Golf Players

New Foresight Sports Quad Max at the PGA Merchandise Show 2024 Demo Day
Par2Pro checks out the new Foresight Sports Quad Max at the PGA Merchandise Show 2024 Demo Day.
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Hey everybody Cory here from PARTA Pro we’re at the PJ Merchandise Show 2024 demo day we’re here with our friend Chris over at foresight Sports Chris got some new cool stuff man what do you got Cory thanks for being out here we’ve got the new Quad Max so this is the next

Iteration replacing the GC quad gamechanging launch monitor that’s been choosen by tour players LPGA PGA what we’re looking at for this one here we’ve improved it it’s a lighter weight it’s it’s a longer battery life we also include a new feature this now accepts

Air swings so all you have to do is put a fiducial marker on any sort of Swing training aid or even your golf club and now you can practice and train on those swing training metrics big thing too now we have a touchcreen and we also have an

App that you can customize your screen to exactly what sort of data set you want to see so you can go to one two three all the way up to four or five of those met metric sets and that’s all through our foresight Sports app that’s

Awesome I had a quick look at that they’re called tiles and you can do it on your app you can move data around you can make it display whatever you want and it’s just an instant is that for both IOS and Android right now we have

It for iOS but we do have plans for launching that for Android as well in order to include that exactly you’re right my tiles you can choose and tailor your metrics and your data that you want to view specifically to yourself very very cool now accuracy difference same

Reliable accuracy of the GC quad that we’ve always seen right same reliable ACC accuracy with our Optical technology quadrascopic infrared sensors and now we’ve made it lighter so we decreased the the weight we’ve increased the battery life as well so this is the caddies are going to love this out on

Tour for sure now I saw also saw the customizable skins man you you got to let me know on that how how do how do we get one of those so the beauty of this is as far as on the backing here allows us to do some customization we’re

Working on a few fun things down the line so keep an eye out for that right now we’re just going to have some fun on tour with it so keep an eye on PGA Tour LPGA as far as showcasing any of the new designs we have perfect okay okay now we

Still have the gc3 right that’s still GC Trucking along solid solid unit and we’ve got the uh Falcon which will show upcoming at the show which is we’re super excited about that the uh we’ll talk more about that show and uh still got the FSX 2020 FSX

Play and all that software which we’ll talk more about tomorrow right absolutely thank you so much guys for more information you can always visit us at thanks again Chris thanks right

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