What a weekend! What a show! I wish I would’ve had more time to walk around and check out some of these disc golf businesses. But at the same time it was incredible to be so busy. There’s definitely a place for a disc golf expo and it’ll only get bigger and better form here. Thank you to everyone who makes it happen!

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And out Joey to seal the deal and is it again Off the Wall walk off welcome back to the Vlog it’s exciting day we’re at day two at the New England no Northeast disc golf Expo and we’re just going to take the Vlog along for a day we’re going to try

The mini course we’re going to try the course outside even though the weather is maybe a bit wild we’re here at the MVP booth some disc taking some photos uh let’s sign some this good morning I’m doing well how are you guys there you go hi big fan you so much

Do how’s it been so far how was yesterday yesterday was insane I was standing here for 4 straight hours signing this taking photos small talk 500 times in a row which is that’s really what gets me cuz I’m not really the most social guy in the world but my battery’s recharged and

Today’s much more calm less way less people and just More Chills I’m looking forward to the next couple hours bit of a shorter easier day all right let’s let’s do this I don’t know which one you think is the nicest whichever one you think is the

Nicest you could sign I don’t want to make it s them all am I going to be famous big and white shout out to Brandon Brandon how’s it going thanks for coming out thank you so much have a good day have fun Look Who’s Back Boys Are Back In Town Boys Are Back

In Town M Carl in town let’s walk around a bit why don’t we just walk around a bit look at some stuff maybe meet some people um really cool vendors how many vendors do you think are here like 40 plus at least yeah so we have there’s two rooms there’s two big rooms

Like this with just vendors all over um really cool stuff cool stuff we have pting stations we have the tech disc should we go do Tech disc for the camera yeah did you hear that the guy who won the Inova basket yesterday made 198 putts in a row from 20 ft

What I would not have the patience or stamina that ever should we go check out my guitar and Tech dis bless of that here’s my little setup I made my music City open trophy the Gibson SG I hope I said that right available for people to come play I don’t know how

Many people played yesterday but it must have been a lot and got the little cardboard cut out do you think it’s still in tune take this is a technology where they put this little computer chip under the disc and then as you throw it it shows you like the spin

Rate and the angle and the wobble and the velocity and the acceleration and the line your dis moves in during the throw and before the throw it’s pretty interesting no you’re on the Vlog go no pressure I help so fig as well shout out always vlogging not really I should do a

Horrible job at it how does it sound Nick multi-talent over there Nick Carl ladies and gentlemen look over here other side Steve Dodge shout out Birdie Pro greatest disc golf board game in the game and created by Steve Dodge and his brother B Bros oh he’s right there there Todd

There’s the B of bros right there Todd and Steve in case you guys didn’t know those two brothers are a gigantic part of the disc golf pro tour’s early success I mean they’re the reason the protour exists literally they are pretty wild oh perfect shout out to

Brixon this is like a throwback card it’s called discards it’s like a throwback to the 80s or something for our player cards got a little signature the pressure I sometimes feel to make a signature look good is more pressure than actually playing this go yeah this one’s from my little

Brother he’s here somewhere I told him I was like a Simon lazard’s gonna be here if you want what happened to the S youp sometimes my S is a little funky yeah look at that’s that’s a one of one look at that one of one that’s the tech

Disc what does this weigh with the thing you know I wonder brother pretty when he passed away that was 62 get a warm up this next one will be 64 pretty close and now 66 and a half start what are you thinking to yourself as you’re trying to hit a

Speed well if you go on increments it’s easy cuz you know you just put a bit more effort into it that’s now2 okay now I’ll try one for real yesterday I did 79 satisfied it’s not bad for wearing a sweater if I take the sweater off I

Could probably do a bit faster but good for now just a quick shout out here to uh cool MVP product is the disc station wow if you’re looking for a cool Sleek very solution for dis storage dis station available at a deal near you that’s right Andrew the people want to

Know how has your last month been it’s been very calm soothing um not really that busy no stress so none none whatsoever it’s been it’s been great no anxiety no new players no new players nothing it’s been just business as usual basically if you have sweaters like this

Nothing can go wrong it’s true that’s actually my model 2767 it’s also my rating highest rated player in the world the speaker room in 5 minutes 11:00 you about women’s disc golf Northeast Women’s throw it to me throw it to me needs to go faster you’re probably making it faster

Than me all right welcome to MVP disc Sports mini course one people sometime ask me what surprised me at when I went to MVP and one thing was these minis they have over molded Minis and glow plastic and proton proton neutron other ones and uh they’re so cool these like

My favorite minis to put around with ever that’s embarrassing that’s regular thanks for everything thank you for Designing course no no no thank you you got this metal hit that’s two points are you playing points points are good layup Mr Ace from yesterday floated it past it oh just buries

It oh kep the rid low I was trying to do it joyale by the way oh wow director dude I’m not giving myself good dude these MVP on almost hit the corner I got to get used to that how’s that not it check out this hotel it’s kind of like really cool Zebo

Areas there’s a little bar right there there’s like fountains and waterfalls people were playing this mini course at like 12:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m. oh yeah and there was guest complaining that’s one many people that were playing it late night last so this one was designed with sorry a big color in the

Way see if Joey has what it takes get around oh that good just short enjoy all right so so a little walk and talk for you what kind of planning goes in how long have you been planning for this uh this spe at least probably of working work 6 months of emailing and

Getting people excited and stuff like that poll number four right here we have a tricky T cuz you can go underneath this or over it and the basket is right in front of OB Nick Carl maintains the box car after starting with three twos in a

Row oh what and he stays inbound little roll friendly roll back overall good result get the sneaky camera behind here shout up Beyond disco that was a really good one I think I’m go underneath good line how do you feel about your Ace I’m very happy because

Last your weapon the Nano orange Nano Neutron Nano beautiful good line yeah Nick oh good line practi in my basement oh my go that was the intention trick shot tree love that was too close to that woman and this one was the the tester I call it the Coliseum tester

It’s only about 20t RIS reward but if you miss you just slide and I might slide all the way off the back side and then you’re screwed that saved ridiculous it’s a design flaw of this whole Nick also saved you want me to go B go for it ready go

All right I’m getting the hang of it I’m getting the hang of it I’m getting the hang of this mini throw all right you’re do yes yes hug thaty Miss go Ace that didn’t come out right and now Joey to seal the deal and is it again Off the Wall walk

That was of course he skip it in like a like a true annoyance the same thing all right that was the mini course hope you enjoyed Joey congrats thanks nice job how do you feel feel great I’m played with the macro last night and I thought it was

Going to be way harder and it wasn’t as hard as I thought very fun course nice design all right we might go outside in the snow and now and play that other course wow the weather is sucky it’s just uh the snow storms slowed down a bit but it’s just wet and

Freaking slushy and sloggy and I don’t know if that’s a word we wanted to go play the little nin hole course that’s out here but we’re not mentally or physically prepared and equipped for that so that would it that was it 2 days at the North Northeast disc golf

Expo Round of Applause for everyone the staff the organizers everyone who came out and all the vendors unbelievable hope you enjoyed this video I know it was uh I don’t even know what we filmed it’s been my mind has scrambled after talking to probably close to a thousand people in the last

25 hours 27 hours wo okay I’ll see you guys in the next one more stuff coming soon and until then like and subscribe we’re so close to 200,000 subscribers I’ll put the number right here hit that subscribe button if you have not yet thank you and Peace


  1. Create an MVP Macro basket course that uses the 6" diameter discs!. Best of Luck to you on the 2024 Disc Golf Pro Tour!!

  2. Simon never ceases to amaze for making me excited to watch his videos. I hope you are excited for the 2024 season. GOOOO SIMOOON!!!!

  3. The mini course was the sleeper hit of the Expo, definitely need it back next year but better! Shout out to Ben Kenney for all the hard work that went into making the Expo happen. Welcome to team MVP Joey!

  4. It was really nice meeting you brother. You treated every single person like an individual and wasn't too quick to shy away.I'm the guy from the uk, which you mentioned about our darts. Hope to see you at birch park after all haha. The pixel feels really grippy!

  5. We turn my basement into a mini course every so often. So much fun just moving the bucket around and making up stupid rules. Floor is lava where you gotta land on furniture and putt while standing on a rocking chair is always a good time.

  6. I was the guy who came up to you asking about the shirt I made for you, didn't mean to come off aggressive so hopefully you didn't feel like that. Great meeting you!

  7. I was the guy who made you sign the beat up PD, I was just wondering if you could give a lecture about quantum theory in your next vlog.

  8. Love the TechDisc. To answer your question the company uses lighter discs so that the weight ends up being in the 170-175 range with the device on the back.

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