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WCCW Hair Vs Hair Match with David Manning: WHW #365

What Happened When, Tony and Conrad are excited to welcome former World Class Championship Wrestling booker David Manning to the show. David shares stories of his incredible experiences working along side the Von Erich family, the major buzz surrounding the Iron Claw movie, and being a part of this legendary hair vs. hair match featuring Kevin and Kerry Von Erich against Gino Hernandez and Chris Adams.

Watch along with the guys:

#tonyschiavone #wrestlinghistory
Start Time: 1:12:51

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[Applause] You and come Red Zone the TV on your PC even on your own come take right time M Rel M for what Happened tell it some questions you got to let me know come I’m ready to go tell me I have some questions got to let me know come I’m ready to go [Applause] hey hey it’s Conrad Thompson and you’re listening to what happened when with the voice of your childhood Tony Shani Tony what’s going on man how are you well here we are back together again uh Conrad how are you doing uh Happy New Year to you and everyone how about it

2024 is it new year new you Tony is that what it is no it’s New Year same old [ __ ] hit well uh you know uh let’s see January what’s it going to be uh when we celebrate another year of doing this podcast me right now right I mean it’s

This month here in the month of January right who would have thought as you’re watching uh the guy we now know is Big Bill in the Royal Rumble in San Antonio all these years later you would personally know that guy and be so kneed deep in the wrestling business yeah

Nobody would have ever guessed that what a fun little ride this has been here on what happened when huh yeah and a shout out to Big Bill who um really put his life back together on a personal note for him and has become uh just a real great guy to have at

Aew uh big of course big cast at that time and uh I went on to uh went on to to be in this business uh [ __ ] you for that Conrad and he’s a tag team champion look everybody’s uh in a much happier place most of the time

Maybe Hey listen we uh we got to suffer through bow season I say suffer through because all those hapless Florida State seols just got got just destroyed by your Georgia Bulldogs and uh somehow someway Alabama did not make the national championship Michigan dominated Washington they are the new

Champs did you watch any of the bowls at all Tony are you just divorced from college sports yeah I’m I’m divorced from Sports to be honest with you didn’t watch didn’t watch any of that didn’t watch any of the World Series uh last year didn’t watch any of the

Super Bowl I’m going to be in Las Vegas on Super Bowl Sunday Kind well kind of and I won’t watch any of that um so I I I really don’t watch sports at all anymore Conrad I just well that’s that’s not true I got the NFL package and I

Will turn on the Jaguars now and then uh you know they they obviously really really uh choked it at the end yeah man boy did they ever yeah I uh I saw perhaps the best use of the Kurt Angle meme of all time in in in regards to the Jags Missi in the

Playoffs but I thought for sure they were in I mean it feels like just a handful of weeks ago I saw lots of people saying they were Super Bowl contenders and darn it they missed it uh so I’m excited to see next season I know that uh you know the NFL still continues

But I think next year is going to be an interesting year as a college football fan you know we’ve got Texas and Oklahoma coming into the SEC I don’t know if that’s going to work out the way J.R maybe hopes I’m not so sure how it’s going to

Work out and of course we’re going to have a 12 team playoff as well uh next season for the Georgia Bulldogs uh it’s going to be one of their toughest Seasons uh I I know I saw on ESPN now I I don’t really watch sports

Because I I don’t know I just but I I will read about it and and I will go on the the app on the ESPN app and read some things and it’s uh it it humors me to it humors me to look on the ESPN app

And see all the headlines a lot of times and a lot of times the headlines most of the time the headlines on ESPN are not about the games it’s about people being in trouble right or doing something illegal it just to me it just kind of is

A snippet of of the the sports world now uh but so I’ll go on and I’ll read about what is going on but I won’t watch it and um but uh for our Georgia fans I read that they are favorites to be the national champions next year already I

Don’t know how you can do that uh but they must play at Alabama and play at Texas it’s going to be the regular season next year holy smokes yeah I I saw a little uh preseason talk about early preseason I mean like the night of the national championship I

Saw a prediction of the top 25 Georgia was number one Texas was number two I forget who was number three Alabama was number four so it’s like you know three of the top four being in the SEC next year woo it’s going to be interesting and speaking of interesting it’s not

Just regular sports that have happened since you and I hooked it up aw had their last pay-per-view of 2023 and what a show it was aw seemingly always overd delivers on pay-per-view I didn’t think this was any exception I enjoyed the uh Andrade Miro match and certainly enjoyed

Watching swer Strickland do his thing sting back on pay-per-view always fun Adam Copeland and Christian Cage tore it up but I’m really happy for our friend Eddie Kingston now the Triple Crown winner he’s won the Continental classic he’s got the RO World title he’s got the New Japan strong openweight championship

And now the inaugural aew Continental Championship you talked about what a great story big bill has in wrestling Eddie Kingston’s got to be right up there for one of the best feel-good stories since you and I started doing this podcast Eddie’s one of my favorites uh wouldn’t you agree yes

Absolutely I mean when I when I think about uh man when I think about all the all the uh different guys that I’ve work with I mean Eddie is Eddie’s one of those real guys real guys that what you see is kind of what

You get yes on TV so have a lot of time for Eddie Kingston a lot of time I’m so glad you know when he first came aboard you you were I didn’t know anything about him because i’ had been out of wrestling right and you said I’m so glad

Eddie Kingston is getting a chance with a major promotion uh and he continues just to perform well and his match against John Moxley was tremendous his match against Trent Beretta the other night was very good uh and uh he just gives you it gives you good performances every every

Time so never disappointed with Eddie Kingston in the ring and in the main event unbelievably somehow someway we’ve got a new World Champ mjf felt like the forever aew champ he was the longest reigning aw champion in their brief history and now Samoa Joe is the top guy

Uh Samo Joe has obviously been to the mountain top before in Ring of Honor and TNA but now in aew and this is years after a WWE basically decided hey let’s make him an announcer it’s really awesome to see him still doing his thing

And at a high level in aew s Joe is special I know that this aew experience is really one of your first uh encounters with him what do you think of uh the performance he and mjf put together uh it was a great match and I’m I’m thrilled that Samoa

Joe is our champion ion because uh backstage wise he’s a Pros Pro there’s nobody backstage uh that is better and a and a leader backstage for the boys than Samoa Joe and he just he leads by example and um I think it’s it’s a great move to have him as our world champion

I’m all about Samoa Joe buddy I’m all about Samoa Joe too it’s a fun time to be an aew fan they’re coming to a town new you pick up tickets now uh Tony I’m excited for us to talk about our topic today because our topic today I thought maybe we should do

Something a little more timely since you and I have uh enjoyed the holiday season a fabulous new movie maybe the best wrestling movie ever has come out the iron claw and it’s sort of the story of the Von Erics and world class championship wrestling I saw it in the

Theater the first day they showed it in my market and was thrilled to say that I thought they did a pretty good job I mean obviously there’s some creative license and you can’t include every piece of every story and there’s some timeline things if you want a nitpick

You can find some things to nitpick but as far as really telling the human element I I thought it was uh I thought it was pretty good have you had a chance to see it or what have you heard about it if not I’ve heard it’s been it’s very

Good and everybody has really been talking about it backstage of course I haven’t seen it the uh the pandemic uh just kind of changed the way I watch movies I haven’t gone to the theater in a long long time I’m I’m the type of Krogan that says I’ll wait until it

Comes out on video uh which is I mean look I was I was a gigantic growing up and for a long time and and really still am a gigantic James Bond fan and when that new James Bond movie came out uh no time to kill or

Something like that I didn’t go to the and see it and and it’s the first time I never went to a theater or that I ever missed a James Bond movie in the theater right so my theater days I guess combination of the pandemic and getting into the habit of not

Going um not going to theater but I’m looking forward to seeing it and who knows maybe I’ll convince Lois to go and watch the movie with me in the theater well I sure hope you can pull that off and if you do I hope you have a pocket full of bluechew because

Nothing’s going to put her in the mood like Iron Claw not really uh but listen we uh we are excited to uh tell you about Blu because well they’re a day one sponsor for us they’ve been here from the very beginning and they’re going to

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Today’s podcast so Tony I thought we would watch a little old school world class championship wrestling but I have to admit I’m not really a world class expert are you I I’ve watched uh I’ve watched a lot of it uh since uh you know since a lot of it was put on the

Network uh but no no I’m I’m not with the exception of I you know I was working uh back in the 80s uh back and and got to meet um uh Kevin and David and of course Gary Gary Hart worked with us and was working at world

Class at the same time I think he was booking world class and and still making appearances for Jim Crockett from otions back in the 80s wow as well um but um no I’m probably no more familiar with it than you are conr well I thought hey

If we’re going to watch world class and some of their best moments we need to call an expert as they used to say on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire we need to phone a friend oh wow so I pulled out the old handy dandy Rolodex and I found

Somebody who knows more about world class championship wrestling than probably anybody ladies and gentlemen Mr David Manning the life of the party is here how are you Mr Manning I am fantastic appreciate you guys having me on man thanks for coming on I greatly appreciate the opportunity to talk to

You have you seen the movie what did you think of the ironclaw yeah I saw the uh uh the Dallas premiere and um uh I my son Sean went with me and uh you know he’s uh mid-30s so it was hard for me because I know every detail yes yeah and

So you couldn’t tell the vonic story in two days that’s right okay right and so I finally had to just step back and say hey look look at it from kind of like everybody else is um you know because the timelines and yeah the death and you know and nobody nobody everybody

Knows I’m the one that actually told Fritz that David was dead and uh so so it was hard for me and I told um Durk and I saw him that night at the Afterparty and you know and I told Zack Efron and all them they did a good job

And which they did and um it was funny because they didn’t they didn’t consult with me or Kevin really and we’re the only two really alive that lived it uh you know a lot of people can tell the story We Live the story and so um I I

Uh they thought they got all the tragedies in but they didn’t and I I told him a couple others they missed and he was kind of shocked I said you should have talked to us but overall my son loved it so that tells me right there

Yes the a fan is going to go see it they’re going to love it um and um like you said I think it’s by far the best wrestling show that’s ever been produced yeah David let me ask you if they did not consult with you nor nor Kevin where

Did they get their information from Wikipedia well you know uh when we got got to the Afterparty um uh J.R Schuman was there and he he wanted to introduce me to Durkin and when we got over there he immediately said oh David Manning blah blah blah so he grew up a big big

Big fan okay and um the best I can say is you know I I don’t know where they got their info I was shocked matter of fact Kevin called me he had talked to him early and he told them you need to talk to David Manning he said because a

Lot of it I don’t even remember but he said he remembers everything yeah and so Kevin called me and saidy you’re going to get a call from these guys I it seems as though they’re really going to try to do a you know do the story right and uh

You know not try to bash the Von Erics right and so um I I I expected a call never got it so but I like the movie and I thought some of the casting was phenomenal I thought Fritz was dead on I did not like the way

Way they portrayed Fritz um he was a phenomenal businessman and I give you a great example he did not want Carrie to leave Houston he wanted him to finish school and he was adamant he wasn’t getting in that ring till he he graduated and then after the Olympics got boycotted Carrie

Immediately said I you know Dad I want to get in the ring and Carrie pushed and pushed and pushed and finally got him and I think the other the other big thing in the movie that was off based was Kevin’s wife p he didn’t meet her at the wrestling

Matches she she was a grade behind carrying them and so Kev met her through school with the boys and chased her for about three months trying to get her to go out with him so so I kind of felt sorry for her the way she was kind of portrayed in the movie but

Um it’s like Kristen said you know uh uh Kevin’s oldest daughter she said hey I I didn’t even [Laughter] exist well listen I think we’ve got a lot of our listeners who really just grew up uh probably watching the WWF or WCW and now of course aew but if they go

Back and they watch on the network they’ll see that you’re running around counting one two three a bunch but you had a lot of roles behind the scenes uh tell everybody what else you did for world class besides your referee from time to time well

Um Tony said when I came in Gary Hart was the booker and I started in the late 70s and learned a lot from Gary phenomenal mind as far as absolutely being a Booker and uh so when Gary was there um you know I kind of always had

An act for finishes and so I got I got plugged in real quick to the booking meetings and um and then uh later on when when Gary left and Ken Manel came in um Ken and I were co- Bookers and so uh but he he kind of took the Reigns as

The as the main Booker and truthfully I just did all the finishes you know Ken was good at hearing a finish and then like adding to it or you know and so but I was also uh for the last gosh 12 years I was there I was Fritz’s right-hand guy

I got a call back then you had a beeper and I I actually had a beeper and one person had the number yeah and if it went off better make a phone call yeah uh because it was Fritz and he would call me every Thursday sometime it’d be

Friday morning and he if he didn’t come in that week to the office he’d want to know how everything went and you know what did I think and stuff like that so um and then I also promoted several towns matter of fact David before David died Fritz let David and I have lotton

Oklahoma and Tyler Texas and we were promoting those and then um after Dave’s death I continued that and then I picked up some others I went and promoted Boston you know up in uh the backyard up there actually we we did a Big Show in the it was called Manning Bowl believe

It or not oh wow I went up there and um yeah we kind of got blocked from being able to use the gardens sure yeah so uh but but you know things were great and um so I I just kind of had a a jack of ball trade

Obviously I got all the television exposure being a referee and a lot of people thought that all I was and then from all the podcast and you know the different things and unfortunately I was a Paul Bearer many times um so but it it you know wrestling was good to me and um

Um I’m glad to see the one good thing here is this this exposure of the von Eric movie is really going to help Ross and Marshall yes and they’re both great workers as you know Conrad and so I think that’s going to open a lot of doors for them

I told him I said you better be ready if you go sign a contract with uh you know New York or aew I said because things change it’s no longer a once a month deal right you know you’re you’re at their becking call and they’re believe

Me they’re going to use you and Tony you’ve had an opportunity to meet those guys a couple of times they’ve done a few shots for aw what’s your experience been like with the next generation of the Von Erics they are they are great and respectful kids really really

Well-mannered and just uh you know I met them briefly in uh mlw when they were there that’s right and then of course they came over to aew recently and when we were in Texas and we used them and just uh as nice and polite and respectful of the business as as anybody

Can be and uh I I agree I think they’re talented kids that uh have uh great heads on their shoulders and I think we’re going to be seeing a lot of them great to you know you got Marshall I I think Marshall has a little bit of uh

Kev and Dave together MH you know when you look at his agility and stuff like that and his size and then Ross to me is just a smaller version of Carrie right very well said good kids uh I hope I hope we see more of them I really

Do well I’m excited to see more world class championship wrestling and when we decided we were going to cover a little old world class I thought not only should we phone a friend we should ask what do you want to watch and so I I asked David off air what’s your favorite

Memory memory like your favorite moment what would you like to watch with Tony and I and kind of relive and man you didn’t hesitate Dave you had one lined up what are we watching and why are we watching it why is this one of your favorite moments you know there were and

There was a lot of favorite moments uh obviously when the Free Birds turned Hillel that was that was the biggest event that ever happened in World Class set us on fire and uh but uh this particular match that we’re going to watch today uh it’s it’s Kevin and Cary

Taking on uh G gorgeous Gino Hernandez and gentleman Chris Adams and what’s really unique about this match now every anyone that watched world class these are all goodlook guys big head of hair and uh it’s a hair match and so the fans were they weren’t sure who was going to win this match

And even me I would hear the talk you know behind the scenes there was like there’s no way they’re going to find a way out of this where NE none of them have to cut their hair right and uh as you’ll see in the match it hair got

Cut now Dave this was the second big Cotton Bowl show right second year of it yeah this was the big one we had over 30,000 we uh this was our this was our second biggest event ever with Texas stadium right uh the the David vard Memorial that was the biggest with

42,000 people this one you’ll hear on the tape they say it’s about 39,000 people that’s just tremendous I love when you said uh and hair was cut and by the way hair will be cut if you’re rocking a Henson Razer Tony and I are big fans of Henson you will be too we

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So folks if you’re watching along with us in the description of this podcast we’ve got a link where you can watch along with us over on YouTube and when you do that we want you to go to 1 hour 12 minutes and 51 seconds that’s 1 hour

12 minutes and 51 seconds of the link below it’s on YouTube YouTube where you can watch this big second cotton bow attraction it’s a hair versus hair match do you want to sort of set the stage for who all’s in this match and I mean obviously we get the enormity of it’s a

Stadium show and it’s the second followup uh Cotton Bowl event and there’s nearly 40,000 people but some of our listeners I mean I think everybody by now is at least familiar with the von Eric Legacy but guys like Chris Adams and guys like Gino Hernandez can you

Speak about their legacies a little bit David yeah both of them phenomenal workers young guys uh very athletic and um they they they made the perfect team you know when when Chris Adams turned Hill he immediately joined up with uh Gino and when they would come to the

Ring they would Play Bad to the Bone and so um they and they they were just flamboyant I mean they they had the Charisma and the one year before before when we did the Cotton Bowl in that match Kevin uh fought Chris Adams and that’s the match where Kevin left in an ambulance

Uh Chris hitting with a chair and I mean hit him with a chair and um you know no kay fa here he he Kevin had said lay it in and he did and there was a bar on the chair that ran across it and it literally split the back of

Kev’s head and so um he ended up going he had a concussion and boy set these guys on fire so as we come back one year later we we’ve got everybody’s the feud with Kevin and Chris has continued and now you throw in Gino Hernandez and you

Also throw in um you know carrye and so uh great great match I had refereed these same guys over in Fort Worth that’s when uh I took the bump and got my head twisted and caught in the ropes and while I was doing that the the Gino

And Chris had thrown powder in the vard’s um face and so they got the win and so we were coming off of that into the stadium and then the hair went up they had been Gino and Chris had cut about you’re going to see about five or

Six of the guys hair leading up to this match so they had the heat also in this match we introduced for the first time Lance von Eric oh wow and so you’re going to see Lance at ringside this is the first time the fans got a chance to

Really see Lance and this is where we actually involved him in the match well I’m excited Tony are you ready on your side do you have a special countdown for us today yeah I got a special countdown I think it’s the last countdown that we uh got uh from U DJ

Turnup I’m not so sure he’ll let me know I’m sure but I do have a countdown before we go I I I really smile when David said he said lay it in yeah yeah if you tell one of the guys lay it in they’re going to lay it in well

Especially Kevin because he dished a lot of it out so get a chance to repay that right yeah he laid it in right so yeah I got a countdown well let’s do it so Tonio give us a countdown and then we’ll all press play together here we go you know it’s

Everyone up look let me tell you something little skinny [ __ ] I will beat your ass plus I will beat your ass in video games to know that you’re freaking life how’s it going to feel to go back to Connecticut the [ __ ] at an old 63y old man B your

Assai I know you know the 3 2 1 see world class championship wrestling at the cotton bow on this beautiful day and it’s a beautiful day because just a month ago this young man right here Mike von Eric was lying critically ill in the hospital here you are back it is

Certainly miraculous and it’s certainly great to have you with us yeah bill it’s great to be back with the all the fans and and my family and everybody I’m uh really grateful to be here you know if it weren’t for everybody’s prayers just like I’ve said and news conferences all

Over that I’ve done uh it’s it’s great to be back and thank you for all the prayers first fun Eric uh miracles can happen and uh good people come through very tough times Bill I just want to tell you that I feel like old Mike has actually been resurrected he’s back he’s

In give him time he’s surprised the doctors immensely already they thought he’d be in the hospital for months right Dr suchka was a little more optimistic than that but here he is in less than well a little over 30 days since all this started he’s back out the shoulder

That we had the surgery on WE rehabilitating that right now you get mik a few months he’ll be back just like he was before but we thank God we thank all of you people for your prayers Just Like Old Mike said without them Mike wouldn’t be here with us today and

There’s no question about that in my mind or anybody else it is certainly a tremendous day and I think it’s a good chance here to and time to welcome in Lance von Eric Waldo son and the cousin to Mike and your nephew it’s great to be

In the Lone Star State I uh going to be here for today in tomorrow and I’m going to have some wrestling I’ve got to take care of in Europe and I’ll be back in the next few weeks to help out the the family that’s great great love it I just

Just want to say one thing when Lance and wers heard about Mike and the rest of the family they were right here Lance right then with the council every date up north you know Lance has been around here working out with the boys in and out for some time but Waldo especially

And myself though Lance is ready to assume the vonic name we told nobody who he was B he’s now the new Northwest heavweight Champion he’s ready got great timing he’s coming in just his own mics down he’ll be here in just a very few weeks to help us out great and Mike

We’ll see you in action very soon as soon as possible good Mike von Eric right back with us here a world class championship wrestling and we’ll be right back with more so David let me ask you about Lance because I’ve heard before that maybe that didn’t go as well

As planned what can you tell us about Lance von Eric and what was supposed to be and what wasn’t supposed to be and all that jazz well I can tell you that here here’s one thing this is d magazine it’s a big magazine here in Dallas MH

And if you right up here uh it says the fake von Eric oh wow and in here there’s about eight page story about Lance and so uh I’m the one that found Lance we we made the decision um in a booking one of the booking meetings that you know we

Had Dave’s death and we had just brought the birds in and we had the perfect scenario um and and Mike wasn’t in a position to be able to step up and so um we needed a von Eric and Kevin was dead set against it but you know uh I I was

For it Fritz was for it we thought it would work out I found Lance on a golf course I’m watching him play golf and my God he was built and had to look and you know he was a bodybuilder yeah and uh had a lot of records and so I went he

Probably wondered about me because I kept staring at him all day um but finally I went up and told him who I was and I said man I think I got a great opportunity for you and I took him down and he met Fritz and uh then we you know

Uh it was hard cuz he was from you know Dallas area but we sent him up to Portland uh with Don Owens and he worked up there uh basically it was a crash course yeah because he stepped right into the main events I mean when he came

Back he was literally uh and then when Carrie got hurt my guy a lot of times him and Kev were doing two shows on Saturday night we’d do our spot shows we’d send Kevin to one lance the other they’d both go on first then criss cross

To the and then they would go on last at each show what a fascinating story I I don’t Tony I don’t remember hearing another story like that before of we create this guy we throw him in the main events I mean not not to be funny but it almost

Sounds like Zeus right like we found this guy we needed an oon we had an opponent we needed I don’t know it’s just wild and by the way if you’re watching along with us on the watch along man what a crowd you guys have here what do you think the attendance

For this one was Again David uh they estimated 39,000 it’s at the Cotton bow um you know it was during the state fair uh I mean it was just perfect timing and then you know we were like I said we were on fire in 885 uh uh 83 84 and 85 were just

Huge for us it’s interesting too isn’t it Tony when you take a look at the guard rails it’s just uh it’s a piece of string it’s a different time oh look at that handsome devil that referee right there Mr David Manning how about that yeah whenever I talk to Bruce David he always

Just goes on and on about Gina Hernandez that Gina Hernandez could have been you know and obviously we we’re proud of what Ted debiasi did but he was like the for the for the Texas area he was the OG Million dooll Man Would you agree with that yes

Yeah yeah and and he he he could come he was great on the mic okay uh truthfully um you know there’s nobody better on the mic than than than obviously Ric Flair but Gino was right in there and he could come up with stuff I remember when we did that show in

Boston when he went out to do his interview you know he’s talking about how much money he had and all this and he’s I’ll never forget he said uh you know and one day maybe I’ll be rich and if you want to know the definition of Rich turn Larry Bird’s nose upside down

And fill it up with Nicholls oh my God what a great line what a great Line he got immediate heat yeah i’ tell you get over dude that’s how you do it you come up with those memorable lines and you know how to talk and that’s that is absolutely how you do it I I was interested I I the cameramen were in the

Ring and and you know today David if a cameraman’s in the ring you’re told oh don’t shoot the cameraman shoot around the cameramen but they were in the ring they got some great shots and I know you work with Keith Mitchell a lot yep uh uh

Keith was really ahead of his time yeah Keith uh Keith and uh actually every every uh Thursday I would have lunch with Keith Mitchell and uh Harrison Gillum and uh they were the ones really that did the show I mean they put it put everything together and we would go over

Here we did our little vignettes where we would maybe go see the wrestlers at a bar we might go see Jimmy Garin and sunshine at a spa and um so uh they they it’s phenomenal matter of fact I think the best piece of work Keith Mitchell ever

Did was when Carrie and Flair were getting ready to wrestle they he’s the one that put that video together of Carrie riding the horse and working out and getting ready uh and they were playing uh one of the Rocky songs it was it was it was

Great yeah world class was way ahead of the times with their production not just Keith Mitchell but Dan bham the way they might the ring the way they shot I mean there b them B them there’s so much uh Innovation here how about Chris Adams I

Mean you talk about a guy who has influenced generations of wrestlers as far as I can recall Mr Manning he’s the innovator of the superkick is that the way you remember it yes yeah and I remember the first night uh we we had a little monitor in the in in in the

Office you know where we could see the matches going on and uh so when Chris came in you know uh Sharp Dressed Man that’s what I would call him and when he went to the ring um and he had the match I remember everybody in that dress room

When he did the super kick for the first time it was just like everybody was like wow um he had a way to hit his leg as he did it and it it it looked like he tore the guy’s head off and um and like I say he could

Talk and so we we had a great run with Chris both as a baby face and as a heel Chris’s problem was was many people know that kept up with world class uh when he got with alcohol he it you know it would control him he didn’t control it yeah

And he became really bad he he actually did a little bit of time because he headbutted a pilot on a plane coming back in Puerto Rico oh wow yikes and so uh they were waiting for him when he landed in Dallas um and um he ended up getting I think about six

Months Tony you ever had but a pilot no no uh I never headbutted a pilot uh Pilots never headbutted me uh but uh I know a lot of passengers that pilot should had but it would make the flight a lot better okay I’m all for that yes

Yeah my goodness well we’re watching uh hopefully you’re watching along with us and man what have uh what a crowd this is and one of the things I’ve always wondered whenever you have a show like this David is what is the the what’s the backup plan if this thing doesn’t

Cooperate weatherwise like you know if it just starts pouring rain is I mean it just business as usual it’s a football game we’re going to do it anyway I think we would have we would have had to do it I mean you know you got 39,000 people

There and uh and the Cotton Bowl as you hit it right on the head it’s not covered right you know it’s an open stadium and we got really really lucky now it was in it was in uh uh you know it was a time of year where we

It’s like drought here and so we we were pretty confident of how it was going to be but you know you never know it Texas it could snow today and be 120 tomorrow October 6th 1985 is when this one went down and you know it’s funny that I

Didn’t even really think about it until just now but of everybody involved in this match it’s just you and Kevin that’s still with us right yep wow yeah I thought uh I was I was was coming home back from Japan one time and ESPN had a tape on and I was watching

The tape and there was a uh three matches um two single matches there was a tag team Main Event uh counting the announcer and Counting um uh the other referee I was the only one alive on the tape wow yeah you know if there was any any

Curse that was the other thing you know Kevin that Kevin will say right now we there was never a thing about the bonerate curse uh that’s Hollywood right right and so um yeah I was telling Kev the other day if if there was a curse here maybe it’s

When Fritz bought uh the land out and Edom you know it had arrowheads all over it and stuff like that I told someone the other day I said maybe that’s where the curse came in because when he bought it less than a month later when he’s

Building the home down there he’s in his motor home that’s when Dave died and every death took place while he was in Edom wait so you think this is some sort of Indian burial ground I know it is because Chris would go out and search and find all the little arrowheads you

Know they had a heck of a collection for him wow and so I I said if there was a curse it had to come from there of course we’re watching Uh Kevin Russell Barefoot here um I don’t know man Tony can you imagine I mean I know we’ve seen other wrestlers like Superfly

Snooka and and Yokozuna and a few others wrestled Barefoot before but can you imagine that Tony like in the gym Crockett promotion days a guy making towns and all these different buildings and wrestling Barefoot I that’s just hard for me to wrap my head around yeah

Me too and and of course Marshall does today that’s right yeah yeah so I that’s uh that always has I’ve always wondered about that but uh I mean that’s that was his trademark it was and you know for people watching this just a set the stage a little bit

More you’ll notice all the wrestlers around the ring we had Lumberjacks around the ring so we had brought just about all the guys that had worked including Lance even Chris von Eric was outside at that time gosh he couldn’t have been probably 12 13 but um we had

Them on the outside and and in this match there was really uh I mean obviously there was rules no gouging in the eyes that kind of stuff but pretty much everything else we were just letting go there had to be a winner well uh let’s let’s see let’s see if we

Can track a little bit of this and listen to to Bill Mercer yeah abut I’m sure he’s on the commentary you know he is here we go y Kevin going over the top for Chris Adams Cheo back in with carry Chris Adams goes up this G Kell kis and Tatum and they did

Exchange well that’s uh not any real proof [Applause] P herandez rolling it out with Carri V got him wrapped up are you still in any communication with Bill Mercer you know I saw him at the premiere uh was in a wheelchair he’s in his 90s now yeah and uh boy they didn’t

Even come close uh of the guy on screen and Mercer uh in the movie but what a phenomenal guy I mean he’s a legend up at the University of North Texas pretty much just ran the whole U film department and um you know and he and obviously at one

Time he was also the boys of the Cowboys so uh you know before we brought him in for the wrestling right W he did he did the Cowboys before they were the cowboys right exactly where they were they were named the Cowboys wow yeah I didn’t know

That yeah I think they were the Texans or something like that uh yeah great guy too and I and you know what his memory still sharp as heck I got a chance to talk to him at the premiere and um in his 90s that’s one of the good guys yeah

Well God bless him cuz I’m in my 60s and I can’t remember [ __ ] I noticed when we were tracking the the the uh the play byplay there throwing that chair on him with the legs it’s not it’s not the the chair you’re used to in wrestling it’s not a

Fold up chair no it is not just the fan response unbelievable it’s it’s incredible the absolute fan response is some I love he’s wielding that chair man those four legs oh yeah yeah stuck him in the back with it yeah David obviously a big part of the von Eric

Story especially car’s story is uh the accident and he loses the foot and of course I know timeline wise that wasn’t accurate but the big reveal in the movie that Carrie has lost his foot at this point is he working with both of his feet or has he lost the foot by this

Point uh this was 85 no uh no I don’t think he’s lost it yet I don’t think so either because it felt like there was always a sleeve on that one side um yeah I don’t think he’s lost it yet um of course these days it’s impossible to keep Secret in wrestling

You know it’s very rare when there’s a real surprise in wrestling like it feels like everything comes out but that was one of those where it it it was largely a secret in the wrestling industry is but I assume that the per most of the performers had to know right no wow they

They this is crazy the the see what a lot of people don’t know is when when Carrie um and this is when I’m booking how how fair is this I become the booker um and um kand klef went up to work for Bill Watts and so literally I’m the booker for like

Two weeks and I get the phone call Fritz calls and says you got to do something Carrie won’t be there tonight He was just in a motorcycle wreck I don’t know the details but I’ll I’ll let you know I said okay so I’m having to shift

Everything and then I I got a hold of Rick Hazard and Rick had been to the hospital and he said Dave you’re not going to believe it he said man it looks like an alligator chewed on his leg for about an hour and so they came in and

Obviously they didn’t want to take the leg um so they they did surgery for about gosh I want to say 10 hours and he came out of the hospital with his leg and they were saying the leg was not getting blood circulation like it should

And they didn’t know if it was going to you know be sturdy enough but anyway he came out and um at at the sport sportatorium you had to go up these stairs and go up top and that’s where we would watch the matches in this cage and Carrie was up

There and it was time for his match and he’ come running down the stairs and he got about halfway down and hit and that leg snapped and so we had to take him back to the hosp they took him back to the hospital and at that time I didn’t

Even know they had taken the leg until Fritz confided in me and he said they made all of the doctors sign a form and anyone that was in that operating room that basically they’d get sued if they told anyone he lost the leg and so

Um and you know I have to say I was against that I was for telling people he lost the leg because I thought man it would be for people out there you know that need a prosthesis or whatever I thought it would be a great story yeah

And how much Heat’s he GNA get now when someone starts banging on the leg you know so I thought I that’s one of the decisions that I was I think we should have told it man speaking of uh telling they’re telling a story here all the fans are on

Their feet my god um let’s track just a minute a his face to clear that powder and is wiping his eyes Lance V Erico in the corner wiping car’s eyes out and there some more C that’s got him that’s got it Chris Adams here one two three car but pins Chris

Adams carry But Eric Pence Chris Adams we have the members of the radio media to ringside please Dino tries to escape right here above us members of the radio media to Ling they don’t try to get out of here that’s V Eric has right here beside me along with

A how about that all the Lumberjacks Lance find Eric making sure he’s got a hold of Gino you’re not going anywhere you’re getting a haircut and how about multiple calls for the media come come on down the ringside I love it we had a one of the top radio stations was there

For this event and we were getting a lot of free publicity from them so we allowed them to actually be at the ring when the hair the hair took place there was one kid that pushed Gino and security did you see that yeah with a headlock on him yeah and you know what

Happens here is uh also you’ll see um who was it jumped out of the ring and um Chris von Eric tackled him huh so everybody everybody kind of got in on this yeah it was super fun to see as they were teasing the match it said up next the main event M

NE and then uh they positioned it for a commercial and said when we come back the hair cutting it’s it’s super silly super fun but man you guys were doing unbelievable ratings what kind of ratings do you remember world class getting at its height David uh we were

Pulling a any where from 15 to 17 my gosh yeah holy smoke we were pulling um three points higher than Vince was in New York it’s unbelievable to think about you know what was happening here and uh you know this was just one of the many territories this is with really without

Uh full-blown National Television I know ESPN became a thing for you guys but at this point this is still all just syndicated am I right yeah we would send out 4 40 either 45 or 46 tapes every Tuesday morning let’s track a little bit here Chris Adams the first man to lose his

Ha fans are still going just bananas here and now the electric scissors administered by Carri ER and there goes the handsome young man from England’s hair Chris Adams going ball right here on in the ring on the floor of the cotton ball so who all is is in the ring right

Now that we can see David that you recognize we got a referee we got ice there’s Iceman King Parsons right uh that’s Bronco Lu to the right um I know Scott Casey was in the ring yeah uh and they had Iceman they all the people got

To see they all got to get up and take scissors and take a piece of hair because all of them at some point over the last two or three months uh either Gino or Chris had taken some of their hair and you see that’s Rick hazard in

The middle there and you hear Chris Adams telling each and every each one of us he’s gonna kill us so but Chris learned the hard way be still because those Clippers you know when you don’t have any kind of protection on them it’s just the it can

Cut you and it hurts right and he was he I mean he fought it and fought it and fought it and it was crazy you’ll see you know when he gets in uh he saw what was going on and I whispered to him when

He got in I said i’ f you I’d be still or your head’s going to get cut so he even though he screamed and yelled he he kept his head perfectly still yeah I I noticed I saw Brian Adidas in there as well yep Brian Adidas because he was

Adas was uh with us us as Jim Crockett for a little bit that’s one of the other guys that lived it because he he and car you know grew up together all the way first first grade they were U best best friends we know of course that kry got his shot

To be the NWA world champion David but of the other von Eric boys did you think there was other that was probably a shoe in to be on a short list for that oh there you see Chris von Eric getting in on the action tackling Gino on the

Escape that’s super fun that was good yeah we um you know originally they were going to put the the belt on Dave and um they they hesitated uh putting the belt on Carrie and um you know Fritz just put his foot down because with everything we had going on

We needed we needed the one of one of the boys to win and Carrie was over the biggest at that point uh I think Dave would have had a longer run with the belt because uh Dave could work Hill really good okay and and when he was up

In Florida you know he worked Hill up there and you if you go back and look at some of his interviews he was great and um so he was up there and um I think as you know it’s hard to draw with a baby face uh you don’t draw near as good and

There’s not near as much excitement in the local towns right if if the world champion is a baby face yes and because you know you want to pulling for the their their their hero and so uh look at that visual my god when they when they

Really pan out and you can see you got 40,000 people standing on their tiptoes to watch a guy get this haircut yep yeah and and you know what like you said earlier when the match was over the people I guarantee you they were still like something’s gonna stop it yes I

Mean because look at these guys you know when you look at this match I mean beautiful heads of hair yes and and you know I real quick I had a hair match against killer Tim Brooks and I had a nice big head of hair back then and everybody was like you

Know you’re not going to lose your hair you know you’re not going to lose your hair and Brooks his hair was real thin and Brooks was going to do the job it was a it was a gimmick match and so it was funny because the night of the

Match I called frit and I said I’m changing the finish I’m going to do the job and he said why and I said just because everybody thinks there’s no way I’m going to lose right and so I did the job and man I remember bronos saying you

Gota you gotta sit down and let them cut your hair because they did a a screw job and he was like you gota let them cut your hair they’re gonna riot here tonight so um but yeah and we got big dollars out of this match obviously you

Know with the both of the both of the guys got hats and uh it it was good it was good stuff yeah this is and Gino’s doing such a great job here selling this to yeah his facials are phenomenal they they really are just seemed like and he’s you know and he’s lunging

Towards some people which you know which means he could get a lot of Nicks and that that blade wow yeah Kevin hold holding it that would scare me a little [Laughter] bit wow this is good stuff old school man David I want to ask you and I know

This is this is something completely different but obviously uh Christmas night when the when the Free Birds turned uh and they they Slamm the door in the in the head of uh one of the Von Erics Carrie Carrie uh that had to be pretty crazy that night because I’ve I’ve been

Told that almost had a riot at Reunion Arena that night is that correct yeah Michael Hayes was special referee with me right uh and then uh he kind of turned on flare at the end right Michael’s a big baby face here and um and and and the way we did the Finish it

Was actually very very dangerous because you know it’s a still it’s a Ste cage door right and we had to make sure you know it had a thing that come down around the post it looked like a youu and so I don’t know how many times we told

Terry Gordon you got to make sure that’s down so when you slam the door it’ll that’ll catch first right otherwise you’re GNA kill Carrie sure and um I thought and Carri still took a lot of the blunt because what happened Terry slammed it so hard that thing you know

It’s just on there were screws it it turned and so Terry still Carrie still got pretty good blunt but uh man you some people may hear flare at the roast Conrad you remember um that we talked about that match and someone said you know were you scared going to the back

And he said no I just got behind Manning yeah pretty crazy yeah legendary yeah it was close we we did a lot reunion you know we solded out probably more than anybody I mean it was crazy every Thanksgiving and every Christmas right U our shows there for about three

And a half four years we’re selling out period right when you think of uh high water marks for world class obviously this this hair match is on the list because you’ve got so many folks that are there the first cotton ball show the night with flair in the cage with Carrie

Are those are those the big three or are there some others worth mentioning if somebody is just now getting down down the world class Rabbit Hole um well you know Fritz still made appearances every now and then and he was obviously a legend right and uh when

When when frit fought Kabuki that was a big one um you know Gary Hart brought Kabuki in and uh it was crazy here here this guy shows up that’s like 5’7 and we were like we’ built him up to be this you know and we were all scared to death

But what a worker oh my God and so um we would do that with when we had the right heel like Brody uh when Brody was a hill obviously the final matches it’s it’s going to be him and Fritz and so um that was big uh I I would say the other

Real big one was um we did uh for the first time ever in reunion we did a Twan a two- ring battle royal which had never been done right so it sounded great when we put it together but once we got those two rings together I felt we felt sorry

For the people that bought a ringside seat on this end and the match was in a ring totally on the other side of them and if you’re right up front as you know you can’t see over the ring right and so that mistake and the other big

Mistake we made that we got a lot of heat for at Reunion Arena on Christmas night we had Santa Claus come out with all the kids and this and that well it was Michael Hayes in the Santa Claus outfit and when he got to carry all sudden he started beating the hell out

Of and oh my God we got so many letter we didn’t think about it here’s all the kids and they’re like oh my god oh yeah mistake as it was happening we were all like oh oh this wasn’t a good idea that’s so great I love that so

Much and it was freaking Michael Hayes too Jesus I uh I love hearing about the good old days and stories like like that I I wanted to ask your opinion it feels like the biggest controversy if there is such a thing out of the ironclaw movie I

Mean it was trending there for a few days people were pretty upset about the portrayal of Ric Flair you had a chance to see the movie your friends with the Nature Boy what did you think of the Hollywood interpretation of Ric Flair I thought it was horrible um I I don’t even you

Know you would think you would think of all people matter of fact I would love to be behind that movie being made the Ric Flair story oh my God but yeah that was not that was not that was not good and the guy that played carrye I think

I’d have got someone a little bigger uh you know in real life Mike was not even close to the size of carrye and Kev um but um yeah that was I remember seen it in the dressing room and uh when when the flare guy walked in I was like oh uh

Yeah they they missed the boat there hey dve if you ever uh get an inkling that there’s going to be a movie made about Ric Flair uh would would you alert me so I can just buy a a condo in gr Cayman and live the rest of my life away from all

This yeah you know I Conrad as you know uh I don’t know that you could tell all the Ric Flair story no you can’t oh you can’t you know I mean uh I been in a lot of bars with him and uh holy smoly the stories you

Hear are true and so um but uh man what a story he would be you know because I was telling someone the other day I had a guy call me wantan me to be uh he was like I’ll give you any title you want producer director uh and he wanted to do

A movie on Gino Hernandez and he already had a guy that’s in uh gosh what’s the name of that show on TV uh the bikers I can’t think of the name of yeah they already had a guy from that that was going to play Gino and they

Still say they’re going to do it I called Gino’s daughter and I’m trying to have lunch with her um and and put it together but yeah they were they were offer that one they did want me to consult and they said we’ll give you any kind of title you want I was

Like yeah yeah thank you I less about titles what’s this pay and so uh but but see here’s the thing and and and this is kind of surprising with the uh Von Erics like in California our tape wasn’t big there and uh Mike leel you know managed to

Keep everybody putting our show on out there wow and so we weren’t big there and the thing with Gino you’re going to draw basically where the super station hit in my opinion but flare that’s a worldwide name right and so um I honestly believe like I say I just don’t

Know how much of his story you could tell well we appreciate you coming on and telling some of your story today and of course the these days you’re no longer uh counting pinfalls and hair matches you’re helping people with their travel extreme that’s XT oh

There you go look at look at our guy Dave Silva he’s ready here it’s X and then stream like a river stream uh what’s up with extrem and how are you keeping busy these days well uh you know we book travel but the main thing we do is U we

Have an online travel University where people can go through the uh online university some people go through it in in you know 30 days some people take some three months but they can become a travel agent okay and U you know we we furnish everything their websites their

Booking engines and uh you know we pay them uh anywhere from 75 to 85% of the commission that comes in for being an agent for us and they use our buying power uh you know we did over a 100 million last year in travel and uh it’s

A fun business I’ve been doing it since year 2000 I had uh two other companies and I sold them um you know Life’s Been Good matter of fact now I’m in the I just bought, 1500 Acres up on Big Cypress River in in Carnac Texas Marshall Texas and um it’s got seven

Miles of Waterfront wow so I’m actually kind of getting into some development there and um just having fun seven miles of Waterfront goodness gracious what are you going to do there we’re going to divide them up into lots and have Waterfront Lots um you know some of it’s

Wetlands matter of fact it has 300 acres of cypress trees and if you if you’ve ever seen cypress trees oh my God it’s just gorgeous yes and so um my cousin’s a logger and he he stumbled onto the property he was having trouble getting financing and so he called me and timing

Was right and so I said hey I’ll Finance it and give you a piece of it how about that and so um we bought it we’ve had it now for about a year and we’ve probably only cut uh and we’re not we’re not clear-cutting it we’re obviously I mean

We just take and trim the trees out uh and it just looks phenomenal and so actually I’m going to build a home there and my wife and I are probably going to move down there that’s awesome man well listen I know that not too long ago you

You hooked up with Kevin and y’all did a theater show I think there’s one of those happening in the not too distant future do you have any details about that yeah Del Hansen is the host and we did um The Majestic Theater in Dallas uh over 2,000 people came it was crazy and

Uh the average ticket was $60 I said who who would have thought people would pay you know 30 to $100 to come hear me and Kevin BS and uh but they did and um so we’re following it up and that’s where Kevin and I will truly give our opinion on the

On the uh the movie ironclaw and it’s going to be March 29th and we’re doing it at the Will Rogers Auditorium for anybody that’s a world class fan every Monday night we wrestled in the Will Rogers Coliseum so uh it it’ll be good um it’ll be good we did

San Anton San Anton also Drew about 1,800 there and uh it’s crazy D Hansen does a great job he was one of the top anchor people here for sports for years and years and years so uh he was around during the bonor K day well when it comes to sports we want to

Remind everybody that we’re excited to announce a new affiliate partnership with Fanatics the world’s largest collection of officially licensed fan gear it’s an easy way to support your favorite podcast you can shop for your favorite players and teams just by using our special URL that’s shopsports shopsports or if

You’re watching along with us on YouTube just hit that QR code that’s up on the screen now or check out the description below and uh we’ve got a link there for you you can shop with confidence for your favorite jerseys and caps and shirts and jackets and hoodies

Everything that you’d want whether it’s NFL or baseball or basketball or college sports just use our special link shopsports and it helps support the show as well Tony I never know what to expect when we uh we watch some old school wrestling but I learned

A lot today I had no idea some of the backstory with Lance and how all that came together this was uh this was fun going down memory lane talking about world class today Tony uh call me stupid but I didn’t even know that Lance was not a von Eric really yes I didn’t

Backfired at the end you know the I think they made a mistake I was already I had already left the business you know um uh Lance kind of went in and demanded more pay and so he got crosswaves with Fritz and uh they didn’t want him working anywhere he went over to Israel

And as you know wrestling was huge in Israel so um Fritz literally decided that they went to the ring and they took the microphone and they said they screwed up and they apologized to the fans but they’ve been lying to them and there was no Lance was not a realer oh

Wow wow about that yeah I think I would have just let him go wrestle it wasn’t worth it yeah he buried him on TV too I mean I think I remember seeing somebody write in or have a question or whatever there was I remember seeing video somewhere where he was seated he being

Fritz just telling the whole story before we let you go David you know lots of people are going to watch this movie and and certainly there’s been documentaries made and there’s books out there and all that you lived it though when you see sort of the retelling of

These stories that you lived whether it’s in a book or it’s in a documentary or it’s in this Hollywood dramatization what do you think the biggest misconception about world class is and what do you think the biggest misconception about the von Eric family is uh I think the biggest um

I obviously you know in the movie the biggest misconception is Fritz um and and you know he he came across as an abusive father and he just wasn’t that but um you know it’s just hard to say with world class um if I could go would we change

Anything if we could go back and do an over it I’d say no well uh if if I wish Fritz would listen to us Kevin and I tried to get him to pay for viw Texas stadium the David Von Memorial yes and because we had people all over the world

Wanting to come right and uh if we would have done it you know now the fact we got three more dead Von Erics and and you know Kevin and I talk uh he’s honest about it uh the wrong von Eric died in Japan if Dave would have

Lived Dave was the business person in the family other than Fritz and so who knows if Dave would have lived and was able to step in uh you know and take over basically as the the head of world class well go out of your way to watch

That special uh I guess it was called the first von Eric Memorial parade of Champions May 6 1984 uh that’s the match that David suggested maybe should have been on pay-per-view it would have been he it was funny to think about time Tony because you know November Thanksgiving

Night 1983 that’s that’s the first starcade May of 84 that’s the first big parade of Champions the Texas stadium show for world class March of 85 that’s when Vince runs WrestleMania it’s interesting to think you know because when people talk about the Super Show and The Big Show and all that sort of

Thing it feels like a lot of people just think it all really got kicked off with WrestleMania but in reality starcade and the parade of Champions they predated WrestleMania right absolutely yeah we just didn’t obviously we didn’t pay-per-view it right and um but you know 42,000 people that was the biggest

Uh attendance ever for a wrestling uh wrestling event at that time and um so um you know and then Vince obviously broke the record up in U Canada with WrestleMania and pay-per-view it so you know if we didn’t have the tragedies it’d be interesting right I agree it would be

Interesting to see what what could have been do you think you know in an alternate universe if Carrie didn’t have the leg issue his WWE run would have been different I mean I I didn’t grow up with a lot of car von Eric the first time I really remember seeing him as a

Fan was as the Texas tornado and the WWF and I was a fan of that but I’ve heard from people who lived it who said he was just not the same performer by that point if he really had a full go what do you think uh his ceiling could have been for

Vince um if Carrie didn’t get the injury I don’t know that we couldn’t have um you know um I’m not going to go into why or any of that but you know I left world class and I was literally gosh probably doing 80% of everything

And so um there was a lot a lot of stuff happened then and uh I just wonder you know if we could kept it together in a healthy carry I think it’s a different story here with world class and then obviously up in U New York you got to remember when the Von

Boys went outside of this territory to work there was a lot of animosity with a lot of wrestlers about they felt like you know these guys didn’t earn it right that it was handed to them and man there was a lot of times you can talk about

They were stiff but sometimes they had to be stiff yeah um and so um I think they they really didn’t you talk about misconception I don’t think they really got the respect from a lot of the boys that didn’t work here uh about you know did they really earn

It wow how about that paranoia and jealousy who knew that exist has transcended the years in [Laughter] wrestling well Mr Manning thank you for all the time I hope everyone enjoyed this trip down memory lane talking about world class be sure to check out extrem if you want to keep up with

Mr Manning or catch him live at Will Rogers in March we’ll have a link in the description for you so you can make an appearance there and go see Mr Manning in person man I appreciate anytime we get to uh hook up this was a blast and

Can’t thank you enough for the time well I enjoyed the heck out of it Conrad send me an address I’ve got about four of these they sent me and I’ll send you this article about Lance heck yeah I appreciate that thank you very much and thanks for taking the time and Tony

Shobani I hope you have a great time and some safe travels of course tonight aew is live you can still pick up tickets it’s of course another Collision coming your way this weekend man we’re on the march to Sting’s last match right now in a big way are we not Tony yeah

We’re in Jacksonville tonight don’t ask me where we are on Saturday because I I don’t know but I do I just I I look at the calendar like on Wednesday and go oh yeah we’re going to oh yeah we’re going to norick Saturday that’s it what the

Hell how about this man you’re you’re kneed deep in uh in Ric Flair old school Jim Crockett promotions territory you know you just had the Big Show in Charlotte this past Saturday this coming Saturday you’re in Norfolk and then next week Dynamite is going to be in North

Charleston South Carolina these are old school JCP towns what was it like going back to uh to Charlotte with the Nature Boy it was was very cool he was so well received and it was it was done so well and you know I’ve Rick has been back since uh obviously uh whenever it

Was Philadelphia Philadelphia you know you know whenever Bush was on his campaign yeah Bush Jr he made an appearance in Charlotte and Flair was there and it was really pretty neat whenever he got the microphone up front he said hey I I’m I’m glad to be here

But let’s talk about the main guy in the room yeah he said Rick yeah he always has a presence there’s no question about that and and now in his Advanced age ugly ass suits good God that [ __ ] that he wears my God okay but that’s it’s out of the Michael Hayes

Playbook it feels like but at least it fits yes and uh and we hope that we fit what you were looking for with a little Nostalgia wrestling we’ll be back next week have it a blast in the meantime be sure to go see David Manning at Will Rogers and check them out at I got a link in the description and we’ll see you guys next week right here on what happened when with the voice of your childhood Tony chiani did you put Christmas on a credit card don’t stress out about that extra holiday spending save with can help you consolidate all of your

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  1. @whathappenedwhen With David Manning there and Tony, I'd love to know the real story behind World Class leaving the NWA in February 1986. Was there a feud between Fritz and Jim Crockett over the NWA title? How much did Crockett have to do with pushing away a territory he couldn't control? Did Crockett have anything to do with Bill Watts taking much of the World Class talent to the UWF in 1986?

  2. I like David and his interviews, but he does sometimes imo remember things a little bit rosier than they really were.

    For example , i know he says that Fritz wasnt dysfunctional but rather just minimizes it as being "old school".

    Or comments about Fritz turning down a deal with Vince to merge with WWF and Fritz being the lead man in charge ( just cant imagine that having happened)

    Or Ken Mantell being a "great" booker … I think ive even heard the word genius used before, but he might have just been being nice.

    All in all though … Manning seemed like he had quite a run and fun time in his WCCW time. Flair certainty seemed to love partying with Manning when he was in Dallas

  3. I feel sorry for Conrad, who is ignorant to the greatness of WCCW, being a WWF mark from 90s wrestling. WCCW was one of the best of the territories in the early to mid-80s. Along with Mid-South, they projected realism- Touch guys, stiff wrestling, great storytelling. Bill Mercer was a great play-by-play commentator, not even having (or needing) a color commentator.

  4. David von Erich would great NWA world heavyweight champion i wish for late 1979 or early 1980 instead he could won it from harley race or tommy rich major push face or heel .

  5. The Dallas Texans from 1960-1962 were owned my Lamar Hunt. They moved to Kansas City and became the Kansas City Chiefs in 1963.

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