This Breakthrough Golf Swing is Changing so Many Golfers’ Games – GOLF SOS Ep 5 Pt 2 #gainmoreyards

If you are looking for a new way to increase distance and enjoyment of the game you’ll really love watching Luke in our brand new series Golf SOS. This is Episode 5 part 2.

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πŸ‘‰ The SAW GRIP stopped my YIPS after 30 years


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#playmoreconsistentgolf #golftutorialsforbeginners
00:00 Introduction
00:31 How easy is it to complete the golf swing?
00:50 Shoulder Turn
01:00 What about your thumb in the golf swing
02:35 We are looking at direction of the golf ball
02:49 Complicated swing thoughts
03:37 The importance of body turn
04:32 The Easy Fix for a lateral movement
05:12 Turn not sway
05:38 More Power in the golf swing
06:20 Cleaner more powerful golf shot
07:25 Fluid more flowing golf swing and more distance
08:00 The Flow of the golf swing
08:20 One movement of the golf swing
08:45 Stop Trying to hit the golf call
10:05 more relaxed more distance
10:40 At Ease in a golf swing

Great that’s almost looks like somebody’s put some oil on you it’s just lubricated the swing it looks yeah yeah brilliant such a different looking H swing there careful that one’s carrying you’re laughing in a good way now I’m just W for a cheer I’m not going to do a cheer How okay so if you make your setup now I’ll show you how EAS it is to complete the golf swing okay so once we’ve done step one so we call this step one so we’re just going to go to about hip height turn to hip height there you go

So is that correct NOP that would be better wouldn’t it y yeah then the wrist set now to complete the swing all we’re going to do is finish the shoulder turn that’s it done all right okay there you go so now do you feel now that your

Thumb is more underneath the golf club yeah yeah perfect so that’s now supporting it now if you around here yeah it’s a bit off it’s to feel a little bit less control yeah okay cool ready so thumbs on top thumbs underneath lovely okay so can you do that without

The golf ball if you can just do a couple of swings for me and then up down and all the way through brilliant and again and I want you to do exactly that but slightly more relaxed there’s our shoulders there they’re dropping cool okay brilliant well done you so if I if

You keep hold so if we did this does that feel harder now to get to the next bit so if that club is more around here does it feel a bit more around there yeah okay good so let’s see if we can get this right again just watch your

Width of stance SL that’s it good yeah yes well done so it’s almost like you can see the head of the golf club like kind of creeping over almost there yeah it’s going to startop roughly parallel to the ground but we’re really starting to get it in a better Angle now that’s

It and then all the way through to finish so should we try it yep now how’ you feel relaxed yeah getting there getting there I think when you can visually see what you’re saying equs this then so once you get that feedback from yeah um so we’ve got 110 yards to

Go to the flag it’s only 50 something to get it over the water don’t be surprised if this goes a little bit further than 110 it might might not but we’ll see but what we’re more interested in is the direction okay so the first bit feels really

Smooth somebody moved the ball so what was going through your mind then when you thinking of those of things no I felt like it was going to be good actually okay cool uh let’s just leave that out okay know so now it’s got a bit wonky yeah um even though we’re starting

To get the steering wheel in place what’s happened the engine’s not moving as well as it’s going to um so can I just show you what’s happening yes please if you stand this side so what we’re doing here it’s almost like learning to drive the car it’s like

There’s loads of different things that got to get in place but then eventually it starts to feel smooth I just crashed only a little one only a little one so what’s happening as you’re trying to get the to the right place here the way you’re doing it is by moving the

Body over this way so last time when we were working on the body movement the body was just simply turning and now it’s gone what we call lateral so you’re moving a little bit too much to the right and side so it’s getting a bit

That way ra rather than just a turn Yeah the more we go over here the more we’ve got to come back and if the time is not right the shots will still go wrong yeah so if if I just show you the difference I I’ll only do this with a half swing so

If I go over here can you see how that’s there’s aot body is just off balance you got it you got it so if we if I now just turn the body you see the difference so my body’s just turning this way there and R through rather rather

Than that lateral mov so that’s what’s happening that’s causing some of the issues but easy to fix so fuky p and what we’re going to do is hold it here okay so the sensation is imagine your body is just turning just turn that’s it that’s it so before you were going all

The way over here with your whole body have I been doing that the whole time yes it’s it’s crept in but that’s my job to to creep it out again okay there you go that’s the turn now brilliant there and then it goes all the way through brilliant

Okay it’s almost like I purposely did that to get an extra bit of coaching that’s all right okay okay so I did nice and relaxed that’s it we’re going to go all the way to the top hold on straight away a better strike wasn’t it did I show enough no much much

Better okay yeah so that’s what’s called a sway and we we want it to become a turn okay there is I ironically there is a weight transfer your weight will move onto your right foot but not laterally so we don’t want to go that way we want it rotationally okay that’s

It so nice and relaxed there you go good okay how’s that for a strike it’s going in the water but how’s that for a strike quite powerful bit more powerful I mean it is I can see the numbers and how far back do you think your swing went then

Not very okay so imagine how far it’s going to go in a minute when we get that there and then underneath that’s it there you go let’s try it um okay okay so your alignment’s good okay so lovely strike wasn’t it you see how that’s starting to carry a bit further bit more

Accurate yeah going to go in then so 116 yards now we’re creeping up to but more importantly on our intended target yeah okay good it was cleaner it was more powerful it it had umph it was a half swing yeah that’s right so without the golf ball could you just rehearse a full

Swing so okay full is when it goes all the way to the top and the shaft is parallel to the ground that’s it so turn yeah that’s it lovely and again now I’m getting my own way I love it okay yeah okay so still a little bit

Lateral just a little just narrow the feet a little that’s it there you go that was not as much way it and I want it to just feel more relaxed more with your shoulders okay great that’s almost looks like somebody’s put some oil on you it’s just lubricated between it looks more yeah

But it’s really normal because we’re trying to get the club to move correctly we tend to do that in a more deliberate way and everything just tightens up but eventually that will just feel really fluid and flowing and that’s when we get even more distance okay uh so let’s try

That once more with a full swing happens with the ball let’s put a ball in the way of the Swing okay well done good good setup happy with all that full swing yep no my left foot did a little dance okay good let’s try it again oh didn’t

Like that one I didn’t like that one that ball it was the ball’s fault yeah the important thing L is in this when when these things happen don’t react to it we’re just making another shot good so can I hit one and I want you to tell

Me think about the what I would call the flow of the Swing so don’t I’m not too worried about where the shot goes but how how does the swing flow so and don’t forget I’ve done this a few million times before so I should be half deing at it okay how does it

Flow it’s one movement one is mine look like a few piece together a little bit but we’re new to it we know we changed quite a few things Haven we he’s very polite Isn’t it nice and smooth yes monkey see monkey do would you say at the moment you’re

Trying too hard yeah yeah good there’s quite a lot on board uh that I need to digest and okay yeah that’s it well done how accurate is that I know slightly mishit it but pretty much don’t get too much more accurate than the flight of that one good and

Again it so if we were to to score the smoothness of the feel of the swing out of 10 so 10’s really smooth and one isn’t how would that be my swing or what you what you’re just doing now that one was probably about six about six okay

Cool what do you think you might need to do to make it a seven relax more okay do that still relax more telling a golfer who’s not very good at golf to relaxes it’s weird isn’t it yeah telling angry person to calm down wow that was much more relaxed that was

In more relaxed and you’ve hit that considerably further in Flight yeah how did that feel good really good more smoother again wow so the difference from where you were at the very start of these sessions to where you are now is completely different when we talk about feeling

More relaxed people don’t often know what relaxed is so can I just pinch your Club a second I’m not going to hit a shot a feeling I like is a sense of at ease so when we hold the club instead of being all locked up tight feels like Ah

That’s better it’s almost like a calming but there’s not just a calming of the body it’s a caling of the mind as well cuz suddenly think oh yeah I can do this now brilliant so already you’re making massive inroads into where you were can you remember how you used to swing yeah

Awfully awfully but no it’s actually becom in more of a distant like memory to to pull back on which is good yeah it’s quite astonishing how quickly you can start to change things isn’t it and it’s uh it’s a lot of things with sport isn’t it you telling people to relax

Gets better out of you but that’s we all get built uption and we do and because there was more information so that sensation of at ease is awesome well you can hear the sounds completely different isn’t it yeah oh robbed that’s just golfer isn’t it um no the last

Three have sounded like a more of a slap it’s a totally different tune isn’t it totally different tune when you’re hitting it yeah brilant such a different looking off swing now okay oh that one’s carrying you laughed in a good one I’m just waiting for a cheer I’m not

Going to do a cheer how did how did that feel good give me another one so some some 90 M hour so you swing that’s your ball speed so the ball leaves the club face faster than the actual swing see swing speed 64 miles an hour uh which is tremendous and you’re

Hitting that a long way but some people think feeling relaxed is sloppy this is not sloppy it’s just so your body can function and move as as well as it can if we lock up tight it doesn’t move very well but if we’re too slofly it’s like

You’ve got no control so we want that middle ground room comes of confidence as well doesn’t it the more confident you feel then everything yeah tends to to relax up bit more which is probably a reason why I would be so tense is because really I don’t know I’m do it perfect until

Now yeah so you’ve just come on so much just through some of the things that we’ve been doing so today what what are you taking away from today’s uh session there’s a lot of things in the golf swing that I didn’t know yeah uh and you’ve broken them down really well

So the half swing and the the cockback but the They Come Together by the end of like at the end of this point the end of this section which is great and you haven’t told me to hit the ball harder but that is hitting the ball hard

Yeah which for any beginner is what you you’re trying to do really um yeah and I think the confidence part is is come with just let your body drop take a moment yeah and not be so tense with it yeah so yeah there’s been some good results you know you should give

Yourself a little pat on the back for because we’ve made a few quite a few changes but hopefully they’re not too confusing and something that you can go and work on at home so let’s say you’re now at home um I like two for one so if

I’m making a a drink and I’m waiting for the kettle to boil why not practice my golf swing while that’s boiler rather than wasting their time so literally you can just stick your thumb out and as we as we’re moving to here we can see now that thumb is roughly online with your

Toes from here setting this correctly all the way through so even while you’re making a drink you can start to practice your golf swing uh you know this time of year it’s difficult to get out so that’s it so just as a quick recap when we get

The to about hip height the the after the club is roughly online with your toes the more it came around here the more difficult things were going to start to become setting the RIS correctly and then all the way to top and then all the way through yeah so

Shall we try one more to finish yes please well done brilliant not quite straight not straight we’ll work on that a little bit more make sure the club’s working right but already you can see how much further you’re hitting the golf ball yeah than you were before yeah feeling good good

On to the next one thank you this session what we want to do is explore the swing with different length golf clubs so different so we’re going to use like a pitching wedge a seven iron maybe a hybrid so imagine now if I suddenly started to take out here that

Would feel hopefully horrible yeah yeah if I whipped it too quickly in here that might feel a bit more round the body so we’re just working on good habits all the time all the way through that felt like a Welly look how far you hitting it now

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