Golf Players

President Dondi Costin PLAYED EVERY GAME with MICHAEL JORDAN?! đŸ˜± | The Player’s Lounge

On the Player’s Lounge, JC Shirer Jr. and Gabriel McKay wore their nice clothes when Liberty University President Dondi Costin paid a visit to discuss:

0:00 Intro
0:20 President Dondi Costin joins the show!
1:10 “I went to high school with THE Michael Jordan” – Costin
2:10 Costin challenges JC Shirer to a push-up competition
3:15 Costin’s original Carolina Air Jordans from 1985

Ladies and gentlemen as you can tell something is a little different me and JC had to had to put the nice little fits on but why why let me tell you why ladies and gentlemen today our very special guest is President C let’s let’s go ahead and Mr President I mean I mean what an intro President W welcome welcome to the Players Lounge great to be here real athletic I appreciate y’all dressing up for me oh JC usually wears like slippers house shoes I’ve seen it I’m very casual we had to make sure he was looking good for

You for you I appreciate that you you looking good appre I appreciate president C we only have a couple questions that I think everyone wants to know abely all right abolutely so it was rumored I know it’s true you played basketball around the same time as Michael Jordan correct here’s the deal I

Went to high school with the Michael Jordan the Michael Jordan the Michael Jordan w wow what I’m about to tell you is a true statement okay I’m listen I played every basketball game with Michael Jordan wow now now I I played trumpet in the pep band wait wait wait wait but I still

Played so every game so you weren’t on the floor with my on the floor no no I was in the stands in the stands you know what playing my trumpet things make sense it’s still it’s still true I played every game that Michael Jordan played I’d love for him to come visit us

Sometime I’d love if we could if we could make that happen MJ if you’re watching the players round from Liberty and why and why wouldn’t he be we’ll tag him in this I think we should he’ll see I think we Mel Michael we need you to

Come we need you to come that’s from your Trum player president C so military background you served for 32 after the Air Force Academy two years how many push-ups do you think you did over that span oh wow oh thousands and thousands and thousands yeah so here’s

My followup question you know um dozens now was that the question how many do you think you can do more like dozens right right right okay JC if you don’t mind uh yeah yeah you think you could give us a push-up and you just receive thousands and thousands you tell me how

His form is sure is that is that okay let’s do it yeah come on here’s the way we do this I’m going to put my fist down your chest touch the top of this or it doesn’t count that’s not bad that’s not bad JC five six seven J that’s what I’m

Talking about that’s 10 that’s 10 that’s 10 man now that was impressive what did you think that was impressive now we got we got guys who can can do way more than that listen I don’t know what you’re doing after uh Liberty but have you thought about the Air

Force no Sor I haven’t okay well we can talk about this later you know we’ve seen you have some some nice shoe game I should have worned those I sure have warned you I was hoping you did I should have I didn’t think I don’t know what

They are I’m I’m lost I have an original pair of Carolina blue and white Michael Air Jordans from 1985 that I can still wear that I have at home got some nice shoe Inc I was trying to tell you that’s incredible yeah you know they say you know the way

The better you look the better you play or the better you play the better you feel or the better you feel the better you play yeah yeah do you think took you a lot of tries to get I trying get I was trying to get you know back the original

Air Jordan commercials his whole thing was it’s got to be the shoes it’s got to be the shoes it’s got to be the it’s not the shoes it’s when it comes to me I was hoping it it is not the shoes I was hoping that you weren’t going to say

That I thought you’re going to say I got a little game TR trust me I wish it was I wish it were the shoes I would go buy more shoes but it’s sadly isn’t December 1985 I got him for Christmas and you wear the same shoe size today mhm so you

Didn’t grow too much in the time span 1985 it’s one of my many athletic problems okay yeah yeah yeah it was it was it was about height and size and speed agility flexibility all those things if they had been better I would have been a decent athlete

That’s a lot lot of things that need to be better you see my problem thank you so much for joining us it truly an honor to be here with you when are we going to see your jump shot oh my gosh that we can go do that now uh-oh we’re going to

Have to cut or you’ll see in the behind the scen thank you ladies and gentlemen for joining us thank you go flames

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