Phillies Coach Knows How to Golf | Emery Glove Company| 99 or Nah with USABL | Episode 10

Ray Ricker is a man you can hang with all day and talk Baseball. He took Post University took it from a average team to Regionally Ranked D2 in the northeast. Now, he took his talents to working with the Phillies. The first Segment you’re going to see myself, my good friend (who is now my new roommate) Chief, and Ray Ricker at the Golfing Range in Clear Water Florida talking life and baseball. Coming in hot next is Kevin Schneider with Emery Glove!

Check this link below for their sick gloves and gear:

Your Fan Favorite of 99 or Nah! Check it out!

Get that you’re a lefty oh yeah I for I keep forgetting about that took I took Chief to the uh cages that was fun my gosh that plane it’s crazy farther than mine I understand why we went in the end so you ever yell uh four at a course

Never never that’s a good one never had a y four craziest golf experience you had to think I was with a guy that hit a hole in one you guys lost it it was crazy he just hit a hole in one like I was like that’s going in son hit a hole one

Yeah you ever have a hold one never just don’t swing hard I’m not swinging hard don’t yell think about hitting underneath it what’s a go-to drink or goto snack after a game dude it used to be used to be monsters used to be of course yeah energy drinks now after

Though after the games after the all the time I used to just a the bubbly sensation just the caffeine yeah afterwards need G you need to Cal down uh it’s pretty intense after nine innings of everything you thinking about in the game you’re pretty drained afterwards

So anything to do to get you to relax afterwards post game spread hopefully it’s Chipotle chip always a fan favorite chick but it’s crazy our days will start at our days will start at about 11:30 when we’re we’ll start about 11:30 when after the Affiliates and then the game will start

At 7 you’re out of there at G about 3 hours so you’re there like till like 9 9:30 and then worried about the next game so this is a big question what do you think about the pitch clock pitch clock was awesome we had that last year

In low the gamees went by so much quicker like really good Tempo I think it’s going to be an adjustment for a lot of the big league guys like the H though right both for everybody cuz we used to take their time used to like their

Routines and now it’s just going to make the game speed up so I think it’ll help the Casual fan I think you know these guys are the best in the world so they’ll make adjustments yeah I can’t tell you the last time I saw a golf club

September 08 you remember that you know what that’s from no uh the other guys hey yo hey Ray when Ray when when was your last desktop Ray what isn’t the guy’s name Ray actually no I would know right when hey chief when was your last desktop September 08 come on you’ve seen

The movie he was so believable you know you know would be a great game Ray golf you have to talk though like you’re trying to mess them up like you’re on your back swing and you’re go you’re like yeah like from uh what what what movie is that from with Billy Madison

Jackass not Billy Madison um you know what I’m talking about right happy Happy Gilmore I’m an idiot yeah we didn’t go to bed and then I just slept on the plane woke up to the to this uh really I slept I literally really I could sleep Whenever

Wherever I hate that though I hate that I can do that I can sleep in a car if I’m driving not if somebody else is driving wait what Ding and I’m like tired doing is that like I would swing and i’ try to swing so hard and fall

Over yeah so my buddy’s like just hold it for three it’s just one two three you’re under control you know just love tap one supposed to go that way Chief you missed the one I had man it was money it was so fire um what’s your guilty pleasure song guilty pleasure

Song yeah probably saw Taylor Swift oh no get at no love Swizzle no wonder we’re best friends love the Swizzle ah love that girl I’m a big acoustic guy like the the a cushion version dude that’s great of everything you got that that’s that’s a Taylor Swift Tuesday Taylor Swifty

Tuesday I think you’re a pitching wedge guy what’ you say I think you got swing the pitching wedge me or you you all after this one I think you’d be better at the shorter oh hang on take the N love teror Swift what your favorite all right top five ter songs oh

I’m not that deep oh oops not that deep sorry well what’s which one’s the the wedge the uh uh the one says P I knew that I was just making sure you knew that you know what I can do I bet that a lot of people can’t do is

This by the way what’s your take on pickle pickle ball dude I’ve wanted to get into it a lot of guys are into tennis and move around and say pickle ball seems like it but the the rackets are 60 bucks I got mine for 90 yeah but

You can get like the cheap ones for like 30 bucks but like you’re probably go big or go home type of guy I’m I’m ready to if I’m going to go in I’m going to go in hard yeah so I hear you I hear you I’m

The same way I’m kind of medium though cuz I only got the half one keeping this like bent and then straight so like you get it back so this stays tight M and then now it goes back in the same spot you’re I’m going to disappear for

Like 3 years I’m going to come back and you’re just going to see me on tour dude I wish that was that easy like we got so many guys that are so good in golf it’s like so frustrating this is frustrating but my top my my my attack angle is like

96 or should should I just say 69 it’s terrible little a hinge get nice and pfy no come on stay in Jesus you ever Tred surfing no I can’t swim fun fact really NE look can Chief can’t swim how about this after dinner you guys come over and I’ll give you a swimming

Lesson I don’t know if I’m s yeah all right all right chief chief I’ll put my life savings on it that’s not out of here but Chief I’m pretty sure you have to switch your hands Chief your left hand supposed to be in the midd yeah I know you’re a

Left I’m telling you that is going to be the next game right I know you’re frustrated but distract The Hitter distract it like bang garbage cans distract the golfers just distract the golfer bang some garbage cans wor I’m just getting wreck Chief you know like the the it’s is it it’s

Kif right kif oh Kashif yeah everybody kief so that’s you you know you should do you ever see the what’s the movie with at the end it’s like cars no Kow oh yeah well yeah kachow for for cars kachow I’ve got a four-year-old so I know Disney movies like I love that

Thing Kow that’s probably a guilty pleasure too it’s just all knowing all Disney music just from being down here visiting Disney so much and then part about Disney best part about Disney the food really the rides are awesome but the food my future Disney food’s awesome I

Didn’t go until I was like 32 33 really parents never took me I went to Orlando but yeah Orlando it’s about an hour and a half from here so good thing no kids are playing in that park today oh my God yeah the food of Disney’s electric though where’s kilargo kilargo it’s uh south of Miami nice it’s like probably like 8 hours inv to a wedding down there what’s that it’s got invited to a wedding down did you that’d be pretty badass yeah on New Year’s

Eve the keys are awesome how you doing buddy well this is the hybrid right yeah the hybrid and are going to be best friends it’s my it’s my club Choice that’s this that’s just that is satisfying I’m not going to lie yeah is satisfying it’s definitely better than

Television would you watch golf on television a lot yeah yeah it’s it’s honestly like my new obsession really yeah you put do you put this all on the tea by the way or no hybrid uh you can okay honestly this feels like Arthur to

Me I feel like this is M I just feel like this is this feels good in the hands this feels really good in the hands oh this is the last one for me yeah oh yeah this is just going to this is um this is the power of positive

Thinking right I’m going to I’m I’m this is going to be the best ball Lac all day it doesn’t matter there’s no outside factor it’s just going to be beautiful and then I’m just you know it’s going to be nice and smooth I’m going just let it

Go I’m the best golfer in Florida Ray no might have a car my bad hey you can get another one right in front can I yeah do whatever you want you’re in Florida you do you think this is a good topic do you think Florida is the warm

New Jersey the warm New Jersey like it’s like New Jersey but what do they call the South New Jersey I don’t know Sunshine State they do but I feel like it good job bar what did I say I said the last swing the last swing right and now you’re like

Wow that was fun I literally could go buy another bucket of ball that’s why it was just let’s see what you got on the putting boy oh boy it’s a little different than mini golf right oh yeah 100% you don’t have the uh the crocod dial no

Windmill I’m not going to lie this really is peaceful except when you miss putts is there s such thing as a lucky putt a lucky putt yeah it’s just no more like like your actual putt is like Jinx you know what I mean like why when you get new clubs

That’s the real question when you start getting better when you start getting better then you can start tinkering around you earn it yeah got to earn that so no you would never go in a helicopter no I would never go in a helicopter skydiving I don’t want to say

Never but never go skydiving no what about bungee jumping no shot I hate heights you do hate height six FL see like roller coaster is totally different do roller coasters all day so I’m I’m I’m I’d be the opposite I’d go in a helicopter would like kind it guy be

Hard for me to go see like any ride I’m totally in on like even on planes we get a little turbulence mm- it’s not for me really no it’s not good just remind me grip you’re going to see 6’2 255 lbs just gripping the seat being nervous as all anything

Yeah do Phillies do a lot of yoga at all um we do a lot of Mobility stuff but not so much yoga like we got a lot of coaches that will do some some hot yoga yeah this dude just coming right at us you like yoga uh um I’ve never done it

Like what I got asked to do hot yoga the other day and I just didn’t do it do it man let’s see let’s see if we can make a lucky Let’s do let’s do it next time you’re in Jersey I’m going to treat you to pickle ball and Hot

Yoga I got I got a good Studio do you do hot yoga oh my gosh yeah it’s incredible it’s I mean it sucks like wow oh I’m going to go far right how do you announce putting the bar looks into the post oh my God I’m not even

Close let’s go oh that would have been you’re right at the pin right at the I’m nice I’m not I’m not this is I could be a good sub I know get me to the green you’re good scramble partner just make the Puffs but you got it only counts if it

Goes in this one’s going in that’s not bad though doing pretty good I know I know I’m I told you I’m nice at mini golf I am nice at mini golf nah two that was that was the worst one of the day that wasn’t it if I think

Though if I put a little more things to it it rolls back back back in there Chief is about to put this into the car got to be gentle big guy [Laughter] gentle God what is that from you like country music I really didn’t like country music before I got into

Professional baseball then as you get into like clubhouses like you hear every single different type of yeah genre of music so like I guess it’s country but like Morgan Wallen Morgan wall Everybody Plays the album is fire the new album is so good so we actually have a BP it’s

Called BP Vibes for walk-off talks what what were three songs you would add to the playlist three songs BP for BP Vibes uh 865 by Morgan Wallen yeah yeah um Drake something Drake like yeah I love that yeah they’re very similar yeah probably something else Drake I like the

Hip-hop yeah big hip-hop four games hippity hoppity there you go there you go get in there little guy get in there little oh a little hard if you can putt that’s it game’s over that’s it game over no but I got to get there first right you got to

Get it in no I got to get to the green too soft you ever go wild on a golf cart in at any time of your life oh yeah I worked at a summer camp one year nice and we just took that thing and there’s no governor on it so we just

Whipped that thing around we’re like 20 years old in college looking at a summer camp and just let that thing let that thing go there was one time in Summer Ball um we had this like unreal golf cart and I took it out to the parking lot

Uhoh and I actually flipped the golf cart like flipped it right on his side was not good I always want to do like a hype golf video where like can Gatorade and you’re just going nuts and going off a ramp with a mullet and a mustache you’re

Almost there I had the m a little bit you see the Morgan volume video I made yeah you like that that’s crazy that’s what I do my spare time so like these putts like that like long putt like that’s like in like golf in like the golf what is it like that’s way

Too like that’s really far away that’s like crazy like this is like more of like a normal chance of a putt and I stinked at putting today honestly there’s probably a lot of beginners luck with me doing the same thing game of adjustments yeah game of adjustments

Game of adjustments see like that just doesn’t look safe like I don’t understand that did you nice W what am I doing did you get nervous as a coach no did you uh post nervous like during game no like I would get nervous more on I wouldn’t say nervous but you’re getting more

Um uptight I guess you know you should beat a team I yeah I mean I coach 9u baseball and I get nourished those little guys do you like I just get like I guess it I guess the word is antsy like you know cuz you you want to see

Them succeed yeah that’s the thing it’s like they want to succeed you want to see them succeed so just kind of have have low pressure situations they’re going to be hard harder on themselves than anybody else yeah favorite quote favorite quote I kind of live by the be

Kind for everyone you meet is figh fighting their own battles you know like you never know what somebody’s going through so you know trying to learn about the person and trying to understand what they might be going through yeah um I think that’s the thing too in like professional baseball is that Like

These Guys these guys like come from all different countries all different backgrounds all different kind of everything so yeah you got to really learn who that person is what makes them tick um and they have to trust you because like you know they want to know that they

Want to make it to the big leagues they want to have a really good career so um it’s a lot of not pressure but it’s a really big responsibility trying to make sure that you’re doing the right thing for them and trying to do make their

Career um as good as it can be so I think that’s like the biggest pressure is being a professional coach but like learning learning how they are and what makes them tick I think that’s a really big thing make a relationship work what’s up oh not even

Good yeah no need that need that in my life dingo dude dingo never help no it doesn’t you have to go live in a Spanish P there’s a lot of people’s questions about me my mom shipped me to Ecuador shipped me to Ecuador at like kindergarten on a plane all by myself

Really yep I didn’t know that yeah it explains a lot right it does so what did you do in Ecuador I had family there but like I cried for I probably cried the entire trip but you know what it made me into a man by 8 years old I knew how to

Time my own Sho so when did you come back to the States um I stayed there for a summer then the first trip ever I went for like a year and a half with her then the second trip I stayed there for a summer she she she flew me by myself and

I thought I was lost like I literally it was dude I cannot make a putt to save my life today so so like we’ll freak out some of our players like we play music during BP and like throughout the complex and like some like 21 Savage

Song will come on and like I’ll start rapping along with it like karaoke what song do you what you what song you put on for karaoke probably something like could just scream out like Journey like Faithfully Faithfully something that get the crowd going yeah right yeah if it’s if I’m singing

Karaoke it’s a it’s probably a messed up night would you would you uh would you walk out to a Drake song or do you have like a a set song to walk out to I’d have a set song to walk out to what would it or did you have one in college

Or yeah I had uh what I have I had te pain uh was it bartender yeah yeah oh good yeah that’s a great song I see a 41-year-old rapping to what they listen to kind of get weirded out but it’s crazy you know what I I don’t see age

Anymore so like one of the things my like wife says is like she was growing up and like she’d go to like a doua baseball game and she thought like guys are so old like oh my God and now she’ll like come to a game and she’s just like

The kids are so young like it’s just a different perspective right perspective huh I ever go paintballing no would love to though get out can you know be hilarious like we get a crew to go paintball when you come to Jersey coach Mike me you Han

Chief just get just get what’s like the different perspective from pro and college I mean these guys are trying to make it their career their life you know college it’s like sort of halfway in halfway out you guys are you don’t know who is you don’t know who is who well

You will know but when you’re recruiting them that’s hard that’s hard you never really know um these guys you know it’s it’s a job it’s a fun job but yeah you in that old school generation of of baseball yeah I mean I had a like a VHS like tape that

Like Tommy mansky skills and drills that I like learned from and watch so it’s like I mean it used to be back in the day catching I used to think you have to like turn your glove up to the air and go from there so I mean you always try

To do what’s best for the player at the time like if I saw what I taught myself like taught the players when I was you know 15 years ago 16 years ago when I first started coaching I’d be like what is this guy doing but

Come from a place of like wanting to get them better and that’s all you know and then start learning and now there’s so many more resources from the internet from like trying to get like different like thoughts of you know all the technology that’s improved like I used

To have like a like our cameras are on our phones are more powerful than the cameras we had back in the day so you know just trying to trying to make it the best educated guest for these guys and you use would you use technology for

Youth kids say like 8 years old to 12 I probably wouldn’t I would use technology but like I wouldn’t like go that far in depth with it but like like bat speed bat speed just make it a game make it fun like this game’s hard like this game

Is super hard where it’s a game of failure but you have to make it fun for the guys make them fun coming back cuz you know just like golf like we hit some bad shots and but you hit that one shot and you want the kid coming back and

Playing it yeah like you got to make fun baseball fun and I think a lot of times that people forget how actually hard the game is you know that’s why I really like like drawing parallels between Golf and baseball because game’s really hard so you got to remember like you’re

Trying to hit that ball straight you’re not trying to hit it into you’re not trying to hit into the park Chief you know but it just happened so it’s less like you know if I yelled at if I yelled at like somebody yelled at me for

Hitting the ball like not where I was aiming like it’s not going to help me like try to figure out why and CU we have so much technology now that you can figure out like why a guy’s doing that and yeah but that comes back to like learning the player like learning where

He’s at and meeting the player where where he’s at and just trying to come with the best outcome like I have the best plan in the world if the guy doesn’t believe me then it’s not going to work thank you for everything R thank you appreciate you appreciate

You so like when people hear the name and they say hey like what does that mean and I’m like name means like Brave powerful or ruler that’s dope but then like you even know you know I mean like it’s it’s my 4 and 1 half-year-old daughter’s name so it’s just the ultimate inspiration

That’s awesome um of motivation and it’s there’s purpose there’s a li I mean I I love it yeah former coach glove designer Kev Schneider here we go um we got Emory gloves I just discovered this I think they’re so cool it has huge Purpose with

Uh your daughter’s name on it um to tell me about let’s let’s pick how about let’s pick your like your favorite glove here how about that that’s a tough one I know I know put the spot that’s that is definitely a tough one I’ve become we we’re kind of famous for our closed

Backs right our head Craftsman gives me gives me some slack because he doesn’t like it but for pitchers the whole closed back look here is is pretty awesome when you put it on your hand as a pitcher I was a former pitcher you kind of feel like locked in um so we do

A ton of these our guy our guy Chase Petty goes all closed backs now um so I would say probably right here that’s sick back I feel like if you’re a pitcher you have like the Joker right here yeah like just staring right you should see you should see one of the

Gloves that we did for I I’ll show you on on Instagram it’s literally Jer The Joker and it’s not even like it’s a game changer so you do custom gloves yes that’s so sick we printed Heath Ledger as the Joker on leather and then made it into a glove all that that

Guy my life he’s awesome I’ll show it to you after it’ll it’ll blow your mind what about favorite uh color scheme I guess you could say like color scheme and again these are some more like classic ones here but for me like anything with this this like light blue

Is is always killer um for this I like to add like subtle touches so it’s on the liner in here but anything light blue now I know kids love like we we e pinks and Light blues and all that stuff but I like mixing classic Like A Classic

Tan with little pops of the color dude yeah um so I think I’m more of like a subtle swag and and stuff like that than more like just in your face like punch you in your face with it so little pops of this light blue mixed with some

Classic tans blondes you know black stuff like that to me is classic and and the best look there is yeah and these trucker hats I mean there’s nothing better than those too huh yeah man these are the uh we just sold the uh the last other casianos one but um I me honestly

For me I wanted it to be like a baseball brand that wasn’t just so obvious that it was a a baseball brand you know like something guys would want to wear out it’s you know or whatever it is so the Corduroy um this is like a custom print

We did you can’t go wrong with corduroy not off but the codoy like the name the feeling the style there nothing better than that and again like the younger players like they’re into fashion they’re into design heck yeah so um we have another suede one that that one of

The other coaches bought and casos wears it all the time he he literally wore it out to like his 10 year Major League service time dinner his son Liam was wearing it at the game where he had two homers and the Phillies posted it um so

Yeah man here you can have this one really yeah thank you appreciate it let’s go my favorite video is when is when casan is with his son he’s like which bat should I use he’s like the heaviest one as hard as you can swing as

Hard as you can I love it that’s that’s the thing man he’s he’s he’s as authentic as it gets and that’s why you know we mesh so well and we design stuff together and we we talk all the time we talk every week and we’re going to be

Doing a new line with him um we’re hoping for during spring training like February of 24 for a bunch of new stuff all to end this give me your favorite quote or something like you standby I mean I I already love what Emory means but I’m putting you on the spot I didn’t

I didn’t I didn’t prep you for this I know yeah this is totally totally totally on the spot um our comp our company slogan is pursue pursue master um but but that I wouldn’t say that for me personally like for me personally the two things I’m obsess obsessed with is

Authenticity and for me I’m about like leaving leaving your mark in a good way um as a coach who did you know travel ball High School College I still train guys if you authentically just want to impact somebody the right way and leave your mark leave the program better than

Was help a relationship whatever it is that’s all that matters in life authenticity leaving your mark in a positive way I know it might sound cliche but when you when you when you’re with people and you’re with kids and they they can see it and and feel it

It’s real you know so my brother my brother’s and my brother and I always said and again like he’s coaches and the majors it’s the same thing we would say a player doesn’t care what you know until he knows that care and that’s the way we live our lives love Yeah man how

Do I look dude I need I need an emblem in front model let’s go model straight model on the website it fits perfect and everything Hest I didn’t even honestly it does look sick dude I didn’t even like it matches your outfit and everything army green let’s go let’s go

Bab thank you bro appreciate you great seeing you you too 99 or now we’re back at it with Anthony from Arsenal kid had an awesome tournament um um so 99 or now right what is 99 99 is the swaggiest player on the field and you represent it

You represent it so my point is you got number nine necklace okay it checks out number nine the Jersey we got eye black we got nice shades we got Flo coming out the hair but I’m going to have to give you like a solid 79 we got Uggs right we got

Uggs and then we got what is this t- Army you got to go no te underneath but the sleeve I’ll give you I’ll give you good good procure the sleeve yeah I usually yeah bro you got to go no no [ __ ] under no [ __ ] under but I’m giving

You Pros to be the swaggiest play on the field all right so go get him next time what position you play yeah you look like a middle Felder you look like you’re just smooth we got we’ll get that swag points up for next time you’ll be you’ll be

Chill man woo make sure you hit that subscribe button because know who’s going to be on next like comment share this video next time we’re going to walk it off

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