Golf Players

DGTV Episode 8 – Horse Challenge featuring Braith Anasta & Daisy Thomas

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In this week’s episode Braith and Daisy take on a game more typically played one-on-one with a mate on the basketball court, HORSE. For the golf version, Player 1 chooses a shot (e.g. Driver off the deck), both player 1 and 2 then attempt the shot with the player that loses taking a letter. The winner of each mini challenge then continues to select the next shot type until the first person to spell HORSE goes down and loses the overall challenge. Tune in to to reveal who becomes the HORSE.

We’re here on the 10th tea at baral lost Farm today’s challenge an oldfashioned game of horse all right so horse being for every every shot we try and play me V you the loser of that gets a letter first to spell horse losers and the other gets the bragging right used to

Play basketball in the backyard with the brother with this one and this is where it started so you’re up for it I’m up for it what are we doing first well I see that you playing to your strengths early you’ve gone chief on a very tight driving hole which is aru your strength

Hitting it sideways possibly all right so we’re starting with the drive start with the longest drive longest drive let’s do it you got hit the Fairway Daisy you got hit the Fairway so you must hit the Fairway this is your advantage in going second and winning

The toss because I could I could put at 100 right and you just nub one in the middle I’ll get the lob W out actually he’s produced he pretty good it’s on The Fairway it looks to be fine that’s deep enough you set the target how far you 275 yeah not bad was

It Freewood or driver yeah what have you got in here I’m going hard mate that’s a 60 L carbon the only layers we should find that yeah I think you’ve got me there Daisy well you got a really good bounce all right W look at this you’re on The Fairway

Mate mayor’s office unfortunately although yours is 60 by it’s in the rough yep so you get you take the H I’m H yep I’m nothing part two next one driver off deck okay so part five here yeah Green round to the left and is it

What closest to the pin or is it closest to the pin I assume let’s go right D O King Drive off the deck there’s our chopper for later big cut jeez it came out a bit weird well it hit the hill here but it still ended up

Good it’s front edge of the green that’s a decent effort there Daisy well I have to try and cut this or else I won’t get it up over there yeah well that’s what I was thinking I’ll still pull it into it thank you that will do and just like

That that will do baby I will take a h you will good it’s on the green I didn’t see that coming that was pure so we’re both on H but I get to choose the third one and we’re going to go for about a 50 m bunker shot blind

Can’t see the pin pin C back left let’s go can’t see it let’s go good luck one of the hardest shots in the game 50 m bunker shot blind [Laughter] God the good news is I’ve got yours oh god wow could be ho there didn’t have

Much head noise going on that one M you just have to get it out yeah that’ll do mate that will do unfortunately you didn’t have your best stuff out of the Trap then so you that’s an understat progressed to ho yeah me still on H so

Now we’re going to go with a triple breaking what do you say how many Feet’s that about 60t you think 60 foot putt it’s a big putt you get the advantage though I’m going first I do have an advantage with that and I need it at the moment

We’ll drop the let’s go so it’s got to go right left at the start yeah left right in the middle and then straighten it the hole I that’s pretty right and then also if you miss left you’re going off the side of the planet speed is Big

Cuz if you go along here it’s rolling off the green yeah Breeze is pushing it a little bit though makes it harder again it’s going right isn’t it tell you what it’s not too bad you’ve held it up there I got it back there probably a decent part

That 6t yeah that’s pretty good mate oh no it’s got to go got to go hard it’s short keep taking went further than I thought taking that’s actually I tell you what I think that’s good enough for the win no I don’t think it is I think I

Think you’ve just got me mate but I I think you I think you’ve got me just we’ll go to a measure yep from The Edge a flag and a shocker the official measurement of go you’ve got me here got you beautiful oh Hao Hao this one bit different here Daisy

Back into the wind we got to pick a distance which I’ll pick and we got to get whatever club we would usually hit to hit that distance the closest to that Mark wins so I’m we going to choose 175 M I couldn’t love that anymore perfect no excuses sometimes hybrid

Sometimes gap wedge if I th it I’ve got options let’s do it what have you gone with talk 7 7 79 I’ve got hybrid 79 big right to Le Oh shot shaper all right initial thoughts I think it’s about right okay but it’s hard to know

We’re going to have to get someone to go over and I think can you please go and measure that it’s on the right side of the Fairway you do it and don’t say nothing I don’t want to know you’ll hear the root root when it locks and then

I’ll do it but I don’t want you to tell me oh hang on you getting 160 yeah 160 that’s 15 off that’s not good well it’s a decent enough seven bat I think it’s the nice smooth sort of end this Breeze little fed three hybrid yep probably goes 195 I reckon there’s

Probably 20 HT okay oh that’s gone straight up we’re going to know very soon here oh any danger of a fall has that gone past my ball yes it’s gone past that means you’re looking very good I think you got me here just looking for a smile you just

Got to know your yardage is really oh it’s already up there 170 nice work brother too good I’m telling you you just got to trust it all right so I’m h o r ho o and it seems like whoever goes first has the disadvantage in this game yes it is

Proving that way so far but we’re going a different challenge so many options when you get to this sort of shot on a golf course part chip whatever you like we go three wood yep I haven’t tried this a lot but I’ve seen a bit on the

Tally okay so I’m going to try closest to the pin nearest the pin all right let’s do it so you’ll obviously get the free teach and the free R well that’s that’s why I don’t mind this one but look at this is it too far right

Come on take oh I’ve got the wrong Hot Side Of The Hill if I don’t beat that I’m walking home I I’ll play it like that what happened you’ve just stepped on it I thought that was the kangaroo poo that’s how you do it brother get in

Get in hang on just wait just wait a bit oh what’s he talking about I was never going in oh pleas missed by foot hold on all right h h r h r a short path three here one of the beautiful holes here at barle lost Farm one of of

Many we’re going closest to the pin around 95 96 M what have you got just a lob wedge oh my God that’s so bad man oh that’s just in the uh snake regrowing area jeez that was a little little steer one on the front edge there look at

These roll out oh stay there good work mate that’s a enough you maintain the lead again that two not two of the best things you ever se but it’ll do right so as it stands h r h r s one away from the final nail in the coffin we’re going

Short side ourselves here flop shot you can finish me right off here nearest the pin nearest the pin may just flop it like Phil Michelson do about a foot and I’m just going home jeez that was a big swing I got the Flop bit right it just went 30

By oh so we might come back for the chunk and run but it’s a lot closer than yours so how does that work cuz it wasn’t really a flop well it was an attempted flop and you’re closer nearest to pin was the challenge you went H RS that was

Disgusting all right so believe it or not we are tired going down the last H RS and there’s the E to come now we got a short Par Four here at Bal lost Farm it’s an Absol Beauty one of the few short par fours where a decision needs

To be made off the te high risk High reward yes and that’s the beauty of these short path fours a few of them scattered around the place just epic golf holes because of that the decision whoever tees off first very important let’s toss a coin whoever wins gets the

Choice of going first or second you can call so you can have the initials or the letters I’ll go the initials oh it’s the letters you can go first big boy okay huge huge moment do I play safe or do I attack well I would I

Think you only know one way know one way yeah play safe all right so 230 front edge 250 stick back pin location today there’s probably the best part of two clubs of hurt yeah straight in off the ocean the problem is if you hit a cut here I don’t think

It’ll get there that’s good because I’ve got heaps of other options in my bag sit it’s a thing of beauty sit sit sit down I hope the wind gets it yeah that’s fine there you’re not going to believe this there’s probably every chance I’m going to hit a cut you

Going for the cut I’m going to hit a cut the wind just got up a bit more on left edge of the Fairway and in play yeah you’ve done well just sort of at those big bunch of green bushes and leak one in there a

A hold got to go a bit has it that bunker will it get over it ah genuine ball Striker perfect carry the pot flick wedge in put me down for a three you calling a three already yeah so this is where you finished up in play

Which is good cuz it looked a bit touch and go for a minute but now a very tough shot oh that is M oh no oh oh so I think that’s hit so hard at the back it’s bounc back all right Daisy this is what dreams are made of down to the final

Hole you’ve hit your driver absolutely pure straight down the middle you’re running just short of the green you’ve got a beautiful little tunnel up to the the back pin position how you going to play this one I think I just Loft up the little Sand Wedge Y and probably landed

Just the other side of the mound to let it roll out beautiful maybe in for two maybe in for two not the way I chip got to a tiny bit oh no that’s coming back stay stay it’s coming back bab that’s on the side of Mount kilan Jara

That a’t staying coming home we’re coming we’re coming home okay so we’re down to the final letter of horse wi it takes all we’re playing the hole out now after two perfect drives from both of us we’ve had two Shockers really I got lucky here with mine and it bounced off the sand

Wall and it’s come back down so I’ve got a a decent chance and you’ve left yours I left mine on the side of the hill and it rolled back down so I’ve got 45t up the hill yeah I’d say Advantage you for the first time in the entire match for the

Whole entire match I just have the advantage let’s see if you can pull something out of your hat oh get back in the gym big boy oh that looked good for a very very long way a that was painful yeah I’ll give you that okay that’s good well

Okay that’s a par so you need this to I har it to send it to the par three send it to another hole he shoots and he misses and just like that just like that really poor strike at the end but well done too good thank you you’re the horse

What a beautiful couple the holes that was good fun wasn’t it it was what if you got some time to play a few holes and play that game mix it up long shots short shots creative shots it’s a bit of fun isn’t it it is good way to get

Better you know your strengths obviously so you play to them when you have your te box and you get found out when you Don’t

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