The all new Qi10 Max Driver from TaylorMade is the first in our history to break the 10K MOI barrier…but what does that mean? Listen to two engineers explain it in a cool real-life example relating it to hoe fast a figure skater spins when they are on the ice and head to our site to learn more. #shorts
So moment of inertia when it comes to like a real life example is like the figure skater on the ice so the figure skater they start with their their arms out they’re spinning slowly because their inertia is great because their their mass is moved away from their body
As they bring their arms closer their inertia decreases they still have the same amount of energy but because they have lower inertia they spin faster so let’s say you hit a ball in the toe of the driver or any golf club it wants to rotate away from that so
It’s going to have here’s the face of the club it’s going to rotate away from you the morei the more inertia it has the more it resists that twisting motion
10 of my clubs are #TaylormadeGolf, so I say this as a loyal customer –
I feel like you guys are having to explain the naming of the club line far too much. If you have to explain the name with such complexity, you might as well have just named it Inertia or MOI, i.e SIM (Shape in motion). For God's sake – Qi10 – Quest for Interia 10,000? Reaching and unnecessary IMO
Start providing weight kits for fitting and allowing people to order different weights in all your drivers
Hey Taylormade, can you send me a qi10 max for my uncle, because he has a super old driver and when you shake it it rattles. His birthday is in July so I hope you can get me one by then, thanks.