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What you need to know about Ryan Grubb taking over as Alabama’s offensive coordinator

Jake Merrill is a contributing reporter at Bama Football on YouTube and today, he provides his take on Ryan Grubb taking over the offense at Alabama. Merrill is from the State of Washington and is a former collegiate football player.

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Hey this is Merl with Bama football on YouTube Just wanted to shed some light on Ryan grub and and what this offense might look like uh going forward you know Ryan is is this this high quality offensive coordinator that obviously Nick San wanted last season in 2023 he

Chose to stay at University of Washington which is which was a lot of it due to his relationship with kayin D’Or and again I think that’s what we see uh coming back into play is how important relation ships are we’re going to see that this offseason with recruiting we’re going to

See that with u building this team going forward and the team being coming together within the locker room to be a solid unit I also think we’re going to see that in the way Ryan’s offense produces and I am so excited to watch Alabama football in the way they play offense

You know you look at the Players around this program and who are in this program right now on the offensive side of the ball and and we’re just starting there right because we do have those players on defense who are absolutely amazing they are fun to watch they are exciting

And I and I do think this defense is going to be lights out but on offense I I’m excited to watch them score 35 40 plus points a game I mean that’s that’s truly something we should expect right especially with the talent level and with what grub Jamarcus Shepard

Gillespie Scott huff and kayin dor bring to the table uh as offensive minds and I think the the exciting part too with with Ryan is his ability to maximize Talent uh of what the roster has and we saw that University of Washington there might not have been so much depth they

Were also a very young team but the depth just was not there and a lot of people want to say well it’s the Pack 12 and I understand the Pack 12 maybe isn’t comparable to the SEC I don’t know last year those Pack 12 teams are pretty Dam

Good you know okay maybe there wasn’t as much defense Utah was still pretty good on defense organ was still pretty good on defense Arizona was still pretty good on defense so yeah maybe it’s not every single year quality as the SEC has SEC has consistency and they do they play

Defense and they got speed and I think that is what’s going to be most fun about watching Ryan grub come into the secd and to most of all the most I would say prominent dominating University in the based on history alone uh at University of Alabama first of all too is is Ryan’s

Mindset I think will be what’s probably the one thing the those players will really take in and and want to uh just just attach themselves too because of how exciting he is as a coach with his intensity with his Focus but also his own work ethic uh

Interesting fact with this is R Ryan actually uh grub comes from a pig farm he was a pig farmer his dad was a pig farmer his grandpa was a pig farmer in Iowa you know and we talked about where I talked about last time in a show uh

You know just a few days ago or so uh on Bama football on YouTube as I talked about a little bit about the history and some of these guys and where they’ve come from and what they’re bringing to the table under kayn dor and how and why

You guys all should be excited as Alabama football fans for this team and and for this new era with Ryan grub I did talk about him coming from the high school ranks he did he was a coach in high school started in high school uh

Year three he was the class A District a assistant coach of the year in Iowa uh pretty cool I mean the guy has just worked his way up the ranks and there’s actually a quote from from him in the Seattle Times that said I have a deep

Passion for calling place for me I do have a desire to be the best o coordinator in the country that’s a deep state of belief in who I am and what I want to be so this guy wants to be a badass offensive play caller and he

Already is right but he he’s not just settling for well I’ve already done it we made it to National Championship you know he wants to do it all the time he wants to there’s a great great saying within or a great I guess quote within an article I read that was talking about

Farming and Ryan grub talks about farming and he says farming is not overnight farming you takes time right and you got to put in work and effort to see your crops produce what’s going to be cool about this scenario is that somebody’s already done a lot of tilling and theyve planted

A lot of seeds and Ryan now just has to come in and take care of it and build it up kind of the way he wants to because the foundation the house is built right the farm has been put together now he just has to kind of remodel right and

Just make it look kind of a little bit better a little bit cleaner a little bit nicer just a little more organized or and most of all just kind of do what he wants he took over the farm and now he’s running it himself and he’s excited and

He’s taking over such a massive talent and we can all thank Nick Sabin for that you know with with Nick 2 we look at the the discipline he instilled and that’s that’s foundational right and that is stuck within the culture of Alabama that toughness and discipline will never

Leave University Alabama and we can thank Nick for the long term that he did but we can also think Bear Bryant right and we can think Jean Stallings and we can Frank think Frank Thomas before all them and that culture in Alabama especially in Alabama football has been

Around for a long time it’s in the fans it’s in the players it’s in the coaches it’s it’s with in the PE it’s in the state of Alabama and the people and I think that’s what’s exciting too looking at Ryan grub and going back to that is he brings that same sort of

Mentality uh into this offense and now he’s given these weapons of mass destruction to run this offense is and this offense is explosive it’s fun to watch there’s so many things but also what’s unique with this offense is that you know it it’s very much focused on efficient

And he will very much be that coach that focuses on the details one step at a time and making sure these players understand it and making sure that he’s able to communicate and work with them and break it down so that each player does understand it because everyone

Comes from different learning styles and with that offense being as as efficient as it will be you will see Mass explosiveness because it has the ability of that nuclear bomb it’s all right there that that core is ready now it’s just a matter of having the right coach who is Ryan grub to

Expose it to put it into the right form to mold it how he wants and when he like presses the trigger it’s going to boom and the whole SEC is going to know and it’s going to be exciting Ryan grub he is wide open and because you know

Everyone’s going to come to eat might as well just call it GrubHub because everybody’s going to eat in that offense you look at the wide receiver room and what they’re bringing in from from freshman just coming on the campus so exciting I mean with Ryan Williams

Committing you got uh Rico Scott you got uh Amari Jefferson I mean there’s some there’s some serious talent but you already got guys who are there too I mean with Jaylen hail with um Kendrick law with Kobe Apprentice I mean and we’re not even touching the surface

There’s this bunch of names that I’m missing and that’s only because they got so much time but then you watch the progression what you’ll see in mil row and and he’s going to be pushed which will be awesome and fun to watch you’ll see it in Spring ball and then you’ll

See it in the fall camp and with them what you’ll what you’ll see is is they will develop and work but also what comes after all that right in in the product you see on the field and it’s going to be something we as fans whether

You’re an alab abama fan or just like college football or love college football such as myself I I love Alabama but I also love college football I watch I love watching good football and um I think we’re going to see that and you’re going to see people tune in I mean you

Look at the nation of Alabama fans it’s what 4.1 million fans and I guarantee you after this next season when we watch Ryan Grub’s offense step onto the field and play this this style of offense that is exciting and with the talent that Alabama has and truly just assassinate defenses I mean

Step by step we are going to see uh a whole new style of taking Elite athletes and putting them into a system that lets them just go off as I said it’s GrubHub because they’re all about to eat and the next part of that too is that running

Back room that running back room for a lot of people who think that this Air Raid Offense is just going to take away from maybe the power style of running that Alabama does have so wrong you know Dylan Johnson steps into a role coming out of the

SEC is a role as a halfback uh in running back at University of Washington you know he was hurt a good Chuck of that season too and what’s exciting about that is Dylan Johnson ran for almost 1,200 yards and even he didn’t even play the full games you you want to talk about

And there was a running back by Committee in the end I mean you have tybo Rogers or tibo or tybo Rogers I think his name is but he was also another running back who was in there and you had will Nixon he’s the third running back who was in there taking

Reps so Dylan Johnson wasn’t just fully exclusive and we’re going to see that again and what’s exciting is you going to see Richard young really pop out right you get to see Jam Miller get back to being Jam Miller and then Justice Haynes you know who I who I think

Finally has a chance to really show his true um true self in an offense like this and then below that you got two freshman coming in who are ready to work you know with Daniel Hill and Kevin Riley so this this whole offense is just is just on the verge of exploding in

Something great something so fun to watch that all of college football will take notes and I think it’s going to scare the hell out of some teams in the SEC I’ll tell you that but like I said the GrubHub is open all right Roll Tide thank you guys


  1. Jake Merrill is a contributing reporter at Bama Football on YouTube and today, he provides his take on Ryan Grubb taking over the offense at Alabama. Merrill is from the State of Washington and is a former collegiate football player.

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  2. Reese was capped out at 20 pts a game with his offense, if defensive scored we would get more, so can only go up from him so I'm excited.

  3. It's almost like Greg Byrne knew Saban was going to retire this year. And was making moves for the last two years.

  4. 😂😂😂 Merrill said the Grub Hub is open im literally hollain 😂😂 this dude has me believing i may be able to run the ball great content @BamaFootball !

  5. I'm going to be real… I personally don't care for 40 pts a game with Bama. You know why? Because its the Defense that wins championships not high flying window dressing offense, just look at LSU prime example-they had fire power beyond all recognition on offense but the defense couldn't stop anyone.. Look at U of M and especially GA, what do they have in common? Tenacious defense with efficient offense, not flashy but efficient do you remember any players outside the RB that was worth drooling about on offense? I don't, same goes for GA outside Brock Bowers there really isn't anyone on that offense side of the ball (not even the QB, not flashy by no means). So I really do hope that Bama doesn't become this run/gun offense that scores 40plus but can't stop anyone. If you ask Kirby what he would rather have, a 40 plus offense or Great wall of China Defense with a no fly zone… I think you know what Kirby would pick.

  6. If you are a wide receiver, running back, and offensive line will be alot better. They,will help players be great. Look, how wide open their receiver were

  7. I hope Milroe adapts well to this offense and maybe Grubb can get in there and help Milroe take that next step as a QB. I’d love nothing more than to see a guy as devoted to Crimson Tide football as Milroe is succeed.

  8. Really was impressive what UW was able to do last season. Although it had offensive talent, it was not a team of scabs, but what he'll have this season across all positions should be impressive!

    It won't be Milroe the QB. Grubb will select a passing QB, not a RB playing QB. #roadTo19

  9. some of the dead wood that wants Bama to run the ball all the time,needs to go sit down.The new coach will do what got him to alabama and hopefully he will ignore the old school idiots that dont understand that you cant recruit great players if you are boring and to me,Reese was awful last year and Milroe was ok but hes not a natural qb

  10. Good hearing Coach Frank Thomas being mentioned as a powerful coach at Alabama. The man that got Coach Thomas to Alabama deserves a mention, too. Coach Wallace Wade started Alabama's Championship tradition. These two men need to be included in every mention of Alabama's championship traditions.

  11. Grubb runs a lot of the same concepts lane kiffin ran at bama. What’s impressive about grubb is he actually has RPOs that have a screen attached to it so it’s 4 different concepts on one play that’s crazy RTR

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