looking at this year’s back yeah this is about what we expected so I get the frustrations are there but that’s what I guess makes it such a a scary thing is knowing how much of a competitor dvo is how much he

Wants to win how much he loves Arkansas I mean this guy didn’t have to come back this past year not saying he would have gotten drafted into the NBA but he could have moved on with his professional career he could have moved on somewhere else he could have transferred out but

He loves Arkansas he loves where he’s been the dude is March dvo for a reason I mean he’s had some great moments in the NCAA tournament so I guess to me that’s what’s made this so I even hate to use the term scary because maybe it’s a little bit over the

Top but at least so alarming that a guy who is basketball basketball basketball for him to step away from basketball it has to be something serious enough or at least be impacting him enough for him to step away from who he is which is a basketball player yeah

I and I’m not going to steal Scotty Thunder here but I am going to tee him up because I thought he made a really good point on the Pod earlier this morning just about uh you know kind of who dvo is and his personality as a

Player which has just been uh he’s just different and he’s unique in in so many ways and uh you know one of the things you mentioned today that that I I think the people would appreciate you touching on is just you know how we’ve seen in

The past that he’s you know kind of lost that Joy of playing and then then when he finds it he’s just a completely different player and this year has felt different it has and you know when he was emerging as a freshman I did a one-on-one Zoom with him and you know

I’m a I’ve got one tattoo but I’m a big tattoo guy like I just love you know talking to guys about their tattoos and stuff because I I think they all um unless you you know you got it because you lost a bet there’s normally there’s

Typically a story which there is I mean I guess you can have stories behind tats on Lost bets too um but just to get to getting to know him as a person I think was uh Illuminating you know when he was a freshman um because there was no hot I

Mean there was no hotter topic that that year that he was a freshman and you know the instate kid is emerging um and I did that before you know he hit the um you know before he started having all of his his in tournament success and you know another year goes

By he wasn’t the same guy his sophomore years he was as a freshman when he was breaking out junior year you know there were some moments where just kind of like man he’s like he’s even getting feels like farther away from what he was when he was coming out as a as a

Freshman as like a big-time contributor um and you know Eric would talk about dvo after games when dvo would play well and he’d be like yeah he he you know it feels like he you know he found his Joy again him and him and Eric had a lot of

Conversations about finding your joy again loving to play the game um and Playing For the Love of the Game and it just feels like over time he’s kind of hardened a little bit um whether it’s you know pushing the what was it the Northern Iowa guy out of bounds yeah you

Know techs flagrant ones I don’t know I I just think and then I mentioned this too on the Pod how many like how many what would you set the over under at on number of teammates that he’s had here I mean think about all the different personalities all the different egos

That he’s played with and you’ve basically got to start brand new Clean Slate almost every year because you can count typically Arkansas’s returning guys on like two fingers um I imagine that’s emotionally taxing mentally taxing and you got to get these get to know these guys off the

Court well before you can seems like have that ENC Court chemistry I then the en Court chemistry and the basketball side of things is a completely it’s completely different deal you might click with somebody off the court but it might just you know you might not compliment each other on the court court

And that you know that’s you can struggle with that I guess um yeah I just I kind of think he’s hardened over the years and it it it sucks to to say that and to when I first had that thought I was like God that

Sucks because he was just he was the kid as a freshman in the bubble in Indie he was wearing Shades inside so the haters couldn’t see him and he he was sharing bags of candy in the locker room Justin Smith told me that story when I was putting that that

Piece together when dvo was a freshman um Justin Smith had been around the block at the time when they were teammates and Justin Smith’s like yeah this this this kid’s a character like I’ve never been around anybody like him I me Justin Smith was in his final year

That year played with a lot of guys so yeah D’s just he’s unique and he’s been Arkansas basketball for four years been the staple you know of these runs that that you know Eric’s LED this team on Doo’s been right there you know you you mentioned just maybe just the number of

Teammates you know that he’s he’s gone through over the course of four years and you know we’ve obviously seen a lot of comments and heard a lot about you know what’s going on in the locker room like is there is there drama within the team well like yeah I mean I I think

It’s it’s a pretty fair assumption I don’t know specifics but I yeah I think there’s probably some issues with this team I that’s that’s pretty obvious with the way that they’ve played um and I don’t know how much of it involves dvo or you know like whatever but yeah I

Mean there’s there’s certainly been some chemistry issues with this group for whatever reason uh that goes beyond just playing on the floor I think that that’s obvious but it I did like to see yesterday you know kind of the outpouring of support on social media from several guys you know many guys on

The team at least most of them who I you know follow on Instagram or whatever were just posting messages of support or you know pictures of them with dvo or whatever um and so that’s good to see because you know you think about some of the accusations or whatever or the

Thought that maybe he went awall or he quit on his teammates you know whatever the case may be um you know but if if if that were the case like would would as many of these guys have you know put out those messages of support you know or

Would they just be like hey man forget this guy like he he quit on us you know what I mean so that that seems kind of telling to me um and I was happy to see it I just I just don’t know what it means you know like I don’t I have no

Idea honestly you know what the what the future holds you know in terms of dvo and and Arkansas basketball I just don’t know yeah one of those social media posts I saw from uh I think it was like an Instagram story from Jeremiah Davenport like JD’s been here what since

May late may I guess and I would guess that him and him and dvo are tighter he just he grew to you know have a bond with JD and um or with dvo in in a short amount of time and you know showed him some love I mean those guys are I mean

They’ve been together for the last what seven or eight months now with each other almost every single day so you know when one of your guys leave like if you got up and like if you were gone for however long like you left and I didn’t

Didn’t know if you were coming back or not like I’d be pretty tore up too you know yeah and I and that’s another thing too where maybe it’s not that we forget about it but I’ve always felt like when it comes to certain players uh and I’m not trying to compare circumstances I’m

Comparing to a player leaving but I think back to like tray and Burks when tray and Burks decided to opt out of the bowl game and go on to the NFL fans not all of them but some of them had a negative reaction to that it’s like hey

Quitting on your your team in in the middle of this like you got you got a reward for a bowl game at the end of the season like that should be something you all should strive to be but my whole feeling on it is if this if his teammates were okay

With it if his coaches were okay with it then I’m okay with it and I’m not saying that I don’t know what’s going on with the team and the coaches and Maybe not maybe maybe mus or maybe some of the coaches some of the players are not

Happy about this but as you mentioned some of the ongoing support and everything from current teammates and former teammates I’m not saying that you just got to be okay with it and move on but I do believe that that shows hey whatever’s going on with dvo and wherever is’s

Leaving is having at least uh a reaction from some of his teammates where they’re like hey we get it we wish you nothing but the best and I think that that speaks volumes too yeah and I I I kind of feel like I’m about to be speaking

Out of out of both sides of my mouth here I guess but I it seemed a little bit telling I guess to me and this is just me connecting d but like you know post game must didn’t really have anything to add and I don’t like he doesn’t have to give us details

About it or whatever but um and and maybe he was just instructed to do that or maybe that was his decision just to kind of go the the no comment route like we put out a release and that’s that but to not hear the you know hey we we

Support him or you know like we we’ve got his back or thoughts or you know like there was none of that and I feel like there was last time I could be wrong but I I don’t know if maybe I’m reading too much into it or maybe if

That could be telling in regards to you know whether or not they expect him that he didn’t Eric say something along those lines the first time that he Ste away I feel like it’s like he’s got our you know he’s got our full support we you

Know we wish the best for I’m almost I’m almost certain that was the case and and we certainly didn’t get that this time I’m not throwing shade at must for that but like you know I just it’s just something I notice and so I wonder if

That’s telling him com I’m going STI to Mike’s thing thanks yeah yeah exactly I I think we I think we might have the clip but yeah it was uh he didn’t really have any interest in in giving any extra details there and I don’t I don’t really

Know that he will yeah in fact I’m glad you brought that up Curtis because yeah this was the this is just the video plain and simple of what mus had to say after the game about dvo Davis on top of the statement he made clear up the situation surrounding dvo and just I

Think did Mike give up a release uh just that he was yeah that’s that I mean whatever Mike said thank you yeah evil stepped away does that mean he’s left the team I’m just GNA stick with Mike’s thing thank you Bob that mean he is a

Door open for him to come back I’m just gonna stick with Mike’s thing I appreciate the job you got and and um that’s you know that’s what it is okay so I mean you can’t ever say that Arkansas media doesn’t ask those tough questions because I mean they were they

Were asking must and everyone was trying to know but uh you know mus is I’m sure he’s aware of the situation I mean I’m not saying he was aware that dvo he didn’t know that D.A was not going to show up again we don’t know the the

Details it’s just start as far as when you’re putting two and two together you know if if that’s the statement he wanted to put out that’s where they’re leaving it and I’m not surprised or not saying that like oh must just misdirection he’s like no he’s he’s

Handled it the way it should be handled where he’s like that’s our statement until we D’s ready until we’re ready to whatever that’s the statement leaving it at that that’s how it is yeah and we we you know it wasn’t a surprise to anybody that was in the arena um you know an

Hour and a half in from the game until it started um I mean you can tell we we knew that TB wasn’t going to play because he came out for you know team stretch like an hour before tip off and he wasn’t one of the guys stretching so

We knew that that he was going to be out officially was out I guess when or I knew he was going to be officially out when that happened and then confirmation came when the pregame radio show happened um there was no mention of dvo on the pregame radio show that I that

I’m aware of I think I stopped listenting a few minutes before the game I could have said it after that after I cut it off but and that that’s a good that’s a good point because you know a lot of that they like even like the interviews with mus and stuff like they

Pre-record those right you know and so maybe there was just nothing to be said at that time and I’m I’m I’m thinking out like I’m having organic thoughts here so I’m just I’m thinking out loud but like you know with college game day on campus and you know everything

Surrounding that like I just I just feel like had they known wouldn’t they have gotten out ahead of that a little bit differently like you know how they’ll anytime there’s a game on ESPN like it’ll they’ll jump to the screen it’ll be like oh tip off in 20

Minutes or whatever and then it’ll be like U you know Arkansas dvo Davis not expected to play tonight or whatever but it was literally if if I saw correctly like breaking dvo Davis steps away from the team like right as the broadcast kind of started so I just no we got that

Email like 10 minutes had they known wouldn’t they have been more strategic you know what I mean no that’s a great point because that’s and I think that’s where a lot of this you I don’t want to call it speculation but just putting two and two together yeah it’s where a lot

Of it comes from where you know they if like they all know that if they knew that dvo was not going to be playing well before that they would have approached it differently now would they have put out a statement before the game yeah but that

I think there would have it what it looked like to me complete and total just speculation on my part what it looked like to me is that he wasn’t there there was still a chance that he would be there maybe he showed up late but then when it was game

Time and he wasn’t there they’re like just put it out just get something out because we know everyone’s going to be asking ESPN people are going to be asking everyone’s going to be asking so just put it out it just gave the Vibes that they were still not still like just

Waiting for dvo to arrive but there may have still been that door open to where he could have possibly still showed up for the game play maybe not even play but just be on the bench like something would have happened or something could have been put together but when he was

Just a no-show not even there it’s like hey just put it out there he’s not with the program I mean that that’s at least again my total opinion that’s just the vibe that it gave of the timeline and how these things are usually handled at least under Eric musan in the basketball

Team think I’m with you yeah yeah it’s unfortunate it’s really unfortunate but it sucks man like it just it it really does um D’s just he’s he’s been like the guy for so many big moments like the last the last four years and he’s just the ups and downs have just and they’ve

Been high and they’ve been low um I like I I think I said this on the pot at the palace I hope he does come back um I just it would I just don’t want his career to end this way you know what I mean like come back and come back

And hoop but above all else I I’ll extend that I’ll say I hope he come back because I think dvo at his best is good for this team like yep you know morale personality but above all else I think I just I want him to find his his joy and

His peace again whether that’s hooping or not yeah and also want to throw in something else too real quick that um again I wish I could play the video but let’s not forget that this was less than a year ago when Arkansas beat Kanas in the NCAA tournament go to the Sweet

16 uh CBS was interviewing mus right after the game ended and you know he was all fired up and excited and dvo is the first one to go over there cuz he was the player of the game but first want to go over there and then they just hug and embrace each

Other and then you know D says how much he loves him and then mus is like I love this kid and then dvo gets so emotional and I know this is about dvo for sure but I would have to think that this has got to be pretty tough on M too because

There is a special friendship relationship uh you know coach to to player connection there that you really see and you saw in that moment and you saw after that game I mean yeah it’s easier to be all high and mighty when things are going good but you know I I

Just don’t think mus and dvo like seeing that at the end of the Kansas game and seeing that Embrace and seeing that reaction there was nothing fake about that there was nothing forced by that there was I think there was a genuine appreciation and respect for one another

And you know you guys brought up how much dvo has been a part of this program and how he’s basically been here since mus has been here essentially and for it to go this way it’s got It’s got to I would think it’s got to be really tough

On mus to whether whatever it’s going on but having dvo no longer be with the program yeah I mean dvo is is M’s first and only four-year player at at Arkansas and probably Nevada I don’t know about Nevada for sure but I know that’s the case with Arkansas good chance of it um

Yeah and then I mean how many of those guys that he have in the NBA I mean he he hasn’t even been in places you know for four years at a time very often so I can’t imagine a lot of his players have so I’m sure it’s a a complicated but

Obviously a unique and and strong bond between those guys so it is uh it is just a bizarre deal and and you know like in terms of of what’s next or what we’re going to find out like I don’t I mean it’s 4:30 on Monday and and you know we don’t have any

Correspondence about a a pregame presser and they travel tomorrow so I mean I guess they could send us something late and do it early in the morning but I’m not necessarily anticipating that that we get to talk to Eric um I don’t know that he would say

Anything about it on his radio show at sassy tonight unless it was kind of a you know pre-planted opportunity for him to to make a statement but I uh like I I don’t know that we’re going to have a clue here unless dvo himself makes a

Statement or you know he just shows up or doesn’t in Columbia on Wednesday it’s kind of kind of where I’m at yeah I think so I don’t think the only the the only person that’s going to have the whole story is dvo like D’s just dvo is

Going to have to doesn’t have to but if I mean if he wants the if he wants the story out there it’s going to be him that does it um going back to that you know postgame you know Embrace interaction that he had with Eric after the Kansas

Game it partly had to it was so moving and Powerful I think in the moment because of not only the game that dvo just had the team that they beat the the struggles that that team had been having but it was everything from everything before that from like the moment that he

Got to campus all the way up until that point hell of a lot of highs hell of a lot of lows just with probably just with those two um and then you’re on the Mountaintop it feels like in that moment I mean that’s that’s that’s the epitome of a

Player coach relationship and it’s yeah the Curtis is right it’s complicated no doubt about it um but that’s I mean a lot of stuff the previous three years went into that that that really memorable moment last March yeah and I’ll throw in this too and I know we’ll

We’ll talk talk about the game itself and kind of look ahead cuz there were as I hate to say it but there were some positives I guess you could take from the game against Kentucky uh that we’ll dive into but uh the final thing I’ll

Say on this too is you know we’ll get some of your comments at least some of them and people are going to have their own thoughts on this and you know some people are going to have the thoughts of 100% hey you know whatever is going on

D’s life and everything’s like I hope he handles it and then other people are going to take all softt these days you know all that stuff here’s my thing is you know a lot of cases there can be some in between there can be times where having sympathy or empathy for certain people

Is warranted and needed especially in this day and age in social media which I know you can say it’s soft but I think social media has complicated a lot of people and a lot of people’s emotions a lot of people stop processes and just because you feel like

People need to get over it not everyone’s built the same way you know some people are me more Mally tough than others some people are able to ignore some things and not ignore other things too like there’s just a lot of different ways to approach it but when it comes to

This particular case in dvo I think the approach until we know something until we know for a fact of what’s going on or anything the approach is just really it needs to be about let’s just hope whatever dvo is going through let’s hope that he comes out better from it in the

End let’s hope that it’s something to where you know if if it’s rejoining the team if it’s coming back on the team which I don’t think any of us at this point in time feel confident about that but if it’s him coming back onto the team if it’s him uh just you know

Finding whatever it is that he needs or finding the help that he needs or or whatever it is whatever is going on I think everybody just wants to and needs to know and understand that this needs to be about dvo it needs to be about dvo being better and getting better so

Regardless of what it is and what the reasoning is because since we don’t know for anything at least at this point time I think the hope and I think everybody’s feeling just needs to be like let’s just hope dvo gets better now if it comes out

That dvo just flat out quit on his team and didn’t tell anybody and gave the double Birds to everybody as he walked out the door okay let’s talk about that and let’s have some negative reaction to that but until we know I just have a hard time coming down

On somebody like dvo who has done so much for this University and so much for this state and a guy who is nails in the NCAA tournament a guy who’s been able to do all that to say he’s soft a guy’s on the biggest stage as a freshman hitting a gamewinner against

Oral Roberts soft a guy that you know has been has put himself out there nil deals and you know been a part of the university and been the captain if you will of this team and again the biggest stage every year comes through in the clutch and

Comes through with big play after big play I have a hard time believing anybody like that is mentally soft or that he just doesn’t have it together we all have issues we all have things and battles that we go through but the last thing I think of dvo

Davis is that he is soft because he has proven time and time again things that none of us especially me could ever go up on that type of stage in front of that many people and those moments and be able to perform at the high level that he did

That’s not somebody that’s mentally soft that’s that’s my viewpoint you can’t be mentally soft when you’re that guy yeah I think when you know when people are under the spotlight and and things are magnified for like it is for athletes like it it’s pretty easy to forget about

Just the human element of things and like these guys all have lives outside of basketball who are we to say that this is a a basketball related thing we don’t know uh who knows what’s going on in his personal life you know people don’t know what I’ve got going on people

Don’t know what John’s got going on it’s the same for dvo and and everybody else on that team and that staff and so like like no like I’m not naive to all the speculation and and rumors and everything that are going around out there but you just I I would just

Suggest like not subscribing to that until you know and so where I’m at with it is you know from my viewpoint been around dvo since he got to Arkansas and just appreciate him for everything he’s done for the program and he really it’s helped me because the better Arkansas

Has been the the better I’ve I’ve gotten at my job and the more people read and listen so like I I appreciate that side of it too but yeah for now I just you know I worry about dvo the person you know especially until we kind of figure

Out for sure if we ever do like what exactly is going on here just remember he’s a person too he’s he’s not just a guy that twice a week plays basketball yep just remember that yep yep yeah we just got to keep continue to remember

That folks so again I know there’s a lot of other things that we’ll get into we’ll talk about the Arkansas Kentucky basketball game there’s anything you can actually take from it you know we’ll see we’ll try to maybe make something out of it but we’ll try uh but we’ll talk about

That I know we’ll have a lot of your comments that we’ll try to get to as well and we’re going to keep it moving here on the John Neighbors show presented by Natty State Sports take a break and come back with us here in just

A second so stay with us we not done yet either so don’t be satisfied we not done we not done yet either so don’t be satisfied CU we not done we not done Yet W Fville is 18843 miles away but the call of the Hogs can be heard all the way to San Francisco must dig my dick in the Mas potatoes Go hogs powered by Arkansas for Arkansas every time you put a mic in my face I’m going to say arkans

The John Neighbors show is Live From The Natty State Sports Studios welcome back into the John Neighbors show here live from Natty State Sports Studios appreciate everybody listening in on this beautiful day here in the great state of Arkansas as uh we got a lot more things to dive into of course I am your host John neighbors you got Curtis Wilkerson and

Scotty bordland joining us as well here live as uh I know Andre Ellis will actually be joining us later to talk more about uh some bask or baseball stuff because he’s at the scrimmage right now so looking forward to getting some uh updates and Recaps on those too

Uh guys you were at the uh game Arkansas Kentucky um so Arkansas still lost uh but it was better than maybe what we thought 63 to 57 was the final score Arkansas actually LED in this game uh had a potential chance to close out but could not maybe some better

Performances but overall just and I hate to put it this way but it’s like can you really like take maybe something positive from like hey maybe this is why the team’s actually not going to make the NCAA tournament but maybe turn it around a little bit like can you do

Something from that right now I mean before we get into this we need to decide does Natty State Sports believe in moral victories like are we are we on that train or not I’m not yet no I don’t think you can build on a was yeah I I

Don’t either you know I think my biggest takeaway from it um and again it means literally nothing unless the same thing happens at Missouri Wednesday and then at LSU on Saturday they played hard like the the effort that has been missing was there like the they look like a team

That wanted to win and wanted to compete and we just haven’t seen that much at all honestly an SEC play um you know and then and must must mention this as well like they were just connected like they look like a group that enjoyed playing together uh that was playing for each

Other and it seems silly but you know like when you’ve gotten to the funk that Arkansas has been in like those things are missing and so when they’re there I feel like it can make a lot of difference even when frankly you you they still didn’t

Play that well no I mean they just played hard I mean the offense was a complete mess and and it it continues to be just a it’s a disaster man it’s ugly I know you have a great stat for that that I think to share here momentarily

But uh and defensively like like you know one of the biggest Keys again something you wrote about was like staying attached to those Shooters they didn’t do that kuy’s nine of 20 from three uh but the the effort and the the toughness and the grit that they showed

Allowed them to really I think contain Kentucky around the rim and forc a few turnovers and it was enough there to to keep them in the game you know for for a majority of the night I’m not optimistic that you know that performance will carry over I’m not like there are

Certain aspects of that performance that you would like to carry over obviously I think the way that they you know attacked the ball on misses on the defensive end was good um he had like what was it three guys had at least seven defensive boards yeah Makai

Mitchell was really good on the glass like the the most encouraging thing for me that came out of that game uh was Maki like he he scored 12 points he was eight of 10 at the line which I don’t know if I don’t I don’t know if he’s

Going to do that again or not um but it’s good to see one of your front Court guys not named Jaylen Graham um is because it really seems like the the guy who’s most capable of scoring double figures in the front court right now is Jaylen Graham which is didn’t expect

That coming in the season but maai Mitchell LED you in scoring the other day LED you in rebounding the other day which was good he got on the offensive glass I think he had four he grabbed four misses and then he blocked four shots so that was Arkansas’s front Court you know with

With TB not producing like we expected has been I don’t know it’s been kind of flat most nights um they just kind of wander aimlessly but you got you know decent minutes from JG the other day love that they played Dunked On by Froggy Fresh after his oop from llis

That was great and then Mai Mai just he he played like Eric said his best game since he’s been here um something about I guess him playing Kentucky or um just getting up for for big big home crowds or whatever but he he was really good

That was that’s what I took from that game most yeah from a positive perspective now yeah well the other way around like guard Antonio Reeves and Reed Shepard please next time you play him that would have been neat yeah I feel like uh you know uh Reeves is

Probably gonna have I mean I don’t know maybe I’d like to know who’s got the highest point total of a single player opposing player in a two game Span in Bud Walton history because he’s got at least be flirting with it uh 37 last year what he end up with 24 I believe

Yeah this year so yeah something about he loves Bud Walton appar wal GNA have to check on what Wade Taylor did last season let me get back to you gosh yeah the fact that there’s another option makes me sick but you’re right it might be the case Antonio

Reeves in his last year of Eligibility like does he have one more if he likes Bud so much I mean just thrown it out there he could play there about 18 times a year if he wants so yeah but I was about to say I was like there’s a way

That if he could if he really likes playing Bud Walton that and maybe he could uh you know play play a little bit more permanently a little bit more frequently in Bud Walton Arena you know if he wanted to next year if he has some eligibility left it sounds like a pretty

Good idea to me but you know yeah Arkansas didn’t have an answer there uh point guard is just a huge issue for this team and they keep searching for answers like there is no answer so I I don’t know what kind of Band-Aid they

Can put on that the rest of the year but you know we talk about the offense just sputtering and scuffling you know throughout SEC play and it’s it starts there man like if you don’t have somebody who can consider consistently facilitate and kind of you know just you

Have to be the straw that stirs the drink and like get everybody in their sets and line them up have them knowing where they’re going and and just you know it’s got to be a smooth operation that was something that even when he wasn’t playing well dvo did uh because

He’s very much at this point kind of an extension of the coaching staff and mus has talked about that over and over now you don’t have that and you don’t have a point guard who can really do it and so you know I think for people wondering if

This offense is really really going to get clicking or get out of their Funk there might be nights where it’s better but I don’t consistently I just I don’t see it no I don’t either and the the number or the stat that Curtis was talking about I looked up after we did

The pot at the palace Arkansas’s in conference offensive efficiency rating right now 88.3 so 88.3 points scored per 100 possessions in league play against Conference teams it’s not good that is the worst in conference offensive efficiency rating of the kenpom era and number two second worst

Wait hold on of the era of the kenpom era so it goes back to like was it like 99 yeah and there’s been some dark days there so second worst 89.5 2002 2003 Stan Heath Squad that went N9 and 19 it’s worst in conference play than that team so yeah it’s bad

It’s real bad I was over here trying to think positives of like Stan Heath’s name and John just face Palms yeah Stan Heath with you know love my boy Blake edin but come on man it’s like when he he and denisio Gomez were like the the

Pride of that team it kind of shows you where it’s at but I think the most disgusting part of that is that as we have been talking about all year long is that this team does have some offensive pieces that are actually pretty good at offense individually at least coming

Into this year you know was a guy like o Ellis who like averaged like 20 points a game last year for Louisville uh you know Jaylen Graham know offensively he’s been really good and has shown signs of it Dramon Marc is any given day he can

Go for 20 to 25 30 same thing with a caleff battle I think that’s what’s the most disgusting part about it is like if you would told me last year’s team was offensively challenged like that I probably would have said ah makes sense you know because besides Ricky Council

And maybe dvo on occasion there’s really nobody else right but this team it’s like we’ve SE that they’ve proven that they can play offense in the college basketball in the high level and the fact that it’s the worst in the era yeah the era goes back to the 98 99

Season and it’s not like it’s a small sample size you know like they’re they’re nearly halfway through the SEC slate at this point and they’re you know 20 21 games whatever to 20 games into the season so yeah it’s uh it it’s troubling and I think the the biggest

Part of this that stinks is like this roster was built to be better offensively and you knew you were going to take a step back on defense and so you take a step back on defense and you’re the worst you’ve ever been offensively it’s just like uh it’s like

An Island of Misfit Toys man like they’ve got all these parts and none of them fit together usually that’s kind of the case early with with a team you know coached by Eric muscleman but it’s just like I think it’s like uh you know it’s like a puzzle but it’s pieces from like

10 different puzzles like they just don’t connect it’s all it’s just a different picture listen I don’t want anybody ever to complain about a must team ever again that’s like go you know just he’s never going to win big until he get Shooters and offense after seeing

This no I’ll take defense I never defense all day long I don’t care if he goes into the portal and grabs nothing but guys that had less than 10 points per game average if they play great defense I never want to yeah you want this you would rather have this folks

Than what you had the past few years go win 30 to 25 I don’t care I do Virginia basketball all day long and just sign me up I I I want that they went and got all these shooters and I think I’m pretty sure it was you Sky did you tell me that

They’re only shooting 0.4% better from three right now than they did last year this year’s team from three shooting 31.7% and last year’s team shot 31.3% so so there you have it they only picked it up 0.4% sorry John but it’s like it’s almost like the thing is is I think it’s

Just it feels so different because I guess this team is worse than than what it was last year but I guess they’re just bad at everything else at the three point percentage to me doesn’t even stand out with this team like that’s not even something I’m like man this team

Sucks at taking three-pointers like no like that’s like eighth on the list of like things that I look at that they’re bad at because last year you’re used to that yeah it’s like yeah it’s like it’s almost like you’re not used to bad defense if you would because honestly if

You would have asked me like hey is this team better at three-point shooting this year than they were last year I probably would say yes just because of you know it’s not something that you you paid attention to at least I haven’t paid attention to as effectively but last

Year how bad they were at three it was it I think it was just because it was there were other things that were good but that thing was so bad that it stood out yeah it was like holding them back right but this year it’s like there’s so

Many bad things that the three-point shooting is not the issue it’s not like oh man if this team was just better at three-point shooting they’d be you know have 20 wins right now like no it’s everything’s bad but man when you put in that perspective it’s truly historical

If you want some positive news Arkansas’s defensive performance the other day against Kentucky got him back inside inside the top 100 nationally and offensive or defensive efficiency so hand clap for the boys yeah they they get a golf clap for that yeah how about that back in the top 100 sitting at a

Pretty 91 well I guess it helps when Kentucky starts like one of 28 or whatever it was yeah that was wild I mean they were just missing some point Blake looks too like the defense was solid or better or whatever but they just they were just missing shots at The

Rim that I feel like they are not going to miss you know in rup in a month no doubt about no doubt it man I feel like and that’s kind of when I knew Arkansas was still gonna lose like in the first half they couldn’t stretch it Beyond 10 yeah like to

Me it it wasn’t the exact same game but it kind of reminded me of the Texas A&M game at home where Arkansas got up 20 points they’re up 20 now got to give credit Arkansas played well they played better or whatever but lot of it cuz A&M

Couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn and so you built the lead and you needed every one of those points because you needed a buzzer beater to even win the dadgum game and when Arkansas had Kentucky I think they were I think the most they were up in the first half was

By 10 nine 10 points something like that 188 yeah something something to that extent but then really when it got down to it then Kentucky was one of 20 or whatever it was and you only had a seven-point lead I’m like nope nope kuy’s way too good of a team to where

They’re going to keep shooting that poorly and you did not build enough of a lead you’re not good enough of a team to you know play and up your game in the second half so that’s kind of where I knew I was like probably ain’t going to be Arkansas’s

Day today because when other team it’s it’s sad but it’s true the other team has to suck and Arkansas just has to not suck to build enough of a lead to where if they suck inevitably in the second half they’re not going to still lose the game that’s essentially the recipe for

This team and they’re winning in the conference it was a pretty safe bet I think that Kentucky would at least start making a higher percentage of its shots but you can’t say that all about Arkansas like they’re shooting 35% or whatever in the first half and you’re like yeah well that’s that’s that’s

Probably about right sustainable yeah exactly so the difference in the first half and the second half was Arkansas did a really good job I thought running Kentucky Shooters off the line forcing them to put the ball on the floor inside the inside the arc and yeah did Arkansas get

Away with some get away with Kentucky missing some chippies of course they did but second half they didn’t even run him off the line because they weren’t close to them they just got they got lost like they just completely got lost and that’s why they gave up seven of 11 in the

Second half then Kentucky was like five of six from deep in the last seven and a half minutes of the game that’s just that’s not winning basketball especially when you can’t match it at the other end at all onepoint game with three minutes left you know like they they had every

Opportunity to get it done there and then just the it’s almost like this team has forgotten how to win even though they beat Texas A&M a week ago or whatever like they kind of forgot how to win in that game they just they got a

Nice shot there at the very end but um you know when you have those opportuni like that’s where you have to execute and you know they were able to to dig their heels in up until that point and get a stop or or answer you know every

Time Kentucky would hit a big shot but you have those back-to-back turnovers and next thing you know you look up and it’s a nine-point game and it just that’s just where they’re at right now let me let me ask you this because we’re not even going to entertain the idea of

This team making the NCAA tournament because they’re not unless they win the secc tournament that’s really the only way realistically but this week the we got two road trips the battle against the Tigers or two of the Tigers I guess in the conference on the road against

Missouri on Wednesday night and then on the road against LSU on Saturday now Missouri not a good team at all they stink they’re pretty bad but it is I guess Conor van over and that all angle whatever but Trevon Brazil we don’t know what his status is going to be

Officially yet but we know that those Missouri fans have been chomping at the bit for the return of Trev and Brazil so either way that game and then LSU who’s better than last year but still not great they’re coming back down to earth after a hot start yeah I mean after like

What happens this week I know it’s so unpredictable this dadgum team to know what’s going on but like just entertain the idea of this team we’ll assume that dvo is not playing we’ll assume Brazil is not playing two of the guys that they had from last year

So just looking at that and knowing that how do you see this week playing out against two teams that are beatable but being on the road in the SEC when this team is proven that they can’t really beat an SEC team like I mean how how do you even

Justify or how do you even prove anything about this well first of all to to go back and Hammer home your very first point about not making the NCAA tournament unless they win the SEC tournament um I did get on BART which it’s another analytic site it’s

It’s kind of similar to Kim pom they have a really cool tool on there it’s called the turny cast simulator and so basically like it it has all the results for the season up until the present day and then you can go through and just basically pick the rest of the schedule

Like win loss the rest of the way down and so I was just wondering like like what what are the actual odds and so I went through and I had Arkansas going and I don’t think it’s going to happen but I just did it for for the heck of it

Had him going nine and two the rest of the way with the only losses coming at Kentucky and at Alabama so that would make him 19 and 12 overall get them above 500 at 108 in the SEC and according to that simulator after it ran the numbers they would still be the

Sixth team out of the NCAA tournament field and that’s if they go 9 and2 only losing at Kentucky and Bama so yeah no it’s not happening um that would include that that run would include a win over Tennessee who is firmly what top five team in the country now um a win at

Mississippi State a win at Texas A&M um and then you know another sweep LSI and LSU I don’t see why that’s even an issue like looks like easy money to me seem seems legit yeah it doesn’t seem like Arkansas’s won A&M in my lifetime right so we keep we keep hitting John

With the I feel like he’s looking for you know a reason to smile and we just keep hitting him with the stuff as far as this week is concerned um like I think the most likely scenario is probably Arkansas going 0 and2 uh just because like what do we like they

Haven’t competed like they haven’t competed with anyone on the road yet um and so yeah they played they played hard and they played a lot better against Kentucky but until we start to see it string together from night to night like I don’t I don’t know that we really have

A reason to feel like they’re going to just suddenly start doing that um but yeah I mean both of the games are winnable like they if they play with the effort that they did against Kentucky they could theoretically win both of those games like it it’s not a

Far-fetched thing so I’m kind of going into it with the mindset of it would be nice I think at least to see Arkansas split um and just you know just pick up up one road win and and see if you can you know kind of parlay it into

Something but boy if they go 0 and two it’s just uh you know goes from really bad to even worse if that’s possible I hope they beat Missouri though I mean you’re that Missouri team is really flawed and a sure sign or a sure sure sign that a

Team is flawed and struggling are is home losses right like that should be where you’re most comfortable playing um you can feed off the the energy from your fans if you draw well Arkansas’s lost four home games Missouri’s lost five home games like that includes Jackson State no shame in losing to

Memphis at home but in League Play they’ve already lost to Georgia at home South Carolina at home um so Arkansas and Missouri are guess I guess Eskimo brothers in that way in terms of losing to South Carolina on their home floor um but also lost at home to Florida too so

Let Missouri hasn’t won at home in a long time maybe they just need Arkansas but maybe Arkansas just needs Missouri to get back on track let me let me throw this out there I want to see what you guys think about this does Arkansas have a better chance of beating Missouri if

Trevon Brazil doesn’t play because if he does yes it’s going to be a it’s going to be a Nut House in there it’s going to be a mad house if he doesn’t play and they realize that you’re just watching a 1- six versus 0 and7 SEC matchup yes you

Know like I think it kills the atmosphere yeah cuz Conor vanover is the biggest ingame storyline at that point right woo buddy uh so but that’s the thing is I I believe yes it does give him a better chance CU you know say what you want about Missouri fans and

Everything but a lot of them really hate Trev and Brazil still don’t really know why but they do and a lot of them were happy when he tore his ACL last year and a lot of them have been circling this game for a long time and they even

During like the off season still talked about Trevon Brazil so they got an obsession with trevan Brazil and when you have a program or a fan base that’s obsessed with one particular player as much as Missouri is with Trev and Brazil their anger and their hatred is going to

Develop and evolve into an energy that’s going to be inside that Arena which can only fuel the Missouri Tigers now if Arkansas was a better basketball team I’d actually like their chances of like still going in there because Missouri is so bad but because but since Arkansas’s

So bad I mean I just feel like hey well don’t try don’t give Missouri Advantage already whether it’s energy or whatnot just maybe maybe Brazil sits this one out again and then because you don’t have need to have fuel to the fire you need to have all the focus not on the

Energy going against Brazil but on the the team itself trying to get back on the winning track well I I feel like if we are able to identify for sure that Brazil is going to play you know maybe tomorrow or even early Wednesday then the only answer is for

For Natty State Sports to take a road trip trip up there because the only person that could take the heat off of Tre and Brazil with Missouri fans John neighbors that’s that’s that’s the only way that we’ be able to get that done so it’s something to consider you know

We’ll see if we can get some Insider info but you might have to walk in that building you know just to save save the Razer backs I’m not trying to put too much on your shoulders but you know well I’d hate to see what they would think if

I tore my ACL is the type of remarks I would get I’m sure for them would be think like if TB doesn’t play um but he still travels JN being there is the only thing that could keep the heat off of him yeah it’s like we had that

Conversation earlier like if TB doesn’t play does he just stay here and not travel uh I don’t know he didn’t he did travel last year right even though he was hurt he did yeah so would you even take him to that game I don’t I don’t know it’s an interesting thought and the

Other thing that we were talking about earlier this morning is like let’s say and again like I don’t know what knee soreness means um and and so that’s that’s just kind of an arbitrary term so I don’t know like what is sore like a knee doesn’t get sore like muscles get sore

Whatever so like does he have some inflammation or does he you know does he have a a bruise that’s bothering him like you know like what’s going on there I don’t know but if he doesn’t play Wednesday like I would just go ahead and Rule him out for the weekend too this is

Co this is Curtis’s coach brain work in here yeah because then you’ve got that full you’ve got that full week off where you can you know then you ramp him up and get him ready for a home game against Georgia whoever it is so yeah like if I don’t see him out there

Wednesday I’m just assuming the rest of the week he’s not going to play Saturday and you know if what mus said was he was not close and like he didn’t do anything after they got back from Oxford um and that was you know late Saturday then I

Mean how how close is he today like is he going to be a to go out there and practice and Eric’s like you’re not going to be not close on Saturday wake up Sunday and be like ready to go oh yeah I’m good right all good you’re not and so you’re probably you

Throw Saturday out and then it’s today like you got to start getting back like if you’re going to play you got to start getting back into into form I’d be pleasantly surprised if you played well and also throw into the mix too that after this week you have a byy week

Essentially where you don’t have a midweek game so you’re talking about first off aranson is going to be away from Bud Walton for two weeks which is kind of crazy if you think about that in basketball like that usually doesn’t happen but not that it matters they’re

Still losing at home but still it’s like you’re going to have it to where if if you have Brazil out go ahead and hold him out the week and then you got the hold next week to really rest him up and then I guess home game against Georgia

Is that next one and then a home game against Tennessee yeah so that may be the time that you uh you need to do it but I don’t know I’ve uh I just really hope that Arkansas in general as an athletic department does not lose to

Missouri in all the sports it’ be cool if they could avoid that I don’t know if they play in baseball or not but I they do but Arkansas is gonna beat him in baseball they always do basketball for the most part has been Arkansas beating them but then they had that like that

Random game a few years ago where they won Bud Walt and Arena you know so it’s like always there but football we we know about that I don’t want to deal with anything else like that have Justin Smith right that was the first game without Justin Smith yeah that was the

First game without Justin Smith and it was the beginning of the end of Conor van over’s career it was wasn’t ites doesn’t Arkansas’s baseball team have a couple Missouri transfers now are they just two from The Outfield and everything they they have a baseball team there I don’t think so don’t they

Play like a city park or something I mean do they have a I mean that sincerely like I’m I’m not I’m not entirely sure that they have like a full-on I think it’s just Stadium if I remember correctly souped up kickball field I know whatever it is that

Apparently they can’t get the camera angles right because if you watch a game that’s live from there I don’t know where the guy stand like where the cameraman is but it ain’t where it’s supposed to be yeah and I’ll say that about Missouri in general all of their

AR like their even their football stadium it’s like where are y’all’s cameras at it’s like I always feel like I’m like I’m hovering above it or like I I feel like I’m watching so far away but the camera zoomed in so much I can’t see

The action in the game so I don’t know but I really hope that they just beat Missouri for many reasons that asking so much you know like apparently apparently on man yeah but I don’t know one of these days maybe I’ll make a trip up to Missouri just to see you know what’s

Going on what it’s all I haven’t been to Columbia since uh the final game of Chad Morris’s first year don’t particularly want to go back was that in Missouri or is that okay the end of his first year yeah was oh that was the one that was like 38

Nothing right it was yeah it was really bad the last time I was at Missouri was when they had the porters and it was Mon and Gafford and all those guys and they just they kind of they kind of beat the hell out of Arkansas Michael por J was

He playing that game or was he looking at I can’t remember if Michael Porter was he might have been but I jante was the other one I was going to say if I remember I thought that was like the first game he came back was that AR game

Because he got hurt early in the season I remember that I could but you know going back to that also that year where you said the game against Missouri at home when Justin Smith was out I don’t know if you guys remember but then arkel went on the road to Missouri that game

Went to overtime yeah and luckily it was 100% goal tending that uh they did when Jaylen Tate went up for the for the basket and they reviewed it because it was and then Missouri turned it over but that even I think quano Martin I guess

Was the them but that was even a yeah a really tough game for Arkansas to win so but mou was good that year yeah they were they I think they made it to the tournament yeah they definitely definitely did um because they were they got bounced in the first round but yeah

Tournament team didn’t Arkansas part for the course for SEC teams not named Arkansas to be honest pretty sure Arkansas beat them in the SEC tournament that year if I remember correctly and then they lost to LSU the next night that was the co year in Nashville and it was that was

That was interesting because it’s my first SEC tournament and it was not obviously like you couldn’t fill the arena or whatever because of of Co but I remember they beat Missouri that night and I finished riding or whatever and I was starving and uh I it was late at

Night and so I drove to the cookout it was my first experience of having cookout but I pulled up I was at a red light and I was just you know like waiting for it to turn green or whatever and these two chicks like bachelorette party looking chicks you know like

Cowboy hats their boots on or whatever they just hop in the back of my car and I and I just set a red light I’m like what the like what is going on right now it was the craziest thing and one of the girls back there was like uh do you like

Need the address or something because like it should have just went through on the app they thought I was their Uber and I was like I I think you might have like made a mistake here and then the other girl looks over and she’s like

Oh my God this is not our Uber driver so creepy and then they jump out of my car and I’m like I’m creepy like you guys got in my car yeah she me she acts like you rolled your window down was just like y’all looking for a ride yall

Looking for some fun hop in the back yeah it was Wild Man lit happened to me like where why does it happen to me I don’t know I could at least made something out of it just be like I mean where you need to go it’s probably on my

Way wherever I’m ending up you know as I don’t know anything about Nashville but why not take you where you need to go it’s fine yeah I mean I mean that’s what Nashville has become it’s been like the bachelorette party of Min America I don’t know what are they Appalachian

Appal like what is Nashville it’s not South is it I guess it is I mean because the country aspect of it is it’s is it the South I think it counts as the South about as far north as you can go though right Tennessee is too long of a dadgum

State to have like one part of it so I would like to point out real quick from our our source that has uh sent us a text message just now that Missour has a College World Series Championship they won in 1954 it was a long time ago but

They did win that was awesome man yeah did they even have it it wasn’t even called oh my gosh I should have I should have known who sent that text I feel like I have a pretty good guess of it we have a legend listening

In I we just leave it at that shout out to you Bob Hol love you man know you’re there we’re going to have to have you join us in studio sometime so you can uh give up some Missouri facts that way too try to remember to take your Missouri

T-shirt off before you get on the postgame Zoom Wednesday oh leave it to Bob but we love Bob Bob’s great people Bob’s great people need need a good road trip with Bob again soon yes we do yes we do need to need to make it happen for it but

Folks you still got a lot more things to talk about I know we’re going to be doing a baseball update with Andrew Ellis whenever he returns assuming he didn’t get lost from the ballpark so uh we’ll have some fun with that too but uh

Before we uh get out of here and take a break I want to tell everybody about Superior Contracting and development because we know that everybody who has your own house especially when it comes to interior and exterior you want to do remod you want to switch it up a little

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Of quick fast in a hurry so check them out today again that’s Superior Contracting and development right there in Bonia at 501 453 3053 we will take a break when we come back we’ll have more of the John Neighbors show here live from Natty State Sports so stay with us we not done

Yet either so don’t be satisfied we not done we not done yet either so don’t be satisfied we not done we not yet W Oh Well fville is 1843 M away but the call of the Hawks can be heard all the way to San Francisco going stick my dick in the mashed potatoes Go hogs powered by Arkansas for Arkansas every time you put a mic in my face I’m going say Arkansas

The John Neighbors show is live from the natti state Sports Studios welcome back into the John neighbor show here live from Natty State Sports Studios appreciate everybody listening in and watching in on this beautiful day here in the great state of Arkansas I am your host John neighbors also got of

Course Scotty bordland and Curtis Wilkerson joining us here in studio we’re also going to have Andrew Ellis joining us here at some point in time which um yeah we’re going to talk some Razer back baseball CU they had a scrimmage today and I guess it only goes five innings right something like that

Five or six usually yeah okay so he’ll have some can’t spin up the arms yet yeah I know you got so they’re called innings in baseball there’s not like not like quarters or quarters or dimes or just Innings there’s nine of them in a real game yeah okay sometimes you only

Play like eight and a half I need to listen baseball pod when it comes out the bombastic pod that’s where I learn about basball yeah we we are big on the podcasting side of things too so if you want to check it out uh not only the pot

At the palace which is great with uh Scotty Bor and Curtis Wilkerson but also the bombastic podcast will be happening here soon with Andre Ellis so uh yeah we’ll be on the lookout for that and I’m sure you guys will really enjoy all of that too and if you want to hear about

Sydney Sweeney or anything along those lines the The Natty State six-pack with me and Andrew highly recommended forget all the other podcasts listen to that one for all you uh you Sydney Sweeney fans out hot ones twice today I’m I’m kidding only once hopefully you didn’t do anything it’s a

Hot wi eating thing you animals relax let say hopefully nothing happen what I’m talking about y’all watch that too come on hopefully nobody was doing anything with their hot ones during that time so uh let’s see a few comments that are coming in which which yes we do

Answer questions and everything uh this comes from Young Mitch he says do y’all consider missou rival oh this question I can’t believe all the questions we get thrown our way but no I don’t I never have and it’s going to take a long time for it to ever be because to me everyone

Well here’s the thing everybody’s got their own definition of a rivalry yeah let’s be honest but to me a rivalry is if I every year when you mark up the teams say in football that you want to beat the most if that team’s not at

Least in the top three then it ain’t a rivalry and for Arkansas for football-wise at least year after year yeah I want to beat Missouri just because I get tired of losing to him but if you give me hey AR if you’re going to say hey I’ll give you three SEC wins

This year guaranteed any of them you want I ain’t choosing Missouri like I’m I’m GNA go with probably Texas A&M maybe Old Miss give me Old Miss y like those are probably the three I’m going to go with so that to me is why it’s not of

Rivalry so the only thing about missou that makes it I guess sort of feel that way is just the proximity but it’s just it just feels very forced and honestly like you know the moment Oklahoma even enters the conference and they’re you know as close or or probably even a little bit closer

Actually than Columbia like that automatically feels like a bigger rivalry to me than Missouri does and and they never play so yeah you know I mean there’s some recent spiciness with the basketball series you know there is that with Oklahoma if it’s not in Tulsa we’ll

Must be able to make it through a full game without getting ejected like if it’s on a campus yeah what happens when it goes to a campus when it goes to Norman something about that just uh gets to anyway I don’t know what yeah I don’t know what they’re going to do they’re

Have to figure out something else I guess so uh let’s see okay so Hayden says if you can’t stand losing to a program then it absolutely is a rivalry I don’t think so I don’t think that’s how it justify football is not a rivalry yeah say you tired of losing to

Them I would think you are at this point yes yeah I was in high school the last time that Arkansa beat Bama nice yeah think about that one actually uh same year that I took Houston nut’s daughter to home homecoming you dog you did that yeah I

Did why didn’t I know that I feel some I just go around bragging about you know dude I would oh I mean not uh not really something that uh you know what it’s a that’s a story for another time all right I am sure um let’s see also

Uh that’s another one I was going to know oh yeah this whole thing from Jake says I’ve heard it all day that herd mus is looking for an exit strategy get out of Arkansas looking for it all day I mean we talked about the whole coaching thing

The other day and that’s just I just like I said you know just expect to hear those things I mean it happens one it happens every year when when Arkansas stinks like that period of time where they’re not good at basketball then you start hearing the oh I’m hearing

Muslim’s out of here I’m I’m he he’s looking for a way out like this isn’t the first time that I’ve heard those things and uh when they’re good you start hearing his name attached to to every job like remember when he was going to Maryland I do I remember that

You remember when he was going to Texas after the Chris beard thing or before Chris beard even got hired there yeah I remember that for sure every time there’s a job on the west coast that opens up you hear M’s name attached to

It yeah you do and so uh you know I I saw the thing from the the coaching changes account and and listen um I don’t know who those guys are they’re kind of you know Rough Around the Edges but I mean they they have Scoops like

There’s a a reason why so many coaches and everybody follows them but um you like if you don’t think there are things going on behind the scenes with mus or anyone really at this point in the year with like you know agents reaching out to schools schools reaching out to

Agents like it it just happens so do I believe it uh like do I believe he’s held in on getting out of Arkansas or something no I don’t but do I believe that there’s probably been some kind of communication between like whatever school and mus as people like hell yeah I believe that

Absolutely to think anything other like it’s just yeah uh black neighbors I can’t just feels weird saying that but black neighbor says mus is either too arrogant or stupid to think that he can take players off losing team teams like Ellis and Battle Run an NBA system with

Them and then get them to the NBA so pretty staunch comments there but I mean if you think about some of the players though that he’s brought in transferwise some of them have been from winning programs and seems like those have been from somewhat decenter winning

Programs have usually oh I got Tron Mark you know he’s at Houston I’d say Tron Mark the team’s not great I gu he’s the best player on the team right yeah has to be at the moment yeah yeah so you know that’s worked out I was trying to

Think of I guess you know in previous years like Justin Smith was he didn’t come from a like Indiana wasn’t awesome but they weren’t trash so it’s like you know bringing him in was was really good I felt like um I’m missing one we talked about this

I feel like the other day too some other players that were brought in that were from good programs if you would and actually uh played out but maybe maybe I’m just it’s actually I mean maybe you call witchs stay a good programs I mean maybe came from there two of Ricky and

Trey yeah cuz you think about it like I don’t know like Graham Arizona state was terrible uh the twins Rhode Island that was a a complete mess and yeah like like battle with temple and um you know some of these other guys from I always forget

Was he a Wilmington kid I think he was Wilmington why I think he was from like Utah or something he he was definitely one of those UNC okay satellite schools yeah I don’t know why I thought that that I was from over there but but no I

Remember um my previous job we used to do uh lunch meetings and we had Ronnie Brewer they had Ronnie Brewer there one day and he was like look straight up like we’re you know having to coach some of the previous school out of some of these kids like caleff battle program he

Came from frash the program that that L Ellis came from Louisville trash and so I mean that’s kind of well wson from Memphis solid I mean he was in the tournament last year yeah guess on a team that’s won some yeah yeah but they were like a that still still in the

Tournament weren’t they like an 8 N Seed like they were pretty better team now they got screwed out of that game against uh FAU they sure did as a matter of fact we were eating it something forgot somebody’s Beaver or like wherever we were in somebody’s Beaver

Yeah oh wasn’t it something Beaver am I am I crazy in De Mo anyway F it’s aely got to find the name of that place sports bar sports bar yeah between hot ones and the Beavers then yes B was with us um but yeah we were watching that game there

And they yeah Memphis kind of got they got the short end of the stick and that one so oh man I’m I’m I’m looking for the name of that place I will yeah please a beaver then I probably have some explaining the wicked rabbit it wasn’t the wicked rabbit no

There’s a beaver place that was in Indianapolis I knew that one that is true that was the wild Beaver right I guess if you have an NCAA tournament Regional you have to have some sort of bar named after a beaver and maybe I made it up I don’t

Know brother I’m not saying it my bad yep I think just we just know where uh C’s mind is at obviously on the the beaver the sports bar that is I’m beaver I do remember because they had Bush light tall boys which I was a big fan of

And the food was good and they had three TVs right around our table so and we got to see Purdue lose to Fairley Dickinson right I believe that’s where we were when that happened so good times yeah yeah take us back because Lord knows we ain’t going this year uh let’s see back

To Buddy’s Beaver no sorry Buddy’s Beaver no it’s not buddy beaver buest beaver uh Jake says we’re gonna rattle off 12 wins win the SEC tournament and be a two or three seed in the tournament with crying ly emojis could it have been Beaver tap there’s a beaver tap I think

That’s probably it I mean how many places would we have named after a beaver in De Mo like I mean I would assume if that’s there it’s probably that oh NOP I know what it was it was Buzzard billies Buzzard billies yeah but you could see where I would be Beaver

Buzzer shout out to Ricochet though huh buzzer billies shout out to Ricochet Ric that place was cool yeah was really cool place yeah my apologies on the on the beaver sit I got a Sidetrack yeah maybe it was really close to Beaver tap who knows yeah well we’ll see maybe we saw

The beaver there once or something uh John Mark says I may have missed it but what we know about D.A leaving the program anything yet no nah no nothing yet he did in fact do that but other than that yes we all we know is that

He’s gone yeah and that’s I just I got a text yesterday from someone who knows him and said he’s okay but that’s all we know that’s all we know at this point in time uh ice cold mint julip says I would imagine mus doesn’t need much of a

Strategy to leave of suitors but if that was the case it could explain D’s actions all those B players bailed before Sabin retired see I still don’t buy that I still don’t buy that I get what he’s saying but I don’t I don’t I don’t think that’s a I don’t think that’s the

Correlation here though yeah I don’t I just because again going off the timing of it I don’t think it was one of those deals to where dvo found out that mus is leaving Saturday morning before Kentucky and was just like I’m out like yeah seems like it would have been a little

Bit more I think it would have had a little bit more flare to it if that was the case if there was something like that going on so yeah I I don’t buy that I don’t buy that so anyways uh yeah a few of these questions coming in did want to give a

Shout out to uh real quick some former Razer backs that will be getting ready for the Super Bowl happening up because we once again have the Chiefs and the 49ers going to be going at it in the Super Bowl and the 49ers of course have Dre Greenlaw really good

Player Brandon Allen he’s still on the team so he can get him a Super Bowl ring this year but as we talked about on our Natty State sports betting podcast thank goodness Scotty does not bet against the Chiefs because I’m tired like I’m I’m just I can’t the Chiefs are really good

Patrick Mahomes is really good but the fact that they’re back into the Super Bowl is still pretty incredible All Things Considered because this was their down year yeah and they’re still back in the freaking Super Bowl once again yeah man that that offense all regular season

Just I can’t say what I would normally say send you and Ellis when that offense was just screwing around and I know what you call they couldn’t find their footing and it’s just I remember several times during the regular season I’m like pull up saris see that they’re over on

Points is like 24 and A2 or 23 and a half I’m like yeah it seems like it’s cash it’s they’re just cash and then they go out and they score like a what do you call it um prime number they they put up like a prime number like

15 points right it’s brutal like it’s it’s it’s tough and it makes you so mad because you know that they’re going to flip a switch at some point and Patrick Mahomes I heard today his playoff record is 14 and three it’s not bad playoff record it’s not

Bad really good that don’t go against that’s just don’t go against him in the postseason yeah man no well same thing with like I was disappointed though I will say like again great for Dr Greenlaw and Brandon Allen but I was hoping to see the Lions ragnell skipper

Those guys being just the Lions because they’ve never been to a Super Bowl before they had the lead man they were looking good that they blew it that was a hell of a collapse that was they they blew it that was tough so uh I hate that

For Lions fans that are out there you talk you talk about the state of Michigan how insane that was going to be they win a national championship in football for the first time since 98 and then their NFL team was about to be in the Super Bowl that’s almost too much

For the state of Michigan to handle but uh yeah the fact that the the Chiefs are back into it as well and you mentioned Mahomes and all that s of make me like just Arkansas related like Mahomes has got to be like the clutch dude in the

Playoffs and and when it matters the most so in Arkansas football like has there been a guy that you think about as being like clutch like when he cuz it’s hard to really know you’re only in there for two three four years at the most

Really so I can only think of some of the gaffs that have happened sad that’s the only thing we can think of there you know I was gonna say like Matt Jones to me would probably be like didn’t win a National Championship or anything but

Just as far as like the dude was clutch in those moments could I could be on board with that um basketball-wise I think Daryl Mon’s pretty cold blooded yeah but football-wise I just I don’t know basketball I’d also like again obvious one Scotty Thurman because dude

Made some pretty big shots I remember so yeah he wasn’t too bad uh but yeah football is just funny cu the reason I asked that is because it kind of made me start thinking about Arkansas football and maybe it’s just because they haven’t had that many clutch moments to have

Those moments with those particular players but man it just seems like there’s not a whole lot to choose from because a lot of the times it comes down to the quarterback you know oh who’s clutch because I mean how do you have a clutch linebacker I guess if he makes a play

But clutch usually comes down to the quarterback in Arkansas’s only got to select few that actually made plays late in games said Matt Jones is one of them also honestly I felt like for a while there and I mean it [ __ ] Austin Allen was a guy that made some really great

Plays late in games like the TCU game on the line late yeah the Old Miss game at home uh in 2016 so you know there were some times where he made some plays Brandon Allen of course we know made some plays later in his career but still the point is is

It kind of just shows you how tough it is to be clutch yeah and how tough it is to have that man if it was easy everybody would do it yeah it’s just yeah it’s really hard did y’all see Dre Greenlaw get that Stinger last night

Come out go back in the game I mean and that he got the Stinger in the on the I guess it was the shoulder of the arm that didn’t have that gigantic brace on it yeah like the full length brace my god dude that is a grown man if I’ve

Ever seen one he’s just he’s he was really good in college oh yeah but he is just he’s next level he’s one of those guys that hit his Peak at the right time he is a dude that is that’s toughness I mean uh Devon Manuel missed like six

Weeks with a stinger apparently you know in in this last season so yeah Green law gets one in the game yeah you can see how much pain he’s in and then they come back from a commercial break he’s just sitting on the bench with his other defensive teammates like nothing happened nothing

In the world happened and he’s back in in no time dude’s insane um fville stand is is he the best Razer back in the NFL right now rag ragn is really good I he’s been probably between those two I think as far as those guys go yeah maybe give

Tay and Burke some time and just know man God put your hand on that kid and don’t let him get hurt again yeah Ser he he can be special if he stays healthy who’s the best NBA player from Arkansas right now Bobby P he has to beob poris yeah

Bobby poris was on that was it I don’t know if it was a leaked list or what but like there’s 41 names of NBA guys that could end up on the U Team USA olympic team this summer he’s he’s on that list yeah I wonder how cool I wonder how long

It will take for like Anthony black to become in that conversation he’s having a you know a pretty good rookie campaign Nick Smith like listen man like he’s starting to come around a little bit so I don’t know like I wonder how those guys are all going to wind up panning

Out I think there’s a a pretty good case to be made for like ab and Nick being pretty solid NBA players and then I wonder you know if like can can Walsh or Ricky just kind of carve out a you know carve out a roll and just be on a roster

Yeah I wonder if if Jordan’s going to have to find a new situation for him to get on the floor more yeah it’s tough It’s probably a really good place for him to start just because of the culture and you know I think he’ll learn he’s a

Young dude you like he’ll learn a lot there about like what it takes to be a successful Pro but is he ever going to have the opportunity to to get on couple good guards John no they’re too good so like I just I hope Walsh finds a way but you

Know I was just happy because like the only other Razer back that I knew that got drafted by the Celtics was Jo Johnson and I still had a Joe Johnson Celtics Jersey enough you had to find it I had one as a kid Joe Johnson could

Still play in the league right now if he wanted to that guy that guy just you talk about just a ball player he’s I hope he comes back out and plays more the next uh TBT yeah in the summer when that comes back around I wouldn’t be

Shocked if he plays in that again was he do uh what was the other one ice cubes thing three on three or big big three yeah there ISO guys yeah like you can find a way to play on that too so uh but folks we’re moving through the show

Obviously we got to get to some baseball topics because we got the scrimmage that transpired and Andrew Ellis is choing at the bit to try to give us all those crazy updates what’s going to be happening and breaking it all down there too because I know uh he ring over there

He’s ready no I sure you’re just not he’s got his back to us right now he’s getting himself psyched up he’s listening to his walk up music and all that maybe he’s just drunk uh but he wasn’t he’s probably watching from the hog pin anyways so whatever it doesn’t

Matter we’re going to have some baseball updates we’ll have some fun fun stuff to talk about as well we’ll keep it moving here on the John neighbor show live from the natti state Sports studi so stay with us so don’t be satisfied we not done we not done yet either so don’t be

Satisfied we not done we not done W Well fans is 1843 M away but the call of the Hawks can be heard all the way to San Francisco going stick my dick in the mashed potatoes go hwks powered by Arkansas for Arkansas every time you put a mic in my face I’m going say Arkansas

The John Neighbors show is live from the natti state Sports Studios it is a John Neighbors show live from Natty State Sports Studios appreciate everybody listening in and watching in this afternoon as we’re having a lot of fun here on this Monday still got a lot of things to try to get into and squeeze into here in the next H

30 minutes or so but uh not only are we going to have some discussions about hey did you see this but we also got Andre Ellis over there taking the spot of Scotty bordland Curtis decided to stick around because he loves talking baseball he loves me that’s why yeah yeah you

Look very you look very baseball is right now I don’t know what that means but it’s only because you’re wearing a hat am I’m a ball knower I’m a ball Watcher I’m a ball player I am baseball you do love your balls big ball guy big

Ball guy big ball guy so uh yeah before we get into all the nitty-gritty stuff just takeaways what’d you get who’s looking good why is this team going to win at all the great team is looking good the great team got a win five to

Three the last time I was on the show reporting baseball information we had a tie so it’s nice that we had a winner today the Cardinal team came up short uh but viiva ly the cool Hawaiian shortstop homered again today he pretty much homers every every scrimmage uh uh O2

Breaking ball that wasn’t even a strike and he hit it like 400 feet uh he also drove in a run for that for his team Hudson pulk the fourth string catcher hit a home run dead center 425 uh it was it was it was a fun

Scrimmage it was it was you know they pulled off you gota if you want to make fun of pton stoval which I know that’s your boy you like to make fun of him you got to make fun of him for the fact that he let them pull off they did the first

And third like runner at first Steals and they get him in a rund down and let the they successfully pulled one off against pton stove on second Bas it was only his second day back out there but he has been out there the last couple days after being after being ill on

Friday he was out there the last couple days uh it’s been it’s been a lot of fun uh one other guy I want to mention freshman pitcher Colin Fischer dvh mentioned him early in the presser the other day which I’ll be honest I kind of thought was interesting just because

Arto has all these loaded freshman arms in and like Colin Fischer’s highly respected and was a big Prospect but like he’s like the seventh or eighth highest recruit on their staff so I was kind of interested at VH and mentioned him right away but he he started today

Threw two innings struck out four of the six he faced retired them all uh he freshman Lefty that looks like he’s going to help him a little bit and just one more to the to the chamber this team’s uh got a ton of arms got a ton of

Ton of dudes we feel good about The Vibes were good out there yeah the weather was pretty nice too weather was awesome yeah yeah had to enjoy that part of it I mean it’s not like upper 60s but it’s like 60 something right yeah and

The sun was out so that that was a good thing so when’s that so how many scrimmages they going to have like is it have they announced like as far as the next scrimmages or anything they’re still working on that haven’t said anything about it’ll be next weekend I’d

Assume maybe Thursday or Friday they’ll get back out there maybe maybe pinning some weather but they usually try to do two or three each week leading up to the season depending on if the weather will let them hopefully they’ll the weather will hold up and they can do them

Outdoors but I’d imagine Thursday or Friday will be the next day that they scrimmage so also if anyone wants a full play byplay I tweet it out every half inning so uh Ellis Andrew who Scotty had informed me today is under the relevant people tab on Twitter he he saw like a

Little Tab and said relevant people Andrew Ellis but you have an underscore then at the end right Ellis Ellis Andrew underscore I believe is what we’re what we are because I still feel like every time I search for you to tag you in something it’s like I’m it’s like I’m

Trying to find who Sho shot Kennedy like they don’t want you they don’t want you to find me on Twitter the libs do not want you to find me on Twitter so if you want to make the libs angry search up onter try to find Andre interact with me

On Twitter jeez so uh but so they did they do the formatting any different from like the last scrimmages are pretty much like the same thing just different players yeah I mean just different players and you know sometimes they’ll try to like you know they used to in

Years past dvh used to do a thing where leading up to the season he would load up the starting lineup like have seven or eight starters on one team to kind of just see if this lineup is truly better I remember asking him in the fall I was

Like if you had to do that right now could you even do it and he was like not really he said there’d be like about five or six guys he’d feel confident about but I don’t think he fill out a ninan lineup so for the time being it’s

Been pretty even been back and forth uh and it’s a very I mean all these guys like even the 13th best player on the team on in the lineup is like ree Robinette who can swing it big left-handed bat you know it’s like there’s there’s dudes all over the place

So it kind of It kind of works out but it was a was fun to see some some younger arms pitch well today is there like a legit position battle out there right now I mean like yeah I would say left field is kind of the biggest one uh

You know you could argue Third Base but I feel like pton Holt is kind of kind of the dude there by the way pton Hol made a heads up play did a he he had a pton holtes play where like there was a freshman on the mound Jack Wagner our

Boy had just hit a two- run single with the bases loaded and so Hol was at first base so he goes first to Third and then the Freshman pitcher who gets the ball back after you know walks back from home plate to the mound with his back turn

And Holt just slides in there so it’s like pton Holt you know I don’t even know if he’s had a hit in these last couple scrimmages but it’s like he’s just the dude that’s going to be there you know and I feel like third base is

Probably where he ends up first base is interesting because you could have the catcher Hudson white who who came from Texas Tech they love him he’s going to hit whether it’s DH first base or catcher he’ll start somewhere could be first could be DH so it’s like

He’s kind of the Domino you know if he starts at first then you’re probably looking at Jack Wagner at DH if Jack Wagner’s at first you’re probably looking at Ben mlin at DH and Hudson white at catcher or Ryder HCK the FR so it’s like there’s a few little like

Dominoes but I’d say left field is the biggest battle you got like Jason Jones will Edmonson the the Joo transfer you’ve got uh Ross lovic from Missouri kind of in that mix I would if I were a betting man I’d probably say they give Jason Jones the nod just cuz he’s the

Most talented option but neither guys really run away with it early on so uh we we’ll see how it goes that’s probably the biggest question mark if you want to have one gotch well we do have a question coming in from our chat here from Hayden it says do we think Hagen

Smith is going to be the guy that gives us consistent seven plus Innings this year back-to-back Seasons where Dave Van Horn felt like he was better suited for the bullpen in some stretches well he’s definitely going to start like he’s not there’s not going to be a question of

Like is he a reliever is he are you going to use him in he’s going to be the Friday night starter he’s going to be a first round pick he’s going to be nasty seven plus innings is interesting because Hagen you know we know he loves

To throw like 23 pitches in the first inning even if he doesn’t allow a base runner it’s like he’ll have three strikeouts but it’s like nine pitch I don’t know what it is so I mean we’ll see but I do think Hagen is going to be

As good as any pitcher in the country I think uh anybody who wants to you know like a lot of people were nitpicking his season last year it felt like because it’s like you know he never really had those long starts as a starter and then just they couldn’t really find the role

But I feel like he was he was as good as any Lefty in the country realistically I mean all Amer who cares there were two First Team all SEC pitchers him and Paul SK he’s pretty good I heard yeah I’ve heard he’s decent now you could argue

There’s a gap between those two but I mean Hagen Smith was as good as any Lefty in the country and I think he’s gonna be he’s taking a jump up this year and so it’s like I I think that you want to be if you want to be on the right

Side of History Hagen Smith’s gonna be awesome I think that’s gonna be fun but I don’t think this team’s going to depend on him to be like the Isaiah Campbell who has to give them seven Innings every Friday because you’ve got two other starters who are going to be

High draft picks and you’ve got a bullpen full of dudes so I don’t think we’ll be see seeing Hagen Smith go seven Innings a ton but I don’t think they’ll need him to uh also Hayden says’ do you think uh I’m not laughing at you Hayden

I just think that this is just an obvious question do you think any you’re watching any big Leaguers in this scrim in these scrimmages Andrew I think there are more there are more big Leaguers that will start than there will be not you know I mean like viiva looy the

Short stop that dude’s a big leager pyton stoval is probably a big leager Ryder hellick that dude’s a big leager uh Kendall Diggs I don’t know if Kendall digs is a big leager but as a bat he’s he he can hit at the big league level or

Will eventually one day who knows but uh I think the entire rotation you could make an argument it’s going to be a big leager I mean so yes I would say and history indicates that any given razor back team has four or five big potential

Big Leaguers on it so I’d like to know which team had like the least amount of big Leaguers that Dave vanor ever had you know what you know what it might be honestly is the 2015 team that went to Omaha because you had benen was a top 10

Pick honest but it’s like that entire starting rotation you know like Trevor Killian uh Keaton McKenna like yeah there are some names you know Trey Killian is who it is but it’s like guys who were like solid players like spoon for example good college player Joe

Serrano but it’s like I don’t know if that team had hardly any Bobby Wes got drafted that year it’s like it really it was like Ben Endy and then a lot of like Scrappy guys who were not big big prospects so that might be the his first teams that actually accomplish anything

That’s probably the fewest big Leaguers well I will say though that uh you know we we’re looking forward to baseball season I think it’s fair to say right I would say I would say yeah yeah Andrew’s looking forward to it at least uh I know

That we are too because it’s going to be nice to actually like be good and something so but I want to tell everybody though Alumni Hall they have these hats you know what I’m saying like you’re getting ready for baseball season they have these hats they also have

These hats too now you’re like whoa what is that oh it’s the anthroid Hat some people probably hate them but these have actually been pretty hot Commodities pretty unique hat Jeff Long hats yes the the Jeff Long hats they got them ready and wearing right there at Alumni Hall

But they got their baseball gear they have jerseys razor back baseball jerseys that you can check out and they have them all at Alumni Hall that’s completely and totally available right now in fact we had a few people in our comments actually bringing up the fact that they’ve been looking for baseball

Hats all over the place they went to Alumni Hall they finally got one with their size on it you know it wasn’t too small was too big it was just right because they have plenty of inventory so head over to alumni hall right there in ffield it’s conveniently located at 3417

North College Avenue and you can see all the different types of things that they have available for you not just for baseball season but for all seasons with basketball with football with whatever golf got great golf shirts got stuff for winterwear stuff for warmwear they have

It and they I promise you if you go in there and you’re trying to find something they don’t have and it doesn’t exist so you need to check them out today you can also go online at natat Alumni Hall that’s natat Alumni Hall you go to that

Website it’ll take you right to their online store and so that way you can purchase anything and everything you want from the store itself and the thing is is that a lot of you may not live in the state of Arkansas or may not even live in the feville area but because the

Internet’s everywhere you can actually get any of the apparel delivered straight to your door by going to natat Alumni Hall so if you want one of these hats better get in on it right now because they’re not going to be around forever so check them out today at natat Alumni Hall again uh we’re just got a few I say a few minutes we still got 15 minutes before we close up shop uh and getting ready for the end of the show but I wanted to bring up a few things real quick of note uh some stuff

Of did you see this and I felt like we’d be remiss if we did not bring this part up BYU students in the front row of the basketball game as they took on the Texas longh horns uh painted on their shirts horns down you know just like body paint type

Stuff h o r n s like you know horns down and then during the time out they were asked to remove said shirts from them so I’m like I can’t I can’t ignore Branson letting it rip back there just yeah that was a sneeze by the way folks nothing

Else I thought there was some some an intruder in the building yeah he’s like he was offended by what uh he’s like like sorry he’s allergic to BS which is what this story is so he had to sneeze to it so but uh but yeah I try to keep it going but Andrew

Leave it to him try to call it out on the stream it’s fine it’s fine uh but anyways having the uh another story of the horns down being removed but Texas came out and said they had nothing to do with it well I was going to say Texas

Deserves act not credit here but we always like to make fun of Texas and that’s what the horns down is we’re making fun of Texas and that’s what BYU was doing but to be fair this wasn’t a case of Texas causing a storm and being like offended that’s what we would like

This to be because I like to make fun of them but it seemed like this was a BYU being sensitive here shame on the Mormons for that I mean their yeah their coach literally apologize after the game he’s like shaming the students about it that’s not what we’re about we don’t do

That uh get over like like if there were a slur in there yeah okay but it’s like it says horns down that’s not even a reference to anything that could be offensive it’s a reference to an animal yeah like you would legitimately think the horns down is like worse than just giving somebody

The middle finger like it’s not like I just I just want to know who is telling them not to do this p a bit horns down they don’t like the animal abuse allegations do you remember when they killed the longhorn at Oklahoma State yeah they did yeah they put on front of

The fraternity house or something didn’t they yeah yeah you about I don’t know if I knew about when was this they killed P football season it was before the Big 12 Championship or whatever I remember when the dude poison the tree at Auburn or or B or wherever that was awesome guy state

Hero that was RV Updike rest in peace yeah I didn’t realize they killed a longhorn yeah where did you find a longhorn to kill it was like a I mean it’s Oklahoma State it probably didn’t take much to go find a some kind of weird thing between fraternities over

There I I don’t remember all the details what is about the last half of this show we always get we always start talking about you’re on it that’s what it is it’s like you’re on it that’s we talked about mascots in particular and like live mascots a good bit it’s

Hard-hitting stuff it matters people care well that uh that LGH horn died that day so yeah God Rest his soul R by the way you remember when the Georgia Bulldog who also recently died you remember when him and bivo had little Clash of heads at the uh at the sugar

Ball that was pretty cool that was awesome yeah I do remember that long horns are big man I would not want to I mean we say horns down I don’t actually want to attempt to put the horns down though I just feel like the the cow is I guess

I can’t it’s not a cow it’s a steer it’s a stallion is what it is the big big old big old sucker like like I don’t know it’s like when I see Longhorns I I just I don’t know I just think of steaks out the steakhouse yeah

Yeah like just think of it’s decent spot good good meat or or yes the Longhorn Steakhouse itself yes that I was thinking more of the food but yes the restaurant too right below Texas Road House on my list yeah I like it yeah yeah right before Ryan’s steakhous

I don’t know if anybody even rememb Ry Ryan is an Elite field trip if you can get on it yeah remember yeah Mr going to there like Sunday after school man that was suay after church dude I used to tear up the ice cream dessert bar was the best part

About the gummy bears and and just ice cream yeah the last time I went to Golden caral was my high school graduation we let my grandpa pick where we were G it’s garbage but they do have a why did you let your grandpa pick for your gradu

Cuz I’m I’m you know I’m a good guy I like happen you’re a team player for the family reason I went and got Scotty coffee today I mean apparently I’ve just really you know penciled myself in the coffee guy man if you’re going to keep

Bringing it up some sort of uh some sort of behind the scenes thing that you’re trying to pull off here by being nice to everybody know about all that I’m I’m a leader of men I’m a nice guy I’m just you know I’m just doing what I got to do

Leading from the front of course yeah it’s better than leading from the back uh speaking of leading from the back did y’all did y’all talk about dvo and Trevon while I was gone or what no y didn’t talk about it no did I miss that

Part of the show you missed that part of the show you missed it you missed it all right it was discussed you can go back and listen to it or watch it on the podcast I mean h my God okay we got to move on uh something else of note

Actually just for fun since we’re mailing it in here in the final 10 minutes it’s kind of what we do uh but how about this uh Christy Brinkley you guys know Christy Brinkley right yeah who is chrisy Brinkley maybe been before your time a little bit youth uh ever

Seen the movie of vacation Jeffy Chase oh yeah original one remember the girl in the Ferrari yeah yeah Christy Brinkley she was married to Billy Joel and everybody thought that was the weirdest thing because Billy Joel’s uglier in sin yeah but I mean Billy Joel’s the man

Though oh he’s the man but th threw him in a pond he could skim ugly for two weeks you remember when people used to always be like how did Jay-Z land Beyonce it’s like I think I got a pretty good idea think we could probably uh throw it out

There uh anyways about Christy Brinkley yeah let’s hear it uh she’s 69 years old nice and she has not closed the door though on love she’s single but she says that she’s not the beauty she’s the age was beauty is as the uh article reads it

Is not sure there is a suitable person open for her she recently admitted that she remains open to a relationship but she is unsure about the dating pool there just doesn’t seem to be anybody out there she lamented to the People magazine she’s been married four times

Famously to Billy Joel of course and most recently to architect Peter Cook anybody know who Peter Cook is I don’t know who P AR the architect yeah I don’t know oh that guy yeah he’s he’s designed many great buildings I hear I hear but she also says at the same time

I am pretty comfortable with my life the way it is so should I should I know what that phrase is Kera Sarah I don’t know I don’t know what that is yeah I always said said my whole life that I think that you have to be happy to be alone so

That you can get with a man for the right reasons you’re not clinging to him because you need to know you need to you know so anyways uh Christy Brinkley is out there and apparently she’s trouble she doesn’t she doesn’t think there’s really anybody out there for her the age

Of 69 who sounds like a sugarm mama opportunity for somebody dude it seems like Peter Cook was was uh was pretty awesome though he was he was kned by the queen in 2007 for his services to architecture and teaching he’s 87 years old seems like he was he was a big deal

Could you imagine the nighting ceremony how that must have been like the most boring nting ceremony of all time McCartney and Peter Cook the architect he was building them man oh man yeah um I don’t know I think the kned thing is that what do you get money for that I

Don’t know I always wondered like is it just something cool to say that you’re sir so and so feel like you should at least get a like a sword you like whatever sword yeah you should get a sword I I think a sword would be a good

Thing to have but I also think just like having the clip of the queen nighting you is pretty cool that’s also cool you know she’s dead though right yeah this was 2007 that he got kned so so but like now is it the uh is it Albert no who who

Kns people now Megan marle I think that’s right I did hear about that yeah that’s right it has to be you know Megan Mar she’s the one she’s the one that’s nighting everybody and saying respect my privacy and wanting attention all the time yeah the world privacy tour Great South Park

Episode by the way so man yeah we really go off the rails here how much of a bad M Megan mark would be to be able to literally pull somebody away from the royal family like he’s just like the hell with it man I’m out I’m following

This chick I don’t know or could it be just something that maybe he’s just like he doesn’t really know what what it’s like not being in the family because I’m wonder if he regrets it a little bit you know what I’m saying I’m sure well and I think also I think he

Probably hat to with uh but I also think this was all like I don’t think you know I think they also planned on leaving and making a thing out of it I mean I haven’t read the book that that he wrote apparently but I didn’t know there was a

Book Hillary showed me this Tik Tok account that like is this woman that read that like has the clips because the audio version of his book it’s so ridiculous he’s like telling all these stories and this this Tik Tok account will like act out the stories as he’s

Audio reading them and they’re like so pretentious so stupid um yeah also like like you know not not making light of any any situ but like I found out Megan marle was black via them being like Oh it’s just so hard to be married to someone black in the royal family and I

Was like Megan marle but I guess I guess technically she is she is black former former suits suits actress Megan marle that’s right yeah she did act I remember that part I feel like I’ve seen all of Suits without watching an episode like just via Instagram Real’s there stories well it’s like

Suits has almost had a Resurgence after succession in like other shows that were similar and people be like oh this is kind of like suits you know what I mean I didn’t watch suits I’m just basing it off my folks that do that do watch suits there we go okay so I may

Need y’all to help me out with this because I just got came across it what’s this thing about Jeff Goodman apparently out okay we were trying to figure that out right before the show started Scotty and I and for whatever I well first of all

He’s a he’s a drunk um but I think he just like he’s had a lot of issues in the past and like gotten let go from different jobs or whatever but I guess he’s just been like sliding in the wrong DMS or whatever and like threatening

Litigation and like I I don’t I don’t know all the details but I guess he uh I guess he overstepped and now it’s just this huge deal he does this a lot man you remember when he went and covered the ball family in Lithuania yeah oh

Yeah and they even hated him like even I mean now Lavar ball hates a lot of people but it’s like even they were like this dude’s a weirdo he’s just following us around and stuff like he’s uh he seems to piss off a lot of people was

Was he the he’s the shooters need Shooters he that guy theca tournament going to win shoters he’s got a mouthful of nuts when he’s trying to say it yeah yeah what gave it away that he was an alcoholic was it the fact that he slurs a lot uh was that was

That it well that but then like they do the like the field of 68 and he’s just hammering beers which I’ll do it I hear that if you Hammer beers you can usually the end goal of that saying I hav partaken during a recent live stream but

You know just I mean hey in moderation all happens I’ve pretty good about not being like under the influence when we’re on camera lately that’s good it’s good it’s a good thing to be now Wednesday night’s game I’m made no promises but well maybe we can actually

Enjoy some lucky Lukes for a change or uh I’m hoping so man we we might have to go at like three yeah we may just have to do the show live from there it’s great idea yeah yeah no free ads no free ads uh but I guess what it was get out

Free ads on this show it seems like we’re just whoever not on the show that day has to just go like an hour table yeah just sit there forever so I guess this guy says on Twitter he said I started bef I guess is comy simply because nobody else was making

Films about this league and the ESPN reum doc felt like it was a slide against the current iteration of the conference big words uh yeah 11 films Xavier was going to be the next one and do a d dive on uh Cincinnati the field of 68 guys really didn’t like it here’s

What Goodman DMD me after it first came out and I guess we can click on this and see what the actual image is it says uh told you would be getting sued is what Jeff Goodman said is your Source Rob duster he says no my source is a damn

Good though you honestly might lose a lot of money for this I think I don’t think you will serve time though the guy says got it are you team shirts or team Wade and then I guess Jeff Goodman also says how do you look in Orange like

Orange is a new black I assume prison ah yeah I get it and then he’s like oh the guy responds which is it you should hire a rider for this kind of thing Jeff Goodman responds I’m just making sure in case I honestly can’t can’t believe you

Produce that so okay whatever weird Flex um so I guess a blue demon Dej is what that goes by but anyways they have a historically great relationship and it had to be coming from who robbed D is he the guy on field of 68 right yeah he’s

The other guy he’s the one that’s always with Goodman yeah yeah so I guess there was some sort of like crazy drama with the stuff about the film and about how they really liked it and apparently yeah the DMS are on fire and now everybody’s coming out against Jeff Goodman who

Never had ever had an issue with him and trying to pile on to it so if you ask me Jeff badman see what you did there stop that D it je bad man I will say I G I’ll give uh I’ll give Jeff Goodman credit for

This like I said say what you want about him I will give him credit that he actually did come on my radio show the day after the uh Mike Anderson firing cuz he really did not like Mike Anderson bet he did I’m sure he was crazy about

Mike Anders he was like he shouldn’t have a job in this business I’m like bro relax yeah it’s like it ain’t that critical but also he was on hold during the time because Mike Anderson Jr had called in on the show to talk about it

And he waited oh wow and I was I gave him credit like because let’s be honest more people probably wanted to hear from Mike Anderson Jr than they did Jeff Goodman but he waited and he heard it he listened to it and then he played it very politically and very nice but still

It was hey interesting back to Jeff man keeps going back and forth going back bouncing back and forth in the Spectrum and everything so cuz who’s Ys goto college basketball guy nationally Curtis Wilkerson yes but I mean thanks for that yes I don’t know I mean like I

Gotta be honest it’s evolved over every year I feel like it’s a different guy that I like trust for it but you even though I didn’t agree with him at the beginning of the year and I probably should have though it’s always been norlander for me he’s really really good

He’s good see it goes to where I don’t know I find things entertaining right and John Rothstein just entertains me like Ro ionically enjoy Rothstein like do CU at least he like he ain’t trying that’s who he is right like his old phrases and all that you’re kind of

Like what in the world you know wakeing up and say stay hungry stay humble you know well that’s just who he is though like you know like uh you know he used to do stuff with like the Baro guys and like yeah he that’s just he is a college

Basketball guy through and through and like he doesn’t pretend to be anything else but I feel college basketball is produced like guy like a dick Vil a guy like like just unique Personalities in college basketball more so than anything else of coaches are crazy too like every college

Basketball coach to a te is like Psy every single one of them and they have big huge personalities it’s a college basketball is a a unique place in the world it just makes you wonder why that more so than others than other sports yeah cuz like football I mean football

Has its share of characters but it’s like it doesn’t seem as consistent like every single team has a psycho coach and three players that are you know doing stuff like I don’t like the the people that cover college football don’t seem as like self-important I guess yeah you

Know like I mean there’s there’s the the people that are that are like that are what’s the guy’s name I don’t know the dude’s name but dudes that cover college football there’s one of them that like hates college football maybe not Andy St he’s legit walan is the one I’m thinking

About the only ones that in college football that are weird like that are those guys who again I don’t even think like college football like they’re just like reporters who like are covering college football because it’s popular but they’re trying to do other stuff uh

And like even Marty Smith uh the es the SEC network guy like he doesn’t give a [ __ ] about college football he just is covering it because it’s popular start NASCAR right was that his thing look I don’t have NASCAR but I think I think college football attracts people who

Like are just people who want to be famous whereas college basketball the people that are in college basketball are basketball they’re big basketball people yeah and like the people that are National like norlander and Goodman and for whoever they are truly basketball guys whereas like football it’s like you

Know if you want to be f famous you cover college football and then whatever yeah too yeah well that wraps it up what do you guys learn Andrew did you learn anything in your five minutes that you were here on the show well I’ll have to

Go back and listen to the first half uh see how you guys covered the topics and see uh See give you all my critiques I’ll tex youall later tonight but thank you yes let us know pleas no I learned uh that my big chicken hat still looks

Good uh it still plays you know I I was I like the way it looked on the Natty State sixpack this morning uh which everyone should tune into as well as the pot at the palace um I’m a better man than I was yesterday and that’s all I can

Ask I like it I think I learned that uh I did not dine at a at a place named after a beaver in De Moine yeah I heard that happen that was tough I walked in right as y’all were having that conversation didn’t happen fake news my bad yeah Buzzard billies though shout

Out Buzz billies was good Buzzard billies was good and uh what I learned today is that Bob Holt does indeed have the technology to be able to watch our show here at John neighor show and uh United States sport massive develop we’ll get Bob in the

Office we’ll get him here soon once we have a studio that’s actually set up in a way to where we can really show it off I know it looks great right now in the camera angles but we’re going to get to that point then we’re going to start

Having a lot of in studio guests and everything so but it will be great but either way appreciate everybody listening in and watching in to the John Neighbors show be sure to like And subscribe to the show itself on YouTube and follow us on social media at Natty

State Sports and uh we’re going to keep it going keep having some great content that’s going to be out each and every day dealing with everything going on here in The Natty state so for Scotty bordland as well as Andrew Ellis and Curtis Wilkerson I am John neighbor same

Sports show same Sports channel tomorrow afternoon have a great night everybody we’ll see you then

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