Golf Players

Gannon Buhr’s Making How Much Money?

Gannon Buhr joins Tour Life to talk all about his new contract with Discmania, what it’s like rejoining his friends, and expectations for the 2024 season.
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All right so we were talking about Prodigy and obviously for those that don’t know you kind of had your ups and downs with Prodigy so what was the thought process between you know maybe talking with them to see if you could stay with Prodigy uh yeah so uh so the CEO of proy

Was at the pro tour finals uh in 2023 so last year and you know he had talked to me about at least wanting to give me an offer for uh my next contract and so I I waited and uh it was a little bit of a weird situation because pretty early on

In the offseason I got a I got a pretty solid offer that I kind of I guess just like it was like my Baseline I used it as leverage when I was talking to other companies and stuff um and so I didn’t use an agent for any of this because I

Thought I could do it all myself I did have a lawyer look over my contracts but your mom didn’t help you at all with these contracts or anything like that or was that like more of the behind the scenes like yeah yeah I I did okay pretty much everything have to do with

The numbers and the terms of this contract was all me pretty much gotcha is there any thoughts into potentially having someone represent you moving forward maybe after this deal or do you like that aspect of it I don’t know well for me it was like financially it didn’t make sense uh with

Some of the I had talked to a couple of uh agents but just financially didn’t make sense for me um but yeah so back to the thing but I I gave him aou some time and you know we we had some conversations and I think you know I I

Already had like two or three offers and I think they were trying to put together something interesting or maybe a new I don’t know entity into an offer for me and I know I had a couple offers already and I I kind of gave them a deadline of

I need something by this date and they weren’t able to give it to me and they asked for about two more weeks of time and I just couldn’t really do it and so I never got an official offer from Prodigy um I I I feel like as if I gave

Him plenty of time uh but uh that’s kind of just how that went down gotcha and when it comes to switching because this is correct me if I’m wrong this is your first time switching manufacturers yeah so what were the things going into you know switching or

Having people send you offers what were the things that like stood out to you as these are the things that matter the most um well there’s a couple different things because you can look at a company just as a as a whole uh you have big companies small companies companies that

Market well better than others do as well um and so I I was kind of looking at that as well but also you know you kind of have to look at the people that are also on the company where you know maybe you have uh some players that are

Good at disc golf and they also have good social medias stuff like that you want to surround yourself with people like that as well uh and then in terms of an actual contract I look for a solid uh base salary and a good bonus structure um and I also wanted to have a

Contract where I’d get uh to you know help design my own discs as well oh nice okay very cool um was the decision to go to dmania was that made prior to Eagles like did you have any talks with hey Eagle was leaving or was there any talks

Of like hey I’ll come to dmania if Eagle is still there how did how did that all work out um I don’t know the exact timeline of everything I I knew either way I was gonna discmania was at you know pretty much the top of my list um for you know

A company that I’d consider going to uh so either way I don’t think it would have mattered for me it would have been really cool to have Eagle on the team um but you know um I I think I’m might uh I think I I mean I found out pretty early

That eagle was going to be leaving um and then you know that didn’t that didn’t change too much because you know pretty much any company I talk to you know a big thing is having a lot of friends at the company with me and so uh obviously we were able to get Alden

Gavin was already on team dis Mania I’m good friends with Kyle as well so it’s kind of like a perfect situation um and so that that was big for me and you know when I heard Eagle was leaving it was it was definitely sad but uh in a way you

Know the the Simon and Eagle era of dis Mania is over and it kind of was when when when Simon left it just wasn’t really the same and uh now the eagles’s gone obviously it’s it’s kind of a new Fresh slate for team dis Mania as almost

You know it’s going to be a very you know different team in a way uh for 2024 in the Years coming but I think we have a underrated and strong team and also I think that our our social media especially with Alden is going to help a

Lot so I think we’ll be out there quite a quite a bit and I think I think we’ll have some pretty solid finishes as well get a couple wins so that’s always important just to show that you know you can win with the company’s discs is a

Big thing as well um and that you another thing with dis man is I think they do make really good discs and one thing that attracted me was the the like how the stock product is really really high quality I mean you can walk into

Any any shop and get a you know any Seine FD and it’s going to be the exact same anything from the evolution line so any of their new made stuff is all really you know high quality it’s all the exact same um and I think that’s just because their new manufacturing

Process is really consistent over there in Sweden so it’s good to see that’s something I look for because if I’m gonna have my name go on a product I want it to be something good was Gavin going over there was that kind of helpful in your decision of

Having dmania be like the tops choice of you know talking with you obviously you guys are very close you were able to kind of talk about how it is over at dmania versus Prodigy yeah it was it was cool to like I guess reunite with Gavin in a way um

Obviously we we toured I mean we didn’t necessarily tour together the whole year but we play all of our practice rounds together and we hang out all the time outside of the course and so even just on the course you know who I am I just like to throw people’s discs from their

Bag and stuff like that and so I kind of got to see you know what was in his bag and and I I enjoyed a lot of it as well and so um but yeah I mean like I said with with also getting Alden on the team

It’s like it’s my dream situation did you get your license yet no was that was that like a package deal like hey if I come to dis Mania you have to have Alden too or else I won’t be able to come to tournament that’s pretty

Much what I told any company I was like Hey getting Alden that’s that’s the deal and Alden Alden was kind of fine fine to uh join wherever I mean yes but he also needed to get the best deal for him which obviously ended up being gmania as well uh you know

On the what financial side but also on the side of you know he’s with all his buddies again so it’s kind of like you know his ideal situation too so playing those practice rounds with Gavin last year when he was on dmania you were on Prodigy was that because you you’ve

Mentioned this before of like it feels good to have all these guys together again you you’re more on the side of like a team like this is team dmania more than I I would say I am that that’s something that you feel like if Alden would have went to Discraft Gavin

Would have went to Inova you feel like that would have been a way different situation for you next year uh maybe partially um I mean considering that you know me Gavin Isaac and Alden are all going to be in the same house having majority team dmania

Is cool because you can just talk to each other and uh it’s a lot easier like you know if there’s like new releases and stuff you know you can kind of bounce off each other promote like cross promoting just through our friend group as well um and so so that’s really cool

Um what was the other part of the question sorry I was just saying like what what would you think would be like the big difference if all of you guys were not on the same manufacturer you all separate like what are what makes being all on the same manufacturer like

What makes that actually better in your in your eyes and you kind of answered it with yeah yeah it just kind of family a little bit better uh obviously i’ still have Kyle and we good friends so that that’s still cool but um I don’t know I

Guess it’s kind of hard to explain it’s kind of like you know you maybe you don’t really know someone that well but if you join the same team as them you get to know them because you’re talking discs you’re just you know talking about new stuff that’s happening it’s a it’s

More Comfort yeah yeah it’s it definitely feels a lot better it feels like I’m not alone I guess in a situation so it’s like um yeah I feel comfortable it’s it’s uh it’s always nice to like like anything in life just relate to people and something and so

Having on the same company asking the same questions you know it’s just it’s really good to have well now Isaac poor guy he’s left out he’s he’s alone he’s got his brother he’s got his brother if we we get them next year that’d be that so we gotta we gotta

Perform real good we gotta sell a lot of this that’s our goal and Ezra so you the way that you and Eagle kind of took this offse season was completely different in the sense that eagle wasn’t trying to get people to you know stir up where he was going

You it seemed like were actually trying to you know oh is this is this actually uh a hint at where I’m going or is this not what was the thought behind that was that actually thought out well in advance or did you just say like hey

This morning I’m going to join D mania’s collector group and then tomorrow I’m going to join MVP’s collector group how much thought and effort went into that um well it’s funny there’s also a lot of like really false rumors going around that people were very certain of

Which was kind of funny um one of them was me bidding on Innova Discs that never happened and bu like people said I was buying destroyers that never happened and that was like a legit rumor that wasn’t a joke um another one was like oh genon just joined the dis many

Collector group I’ve been a part of that group for like five years because I sold something that I got in a players pack in an intermediate tournament five six years back okay so yeah and same thing with like Alden like people are like oh Alden joined the dis many collectors

Group well there was like it’s it’s a funny story um on how Alden even got on team dmania and how we kind of we we filmed promo together in Colorado with Alden Gavin and my caddy Matt uh because it was basically like like we were flying out we already planned to

Fly out just just me and my cadd Matt on like a we’ll just say Friday and you know on on uh like a week before I was like Alden like Hey we’re doing this you know it’d be cool to get you on the team and he had he hadn’t decided and he has

An agent so it’s a little bit of a slower process um and then we get we keep getting you know a couple days out three days out two days out and I’m like is there any chance he’s like no Man Zero I’m like because there just wasn’t enough time uh and then

It’s Thursday like the day before we’re going to fly out and then we somehow like wrapped it up with dis Mania ended up getting Alden like in one day and then I saw him out there the next day in Colorado and so that was fun and then Gavin Gavin uh spoiled a surprise

Because he wasn’t supposed to come to the trip and then um we were on a phone call and he just like accidentally said something like yeah man it’ll be good to be there in person I’m like what are you talking about and he’s like oh no I’m

I’m literally going I was like oh my gosh and so we had we had all all three of my friends there and so it was just a really fun trip nice um so yeah so the the messaging on the MVP Facebook group about overstable runs at mvy that was just

To get people yeah I had like I had like an Instagram story where I had a in of a disc propped up and then MVP basket um Y and the the thing was like oh my dog’s watching me play disc golf but I like called her over to the window I was like

Hey need to make the story and then uh I went and you know got a dog toy propped up the end of a disc and then like tried to make it seem like I accidentally showed it or something like in the in the leaving you having fun with it you were just having

Fun with like like the whole process well I figured I’m not gonna be able to do it for at least three years so might as well do it and then in my like leaving video I said like five different taglines and companies and it was funny

Because that was well done by the way that was well done oh well it was I I wasn’t I wasn’t super happy with how it came out actually because it was like late at night when I was filming it it was kind of like last minute a video I

Was trying to make um and obviously it was a little bit weird because of the situation last year so I kind of had to like think it’s something to do um and you know I was frustrated because you know everyone’s like oh he’s reading from a teleprompter he’s got a script

Well I think it probably took me like 5 minutes to write out that script myself and then I would just like look at my phone set it down look at the camera and then try to do a take but I would just like mess up one word because I’d get

Something out of rhythm or something and so like that’s why it was so robotic is because I was just like I just want to get done with uh but you know it it ended up having a decent impact and I I think it’s it’s funny to have people

Only kind of see you know maybe only hear you know I’m a dynamic player or they only hear a couple that like one of the taglines and they’re like oh my gosh no way I just figured it out and they’re just like so wrong yeah you don’t realize how difficult it

Is unless you try to do it yourself your first ever like sponsored post where you know the company’s saying like hey make sure you say this don’t say all this and uh there’s been plenty of times that I’ve been able to witness people doing their first ever sponsored post on

Instagram and you just see them walking around for like the video is 30 seconds and they’re it’s 15 minutes for them to get it it’s it is tough it is very very tough so but I I thought it was I thought it was really well done I’m I’m

A lot better like unscripted if I’m just like kind of kind that’s dangerous that’s dangerous Ganon yeah there was a there was a I know for like the discan interview you know I like I had like a question that they asked me uh for like the announcement video like the story of

Me I guess uh they had like they’d ask me a question but then I I kind of warn them like I might just ramble on but you know at least it get you know some it’ be a lot better flowing it sound more natural so that was kind of that kind of

Good to have is like a backup if they needed more footage what are uh some predictions for yourself for next year what are some goals that you have with a new manufacturer yeah I mean I want to like get my bag figured out uh I’m having yeah well there’s a couple issues

Um you know this seems like it’ be tough for you because you’re for those that don’t know Ganon is obsessed with this Ganon will go come up to your bag take every disc out and be like this one’s trash trash this one’s okay garbage gar this one’s fine and I’m like that’s my

Go-to nuke and you just threw you said it was trash so I’ll improve your game I’ll get you throw some better discs so so how tough how tough has this been you know having to try to find a completely new bag yeah oh it’s really tough um I

Think I’m I’ve done pretty good on the mold side of it like what molds I like but then you obviously have you some different like runs or uh I’m a big fan of just beating discs already and so a lot of the stuff I’ve been trying to buy

Is be in stuff just just to have it um and I got a lot of old Eagle stuff as well so you know it it already has that you know kind of tour be in I like to call it uh to where it’s like you know it’s reliable it’s not going to do

Anything fluky um and so I I I got those because you know beaten discs definitely do fly slightly better and more and more true because I feel like discs have like a two we two to three week breaking period where they fly you know maybe more overstable to start and then after

3 weeks they start to fly how they should fly and then they last for about depends on the plastic but usually like six to eight months they last and then you notice it to get substantially flipp earier and so kind of I like them know around that like two month beat in mark

Because it’s it’s already it’s already past that first stage into it’s you know money it’s it’s Prime and so that’s that’s what I’ve been looking for um you know for like overstable stuff though it’s it’s a lot easier just to throw new stuff um but uh the hard part honestly

There’s a couple hard Parts one is um especially on The Fairway driver side of it they dman Mania I think probably has the top Fairway driver lineup and I’ve even I mean I’ve talked with a lot of players too and they agree I mean we

Have FD fd1 cd2 cd1 fd3 PD and these are all just like top quality Fairway drivers and I’ve I’ve only had two Fairway driver molds I felt like were usable uh with Prodigy and so to now have like a whole new part of my game unlocked obviously like Calvin throws

His Eagles really amazing um and you know I feel like I feel like my T the Green’s gonna be a lot better because they’ll have that seven to to nine speed disc I’ll be able to throw instead of throwing a driver soft that’s really

Hard to do um I also have the DD now which is a 11speed disc so um it’s it kind of fills that slot where if I just need an accurate late turnover I can still throw a a driver and get good distance and have accuracy and then the

Other hard part is just living in Iowa where uh you know a couple days ago we had Nega 45 wind chill oh yeah that was crazy and we have we have two feet of snow and then I mean there’s there’s spots in my yard where it’s like three

Feet deep because of drifting it’s just been so windy and freezing and you know we almost got into an accident today because it was like fine but then it started snowing out of nowhere but it was already cold and then like the tires would make it all icy and slippery and

Like and so I just I can’t go out and throw anything I mean I don’t you know something I did last year in the offseason was like just I mean I’d go out with any disc and I would just go throw maybe five to 10 shots really

Quick go pick them up and then go back home just just to get a little amount of I guess trying new discs out but like you can’t do that when you have two feet of snow it just you lose your discs is not fun it’s so it’s it’s been it’s been

Really tough cuz I I’m probably going to have to just kind of go based off feel and uh I taught Brody this checking The Parting line making sure you know the stabilities so you’re throwing the good discs I think that is a big thing is people don’t throw discs that will are

Consistent I think that’s definitely a thing um I also take really good care of my discs you know you know I try to make sure like after every tournament I like wash them and then I I like get all the chunks out with a towel or something and

Like friction burn it off I stack in a pile to make sure there’s no warping and so I’m very specific on that too um and I think that is one mental but two may also might uh actually make the disc better so um but yeah I’m I’m going to

Florida my dad lives in Florida so I’ll probably be there a week before Allstars and then I’ll have Allstar Weekend to figure stuff out and then we get to the first tournament of the year um and then I’ll be able to probably you know I try

To stick to 18 to 20 discs in my bag and so I’m G to probably only have a couple I’ll probably I bet I’ll lean on a couple molds pretty heavily I’ll probably just throw like overstable driver pretty neutral driver overstable Fairway maybe overstable mid and putter

I mean that’s it’ll be really simple I think for the first couple events as I figure out how my discs fly because you have discs that fly differently in different winds you can have something that flies the same in no wind two discs that flyes the same in no wind and then

You get a little windy out and one becomes more inconsistent and so having away the options there is is going to be kind of interesting and it’ll probably happen during tournaments and stuff and as I feel more com able uh I think you know I’ll have maybe a couple better

Finishes nice what about uh what about let’s get into the cash your actual contract yeah why the exact give you give us the exact number we’re just gonna get it out of you what’s the exact number what’s the reason of not having that be public your first your first big

Deal Brody make them get give it public right now well I’m just asking I’m asking whose decision was that he wanted to do it on tour life oh okay yeah that was the agreement uh yeah I’m definitely not allowed to disclose really anything the only thing I can say about my contract

Is um I mean three years obviously I’ll be getting some Ganon bird discs and like a you know very similar I mean it’s same thing as like KY Klein with his creator series Vanguard or you know the eag the eagle Cloud breaker so stuff like that I’ll be getting my own version

Um but I mean like I said before in a contract I look for solid base structure and or solid base salary and good bonus structure and I felt like my deal was pretty pretty solid in that and so I’m I mean I’m this man it was really easy to

Work with too uh Austin Montgomery who I worked a lot with I mean I can call I could text him and he to respond in probably less than five minutes any time of the day he could be 11 o’clock at night and he to respond and so um it was

That and then also him just being a really cool guy uh it made the like kind of negot iation process really easy because I’d say something and it’d be like talking to a friend it’s not super like I guess I could I’d say like professional in a way it feels like I

Know I’m talking to a friend it’s a lot more efficient because I was I was able to feel comfortable around him and say actually how I felt instead of you know maybe saying something just to please someone um and so that I think I I know

I think disc Mania and myself we are very very happy with in my agreement I guess you I guess see if you can answer this question because with Prodigy you you kind of almost had like what what people call like a rookie contract right where the rookie comes in um you get

Them at a pretty good discount and then if they turn out to be a superstar then they all of a sudden sign this massive contract is that kind of what happened here of where you know you had already locked yourself in with Prodigy and you’re just kind of waiting for that to

Finish so then you could get a bigger contract like is this a substantial bigger contract than the one that you previously had can you say what you were making from Prodigy now that it’s over good question Julie good question oh I I wish I knew the answer

To that oh gosh yeah talk to talk to your lawyers right now we’ll get an answer um I say it’s probably wise I don’t say all right it’s like given the track record I wouldn’t say anything Julie just trying to get you in trouble um can you say can you good for

Me uh I mean are you going to be able to eat a lot of chicken McNuggets at McDonald’s yeah let’s just say like like how many like how many more like how many more chicken McNuggets are we talking at least like 100,000 more 100,000 more chicken nuggets I like that

Answer that’s a lot of chicken nuggets man a lot of lot of McNuggets L McNuggets um all right you you brought up Kyle Klein a little bit I do want to mention I do want to talk about this because I think the the way that dis Mania made the

Announcement I think was confusing for some did you think that when did they did you have any say in the wording and the wording for those that don’t know is the future starts tomorrow and then that’s when they announced that you were signing with tmania so did were you

Aware that that’s like the tagline that they were going to go to with the marketing of you signing no I I didn’t know about that until like I got the first couple like images of the promo um okay yeah because the the and obviously you you said you went out and did a

Bunch of stuff with uh Ganon or sorry Gavin and Alden and Eagle had Simon in his announcement and it was just something something that I just always find interesting is just to see that a lot of these manufacturers do the team aspect but then like it doesn’t

Always add up right if where James Conrad wasn’t in Eagle’s announcement video or part of it it was Simon and eagle and then with this they say the future the future starts tomorrow and people are like well Kyle Klein’s like a major Champion like he’s he’s still there what’s going

On so that you just you didn’t know you didn’t really have any say in kind of the marketing side of how this Mania wanted to do it yeah I didn’t think like Twi I didn’t even think twice about like the thing because like in my like in in

My opinion like it’s like a I guess you can look at it like they’re like disrespecting Kyle but at the same time like it it’s my announcement video it’s not like you know like like we’re not we’re not not focusing on Kyle you know it’s like a I don’t know how howse to

Say it’s just my announcement video you know you know it I I guess they could have yeah done a promo like with like me and Kyle and Alden or everyone Gavin whoever’s on the team team too but like um I I don’t there was definitely no

Like it wasn’t on your side of things yeah yeah it wasn’t meant to give off that uh kind of kind of feel I think it it was more just like yeah ganon’s on the team I think it’s kind of like I guess like I’m another like piece to the

Puzzle um of you know the having the future because Kyle’s already young and then you add me and we’re a super young team with two major wins combined and so like together like I helped like kind of finish I guess the future of the team in

A way so I think that’s another a more positive way to look at it um yeah the way I took it and you said it earlier you know you had Simon and Eagle they were the Staples of dmania they are both gone now and now you have Kyle Gavin

Ganon and Alden the future starts like that’s the way I think they were trying to go about it but I think some people took it the the analogy of where you know you have a quarterback in the NFL and then you draft in the first round a quarterback and that other quarterback

Obviously it’s a little bit different but that other quarterback’s like wait wait a second like do you not trust that I’m the future here like you’re going out and having to draft another quarterback I think that’s how some people kind of perceived it but the way you described it probably makes it’s

Probably what they were trying to go for but yeah um it probably just slipped through the cracks a little bit for some uh let’s see the other things I wanted ask you um you kind of talked a little bit about your offseason of not being able to throw as much outside so what

Are things that you’re doing to kind of keep your game sharp going into uh next season um I’ve been trying to exercise a little bit more um and definitely just like do Network and putting in the basement now I haven’t had a ton of putting in the basement a little bit

Less than I think and I can make up excuses and stuff uh but I’m well I’m deciding between two different Putters right now the link and the p3x and so um now the p3x hasn’t been made in the dis Mania made mold yet in their dline so they’re putter plastic

And I think those were I think we’re we’re are working on getting me a box very very soon that way I can start practicing with a lot of them and testing those those ones out because the mold is different than the older mold they had um and so I only have like I

Think I have like maybe 10 10 links to putt with but you know i’ I think I’d prefer the p3x and so I only have like two or four P3 Xs and if you know me I usually have like 50 discs when I practice Putt and I just like rep them

Um but I’ll be I’ll be getting those soon I’ll probably try to still do my you know two to 500 putts a day uh there just be a lot of walking um so it’s not not a big deal but um get your steps in well you know what you can have you can

Have two Putters two baskets back and forth yeah thought about that baskets that could work Les it’ll cut your walking in half or someone out there can invent like basketball has where you can shoot a hoop it goes into the net and it shoots back at you I don’t know why we don’t

Have that you that like the disc at you either that or like a a conveyor belt where like it goes into the basket and then it goes onto this conveyor belt and the conveyor belt comes back and you can just grab it oh yeah that’d be a good

Technology very expensive I think um you did you have anything else or do you want getting an extra 100,000 chicken nuggets yeah I might bu something yeah I can spin out something else instead I do love hearing about your pet peeves and we’ve had you on the show before but are

Do we have any new pet peeves moving into the 2024 season that you would like to share with the audience I don’t know why I don’t prepare myself for this like I need to have ready because I have so many that I’m just like get under my skin um

Gosh do you have any this get my brain rolling oh do I have any new ones what’s some new new ones let me look at my phone give me like 30 seconds we’ll see he’s like I write them all down I write all these down I have a full list of uh

I guess I guess a good one of mine is people that if you bring okay you go well you you can finish yours if you want oh I was just gonna say a pet peeve of mine is like if you bring up a topic or something that you would like to see

Changed instead of like having an actual discussion about it people can just shut it down by just saying like you’re complaining um versus actually having like an Open disc discussion that to me I think is not a not helpful in uh trying to make disc golf

Better so mine is um and it’s not like it’s gonna sound bad I guess but don’t say it no I’m just kid that’s why I said that before um and it’s all it’s they everyone’s a nice everyone’s a nice person if they are taking their time to

Message you uh but and now I also see it from the their perspective too because so I’ll say the pet peeve is whenever you know someone just sent like like a someone just send you a book basically they just send you a lot of letters like wait are you talking about like someone

That is texting you this or they dming you like fan like a fan texting like a fan dming me okay a DM okay okay uh well and like it gets it gets really bad sometimes um are you reading that what uh I I try I try to do my best to like read

Everything I feel bad if I don’t respond so um brother you can’t feel you can’t feel bad about that dude I mean you’re gonna you’re gonna spend your whole your whole life on on on your phone yeah I know um so well like you know I asked a couple questions

In the like dism collectors group about some discs and then you know all super nice people but uh just like maybe their like text wasn’t as like efficient as it could have been and the kind of like the the small talk portion like hey man how

How’s it been I’ve been watching you for blah blah blah years and I have a kid that plays disc golf and he looks up to you but then I also have these discs or oh gosh discs I want to send you and like you know they’re they’re being

Really nice and I was on that side of it too because I remember messaging people like even Kevin Jones and I would send him like a a full like full paragraph big paragraph and because I wanted to feel like I wanted to seem as as professional as I

Could get and that was like three years ago probably um I might have even said you w Brody I don’t even know but like I mean he didn’t look at it that guy um but so yeah like that or like people that maybe like will like be pretty quick to

Comment stuff and they like misunderstood it or misread it or misheard something and then it like makes you look bad or like it’s like it’s like the very bad side of something you might have said they just like take it really terribly and start spreading rumors and stuff like this one guy

I one guy I feel like we’re we’re your therapists right now like you’re just you’re you’re we’re sit you’re sitting down lying down being like yeah man I gotta tell you about this one guy he left a comment on my yeah really got to me I have so many I’m gonna like next

Time I come on tour life I I can promise promise you I’m going to have like a list of like 30 go through every single one of them because we’ll do we’ll do a full spe special on ganon’s pet peeves please I mean I have I have a bunch of

Pet peeves so what is your pet peeve that people just send you super long messages that’s the pet peeve uh like like uh like like a don’t read them just don’t read them I have to I feel terrible you’re saying if you’re going to message me be quicker be quicker to

Like get your point across or be a little more person be a little more personable I’ll say it’s very cute that you’re telling people to be quicker about something Ganon oh boy slow I’m gonna come out I had to you set you set it up yourself up for that one

Okay whatever um but like yeah just just PSA um do a some fans you know we do care about you but just keep your message straight to the point you don’t have to introduce anything just if you have a question just say it we’ll answer it I will answer it maybe maybe Brody

And Paul yeah do not say we will answer that be my fan I I’m at a point I need I need to build my fan base up maybe there you go famous as you guys it’s hard it’s hard for what he’s saying is with all these messages it’s hard for him to cuz

He does respond to all of them I’m going to say here he does respond to all of them so a lot easier if you just got to the point so he can get to more people which is very admirable of you to do yeah makes sense or like I I have a

Couple pet peeves just about like I mean when you’re on the courts and stuff like uh like you you you miss a 60-footer and it’s an airball and someone says good bid it could have been close didn’t hit any metal it didn’t go in um do you guys

I got a I got a question do you guys do oh much better than I could have done I don’t like that one oh that’s a tough one like I’m a pro I don’t know does this happen to you you throw up you throw up a putt and uh you know

It’s going to miss but you kind of like act like it’s got a chance you give it a little lean I’ve done that before knowing so that like I’m not that embarrassed about like how bad it misses and to so to the crowd I try to like

Like lean so that they maybe have oh I almost had that one on surprising I missed that one weird right guys yeah I don’t I don’t relate to that I throw putts up and I have no idea what’s gonna happen I’m as shocked as everyone else my Putt in the playoff against inre

Presno for Mid America open last year like I think it was like it was like a 23f footer so I don’t know why everyone’s saying it was 20 feet it was not 20 feet it was might have been shorter it was definitely not it was much outside 20

Feet uh it was between 20 25 and like I don’t know I I seriously don’t know if I’ve ever felt more embarrassed because it’s like I I thought my like I thought my life was over because my whole like ice and the veins thing that I have going

For me was gone everything was gone um and then luckily like two weeks later I won Idle Wild and start the fourth round off or third round off with like four Circle twos in a row and then I won and I was like I’m back I’m back baby

Everything no no one even remembers that so they forgot about it so I’m good I I mean but I don’t know if I didn’t save myself at idol it who knows where I’d be I might not even be playing disc golf anymore it’s The Yips that’s like a real thing people

Get but like most of the time they go in with The Yips that’s not the Yips that’s not the Yips The Yips is like literally someone that’s a good basketball shooter can’t shoot anymore someone that used to be good at chipping literally just chunks and skulls the ball

Like about my like chop where I’m like yeah but it still goes in Yips for you would be like you have to miss for it to be a Yip yes yes what if it’s like okay but you could have a putt that like I don’t know you could have a putt that

Hits one chain low left and squeaks in or you could have a putt that hits hard chains high right and falls out but the the high right putt was a technically a better putt I don’t know for for someone to have The Yips and putting yes I agree

Like there has to be maybe some of that that indecisiveness when to actually putt that’s part of it but also the result also has to be negative so if you were like a 90% putter inside a circle one and all of a sudden like you don’t

Know when to like release and then you turn into like a 75% putter inside one then because I i’ one Yip what would you call that just a Miss just a miss that was a brain yeah brain fart that was just like it was definitely a brain fart

Like on that putt I was like focusing on everything cuz when I step up to a putt especially in a high pressure situation I always remind myself see the line that’s the only thing that matters because like when I have a like any putt honestly on the course where

I’m you know have a decent Focus especially those big situations because I always remind myself it’s like you know pretend you’re practice putting and you just hit a putt perfect right before and you saw the line of how the putt went in that’s just what I imagine on my

My pressure Putt and I like on that putt I just like there was nothing in my brain I was like I don’t even know what I was thinking I just threw the disc missed the putt then got a reality check and I banged the 30-footer that didn’t

Even matter I don’t even know why I puted it but you live and you learn you liveing you learn yeah all right Julie hit him with the uh final question here yeah who you got now since the last time who on the course do you look at and you’re

Like man that’s I wish I had that oh gosh I don’t even any like any upand comers anyone that’s like yeah that’s like that could be like the next gonur the next young Prodigy if you will not to I I like I like Paul cran

And how he like he gets a lot of like he has like really good timing um and he has like good snap and good commitment to shots he just seems like he’s him and Kyle Klein are like I feel like the same player they’re just like super

Well-rounded in every aspect um I think I mean I feel like putting is probably the only part of my game that you know I think people would want from me um even though you know I feel like a majority of the weekends I can be a top 15

Backhand and top 25 sidearm but like top 25 sidearm Club welcome to it yeah yeah you are congrats um I I I think uh like Sullivan Tipton’s forand is like the greatest forand of all time I think he’s like my player like people don’t understand how

Good his forehand is unless you seen in person like he was he was throwing 20 feet past the drops on a whole 12 at usdgc which is like a bomb for a backhand and he’s parking ho 16 on a spike Heiser forehand and then he goes

To 65 ft away at water and throws a little touch forand up shot like who does that and so accurately he whole one he threw a soul on ho one at usdgc oh I love that like he’s crazy talented um like I’m jealous of germs late flipping Fairway driver or like wraith forehands

I’m super jealous of that um now my forehands if you just looked at my for hands and what I throw you’d say I’m a pretty good forehand player but I don’t have that kind of depth I’m a really good scramble player but I don’t have

The off the tea I feel like um and then I think I like Calvin and Isaac’s backhand consistency um there’s not really a shot that they can do that much better than me maybe Calvin like with like a low Hiser is probably the only

One um but then I also have the flex on them uh but like I think just their consistency because I feel like it at least last year 2022 I felt pretty good about my backand but last year there was only like three to five weekends where I

Felt like I was me and I could just focus on the shot the other ones I had to like think about my form and it was really frustrating because like I see these other players and they’re just like walking up throwing the disc it feels like they’re very feel based and

They just feel good about the shot where I’m just like I don’t even know what’s going on with my back um and sometimes it it worked out sometimes it was really awful I wasn’t as consistent as I I was 2022 I did get more wins which was nice

But it felt like when I was off I was pretty off where in 2022 if I was off I was still getting eighth place at least yeah I mean the fields have gotten deeper and also I think I’ve T I’ve talked and heard this from a lot of professional golfers that they would

Much rather increase their ceiling if that meant that their floor was going to drop versus being in the middle because by increasing your ceiling you actually have chances of winning versus if you that is true if you bring your floor up but by bringing your floor up you also

Drop your ceiling it’s much much harder to win but I mean because in uh in 2022 I had the lowest average finish of any player on the tour I was consistently the best player on the tour in terms of finish based uh but I you know if I

Didn’t win usdgc I only won one silver series and so I was very consistent and playing really well but like just who cares you got to win people they do care about the WIS you don’t have to remind me like my mindset when I get into a higher pressure situation or something

That means a lot more like it like flips a switch in my brain I just play so much better when I’m in a in a like serious situation I have a hard time starting a tournament actually but when I get if I’m if I have a chance to win I think I

Won three of the five times I had a chance last year on Elite Series so um I do pretty solid about closing out I just have to get to that point yeah nice all right well genon we’ll let you go we appreciate you taking the time to

Jump on here we wish you all the best of luck next year and uh with your new dis Mania team and we look forward to seeing all the content you and your little hooligans will put out next year and enjoy all those extra nuggets you get to eat um I’m

Excited all right appreciate it all right take it easy again guys have a good one he


  1. Isnt it kinda insane that discmania professionals throw discs that nobody will ever be able to get? Seems 90% of their bags are old Innova manufacturers molds

  2. It's like a great interview, like he did answer all the questions, like i don't know, kinda professional. :))

  3. Uli checkin how phone while Buhr answering question low key disrespectful.

    Also; god damn he lookes bored.

  4. I honestly thought that the “future starts tomorrow” thing was a callback to Drew Gibsons comments after the LVC win. Saying “that’s the future of the sport right there” talking about Gannon.

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