PGA Tour announces $3 billion investment from Strategic Sports Group | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Rich Lerner, Todd Lewis and Rex Hoggard join Golf Central to discuss the PGA Tour’s recent deal with Strategic Sports Group, which is a financial and strategic investment from SSG of up to $3 billion. #GolfChannel #GolfCentral #PGATour
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PGA Tour announces $3 billion investment from Strategic Sports Group | Golf Central | Golf Channel

And hello again and welcome I’m rich learner at 10:30 a.m. eastern time the PGA Tour announced a partnership with the Strategic Sports Group otherwise known as SSG to form PGA Tour Enterprises a new commercial Venture under the PGA Tours control the deal voted on unanimously last night by the

PG tour policy board here now the terms of the deal a new for profit Venture launched by PG tour and strategic Sports Group SSG investment in PGH Enterprises is worth up to $3 billion PGH membership will gain access to $1.5 billion dollar in equity in PGH Enterprises player grants which vest

Over time will be based on Career achievements think tiger and future participation the deal does leave room for a future co-investment from the public investment fund of Saudi Arabia notable members now of the Strategic Sports Group you’ll Rec recognize some of these names Arthur Blank the owner of

The Atlanta Falcons and the soccer team in Atlanta Steve Cohen the owner of the New York Mets John Henry who’s the principal owner of the Fenway Sports Group Mark atanasio owner of the Milwaukee Brewers M grpe the owner of the Boston Celtics Fenway Sports Group Holdings include Boston Red Sox

Liverpool FC of the Premier League they are well represented across the World of Sports and the NHL’s Pitts B Penguins according to the PGA Tour press release today the transaction allows for a co-investment from the public investment fund from piff in the future that will be subject to all necessary

Regulatory approvals in addition today the PGA Tour confirmed progress in its ongoing negotiations with piff on a potential future investment and both parties are working towards an ultimate agreement in a conversation today with Golf Channel PGA Tour stressed a deal with the piff is important in hopes of

Reunifying the game for more on today’s news we welcome Todd Lewis Todd what more can you tell us well hi that rich the PJ tour has been negotiating with SSG for the last couple of months exclusively they had an internal deadline to get this deal done

On January 25th which was last week but there were still some details that needed to be ironed out members of SSG actually flew to ponderer Beach Florida where the Head Quarters of the PGA Tours located to continue negotiations and working out this deal they hoped to vote

On this this past Monday but there were still some things to need to be ironed out and Tuesday afternoon the PGA Tour policy board unanimously approved the deal with SSG now web Simpson is on that PGA Tour policy board he is one of five player directors on that board that are

Competing here at the AT&T Pebble Beach program I had a chance to catch up with him after the news was released today and I asked him what this deal does for the Health and Longevity of the PGA Tour well I think it’s first and foremost I’m a player it’s exciting for

Us players um you know we with the help of a lot of people have created an opportunity where some 200 uh PJ tour players will be Equity shareholders of their sport Equity owners and um first professional sport to get there so I think that that’s very exciting today that’s a huge headline um

And honestly as a player on the board I have wanted to I I’ve wanted for a long time to give the players something to be excited about in the midst of a two-year up and down tumultuous time in the game of golf and the uncertainties of the

Future today is a day where PJ tour players can be excited um about a lot of things and that’s that’s one of them to be able to say you know we own part of our sport is really cool yeah it’s interesting this has been a challenging

Time not only for the PJ tour but in in the game of golf it’s been on a fault line it seems like do you feel like this adds stability I do um we’ve brought in an incredible partner in SSG who has years and years of experience in franchise ownership um you know

Sports all across the the Spectrum um and they are are going to be an incredible partner to us they want to grow the game they want to grow the PJ tour they love the game and golf um they want to see it profitable and and they’re going to do everything they can

And you know they’re probably getting started today getting going on on all they can do to help us and uh we’re really excited about the partners at SSG you mentioned what they’re trying to do how would you describe the energy and excitement from SSG it’s incredible um they have shown enthusiasm and

Excitement from day one the first time we met with them uh I think it was uh a few months ago I can’t remember the date um but they were you know very upfront and telling us that they’re not wanting to be involved just cuz they love the

Game game of golf but they see an opportunity to grow the PJ tour to make it more profitable um and they bring their expertise uh all across the board to us and they’re offering their services to us um and they’re successful so they’re going to they’re going to see

That the PJ tour gets to a better place and continues to get to a better place do you get a sense of this $3 billion in total what they’re investing with the PGA tour in what they see because this is a business decision as you said this

Is not charitable case for them on how they want to get a return on that investment from from uh by putting all this money into the tour yes and those details are still getting worked out the the the plans of how we can grow the tour are still ongoing but um they are

Are very confident that that’s what’s going to happen that that will be the result um and look the PJ tour has always been the greatest place to play on the planet uh it still is and we want to show the world the golf fans the players the future players um that the

PJ tour long term is by far the the greatest Tour on the planet finally this is a deal that you’ve worked with SSG but there’s still the framework agreement going on with piff and the in the Saudis just to make sure that the fans are clear on this that that is

Still something that the PGA Tour and now SSG and the DP World Tour are optimistic that they still want to do and continue to work with the Saudis and get a deal done right yes I think uh like you said those those deals are ongoing uh we’re we’re we see a future

Where they could be a partner as well um but I think today we just wanted to you know be excited about our new partner SSG um and you know the ongoing growth of the PJ tour and that’s where we are uh but the future as you asked we’re not

Sure yet um but we’re optimistic that there could be a place uh for everyone to be uh happy with this deal bringing SSG in does that give a give it better opportunity that the Saudi deal could could happen now I think that’s fair to say um you

Know we we were so focused on getting to last night that um you know that hasn’t been the ultimate priority right now the ultimate priority was making sure the board the players the Tour all involved felt great at about SSG and we all did it was unanimous um so that was kind of

Our Focus up until now but uh now we’ll we’ll we’ll grow we’ll continue to look at options and we’ll see and I’m joined Now by Rex hoger golf senior riter we’ve been following this story these negotiations with SSG and the PGA Tour and you heard

Web say that they are still working out the details in regards to this deal and a lot of questions in regards to players out here is the player Equity program that component of this deal what have you learned this is such a big part of this deal and the deal going forward if

Piff is involved if they’re not involved because what essentially What’s Happening Here is historic it’s never happened in another sport where the players actually earned equity in the product itself and so there’s a lot of steps in this process I spoke with another player director this morning

They pointed out that the SEC and the federal government will have a say in exactly what this looks like but to give you an idea of what they’re thinking as far as the equity shares go it’s going to be very very similar to what the PGA Tour does with their retirement program

Essentially it’s going to be a point system and to give you an idea you’ll get a point for a PGA Tour Victory you’ll get a point for qualifying for the Tour Championship and on down the line and the way it looks right now now is about 36 players qualified for a

Certain threshold they would receive the Lion Share of that roughly $750 million an equity share after that list there’s another roughly 72 players who earned x amount of points that would also be involved in the program and I was told by this one player director that they’re

Also looking at ways to reward past Legends like Jack Nicholas and Tiger Woods and they’re also looking to reward players who were just coming on to the PGA Tour one of the names that came up was uh luk lud oar as far as making sure that they understand that they too will

Have equity in the tour yeah like Nick Dunlap he was making his PJ tour debut here this week but that’s interesting that they are rewarding those who have built the PGA T like Jack Nicholas as well um and then there is the announcement to the players uh they’ve

Heard rumors about this deal U becoming a reality for a couple of weeks now um but they found out this morning too give us the details on how that went down there was the level of expectations that this should have happened already I actually asked Roy maroy about what his

Expectations were and he told me yesterday that it could have been done weeks ago and that these have been ongoing you pointed out it’s been exclusive with SSG for over 2 months right now and to give you an idea last night’s policy board meeting where I’m I’m sorry where policy board meeting

Where it was approved was about 90 minutes that was nothing compared to Monday’s meeting which went over four hours and that’s when they kind of hashed out all of these details and there was another element that came up that I think needs to be pointed out that it was SSG who actually recommended

How the board will be made up for this new PGA Tour Enterprise it’ll be 13 members seven of those will be PGA Tour players they will have the majority of the say yeah and the PGA Tour membership was uh the news was given to them via a call this morning that included members

Of SSG included J Monahan the commissioner of the PGA Tour included Tiger Woods and others who were involved and it was a celebration and I talked to several players out here and they said they’re still trying to digest all this information like all of us but they they

See this as a positive for sure and of course there is these Saud the framework agreement with piff what what do you think this does in regards to making that happen it probably makes it a little bit easier from what I’ve been told and the reason behind that it’s

Pretty clear we know now that it’s going to be a $1.5 billion uh investment that’s the initial investment by SSG that’s about 11% valuation stake in whatever PGA toy Enterprises is going to be so that gives them a starting point that they can now go to piff and say

This is the way we want to go as far as your minority investment goes yeah so a few questions for the players and the membership they will get into all the literature and and everything that was announced today uh after practice that you see behind us but all in all a very

Positive day for the PGA Tour and its members guys


  1. Ur playing golf this will fail u don't deserve that kind of money ur playing a game doctors teachers get ur head out ur ass

  2. As a fan, all I want is for this bifurcation caused by LIV to be over and all the best players in the world to be in one place. As far as I can tell, this does nothing to advance that cause, so my reaction is “big whoop”. Glad they’re getting more money, but the current unfortunate status quo remains unchanged for the fans, who are the whole reason any profession sport exists to begin with. A fact far too many people seem to have forgotten.

  3. This is just an attempt to totally put the USA in charge of world golf. Aint going to work as it leaves the DP world tour and the Asian tour left out and I think the Saudis will walk away and take over the both tours .It will end up as the USA or the rest of the world..

  4. They better be careful. There's nothing in the world that prevents Pif from saying the h*ll with it and take Liv to 72 holes creating a legit rival tour.

  5. All this is going to do is force the Saudi’s to reach deeper into their pockets and grab more PGA players. The SSG cannot keep up with the money the Saudi’s can come up with.

  6. More money going to the second tier of the best golfers.
    Why would LIV invest they already have the top tier?
    It’s lipstick on a pig.

  7. This is great news!!!! This will definitely force PIF and the LIV tour;s hand now that the PGA Tour has become much stronger. I think SSG's expertise as Webb stated will grow the game world wide not just in America and will get the whole golf world buzzing!!!!

  8. Vulture capital demanding returns is never good. The PIF was in for the long game, not the returns. PIF should keep the course and not make a deal and see how the players like this SSG deal in a few years.

  9. Problem is PGA are liars and their word dont mean DICK. Thanks Jay ! GO LIV Boys . TAKE THE MONEY. Just cause the PGA struck a deal dont mean shit for the players.

  10. PGA Tour was bankrupt..and fact they never included players shows the shortcomings of why PGA Tour lost so many of the greats.
    PIF wont go away they are hoding all the ACES, while PAG Tour is holding 2's and 3's

  11. 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. The Royal Family did not know they were enrolled in U. S. flight schools? OMG, LOL. Webb Simpson is a disgusting evangelical bootlicker😇

  12. The PGA Tour just made a deal with the devil … PGA Tour is worth "$18 Billion" ( Their numbers)… They gave the players $1.5 Billion equity … An 18.75% share of something that is entirely player driven. Their is NO value to the PGA Tour without the players!!!!! The deal give an average equity to 200 players or $7.5 million per player with higher equity to the best and less equity to 100 thru 200…. if all the players walk and start a new tour they own a 100% share …. And this is a great deal???? PIF will cherry pick player after player as they decide how much will be enough…. SSG wants to make money from day one … PIF doesn't, as they have shown, with LIV. PIF is in golf for the long run and has shown a willingness to lose now to win big in the end… Sponsors are tired of Korn Fairy like events with little viewership and constant request for more and more money … The, NO Cut, signature events will be good but not the all the top players together which only PIF can do. The next two years will be the last chapters for the PGA Tour, if PIF wants it can now make LIV the all star tour for reality… This deal make me sick and when the players find out where the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed they will be pissed … The average PGA player is not business trained and knows little about the financial stuff … I am sad for the charities ( who will likely get less). The fans (who will certainly pay more for less). Because SSG wants money and PGA Tour players, below the top 60, who continue to stay will lose more. Their is only so much money to go around. SSG is not in this relationship to not make a profit… It has to come for somewhere…The sponsors will take care of themselves, if it cost to much they will walk away…. TV will only pay if fans watch … If LIV ever get a true TV deal it will help fans but hurt the PGA Tour… More will come out later about this deal, but so far the fans are losing with costs likely going up.. And the players are getting pennies for a dollar they control … Let's all hope I am wrong … I HOPE SO ….

  13. This is funny to watch. One group is giving money directly to the players and ownership options. While the other group is paying to fund tournaments in order to make profit, basically what the pga was already doing. One group is good at business, the other is just learning as they go.

  14. Hey Rory, let us know what you think about that extra Saudi money in the next purse you win. Methinks you won’t be bitching about that…

  15. lol PGA is toast LIV will just continue to sign the top players and the PGA will have the seconds you can’t out spend the Saudis only God may have more money. It all comes down to Monaghan just protecting his ass he’s the one standing in the way WTFU Jay

  16. How do you continue to work out details after making a formal agreement ?
    Who cares how much the players get ?
    How do these investors make their money ? What percentage of profits do the investors get moving forward?
    Equity? Sounds more like signing players. Aberg will be told if you take this money you can’t leave for X.

    All this does right now from my perspective is buy the pga tour a little more time competing with LIv/pif; but again; what did they give up long term to these investors to make that happen with 1-3 bill?
    Can someone please explain that ?

  17. If they are figuring out a way to recognise Jack & Tiger etc (pay them$$)… then it better be applied across the board to Greg too & others. Or its just another selective slush fund for supporters in the club

  18. Alleluia!!! At last some bright light on the game I love ❤️! As a Red Sox fan happy to see John Henry as part owner. Great guy that helped Red Sox fans to win championships in Boston. Pif got what they deserved, last place on investment for hijacking our game. Or no place at all?😊
    They don’t have now the place they thought they might have had before SSG’s investment.
    Good 👍🏼.
    Maybe one day we could see all players together even though I doubt it at least long term however, we have the control in America and Europe of how and to what extent they will have access to our resources and the pga’s huge market with sponsors and television exposure worldwide! Monaghan can keep his job now. I wanted him out but he redeemed himself, just no more deals behind players and the public s backs.

  19. We don’t care, all we care about is watching tournaments with all the best players playing against each other.

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