Golf Babe

2024 Shelly Sharpe • R3B9 • Anthony Barela • Parker Welck • Peter Green • Andrew Filimoehala

2024 Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the Green
MPO Feature Card – Round 3 • Back 9
Featuring: Anthony Barela, Parker Welck, Peter Green & Andrew Filimoehala
Camera: Spiicii Boii
Edit: The Disc Golf Guy
Commentary: Parker Welck & The Disc Golf Guy
Location: Shelly Sharpe Memorial Disc Golf Course, Tempe, AZ
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2024

Championship Sunday. What more do I have to say?

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Hello everyone and welcome to the final round of the 2024 Shelly Sharp Memorial presented by Spinners on the green vistad Del Camino Remains the layout and the stage that will be set and we’ve got a great battle unfolding likes of Anthony Barella along with Parker Welk

Who’s in the booth again Peter Green and rounding us out is Andrew fil Mahala final nine you ready for this how you feeling ex I’m real excited we got three guys that are charging let’s get into it we got a hold 10 651 ft we do

Have that Mando SL low ceiling right off the te on the left side there’s Obi right and left you’re going to see a lot of just forand heer to forand Heiser and then hopefully get your putt OB can come into play especially up on that right hand side if you saw it

Off too early and we I just clipped a tree there but we’re in the middle so no harm no fall exactly another early tree hit for Andrew it feels like he’s had a handful of those this round not a lot going right for him at the moment he’s one over through the front

Nine Peter sitting at even you’re at four under and Bella at two under for the round deep out of bounds left um I wanted to point out like with this rain our hands or at least to me I know and maybe Anthony said it as well but it

Felt like pretty sticky there was no way to really get rid of it maybe put more water in your hand but uh yeah not the best uh conditions for throwing here yeah so rare to see rain in Arizona as it is so making those adjustments and

Then not having the ground you know the normal textures that it usually is because it’s now wet I see how that could uh definitely be affecting you guys and a little bit chillier than what we would expect out here today as well great shot from in there I feel

Like whenever you’re going for the backand heer from that spot you’re probably clipping trees and staying out of bounds are you surprised to see him not go with a a forehand knowing he’s got such a big powerful forehand um you know I I really don’t

Know his game too much but if he was comfortable with that back end there feel free to do it extra roll there this shot I’ve been over here this is a very tough shot this is near where we saw Gibson in round one he threads the needle maybe just a

Bit short just outside Circle perhaps and this drive is a bomb yeah this is where again speaking of Gibson this is where we saw a couple of his backand drives end up in the in uh round number one not the greatest effort on the approach though long jumper that should set him

Up for a par which he should absolutely take there after hitting first available that’s going to be frustrating knowing that pater had such a huge drive and now at best walking away with par Barella here right on the circle stepper looks good yeah he’s definitely been looking clean with the stepper throughout all

All three rounds I think about watching him turn a couple of those forehand over and not really come back just like we saw on that drive and you have to wonder if like you were just mentioning is that a grip issue is that just the wrong disc

Selection I wonder what that could be yeah I was actually asking him about that today I noticed he was throwing slightly more understable than I would normally see him throw because he is a power forand thrower you would uh you would think he’s throwing a little bit

More overstable but um it is a new disc to his bag that that he’s throwing I’m not sure what it was but definitely a little bit more on the understable side meanwhile you’ve kind of quietly pulled Within one Bella was able to get up and down and save the par but you uh

Right there on the hunt just one behind coming in with a fourstroke deficit now it’s just a single stroke as we head over to 11 yeah 759 ft there is OB right and left but there is this Guardian Tree kind of in the middle that we’re flying

By now you want to be either left or right of that and then you should have an open shot straight to the PIN it feels like thus far you’ve also had what would be the cleanest and maybe the most consistent round as we’re heading into that you know just kind of staying

Relatively even Keel we’ve seen others make some significant mistakes you haven’t really done that yeah I mean I think something that kind of helped me and some of you guys can take away from this is really slow everything down if it’s poor conditions just take a little

Bit more off your drive and you know try and focus up a little bit more on the upshot it should work out better Anthony going over the moon again this is absolutely crazy out to that left side and like I said before you want to be really close

To the ob on either side and it’ll give you the most open look to the pin surprising no one we’ll see a forehand here out of Peter unfortunately I don’t know if that’s found the spot he was looking for if I remember correctly correctly it might have gone out of bounds maybe it

Stayed here the struggles continue on 11 you’re setting up this feels dangerous absolutely I mean I think I was in the worst possible spot you could be in but take advantage of uh having these new discs yeah flexing it right around is Mahala pH Mahala actually kind

Of throws that one low nose down straight into the ground not much forward progress clean very nice shot hit the Gap perfect although Andrew is not having his best round right now I can appreciate the uh brevity in which he throws he just he steps right up I mean

It felt like no one at any point was uh spicy barely even ready uh because he grabs his disc takes very little uh prep and then pretty much steps up and throws when it comes to at least his drives in his mid-range shots and take a moment

Here on the putt that’s going to be low but I can appreciate a quick player yeah I mean sometimes playing fast you don’t really think about anything you’re just playing Disc Off it might help some people so AB will pick up a birdie and momentarily will have that

Two-stroke lead but you’re sitting right there for a birdie yourself all right and are you guys watching the scores I know I’ve talked about what Drew is doing are you guys anyone I feel like AB is always on his phone so are you guys kind of keeping

Track of what’s going on up ahead kind of I think uh at this point uh we’re walking up to the next hole and he was saying that Drew was like at some crazy number right now he was claiming that possibly the highest rated round ever if

He kept it up I guess um but yeah distinguished doodle right out of Arizona also all americanmade products 30% off use the code the dis golf guy as we head to 12 427 ft of all scary water carry the entire weight that gun is actually OB both short and left so you

Got to make sure you’re staying right off the T go long if you need to I think that’s kind of the uh the idea here which is pretty hard to do it is it’s it’s uphill as well it’s a very long hole and you going a little deep but

That is just about pitcher perfect has struggled on this one a few different times we saw it in round one and what is he doing I feel like he should just throw his putter on this hole we’ve we’ve seen it before uh he’s got all the distance in the world might

As well just throw the slowest speed possible I I cannot believe the amount of times I’ve seen him go short and left and I’m not picking on the guy world class thrower but just go deep throw it straight like you said throw a putter throw whatever but get over it nice and

Straight and that has major implications as you’re up there on the green and speaking of Green Peter is going to come up short as you see it on the gunite AB goes to the Drop Zone that’s going to be circle’s Edge so still work to do and you can see it in

The way he walks away from there he’s just absolutely ticked off and dejected yeah he knows it’s a kind of a tester putt coming up you know just outside circle with Obie behind it on an elevated pin not the easiest Putt in the whole wide worlder quickly setting up and trying to

Approach up to the basket here you are outside of the circle come on yeah that was a great fun I I asked my caddy my wife Ally to lay it up or run it and she goes just run it baby that’s the official Ali caddy voice huh

Okay now Bella has to be thinking oh my gosh you just took the birdie and here he is this is for bogey left side squeaks in but like I said before that that is a tough put especially after watching your competitor hit a big one it’s it’s tough

So a flipflop here you’re the outright leader at 22 Bella at 21 not only have you chased him down for the fourstroke disadvantage you’re now up on him by one and we’ve got 2third of the course completed and a really long walk as you guys will head back to 13 and caddy

Conversations what what some of the things going through your mind with that very long walk I mean you’re just kind of I don’t even know it’s a long walk and there was a backup as well so we’re just in our own world all doing different things hanging out talking cracking jokes but

Here we are at a hole 13 405 ft pretty difficult hole you’re either going up the gut or a spike Heiser over everything hope to not get to metered really Elite level distance and then some is required to go up and over is that right that’s correct and I don’t

Have that so you’ll see me go up the middle and not the friendliest kick off the tree nearly kicks me out of bounds left if you went out to the field just raw distance not worried about where you’re throwing what are some of the uh longest shots you’re going to record I

Actually did a YouTube video on my forehand and backhand distance and the video literally got deleted and I’m I’m so upset with it but my my backhand it was like 578 and then my my forehand was uh like 5 30 something okay but pretty good uh slightly downhill maybe but well

Good enough to get lessons from you which I know you’re offering up here in the Phoenix area so if anybody wants um uh you want to throw over 500 feet we know a guy and here’s Peter with the rare backand o not a great spot either cuz he

Still has to go around that Mando tree as you’ll see me do yeah he’s about 30 ft in front of you so you have a better angle so to speak yeah but still daunting knowing there’s water OB less than 12T behind that pin yeah and I got

Pretty close to it there flirting with it Peter is going to stretch out he also still has to go around this tree I mean come on what what do we call him that that I mean good putt or like I mean he’s lucky the basket got in the way right cuz that

If if that doesn’t draw metal that’s that’s 20t in the water exactly that’s 2 feet left or right of those chains and it’s out there hitting a dock actually I think Peter said uh he wanted me to say that he was running it when I did

Commentary so he was yeah he was going for it okay okay well good good call you know cuz most people lay up from 40 ft on that but if you know if you’re out around a 100 well then just throw it in with a forehand little frustration from Andrew

Having a rough go out here today Barella he’s at 35 ft oh and also left side corner pocket that the water is like 3 feet from the pin on an elevated basket you can throw it as soft as you want and it’s going in the water if you

Airball Barella trying to claw back here after giving up the lead now he’s got a share of it with you and we say it all the time that is absolutely a bonus birdie so to see two of them one being the throwin and fireworks here on our lead

Card and now with just five holes left to play you’re sitting here thinking man I I absolutely have a chance at this Bella is not playing lights out you see Drew is doing that on the third card but he’s running out of holes this is getting pretty exciting

Absolutely and here we are hole 14 605 ft there’s a ton of Mandos you need to worry about and out of bounds left and right you’re going to see some players either go straight up the gut or Heiser just about right here and then they’re going to be throwing a mid-range or a

Putter right up to the pin over here hopefully avoiding those trees on the right and you called it talking about slowing it down that’s exactly what we just saw from Anthony looked like almost nothing like a normal runup for him just really pacing himself on that teapad you

Can see the ground around everywhere it is soaking wet at this point it might not be rainfall right now but it is very very wet good safe shot there by Peter I’m just kind of testing out where I should go everywhere slick yeah you’re not loving

That and then it gets in your head and all you’re thinking is okay just like get something clean nice and slow and smooth yeah backing off the power it looks like absolutely keeping it slow keeping it smooth another early tree hit for Andrew he’s got enough power though to

Still get up and down with a good shot here yeah I mean as long as you’re safe off the te I think you’re really okay getting it down there from wherever you land solid recovery shot off on the left side that’s what we were talking about earlier that parallels along with whole number

Six he throws some of the craziest angles I think I’ve ever seen it is it’s a lot of fun to watch him alert with the right side but looks like good speed on the Dance Floor looking for birdie Bella needs to answer likee kind of slipped out a little bit well

Short I just continue to think about the shifts in momentum out here for the two of you as you’ve now hunted them down now you’re looking at almost a guaranteed birdie so he’s looking at needing that and no shortage of power but he’s got to be thinking about man I had

Four strokes to open this round what is going on here taking nothing for granted that’s something you’ll see me do no matter how close I am I’m always going to be doing my routine just making sure that I’m doing everything everything I can to get it in the

PIN Rella also making sure here doesn’t want to give anything up as he’s going to be one shy of you and now just 15 through 18 to play very impressive up and down for Andrew absolutely he was pretty far back there and it looked like he threw a

Mid-range maybe from way back there it was slow moving all you need are mid-ranges when you come playing some mui nice short 11 hole course but we got a lengthy 741 here on whole 15 Parker yeah you see a lot of people going to that roller or a forehand heer or a huge

Skyshot like we’ve seen Drew Gibson do but not a a lot of people have that power so you just want to finish right so you can get open up the angle throwing that Hiser into the into the green on your second little too much angle but he’s on that

Right side I’m not sure if you can get to the pin from there big skip that also looks like a a different disc that we’re seeing what one’s that um that one is actually my hurricane it’s it’s pretty overstable just enjoy throwing it on those uh shots

Where you really need to get going to the right or left similar look here for Bella you guys are going to be in the kind of in the same territory however he’s on that uh slope side on the right I talked about that yesterday and what that can

Mean for your run up I think Peter’s going for the Hail Mary here was that a where did that end up I wouldn’t be surprised if that got all the way to the green based on what I’ve seen his power do and this side of the hill is tricky I

Mean it messes you up like crazy just running down the hill to throw back up in the sky while you’re kind of at a weird angle it’s tough looks like Anthony put that pretty close though maybe inside Circle one Gallery out here taking in the

Action got that was my worst shot of the day wasn’t even close to what I was going for timing footing uh you can attribute attribute it to just just being on the hill wet I don’t know I mean we I got a whole list of excuses I just like pull from

It that’s going to be short oh wow yeah this actually flexed way up into the right for pater so didn’t get enough chop angle on it so to speak and I feel like he’s kind of just chopping his way all over this course at the moment I do think this course is a

Forehand friendly course up until you get to uh a few of these finishing holes and then it’s like you kind of need a backand so you’re setting up that’ll be for a par Andrew Long look tough to get aggressive here knowing that sidewalk just beyond the

Basket can come into play also just all these trees act as a guardian to this pin no problems there with Putter crucial for Bella he sits one behind you this is for birdie we got ourselves a battle yeah only a few holes left couple of tough ones to finish as well looks like enough Force just about knock over the basket very confident stroke as that one comes

In and we’ll see Peter clean up the bogey he falls to two under on the round Andrew sitting at even on the round ho 16 380 ft kind of low ceiling off the te then you got to worry about the rollways the OB on both sides

There’s a lot of tricky stuff that can happen here especially uh that big tree if you land short left you have absolutely no putt at all me see what the teeing area looks like out here not ideal with that rainfall oh no outright again that seems to be a spot this time

He’s about 10 ft closer but he’s been at about 45 and maybe 47 ft once out of bounds in round one and backto back rounds we’ve seen him make great putts I like your line just inside the circle you happy with that absolutely being at the bottom of the hill and just

Not rolling away as the main thing there so I’ll take it Andrew flipping it over just a little bit think that’s just going to have to be a layup from there yeah sometimes uh with these Hillside shots as soon as it lands you’re like okay I know what I’m doing

Next I’m just laying this up and that’s inside the circle so Peter will have a decision to make but he needs all the birdies he can get at this point easy layup for Andrew as called or expected here’s Bella this is 38 ft death putt while you tied for the lead

This is uh this is No Easy Shot here what Bella for the third day in a row from this high right side making it look easy pulls out the stepper this is our first light flashback day one day two and now day three come on insane putt when you guys come out

Here go to where he was and go try and hit that putt a few times and watch how many times your disc is going to roll down out of bounds as we see an unfortunate roll away from Peter Peter was about half the distance as Bella with a slightly better

Angle and because it doesn’t go out of bounds he actually has to go all the way down there and then pitch from there sometimes if you roll roll out of bounds you can then choose to putt from where you previously were brutal that I mean that’s whole 16

All day and you’re faced with now putting after you just saw that yeah I mean getting big Putt and then a roll away to watch it’s but we connected and wow come on definitely NY yeah you answer so you and Bella two holes left to play all knotted

Up Andrew not taking anything for granted here I’m I’m guessing if you were going to try and play horse or something against Barella out on this course I think I know the spot he’d go to to try and close you out out yeah don’t play on this putting green go to a different

Basket if you’re going to play horse against anywhere else big shout out to our friends over at Dietrich creative designs based right here in Arizona the links in the description for your course design needs got a love ho 17 absolutely this is one of those where you step up there

With your entire bag doesn’t matter what disc you’re trying to Ace this hole just emptying the bag 243 FT Island Green doesn’t really get too much prettier than this squared up two holes left to play Bella goes first sticks The Landing he’s on the island looking for a birdie great shot

And that puts all the pressure on me little more height oh little Trickle but it stays in bounds just barely and just barely closer than what Bella is so he’ll ACT first between the two of you too much power for Andrew we’ll go to the Drop

Zone all shots that don’t land on the island must go to the Drop Zone oh a slip by Peter here he still makes the island green wow that’s 2009 World Champ Avery Jenkins would say that’s what power will get you you take advantage oh wow what a back stop though

Yeah there’s like some slight rocks there just kick you right back Bella to act first trying to maintain a share of the lead for Birdie on 17 what just happen he does not do that he is very disappointed with that I’m like shaking my head at

That Anthony hits those 10 out of 10 times this is just a just a weird something weird in the air happening you’ve got to be thinking that this might do it yeah this might steal it for me you’re going to take a one-stroke lead assuming you

Convert I don’t think I’ve ever seen you miss a pot from this distance I know you’re good friends but you’re not about to give any gifts back either for a one stroke lead to go into the final hole here at the Shell Sharp Memorial dead center through the routine Pace taking your

Time Rel certainly thinking about what he may have just given away here from well inside the circle we head to 18 way back circle’s Edge good safe shot yeah I mean the island is actually very difficult to to stick so I’m happy just being safe here brella may need some magic

Here on the Island closer than you but not a gimme that’s at least the distance of the putt he just missed solid shot sidearm is not the easiest choice on this hole with those Guardian trees on the left but he made it work there and you guys are making this look

Easy 330 you went putter I did that was a ice steady BL those things fly pretty good for me you’re just inside the circle this is to seal the wind here at the Shelly sharp trying to go back to back for big events here in Arizona

Was it right or should it have stuck no I think it was just a bit right um I wouldn’t even consider that one of those 5050 balls I just kind of pulled it a little bit and now Bella is going to have a chance to knot things

Up he’s got to be thinking about the previous putt yeah this is a ton of pressure you know just a little bit further I think than the last putt but still it’s water behind it there’s a lot lot of stuff happening here with the crowd too and he sticks it Barella crucial

Moment clutches up and that’s going to force a playoff between the two of you [Applause] what a roller coaster of emotions yeah I mean off the course even on the course we’re we’re really good friends in real life and uh you know it just felt like uh we were kind of just

Enemies uh towards the end of this round but uh we’re going to a playoff here huh we it looks like we are we’re going to take a quick look at the rest of the scores you guys a little Aster next to both of you you’re tied for first Gibson

Did finish with an 11 along with Julian but we’re going to head into a playoff and it’s been determined 1 2 16 17 and 18 on repeat in sudden death format Bella is going to te first perfect yeah great shot I mean just a bit High it nearly hit those trees uh

That dead tree back there but missed it great job of all three rounds that is by far the best shot that he’s thrown he’s had four chances at this hole that was his best drive you need to answer I am thankful it was wet on the

Ground yeah all of the ground play I thought it was coming in short but now you have to uh come up with a putt burella is closer that’s got to feel good yeah I mean I’m I’m always really confident on the putting green and like I said I’m

I’m still learning these uh new Putters they’re a bit different but I’m I’m starting to feel it how how do you calm your nerves as you walk up to that putt knowing I need to make this to keep the playoff going you know there’s there’s

Really not a lot of nerves at this point just playing for so long and uh also playing against one of your your good friends as well helps a little bit but as you saw Anthony TAPS in his birdie and we’re on to uh hold two second playoff hle ready for the

Action now you guys reverse and you alternate based on uh if the playoff continues you’ll keep reversing and alternating the t- shots this looks great yeah I mean great shot there I I put the proper amount of flex on that one so it would stay straight the whole way

Instead of kind of getting out to the right on heer too much yeah great connect uh great correction that we saw from when you played it earlier in the round Bella oh no too much turn and Bella caught up way short with you that close he’s got to be

Thinking about a throw in whether it’s in the air or with a skip this has to go in right this is his only option I believe very awkward as well it gets caught up and Anthony Bella is going to leave it in your hands as you’re lining up from inside 20 22

Ft for the win congratulations Parker Welk your champ yeah I mean what a fun time this has definitely be a tournament I’ll remember for a very long time I’m happy we got it uh on film love battling with Anthony well with that Ashley’s going to step in Memorial chion Parker well and

One final time I’ll say thank you congratulations super happy for you great battle it won’t be the last that we’ll see it certainly won’t be the last time I get to catch up with you inside the winner circle One Last Time here’s Parker wel I catch up with him we’ll see

You guys at the next one I’m the disc golf guy and that was my video blog wow couple of things are immediately rushing to M first of all congratulations Parker well clearly our champion here I think about a playoff at the memorial in 2023 Ganon makes his debut on commentary goes

On to win in a playoff you make your debut commentary playoff win yeah I mean you already know I love I love being with Terry at the end of the end of the tournament it always means coming out with the dub hopefully many more um but yeah I mean commentary

Was awesome I’m happy a lot of you guys liked it and came out here Anthony’s a great player not fantastic player especially on in Arizona and uh it means a lot like taking him down so shout out Anthony brother for uh bringing the heat there the other thing that comes to mind

Is I feel like I heard someone say maybe it was AB himself said that you wouldn’t get past him again in a tournament yeah and here we are 2024 new sponsor coming right out of the gates how’s that feel oh it feels good I mean uh I’ve only

Been with DJ for I think I announced 5 minutes before my tea time on Friday but of course I was throwing DJ a little bit before that um but man it feels good the the discs are flying great for me I feel very comfortable with them and you know

Hopefully it’s uh it’s going to jump start me right into the bigger tournaments in this year W an incredible effort again taking it down in Arizona a place you now call home seems like you’re well adjusted anything you want to say to everybody out there hey shout

Out to everybody watching uh seems like there’s no hate comments either on your channel and nobody hates us this is awesome well stick around long enough I I’ll help with that anyway you’re Champion here The Lovable Parker Welk champion at the Shelley Sharp Memorial presented by Spinners on the green we’ll

See you guys at the next one One


  1. Parker is so clutch man. Draining that putt on playoff hole 1 and then throwing that laser to seal it right after was so cold. I already liked him from his underdog win but I'll be rooting for Parker pretty much any time I see him!

  2. Great battle to start the season. Love seeing Parker play well and hearing some great commentary! He's becoming one of my favorites

  3. I am watching this after the fact, not knowing who won. May I suggest you put the rest of the field’s scores up more often so we know where they stand. Just say’n. Cheers from 🇨🇦

  4. Insanely clutch putt by AB on 16 to a devastating choke on 17 to another clutch putt on 18…I don't know what to think. I was hoping to see AB seal this one up in hopes that he can make this his breakout season but it could be another repeat of last year, sadly.

  5. Congratulations Parker! Well played tournament and casting. It was a great battle! Thank you Terry for the coverage! Keep hustling Parker and big things will come to you!

  6. Discs were flaying great!! Can't wait to get out next week here in SE Minnesota! A thaw has arrived earlier than anticipated. Celebrate!

  7. If you’re dumb enough to read the comments before watching the video then you get what you deserve! Great content as always

  8. Nice job on the commentary Parker and of course with taking the win. Feel a little bit bad for Anthony but he was really up and down except for the hole where he made the putt right in front of the motorhome every time. Maybe the word motorhome would be a good putting mantra for him.

  9. Lets go Parker! Pulling for you this season!

    Loved the friend pic at the end- AB is such a big human lol

  10. Of course a bit of a struggle from Andrew but man does he have so much power both ways. Great job on the course and in the booth Parker, and thanks so much for the content Terry!

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