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I got was staring at me oh wow there’s even more squad cars right here they got the whole situation soed Up I thought they were pulling up on me I don’t know hold on let me do a little I don’t like the way that he did that left what is homeboy doing there stuff and dude that is crazy I can’t really even tell what it is whatever it is is

Right here on the right how we doing folks welcome back to the channel another beautiful day out here in Los Angeles fully charged suron about 65° a little bit windy today we’re getting our adventure started right here on the edge of downtown we are right next to the 10

Freeway should be a fun one first off thank you to all these people these are the top five supporters it’s been one week since we started the merch back up I want to thank everybody who’s bought something so far it’s been crazy the amount of support so thank you this is

My favorite thing to Orange hoodie remember every dollar you spend right now until April 15th enters you to win this Ultra be so uh if that’s something you’re interested in first link in the description or if you just want to support me that’s the easiest way to do

It hop over to the site buy a shirt hoodie whatever second second link in the description I posted a secret video on my second Channel that’s where I’m going to be posting more BMX stuff if you want to see that video you can find it down below let’s start the ride and

We’re off folks let’s go let’s go let’s go what does the city have in store for us today well there’s only one way to find out oh bottom out right there all right so we’re going to start off by going straight this way uh out here a little

Bit later than I would like to today it was raining and extremely windy it’s a little bit windy out here today but it’s not that bad it’s definitely enough or not windy enough for us to be able to get around smoothly for the most part if

It picks up from this well I guess we’ll see it was raining all weekend I really wanted to get out on Saturday or Sunday to uh make some content but it was just not possible R we got rain in LA but we have a beautiful week coming up for the

Next foreseeable future 7 days at least if not longer than that so I see a police helicopter in the distance and I not sure if I’m not mistaken I think I hear sirens too oh yeah there’s a police helicopter real low up there you guys see that let’s get up

There there’s another day in the city the second you get down here that actually scared the heck out of me I don’t I thought that that was the sound of like a car crashing or something oh you guys see that helicopter up there he’s super low and

It looks like he’s on this street if I’m not mistaken uh we’re right here on Washington this is on the edge of the freeway the 10 freeway is right here that’s the one I usually take if I start closer to downtown I’ll wrap around and Park Somewhere In The Cut go from there

So if we hit a right anywhere off of this street we end up in historic South Central from where we’re at right now we keep going straight we go to Alam Street which is ultimately where I want to check out and that’s where we will be checking out but first looks like there’s

Uh some police activity right here we’re almost there it’s uh yeah it’s about that time in the city where traffic is unbearable okay we’re pretty much there if you guys see that helicopter’s right above us it’s going to sound crazy once we get underneath that thing going to pop back

Off in the street right here see how we see police I don’t know if you can see on the GoPro but I see police flying up here okay so whatever it is it looks like it’s up here on the right we’re on Central in Washington so we’re

Approaching the cut now the cut I mean the cut all it is if you know the cut you know the cut yep there’s the ghetto bird nice and low wondering what could be possibly going on I could check my phone right now and take a look at

Citizens I think we’re going to figure it out if we just get across this next street here Sirens to the right about to have green light but it sounds like a police officer is coming up high look okay I’m assuming this is like a situation because this bird is it’s

Getting lower and lower usually when it’s not a big deal they hover higher than that but he’s pretty low more squad cars coming up to the right two of them I gu was staring at me could it be the orange hoodie oh we right behind the police car

So whatever’s going on we are about to run smack dab into it looks like there’s people hopping out right here I don’t know if these are officers looks like they’re all kind of like jumping out right here let’s see if we can hop on the curb or if this will be a

Fatal idea oh wow there’s even more squad cars right here they got the whole situation sewed up interesting that Bird’s nice and low I mean I have no idea we’re going to go up to the next corner and I’m sure it’s on citizens that app is insane bro it just

It posts everything so quick so let’s go up here and check out if um if we can see what it is I’m not sure how I think it’s just like there’s a person who works for the app and they just check the scanner all day okay so

There’s an incident right here next to us oh there it is report of armed robbery at dispensary definitely uh the type of police response you would expect though cops all over the place right now this place is swarming with LAPD we’re going to go ahead and just keep going

From here not much for us to see there we uh we kind of just stumbled right into that the amount of times that I just hop out of the car and start my video and there is like a full-blown police standoff situation or or something involved in the helicopter

Down low the ghetto bird just above the ground is um is dramatically higher than zero you know it’s much higher than zero it’s definitely definitely happens more often than one would think it would occur so we’re going to get a side shot this is how it looks from the outside

Look at the amount of squad cars lined up right here I think this is an undercover yeah that is an undercover 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I mean tons yeah definitely a big deal whatever uh they got going on is uh going to be a

Long day for those gentlemen to say the least we’re going to start getting a little fun on our route right here we’re going to cut over here by the freeway I’m going to examine some routes that we haven’t been in a while and ultimately we’re going to jam down Alam there are a

Couple side streets when I did that initial ride that I wasn’t able to check out there’s just so much stuff to see in these parts of town it’s uh it’s very interesting for someone who’s never been here like uh many of you watching this I

Know many of you have never been to LA and if you have well I always take you to places you probably never been before and show you things that you haven’t seen like this uh little encampment that we just kind of stumbled upon right here he got a nice fik we

Clean look got that the sound of that helicopter is just drowning out all other sounds I hear right now I’m sure you guys could hear me loud and clear based off of my knowledge of uh how the GoPro sounds when it’s real loud but that thing is just wo it’s there got

Alley right here let’s check this alley out actually looks kind of cool I remember this sidewalk right here so I know I’ve been down here at least once or twice hey how you doing you know but let’s check it out again I see a bunch of glass and mystery liquid so I

Slowed down to avoid those what is right here I if I’m not mistaken I I have no idea what’s right here I thought it was like a car something for cars I can’t really even tell what it is whatever it is right here on the right oh iank Up okay well looks like that’s what’s going on there I didn’t even okay unplanned things that just pop up when we’re out riding that’s uh that’s something that’s going on there we are either going to censor their faces for their own safety or you know for

Whatever what is going on it’s hard to really tell that’s a nice GTR think sick actually actually going to turn around go back to where we came look like they’re trying to jump their car possibly I’m lucky you guys hear that helicopter right I mean it’s pretty hard to miss it’s definitely doing

Circles all right we sh a little bit we are right here on Naomi Avenue in 18th Street so uh yeah the 18th Street is uh relatively famous but not for reasons you might think treacherous roads right here there’s a lot of trash right there that ordinary and then there’s uh big clumps

Of rocks I I thought that was poop it’s impossible to tell out here sometimes you know I mean that’s uh that’s it okay back right here along the 10 freeway this is it right here uh up ahead is a spot where it caught on fire look at this setup they got right here

Oh I think they have like a radio tower or something I think that’s a satellite antenna if I’m not mistaken pretty Hightech uh-oh yeah you guys know how I feel about that it’s not as if we can pass through there anyway but once I see a

Pit bull that size I am good I’m trying to to even think about maneuvering through there bunch of pallets so they say these pallets like this are the source of what caused that big freeway fire that happened just over here we’re on Hooper in 17th Street the big fire

Occurred not too far from here but it wasn’t right here there’s so many ways I want to go check out from right here we’re just going to keep chugging along this street for now a lot of you remember I came by here and there was a

Metro bus that they Hydra and just uh left abandoned right here that was a while ago they cleaned it up a few months ago that was almost a year ago that’s how long I’ve been out here on this route doing this on the suron

Almost a year ago I smell fire I have a strong fire smell in my nose currently and I think it’s coming from right up here on the left we going to check it out this entire scene is a little wild this is very Mad Max is feeling oh man

That’s strong I don’t know what they’re cooking right here but it do smell good yeah that’s wild man we’re actually going to double back this way because uh if we go straight right here we turned back on to Washington and ultimately we’re going to end up on Alama anyway we

Do have an alley right here though this looks like uh I don’t even think that’s an alley actually I think that’s an entrance to someone’s private property that’s something I tend to try and avoid when I’m out here getting too much on private property most people are not

That friendly about it to say the least it’s uh you know I mean people aren’t friendly about anywh especially out here they’re so used to having people come and break into their stuff and dude that is crazy the size of this camp and the amount of trash right there

Kind of wild half of it was like charred like it had been caught on fire recently but uh yeah they don’t take kindly to strangers in these parts so to speak so we got two routes right here there’s this road right here which I’m going to show you guys even though I’m

Not sure if you’ll be able to see it but we’re going to slide through here real nice and easy last time I came through here there is a a fire right in the middle of the street otherwi pretty chill I didn’t know if those were rats

Or pigeons in the middle of the streets they were pigeons so we good all right so back up on 15th Street we’re in areas that we uh we kind of hovered around a little bit before we’re going to start making our way directly to Alam from here then we’re going to

Cut it right and go south for a little while and see where we’re run into maybe another police standoff who knows only way we’re going to find out is if we go so let’s go right here we have the RV row this has developed quite a bit from

The last time I came out here it’s now full there used to be a little a few gaps in the parking right here but now it is uh it’s completely booked they just instituted new rules in certain parts of LA that completely ban RV parking but uh I just just don’t see

It being applied out here I really don’t I don’t see anyone caring even like even if they really try to enact it they’re just going to shuffle around and continue to move out here there’s no getting rid of of this it’s just part of uh La culture at this point and it may

Not sound good to like accept that so to say but I mean I just can’t even remember a time now when I’ve come to Downtown LA and not seen the uh the RVs it’s been so long it’s been at least a decade since uh I haven’t seen something like

That and now they’re just very normal all right we’re kind of getting funky we’re right next to the freeway we have a um a door right here this feels like P lamri or something like what happens if you go through that door you just go to an alternate

Dimension and just enter a a different reality you know you probably really will once you get a whiff of whatever the air smells like in there too you’re going to be in a whole another dimension we’re zigzagging on some streets right here here on the edge of the freeway

Still it’s kind of killing time cuz there’s so much traffic I want the traffic to die down a little bit it may not but we’re going to at least try and let it happen there’s a lot of cool artwork right here too I was hoping to

Check out but it looks like a lot of it got painted over like uh or at least covered over like this this right here cool artwork there but can’t see it I mean this is uh oh been in the corner hot right here oh man hey how you doing okay well you

Know this another day in La you know that’s uh that’s all I can say about that we got a same route we just came down let’s go ahead and te out this way another day in La folks what else can I say working on the minivan oh this

Is open we can actually go back there and I’m pretty tempted I mean first off let’s just check out this uh this area right here look at this immense amount of trash it looks like it was on fire too I mean name one thing that we’ve

Been out here that has not been on fire lately this is just like wow I mean I don’t know looks like we can peek in here I’m going to stay right here I don’t want to actually go beyond the gates this would be fun to shred down

But there is a oh he’s driving off that’s almost like a sign that uh he wants me to come check it out there’s some people living here let’s just briefly take a spin this is kind of like unincorporated land I think I’ve never ever ever been here in

My entire life living in La so this is interesting not much to do though little bit of dirt we’re good on that but this trash though just like wow you would think this looks like a this looks like an AI generated image right like you just go

To one of them new AI things and then you’re like put a bunch of trash it would like literally look just like this it looks like the same three piles of trash just repeated over and over there’s a mystery white liquid that I really do not want to H my tires on bro

I started keeping my siron outside I bring the battery in I put a tarp over the bike and I leave it outside cuz I just don’t I genuinely used to Lysol the tires down every day when I took it out of the car because of the absolute disgust that you

Ride through in La it’s truly nasty and you think about it like the places that I ride are just they’re just off thewall right like it’s it’s places that most people wouldn’t even consider to go in a car right and I go ride to these places

So I would always wipe my tires down before I brought my bike inside but now I’m like dude it’s just it’s just it’s just all dirty like I can’t even I feel like it’s just permanent like disgust eted into the bike there’s nothing else to do uh this is the freeway exit so

It’s a little hectic right here I think we going try to cruise through I me to be honest I don’t really I don’t really know about going this way today there’s going to be so much traffic till we get to the good part in Alam it’s like a

Regular it’s like a traffic day right last time we came down here was a Sunday so I think it was much Chiller right now it’s like insane the amount of cars that are right here so I’m not really I’m not too enticed on coming down this way um I

Think we’re going to cut back up on Washington and maybe we’ll take a side route or something wind is starting to pick up I’m just walking in the middle of the street hey man get it how you live out here brother again popping on the curb let’s

See let’s go through this jungle right here let’s uh let’s care through this oh oh man St through the glass I rode through so much glass and goat horns on this bike the other day and it’s still fine these stock tires are so good like I’m actually impressed with them every

Single time I ride through here so this is um part of that Railway that I was talking about last time I came through here it goes uh in a couple different directions first we’re going to just go down the street I mean correct me if I’m

Wrong but is that a boat just uh just on the street is that is that a boat that is a boat right bro uh let’s take a let’s take a second to look at this there’s a boat oh god look oh dude this is just this is just hectic first

Off they got booby traps so if you’re walking and weren’t paying attention who knows that might electrocute you or something let’s go pop up right here oh crap okay this is a boat yeah I was uh I wasn’t wrong it’s a boat this is a boat just parked on the

Side of the street this is not I mean Charming that’s all this building says there’s tons of Barb Wire just a little bit something was on fire right here here hey go figure need I swear we need to make a bingo card maybe that’s something I’m going to put on my website

An LA bingo card and you guys can fill it out you can fill it out at home as I go along my videos that’s actually a great idea I got to I got to look into that um yeah so okay we have a boat there’s that let’s uh let’s go ahead and

Let’s take some of these side streets these ones are are pretty interesting too I was hoping to go a little bit further down Alita but it’s very hectic right now I don’t even know what to say it’s just uh it’s just pure chaos going that way so let’s explore some of these

Side routes we’ll see some cool art we’re going to see uh maybe some other things I don’t know one way to find out and that’s by going I think this is the same Arc that was up here last time let’s go ahead and check this street out

We’re going to go in a lap around it though I wonder what this building is it looks like uh something interesting how you doing those our Apartments if I’m not mistaken okay we’re going to do this there are some ways to get down there if we wanted to there’s a couple of

Openings on the road as far as traffic or like Windows where we can ride through so we’re going to go up here and make a right I just want to look at the artwork on the street real quick that’s just beautiful man I don’t even know

What else to say this is sick too I love that reminds me like bro I thought that was a person jumping out after me that was a freaking the wind blowing something over Dude I spun around so quick I almost got a cramp in my arm I was ready

To throttle it but I wanted to see what it was the sound of it falling I thought that was a dog so I was like oh man am I about is it about to be a dog chase let’s go not the right bike for the job

Today I’m telling you man anytime I if I’m not somewhere where I am confident that I will not be getting chased by a dog I’m taking a Sur off and the thing is there’s so many places where you could possibly get chased by a dog and

Where I go ride that uh it’s just about impossible to take any other bike out nowadays there’s so much glass on the ground right there jeez all right so we finally made it to alamia it’s this street right here here on our left we’re going to chill as we putt down because

Most of the streets that I wanted to check out were just right turns off of the main street when I was coming down here the other day and uh I’m going to slow it down a little bit because it is just too fast of traffic and everyone’s actually

Trying to get somewhere I’m just out putting along if you’ve ever driven in LA traffic you know what I’m talking about like it’s it is very cut thr right now so I’m not trying to be involved like that I’m just uh just out here having a little Chiller anyways let’s

Start taking some of these left and right see if we see anything interesting on these back streets we may we may not you don’t know changing a flat tire right there I mean I’m so tripping out on the fact that we saw a boat sitting

On the side of the road that is probably one of the strangest things that I personally seen while riding out here as of recent oh this is that artwork that we passed by there’s uh yeah we came here the same day out the red okay so that means that we’re on Long Beach

Avenue not Long Beach Boulevard but Long Beach Avenue this turns into a different street if you keep going south but right now it’s Long Beach Avenue how you doing oh look look at homie’s car bro this thing is outrageous dude that thing’s so cool dunked out bro being sick oh yeah he

Gave me the nod that’s right bro you don’t see cars like that that often out here not even out like uh down in the hood like in in South Central Long Beach it’s rare to see DS that’s like you know that’s a southern thing Atlanta maybe Louisiana so it’s

Cool to see that style out here Dan man would appreciate dad he’s a Florida cat they got all in Florida this is an interesting street look there’s a liquor store right there that looks like it’d be a movie scene liquor store well look at this truck look at what’s going on right I

Can’t even tell exactly what’s going on right here you would think someone’s living out of it but I think it’s just storage got a bunch of batteries yeah I think that is someone living there actually now I got a better look at it or maybe it’s stuff for sale

I can’t tell I saw some laundry machines there on top of them I uh you know things you see in LA you guys got to remember I am on public roads we’re out in public none of this stuff is secret right if they wanted to be secret they’ put it behind the fence

In the backyard inside of a vehicle it’s not like I’m invading on privacy by riding around when you’re in public I mean go study the law if you don’t know that’s just how it works that’s why bro it’s bumping this is a interesting route I smell fire there is

A fire burning right through here let’s go check it out this is uh not an active Railroad we can probably wrap around that’d be a better idea I’m going into the sun right now can’t really see where I’m going but they have a fire burning now this is how fires start to get out of control in La is when you know folks just start a fire for

Whatever reason it’s a very nice afternoon it’s like 66° it’s warm already I don’t not really sure why they started a fire I doubt it was to cook but this is a very industrial area so even if the fire department came I think the closest closest fire department to here would be

Skid R that’s kind of a ways off oh they put it out they put it out quick okay well good for them this is the railroad that I came down that day too so we could turn around and go back down it that way if we want which we may

Let’s go up here a little bit and see what’s going on got one of these I would love to jump off this but uh you know I think I’m good today so to speak junkyard right here scrap metal turned in recycling stuff like that we’re going to hit a

Left right here on Long Beach a no we’re not it’s actually flooded still from the rain today you guys see that I just don’t want to go through that so we’re not going to go through that instead we’ll double back and we’ll take the we’ll take the

Railro I’m coughing a little bit from the smoke from that far I don’t know what they’re burning but oh it’s like in my lung oh man that’s a that was a little scary you can still smell it from over here I don’t know what they’re burning

But this did not smell good at all let’s go ahead and get through here uh we’re going to get a little tires a little wet trying to keep the tires dry because even though they are decent they’re just not that good once they get wet let see we can go this

Way or we can go this way I think I’m going to go this way just because I can see where I’m going how you doing bro was amazed I don’t know what they’re burning but it smells super toxic I’m sure it’s not good for them to be breathing that rocks

Are those rocks are not that fun to ride over honestly it’s kind of exciting but it continues to go that way right once it go this way you’re really getting in no man’s land I think we might creep down there a bit we’re going to at least

Feel it out but this is where even someone like me where I consider myself to be very aware of what’s going on at all times you can get caught slipping out here how you doing so uh you can’t access the sidewalk right here I think it’s just

It’s just understood that you can’t ride through the sidewalk in some of these areas no one’s even trying to it suck if it would suck if you had to walk right here though you have to walk on this busy street this is Alama you come walking here at the right at the wrong

Time someone on their phone will take you out they will just plow right through you like you didn’t exist anyhoo back on an open road this is fun these are places I’ve never been so we’re checking out a couple new areas today this is a very industrial part

This looks like uh they’re pretty tight on what they’re allowing to slide over here and by that I mean like literally nothing there’s one abandon truck right there I would assume someone’s living in it but hard to tell a little bit more outskirt life over here just people

Trying to survive we see it every day we get out and ride there people just trying to trying to keep it moving it’s actually a little dirt route we’re going to hop on right here I feel like a bunch of stuff in my tires which is not

Good but we’re out here adventuring baby that’s all there is to it okay this goes both ways I see a kitty cat I hear whistles there’s also smoke in the air there’s like ash floating around I hear whistling I’m getting whistled at or someone’s whistling to let me

Know or to let others know that I’m here so let’s go ahead and dip for those who don’t know when you hear whistling and you’re riding anywhere in La he South Central uh Compton pretty much anything neighborhood where you know you kind of you’re getting involved in the scenery

So to speak once you start hearing whistles that’s like uh that’s a sign that you are possibly getting T we’re just uh out here getting sketched we got to get back across the street one way or another back on 20th we’re actually going to start doubling back I think I

Got my hoodie on hick you want to stay warm like me out here in the streets when it gets Breezy anyways we’re going to go this way there’s like a building being built up ahead this is the active blue line so just checking make sure we’re good before we cross

Here one of my biggest fears in life has always been getting hit by a train which is like that’s the hardest thing to get hit by right it’s a train like there there thousand signals before it comes and hits you that it’s coming most people would be like you know aware that

A train is on route but still one of my fears that’s why you always see me creeping very slowly whenever I’m crossing a railroad track all right southbound we go we’re right close to Washington which is where we’re going to ultimately end up we’re just checking out some other weird

Streets that uh I haven’t ever really been down ever there’s so much there’s so much area in this part of town that I have just not checked out at all and H is right I’m going in the sun too which is just not ideal at all I just can’t see where I’m

Going oh look two dogs uh-oh dude what the heck they didn’t even look straight it look like they were like they knew exactly where they were but they’re just outside in the street by themselves what’s up with that if you notice we’re already back in residential area which is crazy right

How close this is to all this like industrial stuff like couldn’t be good for your lungs to be breathing in whatever is coming out of these uh these roads all the time that’s uh that’s my two Saints but you know what do I know I’m just an idiot

YouTuber we got another alley right here looks like she’s got a pet cat hello a little pet Kitty interesting oh we’re dipping down an alley I mean we’re just I don’t even know how what brought us here but you know Destiny that’s one way we can put it divine intervention the universe

Wanted us to come down this alley and now we are and we’re about to go down the next one too wi in doubt alley it out you know that’s what I always say go ahead and creep through I’m just trying to avoid going this way for now cuz I cannot see where I’m

Going we got some wet ground up here oh man we just flew through so many bugs that sucked I actually know exactly where this alley goes and we’re not going to take it it dead ends and it sends us into another direction that we don’t want to go so we’re going to turn

It around go back this way holy crap that was a close call see what I mean it’s starting to heat up what time was it swe it was early when I came came out here dude I’m not outdoor cycling Apple watch always thinks I’m working out 4:30 yeah we’re entering

Rush Hour immediately so let’s go ahead and exit stage left from the city tling it out that’s right that’s where that alley would have ended us up at we’re up here on Central look at that cow moo we got another alley we could tear down we’ve been down that one

Before we’ve been down actually most of the alleys right here so we’re just going to try and oh that’s a nice looking apartment D building right there we’re going to double back to uh Washington and start getting up on oh God we got completely splashed right there not

Fun all right 21st Street it is’s see how far I got to go going to take a couple of these alleys on the way back why not we just came down this one the other day and still little bit dirty overall not too bad got a couple routes we can

Take this one looks a little wet but I think we can Traverse it I know I usually don’t complain about wetness cuz usually I’m out here wearing boots but today I’m just wearing sneak yourself oh big dogs also got sweatpants so I’m not really trying to get soaked

That would be uh not fun not in this stagnant water PA of stuff a little bit of gang taging right there hop of water let’s keep going we haven’t really noticed much tacking today cuz we’ve been in very you know industrial areas but now we’re getting back into historic South Central

You’re going see a little bit more of that if you’re paying attention but for the most part we’re just mobbing through I thought they were pulling up on me I don’t know hold on let me do a little I don’t like the way that he did that left what is homeboy

Doing hey call me paranoid but when I see people driving weird ways around me I pay attention going to go past this right here see is it pulling up nope we’re good sometimes I just got to watch them back you know trust me I see more than

You guys can see on the GoPro I’m very aware of what’s going on look at these two sick Chevies back to back dude incredible man yeah someone’s got some good taste right here I wonder if this one’s tast too beautiful love it anyways let’s go almost just seeing

These parts we got one more alley might be we’re checking out let’s do it back in Civilization pretty much we got downtown very close to us now truth be told we uh we just dead ended ourselves huh good thing I’m not getting followed at least if I am I’ll find out

Right now when I turn around now we’re good oh and I just rode over a bunch of glass that did not sound good all you y luckily we have gotten plenty of Flats on the suround we know dang well we can mob it out if we uh get a full-on flat

Tire on this Beast hey I love your dog your outfit is cool too yeah that’s funny bro she look like a character out of a video game that’s incredible how you doing you got it yeah D okay dude he spit that game good for him bro oh

Dude it’s really that catch him little fly on the wall modes like that that was a funny one all right well we scoot along back to where We Begin we got downtown LA right there glowing at us I don’t think we’ll be going over there today I’m just uh not feeling it we’re

Going to stay on the outskirts until we make our way back we slowly Cruise along right here we got to slide through safely the amount of traffic coming in it doesn’t look too easy excuse me thanks go and HP around right here dipping on the bike you got a scooter in

Hand good for him La things you know if you slow down and actually look at all the stuff I see on my rides I see most of the things going on but when you’re watching on camera like you got to you got to look around edges of the

Frame right to see all the things that are happening at any given moment when I’m out here riding around you’d be surprised how many things are happening at once right there’s tons we’re really just chugging along right now we’re kind of Trapped it’d be really hard to get

Over to the other side of the street right here so we’re just scooting along down Washington checking out the sites it’s a nice day I’m glad I came out today it’s just a beautiful day uh for a ride take a step outside right now if you’re in the house watching you’ve been

Inside all day it’s a great opportunity to go outside stretch your legs if you can you know know some of you guys are watching at work or whatever but after you’re done watching here go outside take a breather you know that’s homie hauler bro relationship goals me and who right

Me and who I can barely ride myself on this thing you know all right folks I was going to do it for today quick one finishing off a strong January want to thank you guys for all the support got plenty more bangers coming up all year so stay tuned subscribe if you’re new

Thanks for watching if you want to support leave a comment if you feel like it if not it’s all good thanks for watching I’ll see you guys in the next one very soon peace out


  1. Thanks John for the recognition on top 5 supporters! Love your vids and the energy you always bring! I am happy to help the channel out!

  2. How the hell does the city allow that to happen?? Such a beautiful place trashed on the streets. Insane. Be safe bro love the content. You show the real people and real places. Keep goin.

  3. you should check out Jack Cecil's YouTube channel, he owns a tuning shop and his videos are about that and hois hobbies, which include building and riding the world's fastest sur-ron

  4. I shiver imagining what is located on your tires. I hope you soak those in bleach and soap after every ride. 🤢🤣

  5. I know exactly where you're at cuz I was born and raising Compton and fruit town peach Street and Matteson by Rosecrans want to take a stroll down that area on Wilmington and Rosecrans

  6. I just discovered the dispensary/glass district near Boyd St yesterday and I've been delivering in LA for years. All kinds of crazy places out there.

  7. Just seen the gas price there on a sign ! WOW… life has got to be hard in California, guess that's why there all moving here. good job Gavin ! Maybe someday California will vote red and be a beautiful free place again.

  8. Discpencaries bring nothing but crime and trouble, it started good at the beginning before full legalization, but now its just a mess in every city, same things happen here in SF and Oakland — and street dealers double their weight at half price discount packing up buds taken from legal businesses.

  9. My boy thanks for the shout out here , from Pasco Washington I like your videos G much love n support keep doing what u do !! 💯

  10. Detroit here, hi 👋. Remember when women used to walk on the left next to traffic and men on the right, because people used to throw piss and shizz out the window in the street, LA is beautiful from your eyes. I’m curious.

  11. Maybe wash the bike down with simple green concentrated cleaner or similar. Have seen it used on the drain unblocking channels where they apply and wash down the job site. Cheers

  12. It's so sad on how much trash and how many homeless people that California have its a big problem that needs to be fixed

  13. Funny how you always talking bout the liklyhood of dogs and dog chases but for as long as I been watching ya channel I’ve never seen it lol… 😂

  14. Been watching your videos for 5years or so..ive seen you a couple times back when it was just the bmx bike..🚴 keep up the good videos even tho i drive through them streets anyways lol

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