THIS ONE MOVE fixed my OVER THE TOP golf swing!


Such a super easy golf drill to get that feeling of shallowing the golf club. And getting rid of your OVER THE TOP GOLF SWING!

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Hello and welcome back to Josh the YouTube today we’re going to be doing a little over-the-top fix for all of you this is probably one of the most common mistakes in a golf swing is that over-the-top move gets a little bit nasty from the top starts out left

Common shot for that slice um and it’s just an ugly one you do not want to be hitting that over-the-top move and for a lot of people that are in that kind of mid to high handicap this is probably where you’re at you’ve got a club path

That’s over the top your face is open you’re not quite getting that pure contact So today we’re going to do a really quick and simple drill how you can feel that club shallow and get inside so from the top you might make a good back swing and then from here the

First thing that happens is the Sha steepens comes over the top and then you get that nasty move so what I want you to do is swing to the top put the right hand on the grip here and then just flatten the shaft that is just going to

Put it behind you and shallow and then from here you’re just going to turn and look at how beautiful that is now we can just turn onto that golf ball and hit that nice little tight draw that we all want so literally put your right hand to

The left side of the grip if you’re a right-handed golfer swing to the top right hand on the grip push it down flatten that sha swing down to here look at it it’s just beautiful and from there you’re going to hit some nice little tight drawers so what I would do to

Rehearse this on the driving range is I’d go to the top of the golf swing right hand as I said flatten that shaft turn down F where that club is now you know do that a couple of times and just really slow it down so you’re feeling where that shaft is in

Relation to the body hands everything um it might be a really really strange position for you to feel if you’re someone that’s quite steep um and then what I would do to rehearse this in a full golf swing is I would then swing to the top right hand lay the shaft down

And then from here I’ll just go and hit a few little soft 3/4 shots and if you have any way of checking your club path now that one there was 5.97 inside club path you know so from where that over- the top swing is you know you’re probably looking at maybe a

5 six over the top path if you start to recognize that that’s where that path needs to be to fill inside then you can have some clarification of where it is to make a good golf swing compared to that over the top move so sometimes all you need is that little feeling of

Getting that shaft inside to to Really solve all your problems you know um from an over the top move you know sometimes this right shoulder gets active it could be a grip problem um you know it could be even uh a limit in turn that you know

You can’t get that full back swing um that’s causing you to go over the top so there’s loads of different reasons and sometimes all you need is a little bit of a feeling here to get that shaft on a shallow plane and then you know you’ve

Got that inside club path so give that a go it’s just a simple quick and easy drill to fill something that’s not over the top you know to fix something in golf sometimes you got to go to the opposite end of the spectrum go out on

The driving R try and hit some big old draws and then you start to understand that you know you’ve got to find that balance in between the two if you’re hitting big old slices go to the range hit some snap hooks you know get the ball turning right to left and then find

That middle ground and it can be all as simple as just finding that little drill to get that club inside and hit some good golf shots so quick and easy video for you all to try and fix that over-the-top dreaded golf move so please be sure to like And subscribe and we

Will see you all for the next one


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